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; File: NewAgeEqu.a
; Contains: This is the equate file for the NewAge Floppy Disk Controller.
; Written by: Robert Polic
; Copyright: © 1992-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds:
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM8> 6/14/93 kc Roll in Ludwig.
; <LW7> 5/19/93 WS Changed reties to 25 except for verification, which stays as 3.
; <LW6> 5/10/93 WS The PreComp value were correct, the measurement was wrong,
; changing it back to vakue in LW4.
; <LW5> 5/1/93 WS Change the precom value since the Newage doc. specify them
; incorrectly.
; <LW4> 3/24/93 WS Change the number of retries back to 3 since things are working
; reliably now.
; <LW3> 3/8/93 WS Add allocation for DT queue in template.
; <LW2> 12/14/92 WS Removed some flags that are no longer needed.
; <SM7> 11/30/92 WS Added Mode32 flag which is use to conditional compile code that
; is need to switch between 24 and 32 bit mode. Since Cyclone is
; alway 32 bit these code are not necessary. Change the Gap Skip
; Length to $1B, the recommand value since NEC have fixed a bug
; for Newage 1.4 that load this value into the sector counter.
; Added some equ to remove more hard coded values.
; <SM6> 10/7/92 WS Add NoBug for conditional assembling. This will be obsolete
; once NEC fix the bug in Read A Track.
; <SM5> 10/7/92 WS Add a whole bunch of equates to be use with the driver.
; <SM4> 9/23/92 WS Fix Buffersize so that MTMode flag determind how big it ought to
; be.
; <SM3> 8/28/92 WS BufferSize is always twice the SectorsCylinder
; <SM2> 7/24/92 RLM update to supermario
; <P2> 7/2/92 RMP Added new equates.
; <1> 4/10/92 RMP first checked in
; To Do:
PolledMode EQU 0 ; Run driver in polled mode.
MTMode EQU 0 ; Run driver in multi-track mode.
RetryCount EQU 25 ; Number of retries.
VerifyRetry EQU 3 ; Number of retries during disk verification.
SectorsCylinder EQU 36 ; Max. number of sectors/sideÉ
; Éfor the largest supported drive.
; For Typhoon (2.8): 36
; For SuperDrive (1.4): 18
; For 800K: 12
BufferSize EQU SectorsCylinder * 2 ; Size of buffer in blocks.
BufferSize EQU SectorsCylinder ; Size of buffer in blocks.
BlockSize EQU 516 ; Actually block are 512 bytes <SM7>
; 4 extra bytes are need for DiskCopy. <SM7>
WaitTime EQU 3*60 ; 3 second timeout for motor. <SM5>
NewAge32 EQU $50F2A000 ; FDC address in 32 bit space.
pscControl32 EQU $50F31C30 ; PSC control register in 32 bit space.
pscSet032 EQU $50F32060 ; Base of DMA Set0 in 32 bit space.
NewAgeVars EQU $134 ; Storage for variables.
VIA2IER EQU $50f03c00 ; <SM5>
VIA2IFR EQU $50f03a00 ; <SM5>
FloppyEntry EQU 5*4 ; Floppy is the five driver in table <SM7>
; Each entry is a long word. <SM7>
EnableFDCInt EQU $A0 ; VIA2IER Newage interrupt enable. SM5>
DisableFDCInt EQU $20 ; VIA2IER Newage interrupt flag. <SM5>
FDCInt EQU 5 ; Newage Interrupt bit <SM5>
; FDC register offsetsÉ
fdcMSR EQU $101 ; Main status register.
fdcDRR EQU $101 ; Data rate register.
fdcDATA EQU $141 ; Data register.
; Register bitsÉ
fRQM EQU 7 ; MSR - Request for master.
fDIO EQU 6 ; MSR - Direction I/O.
fExecute EQU 5 ; MSR - For polled I/O.
fCmdBsy EQU 4 ; MSR - Command busy.
fDrv1In EQU 3 ; MSR - Drive 1 installed.
fDrv0In EQU 2 ; MSR - Drive 0 installed.
fDrv1Bsy EQU 1 ; MSR - Drive 1 busy.
fDrv0Bsy EQU 0 ; MSR - Drive 0 busy.
fReset EQU 7 ; DRR - Reset FDC.
fStandBy EQU 6 ; DRR - Enter stand by mode.
; Precomp valuesÉ
PreCompOffset EQU 2 ; Precomp bits starts with bit 2. <SM5>
ApplePreComp EQU %011 ; For Apple MFM. <SM5>
NoPreComp EQU %111 ; 0 ns for precomp. <SM5>
; Data rate valuesÉ
DataRateOffset EQU 0 ; Data rate bits start with bit 0. <SM5>
dr500 EQU %00 ; 500 or 489.6 kbps. <SM5>
dr300 EQU %01 ; 300 kbps. <SM5>
dr250 EQU %10 ; 250 kbps. <SM5>
dr1000 EQU %11 ; 1000 or 1250 kbps. <SM5>
fMT EQU 7 ; Multi-track bit.
fFM EQU 6 ; MFM/GCR bit.
fHd EQU 2 ; Side 1 if set <SM5>
; Cause of Newage InterruptÉ bits D7 and D6 of status 0 <SM5>
IntStatOffset EQU 6 ; Interrupt bits starts at bit 6. <SM5>
NrmlTrmnt EQU %00 ; Normal Termination of command. <SM5>
AbnrmlTrmnt EQU %01 ; Abnormal Termination of command. <SM5>
InvldCmnd EQU %10 ; Invalid commmand. <SM5>
CssttChng EQU %11 ; /CSTIN state change. <SM5>
; Status Register 0É <SM5>
fSeek EQU 5 ; Status 0 - Set after seek or recal. <SM5>
fFDDErr EQU 4 ; Status 0 - Set if error at FDD occurs. <SM5>
fReady EQU 3 ; Status 0 - Set if FDD not ready. <SM5>
fDiskStatus EQU 1 ; Status 0 - Clear after disk insert. <SM5>
fDrive EQU 0 ; Status 0 - Drive select bit. <SM5>
; Status Register 1É <SM5>
fEndOfCylndr EQU 7 ; Status 1 - Acess beyond last cylinder <SM5>
fDataErr EQU 5 ; Status 1 - Checksum error. <SM5>
fOvrRun EQU 4 ; Status 1 - Over or Under Run. <SM5>
fNoData EQU 2 ; Status 1 - Can't found sector. <SM5>
fWrtPrtct EQU 1 ; Status 1 - Write protected. <SM5>
fNoAddrMrk EQU 0 ; Status 1 - Missing Address Mark. <SM5>
; Status Register 2É <SM5>
fCntrlMrk EQU 6 ; Status 2 - Detected delete data mark. <SM5>
fDataField EQU 5 ; Status 2 - Checksum error at data field. <SM5>
fNoCylndr EQU 4 ; Status 2 - Can't find cylinder. <SM5>
fBadCylndr EQU 1 ; Status 2 - Bad Cylinder. <SM5>
fNoDataAddrMrk EQU 0 ; Status 2 - Missing data address mark. <SM5>
; Status Register 3É <SM5>
fWriteStatus EQU 6 ; Write Protect. <SM5>
fDriveStatus EQU 3 ; Set if 2MD 0r 4MD present. <SM5>
fMode EQU 2 ; Mode ID of FDD. <SM5>
; Format CodeÉ
formatGCR400K EQU $12 ; GCR format, 400K. <SM5>
formatGCR2_1 EQU $22 ; GCR format, 800K 2 to 1 interleave. <SM5>
formatGCR4_1 EQU $24 ; GCR format, 800K 4 to 1 interleave. <SM5>
formatMFM500 EQU $02 ; MFM format code, 500kbps. <SM5>
; Format Table equatesÉ
ftBlocks EQU 2 ; Offset to number of blocks. <SM5>
ftFlags EQU 4 ; Upper nibble is flags. <SM5>
ftSides EQU 4 ; Lower nibble is sides. <SM5>
ftSectors EQU 5 ; Offset to number of sectors per track. <SM5>
ftFormatByte EQU 8 ; <SM5>
ftGap3Length EQU 9 ; Offset to number of bytes in Gap 3. <SM5>
ftSyncGroups EQU 9 ; Offset to number of sync groups. <SM5>
ftFormatCode EQU 10 ; Offset to format code. <SM5>
ftNextTable EQU 12 ; Offset to next table (each entry 12 bytes).<SM5>
; Interleave Table equatesÉ
itNextZone EQU 12 ; Offset to next speed zone for GCR interleave table. <SM5>
itSectors EQU 10 ; Offset to sector/zone in GCR side tables. <SM5>
GCRCylndrs EQU 16 ; Number of Cylinders per GCR speed zone. <SM5>
MFMCylndrs EQU 80 ; Number of Cylinders in MFM speed zone. <SM5>
DiskCylndrs EQU 80 ; Number od cylinders per disk. <SM5>
GSL EQU $1B ; Gap skip lenght. <SM5>
vertical EQU $3 ; bits to set to enable vertical mode <SM7>
; PSC register offsetsÉ
pscAddress EQU $00 ; Offset to address register.
pscCount EQU $04 ; Offset to count register.
pscStatus EQU $08 ; Offset to status register.
; PSC register bitsÉ
pscTermCnt EQU 10 ; Status - Terminal count.
pscDir EQU 9 ; Status - PSC Channel Direction bit, set = read. <SM5>
pscEnable EQU 11 ; Status - PSC Channel Enable bit. <SM5>
pscCIRQ EQU 8 ; Control - PSC channel interrup request. <SM5>
pscFlush EQU 9 ; Control - PSC pause. <SM5>
pscPause EQU 10 ; Control - PSC flush. <SM5>
pscSWReset EQU 11 ; Control - PSC software reset. <SM5>
pscBErr EQU 13 ; Control - PSC bus error. <SM5>
pscFrozen EQU 14 ; Control - PSC frozen. <SM5>
pscSense EQU 15 ; Control - PSC Sense bit. <SM5>
; FDC commandsÉ (* Available only in Apple mode)
Configure EQU %00010011 ; Configure FDC.
DisableDPLL EQU %00001011 ; Disable digital phase lock loop.*
DumpReg EQU %00001110 ; Dump registers.
EjectFloppy EQU %01010010 ; Eject disk.*
EnableDPLL EQU %10001011 ; Enable digital phase lock loop.*
Format EQU %01001101 ; Format a track.
FormatWrite EQU %01000001 ; Format and write track.*
PerpMode EQU %00010010 ; Perpendicular mode.
RawDump EQU %01011110 ; Raw track dump.*
ReadData EQU %11000110 ; Read data.
ReadData EQU %01000110 ; Read data.
ReadDelData EQU %01001100 ; Read deleted data.
ReadGCRID EQU %00001010 ; Read ID.
ReadMFMID EQU %01001010 ; Read ID.
ReadTrack EQU %01000010 ; Read track.
Recalibrate EQU %00000111 ; Recalibrate.
RelSeek EQU %10001111 ; Relative seek.
Revision EQU %00100000 ; Firmware and hardware revision level.
ScanEqual EQU %01010001 ; Scan and compare equal.
ScanHighEqual EQU %01011101 ; Scan and compare greater or equal.
ScanLowEqual EQU %01011001 ; Scan and compare less or equal.
Seek EQU %00001111 ; Seek to a track.
SelectDriveType EQU %00110010 ; Select drive type.
SenseDrvStatus EQU %00000100 ; Sense drive status.
SenseIntStatus EQU %00001000 ; Sense interrupt status.
SetDriveGCR EQU %00011100 ; Enable GCR.*
SetDriveMFM EQU %01011100 ; Enable MFM.*
SetEnableOff EQU %00011011 ; Turn off drive enable.*
SetEnableOn EQU %10011011 ; Turn on drive enable.*
SetMotorOff EQU %00011010 ; Turn off drive motor.*
SetMotorOn EQU %10011010 ; Turn on drive motor.*
Specify EQU %00000011 ; Specify parameters.
Verify EQU %01110110 ; Verify sector.
Version EQU %00010000 ; Get FDC version.
WriteData EQU %01000101 ; Write data.
WriteDelData EQU %01001001 ; Write deleted data.
; Drive interface equatesÉ
drvStandard EQU 0 ; Standard FDD interface.
drv13MB EQU 1 ; 13 megabyte FDD interface.
drvReserved EQU 2 ; Undefined.
drvApple EQU 3 ; Apple FDD interface.
; Drive type equatesÉ
fddNone EQU 0 ; No drive.
fddUnknown EQU 1 ; Unknown drive.
fddMac400 EQU 2 ; Single sided 400K drive.
fddMac800 EQU 3 ; Double sided 800K drive.
fddSuperDrive EQU 4 ; 2-Meg SuperDrive.
fddTyphoon EQU 5 ; 4-Meg Typhoon.
fdd13Meg EQU 6 ; Reserved.
; Floppy media equatesÉ
mNone EQU 0 ; No media.
mUnknown EQU 1 ; Unknown media.
mLD EQU 2 ; Low density.
mHD EQU 3 ; High density.
mED EQU 4 ; Extended density.
; Floppy format equatesÉ
fNone EQU 0 ; No disk.
fBlank EQU 1 ; Unformatted.
f400K EQU 2 ; 400K GCR.
f800K EQU 3 ; 800K GCR.
fProDOS EQU 4 ; 800K GCR (ProDOS).
fUnknownGCR EQU 5 ; Unknown GCR.
f720K EQU 6 ; 720K MFM.
f1440K EQU 7 ; 1.4 MFM.
f2880K EQU 8 ; 2.8 MFM (Perpendicular).
f10Meg EQU 9 ; Reserved.
; Floppy info recordÉ
FloppyRecord RECORD 0
fNextRecord DS.L 1 ; Pointer to next floppy info record.
fFormat DS.W 1 ; Format type (none,400,720,800,1440,2880).
fMediaType DS.W 1 ; Media type (LD, HD or ED).
fDriveType DS.W 1 ; Drive type (800K, SuperDrive, Typhoon).
fDriveNum DS.W 1 ; Drive number.
fDriveSelect DS.W 1 ; Drive select (0 or 1).
fDriveQueue DS.L 1 ; Drive queue element.
fBuffer DS.L 1 ; Pointer to sector buffer.
fStart DS.W 1 ; Starting sector of buffer.
fCount DS.W 1 ; Number of sectors in buffer.
fMotor DS.W 1 ; Motor on flag.
fLastAccess DS.L 1 ; Last time drive was accessed.
fSoftErrors DS.W 1 ; Number of soft errors since drvr opened.
fHardErrors DS.W 1 ; Number of hard errors since drvr opened.
fResult DS.W 1 ; I/O result.
fCompletion DS.L 1 ; Pointer to driver completion routine.
fDCE DS.L 1 ; Pointer to DCE.
fDataBfr DS.L 1 ; Data buffer.
fCounter DS.L 1 ; Counter.
fPosition DS.L 1 ; Current position.
fStatus0 DS.B 1 ; Status 0.
fStatus1 DS.B 1 ; Status 1.
fStatus2 DS.B 1 ; Status 2.
fStatus3 DS.B 1 ; Status 3.
fCylinder DS.B 1 ; Cylinder.
fHead DS.B 1 ; Head.
fSector DS.B 1 ; Sector.
fData DS.B 1 ; Data length code.
fCode DS.B 1 ; Format code.
fLastSector DS.B 1 ; High sector number.
fRetries DS.B 1 ; Number of retries.
fRetrySeed DS.B 1 ; Max. number of retries to perform.
fError1 DS.L 2 ; Last three errors.
fError2 DS.L 2
fError3 DS.L 2
DTQE DS.b 20 ; Deferred task queue element
DTInstalled DS.b 1 ; flag, non-zero if DT installed
fRecSize EQU * ; Size of record.