mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 00:30:31 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
1083 lines
34 KiB
1083 lines
34 KiB
; File: CMSVCS.a
; Contains: These routines provide service functions used to access
; and maintain the file catalog.
; Written by: Bill Bruffey
; Copyright: © 1984-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM1> 4/1/92 kc Roll in CMCreateUpdateCNPatch, CMRenameCNAfterSetup,
; CMMoveCNAfterSetup, CMDeleteCNAfterSetup,
; and CMCreateUpdateCNPatch from FileMgrPatches.a.
; ¥ Pre-SuperMario comments follow ¥
; <2> 9/10/91 JSM Add a header.
; <1.2> 3/2/89 DNF removed references to forROM; HFS now builds identically for ram
; or rom
; <1.1> 11/10/88 CCH Fixed Header.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; <¥1.1> 9/23/88 CCH Got rid of inc.sum.d and empty nFiles
; <1.0> 2/11/88 BBM Adding file for the first time into EASEÉ
; 9/25/86 BB Updated to use new MPW equate files.
; 12/15/85 BB 1st version.
; 10/31/85 BB CMRenameCN no longer updates the file or directory mod date.
; 10/25/85 BB Added a common CMSetUp subroutine. Added vector for ROM
; versions.
; 10/16/85 BB Modified all routines to use new new MOVEQ error code equates.
; 9/9/85 BB Fixed CMCreateCN and CMRenameCN to handled partial catalog
; updates.
; 9/8/85 LAK Call MarkVCBTime instead of MarkVCB since consistency check will
; be used to determine file and directory counts if VCB info is
; not flushed . . .
; 8/9/85 BB Fixed bug in CMRenameCN which was trashing Finder info.
; 8/5/85 BB Fixed bug in CMGetOff, was not converting error codes upon
; return from BTGetRecord.
; 7/26/85 BB Added calls to MarkVCB to set the VCB dirty. Also added code to
; set the modification date for updated directories.
; 7/25/85 BB Modified CMCreateCN and CMRenameCN to truncate CName's in thread
; records to max length.
; 7/10/85 BB Added calls to CMFlush.
; 7/2/85 BB Modified CMRenameCN to rename an existing CNode. Modified
; CMMoveCN to handle a null move, i.e., a move to the same parent
; directory.
; 6/27/85 BB Changed internal error code 'CMbadmove' to TFS global error code
; 'BadMovErr'.
; 6/20/85 PWD Changed to use system CNode equates Changed to use VCBNxtCNID
; for file numbers and DirIDs.
; 6/12/85 BB Added check for invalid move operation to CMMoveCN.
; 5/30/85 BB Fixed CMGetOff to invalidate directory and offspring markers
; when an error condition is detected.
; 5/16/85 BB Cleaned the code up some.
; 4/21/85 BB Added use of directory and offspring markers for catalog
; enumeration.
; 3/30/85 BB Replaced use of memory manager for CM vars allocation with A6
; stack based allocation.
; 3/15/85 BB Modified to use A6 stack.
; 3/14/85 BB Change names of CM service routines.
; 3/7/85 BB Modified to support the existence of a root directory record.
; 2/12/85 BB Added save/restore for scratch registers
; 12/11/84 BB Birth.
; External
; Routines: CMCreateCN - Creates a new directory or file CNode.
; CMDeleteCN - Deletes an existing directory or file CNode.
; CMGetCN - Locates an existing directory or file CNode.
; CMGetOff - Gets an offspring record from a directory.
; CMMoveCN - Moves an existing directory or file CNode to
; another directory CNode.
; CMRenameCN - Renames an existing directory or file CNode.
; CMUpdateCN - Marks a Catalog BTree node as 'dirty'.
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
IMPORT BTGetRecord,BTDelete,BTInsert,BtSearch,BTUpdate
IMPORT BuildKey,CMFlush,LocCNode,LocCRec,UpdCName
; Routine: CMCreateCN (Create CNode)
; Function: Creates a new directory or file CNode. A new directory or file
; record is added to the catalog BTree. If a directory CNode is
; being created, a new thread record is also added.
; Input: A2.L - VCB pointer
; D0.L - parent DirID
; A0.L - CName pointer
; D1.L - new CNode type (low byte in lower half)
; CMDirCN - directory
; CMFilCN - file
; file type (low byte of upper half)
; Output: D0.W - result code
; 0 = ok
; CMexists = CNode already exists
; CMnotfound = parent directory not found
; -n = IO error
; D1.L - DirID of new directory CNode
; D2.L - new catalog hint
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
MOVEM.L D3-D7/A0-A4,-(A6) ; save regs
; set up some initial stuff
BSR CMSetUp ; common set up routine <25Oct85>
CLR.L VCBDirIDM(A2) ; invalidate current DirID marker
MOVE.L D1,D5 ; D5 = CNode type / file type
MOVE.L D0,D3 ; D3 = parID
MOVEA.L A0,A3 ; A3 = CName pointer
; make sure parent exists
SUBA.L A0,A0 ; no Cname
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; no hint
JSR locCRec ; locate the parent's thread record
BNE CCExit1 ; error ->
; build key for new CNode
MOVE.L D3,D0 ; parID
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; CName pointer
LEA ckrOff(A4),A1 ; addr(key record buffer)
JSR BuildKey ; build the key record
; initialize catalog data record (cdr) for directory or file
LEA cdrOff(A4),A1 ; addr(data record buffer)
MOVEA.L A1,A0 ; clear
MOVE.W #(lencdr/2)-1,D0 ;
@2 CLR.W (A0)+ ;
DBRA D0,@2 ; ...the record first
MOVE.B D5,cdrType(A1) ; set record type
MOVE.L Time,D2 ; D2 = current date/time
CMPI.B #CMDirCN,D5 ; creating a directory?
BNE.S @3 ; no ->
MOVE.L VCBNxtCNID(A2),D6 ; assign it a DirID
MOVE.L D6,dirDirID(A1) ;
ADDQ.L #1,vcbNxtCNID(A2) ; bump next available CNode ID
MOVE.L D2,dirCrDat(A1) ; set creation date/time
MOVE.L D2,dirMdDat(A1) ; set date/time of last modified
MOVEQ #lendir,D1 ; D1 = size of directory data record
BRA.S CCAddRec ; add new record ->
@3 MOVE.L D2,filCrDat(A1) ; set creation date/time
MOVE.L D2,filMdDat(A1) ; set date/time of last modified
MOVE.L VCBNxtCNID(A2),filFlNum(A1) ; assign it the next file number
SWAP D5 ; set file type
MOVE.B D5,filTyp(A1) ;
MOVEQ #lenfil,D1 ; D1 = size of file data record
; add new directory/file record to catalog BTree
MOVE.W VCBCtRef(A2),D0 ; refnum of catalog file
LEA ckrOff(A4),A0 ; addr(key record buffer)
JSR BTInsert ; insert the record
BEQ.S @1 ; ok ->
CMP.W #BTexists,D0 ; does CNode already exist?
BNE CCExit1 ; no, some other error ->
MOVEQ #CMexists,D0 ; set CM result code <16Oct85>
BRA CCExit1 ; exit ->
@1 MOVE.L D2,D7 ; D7 = new hint
; build thread record for new directory CNode
CMPI.B #CMDirCN,D5 ; creating a directory?
BNE.S CCUpdPar ; no ->
MOVE.L D6,D0 ; parID = new directory ID
SUBA.L A0,A0 ; no CName
LEA ckrOff(A4),A1 ; addr(key record buffer)
JSR BuildKey ; build the key record
LEA cdrOff(A4),A1 ; clear
MOVE.W #(lenthd/2)-1,D0 ;
@1 CLR.W (A1)+ ;
DBRA D0,@1 ; ...the record first
LEA cdrOff(A4),A1 ; addr(thread record)
MOVE.B #cdrThdRec,cdrType(A1) ; set record type
MOVE.L D3,thdParID(A1) ; set parent ID
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; source = input CName
LEA thdCName(A1),A1 ; dest = thread record CName
JSR UpdCName ; move in the CName <09Sep85>
; add thread record to catalog BTree
MOVE.W VCBCtRef(A2),D0 ; refnum of catalog file
MOVE.W #lenthd,D1 ; length of thread record
LEA ckrOff(A4),A0 ; addr(key record)
LEA cdrOff(A4),A1 ; addr(thread record)
JSR BTInsert ; insert the record
BEQ.S CCUpdPar ; ok ->
; couldn't add thread record, delete newly created directory record and exit
MOVE.L D0,-(A6) ; save result code <09Sep85>
MOVE.L D3,D0 ; parID <09Sep85>
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; CName pointer <09Sep85>
LEA ckrOff(A4),A1 ; ptr(key record buffer) <09Sep85>
JSR BuildKey ; build the key record <09Sep85>
MOVEA.L A1,A0 ; ptr to key <09Sep85>
MOVE.W VCBCtRef(A2),D0 ; refnum of catalog file <09Sep85>
JSR BTDelete ; delete the directory record <09Sep85>
MOVE.L (A6)+,D0 ; restore original result code <09Sep85>
CMP.W #BTexists,D0 ; did thread record already exist?
BNE.S CCExit1 ; no, some other error ->
MOVEQ #CMexists,D0 ; set CM result code <16Oct85>
BRA.S CCExit1 ; exit ->
; update parent directory
MOVE.L D3,D0 ; ParID
SUBA.L A0,A0 ; no Cname
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; no hint
JSR locCNode ; locate the directory record
BNE.S CCExit1 ; error ->
ADDQ.W #1,dirVal(A1) ; bump valence
MOVE.L Time,dirMdDat(A1) ; set date/time last modified
MOVE.W VCBCtRef(A2),D0 ; catalog refnum
JSR BTUpdate ; update the BTree record
BNE.S CCExit1 ; error ->
; update VCB directory and file counts
MOVE.B D5,D0 ; CNode type
MOVE.L D3,D1 ; ParID
MOVEQ #1,D2 ; increment value
BSR UpdVCnts ; update the counts
; clean up and exit
CLR.W D0 ; result = 'ok'
MOVE.L D6,D1 ; return DirID in D1
MOVE.L D7,D2 ; return hint in D2
JSR MarkVCB ; Mark the VCB dirty (From CMCreateUpdateCNPatch) <SM1>
JSR CMFlush ; flush the catalog
ADD #lenCMVars,A6 ; de-allocate memory for CM vars
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D3-D7/A0-A4 ; restore regs
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit CMCreateCN
; Routine: CMDeleteCN (Delete CNode)
; Function: Deletes an existing directory or file CNode. The catalog
; BTree is first searched the designated CNode record.
; If not found, an error is returned. If found, the record for
; that CNode is deleted from the catalog. The thread record
; is also deleted for directories. Note that the valence for
; a directory must be zero before it can be deleted.
; Input: A2.L - VCB pointer
; D0.L - DirID or parent DirID
; A0.L - CName pointer
; Output: D0.W - result code
; 0 = ok
; CMnotfound = CNode not found
; CMnotempty = directory not empty
; CMRootCN = root CNode was referenced
; -n = IO error
; from CMDeleteCNAfterSetup patch <SM1>
unusedBit EQU 9 ; pick unused bit in a register (D4 only uses abyte)<SM1>
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
MOVEM.L D1-D6/A0-A1/A3-A4,-(A6) ; save regs
; set up some common stuff
BSR CMSetUp ; common set up routine <25Oct85>
CLR.L VCBDirIDM(A2) ; invalidate current DirID marker
MOVE.L D0,D3 ; D3 = parID
MOVEA.L A0,A3 ; A3 = CName pointer
; locate subject CNode
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; no hint
JSR LocCNode ; locate the CNode
BNE DCExit1 ; didn't find it, exit ->
MOVE.B cdrType(A1),D4 ; D4 = CNode record type
BCLR #unusedBit, D4 ; for determining when to process file thds diffently <SM1>
MOVE.L ckrParID(A0),D6 ; D6 = CNode ParID
; if directory CNode, make sure it is not the root and that it is empty
CMPI.B #cdrDirRec,D4 ; directory record?
BNE.S DCFDelete ; no, must be a file -> ` <SM1>
MOVE.L dirDirID(A1),D5 ; save DirID
CMPI.L #FSRtDirID,D5 ; root directory?
BNE.S @1 ; no ->
MOVEQ #CMRootCN,D0 ; yes, set error code <16Oct85>
BRA DCExit1 ; exit -> <SM1>
@1 TST.W dirVal(A1) ; directory empty?
BEQ.S DCDelete ; yes ->
MOVEQ #CMnotempty,D0 ; set error code <16Oct85>
BRA.S DCExit1 ; exit ->
; delete catalog records for CNode and file threads if they exist <SM1>.start
DCFDelete MOVE.L filFlNum(A1), D5 ; save file ID
BTST #fThreadFlag, filFlags(A1) ; is there a file thread
BEQ.S DCDelete
BSET #unusedBit, D4 ; mark an unused bit implying file thread handling <SM1>.end
LEA ckrOff(A4),A0 ; addr(key record)
MOVE.W VCBCtRef(A2),D0 ; catalog file refnum
JSR BTDelete ; delete directory/file record
BNE.S DCExit1 ; error, exit->
CMPI.B #cdrDirRec,D4 ; directory being deleted? <SM1>.start
BEQ.S DCDelThd ; yep ->
BTST #unusedBit, D4 ; was the bit set implying file thread handling
BEQ.S DCUpdPar ; no file thread, ->
DCDelThd MOVE.L D5,D0 ; parID = directory DirID or file ID
SUBA.L A0,A0 ; no CName <SM1>.end
LEA ckrOff(A4),A1 ; addr(key record buffer)
JSR BuildKey ; build thread key record
LEA ckrOff(A4),A0 ; addr(key record)
MOVE.W VCBCtRef(A2),D0 ; catalog file refnum
JSR BTDelete ; delete thread record
BEQ.S DCUpdPar ; <SM1>.start
BTST #unusedBit, D4 ; if it was a file thd, just ignore the error
BEQ.S DCExit1 ; <SM1>.end
; update parent directory
MOVE.L D6,D0 ; ParID
SUBA.L A0,A0 ; no Cname
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; no hint
JSR locCNode ; locate parent directory record
BNE.S DCExit1 ; error ->
SUBQ.W #1,dirVal(A1) ; decrement valence
MOVE.L Time,dirMdDat(A1) ; set date/time last modified
MOVE.W VCBCtRef(A2),D0 ; catalog refnum
JSR BTUpdate ; update the BTree record
BNE.S DCExit1 ; error ->
; update VCB directory and file counts
MOVE.B D4,D0 ; CNode type
MOVE.L D6,D1 ; ParID
MOVEQ #-1,D2 ; increment value
BSR UpdVCnts ; update the counts
; clean up and exit
CLR.W D0 ; result = 'ok'
JSR MarkVCB ; Mark the VCB changed <SM>
JSR CMFlush ; flush the catalog
ADD #lenCMVars,A6 ; de-allocate memory for CM vars
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1-D6/A0-A1/A3-A4 ; restore regs
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit CMDeleteCN
; Routine: CMGetCN (Get CNode)
; Function: Locates an existing directory or file CNode and returns a pointer
; to the CNode key and data records.
; Input: A2.L - VCB pointer
; D0.L - DirID or parent DirID
; A0.L - CName pointer
; D2.L - catalog hint
; Output: D0.W - result code
; 0 = ok
; CMnotfound = CNode not found
; -n = IO error
; A0.L - pointer to catalog key record (ckr)
; A1.L - pointer to catalog data record (cdr)
; D2.L - catalog hint
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
MOVEM.L D1/D3/A3-A4,-(A6) ; save regs
; set up some common stuff
BSR CMSetUp ; common set up routine <25Oct85>
CLR.L VCBDirIDM(A2) ; invalidate current DirID marker
; Locate directory/file BTree record for the CNode
JSR LocCNode ; locate the record
; clean up and exit
ADD #lenCMVars,A6 ; de-allocate memory for CM vars
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1/D3/A3-A4 ; restore regs
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit CMGetCN
; Routine: CMGetOff (Get Offspring)
; Function: Gets an offspring record from a specified directory. The directory
; is identified by it's DirID. The desired offspring CNode is
; indicated by the value of the offspring index (1 = 1st offspring
; CNode, 2 = 2nd offspring CNode, etc.).
; Input: A2.L - VCB pointer
; D0.L - DirID
; D1.W - offspring index
; Output: D0.W - result code
; 0 = ok
; CMnotfound = offspring not found (no more
; offspring for this directory)
; -n = IO error
; A0.L - ptr(catalog key record)
; A1.L - ptr(catalog data record)
; D2.L - catalog hint
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
MOVEM.L D1/D3-D4/A4,-(A6) ; save regs
; set up some common stuff
BSR CMSetUp ; common set up routine <25Oct85>
MOVE.L D0,D3 ; D3 = DirID
MOVE.W D1,D4 ; D4 = offspring index
; locate thread record for the specified DirID
MOVE.L VCBDirIDM(A2),D1 ; have a current DirID marker?
BEQ.S @1 ; no, search for thread record ->
CMP.L D3,D1 ; same DirID?
BEQ.S GOGetOff ; yes, skip search for thread record ->
@1 CLR.L VCBDirIDM(A2) ; invalidate current DirID marker
MOVE.L D3,D0 ; DirID
SUBA.L A0,A0 ; no CName
JSR LocCRec ; locate the thread record
BNE.S GOExit ; didn't find it, exit ->
MOVE.L D3,VCBDirIDM(A2) ; update current DirID
CLR.W VCBOffsM(A2) ; ...and offspring index markers
; get offspring record
MOVE.W VCBCtRef(A2),D0 ; catalog file refnum
MOVE.W D4,D1 ; selection index = offspring index
SUB.W VCBOffsM(A2),D1 ; - current offspring index marker
JSR BTGetRecord ; get the record
BEQ.S @3 ; ok ->
CMP.W #BTnotfound,D0 ; result = 'not found'?
BNE.S @2 ; no, some other error ->
@1 MOVEQ #CMnotfound,D0 ; set error code <16Oct85>
@2 CLR.L VCBDirIDM(A2) ; invalidate current DirID marker
BRA.S GOExit ; exit ->
@3 CMP.L ckrParID(A0),D3 ; same parent?
BNE.S @1 ; no ->
MOVE.W D4,VCBOffsM(A2) ; update offspring index marker
; clean up and exit
ADD #lenCMVars,A6 ; de-allocate memory for CM vars
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1/D3-D4/A4 ; restore regs
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit CMGetOff
; Routine: CMMoveCN (Move CNode)
; Function: Moves an existing directory or file CNode to another directory
; CNode. Note that for a directory, all decendants (its offspring,
; their offspring, etc.) are also moved.
; Input: A2.L - VCB pointer
; D0.L - source DirID or parent DirID
; A0.L - source CName pointer
; D1.L - destination DirID or parent DirID
; A1.L - destination CName pointer
; Output: D0.W - result code
; 0 = ok
; CMexists = A CNode already exists in destination
; directory with same CName
; -n = IO error
; D2.L - catalog hint for moved CNode
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
MOVEM.L D1/D3-D7/A0-A1/A3-A4,-(A6) ; save regs
; set up some common stuff
BSR CMSetUp ; common set up routine <25Oct85>
CLR.L VCBDirIDM(A2) ; invalidate current DirID marker
MOVE.L D1,D5 ; D5 = dest DirID/ParID
MOVE.L A1,D6 ; D6 = dest CName ptr
MOVE.L D0,D3 ; D3 = source DirID/ParID
MOVEA.L A0,A3 ; A3 = source CName pointer
; make sure source CNode exists
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; no hint
JSR LocCNode ; locate the record
BNE MCExit1 ; didn't find source ->
MOVEQ #0,D4 ; assume source is not a directory
CMPI.B #cdrDirRec,cdrType(A1) ; directory record?
BNE.S MCChkDest ; no ->
MOVE.L dirDirID(A1),D4 ; D4 = source DirID
; make sure destination directory exists
MOVE.L D5,D0 ; dest DirID/ParID
MOVE.L D6,A0 ; dest CName pointer
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; no hint
JSR LocCNode ; locate the record
BNE MCExit1 ; didn't find dest ->
CMPI.B #cdrDirRec,cdrType(A1) ; directory record?
BEQ.S @1 ; yes ->
MOVE.W #BadMovErr,D0 ; set error code
BRA MCExit1 ; exit ->
@1 MOVE.L dirDirID(A1),D7 ; D7 = dest DirID
; make sure its a proper move
TST.L D4 ; is source a directory?
BEQ.S MCGetSrc ; no, nothing to check ->
CMPI.L #FSRtDirID,D4 ; source = root?
BEQ.S @3 ; yes, error ->
CMP.L D4,D7 ; source = dest?
BEQ.S @3 ; yes, error ->
@1 MOVE.L ckrParID(A0),D0 ; source = dest ancestor?
CMP.L D4,D0 ;
BEQ.S @3 ; yes, error ->
CMPI.L #FSRtDirID,D0 ; up to root directory?
BLE.S MCGetSrc ; yes, done checking ->
@2 SUBA.L A0,A0 ; locate next directory up the tree
MOVEQ #0,D2 ;
JSR LocCNode ;
BNE MCExit1 ; didn't find it ->
BRA.S @1 ; continue checking ->
@3 MOVE.W #BadMovErr,D0 ; result = 'bad move'
BRA MCExit1 ; exit ->
; locate the source CNode and copy the key and data record
MOVE.L D3,D0 ; source DirID/ParID
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; source CName pointer
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; no hint
JSR LocCNode ; locate the record
BNE MCExit1 ; didn't find it ->
CMP.L ckrParID(A0),D7 ; source ParID = dest DirID?
BNE.S @2 ; no ->
MOVE.L D2,D7 ; D7 = new hint
BRA MCExit ; all done ->
@2 MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; save ptr(data record)
LEA ckrOff(A4),A1 ; dest = key record in CM vars
MOVEQ #1,D0 ; get key length (include length byte)
ADD.B (A0),D0 ;
_BlockMove ; copy the key
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A0 ; A0 = ptr(data record)
LEA cdrOff(A4),A1 ; dest = data record in CM vars
MOVE.W D1,D0 ; length = len(data record)
EXT.L D0 ;
_BlockMove ; copy the data record
; insert new source CNode record in BTree with new key
LEA ckrOff(A4),A0 ; addr(key record)
MOVE.L ckrParID(A0),D4 ; D4 = source ParID
MOVE.L D7,ckrParID(A0) ; set ParID to new one
LEA cdrOff(A4),A1 ; addr(source data record)
MOVEQ #lenfil,D1 ; assume its a file record
CMPI.B #cdrFilRec,cdrType(A1) ; file record?
BEQ.S @1 ; yes ->
MOVEQ #lendir,D1 ; use length of a directory record
MOVE.L Time,dirMdDat(A1) ; set date/time last modified
@1 MOVE.W VCBCtRef(A2),D0 ; catalog file refnum
JSR BTInsert ; insert the new record
BEQ.S @2 ; ok ->
CMPI.W #BTexists,D0 ; record already exist?
BNE MCExit1 ; no, some other error ->
MOVEQ #CMExists,D0 ; result = 'CNode already exists' <16Oct85>
BNE MCExit1 ; exit ->
@2 MOVE.L D2,D7 ; D7 = new hint
MOVE.L ckrParID(A0),D0 ; D0 = dest DirID
; update destination directory record
EXG D5,D0 ; D0 = dest DirID/ParID, D5 = dest DirID
MOVE.L D6,A0 ; dest CName pointer
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; no hint
JSR LocCNode ; locate the record
BNE MCExit1 ; didn't find it ->
ADDQ.W #1,dirVal(A1) ; bump its valence
MOVE.L Time,dirMdDat(A1) ; set date/time last modified
MOVE.W VCBCtRef(A2),D0 ; catalog file refnum
JSR BTUpdate ; update the BTree record
BNE MCExit1 ; error ->
; update root directory counts
LEA cdrOff(A4),A1 ; ptr(source data record)
MOVE.B cdrType(A1),D0 ; Cnode Type
MOVE.L D5,D1 ; dest DirID
MOVEQ #1,D2 ; increment
BSR UpdRtCnts ; update the counts
; delete old source CNode record
MOVE.L D3,D0 ; source DirID/ParID
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; source CName pointer
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; no hint
JSR LocCNode ; locate the record
BNE.S MCExit1 ; didn't find it ->
LEA ckrOff(A4),A0 ; addr(key record)
MOVE.W VCBCtRef(A2),D0 ; catalog file refnum
JSR BTDelete ; delete directory/file record
BNE.S MCExit1 ; error ->
; update source thread record if a directory was moved
LEA cdrOff(A4),A1 ; ptr(source data record)
CMPI.B #cdrDirRec,cdrType(A1) ; source = directory?
BEQ.S MCUpdDThd ; (from CMMoveCNAfterSetup) <SM1>.start
BTST #fThreadFlag, filFlags(A1)
BEQ.S MCUpdPar ; no file thread ->
MOVE.L filFlNum(A1), D0
MCUpdDThd MOVE.L dirDirID(A1),D0 ; source DirID
MCUpdThd1 SUBA.L A0,A0 ; no Cname <SM1>.end
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; no hint
JSR LocCRec ; locate thread record
BNE.S MCExit1 ; didn't find it ->
MOVE.L D5,thdParID(A1) ; new ParID = dest DirID
MOVE.W VCBCtRef(A2),D0 ; catalog file refnum
JSR BTUpdate ; update BTree record
BNE.S MCExit1 ; error ->
; update source parent directory
MOVE.L D4,D0 ; source ParID
SUBA.L A0,A0 ; no Cname
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; no hint
JSR locCNode ; locate parent directory record
BNE.S MCExit1 ; didn't find it ->
SUBQ.W #1,dirVal(A1) ; decrement valence
MOVE.L Time,dirMdDat(A1) ; set date/time last modified
MOVE.W VCBCtRef(A2),D0 ; catalog file refnum
JSR BTUpdate ; update the BTree record
BNE.S MCExit1 ; error ->
; update root directory counts
LEA cdrOff(A4),A1 ; ptr(source data record)
MOVE.B cdrType(A1),D0 ; Cnode Type
MOVE.L D4,D1 ; source ParID
MOVEQ #-1,D2 ; increment
BSR UpdRtCnts ; update the counts
; clean up and exit
CLR.W D0 ; result = 'ok'
MOVE.L D7,D2 ; return new hint in D2
JSR MarkVCB ; Mark the VCB changed <SM1>
JSR CMFlush ; flush the catalog
ADD #lenCMVars,A6 ; de-allocate memory for CM vars
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1/D3-D7/A0-A1/A3-A4 ; restore regs
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit CMMoveCN
; Routine: CMRenameCN (Rename CNode)
; Function: Renames an existing directory or file CNode.
; Input: A2.L - VCB pointer
; D0.L - DirID or parent DirID
; A0.L - CName pointer
; A1.L - CName pointer (new CName)
; D2.L - catalog hint
; Output: D0.W - result code
; 0 = ok
; CMnotfound = CNode not found
; CMexists = CNode already exists for new CName
; -n = IO error
; D2.L - new catalog hint
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
MOVEM.L D1/D3-D7/A0-A1/A3-A4,-(A6) ; save regs
; set up some common stuff
BSR CMSetUp ; common set up routine <25Oct85>
CLR.L VCBDirIDM(A2) ; invalidate current DirID marker
MOVE.L D0,D3 ; D3 = parID
MOVEA.L A0,A3 ; A3 = ptr(old CName)
MOVE.L A1,D5 ; D5 = ptr(new CName)
; locate subject CNode
JSR LocCNode ; locate the CNode
BNE RCExit1 ; didn't find it, exit ->
MOVE.L D2,D4 ; D4 = hint for old CNode record
MOVE.W D1,D6 ; D6 = len(CNode data record)
; save copy of data record
MOVEA.L A1,A0 ; source ptr = cdr
LEA cdrOff(A4),A1 ; dest ptr = CM vars
MOVE.W D6,D0 ; length = len(data record)
EXT.L D0 ;
_BlockMove ; copy the record
; insert old CNode record in BTree with new key
LEA ckrOff(A4),A1 ; addr(key record buffer)
MOVE.L ckrParID(A1),D0 ; ParID = same as before
MOVEA.L D5,A0 ; new CName ptr
JSR BuildKey ; build new key
MOVEA.L A1,A0 ; addr(key record)
LEA cdrOff(A4),A1 ; addr(data record)
@2 MOVE.W D6,D1 ; record size
MOVE.W VCBCtRef(A2),D0 ; catalog file refnum
JSR BTInsert ; insert the new record
BEQ.S RCDelOld ; ok -> <09Sep85>
CMP.W #BTExists,D0 ; CNode already exist? <09Sep85>
BNE RCExit1 ; no, some other error -> <09Sep85>
; new CNode already exists, locate the existing one
LEA ckrOff(A4),A1 ; ptr(key record buffer) <09Sep85>
MOVE.L ckrParID(A1),D0 ; ParID = same as before <09Sep85>
MOVEA.L D5,A0 ; new CName ptr <09Sep85>
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; no hint <09Sep85>
JSR LocCNode ; locate the CNode <09Sep85>
BNE RCExit1 ; error -> <09Sep85>
MOVE.L D2,D7 ; save new hint
; check if same CNode
MOVE.L A0,D6 ; save ptr to ckr in BTree node <09Sep85>
LEA cdrOff(A4),A0 ; p0int to old data record
MOVE.B cdrType(A0),D0 ; same CNode type?
CMP.B cdrType(A1),D0 ;
BNE.S @2 ; no, error ->
CMPI.B #cdrDirRec,D0 ; directory CNode?
BNE.S @1 ; no ->
MOVE.L dirDirID(A1),D1 ; same DirID?
CMP.L dirDirID(A0),D1 ;
BEQ.S RCReplace ; yes, replace the name -> <09Sep85>
BRA.S @2 ; no, error ->
@1 MOVE.L filFlNum(A1),D1 ; same file number?
CMP.L filFlNum(A0),D1 ;
BEQ.S RCReplace ; yes, replace the name -> <09Sep85>
@2 MOVEQ #CMExists,D0 ; result = 'CNode already exists' <16Oct85>
BRA.S RCExit1 ; exit ->
; replace the name in the existing CNode key
MOVEA.L D6,A1 ; restore ptr to ckr buffer <09Sep85>
LEA ckrCName(A1),A1 ; dest = CName in ckr <09Sep85>
MOVEA.L D5,A0 ; source = new CName <09Sep85>
JSR UpdCName ; replace the name <09Sep85>
MOVE.W VCBCtRef(A2),D0 ; catalog file refnum <09Sep85>
JSR BTUpdate ; update BTree record <09Sep85>
BRA.S RCUpdThd ; update thread -> <09Sep85>
; delete old CNode record
MOVE.L D2,D7 ; save hint for new record
MOVE.L D3,D0 ; DirID/ParID
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; CName pointer
MOVE.L D4,D2 ; hint
JSR LocCNode ; locate the record
BNE.S RCExit1 ; didn't find it ->
LEA ckrOff(A4),A0 ; addr(key record)
MOVE.W VCBCtRef(A2),D0 ; catalog file refnum
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; no hint
JSR BTDelete ; delete directory/file record
BNE.S RCExit1 ; error, exit->
; update thread record if a directory was renamed
LEA cdrOff(A4),A1 ; ptr to cdr in CM buffer <09Sep85>
CMPI.B #cdrDirRec,cdrType(A1) ; directory CNode?
BEQ.S RCUpdDThd ; (from CMRenameCNAfterSetup) <SM1>.start
BTST #fThreadFlag, filFlags(A1)
BEQ.S RCExit ; no file thread, all done ->
MOVE.L filFlNum(A1), D0
RCUpdDThd MOVE.L dirDirID(A1),D0 ; source DirID
RCUpdThd1 SUBA.L A0,A0 ; no Cname <SM1>.end
CLR.L D2 ; no hint
JSR LocCRec ; locate thread record
BNE.S RCExit1 ; didn't find it ->
MOVEA.L D5,A0 ; ptr to new CName
LEA thdCName(A1),A1 ; ptr to CName in thread record
JSR UpdCName ; update the CName <09Sep85>
MOVE.W VCBCtRef(A2),D0 ; catalog file refnum
JSR BTUpdate ; update BTree record
; clean up and exit
CLR.W D0 ; result = 'ok'
MOVE.L D7,D2 ; return new hint in D2
JSR MarkVCB ; Mark the VCB changed <SM1>
JSR CMFlush ; flush the catalog
ADD #lenCMVars,A6 ; de-allocate memory for CM vars
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1/D3-D7/A0-A1/A3-A4 ; restore regs
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit CMRenameCN
; Routine: CMUpdateCN (Update CNode)
; Function: Marks the Catalog BTree node identified by the given catalog hint
; as 'dirty'.
; Input: A2.L - VCB pointer
; D2.L - catalog hint
; Output: D0.W - result code
; 0 = ok
; CMnotfound = CNode not found
; -n = IO error
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
MOVEM.L D1-D2/A0-A1,-(A6) ; save regs
BSR.S CMSetUp ; common set up routine <25Oct85>
MOVE.W VCBCtRef(A2),D0 ; catalog file refnum
JSR BTUpdate ; mark the node 'dirty'
BEQ.S UCExit ; ok, all done ->
CMPI.W #BTnotfound,D0 ; node not found?
BNE.S UCExit1 ; no, some other error ->
MOVEQ #CMnotfound,D0 ; result = 'not found' <16Oct85>
BRA.S UCExit1 ; exit ->
JSR MarkVCB ; Mark the VCB dirty (From CMCreateUpdateCNPatch) <SM1>
JSR CMFlush ; flush the catalog
ADD #lenCMVars,A6 ; de-allocate memory for CM vars <25Oct85>
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1-D2/A0-A1 ; restore regs
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit CMUpdateCN
; Internal Subroutines
; Subroutine: CMSetUp (CM Set Up)
; Function: Sets up for all CM service calls. Space for the CM variable storage area
; (CMVars) is allocated on the A6 stack.
; Input: none
; Output: A4.L - pointer to CMVars
MOVE.L jCMSetUp,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vCMSetUp <25Oct85>
RTS ; go there <25Oct85>
vCMSetUp ; 'vectored' CMSetUp routine <25Oct85>
SUB #lenCMVars,A6 ; allocate memory for CM vars <25Oct85>
MOVEA.L A6,A4 ; A4 = pointer to CM vars <25Oct85>
RTS ; exit CMSetUp <25Oct85>
; Subroutine: UpdVCnts (Update Volume Counts)
; UpdRtCnts (Update Root Counts)
; Function: Updates Volume directory and file counts.
; Input: A2.L - pointer to VCB
; D0.B - CNode type
; D1.L - ParID
; D2.L - increment value (+1 or -1)
; Output: none
CMPI.B #CMDirCN,D0 ; add/delete a directory?
BNE.S @1 ; no ->
ADD.L D2,VCBDirCnt(A2) ; adjust volume directory count
BRA.S UpdRtCnts ; ->
@1 ADD.L D2,VCBFilCnt(A2) ; adjust volume file count
CMPI.L #FSRtDirID,D1 ; add/delete to root?
BNE.S @2 ; no, all done ->
CMPI.B #CMDirCN,D0 ; adding/deleting a directory?
BNE.S @1 ; no ->
ADD.W D2,VCBNmRtDirs(A2) ; adjust root directory count
BRA.S @2
@1 ADD.W D2,VCBNmFls(A2) ; adjust root file count
@2 RTS ; exit UpdVCnts/UpdRtCnts