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synced 2025-02-11 15:33:26 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
342 lines
12 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
342 lines
12 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
File: TextServices.p
Contains: Pascal interfaces to the Text Services Manager
Written by: Dean Yu (but only because Chris was in a meeting and Don wasnÕt in his office.)
Copyright: © 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<10> 9/26/92 DCL Changed kCursorPosition to kCaretPosition (for NIIM)
<9> 8/4/92 DCL Fix prototype of NewServiceWindow to match the C header.
(goAwayFlag is missing)
<8> 8/4/92 DCL Moved InformTSM out of the public eye and into TSMPrivate.
Fixed spellings of HidePaletteWindows & tsmUnsupportedTypeErr
<7> 8/4/92 KST <JH>: Removed some obsolete constants to match with the
TextServices.h file.
<6> 7/31/92 KST #1037621 <LP>: Added two constants: keyAEPinRange 'pnrg' and
typeTextRange 'txrn'.
<5> 7/16/92 KST Added an AppleEvent keyword -- keyAEShowHideInputWindow.
<4> 6/23/92 DTY Last change missed a few semicolons, thusly breaking the build.
<3> 6/22/92 DCL Playing Catch-Up with the .h file. #1032783 <JH>: The refcon
was putting in the AE record with the wrong keyword, it should
be keyAETSMDocumentRefcon. Defined keyAETSMDocumentRefcon in
this file. #1029362 <JH>: Added an optional keywords for
Pos2Offset. #1029814 <JH>: Deleted "tsmDialogStateSavedErr" (not
needed any more) and added a new error code
"tsmUnSupportedTypeErr". And keyAETSMDocumentRefcon should
really be typeTSMDocumentRefcon.
<2> 5/4/92 DCL Trying to keep up to date with the .h file.
<1> 3/12/92 DTY first checked in
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 0}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}
UNIT TextServices;
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingTextServices}
{$SETC UsingTextServices := 1}
{$SETC UsingTextServices := UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 1}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Types.p}
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingEvents}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Events.p}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Menus.p}
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingAppleEvents}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)AppleEvents.p}
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingErrors}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Errors.p}
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingComponents}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Components.p}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := UsingTextServices}
kTSMVersion = 1; { Version of Text Services Manager }
kTextService = 'tsvc'; { Component type for component description }
kInputMethodService = 'inpm'; { Component subtype for component description }
bTakeActiveEvent = 15; { Bit set if the component takes activate events }
bScriptMask = $00007F00; { Bits 8 - 14 }
bLanguageMask = $000000FF; { Bits 0 - 7 }
bScriptLanguageMask = bScriptMask + bLanguageMask; {Bits 0 - 14 }
{ Hilite styles ... }
kCaretPosition = 1; { specify caret position }
kRawText = 2; { specify range of raw text }
kSelectedRawText = 3; { specify range of selected raw text }
kConvertedText = 4; { specify range of converted text }
kSelectedConvertedText = 5; { specify range of selected converted text }
Apple Event constants
kTextServiceClass = kTextService; { Event class }
kUpdateActiveInputArea = 'updt'; { Update the active inline area }
kPos2Offset = 'p2st'; { Convert global coordinates to character position }
kOffset2Pos = 'st2p'; { Convert character position to global coordinate }
kShowHideInputWindow = 'shiw'; { show or hide the input window }
{ Event keywords ... }
keyAETSMDocumentRefcon = 'refc'; { TSM document refcon }
keyAEServerInstance = 'srvi'; { Server instance }
keyAETheData = 'kdat'; { typeText }
keyAEScriptTag = 'sclg'; { Script tag }
keyAEFixLength = 'fixl';
keyAEHiliteRange = 'hrng'; { Hilite range array }
keyAEUpdateRange = 'udng'; { Update range array }
keyAEClauseOffsets = 'clau'; { Clause offsets array }
keyAECurrentPoint = 'cpos'; { Current point }
keyAEDragging = 'bool'; { Dragging flag }
keyAEOffset = 'ofst'; { Offset }
keyAERegionClass = 'rgnc'; { Region class }
keyAEPoint = 'gpos'; { Current point }
keyAEBufferSize = 'buff'; { Buffer size to get the text }
keyAERequestedType = 'rtyp'; { Requested text type }
keyAEMoveView = 'mvvw'; { Move view flag }
keyAELength = 'leng'; { Length }
keyAENextBody = 'nxbd'; { Next or previous body }
{ optional keywords for Offset2Pos -- 28Mar92 }
keyAETextFont = 'ktxf';
keyAETextPointSize = 'ktps';
keyAETextLineHeight = 'ktlh';
keyAETextLineAscent = 'ktas';
keyAEAngle = 'kang';
{ optional keyword for Pos2Offset }
keyAELeftSide = 'klef'; { type Boolean }
{ optional keyword for kShowHideInputWindow }
keyAEShowHideInputWindow = 'shiw'; { type Boolean }
{ keyword for PinRange }
keyAEPinRange = 'pnrg'; { <#6> }
{ Desc type ... }
typeComponentInstance = 'cmpi'; { Component instance }
typeTextRangeArray = 'tray'; { Text range array }
typeOffsetArray = 'ofay'; { Offset array }
typeIntlWritingCode = 'intl'; { Script code }
typeQDPoint = 'QDpt'; { QuickDraw point }
typeAEText = 'tTXT'; { Apple Event text }
typeText = 'TEXT'; { Plain text }
typeTextRange = 'txrn'; { <#6> }
Error codes
tsmComponentNoErr = 0; { Component result = no error }
tsmUnsupScriptLanguageErr = -2500;
tsmInputMethodNotFoundErr = -2501;
tsmNotAnAppErr = -2502; { Not an application error }
tsmAlreadyRegisteredErr = -2503; { Attemp to register again }
tsmNeverRegisteredErr = -2504; { App never registered. (Not TSM Aware) }
tsmInvalidDocIDErr = -2505; { Invalid TSM documentation ID }
tsmTSMDocBusyErr = -2506; { Document is still active }
tsmDocNotActiveErr = -2507; { Document is not active }
tsmNoOpenTSErr = -2508; { No open text service }
tsmCantOpenComponentErr = -2509; { CanÕt open the component }
tsmTextServiceNotFoundErr = -2510; { No text service found }
tsmDocumentOpenErr = -2511; { There are open documents }
tsmUseInputWindowErr = -2512; { Not TSM aware because an input window is being used }
tsmTSHasNoMenuErr = -2513; { The Text Service has no menu }
tsmTSNotOpenErr = -2514; { Text service is not open }
tsmComponentAlreadyOpenErr = -2515; { Text service already open for document }
tsmInputMethodIsOldErr = -2516; { Returned by GetDefaultInputMethod }
tsmScriptHasNoIMErr = -2517; { Script has no input method or is using old input method }
tsmUnsupportedTypeErr = -2518; { unSupported interface type error }
tsmUnknownErr = -2519; { Any other errors }
kTSMOutsideOfBody = 1;
kTSMInsideOfBody = 2;
kTSMInsideOfActiveInputArea = 3;
kNextBody = 1;
kPreviousBody = 2;
errOffsetInvalid = -1800;
errOffsetIsOutsideOfView = -1801;
errTopOfDocument = -1810;
errTopOfBody = -1811;
errEndOfDocument = -1812;
errEndOfBody = -1813;
TextRangeHandle = ^TextRangePtr;
TextRangePtr = ^TextRange;
TextRange = Record { typeTextRange }
fStart: Longint;
fEnd: Longint;
fHiliteStyle: Integer;
TextRangeArrayHandle = ^TextRangeArrayPtr;
TextRangeArrayPtr = ^TextRangeArray;
TextRangeArray = Record { typeTextRangeArray }
fNumOfRanges: Integer;
fRange: Array [0..0] of TextRange;
OffsetArrayHandle = ^OffsetArrayPtr;
OffsetArrayPtr = ^OffsetArray;
OffsetArray = Record { typeOffsetArray }
fNumOfOffsets: Integer;
fOffset: Array [0..0] of Longint;
TextServicesInfoPtr = ^TextServiceInfo;
TextServiceInfo = Record
fComponent: Component;
fItemName: Str255;
TextServiceListHandle = ^TextServiceListPtr;
TextServiceListPtr = ^TextServiceList;
TextServiceList = Record
fTextServiceCount: Integer;
fServices: Array [0..0] of TextServiceInfo;
ScriptLanguageRecord = Record
fScript: ScriptCode;
fLanguage: LangCode;
ScriptLanguageSupportHandle = ^ScriptLanguageSupportPtr;
ScriptLanguageSupportPtr = ^ScriptLanguageSupport;
ScriptLanguageSupport = Record
fScriptLanguageCount: Integer;
fScriptLanguageArray: Array [0..0] of ScriptLanguageRecord;
InterfaceTypeList = Array [0..0] of OSType;
TSMDocumentID = Ptr;
Text Services Routines
Function NewTSMDocument(numOfInterface: Integer; supportedInterfaceTypes: InterfaceTypeList; VAR idocID: TSMDocumentID; refCon: Longint): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0000, $AA54;
Function DeleteTSMDocument(idocID: TSMDocumentID): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0001, $AA54;
Function ActivateTSMDocument(idocID: TSMDocumentID): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0002, $AA54;
Function DeactivateTSMDocument(idocID: TSMDocumentID): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0003, $AA54;
Function TSMEvent(VAR event: EventRecord): Boolean;
INLINE $303C, $0004, $AA54;
Function TSMMenuSelect(menuResult: Longint): Boolean;
INLINE $303C, $0005, $AA54;
Function SetTSMCursor(mousePos: Point): Boolean;
INLINE $303C, $0006, $AA54;
Function FixTSMDocument(idocID: TSMDocumentID): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0007, $AA54;
Function GetServiceList(numOfInterface: Integer; supportedInterfaceTypes: InterfaceTypeList; VAR serviceInfo: TextServiceListHandle; VAR seedValue: Longint): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0008, $AA54;
Function OpenTextService(idocID: TSMDocumentID; aComponent: Component; VAR aComponentInstance: ComponentInstance): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0009, $AA54;
Function CloseTextService(idocID: TSMDocumentID; aComponentInstance: ComponentInstance): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $000A, $AA54;
Function SendAEFromTSMComponent(VAR theAppleEvent: AppleEvent; VAR reply: AppleEvent; sendMode: AESendMode; sendPriority: AESendPriority; timeOutInTicks: Longint; idleProc: IdleProcPtr; filterProc: EventFilterProcPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $000B, $AA54;
Function InitTSMAwareApplication: OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0014, $AA54;
Function CloseTSMAwareApplication: OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0015, $AA54;
Function SetDefaultInputMethod(ts: Component; VAR slRecord: ScriptLanguageRecord): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $000C, $AA54;
Function GetDefaultInputMethod(VAR ts: Component; VAR slRecord: ScriptLanguageRecord): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $000D, $AA54;
Function SetTextServiceLanguage(VAR slRecord: ScriptLanguageRecord): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $000E, $AA54;
Function GetTextServiceLanguage(VAR slRecord: ScriptLanguageRecord): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $000F, $AA54;
Function UseInputWindow(idocID: TSMDocumentID; useWindow: Boolean): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0010, $AA54;
Function NewServiceWindow(wStorage: Ptr; boundsRect: Rect; title: Str255;
visible: Boolean; theProc: Integer; behind: WindowPtr; goAwayFlag: BOOLEAN;
ts: ComponentInstance; VAR window: WindowPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0011, $AA54;
Function CloseServiceWindow(window: WindowPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0012, $AA54;
Function GetFrontServiceWindow(VAR window: WindowPtr): OSErr;
INLINE $303C, $0013, $AA54;
Function FindServiceWindow(thePoint: Point; VAR theWindow: WindowPtr): Integer;
INLINE $303C, $0017, $AA54;
Low level Text Services routines
Function GetScriptLanguageSupport(ts: ComponentInstance; VAR scriptHandle: ScriptLanguageSupportHandle): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0400, $0001, $7000, $A82A;
Function InitiateTextService(ts: ComponentInstance): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $0002, $7000, $A82A;
Function TerminateTextService(ts: ComponentInstance): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $0003, $7000, $A82A;
Function ActivateTextService(ts: ComponentInstance): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $0004, $7000, $A82A;
Function DeactivateTextService(ts: ComponentInstance): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $0005, $7000, $A82A;
Function TextServiceEvent(ts: ComponentInstance; numOfEvents: Integer; VAR event: EventRecord): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $0006, $7000, $A82A;
Function GetTextServiceMenu(ts: ComponentInstance; VAR serviceMenu: MenuHandle): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $0007, $7000, $A82A;
Function TextServiceMenuSelect(ts: ComponentInstance; serviceMenu: MenuHandle; item: Integer): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $0008, $7000, $A82A;
Function FixTextService(ts: ComponentInstance): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $0009, $7000, $A82A;
Function SetTextServiceCursor(ts: ComponentInstance; mousePos: Point): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $000A, $7000, $A82A;
Function HidePaletteWindows(ts: ComponentInstance): ComponentResult;
INLINE $2F3C, $0000, $000B, $7000, $A82A;
{$ENDC} { UsingTextServices }
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}