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synced 2025-03-13 00:31:04 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
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158 lines
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File: CrsrDevPriv.h
Contains: equates for new mouse/trackball/etc. acceleration code
Ported to C from CrsrDevEqu.a
Written by: Ian Hendry
Copyright: © 1993-1994 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<SM3> 2/4/94 IH Fix low mem defines.
<2> 9/10/93 IH Make it compile. Correct Copyright date.
<1> 9/9/93 IH First ported from CrsrDevEqu.a (not even compiled yet I don't want to forget to check it in)
To Do:
Make UPP for SetCrsrDelayVector.
#pragma once
#ifndef __CRSRDEVPRIV__
#define __CRSRDEVPRIV__
// --------- button operations ---------
enum {
btnNoOp = 0, // No action for this button
btnSingleClick = 1, // Normal mouse button
btnDoubleClick = 2, // Click-release-click when pressed
btnClickLock = 3, // Click on press, release on next press
btnCharStroke = 4, // A keystroke, data=(modifiers, char code)
btnAppleScript = 5, // An AppleScript
btnCustom = 6 // Custom behavior, data=proc pointer
// --------- Device Classes ---------
enum {
classAbsolute = 0, // a flat-response device
classMouse = 1, // mechanical or optical mouse
classTrackball = 2, // trackball
classScratchPad = 3, // (midas)
classJoystick = 4, // (homeRow)
classRelTablet = 5 // relative tablet
struct CrsrDevSegmentRec {
Fixed devUnits; // highest device speed for this segment
Fixed slope; // multiplier for device speed (crsr speed/dev speed)
Fixed intercept; // offset to produce cursor speed
typedef struct CrsrDevSegment CrsrDevSegment;
struct CrsrDevRec {
struct CrsrDevRec* nextCrsrDev; // ptr to next record in linked list
struct CrsrDataRec* whichCursor; // ptr to data for target cursor
long refCon; // Application defined
long unused; // reserved for future
long devID; // device identifier (from ADB reg 1)
long resolution; // units/inch (orig. from ADB reg 1)
char devClass; // device class (from ADB reg 1)
char cntButtons; // # of buttons (from ADB reg 1)
char unused1; // align
char buttons; // state of all buttons
char buttonOp[8]; // action performed per button
long buttonTicks[8]; // ticks when button last went up (for debounce)
long buttonData[8]; // data for the button operation
long doubleClickTime; // device-specific double click speed
long acceleration; // current acceleration
Ptr accelPoints; // Private: Ptr to array of (dev_delta, slope, intercept)
long deltaX; // Private: accumulated deltas
long deltaY; // Private: "
long errorX; // Private: accumulated errors
long errorY; // Private: "
short denom; // Private: fraction of the errors to use next time
short spread; // Private: Number of samples to spread errors over
char newData; // Private: set when deltas are new
char unused2; // align
typedef struct CrsrDevRec CrsrDevRec,*CrsrDevPtr;
struct CrsrDataRec {
struct CrsrDataRec* nextCrsrData; // next in global list
Ptr displayInfo; // unused (FUTURE: display info for this cursor)
Fixed whereX; // horizontal position
Fixed whereY; // vertical position
Point where; // the pixel position
Boolean isAbs; // has been stuffed with absolute coords
char buttonCount; // number of buttons currently pressed
Fixed screenRes; // Pixels per inch on the current display
short screenDelay; // minimum number of VBLs between subsequent crsr redraws <H3>
short reserved; // future expansion <H3>
Ptr scrnDelayPtr; // ptr to table of screen delay values <H3>
long alsoreserved; // future expansion <H3>
long scrnDelayTbl[8]; // default tbl for <refnum><screen delay> pairs <H3>
typedef struct CrsrDataRec CrsrDataRec, *CrsrDataPtr;
struct CrsrDevGlobalsRec {
CrsrDevPtr firstCrsrDev; // head of the cursor device list
CrsrDataPtr firstCrsrData; // points to THE ONLY cursor data record
ProcPtr SetCrsrDelayVector; // points to routine that updates screen crsr delay <H3>
ProcPtr DrawCrsrVBLVector; // vectors final drawing stage of CrsrDevHandleVBL <H3>
char crsrDevFlags; // Flags <SM3>
char MoreCrsrDevFlags; // <SM3>
long reserved; // future expansion <H3>
typedef struct CrsrDevGlobalsRec CrsrDevGlobalsRec, *CrsrDevGlobalsPtr;
// CrsrDevFlags bit definitions
enum {
kSkipCrsrDrawBit = 0 // Force the CrsrDevHandleVBL to skip drawing the cursor <SM3>
// jump entry for DrawCursor & EraseCursor
#define DrawCrsrVector 0x1FB8
#define EraseCrsrVector 0x1FBC
// Never tested these. Make sure they work if you are the first one to use them.
#define GetDrawCrsrVector() (*(ProcPtr *)(DrawCrsrVector))
#define SetDrawCrsrVector(x) (*(ProcPtr *)(DrawCrsrVector) = (x))
#define GetEraseCrsrVector() (*(ProcPtr *)(EraseCrsrVector))
#define SetEraseCrsrVector(x) (*(ProcPtr *)(EraseCrsrVector) = (x))
// Misc. equates
// Not needed in .h file but included for completeness
//#define mouseAddr = 03 // default address of mice (DEFINED ELSEWHERE
//enum {
// extDevHand = 04, // handler 04 = extended type mouse device
// kDefaulFrameRate = 67 // 67 frames/sec
#endif |