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752 lines
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752 lines
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; File: DialogMgrPatches.a
; Contains: Various fixes to the Dialog Manager
; Written by: Scott Boyd and Kevin MacDonell
; Copyright: © 1990-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <29> 12/17/92 JSM Fix bug in DialogSelectFixes patch where item hit was not being
; set to -1 (just putting it in D3 isnÕt enough, since we jump
; back into ROM after the point where D3 is stuffed into
; DSItemHit). This code path appears to be rarely taken, so the
; bug probably doesn't show up much (I discovered it just looking
; at the code).
; <28> 6/11/92 JSM Add comments about IIci patches that have been rolled into
; DialogMgr.a: IsDialogEventFixes, DialogSelectFixes, DSEditPatch,
; FixDoAlertToDisposeCIconHandles, FixDoStaticSub, and
; DontPurgeDialogColorTables.
; <27> 6/10/92 JSM Move some routines common to both ROM and System to
; DialogMgrExtensions.a from this file, donÕt define kOSEvent
; here, use osEvt from SysEqu.a instead, change DSEditPatch to
; just jump to the common routine DSEdit in DialogMgrExtensions.a.
; <26> 2/13/92 KSM xxx: #1019549: Fix ROM bind "AfterH2HinDoStatic" re: <23> for
; Plus and SE - off by 4!
; <25> 9/20/91 JSM Fix screwed up and missing comments from revisions past, move
; all ROM binds closer to where they're used.
; <24> 9/19/91 JSM Nuke come-from on _GetCIcon that fixed bug in
; [Could|Free][Alert|Dialog], since these traps are completely
; patched out by this file already. (However, I also rolled the
; patch into DialogMgr.a for no good reason.)
; <23> 8/22/91 KSM DCC,#Bruges: New citation substitution algorithm that fixes both
; the 2-byte problem and the recursive crash.
; <22> 4/5/91 dba gbm, KSM: enable fix to 'actb' and 'dctb' purging
; <21> 3/31/91 dba gbm, #85902: patch the Dialog Manager so actb and dctb resources
; donÕt get purged
; <20> 3/27/91 DC KSM, #85626: Rewrite patches to TEDelete and TEPaste (revision
; 15)
; <19> 3/4/91 dba dty: get rid of SysVers conditionals
; <18> 2/25/91 dba KSM, #dba022505: remove 12 bytes of parameters from
; DialogSelect, instead of 4 (which was wrong)
; <17> 1/14/91 KSM <ddc> Call StdEntry/StdExit around patches to TEPaste/Delete.
; <16> 1/5/91 fjs (KSM) do not allow non-printing function keys
; <15> 12/7/90 DC <dba> Fixed bug in DlgCut, DlgPaste and DlgClear that cuased the
; wrong color and style of text to be drawn into an editText item
; <14> 12/7/90 JSM <dba> Move patch on _DisposDialog and come-from patches on
; _GetAuxWin, _DetachResource, and _SetWinColor here from
; PatchIIROM.a; make CouldDialog, FreeDialog, CouldAlert, and
; FreeAlert do nothing for 7.0 and beyond.
; <13> 11/27/90 JSM <gbm> Move come-from patch on _SetPort inside DrawItem here from
; PatchIIROM.a.
; <12> 11/26/90 JSM <bbm> Enable come-from patch on _DisposeHandle inside
; CloseDialog for the SE and II (it was already here for the
; Plus), move come-from patch on _ValidRect inside SetIText here
; from Patch[PlusSEII]ROM.a.
; <11> 11/16/90 KSM <dba>Fix bug where Stop/Note/Caution Alert call GetCIcon but
; never calls DisposeCIcon. Also fix bug in CouldAD and FreeAD
; where it calls GetCIcon rather than GetResource('cicn') and
; H[No]Purge that handle.
; <10> 11/14/90 JSM <bbm> Move come-from patch on _TEAutoView to fix destRect here
; from Patch[PlusPortableSE]ROM.a.
; <9> 11/12/90 dba & KSM; get rid of a warning by removing the equate for the
; high-level event number
; <8> 9/24/90 KSM <dba>LetÕs return thru the right address in the TEKey patch.
; <7> 8/28/90 DFH Correct capitialiazion of highLongOfPSN and lowLongOfPSN
; <6> 8/17/90 dba move Plus patch to CloseDialog here (come-from on DisposeHandle)
; <5> 8/7/90 KSM Fix bug in DialogSelect patch. Add Cut/Copy/Paste to
; DialogSelect via comefrom on TEKey.
; <4> 7/16/90 stb resynch with process manager, which now uses FSSpecÕs rather
; than filename for GetProcessInfo
; <3> 7/10/90 stb bug fix
; <2> 6/26/90 stb Add patches for IsDialogEvent and DialogSelect to deal with nil
; windows. Also patches to deal with kOSEvents as suspend/resume
; for those apps which don't otherwise get [de]activate events.
; Also patches to ignore high-level events.
; <1> 6/5/90 stb first checked in
load 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'LinkedPatchMacros.a'
include 'LayerEqu.a'
; ROM binds used in several patches
DialogStdEntry ROMBind (Plus, $14C50), (SE, $0F272), (II, $13CC0), (Portable, $12F78), (IIci, $19D76)
; The ROM default sound routine for the dialog manager doenÕt preserve a1/d2.
; The fix is to duplicate the code in initDialog till the sound routine is
; set up and then jump to rom to continue with the rest of InitDialog.
; This patch has been rolled into DialogMgr.a.
ROMInitDialogContinue ROMBind (Plus, $148CC), (SE, $0EEEE), (II, $13852), (Portable, $12BEA), (IIci, $198E4)
FixSoundInDialog PatchProc _InitDialogs,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
jsrrom DialogStdEntry ; duplicate the rom code.
MOVE.L 8(A6), ResumeProc ; Get restartProc pointer to save
CLR.W ACount ; Say starting with 0 for count
ST ANumber ; some bogus ANumber
LEA DABeeper,A0 ; clear the string handles
LEA myZounds,A1 ; point to default sound routine
jmprom ROMInitDialogContinue ; finish the rest of this routine in rom.
; myZounds: Default sound proc
; 0(sp) (long) return address
; 4(sp) (word) number of beeps
tst.w 4(sp) ; check parameter passed in
beq.s @exit ; see if number of beeps is zero
move #3,-(sp) ; decent beep tone
_SysBeep ;
move #6,A0 ; delay 1/10 second
_Delay ;
sub.w #1,4(sp) ; any more beeps?
bne.s @Loop ;
move.l (sp)+,A0 ; get return address
add.w #2,sp ; ... pop off parameter
jmp (A0) ; ... and return
; IsDialogEvent no-windows fix.
; With this patch, IsDialogEvent returns FALSE rather than looking at low memory if there is no
; window (FrontWindow returns NIL).
; kHighLevelEvent fix.
; High-level events are not dialog events. They will be ignored.
; app4 (osEvt) fix.
; Return false if the event is an app4 event and not a suspend or resume event.
; IsDialogEvent suspend/resume for doOwnActivate process fix.
; This will treat a suspend/resume as an activate/deactivate if the process
; is set for for doOwnActivate.
; Registers Used
; --------------
; a2 gets and holds the address of the event record
; a4 gets the dialog window (if any) from ClaimEvent
; d3 trashed
; This patch has been rolled into DialogMgr.a.
ROMIsDiaClaimEvent ROMBind (Plus, $14B48), (SE, $0F16A), (II, $13B98), (Portable, $12E6C), (IIci, $19C4E)
IsDiaNotDlgExit ROMBind (Plus, $14B96), (SE, $0F1B8), (II, $13BE6), (Portable, $12EBA), (IIci, $19C9C)
IsDiaAfterClaimEvent ROMBind (Plus, $14B6E), (SE, $0F190), (II, $13BBE), (Portable, $12E92), (IIci, $19C74)
IsDialogEventFixes PatchProc _IsDialogEvent,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
IsDiaRtnAddress EQU 4 ; EventDialog return address
IsDiaEvent EQU IsDiaRtnAddress+4 ; in event
IsDiaResult EQU IsDiaEvent+4 ; function result
IMPORT NotOwnActivator
IMPORT FakeUpEvent
jsrrom DialogStdEntry ; duplicate the rom code, preserve a2-a4/d3-d7
; check if this is a dialog event
clr.w IsDiaResult(a6) ; assume failure
move.l IsDiaEvent(a6),a2 ; get the event pointer
jsrrom ROMIsDiaClaimEvent ; now A4 points to dialog window
move.l a4,d3 ; test result
beq.s @NotValid ; no window; not a dialog event exit through ROM
; Is this a kHighLevelEvent?
move.w EvtNum(a2),d3
cmpi.w #kHighLevelEvent,d3 ; is this a high-level event?
beq.s @NotValid ; if so, it's not a dialog event!
; Is this a osEvt?
cmpi.w #osEvt,d3 ; is this a suspend/resume/mouse-moved/app-died event?
bne.s @Valid ; we're still here? must be ok (unless we forgot something).
; Is this a suspend or resume?
cmpi.b #1,evtMessage(a2) ; high-order byte holds type of event, 1 => suspend/resume
bne.s @NotValid ; it's not, so it's some other osEvt, return FALSE
; Check to see if this process requires its own activate event.
; If it is, fake [de]activate event on the stack.
jsr NotOwnActivator
beq.s @NotValid ; Doesn't require own activate event, so get out
jsr FakeUpEvent ; Build a fake event on the stack, make room for a short
; result, and push the event record address
_IsDialogEvent ; Find out whether this one qualifies as a dialog event
move.w (sp)+,IsDiaResult(a6) ; pop the result
add.w #evtBlkSize,sp ; pop the event record
; Unlink A6, restore regs, pop D0 byte for parameters.
movem.l (sp)+,a2-a4/d3-d7 ; Restore regs
unlk a6
move.l (sp)+,(sp) ; Pop off 4 bytes of parameters (wierd idiom)
rts ; return
jmprom IsDiaAfterClaimEvent ; rejoin the ROM
jmprom IsDiaNotDlgExit ; not a dialog event; exit through ROM
; DialogSelect no-windows fix.
; With this patch, DialogSelect returns FALSE rather than looking at low memory
; when FrontWindow returns NIL.
; DialogSelect suspend/resume for doOwnActivate process fix.
; This will treat a suspend/resume as an activate/deactivate if the process is set for
; for doOwnActivate. It clones the event onto the stack and calls DialogSelect again.
; Everyone in the patch chain gets a crack at the new event.
; Registers Used
; --------------
; a2 gets and holds the address of the event record
; a4 gets the dialog window (if any)
; d3 trashed
; This patch has been rolled into DialogMgr.a.
DSAfterClaimEvent ROMBind (Plus, $14BAE), (SE, $0F1D0), (II, $13C00), (Portable, $12ED4), (IIci, $19CB6)
DSNotMineExit ROMBind (Plus, $14BD6), (SE, $0F1F8), (II, $13C28), (Portable, $12EFC), (IIci, $19CDE)
DialogSelectFixes PatchProc _DialogSelect,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
DSRetAddr EQU 4 ; EventDialog return address
DSItemHit EQU DSRetAddr+4 ; item clicked on
DSWindow EQU DSItemHit+4 ; returned dialog wondow VAR
DSEvent EQU DSWindow+4 ; in/out event
DSResult EQU DSEvent+4 ; function result
IMPORT NotOwnActivator
IMPORT FakeUpEvent
jsrrom DialogStdEntry ; duplicate the rom code, preserve a2-a4/d3-d7
; check if this is a dialog event
clr.w DSResult(a6) ; Set return boolean, assume failure
movea.l DSWindow(a6), a3 ; Get VAR address of dialog pointer
clr.l (a3) ; Set to NIL, assuming failure
movea.l DSEvent(A6), a2 ; Check event classification and get dialog ptr
jsrrom ROMIsDiaClaimEvent ; now A4 points to dialog window
move.l a4,d3 ; test result
beq.s @NotValid ; no window; not a dialog event exit through ROM
; Is this a osEvt?
move.w EvtNum(a2),d3
cmpi.w #osEvt,d3 ; is this a suspend/resume/mouse-moved/app-died event?
bne.s @Valid ; we're still here? must be ok (unless we forgot something).
; Is this a suspend or resume?
cmpi.b #1,evtMessage(a2) ; high-order byte holds type of event, 1 => suspend/resume
bne.s @NotValid ; it's not, so it's some other osEvt, return FALSE
; Check to see if this process requires its own activate event.
; If it is, fake [de]activate event on the stack.
jsr NotOwnActivator
beq.s @NotValid ; Doesn't require own activate event, so get out
jsr FakeUpEvent ; Build a fake event on the stack, make room for a short
; result, and push the event record address
move.l DSWindow(a6),-(sp) ; VAR dialogPtr
move.l DSItemHit(a6),-(sp) ; VAR itemHit
_DialogSelect ; Try again with new event record
move.w (sp)+,DSResult(a6) ; pop the result
add.w #evtBlkSize,sp ; pop the event record
; Unlink A6, restore regs, pop D0 byte for parameters.
movem.l (sp)+,a2-a4/d3-d7 ; Restore regs
unlk a6
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; get the return address <18>
lea 12(sp),sp ; deallocate 12 bytes of parameters <18>
jmp (a0) ; return <18>
jmprom DSAfterClaimEvent ; rejoin the ROM
moveq #-1,d3
move.l DSItemHit(a6), a0 ; get VAR address of userÕs item <29>
move.w d3, (a0) ; Save item number hit <29>
jmprom DSNotMineExit ; not a dialog event; exit through ROM
; Come-from patch on _TEKey inside DBKeyDown
; This patch adds support for cut/copy/paste to _DialogSelect. Calls DSEdit in DialogMgrExtensions.a.
; This patch has been rolled into DialogMgr.a.
TEKeyFromEventAD ROMBind (Plus, $1537A), (SE, $0F9A8), (II, $1454A), (Portable, $136DA), (IIci, $1A656)
DSEditPatch ComeFromPatchProc _TEKey,TEKeyFromEventAD,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
import DSEdit
jmp DSEdit
; Come-from patch on _DisposeHandle inside CloseDialog
; What used to happen:
; GetNewDialog and NewDialog did a TENew to create a "floating" TextEdit record to share
; amongst all editable text items. It threw away the created hText handle and shuttled
; handles to the various text items cloned from the item list. When CloseDialog came
; around, because hText would be disposed, it was decided to directly dispose the TEHandle
; rather than call TEDispose. This was fine when the only handle TENew created aside from
; the TERecord itself was for text.
; What happens now:
; TextEdit creates at least one additional record now. Set up a NIL for hText, then
; call TEDispose to do the right thing.
AfterDisposeHandleInCloseDialog ROMBind (Plus, $14CC0), (SE, $0F2E2), (II, $13D46)
CloseDialogTextEditPatch ComeFromPatchProc _DisposeHandle,AfterDisposeHandleInCloseDialog,(Plus,SE,II) ; <12>
Move.L A0,-(SP) ; pass TEHandle to TEDispose
Move.L (A0),A0 ; Dereference TEHandle
Clr.L teTextH(A0) ; Stuff fake text handle
_TEDispose ; (TEHandle is still on stack!)
Rts ; back to caller
; Come-from patch on _TEAutoView inside SetNewEdit <10>
; This patch fixes a bug in the Dialog Manager that occurs with right
; justified text. The destRect allocated for TextEdit items in dialogs
; is made twice as wide as the dialog item bounding rectangle. This puts
; right justified text outside the bounding rectangle, where the user just
; can't see it. (No matter how hard he tries.)
; <lms 10/12/88>
AfterTEAutoViewInSetNewEdit ROMBind (Plus, $154D2), (SE, $0FB00), (Portable, $1383C)
SetNewEditTEAutoView ComeFromPatchProc _TEAutoView,AfterTEAutoViewInSetNewEdit,(Plus,SE,Portable)
; d0, d1 & a0 are set upon entry here by the Dialog Manager
; Turn the autoscroll off always!
tst.w teSysJust ; teSysJust set? <21Nov86 jdt>
beqOld ; no -> bail out. <21Nov86 jdt>
; We want to detect when the box is doubled in width, and reverse it.
; (a0) is teDestRect.right.
; a0 is the teRect.
; d0 is the adjusted top (for comparison with the bottom).
cmp.w -2(a0),d0 ; repeat rom test.
bltOld ; no fix necessary.
add.w d1,(a0) ; fix right (d1 is negative).
jmpOld ; continue
; FixDoAlertToDisposeCIconHandles
; Note/Caution/Stop ALERT all call GetCIcon, then PlotCIcon, but never do they dispose the handle.
; This patches that PlotCIcon to follow with a DisposeCIcon.
; This patch has been rolled into DialogMgr.a.
AfterPlotCIconInDoAlert ROMBind (II, $139B2), (IIci, $19A48)
FixDoAlertToDisposeCIconHandles ComeFromPatchProc _PlotCIcon,AfterPlotCIconInDoAlert,(II,IIci)
move.l 8(SP),4(SP) ; Move the rect over the CIconHandle
move.l D0,(SP) ; Put the CIconHandle over the return addr
move.l D0,8(SP) ; Put a CIconHandle under these for Dispose call
jsrOld ; Go do the PlotCIcon
_DisposeCIcon ; Nuke the CIconHandle
jmpROM AfterPlotCIconInDoAlert
; Come-from patch on _ValidRect inside SetIText <12>
; SetIText calls a utility routine, DrawItem, which clobbers D6 even though D6 has a
; handle which will be referenced later. This patch restores the register.
AfterValidRectInSetIText ROMBind (Plus, $14F26), (SE, $0F556), (II, $14034)
SetITextValidRect ComeFromPatchProc _ValidRect,AfterValidRectInSetIText,(Plus,SE,II)
move.l 12(A6),D6 ; set up clobbered register
jmpOld ; continue
; Come-from patch on _SetPort inside DrawItem <13>
; The port, text attributes and colors are only restored if the color item list exists.
; This patch preceeds the GNEFilter SetPort patch.
AfterRestoreSetPortInDrawItem ROMBind (II, $1438A)
DrawItemSetPort ComeFromPatchProc _SetPort,AfterRestoreSetPortInDrawItem,(II)
SUBQ #2+4,SP ; make room for boolean result and color table handle
MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ; pointer to dialog window
PEA 4+2(SP) ; point to room for color table
ADDQ #2,SP ; ignore boolean result
MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ; is there an AuxWinRecord?
BEQ.S SkipIt ; if not, do nothing
MOVE.L D0,A0 ; get the handle
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; point to the data
TST.L dialogCItem(A0) ; is there a color ditl?
bneOld ; make the SetPort call
addq #8,sp ; get rid of port parameter, and SetPort return address
rts ; return, but not to the caller! skip the restore stuff
; Dispose 'ictb' in DisposDialog, not CloseDialog, on Mac II <14>
; Originally patch PB195 written on 09jul87.
; This pair of patches to _DisposDialog and _GetAuxWin causes the 'ictb' to be thrown away
; in response to DisposDialog instead of CloseDialog on a Mac II.
DisposDialogFix PatchProc _DisposDialog,(II)
SUBQ #6,SP ; boolean result from GetAuxWin, handle
MOVE.L 10(SP),-(SP) ; window for GetAuxWin
PEA 6(SP) ; handle for GetAuxWin
ADDQ #2,SP ; donÕt care if it is the default
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the aux handle
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; dereference
MOVE.L dialogCItem(A0),D0 ; use the reserved field for ditl
BEQ.S @noDitl
jmpOld ; do old DisposDialog
AfterGetAuxWinInCloseDialog ROMBind (II, $13D30)
AtNoDITLInCloseDialog ROMBind (II, $13D40)
NoIctbDisposeInCloseDialog ComeFromPatchProc _GetAuxWin,AfterGetAuxWinInCloseDialog,(II)
ADD #18,SP ; remove parameters, return addr, and boolean and handle
jmpROM AtNoDITLInCloseDialog ; and go around ROM code that disposes 'ictb'
; Duplicate 'dctb' and 'actb' on Mac II <15>
; Originally patch PB195 written on 09jul87.
; This pair of come-from patches to _DetachResource and _SetWinColor causes the 'actb' or 'dctb'
; to be duplicated if called by GetNewDialog or an alert call; it is never detached. SetWinColor
; allows color tables to specify that the window should use the default color table if ctSize is
; -1. In this case, it doesn't use the handle passed in at all, so we don't need to copy it. If
; we did copy it, it would never be thrown away later on.
AfterDetachResourceInDoColor ROMBind (II, $13E6E)
NoDetachResourceInDoColor ComeFromPatchProc _DetachResource,AfterDetachResourceInDoColor,(II)
MOVE.L (SP)+,(SP) ; don't detach 'actb' or 'dctb'
AfterSetWinColorInGotStorage ROMBind (II, $13B26)
DuplicateColorTableInNewDialog ComeFromPatchProc _SetWinColor,AfterSetWinColorInGotStorage,(II)
MOVE.L 4(SP),A0 ; get the window color table
MOVE.L (A0),A1 ; dereference
CMP.W #-1,ctSize(A1) ; use default window colors?
beqOld ; if so, no need to duplicate
_HandToHand ; make copy for window manager
MOVE.L A0,4(SP) ; and save for call to SetWinColor
; Patch out CouldDialog, FreeDialog, CouldAlert, and FreeAlert <14>
; Under 7.0, these calls work even more poorly than they do under 6.0. So, with the goal of
; making them completely obsolete in the future, we'll make them do nothing.
MakePatch CleanupTwoBytes,_CouldDialog,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
MakePatch CleanupTwoBytes,_FreeDialog,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
MakePatch CleanupTwoBytes,_CouldAlert,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
MakePatch CleanupTwoBytes,_FreeAlert,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
CleanupTwoBytes Proc Export
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; get return address
addq #2,sp ; remove dialogID parameter
jmp (a0) ; and return
; patches on TEDelete and TEPaste <20>
; When any text operation is performed on a color dialog with an 'ictb', it sets up the dialogÕs
; grafPort with the appropriate font and color information before and restores after. Since DlgPaste,
; DlgClear and DlgCut are glue, and were not revised for System 4, they do not do the appropriate set up
; and restore required for changing an EditText item. Even if they were rewritten, existing applications
; would not be fixed. Since DlgClear, DlgCut and DlgPaste call only TEPaste and TEClear, we patch these
; to routines to decide whether the TEHandle passed to them is the TEHandle used by a color dialog for
; its EditText items, and if so perform the necessary dialog manager operations to support any
; ictb entries associated with these items.
FixTEPaste PatchProc _TEPaste,(II,IIci)
Import IsDialogEdit
Import SetUpDialog
Import RestoreDialog
MOVEA.L 4(SP), A0 ; Get TEHandle into A0 for call to IsDialogEdit
JSR IsDialogEdit ; decide whether to call setup and restore TE
beqOld ; do the inherited behavior, OtherwiseÉ
jsrrom DialogStdEntry ; Set up standard Dialog Manager stack frame for SetUpDialog
JSR SetUpDialog ; Performs set up for TextEdit operations on Color Dialogs
MOVE.L 8(A6), -(SP) ; repush the TEHandle
jsrold ; call the old routine
JMP RestoreDialog ; execute clean-up code and jump to return code
; This patch fixes TECut as well because TECut calls TECopy and then TEDelete
FixTEDelete PatchProc _TEDelete,(II,IIci)
Import IsDialogEdit
Import SetUpDialog
Import RestoreDialog
MOVEA.L 4(SP), A0 ; Get TEHandle into A0 for call to IsDialogEdit
JSR IsDialogEdit ; decide whether to call setup and restore TE
beqOld ; do the inherited behavior, OtherwiseÉ
jsrrom DialogStdEntry ; Set up standard Dialog Manager stack frame for SetUpDialog
JSR SetUpDialog ; Performs set up for TextEdit operations on Color Dialogs
MOVE.L 8(A6), -(SP) ; repush the TEHandle
jsrold ; call the old routine
JMP RestoreDialog ; execute clean-up code and jump to return code
; SetUpDialog <20>
; Calls Dialog Manager ROM routines BeginInWind and SetUpText which set thePort to the color dialog and
; sets the font and color of thePort to whatever is specified in the ictb (if there is any ictb).
SetUpText ROMBind (II, $146F8), (IIci, $1A804)
BeginInWind ROMBind (II, $13D62), (IIci, $19E14)
SetUpDialog Proc Export
MOVEA.L 8(A6), A0 ; Get the TEHandle (frame set up by DialogStdEntry)
MOVEA.L (A0), A0 ; get the TEPtr
MOVEA.L teGrafPort(A0), A4 ; get the grafPtr/DialogPtr
jsrrom BeginInWind ; set thePort appropriately and put the editField value in D3
jsrrom SetUpText ; set up the dialog's pen color and text font for the ictb entry
; RestoreDialog <20>
; Calls Dialog Manager ROM routines RestoreTE and EndInWind to restore the dialog to its previous
; font and color state and to restore thePort to its previous value. We then call DialogStdExit
; to clear up the standard frame, pop off our parameters and return
RestoreTE ROMBind (II, $14810), (IIci, $1A91C)
EndInWind ROMBind (II, $13DA0), (IIci, $19DC2)
DialogStdExit ROMBind (II, $13CCC), (IIci, $19D82)
RestoreDialog Proc Export
jsrrom RestoreTE ; call the dialog manager "cleanup-after-text-update" routine
jsrrom EndInWind ; restore thePort
MOVEQ #4, D0 ; Set D0 to size of the handle passed to TEDelete/TEPaste (for DialogStdExt)
jmprom DialogStdExit ; clean up after RomStdEntry
; IsDialogEdit <20>
; Takes a TEHandle in A0 and decides whether it is the TEHandle used by a Color Dialog for its EditText
; items.
IsDialogEdit Proc Export
Import IsColorDialog
MOVE.L A0, D0 ; Test the TEHandle
BEQ.S NotADialogWindow ; If it's NULL, it isn't any kind of window
MOVEA.L (A0), A0 ; Get the TEPtr
MOVE.L D0, -(SP) ; save the TEHandle for after IsColorDialog
SUBQ #2, SP ; Set up for return value from IsDialogWindow
MOVE.L teGrafPort(A0), -(SP) ; Push the TEHandle grafPtr
JSR IsColorDialog ; Check the TEHandle's grafport to see if is a dialogptr
MOVE.B (SP)+, D0 ; Store result in D0
MOVEA.L (SP)+, A1 ; recover TEHandle
BEQ.S NotADialogWindow ; if this is not a color dialog, we're done checking
MOVE.L (A1), A0 ; Get the TEPtr
MOVE.L teGrafPort(A0), A0 ; Get the TEHandle's grafPtr (a DialogPeek)
CMPA.L teHandle(A0), A1 ; Is our TEHandle the same as the Dialog's?
SEQ D0 ; Set to ones if equal, clears otherwise
TST.B D0 ; Set condition codes
; pascal Boolean IsColorDialog(GrafPtr thePort); <15>
; FUNCTION IsColorDialog(thePort: GrafPtr): BOOLEAN;
; IsColorDialog returns whether thePort is a COLOR window of dialogKind.
IsColorDialog Proc Export
MOVE.L 4(SP), A0 ; get the TEHandle's GrafPtr
SUBQ #2, SP ; make room for call to EachWindow
MOVEQ #firstWindow, D0 ; start our iteration at the first window in the layer
MOVE.L D0, -(SP)
CLR.L -(SP) ; finish after the last window in the layer
CLR.L -(SP) ; use the current layer for the iteration
PEA FindOurPort ; push the action proc
MOVE.L A0, -(SP) ; Push the current port
_EachWindow ; call the iterator
CLR.W D1 ; clear D1 to use as a boolean return value
TST.W (SP)+ ; check the return value, 0 or -1 - not a dialog
SGT D1 ; set the low byte to be true or false appropriately
MOVEA.L (SP)+, A0 ; Get the return address
ADDQ #4, SP ; Pop the parameters
MOVE.B D1, (SP) ; put the return result on the stack
JMP (A0) ; return
FindOurPort MOVE.L 4(SP), A0 ; Get the port to be tested
MOVE.L 12(SP), A1 ; Get the window to test against
CMPA.L A0, A1 ; Have we found ourselves yet?
BNE.S KeepGoing ; No, keep looking
TST.W portBits+rowBytes(A0) ; Check to see if this is a color window
BGT.S NotADialog ; No, we're done checking and our window isn't color
MOVE.W windowKind(A0), D0 ; Yes, lets see if we're a dialog, shall we?
CMPI.W #dialogKind, D0 ; Is it a dialogÉ
BNE.S NotADialog ; No, we're done checking and we don't hava a dialog
MOVEQ #1, D1 ; set the return value and leave
BRA.S Leave
NotADialog MOVEQ #-1, D1 ; Set the return value to a number to stop iteratingÉ
BRA.S Leave ; make it a negative number to indicate not a dialog
KeepGoing CLR.W D1 ; indicate no result and continue
Leave MOVE.L (SP)+, A0
LEA 12(SP), SP ; pop the parameters
MOVE.W D1, (SP) ; leave the return value
JMP (A0) ; return
; FixDoStaticSub <23>
; DoStatic scans the static text string looking for carets to decide if it needs to do any ParamText
; string substitutions. If the font is a double-byte font, this will not work since the caret can
; be the second byte of a double-byte character. Hence, the wrong substitution is made.
; NOTE: This patch was put onto _HandToHand rather than the closer _GetHandleSize as a
; performance consideration. GetHandleSize is called significantly more often thus
; patching it is suboptimal versus adding the few extra lines of code to patch _H2H.
; This patch has been rolled into DialogMgr.a.
AfterH2HinDoStatic ROMBind (Plus,$15268),(SE,$0F898),(II,$14400),(IIci,$1A4FC),(Portable,$135B6)
ROMskipParam ROMBind (Plus,$15286),(SE,$0F8B6),(II,$14422),(IIci,$1A51E),(Portable,$135D8)
FixDoStaticSub ComeFromAfterPatchProc _HandToHand,AfterH2HinDoStatic,(Plus,SE,II,IIci,Portable)
MOVE.L A0,A2 ; save handle in A2
TST.B D6 ; is it an edit text item?
beqROM ROMskipParam ; if so, donÕt substitute carets
MOVE.L A2,-(SP) ; Push the string handle
IMPORT ReplaceCitations
JSR ReplaceCitations ; Use the new, cool citation replacement algorithm
jmpROM ROMskipParam ; And rejoin the ROM as if no citations need to be done
; Come-from patch on _GetResource inside doColorStuff
; DonÕt purge 'actb' and 'dctb' color tables for alerts and dialogs.
; This patch has been rolled into DialogMgr.a.
AfterGetResourceInDoColor ROMBind (II,$13E60),(IIci,$19F2E)
DontPurgeDialogColorTables ComeFromAfterPatchProc _GetResource,AfterGetResourceInDoColor,(II,IIci)
move.l (sp),a0 ; get the result handle
_HNoPurge ; call HNoPurge on it (even if it is NIL)