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synced 2025-03-12 09:30:29 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
214 lines
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214 lines
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File: Lomem.h
Contains: Low memory C language definitions.
Written by: Erich Ringewald
Copyright: © 1986-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<4> 7/8/92 gbm #1035120,<csd>: Add macro for LastFOND low memory global.
<2> 12/5/90 DFH Added PHYSMEMTOP.
<0> 9/2/86 PYG New Today.
#include "ExpandMemPriv.h"
#define XCEPTIONVECTORS ((Ptr *) 0x4) /* 68xxx exception vectors base - 4*/
#define ID_BUSERR 1
#define ID_ADDRERR 2
#define ID_ILGLERR 3
#define ID_ZEROERR 4
#define ID_CHKERROR 5
#define ID_TRAPVERR 6
#define ID_PRIVILEG 7
#define ID_TRACE 8
#define ID_LINE1010 9
#define ID_LINE1111 10
#define ID_MISCERR 11
#define ID_COPRERR 12
#define ID_INTERR 13
#define ID_UNINITINT 14
#define ID_SPURINT 23
#define ID_INT4ERR 27
#define ID_INT5ERR 28
#define ID_INT6ERR 29
#define ID_INT7ERR 30
#define ID_TRAP5 36
#define ID_TRAP6 37
#define ID_TRAP7 38
#define ID_TRAPF 46
#define NotImplemented (-1) /* value of low memory locations that are not implemented */
#define LOCATIONZERO (*(unsigned long *)(0x0)) /* bottom o' memory */
#define TRAPTBLEPTR ((char *) 0x80) /* table of 68xxx trap vectors */
#define MONKEYLIVES (*(short *)(0x100))
#define SCREENROW (*(unsigned short *)(0x106))
#define MEMTOP (*(char **)(0x108)) /* Size of 'physical' memory */
#define BUFPTR (*(char **)(0x10C))
#define STKLOWPT (*(char **)(0x110))
#define HEAPEND (*(char **)(0x114)) /* current zone limit */
#define THEZONE (*(THz *)(0x118)) /* current zone start */
#define UNITTABLE (*(Handle **)(0x11C))
#define MACJMP (*(Ptr *)(0x120))
#define MACJMPFLAG (*(char *)(0xBFF)) /* flags formerly in MACJMP high byte */
#define CPUFLAG (*(char *)(0x12F))
#define APPLLIMIT (*(char **)(0x130)) /* limit of applzone */
#define SYSEVTMASK (*(short *)(0x144))
#define SYSVERSION (*(short *)(0x15A))
#define SEVTENB (*(unsigned char *)(0x15C))
#define DSWNDUPDATE (*(unsigned char *)(0x15D))
#define FONTFLAG (*(unsigned char *)(0x15E))
#define INTFLAG (*(unsigned char *)(0x15F))
#define VBLQHDR ((struct QHdr *)(0x160))
#define TICKS (*(unsigned long *)(0x16A)) /* Time since last boot */
#define KEYMAP ((unsigned char *)(0x174))
#define UNITNTRYCNT (*(short *)(0x1D2))
#define SCRATCH20 ((char *)0x1E4)
#define PCDESKPAT (*(char *)(0x20B))
#define BOOTVOL (*(short *)(0x210))
#define SFSAVEDISK (*(short *)(0x214))
#define CURDIRSTORE (*(long *)(0x398))
#define ALARMSTATE (*(char *)(0x21F))
#define MEMERROR (*(short *)(0x220))
#define SOUNDACTIVE (*(char *)(0x27E))
#define SWITCHDATA (*(char **)(0x282))
#define PROCESSMGRGLOBALS (*(unsigned long *)(0xB7C))
/* ROM85: BIT 7 0=>128K roms, 1=> 64K roms */
/* ROM85: BIT 6 0=> machine has soft power switch, 1 => it doesn't */
#define ROM85 (*(short *)(0x28E))
#define SYSZONE (*(THz *)(0x2A6)) /* syszone start */
#define APPLZONE (*(THz *)(0x2AA)) /* applzone start */
#define ROMBASE (*(Ptr *)(0x2AE)) /* ptr to rom */
#define EXPANDMEM (*(ExpandMemRec **)(0x2B6))
#define DSALERTTAB (*(char **)(0x2BA))
#define FINDERNAME ( (char *)(0x2E0))
#define FKEYENB (*(short *)(0x2F8))
#define MACPGM (*(long *)(0x316))
#define LO3BYTES (*(unsigned long *)(0x31A))
#define MINSTACK (*(unsigned long *)(0x31E))
#define DEFLTSTACK (*(unsigned long *)(0x322))
#define MMDEFFLAGS (*(unsigned short *)(0x326))
#define GZROOTHND (*(Handle *)(0x328))
#define GZROOTPTR (*(char **)(0x32C))
#define GZMOVEHND (*(Handle *)(0x330))
#define DSDRAWPROC (*(void (**)())(0x334))
#define EJECTNOTIFY (*(void (**)())(0x338))
#define IAZNOTIFY (*(void (**)())(0x33C))
#define FCBSPTR (*(Ptr *)(0x34E))
#define DEFVCBPTR (*(char **)(0x352))
#define FSBUSY (*(short *)(0x360))
#define WDCBSPTR (*(char **)(0x372))
#define DEFVREFNUM (*(short *)(0x384))
#define PMSPPTR (*(char **)(0x386))
#define PMSPHOOKINDEX (-6) /* Index off of PMSPPtr to get to hook */
#define FSQUEUEHOOK (*(void (**)())(0x3E2))
#define DSALERTRECT (*(Rect *)(0x3F8))
#define SCRNBASE (*(unsigned long *)(0x824))
#define MTEMP (*(Point *)(0x828))
#define RAWMOUSE (*(Point *)(0x82C))
#define MOUSE (*(Point *)(0x830))
#define THECRSR (*(Cursor *)(0x844))
#define DEVICELIST (*(GDHandle *)(0x8A8))
#define CRSRVIS (*(unsigned char *)(0x8CC))
#define CRSRNEW (*((Boolean *)0x8CE))
#define WIDTHLISTHAND (*(Handle *)(0x8E4))
#define WWEXIST (*(char *)(0x8F2))
#define QDEXIST (*(char *)(0x8F3))
#define CURAPREFNUM (*(short *)(0x900))
#define CURRENTA5 (*(unsigned long *)(0x904))
#define CURSTACKBASE (*(char **)(0x908))
#define CURAPNAME ( (char *)(0x910)) /* POINTER to apname */
#define SAVESEGHANDLE (*(Handle *)(0x930))
#define CURJTOFFSET (*(unsigned short *)(0x934)) /* A5 offset of the jump table */
#define PRINTVARS (*(unsigned long *)(0x944)) /* God only knows... */
#define SCRAPINFO (*(long *)(0x960)) /* length of scrap */
#define SCRAPHANDLE (*(Handle *)(0x964)) /* handle to scrap */
#define SCRAPCOUNT (*(short *)(0x968)) /* validation byte */
#define SCRAPSTATE (*(short *)(0x96A)) /* scrap state */
#define SCRAPNAME (*(char **)(0x96C)) /* POINTER to scrap file name */
#define SCRAPHANDLE (*(Handle *)(0x964)) /* handle to scrap */
#define WINDOWLIST (*(WindowPeek *)(0x9D6))
#define SAVEUPDATE (*(short *)(0x9DA))
#define PAINTWHITE (*(short *)(0x9DC))
#define WMGRPORT (*(WindowPeek *)(0x9DE))
#define GRAYRGN (*(RgnHandle *)(0x9EE))
#define DRAGHOOK (*(void (**)())(0x9F6))
#define TOPMENUITEM (*(short *)(0xA0A))
#define MENULIST (*(Handle *)(0xA1C))
#define CURDEKIND (*(short *)(0xA22))
#define THEMENU (*(short *)(0xA26))
#define DESKPATTERN (*(Pattern *)(0xA3C))
#define DRAGFLAG (*(short *)(0xA44))
#define TOPMAPHANDLE (*(Handle *)(0xA50))
#define SYSMAPHANDLE (*(Handle *)(0xA54))
#define SYSMAP (*(short *)(0xA58))
#define CURMAP (*(short *)(0xA5A))
#define RESLOAD (*(Boolean *)(0xA5E))
#define RESERR (*(short *)(0xA60))
#define TASKLOCK (*(unsigned char *)(0xA62))
#define FSCALEDISABLE (*(unsigned char *)(0xA63))
#define CURACTIVATE (*(WindowPeek *)(0xA64))
#define CURDEACTIVATE (*(WindowPeek *)(0xA68))
#define DESKHOOK (*(void (**)())(0xA6C))
#define GHOSTWINDOW (*(WindowPeek *)(0xA84))
#define CLOSEORNHOOK (*(void (**)())(0xA88))
#define RESUMEPROC (*(void (**)())(0xA8C))
#define CURLAYER (*(void (**)())(0xA90))
#define DASTRINGS ( (Handle *)(0xAA0))
#define SOUNDGLUE (*(Handle *)(0xAE8))
#define APPPARMHANDLE (*(Handle *)(0xAEC))
#define DSERRCODE (*(short *)(0xAF0))
#define RESERRPROC (*(void (**)())(0xAF2))
#define EXTENSIONSENABLEBYTE (*(char *)(0xB20))
#define SWITCHEDBITS (*(char *)(0xB21)) /* general purpose flags */
#define HWCWFLAGS (*(short *)(0xB22)) /* Hardware flags */
#define WIDTHTABHANDLE (*(Handle *)(0xB2A))
#define LASTSPEXTRA (*(long *)(0xB4C))
#define SLIMEOPHORE (*(unsigned long *)(0xB50)) /* for Patrick's PRLocking */
#define NMQHDRPTR (*(struct QHdr **)(0xB60))
#define RMGRCACHE (*(Handle *)(0xB84))
#define ROMMAPINSERT (*(short *)(0xB9E))
#define RMGRPERM (*(char *)(0xBA4))
#define MBARHEIGHT (*(short *)(0xBAA))
#define HIHEAPMARK (*(Ptr *)(0xBAE))
#define SEGHIENABLE (*(char *)(0xBB2))
#define LASTFOND (*(Handle *)(0xBC2))
#define RGBBLACK (*(RGBColor *)(0xC10))
#define RGBWHITE (*(RGBColor *)(0xC16))
#define NMIFLAG (*(char *)(0xC2C))
#define MMUFLAGS (*(char *)(0xCB0)) /* memory management muck */
#define MMUTYPE (*(char *)(0xCB1))
#define MMU32BIT (*(char *)(0xCB2))
#define MMUFLUFF (*(char *)(0xCB3))
#define AUXWINHEAD (*(AuxWinHandle *)(0xCD0))
#define AUXCTLHEAD (*(AuxCtlHandle *)(0xCD4))
#define DESKCPAT (*(PixPatHandle *)(0xCD8))
#define WMGRCPORT (*(GrafPtr *)(0xD2C))
#define SYNLISTHANDLE (*(Handle *)(0xD32))
#define FMEXIST (*(char *)(0xD42))
#define MENUCINFO (*(Handle *)(0xD50))
#define PORTLIST (*(Handle *)(0xD66))
#define PMGRHANDLE (*(Handle *)(0xDC8))
#define LAYERPALETTE (*(Handle *)(0xDCC))
#define PHYSMEMTOP (*(char**)(0x1EF8))
#define MMFLAGS (*(char *)(0x1EFC)) /* MMU flags */
#define MMSTARTMODE 0 /* .... ...n, n=0 for 24 bit, n=1 for 32 bit */
#define MMMIXED 1 /* .... ..n., n=0 for no mixed mode, n=1 for mixed 23/32 mode */
#define MMSYSHEAP 2 /* .... .n.., n=0 for 24 bit system heap, n=1 for 32 bit system heap */
#define MMROZHEAP 3 /* .... n..., n=0 for 24 bit ROZ heap, n=1 for 32 bit ROZ heap */