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Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
416 lines
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; File: I2C.a
; Contains: Routines for reading and writing I-squared-C serial ROMS.
; Written by:
; Copyright: © 1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <K2> 5/20/93 EH Fixed up comments.
; <1> 5/20/93 EH first checked in
; Routine: X24c01aGetID
; This routine talks to the X24c01a Xicor Serial ROM part to get the Ethernet ID
; address stored therein. The X24c01a belongs to a class of parts whose interface
; is the standard I-squared-C (I2C) inteface, consististing of two signals, a clock
; and a bi-directional data signal.
; On Blackbird, the clock signal is hooked up to PB0 of the VIA 1 cell inside Whitney.
; the clock signal is hooked up to PB1 of the VIA 1 cell inside Whitney.
; Since there are an increasing number of I2C ROMs in Macintosh products, we may
; want to generalize this solution at some point. But for now...
print off
load 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
include 'i2cEqu.a'
print on
machine MC68040
* bra.s BBirdGetENetID
; Routine: BBirdGetENetID
; Inputs: a0.l - points to memory in which to place the ROM ID bytes
; Outputs: a0.l - points to valid ROM ID bytes
; or points to zeroes
; Trashes:
; Function: Gets the EtherNet ID from the Serial EtherNet ID ROM.
ENetregs REG d0-d7/a5
movem.l ENetregs, -(sp)
moveq #retryCnt, d3 ; set the retry count
move.l VIA, a5 ; point to the via
bsr.w SendStart ; send Start Condition
move.b #$A0, d4 ; send slave address for write
bsr.w SendByte
bsr.w ReceiveAck ; get Acknowledge
beq.s @sendWordAddr ; Ack OK? then go on
move.l a1, a0 ; restore our pointer
cmpi.w #WereLosers, d0 ; are we totally dead?
beq.s @exit ; totally dead, so exit with ID = 0
dbra d3, @ReadCmdStart ; retry if non-zero retry count
bra.s @exit ; retries exhausted, so punt with ID = 0
moveq #0, d4 ; send read addr = 0
bsr.w SendByte
bsr.w ReceiveAck ; get Acknowledge
bne.s @error ; Ack OK? then go on
bsr.w SendStart ; send another Start Condition
move.b #$A1, d4 ; send slave address for read
bsr.w SendByte
bsr.w ReceiveAck ; get Acknowledge
bne.s @error
move.l a0, a1 ; save our pointer
moveq #8-1, d1 ; get 8 bytes
bsr.w GetByte ; get a byte
bsr.w SendAck ; send acknowledge
move.b d4, (a0)+ ; save it
dbra d1, @byteLoop
move.l a1, a0 ; restore our pointer
@exit bsr.w SendStop
movem.l (sp)+, ENetregs
; Routine: BBirdSetENetID
; Inputs: a0.l - points to ROM ID in memory to send to ROM
; Outputs:
; Trashes:
; Function: Sets the EtherNet ID for the Serial EtherNet ID ROM.
movem.l ENetregs, -(sp)
moveq #retryCnt, d3 ; set the retry count
move.l VIA, a5 ; point to the via
moveq #2-1, d6 ; page cnt: two pages = eight bytes
moveq #0, d7 ; write address start
move.l a0, a1 ; save our pointer
bsr.s SendStart ; send Start Condition
move.b #$A0, d4 ; send slave address for write
bsr.w SendByte
bsr.w ReceiveAck ; get Acknowledge
beq.s @sendWordAddr ; Ack OK? then go on
move.l a1, a0 ; restore our pointer
bsr.s SendStop ; stop the music
cmpi.w #WereLosers, d0 ; are we totally dead?
beq.s @exit ; totally dead, so exit with ID = 0
dbra d3, @PageWriteStart ; retry if non-zero retry count
bra.s @exit ; retries exhausted, so punt with ID = 0
move.l d7, d4 ; starting write addr for this page
bsr.w SendByte
bsr.w ReceiveAck ; get Acknowledge
bne.s @error ; Ack OK? then go on
moveq #4-1, d1 ; send 4 bytes
@byteLoop move.b (a0)+, d4 ; get byte to send
bsr.s SendByte ; send it
bsr.w ReceiveAck ; wait for acknowledge
bne.s @error ; punt on error
dbra d1, @byteLoop ; loop thru page bytes
bsr.s SendStop ; stop the music
bsr.w Wait10ms ; wait for ROM's internal write cycle
addq.w #4, d7 ; bump write addr to next page
dbra d6, @PageWriteStart ; loop thru 2 pages = eight bytes
move.l a1, a0 ; restore our pointer
@exit movem.l (sp)+, ENetregs
; Routine: SendStart
; Inputs: a5.l - points to VIA
; Outputs: None
; Trashes: d2
; Function: Sends Start condition for transaction to Ethernet ID ROM.
; Start indicated by HIGH to LOW Data transition while Clock is HIGH.
bset.b #vENetIDData,vDIRB(a5) ; set Data direction OUT
bset.b #vENetIDData, (a5) ; must init data ...
bset.b #vENetIDClk, (a5) ; ... before clock
bsr.w Wait10 ; wait start-setup time
bclr.b #vENetIDData, (a5) ; set the start condition
bsr.w Wait10 ; wait start-hold time
bclr.b #vENetIDClk, (a5) ; and drop the clock
; Routine: SendStop
; Inputs: a5.l - points to VIA
; Outputs: None
; Trashes: d2
; Function: Sends Start condition for transaction to Ethernet ID ROM.
; Data must be LOW coming in (we have just ack'd).
; Stop indicated by LOW to HIGH Data transition while Clock is HIGH.
bset.b #vENetIDData,vDIRB(a5) ; set Data direction OUT
bset.b #vENetIDClk, (a5) ; set clock HIGH
bsr.w Wait10 ; wait stop-setup time
bset.b #vENetIDData, (a5) ; set the stop condition
bsr.w Wait10 ; wait stop-hold time
; Routine: ClockBit
; Inputs: a5.l - points to VIA
; Outputs: d5.b - level of rcv bit when clock is high
; Trashes: d2
; Function: Pulse high.
; Turns off interrupts so we don't screw up.
move sr, -(sp) ; save status register
ori.w #hiIntMask, sr ; turn off interrupts
bsr.w Wait10 ; wait some more
bset.b #vENetIDClk, (a5) ; clock goes HIGH
btst.b #vENetIDData, (a5) ; get the bit
sne.b d5 ;
bclr.b #vENetIDClk, (a5) ; clock goes LOW
bsr.w Wait10 ; wait some more
move (sp)+, sr ; restore interrupts
; Routine: SendByte
; Inputs: d4.b - byte to send
; Outputs:
; Trashes:
; Function: Sends a byte to the EtherNet ID ROM
sendregs REG d0-d3/d5
movem.l sendregs, -(sp)
bset.b #vENetIDData,vDIRB(a5) ; set Data direction OUT
moveq #1,d1 ; set send/rcv flag
moveq #8-1, d3 ; loop thru 8 bits
@loop rol.b #1,d4 ; get bit to send in the carry
bcc.s @zero ;
bset.b #vENetIDData, (a5) ; send a one
bra.s @clockData
@zero bclr.b #vENetIDData, (a5) ; send a zero
@clockData bsr.s ClockBit ; send out a bit
dbra d3, @loop
movem.l (sp)+, sendregs
; Routine: GetByte
; Inputs:
; Outputs: d4.b has the received byte
; Trashes:
; Function: Receives a byte from the EtherNet ID ROM
getByteRegs REG d0-d3/d5
movem.l getByteRegs, -(sp)
bclr.b #vENetIDData,vDIRB(a5) ; Data direction is IN
moveq #0,d1 ; clear send/rcv flag
moveq #8-1, d3 ; loop thru 8 bits
moveq #0,d4 ; clear for incoming byte
@loop bsr.s ClockBit ; clock in a bit
roxl.b #1,d5 ; get incoming bit into extend bit
roxl.b #1,d4 ; shift incoming bit receive byte
dbra d3, @loop
movem.l (sp)+, getByteRegs
; Routine: ReceiveAck
; Inputs: a5.l - points to VIA
; Outputs: d0.w - error indicator
; Trashes:
; Function: Waits for an acknowledge bit from the EtherNet ID ROM.
; Data direction must be IN.
ackregs REG d1-d3/d5
movem.l ackregs, -(sp)
bclr.b #vENetIDData,vDIRB(a5) ; Data direction is IN
moveq #0, d1 ; clear the xmit/rcv flag
bsr.s ClockBit ; get a bit
tst.b d5 ; did we get the ACK?
beq.s @ackOK
moveq #badACK, d0 ; assume we get ACK late
moveq #8-1-1, d3 ; lets try to get ACK for rest of byte
bsr.s ClockBit ; get a bit
tst.b d5 ; did we get the ACK?
beq.s @getToKnownState ; yes, now get into a known state
dbra d3, @tryForAck ; no, try for ACK again
moveq #WereLosers, d0 ; never got an ACK, return PUNT error
bra.s @exit
bsr.s GetByte ; read ROM just in case
bclr.b #vENetIDData, (a5) ; send out ACK
bsr.w SendStop ; send Stop
bra.s @exit ; return bacACK error
@ackOK moveq #0,d0 ; return happy-Ack
@exit movem.l (sp)+, ackregs
tst.w d0 ; set error condition
; Routine: SendAck
; Inputs: a5.l - points to VIA
; Outputs:
; Trashes: d1, d4
; Function: Sends an acknowledge bit to the EtherNet ID ROM
@sendackregs REG d1/d4
movem.l @sendackregs, -(sp)
bset.b #vENetIDData,vDIRB(a5) ; Data direction is OUT
moveq #1, d1 ; set xmit/rcv flag
bclr.b #vENetIDData, (a5) ; clear for Ack
bsr.w ClockBit ; send Ack bit
movem.l (sp)+, @sendackregs
; Routine: Wait5, Wait10, Wait10ms
; Inputs:
; Outputs:
; Trashes: d2
; Function: Delays 5µs, 10µs, and 10ms
Wait10 move.w TimeVIAdb,d2 ; 1 ms delay
lsl.w #2,d2 ; 4 ms delay
add.w TimeVIAdb,d2 ; 5 ms delay
lsr.w #8,d2 ; 9.76 µs delay
lsr.w #1,d2
@loop tst.b ([VIA])
dbra d2,@loop
Wait5 move.w TimeVIAdb,d2 ; 1 ms delay
lsl.w #2,d2 ; 4 ms delay
add.w TimeVIAdb,d2 ; 5 ms delay
lsr.w #8,d2 ; 4.88 µs delay
lsr.w #2,d2
@loop tst.b ([VIA])
dbra d2,@loop
Wait10ms move.w TimeVIAdb,d2 ; 1 ms delay
lsl.w #3,d2 ; 8 ms delay
add.w TimeVIAdb,d2 ; 9 ms delay
add.w TimeVIAdb,d2 ; 10 ms delay
@loop tst.b ([VIA])
dbra d2,@loop