mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 00:31:04 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
696 lines
30 KiB
696 lines
30 KiB
File: TSMPrivate.h
Contains: Text Services Manager's private header file
Written by: Kenny SC. Tung
Copyright: © 1991-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<44> 8/4/92 DCL Moved InformTSM out of the public eye and into TSMPrivate.
<43> 7/16/92 KST #1034952 <Kda>: Added one new patchMask bit constant --
<42> 7/8/92 KST #1033475 <JH>: Added a new routine utScriptIsCCJKAndNeedsIM().
<41> 7/8/92 KST <JH>: Changed the routine name utHasNoInputMethod() to
utScriptIsNotCCJK() to be more descriptive.
<40> 6/26/92 KST #1033450,1033456,1031316 <JH>: utCloseIM4Document() will now
take an extra parameter to indicate if it should send
HidePallete() command to input method. Only set it to true when
called in SetDefaultInputMethod().
<39> 6/17/92 KST #1030843 <JH>: Added one field in TSM global for
__PopupMenuSelect patch. Also changed the function name from
utaIsApplicationTSMAware to utaIsAppTSMAwareAndNotUsingIW to be
more precise and descriptive.
<38> 6/16/92 KST <JH>: Added one new patchMask bit constant and a new field in
TSM document record.
<37> 6/14/92 KST #1032463 <JH>: Changed utaRemoveDocumentID to return the number
of TSM documents remained open by the application.
<36> 6/13/92 KST #1032463 <JH>: Added 2 new function prototypes --
utDeleteAppsMenu, utDeleteSysMenu.
<35> 6/10/92 KST #1031142,1030881 <JH>: Added global tsmUseInputWindowDoc. Added
a new private for SWM TSMEventFromSWM to solve the
UseInputWindow problem.
<34> 6/2/92 pvh Change MenuList to ApplicationMenuList since MenuList is already
in SysMisc.h. Send John back to Japan.
<33> 6/2/92 JH <KST>: Added global variable for original menuID of FEP menus.
<32> 5/19/92 KST #1029247 <hsK>: Added prototype for a new routine: utBadSandL.
<31> 5/14/92 KST #1025797,<JH>: Added one new message selector 'kMsgHelpHELPMgr'
to InformTSM.
<30> 5/1/92 KST #1027482,<JH>: Added a constant -- kSWMJustSetCursor.
<29> 5/1/92 KST #1028301,<JH>: JH,#1028301: kMaxTSMSelector has changed because
SetTSMDialogState, RestoreTSMDialogState.. etc has been removed.
<28> 5/1/92 JH Added a byte field to globals that is used to set bit flags that
our SetCursor patch will use.
<27> 4/10/92 KST Adding more documentations.
<26> 4/9/92 KST JH,Adding a control parameterblock for communicating with the
swmdrvr. Adding 2 selectors for InformTSM. TSM global is now
shared with SWM driver.
<25> 3/30/92 KST JH, added a special TSM document signature --
kTSMShadowDocumentSig to represent the document handle is temp.
allocated (the real one has been deleted).
<24> 3/30/92 KST JH, 1025008, 1025009. First attempt to solve the pallete/menu
bar flickering problem. Also, we synchronize the keyboard menu
with the script of the TSM document. Added 2 new calls:
utForceDeactivateIM4Document and utSoftDeactivateIM4Document.
<23> 3/23/92 KST Changed internal Assembly routine's name to "utaXXX".
<22> 3/16/92 KST Removed DocumentID parameter from TSMEvent, TSMMenuSelect, and
SetTSMCursor calls. It applies to the current active TSM
<21> 3/12/92 KST We now store a refcon in each document record. Added refcon
mapping cache in TSM globals.
<20> 3/4/92 KST Added new fields "tsmSetCursorProc", and "tsmSavedCursorState"
in TSM globals.
<19> 3/3/92 KST kMaxTSMSelector is now 28.
<18> 3/2/92 KST Included "Layers.h".
<17> 3/2/92 KST Moved kMaxTSMSelector to TSMPrivate.h, and added a new private
trap selector "NewTSMDocument4SWM".
<16> 3/2/92 KST Added a private call "NewTSMDocument4SWM", which function the
same as "NewTSMDocument" but will not activate input method.
<15> 2/28/92 KST Added a new field "tsmSavedLayer" in TSM globals.
<14> 2/27/92 KST Added a field "tsmKillApplicationP" in TSM globals. Added a new
call "utDeleteMenu".
<13> 2/25/92 KST Defined a new AE event ID: kCloseSWMWindow for closing SWM
<12> 2/25/92 KST Added more documentation about internal TSM data structures.
<11> 2/11/92 DCL Changed the name of TSMEqu.[aph] to TextServices.[aph] for
better read-ability.
<10> 2/10/92 KST Adding prototypes for TSM calls.
<9> 2/10/92 KST Change the default input method resource format to save the FEP
ID info for using old Japanese input method.
<8> 2/3/92 KST TSM needs a flag to tell if we are using the old Japanese Input
Method when JIM is changed.
<7> 2/1/92 KST We don't have a global flag in TSM globals to indicate using
bottom window. Change the byte to indicate the number of active
text services for ease of debugging.
<6> 1/29/92 KST Moved default input method instance table out of TSM globals to
Document record. Each document now owns their own instance of
the IM.
<5> 1/16/92 KST Add a field to indicate if the menu for the default input method
is in the menu bar.
<4> 1/11/92 KST TSM globals now has an input method table to store the open
default input methods for CJK scripts.
<3> 1/11/92 KST The default input method is not opened for each document.
Instead, it is always open and saved in TSM globals.
<2> 1/9/92 KST Adding a new call, utUpdateDocFlagInPSNTable.
<5> 12/31/91 KST Moved from TextServiceMgr folder to Internal folder.
<4> 12/27/91 KST Moved ComponentResult error codes to TSMEqu.h.
<3> 12/20/91 KST Making progress.
<2> 12/10/91 KST Check in the first time.
/* ********************************************************************************
* File: "TSMPrivate.h"
* Written by Kenny SC. Tung
* Modification History:
* 09Dec91 KSCT New today.
* ¥ TSM is a simple piece of system software, what makes it complicated is the
* task to maintain keyboard and input method synchronization. Use or not to use
* the input window. And of course, the support of SWM.
* ¥ TSM has to be reentrant. There are many cases where TSM trap is called from
* within itself.
* ******************************************************************************** */
#ifndef __TSMPrivate__
#define __TSMPrivate__
#include <TextServices.h>
#include <ExpandMemPriv.h>
#ifndef __FILES__
#include <Files.h>
#ifndef __LAYERS__
#include <LAYERS.h>
/* AE event ID (used by SWM only ... */
#define kCloseSWMWindow ((short)6001) /* Close SWM Window */
#define kAppleEventParams ((short)6000) /* pass SWM an AppleEvent */
typedef struct SWMparams {
union {
struct {
AppleEvent *IncomingAppleEvent;
AppleEvent *ReplyAppleEvent;
} aeStruct;
EventRecord *event;
} u;
} SWMparams;
#define kNoSuchScript (ScriptCode) 0xFFFF /* there is no such script code */
#define ExpanMem (*(ExpandMemRec **)(0x2B6))
#define TSMTEInterfaceType 'tmTE' /* private type for Japanese <17Jun93 #39> */
/* ********************************************************************************************** */
/* messages to TSM ... */
#define kMsgNoOP 0 // no op (parameter is ignored)
#define kMsgBkgAppsPSN 1 // background application's PSN (parameter = SWM's ProcessSerialNumberPtr)
#define kMsgKillTSMApp 2 // kill TSM aware application (parameter = ProcessSerialNumberPtr)
#define kMsgChangeToOldJIM 3 // switch to old Japanese Input Method (parameter = scriptID record pointer)
#define kMsgSuspendApp 4 // a non-TSM aware app got suspended
#define kMsgResumeApp 5 // resume a non-TSM aware app
#define kMsgHelpHELPMgr 6 // open Component's resource file for Help Mgr
typedef struct { /* parameter for kMsgChangeToOldJIM */
ScriptCode sidScript; /* script of this old input method */
short sidFEPID; /* FEP ID */
} ScriptIDRecord, *ScriptIDRecordPtr;
#define kMaxMsgNumber kMsgHelpHELPMgr
#define kTSMSuspend 0 // suspend the app
#define kTSMResume 0xFFFF // resume the app
/* Private TSM traps ...
The last selector is kFindServiceWindow = 23 as defined in TextServices.h ... */
#define kInformTSM 22 // inform TSM
#define kNewTSMDocument4SWM 24 // create new TSM aware document but don't activate input method <#17> <#19>
#define kTSMEventFromSWM 25 // TSM event called by SWM <#35>
#define kMaxTSMSelector kTSMEventFromSWM // <#35>
pascal OSErr NewTSMDocument4SWM(short numOfInterface, OSType supportedInterfaceTypes[], TSMDocumentID *idocID)
= { 0x303C,kNewTSMDocument4SWM, TSMTrapNum };
pascal Boolean TSMEventFromSWM(EventRecord *eventPtr) // new call for SWM <#35>
= { 0x303C,kTSMEventFromSWM, TSMTrapNum };
pascal OSErr InformTSM(short msgNumber, void *msgParamPtr) // clean up TSM aware app.
= { 0x303C, kInformTSM, TSMTrapNum };
/* ¥¥ ******************************************* ¥¥ */
/* resource type for default input method saved in System file */
/* (if you change something in here, be sure to change TSMPrivate.a too !) */
#define kTSMDefInputMethodType kInputMethodService
#define kTSMDefInputMethodID -8192
#define kSavedDefaultIMCount 4 /* CCJK, 4 scripts */
#define kINPMresourceSig 'tsmr' /* signature of the saved default IM resource in system file */
#define kUseOldJapaneseIM -1000 // moved from public to private
/* Each saved input method has a record with the following info ... */
/* if imUseOldInputMethodP is true, then imOldInputMethodID contains the FEPID, -- <06Feb92 #9>
if imUseOldInputMethodP is false, then imOldInputMethodID is undefined. -- <06Feb92 #9>
If imValidP == true, and imUseOldInputMethodP == false, then imCDRec contains a valid CD. */
typedef struct {
Boolean imValidP; /* true if record contains valid info */
Boolean imUseOldInputMethodP; /* true if user wants to use old input method as the default <#9> */
short imOldInputMethodFEPID; /* if imUseOldInputMethodP is true, then this is its FEP ID <#9> */
LangCode imLanguage; /* language code for the script */
ComponentDescription imCDRec; /* component description */
} IMSRecord;
/* default input method information resource */
typedef struct {
long defRsrcSignature; /* TSM resource signature = 'tsmr' */
Boolean defUseFloatWindow; /* global falg - not used anymore! */
char defReserved; /* not used (should be 0) */
short defIMCount; /* number of input methods saved = 4 scipts */
IMSRecord defIMRecordArray[kSavedDefaultIMCount]; /* array of IM. Script records */
} DefIMRecord, *DefIMRecordPtr, **DefIMRecordHandle;
/* ********************************************************************************************** */
/* default IM's Component and menu */
typedef struct {
Component gComponent;
MenuHandle gMenuHandle;
} ComponentMenuRec;
/* constants (mask) for our patch flags */
#define kIMJustSetCursor (0x01)
#define kSWMJustSetCursor (0x02)
#define kInTSMEventCall (0x04) // set when inside of TSMEvent call
#define kInTSMPopUpMenuSelectCall (0x08) // set when inside of popupmenuselect call
#define kTSMEventBeenCalled (0x10) // set by _ModalDialogPatch in SWM, reset in TSMEvent
/* ¥¥ TSM globals ...
* (if you change something in here, be sure to change TSMPrivate.a too !)
* tsmPreviousDocID -- contains the TSM doc ID which we just deactivated, but its pallete/menu has not been removed.
* tsmPreviousScript -- contains the script when we deactivated the document above. If tsmPreviousDocID is nil, then
* the value of tsmPreviousScript is undefined.
* For a TSM aware application, usually tsmUseInputWindowDoc = tsmActiveDocID = current active document,
* but if this app calls UseInputWindow, then tsmUseInputWindowDoc = current active document, and
* tsmActiveDocID = SWM's document.
#define kDebugSignature 0x4B534354 // for debugging
typedef short (*doAppleEventCallBack)( short refnum, AppleEvent *theAppleEvent,AppleEvent *theReply);
typedef OSErr (*doCloseSWMWindowCallBack)(short refnum, Boolean flushBufferP);
typedef struct { // ¥¥ TSM globals
short tsmRecSize; // short
Ptr tsmIAPSNTablePtr; // ptr to table of TSM aware application process serial numbers
// defined in TSMPrivate.a and accessed thru Assembly code only
ScriptLanguageRecord tsmCurrentSLRec; // current Script/Language
TSMDocumentID tsmPreviousDocID; // previous deactivated doc ID, which pallete has not been removed <#24>
ScriptCode tsmPreviousScript; // the script which is running when we deactivate the ID above <#24>
TSMDocumentID tsmActiveDocID; // the current active TSM document if non-nil
TSMDocumentID tsmUseInputWindowDocID; // the current document which is using the input window <#35>
unsigned char tsmActiveTSCount; // number of active text services for ease of debugging. <#7>
Boolean tsmPMgrActiveP; // true if Process Manager is active
Boolean tsmUseOldJInputMethodP; // true if we are using the old Japanese Input Method
Boolean tsmKillApplicationP; // true if we are killing the TSM aware application (set by InformTSM)
ProcessSerialNumber tsmSWMsPSNRecord; // background app's (SWM) PSN
ProcessSerialNumber tsmCurrentPSNRecord; // current app's PSN <#26>
ComponentMenuRec tsmDefIMInfoTable[kSavedDefaultIMCount]; // current default I.M. of the system
ComponentInstance tsmCacheInstance; // this instance map ... <#21>
long tsmCacheRefcon; // ... to this refcon <#21>
short tsmSWMDrvrRefNum; // RefNum of driver, this is set by DoubleTalk INIT
doAppleEventCallBack tsmSendAEProc; // send appleevents to SWM driver, set by the driver itself
doCloseSWMWindowCallBack tsmCloseSWMWindowProc; // tell driver to close its window, set by the driver itself
unsigned char tsmPatchFlags;
char tsmFiller; // word align
short tsmRealSystemMenuID; // IM menu ID before we map to -16500 <#34>
long tsmUserProc; // <#34>
long tsmPopUpReturnAddr; // save return address for PopupMenuSelect <#39>
unsigned char tsmMajorVersion; // major version number <#35>
unsigned char tsmMinorVersion; // minor version number <#35>
long tsmDebugSignature;
} TSMVarsRec;
/* ********************************************************************************************** */
struct CIListRec { // for each open component, we have ...
struct CIListRec *ciNextCIListRec;
Component ciTheComponent; // a saved component
ComponentInstance ciTS; // a component instance
ScriptLanguageRecord ciSLRecord; // the primary script/language
Boolean ciTakeActiveInputP; // set if take active input
Boolean ciMenuVisibleP; // true if the menu is visible
MenuHandle ciServiceMenu; // an associated menu or nil
typedef struct CIListRec CIListRec;
/* a record to save the open default input method. Used in TSM document record... */
typedef struct {
Component openedDefIMComponent; // a saved input method component
ComponentInstance openedDefIMCInstance; // a saved input method component instance for the open component
MenuHandle openedDefIMServiceMenuHdl; // an associated menu handle or nil
Boolean openedDefIMMenuVisibleP; // true if the menu is displayed in the menu bar
Boolean openedDefIMActiveP; // true if the IM is active
short openedDefIMReserved; // so that the record total size is 16 bytes
} DefIMInstanceRecord;
/* TSM document record, this handle is used as TSM document ID */
/* (if you change something in here, be sure to change TSMPrivate.a too !) */
typedef struct {
long iDocSignature; // signature for verifying the ID
short iDocOpenTextServiceN; // number of open text services (excluding input methods)
CIListRec *iDocCIHead; // list of open text service Component Instances
ProcessSerialNumber iDocPSNRecord;
Boolean iDocActiveP; // true if document is active
Boolean iDocUseInputWindowP; // true if this doc is using Input Window (local flag)
long iDocRefcon; // refcon <#21>
ScriptCode iDocUseThisScript; // the script used by this document <#24>
long iDocGhostSignature; // for TSM aware app. that has no document <#38>
DefIMInstanceRecord iDocDefIMInstanceArray[kSavedDefaultIMCount]; // see def. above
short iDocInterfaceN; // number of supported interface types
OSType iDocOSTypeArray[1]; // more than 1 record might follow
} TSMDocRecord, *TSMDocRecordPtr, **TSMDocRecordHandle;
#define kTSMDocumentSignature 'TDOC' // valid document ID signature
#define kTSMShadowDocumentSig 'SDOC' // shadow document ID signature (a temp copy for utCleanUpPreviousDoc)
#define kTSMGhostSignature 'GHOS' // ghost signature (used by SWM) <#38>
/* used in "xDeleteTSMDocument", the meaning of a shadow ID are:
* 1. The real ID has been deleted.
* 2. This handle is from system heap. And is just a copy of the real ID.
* 3. Instance has been closed, openedDefIMCInstance does not mean anything even it is not nil !!!
* 4. The size of the handle is always the sizeof(TSMDocRecord).
/* ********************************************************************************************** */
/* one record for each TSM aware application ... */
typedef struct {
ProcessSerialNumber psnIDRecord; // long (OH! How I hated to use 64 bits PSN)
Boolean psnAppUseInputWindowP; // byte, set if app should use floating input window
Boolean psnDocUseInputWindowP; // byte, set if current document is using floating input window
Boolean psnTSMCalledUseIWP; // byte, true if TSM called UseInputWindow when there is no ducument <#39>
Boolean psnOldUseIWGlobalState; // byte, the global state before TSM called UseInputWindow <#39>
Ptr psnDocsTablePtr; // long, open documents table pointer (to DocumentTable)
} TSMAppsRecord;
/* table of open documents stored in TSM's PSN table */
typedef struct {
short docIDCount; // (word) number of IDs recorded
short docTableEntryN; // (word) total number of entries (size) of the table
TSMDocumentID docIDStart[1]; // (long) start of doc IDs
} DocumentTable;
/* ********************************************************************************************** */
/* How input methods are synchronized with the keyboard menu .....
TSM global -> +---------------------------+ (tsmDefIMTable)
| S. Chinese IM Component | Updated by 'SetDefaultInputMethod'
| Japanese IM Component | Updated by 'SetDefaultInputMethod'
| T. Chinese IM Component | Updated by 'SetDefaultInputMethod'
| Korean IM Component | Updated by 'SetDefaultInputMethod'
| tsmCacheInstance | cached instance
| tsmCacheRefcon | cached refcon
| Current Script/Language | Updated by 'SetTextServiceLanguage' & 'SetDefaultInputMethod'
+--------- | tsmIAPSNTablePtr | Points to a table of TSM aware applications
| +---------------------------+
| | Other TSM globals |
| +---------------------------+
| (User selected default input methods for CJK script)
| (A copy of this data is also saved on disk in 'inpm' resource)
+--------> +---------------------------+
| iaAppCount | number of Inline aware application registered
| iaTableEntryN | total number of entries (size) of the table
-+----------+-- +---------------------------+
^ | | psnHighID | long, (OH! How I hated to use 64 bits PSN)
| | |---------------------------|
| | | psnLowID | long, process serial number
one | |---------------------------|
application | | psnAppUseInputWindowP | byte, set if app should use floating input window
space | |---------------------------|
| | | psnDocUseInputWindowP | byte, set if current document is using floating input window
| | |---------------------------|
| | | psnTSMCalledUseIWP |
| | |---------------------------|
| | | psnOldUseIWGlobalState |
| | |---------------------------|
| +-------+- | psnDocsTablePtr (or NIL) | long, open documents table pointer (table of document IDs)
v | | | (initially nil) | (this table can be nil, so check it before use. Once allocated, will be reused)
-+--|-------+-- +---------------------------+
| | | psn record 2 | recorded when an app calls InitTSMAwareApplication
| +-- +---------------------------+
| | | psn records .... |
| +-- +---------------------------+
+--------> +---------------------------+
| docIDCount | number of documents created by this app
| docTableEntryN | total number of entries (size) of the table
| TSMDocumentID 1 | recorded document ID
| TSMDocumentID ..... |
| TSMDocumentID N | recorded document ID
TSM document record :
DocID --> +---------------------------+
| iDocSignature | signature to verify the ID
| iDocOpenTextServiceN | number of open text services (excluding input methods)
+----- | iDocCIHead | pointer to a list of open text services
| +---------------------------+
| | iDocPSNRecord | process which created this document
| +---------------------------+
| | iDocActiveP | true if the document is active
| +---------------------------+
| | iDocUseInputWindowP | true if this doc is using Input Window
| +---------------------------+
| | iDocRefcon | refcon <#24>
| +---------------------------+
| | iDocUseThisScript | script used by this document <#24>
| +---------------------------+
| | S. Chinese IM Component | this must matches with TSM global when the document is activated ...
| | Component Instance | = nil if Component is not open
| | Menu Handel & flags | Handle = nil if IM has no menu
| +---------------------------+
| | Japanese IM Component |
| | Component Instance | Opened when the document is activated and the current keyscript is Japanese
| | Menu Handel & flags |
| +---------------------------+
| | T. Chinese IM Component |
| | Component Instance |
| | Menu Handel & flags |
| +---------------------------+
| | Korean IM Component |
| | Component Instance |
| | Menu Handel & flags |
| +---------------------------+
| | iDocInterfaceN | number of supported interface types
| +---------------------------+
| | iDocOSTypeArray | interface types
| +---------------------------+
| (Currently opened input methods used by the document)
+----> +---------------------------+ +-------------------+
| ciNextCIListRec | -----> | next CIListRec | ---> ..... ---> ||
|---------------------------| +-------------------+
| ciTheComponent | a saved component of the text service
| ciTS | the component instance
| ciSLRecord | the primary script/language
| ciTakeActiveInputP | set if take active input
| ciMenuVisibleP | true if the menu is visible
| ciServiceMenu | an associated menu or nil
(document ID is a handle to decument record. In the record,
I keep a linked list of open text services. Input method is not in the list)
¥¥ When do we call RouteEventToSWM?
We call RouteEventToSWM in 4 places:
TSMUtility.c -- xSetTextServiceLanguage, xSetDefaultInputMethod,
TSMInternalUtils.c -- utChangeToOldJIM, utInformPMgr.
RouteEventToSWM(false) tells Process Manager do not send events to SWM.
This may because:
a. The current app is TSM aware, or
b. The current script does not need input method, or
c. The current script is Japanese but we are using old JIM.
The corresponding flag used by Process Manager is called "routeEvent".
********************************************************************************************** */
/* ********************************************************************************
* This constant is temporarily defined, nobody knows its exact definition yet.
* ********************************************************************************/
#define kTextServiceKind (0x4000)
#define kTSMSystemMenuID (16500)
enum {
ApplicationMenuList = 0xA1C,
SystemMenuList = 0x286
#define kComponentNameLength 256
/* ********************************************************************************************* */
/* prototypes ... */
// TSMFunctions.c ....
pascal OSErr xNewTSMDocument(short numOfInterface, OSType supportedInterfaceTypes[], TSMDocumentID *idocID, long refcon);
pascal OSErr xDeleteTSMDocument(TSMDocumentID idocID);
pascal OSErr xDeactivateTSMDocument(TSMDocumentID idocID);
pascal OSErr xActivateTSMDocument(TSMDocumentID idocID);
pascal Boolean xTSMEvent(EventRecord *eventPtr);
pascal Boolean xTSMMenuSelect(long menuResult);
pascal OSErr xFixTSMDocument(TSMDocumentID idocID);
pascal Boolean xSetTSMCursor(Point mousePos);
pascal OSErr xGetServiceList(short numOfInterface, OSType supportedInterfaceTypes[],
TextServiceListHandle *serviceInfo, long *seedValue);
pascal OSErr xOpenTextService(TSMDocumentID idocID, Component aComp, ComponentInstance *aCompInstance);
pascal OSErr xCloseTextService(TSMDocumentID idocID, ComponentInstance aCompInstance);
pascal OSErr xSendAEtoClient(AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply,
AESendMode sendMode, AESendPriority sendPriority,
long timeOutInTicks, IdleProcPtr idleProc,
EventFilterProcPtr filterProc );
// TSMUtility ...
pascal OSErr xSetDefaultInputMethod ( Component aComp, ScriptLanguageRecord *slRecPtr );
pascal OSErr xGetDefaultInputMethod ( Component *ts, ScriptLanguageRecord *slRecPtr );
pascal OSErr xSetTextServiceLanguage( ScriptLanguageRecord *slRecPtr );
pascal OSErr xGetTextServiceLanguage( ScriptLanguageRecord *slRecPtr );
pascal OSErr xUseInputWindow( TSMDocumentID idocID, Boolean useFloatWindow );
pascal OSErr xNewServiceWindow(void *wStorage,
const Rect *boundsRect,
ConstStr255Param title,
Boolean visible,
short theProcID,
WindowPtr behind,
Boolean goAwayFlag,
ComponentInstance ts,
WindowPtr *window );
pascal OSErr xCloseServiceWindow(WindowPtr window );
pascal OSErr xGetFrontServiceWindow(WindowPtr *window );
pascal short xFindServiceWindow(Point thePoint,WindowPtr *theWindow);
OSErr utJustDeactivateIM4Document( TSMDocumentID theDocID, ScriptCode theScript, Boolean stillActiveP );
// TSMDispatch.a (functions start with "uta") ...
OSErr utaRecordDocumentID();
OSErr utaRemoveDocumentID(); /* remove the ID */
void utaUpdatePSNTable();
void utaUpdateDocFlagInPSNTable();
OSErr utaUpdateAppFlagInPSNTable();
pascal OSErr utaIsAppTSMAwareAndNotUsingIW(ProcessSerialNumber *PSNRecord);
pascal OSErr utaGetTSMAwareDocTable (ProcessSerialNumber *PSNRecord, DocumentTable **docTablePtr);
pascal OSErr utaGetAppsUseInputWindowFlag(ProcessSerialNumber *PSNRecord, Boolean *UseInputWindowPtr);
pascal OSErr utaGetTSMAppRecordPtr (ProcessSerialNumber *PSNRecord, TSMAppsRecord **appRecordPtr);
// TSMInternalUtil.c ...
OSErr utVerifyTSMDocID (TSMDocumentID idocID);
void utAppendTS2Document (TSMDocRecord *idocRecPtr, CIListRec *theListRecPtrToAppend);
OSErr utMakeRoom4SInfoHandle (TextServiceListHandle serviceInfoHandle, int pos);
OSErr utActivateIM4Document (TSMDocumentID theDocID, ScriptCode theScript);
OSErr utDeactivateIMforDocument(TSMDocumentID theDocID, ScriptCode theScript, Boolean theHideFlag);
OSErr utCloseIM4Document (TSMDocumentID theDocID, ScriptCode theScript, Boolean theHideFlag);
OSErr utOpenIM4Document (TSMDocumentID theDocID, Component theComponent,
ScriptCode theScript, Boolean activateP);
OSErr utOpenActivateDefaultIM (TSMDocumentID activeDocID, Boolean activateP);
OSErr utActivateThisDocsInputMethod(TSMDocumentID idocID);
Boolean utSupportedSL (ScriptLanguageRecord *slRecPtr);
Boolean utScriptIsNotCCJK (ScriptCode script);
Boolean utScriptIsCCJKAndNeedsIM(ScriptCode script);
void utInformPMgr();
Boolean utDocNeedsInputMethod (ScriptCode script, ProcessSerialNumber *PSNRecordPtr);
OSErr utGetTSMDefaultInputMethod(ComponentDescription *cdPtr, ScriptLanguageRecord *slRecPtr);
OSErr utUpdateDefaultInputMethodResource (Component aComp, ScriptLanguageRecord *slRecPtr);
int utGetScriptIndex (ScriptCode script);
unsigned long utSLRec2CompFlag(ScriptLanguageRecord *slRecPtr);
OSErr utChangeToOldJIM (ScriptIDRecordPtr sidrecptr);
OSErr utAddTSMResource (DefIMRecordHandle *theHandlePtr);
void utCloseSWMWindow (Boolean FlushBufferP); /* 24Jun92 */
void utDeleteMenu(short menuID);
void utDeleteAppsMenu(short menuID);
void utDeleteSysMenu(short menuID, long systemScript);
void utFixDocumentAndCloseSWMWindow(ScriptCode deactivateScript);
void utCleanUpPreviousDoc(TSMDocumentID theNewDocID, ScriptCode theNewScript);
OSErr utSuspendResumeApp (short flag);
THz utSwapZone( THz zone );
Boolean utBadSandL(ScriptLanguageRecord *slRecPtr); /* <#32> */
/* **************************************************************************** *
* Macro: utSoftDeactivateIM4Document *
* Deactivate the input method of the current script for this document. *
* Only deactivate the instance. The instance is not closed. *
* And pallete/menu are not removed. *
* Macro: utForceDeactivateIM4Document *
* Deactivate the input method of the current script for this document. *
* Only deactivate the instance. The instance is not closed. *
* And pallete/menu will be removed. *
* ¥¥ Warning:1. No error checking on the doc ID !! *
* 2. theScript is one of the CCJK scripts. *
* **************************************************************************** */
#define utForceDeactivateIM4Document(id, script) utDeactivateIMforDocument(id, script, true)
#define utSoftDeactivateIM4Document(id, script) utDeactivateIMforDocument(id, script, false)
#endif |