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synced 2025-02-05 23:30:14 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
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285 lines
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; File: MFSDIR2.a
; Contains: This file contains file-level routines which use filenames.
; Copyright: © 1982-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <2> 9/12/91 JSM Add a header.
; <1.1> 11/10/88 CCH Fixed Header.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; <1.0> 2/11/88 BBM Adding file for the first time into EASEÉ
; 9/24/86 BB Updated to use new MPW equates
; 10/20/85 LAK Flush control cache on exit of MFSDelete, MFSRename.
; 10/9/85 LAK One more bug fixed in MFSRename.
; 10/8/85 LAK Fixed bugs introduced in MFSRename use of A6 stack change.
; 10/1/85 LAK Adjusted for new use of cache. Rename now uses A6 stack. Delete
; trashes file blocks in cache.
; 9/5/85 LAK Don't allow Rename of locked files.
; 8/31/85 LAK Set VCB time after rename to signal Finder that something
; changed (don't dirty it since mod-date isn't so important).
; 3/10/85 PWD Created from FSDir2.Text; now contains only MFS-specific code.
; FileDelete and Rename trap entries are in TFSDir2.
; 8/29/83 LAK Changed ReName to update affected FCBs FCBFlPos (rename may
; cause a directory entry to migrate).
; 6/4/83 LAK No longer calls DtrmVol (this is done by FndFilNam) since case
; of write-protected diskette is a low-percentage hit. Uses
; CkFilMod subroutine to save code.
; 4/20/83 LAK Minor change to CkFileBusy.
; 2/8/83 LAK Fixed rename bug (A5 trash)
; 1/16/83 LAK Added latest changes; cosmetic and documentation updates.
; 1/16/83 LAK Modified RemovEntry for new directory format (no entry length);
; updated documentation.
; 12/14/82 LAK Removed undelete scheme.
; 12/10/82 LAK Broke out routine to search FCBs by filenum (share it with
; GetFileInfo).
; 12/9/82 LAK Redid for new file data structures.
; External Routines: MFSDelete,MFSReName
; Internal Routines: RemoveEntry
; Routine: MFSDelete
; (c) 1983 Apple Computer, Inc.
; Arguments: A0.L (input) -- pointer to I/O parameter block; uses:
; IOFileName,IOFileType
; D0.W (output) -- error code
; This call may be executed asynchronously.
; Calls: FSQueue,CkFileBusy,DAlBlks,RemovEntry,CmdDone
; Function: Delete a file from an MFS volume. The file is removed from
; the directory and its blocks are freed up (both resource and
; normal fork blocks are deallocated). The entry is zeroed and
; any following entries are moved down. All blocks associated
; with the file are marked free in the block map and the VCB
; info is marked dirty.
; Modification History:
; 09 Dec 82 LAK Redid for new file data structures.
; 10 Dec 82 LAK Broke out routine to search FCBs by filenum (share it
; with GetFileInfo).
; 14 Dec 82 LAK Removed undelete scheme.
; 16 Jan 83 LAK Modified RemovEntry for new directory format (no entry
; length); updated documentation.
; 04 Jun 83 LAK No longer calls DtrmVol (this is done by FndFilNam) since
; case of write-protected diskette is a low-percentage hit.
; Uses CkFilMod subroutine to save code.
; Begin by checking if file is locked or busy:
MOVEQ #FLckdErr,D0 ; assume locked
BTST #FlWrtFlag,FlFlags(A5) ; well, is it?
BNE.S MFDelExit ; br if so
BSR CkFileBusy ; is the file busy?
BNE.S MFDelExit ; exit if so . . .
SUBQ.W #1,VCBNmFls(A2) ; one less file
BSR MarkVCB ; mark VCB info dirty
MOVE.W FlStBlk(A5),D3 ; get start block to D3
BSR DAlBlks ; deallocate the blocks
MOVE.W FlRStBlk(A5),D3 ; deallocate the resource blocks also
MOVE.L FlFlNum(A5),D0 ; save file number from MFS dir entry <01Oct85>
BSR.S RemovEntry ; remove entry from the directory, mark block dirty
JSR TrashFBlocks ; trash all file blocks (pass A2,D0) <01Oct85>
BSR MFSCtlFlush ; flush control cache if it's too full <20Oct85>
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; success
MFDelExit BRA CmdDone
GtEntryLen MOVEQ #0,D0
MOVE.B FlNam(A5),D0
ADD.W #FlNTLen+2,D0
BCLR #0,D0
; delete file pointed to by A5 in block at A1 by moving all following entries
; down and zeroing the rest of the block (shared with Rename)
RemovEntry MOVEM.L A0/A1/A5/D0,-(SP)
MOVE.L A1,A0 ; <01Oct85>
JSR MarkBlock ; mark this buffer dirty <01Oct85>
CLR.L VCBDirIndex(A2) ; invalidate our index,blk num pair
MOVE.L A5,A0 ; start of entry to delete
BSR.S GtEntryLen ; length of entry -> D0
ADD.L D0,A5 ; next entry
ADD.W #BufSiz,A1 ; point to end of buffer
@1 CMP.L A1,A5 ; check for end of buffer
BCC.S @2 ; br if done
MOVE.W (A5)+,(A0)+ ; move rest of entries down
BRA.S @1
@2 CLR.W (A0)+ ; leave rest of block zeroed
BCS.S @2
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0/A1/A5/D0
; Routine: ReName
; Arguments: A0 (input) -- pointer to parameter block:
; D0 (output) -- error code
; Calls: FSQueue,DtrmVol,FndFilNam,CVFlgs,RemovEntry,FndFilSpc,
; GtEntryLen,CmdDone
; Function: Rename a file or a volume. For files, the directory is
; first searched for the target name (to make sure we don't
; get two files with the same name). If not found, the directory
; is then searched for the real file (using the source name);
; the entry is copied onto the stack and removed from the directory
; block. FndFilSpc is used to find space for the changed entry.
; Also note that a file may not be renamed with the same name.
; Modification History:
; 09 Dec 82 LAK Changed to use a new rename algorithm; updated for new
; file system data structures.
; 16 Jan 83 LAK Updated for final data structures.
; 05 Jun 83 LAK Added change to allow rename of a file to itself (for case
; changes).
; 29 Aug 83 LAK Fixed bug: rename now updates FCBs for the renamed file (opened
; files may be renamed) to point to correct directory block.
; Test: no more room in directory case . . .
; renaming a volume
; renaming both file and volume with 0-length name.
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; preserve parameter block pointer
MOVE.W D2,D0 ; old name length
MOVE.L A4,A0 ; old name ptr
MOVEM.L FSTemp8,D2/A4 ; get back new name ptr and length
MOVE.W D2,D0 ; new name length
MOVE.L A4,A1 ; new name ptr
_CmpString ; see if it's a case of the same name
BEQ.S @2 ; br if so (skip the conflict check)
BSR FndFN2 ; look for the dest name in directory
BNE.S @1 ; (uses src volume)
MOVEQ #DupFNErr,D0 ; duplicate file name if found
@1 CMP #FNFErr,D0 ; file should not have been found
BNE.S MRNmExit ; also exit for ext fs, vol offline errs
@2 BSR FndFilName ; search directory for the source file
BNE.S MRNmExit ; if not around, bummers
MOVEQ #FLckdErr,D0 ; assume locked <05Sep85>
BTST #FlWrtFlag,FlFlags(A5) ; well, is it? <05Sep85>
BNE.S MRNmExit ; exit if so <05Sep85>
; At this point, A5 points to the file entry, and A1 points to the start of the
; buffer the directory block is in. We save the old entry on the A6 stack.
SavOldNtry MOVE.L A6,A4 ; save our stack pointer <01Oct85>
MOVE.L A5,A3 ; copy pointer to entry
BSR.S GtEntryLen ; entry length -> D0
@1 MOVE.W -2(A3,D0),-(A6) ; move it onto stack, backwards <01Oct85>
SUBQ #2,D0
BGT.S @1
; now reclaim the space for the old entry and mark the block dirty
BSR.S RemovEntry
MOVE.L FSTemp8,D2 ; get back dest name length <08Oct85>
BSR FndFilSpc ; go find us space <01Oct85>
BNE.S NoSpace ; br if none <08Oct85>
; ok, we have the space, so move in the new entry:
; A2.L = VCB ptr
; D2.W = new dir entry name length
; D5.W = entry total length
; A4.L = old stack pointer
; A5.L = pointer to space to put entry
MOVE.L A5,A3 ; save pointer to entry for AdjFlPos <09Oct85>
MOVEQ #(FlNtLen/2)-1,D0 ; move this much of the old entry
@3 MOVE.W (A6)+,(A5)+ ; move word by word <01Oct85>
DBRA D0,@3
MOVE.L A4,A6 ; get our old stack pointer back <01Oct85>
MOVEM.L FSTemp8,D2/A4 ; retrieve dest name ptr and length
MOVE.B D2,(A5)+ ; name length
@4 MOVE.B (A4)+,(A5)+ ; move byte by byte, including len byte
SUBQ.W #1,D2
BGT.S @4
BSR.S AdjFlPos ; adjust file position for any FCBs
BSR MarkVCBTime ; change the time in VCB to signal Finder <31Aug85>
BSR MFSCtlFlush ; flush control cache if it's too full <20Oct85>
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; no errors
MRNmExit BRA CmdDone
; the directory didn't have enough space, so at least try to get back to
; where we started . . .
NoSpace MOVE.B FlNam(A6),D2 ; get back src name length <08Oct85>
BSR FndFilSpc ; we should be able to get back at least <01Oct85>
BEQ.S @1 ;
MOVE.L A4,A6 ; get our old stack pointer back <01Oct85>
MOVEQ #fsRnErr,D0 ; some days are like this <24Sep86>
@1 MOVE.L A5,A3 ; save pointer to entry for AdjFlPos <09Oct85>
@2 MOVE.W (A6)+,(A5)+ ; move word by word <01Oct85>
CMP.L A6,A4 ; get back to where we started <01Oct85>
BNE.S @2
BSR.S AdjFlPos
MOVEQ #DirFulErr,D0 ; directory was too full
BRA.S MRNmExit ; so exit . . .
AdjFlPos MOVE.L FlFlNum(A3),D2 ; file number of this file <09Oct85>
MOVE.W CurDB,D0 ; get block number in D0 <01Oct85>
BSR Gt1stMatch ; update any matching files
BNE.S @2 ; exit if none
@1 MOVE.W D0,FCBFlPos(A1,D1) ; update file block
BSR GtNxtMatch
BEQ.S @1
@2 RTS