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synced 2025-02-05 23:30:14 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
145 lines
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145 lines
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; File: PopupCDEFMDEF.a
; Contains: code resource that postprocesses menu defproc's mSizeMsg
; by expanding the width by a given delta amount
; Written by: Byron Han
; Copyright: © 1989-1990, 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <5> 11/3/92 DTY Clean up includes.
; <4> 3/30/91 DTY ngk, #f1-ngk-002: lock down MDEF before calling through to it.
; <3> 3/19/90 EMT Deleted spurious characters inserted in <2>.
; <2> 3/19/90 BBH moved dsMDEFNotFound to SysErr.a
; <1> 3/5/90 BBH first checked in to BBS
; Pre-BBS Modification History
; 12/2/89 BBH Swap version/procID
; Incorporate changes from code revu
; (tighten up code, add syserr if cannot load mdef)
; 11/28/89 BBH Created
; PROCEDURE MyMDEF(msg: INTEGER; hMenu: MenuHandle;
; VAR mRect: Rect; hitPt: Point; VAR mItem: INTEGER);
; This MDEF calls the mdef stored in the header. If the size message is
; passed in, we increase the width by the value in extend.
; So, to do this from pascalÉ
; MyHandle = ^MyPtr;
; MyPtr = ^MyRecord;
; MyRecord = RECORD { format of the header }
; branch: INTEGER; { BRA.S blah blah blah }
; flags: INTEGER;
; rType: ResType;
; procID: INTEGER;
; version: INTEGER;
; defProc: Handle;
; extend: INTEGER;
; END;
; theHandle := MyHandle(GetResource('MDEF', $DFE0)); { get new mdef }
; WITH theHandle^^ DO { and fill in the blanks }
; defProc := theMenu^^.menuProc;
; extend := info.widMax
; END;
; theMenu^^.menuProc := Handle(theHandle); { set up new mdefproc }
; { call popupmenuselect here }
; theMenu^^.menuProc := theHandle^.defProc; { restore the mdefproc }
wholeErrors EQU 1 ; <BBH 12/2/89> we want ALL error codes
INCLUDE 'SysErr.a' ; <BBH 12/2/89>
INCLUDE 'ToolEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'Traps.a'
retAddr EQU 4 ; stack frame constants
mItem EQU retAddr+4
hitPt EQU mItem+4
mRect EQU hitPt+4
hMenu EQU mRect+4
msg EQU hMenu+4
branch BRA.S Main ; 2 bytes
flags DC.W 0 ; flags
rType DC.L ('MDEF')
procID DC.W $DFE0 ; procID (owned by CDEF 63)
version DC.W 0 ; version
defproc DC.L 0 ; handle for the menu defproc
extend DC.W 0 ; amount to increase horizontal by
Main LINK A6,#-2 ; create a stack frame
MOVE.W msg(A6),-(SP) ; repush the parameters
MOVE.L hMenu(A6),-(SP)
MOVE.L mRect(A6),-(SP)
MOVE.L hitPt(A6),-(SP)
MOVE.L mItem(A6),-(SP)
MOVE.L defProc,A0 ; replaces two lines below <BBH 12/2/89>
; LEA defproc,A0 ; get the defProc storage
; MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; get the defproc
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; load mdefproc <BBH 12/2/89>
MOVE.L (A0),D1 ; check if still not loaded <BBH 12/2/89> <4, #f1-ngk-002>
BNE.S @AOK ; all right
MOVEQ #dsMDEFNotFound,D0 ; deep shit alert error
BRA.S @byebye ; and now back to the futureÉ
@AOK ; end addition <BBH 12/2/89>
_HGetState ; Get state of MDEF <4, #f1-ngk-002>
move.w d0,-2(a6) ; Save state <4, #f1-ngk-002>
_HLock ; <4, #f1-ngk-002>
MOVE.L D1,A0 ; dereference defproc <4, #f1-ngk-002>
JSR (A0) ; jump through it please
move.l defProc,a0 ; <4, #f1-ngk-002>
move.w -2(a6),d0 ; Restore state of handle <4, #fl-ngk-002>
_HSetState ; <4, #f1-ngk-002>
CMP.W #mSizeMsg,msg(A6) ; replaces two lines below <BBH 12/2/89>
; MOVE.W msg(A6),D0 ; is this a size measurement?
; CMP #mSizeMsg,D0
BNE.S @byebye
MOVE.W extend,D0 ; replaces two lines below <BBH 12/2/89>
; LEA extend,A0 ; get amount to widen the menu
; MOVE.W (A0),D0
MOVE.L hMenu(A6),A0 ; get the mHandle
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; dereference
ADD.W D0,menuWidth(A0) ; and add amount to extend byÉ
@byebye ; common exit code
UNLK A6 ; destroy stack frame
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get return address
LEA 18(SP),SP ; replaces line below <BBH 12/2/89>
; ADD.L #18,SP ; strip
JMP (A0) ; and go home