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synced 2025-02-05 23:30:14 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
684 lines
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684 lines
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; File: TFSDIR2.a
; Contains: This file contains file-level routines which use filenames.
; Copyright: © 1983-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM4> 8/27/93 BH Removed <SM3>. The flushing stuff is now in CmdDone.
; <SM3> 8/3/93 BH Flushing critical volume info when changed for a volume in a
; manual-eject drive.
; <SM2> 5/21/92 kc Append "Trap" to the name of ReName to avoid name conflict with
; the glue.
; <SM1> 4/1/92 kc Roll in FixVolumeRenames patch from FileMgrPatches.a.
; Rolled in the Disappearing Folder patch.
; Rolled in RenameCheckVolNameLength in FileMgrPatches.a.
; ¥ Pre-SuperMario comments follow ¥
; <2> 9/12/91 JSM Add a header.
; <1.1> 11/10/88 CCH Fixed Header.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; <1.0> 2/11/88 BBM Adding file for the first time into EASEÉ
; 1/14/87 BB Fixed FileDelete to return "paramErr" error rather than the file
; system internal error "FSDSIntErr" if attempting to delete the
; root directory. NOTE: this is not patched for the Mac+ or MAUI.
; 4/15/86 PWD Fix rename bug when renameing an external volume.
; 1/13/86 LAK After Renaming MFS volume with SetVolName, take the exit which
; sets D0=0. This incorporates the patch in ROM75Fix.
; 10/6/85 PWD Changed to use new SetVolName routine throughout (move to
; TFSVol).
; 10/1/85 LAK Don't worry about adjusting internal errors - done by CmdDone.
; 9/21/85 LAK Fixed bug in above.
; 9/20/85 PWD Changed Rename to allow source vol. spec by VRefNum only.
; 9/20/85 LAK Call TrashFBlocks when deleting a file.
; 9/5/85 LAK Don't allow rename for locked files.
; 8/28/85 LAK New today.
; 8/28/85 LAK Added CkDirBusy, Gt1stWDCB, GtNxtWDCB, Gt1stWDVMatch,
; GtNxtWDVMatch subroutines. Refuse to delete a directory which
; has an open WDCB.
; 6/20/85 PWD Changed to use new system CNode equates
; 6/19/85 PWD Changed internal errors to FSDSIntErr instead of IOErr.
; 4/25/85 PWD Changed to convert internal error codes to IOErr.
; 3/10/85 PWD Split off MFS-specific code into MFSDir2. Added code to deal
; specifically with TFS volumes.
; 8/29/83 LAK Changed ReName to update affected FCBs FCBFlPos (rename may
; cause a directory entry to migrate).
; 4/20/83 LAK Minor change to CkFileBusy.
; 2/8/83 LAK Fixed rename bug (A5 trash)
; 1/16/83 LAK Added latest changes; cosmetic and documentation updates.
; External Routines: FileDelete,ReName,TFMove
; Internal Routines: CkFileBusy, CkDirBusy, Gt1stWDCB, GtNxtWDCB,
; Gt1stWDVMatch, GtNxtWDVMatch
; Routine: Gt1stWDCB,GtNxtWDCB
; Arguments: A1.L (input) -- FCB start pointer (GtNxtFCB)
; D1.W (input) -- offset to current FCB (GtNxtFCB)
; A1.L (output) -- unchanged
; D1.W (output) -- offset to next WDCB
; CCR set so that BCS will not br when past last WDCB
; Called By: Gt1stWDMatch,GtNxtWDMatch
; Function: Scan through the WDCBs.
; Routine: Gt1stWDVMatch,GtNxtWDVMatch
; Arguments: A1.L (input) -- WDCB start pointer (GtNxtWDMatch)
; D1.W (input) -- offset to current FCB (GtNxtWDMatch)
; A2.L (input) -- VCB pointer to match against
; A1.L (output) -- WDCB start pointer
; D1.W (output) -- offset to next WDCB on same volume
; CCR set so that BNE will not br when past last WDCB
; Called By: CkDirBusy
; Function: Scan through the WDCBs which match a certain volume.
; Modification History:
; <28Aug85> LAK New today.
Gt1stWDCB MOVE.L WDCBSPtr,A1 ; get WDCB ptr <28Aug85>
MOVEQ #2,D1 ; index to first FCB <28Aug85>
RTS ; <28Aug85>
GtNxtWDCB ADD.W #WDCBLen,D1 ; go to next FCB <28Aug85>
CMP.W (A1),D1 ; reached the end yet? <28Aug85>
RTS ; let the caller test (BCS if not) <28Aug85>
BSR.S Gt1stWDCB ; <28Aug85>
gt1stLoop CMP.L WDVCBPtr(A1,D1),A2 ; on the same volume? <28Aug85>
BEQ.S gtNxtRTS ; <28Aug85>
BSR.S GtNxtWDCB ; <28Aug85>
BCS.S gt1stLoop ; loop thru them all <28Aug85>
MOVE #0,CCR ; clear Z bit <28Aug85>
gtNxtRTS RTS ; BEQ for match, BNE at end . . . <28Aug85>
; Routine: CkDirBusy
; Arguments: A0.L (input) -- IO parameter block ptr
; A2.L (input) -- VCB pointer
; A5.L (input) -- file directory entry pointer
; D0.W (output) -- result code (0 if file not open)
; D1.W (output) -- WDCB index if directory busy
; All other registers are preserved.
; Calls: Gt1stWDCB,GtNxtWDCB
; Called by: FileDelete
; Function: Searches WDCB buffer to see if the directory is
; currently open.
; Modification History:
; <28Aug85> LAK New today.
MOVEM.L D2/A1,-(SP) ; Preserve A1/D2 <28Aug85>
MOVE.L dirDirID(A5),D2 ; Get dir number from TFS cat. entry <28Aug85>
; scan through the WDCBs and look for a match of directory number and same volume
BSR.S Gt1stWDVMatch ; get first WDCB for this volume <28Aug85>
@0 BNE.S @1 ; br if no match <28Aug85>
CMP.L WDDirID(A1,D1),D2 ; for the same directory? <28Aug85>
BEQ.S @3 ; br if so - error <28Aug85>
BSR.S GtNxtWDVMatch ; try the next <28Aug85>
BRA.S @0 ; and loop <28Aug85>
@1 MOVEQ #0,D0 ; not busy . . . <28Aug85>
@2 MOVEM.L (SP)+,D2/A1 ; restore A1/D2 <28Aug85>
RTS ; <28Aug85>
@3 MOVE.W D1,IORefnum(A0) ; note the refnum of WDCB entry <28Aug85>
MOVEQ #FBsyErr,D0 ; directory is busy <28Aug85>
BRA.S @2 ; <28Aug85>
; Routine: CkFileBusy
; Arguments: A0.L (input) -- IO parameter block ptr
; A2.L (input) -- VCB pointer
; A5.L (input) -- file directory entry pointer
; D0.W (output) -- result code (0 if file not open)
; D1.W (output) -- FCB index if file busy
; D2.L (output) -- FilFLNum(A5)
; All other registers are preserved.
; Calls: Gt1stFCB,GtNxtFCB
; Called by: FileDelete,MFSDelete,GetFileInfo,GetMFlInfo
; Function: Searches FCB buffer to see if the file directory entry
; pointed to by A5 is already open.
; Modification History:
; 10 Dec 82 LAK New today.
; 16 Jan 83 LAK Now calls procs to search thru FCBs.
; 20 Apr 83 LAK Changed to return refnum of entry found when file is
; found to be busy already.
; 29 Aug 83 LAK Changed to use Gt1stMatch instead of Gt1stFCB, GtNxtFCB.
; Now returns file number in D2 (no one uses it tho).
; 10 Mar 85 PWD Changed to check volume sigword and handle (possibly) different
; file descriptor data structures to find file number.
MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; Preserve A1
MOVE.L FilFLNum(A5),D2 ; Get file number from TFS cat. entry
BSR TFSVCBTst ; Are we dealing with a TFS volume? <01Oct85>
BEQ.S @0 ; If TFS, handle TFS catalog entries
MOVE.L FlFlNum(A5),D2 ; get the file number from MFS dir. entry
; scan through the FCBs and look for a match of file number and same volume
@0 BSR Gt1stMatch
BEQ.S @2 ; fail if any match
@1 MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ; restore A1
@2 MOVE.W D1,IORefnum(A0) ; note the refnum of fcb entry
MOVEQ #FBsyErr,D0 ; file is busy
BRA.S @1
; Routine: FileDelete
; (c) 1983 Apple Computer, Inc.
; Arguments: A0.L (input) -- pointer to I/O parameter block; uses:
; IOFileName,IOFileType
; D0.W (output) -- error code
; This call may be executed asynchronously.
; Calls: FSQueue,DtrmVol,CVFlgs,FndFilName,CkFileBusy,DAlBlks,RemovEntry,
; CmdDone
; Function: Delete a file. The file is removed from
; the directory and its blocks are freed up (both resource and
; normal fork blocks are deallocated). The entry is zeroed and
; any following entries are moved down. All blocks associated
; with the file are marked free in the block map and the VCB
; info is marked dirty.
; Modification History:
; 09 Dec 82 LAK Redid for new file data structures.
; 10 Dec 82 LAK Broke out routine to search FCBs by filenum (share it
; with GetFileInfo).
; 14 Dec 82 LAK Removed undelete scheme.
; 16 Jan 83 LAK Modified RemovEntry for new directory format (no entry
; length); updated documentation.
; 04 Jun 83 LAK No longer calls DtrmVol (this is done by FndFilName) since
; case of write-protected diskette is a low-percentage hit.
; Uses CkFilMod subroutine to save code.
; 9 May 85 PWD CkFlMod no longer checks for file entry, so directories can
; be deleted at last. Directories with files still in them
; cause a FBsyErr.
; 9-Aug-85 PWD Changed to leave VCB file/directory count up to CMDeleteCN
; <28Aug85> LAK Don't delete a directory if there's a WDCB open for it.
; <14Jan87> BB Fixed FileDelete to return "paramErr" error rather than the file
; system internal error "FSDSIntErr" if attempting to delete
; the root directory. NOTE: this is not patched for the Mac+
; or MAUI.
BSR FSQueue ; queue it up
BSR CkFilMod ; find File and check if we can mod vol.
; If we've made it this far without being derailed into CmdDone, the volume is
; writable and we know the file exists: now see if file is locked or is busy.
BSR TFSVCBTst ; Are we dealing with a TFS volume? <01Oct85>
BNE MFSDelete ; If not, leave it to the MFS code.
MOVEQ #FLckdErr,D0 ; assume locked
BTST #FilWrtFlag,FilFlags(A5) ; well, is it?
BNE.S FDelExit ; br if so
BCLR #DirCN,HFSFlags ; Assume it's not a directory
CMP.B #CMDirCN,cdrType(A5); Is the CNode a directory?
BNE.S @1 ; Nope.
BSET #DirCN,HFSFlags ; Otherwise, set a flag for future reference
BSR.S CkDirBusy ; Is the directory busy?
BRA.S @2 ; br to check
@1 CMP.B #cdrFilRec,cdrType(A5) ; Is this a file?
BNE.S DeleteIt ; If not, it won't be open
MOVE.L D2,-(A6) ; Save D2 across CkFileBusy call
BSR.S CkFileBusy ; Check if the file is busy?
MOVE.L (A6)+,D2 ; restore D2
TST.W D0 ; busy?
@2 BNE.S FDelExit ; exit if busy . . .
; Free up the space previously occupied by the file's contents:
DeleteIt BSR PushCName ; Create a copy of the string on the stack:
MOVE.L D2,-(A6) ; Save D2 for use as 'scratch'
MOVE.L D7,D2 ; Catalog hint
CMP.B #CMFilCN,cdrType(A5); Is this a file?
BNE.S @0 ; If not, it doesn't occupy any real space
MOVE.L FilFLNum(A5),D0 ; Get file number from TFS cat. entry <20Sep85>
JSR TrashFBlocks ; Trash all file blocks (pass A2,D0) <20Sep85>
MOVE.L D6,D0 ; DirID from FindFilName <21Sep85>
JSR DeallocFile ; Free disk space occupied by file
BNE.S FDelExit ; Punt on errors
; Restore parent ID and remove the file from the catalog:
@0 MOVE.L D6,D0 ; Parent directory ID
JSR CMDeleteCN ; Delete the catalog node
MOVE.L (A6)+,D2 ; Restore rounded string length again
BSR PopCName ; Remove CName from A6 stack again
CMP.W #CMNotEmpty,D0 ; Was the directory non-empty?
BNE.S @1 ; No - something else went wrong <14Jan87>
MOVEQ #FBsyErr,D0 ; Recycle a nice error code
BRA.S FDelExit ; exit FileDelete <14Jan87>
@1 CMP.W #CMRootCN,D0 ; attempt to delete the root directory? <14Jan87>
BNE.S FDelExit ; no, exit FileDelete <14Jan87>
MOVEQ #paramErr,D0 ; yes, return illegal param error code <14Jan87>
FDelExit BRA CmdDone
; Routine: ReName
; Arguments: A0 (input) -- pointer to parameter block:
; D0 (output) -- error code
; Calls: FSQueue,DtrmVol,FndFilName,CVFlgs,RemovEntry,FndFilSpc,
; GtEntryLen,CmdDone
; Function: Rename a file or a volume. For files, the directory is
; first searched for the target name (to make sure we don't
; get two files with the same name). If not found, the directory
; is then searched for the real file (using the source name);
; the entry is copied onto the stack and removed from the directory
; block. FndFilSpc is used to find space for the changed entry.
; Modification History:
; 09 Dec 82 LAK Changed to use a new rename algorithm; updated for new
; file system data structures.
; 16 Jan 83 LAK Updated for final data structures.
; 05 Jun 83 LAK Added change to allow rename of a file to itself (for case
; changes).
; 29 Aug 83 LAK Fixed bug: rename now updates FCBs for the renamed file (opened
; files may be renamed) to point to correct directory block.
; 19 Jun 85 PWD Added quick fix for renaming files with same name on TFS
; volumes: changed to NOP instead of calling CMRenameCN
; 9-Aug-85 PWD Reverted to calling CMRenameCN for case changes.
; Test: no more room in directory case . . .
; renaming a volume
; renaming both file and volume with 0-length name.
BSR FSQueue ; what a queue command!
MOVE.L IONewName(A0),D2 ; check out the new name
BSR DtrmV2 ; find what volume the new name is on
BNE RNmVol ; br if error (may want to rename vol)
TST.W D2 ; check name length
BEQ RNmVol1 ; if zero, may be volume-conflict rename
MOVE.L A2,A1 ; save volume for the destination name
MOVE.W D3,D7 ; save vol specified indication
MOVEM.L D2/A4,FSTemp8 ; save dest name ptr and length
BSR DtrmV3 ; det vol source name is on
BNE.S RNmExit ; exit if we can't determine volume
CMPA.L A1,A2 ; are the names on the same volume?
BEQ.S NmOK ; if so, life may be beautiful
TST.W D7 ; otherwise, if dest didn't specify volume,
BEQ.S NmOK ; it's ok (just use source's volume)
BadNewNam MOVEQ #BdNamErr,D0 ; names are on different vols
RNmExit CMP.W #BTExists,D0 ; B*-Tree error?
BNE.S @5 ;
MOVEQ #dupFNErr,D0 ; If entry exists, give better error code
@5 BRA CmdDone ; that's all folks.
NmOK BSR CVFlgs ; is the volume locked/write protected?
BNE.S RNmExit ; exit if so
BSR TFSVCBTst ; Are we dealing with a TFS volume? <01Oct85>
BNE MFSRename ; If not, different rules apply
BSR FndFilName ; search directory for the source file
BNE.S RNmExit ; if not around, bummers
MOVEQ #FLckdErr,D0 ; assume locked <05Sep85>
BTST #FilWrtFlag,FilFlags(A5) ; well, is it? <05Sep85>
BNE.S RNmExit ; br if so <05Sep85>
MOVE.L D6,D4 ; Save source DirID
MOVE.L D7,D5 ; and corresponding catalog hint
MOVEM.L D2/D4-D5/A4,-(A6) ; Save source file name and length
MOVE.L IOFileName(A0),-(A6); Save source file spec.
MOVE.L IONewName(A0),D2 ; Get full new name
MOVE.L D2,IOFileName(A0) ; Try it out for a name
BSR FndFilName ; Look for the new file
MOVEM.L D2/A4,FSTemp8 ; save dest name ptr and length
MOVE.L (A6)+,IOFileName(A0); Restore original file name
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D2/D4-D5/A4 ; Restore source name and length
TST.W D0 ; Re-check result from FndFilName
BNE.S @10 ; Error is expected
; The destination exists: before giving up completely, though, check if perhaps
; the new file name is the same as the old (though perhaps with slighly more
; pleasing case, for instance):
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; preserve parameter block pointer
MOVEM.L D2/A4,-(A6) ;
MOVE.W D2,D0 ; source name length
MOVE.L A4,A0 ; source name ptr
MOVEM.L FSTemp8,D2/A4 ; Retrieve dest. name and length
MOVE.W D2,D0 ; new name length
MOVE.L A4,A1 ; new name ptr
_CmpString ; see if it's a case of the same name
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D2/A4 ; Recover source name, length
BNE.S @5 ; br if not
CMP.L D4,D6 ; Source and dest. DirID identical?
BEQ.S @30 ; If they are, this is a duplicate
; We weren't changing the case of an existing filename:
@5 MOVEQ #DupFNErr,D0 ; duplicate file name if found
@10 CMP.W #FNFErr,D0 ; file should not have been found
BNE.S RNmExit ; else exit for ext fs, vol offline errs
; A final check: did the attempt to find the destination file end in the
; same directory?
@20 CMP.L D4,D6 ; Compare source and dest. dirs, resp.
BNE BadNewNam ; If they differ, we'd be in trouble
; (leave data on A6 stack)
; OK, all seems well so far, rename the CNode as requested:
@30 BSR PushCName ; Set up source name string on A6 stack
MOVE.L D2,-(SP) ; Save rounded source name length
MOVEA.L A0,A1 ; Stash it for now
MOVEM.L FSTemp8,D2/A4 ; Retrieve dest. name and length
BSR PushCName ; set up source name on A6 stack
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; Save rounded source length more permanently
MOVE.L D2,-(A6) ; Save rounded dest. length, too
EXG A0,A1 ; Put them in their proper order
MOVE.L D4,D0 ; Source DirID
MOVE.L D5,D2 ; Source Catalog hint
; ( From RenameCheckVolNameLength ) <SM1>
CMP.L #FSRtParID,d0 ; Renamed an entry in root's parent [root]? <SM1>
BEQ.S @checkName ; If so, go update vol. name <SM1>
CMP.L #FSRtDirID,d0 ; Finally, check for rear entries <SM1>
BNE.S @noProblem ; If it's not this, we're all set. <SM1>
MOVE.L a0, -4(sp) ; test by storing onto live stack <SM1>
BNE.S @noProblem ; non-zero entries here are not for us <SM1>
; <SM1>
@checkName CMP.B #VCBMaxNam,(a1) ; max volume name is 27 characters <SM1>
BLS.S @noProblem ; <SM1>
; <SM1>
@badName MOVEQ.L #bdNamErr,d0 ; Don't change vol. name if new <SM1>
Bra.S @70 ; name is longer than 27 characters <SM1>
; <SM1>
@noProblem JSR CMRenameCN ; Update the catalog <SM1>
MOVE.L D2,D7 ; New catalog hint
TST.W D0 ; Error on Rename?
BNE.S @70 ; Don't change vol. name on errors
CMP.L #FSRtParID,D4 ; Renamed an entry in root's parent [root]?
BEQ.S @50 ; If so, go update vol. name
CMP.L #FSRtDirID,D4 ; Finally, check for rear entries
BNE.S @70 ; If it's not this, we're all set.
TST.L 4(A6) ; Check rounded source length
BGT.S @70 ; Non-null source name length: no dice.
@50 BSR SetVolName ; Update the volume name
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; If we're here, all is well
MOVEQ #FSRtParID,D6 ; Make this case easier to spot...
@70 MOVE.L (A6)+,D2 ; Restore the rounded dest. string length
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; Relocate the rounded source length
BSR PopCName ; Remove dest. name string
MOVE.L (SP)+,D2 ; Recover rounded source length
BSR PopCName ; Remove source string from A6 stack
TST.W D0 ; Did an error occur on the rename?
BNE RNmExit ; If so, punt.
CMPI.L #FSRtParID,D6 ; Working with the root directory?
BEQ RNmExit ; Yes - we're all set.
; Finally, update any FCBs for the file if it's currently open:
MOVEM.L FSTemp8,D2/A4 ; Retrieve dest. name and length
BSR PushCName ; set up source name on A6 stack
MOVE.L D2,-(A6) ; Save rounded dest. length, too
MOVE.L D6,D0 ; Set up DirID
MOVE.L D7,D2 ; Recover catalog hint
JSR CMGetCN ; Look up the Catalog entry
MOVE.L (A6)+,D2 ; Recover rounded string length
BSR PopCName ; Remove name from A6 stack
TST.W D0 ; So how DID the lookup go?
BNE RNmExit ; Punt on errors
CMPI.B #cdrDirRec,cdrType(A1) ; Is it a directory? <SM1>
BEQ RNmExit ; Hey! we shouldn't even be here... <SM1>
MOVE.B D2,D3 ; Save dest. name length
MOVEA.L A1,A5 ; Stash the catalog entry pointer
MOVEA.L A4,A0 ; Point to source CName
MOVE.L FilFlNum(A5),D2 ; Pick out the file number
BSR Gt1stMatch ; Find the first file with a matching FlNum
BNE RNmExit ; If there are none, we're all set
@100 MOVE.L D7,FCBCatPos(A1,D1) ; Set new catalog hint (may have changed)
LEA FCBCName(A1,D1),A1 ; Point to CName to be filled in
MOVE.B D3,(A1)+ ; Store CName length
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; make sure high word is clear <29Aug85>
MOVE.B D3,D0 ; Set up for block move
_BlockMove ; Copy in the name
MOVEA.L FCBsPtr,A1 ; Restore A1 to its former glory
BSR GtNxtMatch ; And look for the next FCB
BEQ.S @100 ; If found, do it all again
RNmExOK MOVEQ #0,D0 ; no errors
RNmEx1 BRA RNmExit
; User is trying to rename a volume. Give it a try . . .
RNmVol CMP.W #NSVErr,D0 ; make sure it's no-such-vol error
TST.W D2 ; name length should be zero
BNE BadNewNam
RNmVol1 CMP.W #VCBMaxNam,d3 ; is the proposed name too long? <SM1>
BHI.S BadNewNam ; > 27 is too long (FixVolumeRenames case 1)<SM1>
TST.W D3 ; volume name should be non-zero
BEQ.S RNmEx1 ; br if nil
BSR DtrmV3 ; check source volume <20Sep85>
BNE.S RNmEx1 ; exit if no such volume
BSR CVFlgs ; see if can do.
BNE.S RNmEx1 ; br if no modification allowed
; TST.W VCBDrvNum(A2) ; make sure it's on-line, too
; BEQ.S RNmEx1 ; exit if not . . .
CMPI.W #$4244,VCBSigWord(A2); HFS volume? <15APR86> PWD
BEQ.S @50 ; Yes - make sure it's not ext. FS <15APR86> PWD
TST.W VCBDrvNum(A2) ; Volume on-line? <15APR86> PWD
BEQ.S RNmEx1 ; No - just forget it <15APR86> PWD
BRA.S @70 ; Yes - go and rename it <15APR86> PWD
@50 BSR ExtOffLinCk ; Our file system, on-line volume? <15APR86> PWD
BNE.S RNmEx1 ; If not, get out now <15APR86> PWD
@70 ; <15APR86> PWD
MOVE.L IONewName(A0),A1 ; get new name pointer
BSR SetVolName ; Change the volume name (blows D0) <13Jan86>
BSR TFSVCBTst ; Are we dealing with a TFS volume? <01Oct85>
BNE.S RNmExOK ; If not, we're all set (exit D0=0) <13Jan86>
; For Turbo volumes, the name of the root is maintained with the volume name:
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; No catalog hint for rename
MOVEQ #FSRtDirID,D0 ; Root directory
MOVEA.L D2,A0 ; Nil CName pointer
LEA VCBVN(A2),A1 ; Point at new name
JSR CMRenameCN ; Rename the catalog root directory
BRA RNmExit ; we're done (and hopefully OK)
; Routine: TFMove
; Arguments: A0 (input) -- pointer to parameter block:
; D0 (output) -- error code
; Calls: FSQueue,DtrmVol,FndFilName,CVFlgs,RemovEntry,FndFilSpc,
; GtEntryLen,CmdDone
; Function: Move a Cnode into a different directory
; Modification History:
; 13 Mar 85 PWD New today
; 6-Aug-85 PWD Fixed to call external file system for ext. fs volumes.
; 7-Aug-85 PWD Fixed to handle CMExists errors (generate DupFNErr)
; 9-Aug-85 PWD Changed to let CMMoveCN take care of updating VCB
; file/directory count fields.
; 22-Aug-85 PWD Fixed bug in dest. vol. determination by saving old FileName Ptr
BSR FSQueue ; Wait our turn
MOVE.L ioFileName(A0),-(A6); Save filename pointer <22Aug85>
MOVE.L IONewName(A0),ioFileName(A0) ; Use new file name <22Aug85>
BSR DtrmV3 ; To check dest. volume
MOVE.L (A6)+,ioFileName(A0); Restore original file name <22Aug85>
MOVE.L A2,A1 ; Save destination volume
MOVE.W D3,D7 ; Save volume spec'd indication
BSR DtrmV3 ; det vol source name is on
BNE.S MvExit ; exit if we can't determine volume
CMP.L A1,A2 ; are the names on the same volume?
BEQ.S MvNmOK ; if so, things are still OK
TST.W D7 ; otherwise, if dest didn't specify a volume,
BEQ.S MvNmOK ; it's ok: use source vol. as real default
BadMvName MOVEQ #BdNamErr,D0 ; Return bad name error
MvExit BRA CmdDone ; And terminate this I/O operation.
MvNmOK BSR CVFlgs ; is the volume locked/write protected?
BNE.S MvExit ; exit if so
BSR ExtOffLinCk ; Check if vol is on-line, and ours
BNE.S MvExit ; Punt if it's not
MOVEQ #ParamErr,D0 ; Assume all won't be well
BSR TFSVCBTst ; Are we dealing with a TFS volume? <01Oct85>
BNE.S MvExit ; If not, none of this makes sense
BSR FndFilName ; search directory for the source CNode
BNE.S MvExit ; if not around, bummers
MOVEQ #0,D3 ; Assume it's not a file for now
CMP.B #CDRFilRec,CDRType(A5) ; Is CNode a file?
BNE.S @0 ; If not, there's no file number to use later
MOVE.L filFlNum(A5),D3 ; Save file number
@0 MOVE.L D6,D4 ; Save source DirID
MOVE.L D7,D5 ; and corresponding catalog hint
MOVEM.L D2/A4,FSTemp8 ; Save source file name and length
MOVE.L IOFileName(A0),-(A6); Save source file spec.
MOVE.L IODirID(A0),-(A6) ; Save source DirID
MOVE.L IONewName(A0),IOFileName(A0) ; Get full new name
MOVE.L IONewDirID(A0),IODirID(A0) ; And new DirID spec
MOVEM.L D3-D5,-(A6) ; Save shelter registers across FndFilName
BSR FndFilName ; Look for the new file
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D3-D5 ; Restore copies of source DirID and hint
MOVE.L (A6)+,IODirID(A0) ; Restore original DirID
MOVE.L (A6)+,IOFileName(A0); Restore original file name
TST.W D0 ; Re-check result from FndFilName
BEQ.S @1 ; No error: check if CNode = directory
; There is one error expected from FndFilName: BdNamErr, which is returned for
; zero-length file names. Normally, this is uncool, but here we may be able
; to make do with just the DirID:
CMP.W #BdNamErr,D0 ; Was error as expected?
BNE.S MvExit ; Nope - pass it unchanged
TST.W D2 ; Check name length
BNE.S BadMvName ; If non-zero, it really IS bad news
BRA.S @2
@1 CMP.B #CDRDirRec,CDRType(A5) ; Was CNode found a directory?
BNE.S BadMvName ; If not, that's trouble
MOVE.L DIRDirID(A5),D6 ; Get this directory's ID
MOVEQ #0,D7 ; Hint is lost in the shuffle
@2 MOVEM.L FSTemp8,D2/A4 ; Retrieve source name and length
CMP.L D4,D6 ; Source and dest. DirID identical?
BEQ.S MvExOK ; If so, we're all set now
; OK, all seems well so far, move the CNode as requested:
BSR PushCName ; Set up dest. name string on A6 stack
MOVE.L D2,-(A6) ; Push rounded D2
MOVE.L D3,-(A6) ; Save file number
MOVE.L D4,D0 ; Source DirID
MOVE.L D5,D2 ; Source Catalog hint
MOVE.L D6,D1 ; Destination DirID
MOVE.L D7,D3 ; Destination catalog hint
SUBA.L A1,A1 ; Dest. is fully specified by dirID
JSR CMMoveCN ; Update the catalog
MOVE.L D2,D7 ; Stash the new catalog hint
MOVE.L (A6)+,D3 ; Restore file number
MOVE.L (A6)+,D2 ; Restore the rounded dest. string length
BSR PopCName ; Remove source name string
TST.W D0 ; So how DID the move go?
BEQ.S @10 ; If EQ, fine.
CMP.W #CMExists,D0 ; Just a duplication of effort here?
BNE.S @3 ; If not, that's REAL BAD news.
MOVEQ #DupFNErr,D0 ; Say it in words intelligble to the user
@3 BRA MvExit ; And PUNT.
; Finally, update any FCBs for the file if it's currently open:
@10 MOVE.L D3,D2 ; Set the file number to search for
BEQ.S MvExOK ; If it wasn't a file, don't bother looking
BSR Gt1stMatch ; Find the first file with a matching FlNum
BNE.S MvExOK ; If there are none, we're all set
@20 MOVE.L D7,FCBCatPos(A1,D1) ; Update catalog hint
MOVE.L D6,FCBDirID(A1,D1) ; Set up the new DirID
BSR GtNxtMatch ; And look for the next FCB
BEQ.S @20
MvExOK MOVEQ #0,D0 ; no errors
MvEx1 BRA MvExit