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; File: ModalDialogMenuExtensions.a
; Contains: Assembly language portions of Modal Dialog Menu Access Facility
; used by both the ROM and System.
; Written by: Darin Adler, Kevin MacDonell, Roger Mann, and Jeff Miller
; Copyright: © 1990-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <6> 12/17/92 JSM Remove TheFuture conditionals.
; <5> 12/9/92 DTY GetIsDialogState and SetIsDialogState are never used, so get rid
; of them. (Just so Jeff canÕt do it.)
; <4> 6/10/92 JSM Need to include DialogsPriv.a for ROM and future System builds.
; <3> 6/10/92 JSM Only include LinkedPatchMacros.a for non-ROM builds, add some
; more comments about why we can use peaOld here.
; <2> 6/10/92 JSM Moved some routines here from ModalDialogMenuPatches.a to factor
; out common code in both the ROM and the System. Added
; InitDialogMgrGlobals for ROM builds and future System builds so
; we donÕt have to keep our globals in code space, and change the
; Set/GetXXXRoutines to use ExpandMem for the ROM and the future.
; Changed MDJGNEFilter for ROM builds so it does the right thing.
; <1> 6/10/92 JSM first checked in
load 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'LinkedPatchMacros.a' ; To get peaOld macro for MDJGNEFilter
include 'BalloonsPriv.a' ; To get the _HMModalDialogMenuSetup macro
include 'ScriptPriv.a' ; To get the equates to call _KeyScript
include 'MenuMgrPriv.a' ; To get kApplicationMenuID
include 'DialogsPriv.a' ; To get DialogMgrGlobals definition
; ModalDialogMenuSetup - implements _ModalDialogMenuSetup
; PROCEDURE ModalDialogMenuSetup(nowModal: BOOLEAN);
; nowModal: TRUE if set up for modal, FALSE if restore to normal
; Referenced by DispTable.a for the ROM and by a MakePatch macro in ModalDialogMenuPatches.a
; for the System.
ModalDialogMenuSetup Proc Export
subq #2,sp ; make space for the useless OsErr return
move.b 6(sp),-(sp) ; push the boolean
_HMModalDialogMenuSetup ; set up Help Mgr menu
addq #2,sp ; Dump result
moveq #smKeyDisableAboutKybds,d0 ; Assume we are going modal
tst.b 4(sp) ; Are we going modal?
bne.s @doDisable
moveq #smKeyEnableAboutKybds,d0 ; Re-enable the KeyScript menu
move.w d0,-(sp) ; Pass opcode to KeyScript
subq #4,sp ; Make room to get menuhandle
move.w #kApplicationMenuID,-(sp) ; Push the menuID
_GetMHandle ; Look for the Application menu
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; Did we get it?
beq.s @done ; Nope
move.l d0,-(sp) ; Push the menuhandle
move.w #0,-(sp) ; Zero means whole menu
tst.b 10(sp) ; Are we going modal?
bne.s @doDisable ; Non-zero means modal
bra.s @done ; GTFO
; Clean up the mess
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; Pull off the return address
addq #2,sp ; Dump the original boolean
jmp (a0) ; Return from whence we came
; MDJGNEFilter
; Pass each event through our filter
; Referenced by StartInit.a for the ROM and by a MakePatch macro in ModalDialogMenuPatches.a
; for the System.
; The ROM and System versions are packaged slightly differently. The ROM version just calls
; NMGNEFilter after itÕs done, whereas the System calls through to whatever the old filter
; was at patch time.
MDJGNEFilter Proc Export
import FilterEvent ; from ModalDialogMenuExtensions.c
tst.b WWExist ; do nothing unless Window Mgr. is here
bnz.s @done
movem.l d0-d2/a0-a2,-(sp)
move.l a1,a2
move.l a1,-(sp) ; pass event record pointer
jsr FilterEvent ; call event filter
tst.w evtNum(a2) ; is it a null event?
bnz.s @notNull ; null events must return false
clr.w 6*4+4(sp) ; change result code to false
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d2/a0-a2
import NMGNEFilter ; from NotificationMgr.c
pea NMGNEFilter ; call NMGNEFilter
peaOld ; call the old filter
; note: we can use peaOld here because
; the System references us with a MakePatch,
; if it jumped to MDJGNEFilter from a patch
; instead then peaOld wouldnÕt work
tst.l (sp) ; check if there was one
bnz.s @done ; yes, go do it
addq.l #4,sp ; no filter, donÕt call
; InitDialogMgrGlobals Ñ allocate and initialize globals stored in emDialogGlobals
; Called by StartBoot.a for the ROM, or by a MakeInstall macro in ModalDialogMenuPatches.a for the System.
InitDialogMgrGlobals Proc Export
with DialogMgrGlobals
; allocate mem & get ptr to it
move.l #DialogMgrGlobalsSize,D0 ; D0 = size of RAM we need
_NewPtr SYS,CLEAR ; Get RAM for variables
; set ptr in ExpandMemRec.emDialogGlobals
move.l ExpandMem,A1 ; A1 -> ExpandedMem
move.l A0,ExpandMemRec.emDialogGlobals(A1) ; store vars Pointer in ExpandMem
; initialize varibles
; no need to set the ones that are 0, NewPtr did that above, but IÕll leave them here for clarity
; move.w #0, AnalyzedWindowState(A0) ; used in Set/GetAnalyzedWindowState proc
move.l #1, AnalyzedWindow(A0) ; used in Set/GetAnalyzedWindow proc
; move.l #0, SavedMenuState(A0) ; used in Set/GetSavedMenuState proc
; SetAnalyzedWindowState (GetAnalyzedWindowState)
; SetAnalyzedWindow (GetAnalyzedWindow)
; SetSavedMenuState (GetSavedMenuState)
; SetIsDialogState (GetIsDialogState)
; Routines to set and get globals used by the Dialog Mgr.
SetAnalyzedWindowState proc export
export GetAnalyzedWindowState
move.l (sp)+,a0
move.l ExpandMem,a1 ; A1 -> Expanded Low Memory
move.l ExpandMemRec.emDialogGlobals(a1),a1 ; A1-> ptr to globals
move.w (sp)+,DialogMgrGlobals.AnalyzedWindowState(a1) ; set new value
jmp (a0)
move.l ExpandMem,a1 ; A1 -> Expanded Low Memory
move.l ExpandMemRec.emDialogGlobals(a1),a1 ; A1-> ptr to globals
move.w DialogMgrGlobals.AnalyzedWindowState(a1),4(sp) ; get return value
SetAnalyzedWindow proc export
export GetAnalyzedWindow
move.l (sp)+,a0
move.l ExpandMem,a1 ; A1 -> Expanded Low Memory
move.l ExpandMemRec.emDialogGlobals(a1),a1 ; A1-> ptr to globals
move.l (sp)+,DialogMgrGlobals.AnalyzedWindow(a1) ; set new value
jmp (a0)
move.l ExpandMem,a1 ; A1 -> Expanded Low Memory
move.l ExpandMemRec.emDialogGlobals(a1),a1 ; A1-> ptr to globals
move.l DialogMgrGlobals.AnalyzedWindow(a1),4(sp) ; get return value
SetSavedMenuState proc export
export GetSavedMenuState
move.l (sp)+,a0
move.l ExpandMem,a1 ; A1 -> Expanded Low Memory
move.l ExpandMemRec.emDialogGlobals(a1),a1 ; A1-> ptr to globals
move.l (sp)+,DialogMgrGlobals.SavedMenuState(a1) ; set new value
jmp (a0)
move.l ExpandMem,a1 ; A1 -> Expanded Low Memory
move.l ExpandMemRec.emDialogGlobals(a1),a1 ; A1-> ptr to globals
move.l DialogMgrGlobals.SavedMenuState(a1),4(sp) ; get return value
; PushMenuState: SavedHandle;
; savedMenus = 0;
; if (ActiveWindowNeedsHelp())
; savedMenus = SetSaveMenusEnableState();
; On entry: nothing
; On exit: stack has saved menu handle or NIL
PushMenuState Proc Export
import SetSaveMenusEnableState ; from ModalDialogMenuExtensions.c
import ActiveWindowNeedsHelp ; from ModalDialogMenuExtensions.c
clr.l -(sp) ; default result of function
subq #2,sp ; make room for result
jsr ActiveWindowNeedsHelp ; does this window need help?
jsr SetSaveMenusEnableState ; pass TAnalyzedWindowState info
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; get result
move.l (sp),a0 ; get return address
move.l d0,(sp) ; put result on stack
jmp (a0) ; return
; PopMenuState
; if (savedMenus)
; RestoreMenusEnableState(savedMenus);
; On entry: stack has saved menu handle or NIL
; On exit: handle is popped off the stack
PopMenuState Proc Export
import RestoreMenusEnableState ; from ModalDialogMenuExtensions.c
move.l 4(sp),d0 ; check out the saved menu handle
beq.s @done ; NIL, do nothing
move.l d0,-(sp)
jsr RestoreMenusEnableState ; Restore the state
move.l (sp)+,(sp) ; pop off the handle