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296 lines
8.8 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
296 lines
8.8 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
File: dpInit.inc.p
Written by: Nick Kledzik
Copyright: © 1989-1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
This file is used in these builds: BigBang
Change History (most recent first):
<14> 4/5/91 ngk MM, #86190: remove unlock from end of QuitPack. This was a
remnant from the days before the package dispatcher. Now
the package dispatcher will unlock and respect the lock
count it keeps.
<13> 11/26/90 ngk <DFH> Use dpSetCurrentAppRefNum.
<12> 7/2/90 ngk Use NewPtrSysClear to save code.
<11> 5/31/90 ngk Moved last edition used to preference folder. Install and
remove a volume notification proc.
<10> 5/3/90 ngk Changed GetLastEditionContainerUsed to use same folder as last
edition if it can.
<9> 4/7/90 ngk Use new failure mechanism.
<8> 3/25/90 ngk Script now in EditionContainerSpec
<7> 3/10/90 ngk Moved locking and unlocking of package to dispatcher. Removed
<6> 2/25/90 ngk Use GetAppSignature instead of GetCurrentAppSignature.
<5> 1/26/90 ngk Changed Alias calls to new non-pointer style
<4> 1/22/90 ngk Used symbolic names for default opener. Fixed
dpRetreivedSavedLastContainer to not mount servers.
<3> 1/8/90 ngk Renamed dp_GetCurrentAppRefNum.
<2> 1/6/90 ngk Added GetEditionOpenerProc & SetEditionOpenerProc. Moved all
once-only init code into here. Moved saving and restoring of
last container to here.
<1.8> 12/1/89 ngk Fixed a bug in dp_QuitEditionPack of unassigned return value.
<1.7> 11/13/89 ngk InitDP & dp_QuitEditionPack now allow pack11 to be relocated.
<1.6> 11/4/89 ngk Remove globals when no apps using pack.
<1.5> 10/13/89 ngk Added caching of dialogCodeH (dialog code resource)
<1.4> 10/2/89 ngk Now call DialogsOnceOnlyQuit
<1.3> 8/29/89 ngk Now get apps signature at InitDPpack time. Restore old
ExitToShell trap in dp_QuitEditionPackpack.
<1.2> 8/8/89 ngk Changed Quit to return an OSErr. Added
PubControlBlockOnceOnlyInit call
<1.1> 5/29/89 ngk Changed InitDP to check package version instead of the glue
patched _ExitToShell to call dp_QuitEditionPack to clean up after app
<1.0> 5/19/89 ngk Submitted for first time
To Do:
{========================== low level ============================}
kPack11Handle = $BD4;
{------------- dpOnceOnlyInit -------------}
FUNCTION dpOnceOnlyInit: OSErr;
emGlobalsLoc: EdtnMgrGlobalsPtrPtr;
emGlobals: EdtnMgrGlobalsPtr;
theErr: OSErr;
ignore: OSErr;
{ allocate space for dp system globals in system heap }
emGlobals := EdtnMgrGlobalsPtr(NewPtrSysClear(SizeOf(EdtnMgrGlobals)));
theErr := MemError;
IF theErr = noErr THEN
{ stuff handle to globals in special location }
emGlobalsLoc := dpGetGlobalsLocation;
emGlobalsLoc^ := emGlobals;
WITH emGlobals^ DO
{ initialize list of PubCB's }
pubCBlinks.nextPubCB := PubCBLinkHandle(emGlobalsLoc);
pubCBlinks.prevPubCB := PubCBLinkHandle(emGlobalsLoc);
{ initialize list of applications }
{perAppListHead := NIL;}
{ initialize poll timer }
nextPollTime := TickCount+ kPollPeriod;
{ initialize no goto happening }
{gotoHere := NIL;}
{ initialize no failure handler }
{failureHandler := NIL;}
{ initialize last edition file used }
{lastEditionUsed := NIL;}
{ initialize volume notification glue code }
volumeNotifyCode[1] := $303C; { move.w #02F4,d0 }
volumeNotifyCode[2] := $02F4;
volumeNotifyCode[3] := $AC2D; { _EditionMgrVolumeNotifier,AutoPop }
{ tell process manger to call me anytime volumes change }
ignore := BeginSystemMode;
{$IFC qCatchFailures}
IF ignore <> noErr
THEN DebugStr('dpOnceOnlyInit: BeginSystemMode failed');
ignore := RequestVolumeNotification(VNProcPtr(@volumeNotifyCode[1]),{refCon}0);
{$IFC qCatchFailures}
IF ignore <> noErr
THEN DebugStr('dpOnceOnlyInit: RequestVolumeNotification failed');
ignore := EndSystemMode;
{$IFC qCatchFailures}
IF ignore <> noErr
THEN DebugStr('dpOnceOnlyInit: EndSystemMode failed');
END; {with}
END; {if}
dpOnceOnlyInit := theErr;
END; { dpOnceOnlyInit }
{------------- dp_InitEditionPack -------------}
FUNCTION dp_InitEditionPack(versionAppKnows:INTEGER): OSErr; { called once by each app at start }
phPackHeader= ^hPackHeader;
hPackHeader = ^pPackHeader;
pPackHeader = ^PackHeader;
PackHeader = RECORD
pack: ResType;
number: INTEGER;
version: INTEGER;
package: hPackHeader;
emGlobals: EdtnMgrGlobalsPtr;
appsGlobals: PerAppGlobalsHandle;
fi: FailInfo;
anErr: OSErr;
appsGlobals := NIL;
{ make sure was caller know right routines }
package := phPackHeader(kPack11Handle)^;
IF (package^^.version <> versionAppKnows) & (versionAppKnows <> 16) THEN { 16 is emulated }
dp_InitEditionPack := editionMgrInitErr;
END; {if}
{ make sure we are not purgable down }
emGlobals := dpGetGlobalsLocation^;
IF emGlobals = NIL THEN
anErr := dpOnceOnlyInit;
IF anErr <> noErr THEN
dp_InitEditionPack := anErr;
END; {if}
END; {if}
{ set up failure handling, now that globals are around }
IF isFailure(fi, dp_InitEditionPack) THEN
IF appsGlobals <> NIL
THEN DisposHandle(Handle(appsGlobals));
END; {if}
{ allocate space for apps dp globals in system heap }
appsGlobals := PerAppGlobalsHandle(NewHandleSys(SizeOf(PerAppGlobals)));
{ initialize the globals }
WITH appsGlobals^^ DO
FailOSErr(GetAppSignature(appPSN, signature));
sectionHandleListHead := SectionHandle(kNoMoreSections);
emulator := EditionOpenerProcPtr(kStandardOpenerProcPtr);
initVersion := versionAppKnows;
{$IFC qUseAppName}
BlockMove(Ptr($910), @appName, 31);
{ insert in list of app globals }
emGlobals := dpGetGlobalsLocation^;
nextApp := emGlobals^.perAppListHead;
emGlobals^.perAppListHead := appsGlobals;
END; {with}
{ remember this app's globals in switched low-mem }
END; { dp_InitEditionPack }
{------------- dp_GetEditionOpenerProc -------------}
FUNCTION dp_GetEditionOpenerProc(VAR appsEmulator: EditionOpenerProcPtr): OSErr;
anErr: OSErr;
thisApp: AppRefNum;
anErr := dp_GetCurrentAppRefNum(thisApp);
IF anErr = noErr
THEN appsEmulator := thisApp^^.emulator;
dp_GetEditionOpenerProc := anErr;
END; { dp_GetEditionOpenerProc }
{------------- dp_SetEditionOpenerProc -------------}
FUNCTION dp_SetEditionOpenerProc(appsEmulator: EditionOpenerProcPtr): OSErr;
anErr: OSErr;
thisApp: AppRefNum;
anErr := dp_GetCurrentAppRefNum(thisApp);
IF anErr = noErr
THEN thisApp^^.emulator := appsEmulator;
dp_SetEditionOpenerProc := anErr;
END; { dp_SetEditionOpenerProc }
{------------- dp_QuitEditionPack -------------}
FUNCTION dp_QuitEditionPack: OSErr;
thisApp: AppRefNum;
pack: Handle;
appsGlobals: PerAppGlobalsHandle;
emGlobalsLoc: EdtnMgrGlobalsPtrPtr;
ignore: OSErr;
dp_QuitEditionPack := noErr;
IF dp_GetCurrentAppRefNum(thisApp) = noErr THEN
{ decrement UseCount in proper PupCBs, then remove if needed }
{ remove Apps globals from list }
{ If no more Apps using this PACK then mark it purgeable }
IF dpGetGlobalsLocation^^.perAppListHead = NIL THEN
emGlobalsLoc := dpGetGlobalsLocation;
{ tell process manger to not call me anytime volumes change }
ignore := DeclineVolumeNotification(VNProcPtr(@emGlobalsLoc^^.volumeNotifyCode[1]),{refCon}0);
{$IFC qCatchFailures}
IF ignore <> noErr
THEN DebugStr('dp_QuitEditionPack: DeclineVolumeNotification failed');
{ remove globals }
emGlobalsLoc^ := NIL;
{ mark this pack purgable }
pack := pHandle(kPack11Handle)^;
{ <MM, #86190> }
{ ### we really should check the lockCount kept by the package dispatcher }
{ and force it to 1. If we don't force it to 1, the lock count will }
{ stay at that level and this pack will never get unlocked. }
{ One condition that could corrupt the lock count is }
{ if an ExitToShell happens while in an EditionMgr routine. }
END; {if}
END; {if}
END; { dp_QuitEditionPack }