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; File: HALc96equ.a
; Contains: HALc96 private equates, variables and data structures
; Written by: Paul Wolf
; Copyright © 1989-1994 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds:
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM34> 1/25/94 DCB Added another deferred task record for use by pseudo DMA
; machines.
; <SM33> 12/19/93 DCB Added the pendingDTask flag.
; <SM32> 11/22/93 pdw Rolling in from <MCxx>.
; <MC10> 11/11/93 pdw Rearranged globals to accomodate dynamic supported-flags.
; <SM31> 11/19/93 chp Add IRQ primitive vectors to HBADesc_53c9x record. Add constants
; for intTypeSCSI and intTypeDMA. Modify IRQ macros to use the
; newly defined primitive vectors.
; <SM30> 11/16/93 SAM Removed eieio macro definition.
; <MC6> 10/29/93 pdw Added dmaAlignmentSize and dmaAlignMask.
; <SMG3> 9/29/93 chp Add HAL fields to the HAL globals to represent a DB-DMA channel
; command list buffer, with both logical and physical addresses.
; Clean up changes in <SMG2>. Fix some potentially case-sensitive
; stuff.
; <SMG2> 9/22/93 chp Add TNT support.
; <SM28> 10/29/93 DCB Added a deferred task element to the globals so we can reduce
; the interrupt level in the pseudo DMA data xfer routines.
; <MC5> 10/28/93 pdw Just the usual - new vectors, new globals etc.
; <SM27> 10/14/93 pdw <MC> roll-in.
; <MC4> 10/12/93 pdw Added support for Synchronous data transfers, rewrote State
; Machine, message handling etc.
; <MC3> 10/6/93 pdw Added forPDMProto around bit defines that are only used on
; prototypes.
; <MC2> 9/26/93 pdw Changes to G_State usage from bit flags to enumeration.
; <SM26> 9/16/93 DCB Got rid of YeOldeBusErrVect since it isn't used anymore.
; <SM25> 9/12/93 pdw Getting rid of jvTransfer.
; <SM24> 9/9/93 pdw Lots of little changes. Name changes, temporary cache_bug
; stuff.
; <SM23> 8/19/93 DCB Improving the bus error handler so that disconnects at
; non-polled bytes will work properly.
; <SM22> 8/13/93 pdw Got rid of some unused bits. Added eieio macro.
; <SM21> 7/20/93 pdw Added intIRQbitNum and changed intDREQbitNum to a uchar.
; <SM20> 7/17/93 pdw A few little things.
; <SM19> 6/29/93 pdw Massive checkins: Change asynchronicity mechanism to CallMachine
; stack switching mechanism. Adding support for Cold Fusion.
; Rearranging HW/SW Init code. Some code optimizations. Resolving
; with my Ludwig sources.
; <SM18> 5/26/93 PW Separating...
; <SM18> 5/26/93 PW Separating the nonSerializedIO from the PDM debug stuff.
; <SM17> 5/25/93 DCB Rollin from Ludwig. (The next item below)
; <LW12> 5/21/93 PW Adding PRAM selectable Initiator ID stuff.
; <SM16> 5/6/93 PW Adding NOP to keep stop asm warnings.
; <SM15> 5/5/93 PW Converted names to meanies-friendly names. Updated with latest
; from Ludwig stuff.
; <SM14> 3/29/93 PW Temp: Added 2 flags to selectively enable real DMA on AMIC/Curio
; (PDM). These are set by PRAM values in HALc96Init.a.
; <SM13> 3/29/93 DCB Adding pdmaTypeBIOS type to the dma type enum.
; <LW11> 5/1/93 PW Got rid of RECORD_ON definition (should only be in Debug.a now.
; <LW10> 4/30/93 DCB Getting rid of Info HalAction vector. It is getting its own
; entry point into the HAL to prevent deadlocks.
; <LW9> 4/30/93 PW Added fields needed for 1,511 TIB optimization as well as some
; extra fields in jump table for future use.
; <LW8> 4/30/93 DCB Changing default RECORD_ON to 0 for final Candiatate
; <LW6> 4/14/93 DCB Added jump table vector for SetParity
; <LW5> 3/26/93 PW Added savedCF2 byte and rearranged vectors for some reason.
; <SM12> 3/20/93 PW Introducing noSCSIInts.
; <LW4> 2/17/93 PW Moved otherHALg up into C-accessible area of globals.
; <SM11> 1/31/93 PW Update from the latest of Ludwig. Also changes required for PDM
; (will update Ludwig with these as needed myself).
; <LW3> 1/27/93 PW Added dispatched InitDataStuff and DoData routines.
; <LW2> 1/8/93 PW Added inISR semaphore to check for a re-entrant ISR.
; <SM10> 12/9/92 PW Deleted unused field.
; <SM9> 12/5/92 PW Minor rearrangement to be more logical.
; <SM8> 11/20/92 DCB Removed an include and put a conditional around deferred task
; manager stuff to save a few bytes of global space.
; <SM7> 11/12/92 PN Get rid of ³ 020 conditionals
; <SM6> 10/30/92 DCB Added some flags to control direct DMA operations. Also added
; some macros to improve interrupt handlinbg
; <SM5> 10/8/92 PW Aligned some fields and rearranged some others. Eliminated
; unused third transfer vectors.
; <SM4> 8/30/92 PW Added kAssertATN to dispatch vectors.
; <SM3> 8/20/92 DCB Fixed SCSI Bus Reset
; <SM2> 7/28/92 PW Resolved differences in sources.
; <SM1> 7/27/92 PW Initial check-in.
IF CPU ³ 020 THEN ;
MACHINE MC68020 ; for '020 instructions
INCLUDE 'DeferredTaskEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'GrandCentralPriv.a'
; Version number of the SCSI Mgr
mgrVersion2 EQU 2 ; brand new SCSI Mgr 2
; SCSI Manager "G_State" flags
scPending EQU 7 ; bit in G_State -- an old request is spinning in SCSIGet
scBusy EQU 0 ; bit in G_State -- an old request is pending/in progress
; Declaration of HALc96 globals
;====== Accessible from C and Asm ===== UPDATE HALc96.h FILE AS WELL!
; NOTE: hwDesc (and the elements of that structure following) must remain at the top
; of the globals so that the HW init code can use the same routines as the mainline
; HAL code (i.e. ClearSCSIIRQ). See HALc96HWInit.a for more details.
hwDesc ; HBADesc_53c9x É
baseRegAddr ds.l 1 ; base addr of c9x registers (offset of $10 between regs
pdmaAddr ds.l 1 ; addr of Pseudo-dma access
pdmaNonSerlzdAddr ds.l 1 ; addr of Pseudo-dma in non-serialized space access
dreqAddr ds.l 1 ; addr of DAFB register with DREQ bit (SCSI DREQ base address)
intEnableSCSIAddr ds.l 1 ; addr of control register for SCSI interrupt
intFlagSCSIAddr ds.l 1 ; addr of status register for SCSI interrupt
dafbAddr ds.l 1 ; addr of DAFB that needs initialization
hbaUnusedL1 ds.l 1 ; addr of
dmaCntrlAddr ds.l 1 ; addr of true DMA control register(s)
dmaBaseAddr ds.l 1 ; addr of true DMA base register(s)
jvClearSCSIIRQ ds.l 1 ; hardware-specific primitive routine
jvEnableSCSIIRQ ds.l 1 ; hardware-specific primitive routine
jvDisableSCSIIRQ ds.l 1 ; hardware-specific primitive routine
jvTestSCSIIE ds.l 1 ; hardware-specific primitive routine
dreqNeedsSwapMMU ds.b 1 ; Boolean: set if dreq status bit is in 32-bit space
HBAisFast ds.b 1 ; Boolean: set if c9x part capable of Fast Synchronous (10MB/S)
HBAisDiff ds.b 1 ; Boolean: set if c9x part capable of differential
usesThreshold8 ds.b 1 ; Boolean: set if DMA/interface can use c96's threshold8 mode
needsDAFBinit ds.b 1 ; Boolean: set if there's a DAFB that needs to be inited
hbaUnusedB1 ds.b 1 ; Boolean: set if
hbaUnusedB2 ds.b 1 ; Boolean: set if
hbaUnusedB3 ds.b 1 ; Boolean: set if
HBAhasDMA ds.b 1 ; Boolean: set if true DMA available
HBAhasPseudoDMA ds.b 1 ; Boolean: set if Pseudo-DMA available
HBAhasHskPseudoDMA ds.b 1 ; Boolean: set if handshaked Pseudo-DMA available
dmaCacheCoherent ds.b 1 ; Boolean: set if DMA is fully cache coherent (no flushing needed)
hbaUnusedB4 ds.b 1 ; Boolean: set if
hbaUnusedB5 ds.b 1 ; Boolean: set if
hbaUnusedB6 ds.b 1 ; Boolean: set if
initiatorID ds.b 1 ; Char: ID of Macintosh (Initiator) on this bus
testIRQenableValue ds.b 1 ; Char: value to mask with to test SCSI IRQ enable
enableIRQvalue ds.b 1 ; Char: value to write to enable SCSI IRQ
disableIRQvalue ds.b 1 ; Char: value to write to disable SCSI IRQ
clearIRQvalue ds.b 1 ; Char: value to write to clear SCSI IRQ
intIRQbitNum ds.b 1 ; bit to test for IRQ
intDREQbitNum ds.b 1 ; bit to test for DREQ
hbaUnusedC1 ds.b 1 ;
hbaUnusedC2 ds.b 1 ;
intTypeSCSI ds.b 1 ; type of interrupt control (shared VIA bit, etc.)
intSensSCSI ds.b 1 ; type of sensitivity (LEVEL, EDGE, STICKYBIT)
intTypeDMA ds.b 1 ; type of interrupt control (shared VIA bit, etc.)
intSensDMA ds.b 1 ; type of sensitivity (LEVEL, EDGE, STICKYBIT)
dmaType ds.b 1 ; type of programming model for DMA (PSC, AMIC,É)
dmaAlignmentSize ds.b 1 ; alignment requirements (i.e. 8, 16 etc)
hbaUnusedC4 ds.b 1 ;
hbaUnusedC5 ds.b 1 ;
intOSNumberSCSI ds.w 1 ; OS registration number for the SCSI interrupt
intOSNumberDMA ds.w 1 ; OS registration number for the DMA interrupt
hbaUnusedS1 ds.w 1 ;
hbaUnusedS2 ds.w 1 ;
; Éend of hwDesc
SIMstaticPtr ds.l 1 ; ptr to SIM's globals (for SSM callbacks)
XPT_ISRptr ds.l 1 ; ptr to XPT's ISR (so HAL can install it)
unusedRPtr ds.l 1 ; ptr to
ReconnectISRptr ds.l 1 ; ptr to SIM's Reconnect ISR for us to call
busID ds.w 1 ; bus ID of this HAL's bus
rsrvdS2 ds.w 1 ; <SM5> pdw
cclPhysicalAddr ds.l 1 ; addr of DB-DMA channel command list buffer (physical)
cclLogicalAddr ds.l 1 ; addr of DB-DMA channel command list buffer (logical)
physicalCopyBuffer ds.l 1 ; physical address of locked/noncachable copy buffer
logicalCopyBuffer ds.l 1 ; logical address of copy buffer to DMA into/out of
otherHALg ds.l 1 ; globals ptr to other HAL on dual bus machine
privStackTop ds.l 1 ;
minDMAsize ds.l 1 ;
supported_scFlags ds.l 1
supported_scIOFlags ds.w 1
supported_scDataTypes ds.w 1
unusedCA1 ds.l 4
;======= Accessible from Asm only ======
;ÑÑÑÑ entry point jump table vectors
; must correspond to HALaction record shown below
jvInitiate ds.l 1 ; 0
jvBitBucket ds.l 1
jvDataIn ds.l 1
jvDataOut ds.l 1
jvAcceptMsg ds.l 1 ; 4
jvRejectMsg ds.l 1
jvMsgIn ds.l 1
jvMsgOut ds.l 1
jvStatus ds.l 1 ; 8
jvComplete ds.l 1
jvSaveDataPointer ds.l 1
jvModifyDataPointer ds.l 1
jvRestorePointers ds.l 1 ; 12
jvGetReconnectInfo ds.l 1
jvGetSelectInfo ds.l 1
jvSelect ds.l 1
jvSelectWAtn ds.l 1 ; $10
jvCommand ds.l 1
jvSetParity ds.l 1 ; <LW6> DCB
jvHandleSelected ds.l 1 ; $13
jvSetupIO ds.l 1 ; $14
jvResetBus ds.l 1
jvAssertATN ds.l 1
jvTeardownIO ds.l 1
jvUnused18 DS.L 1 ;$18
jvUnused19 DS.L 1
jvUnused1a DS.L 1
jvUnused1b DS.L 1
jvUnused1c DS.L 1
jvUnused1d DS.L 1
jvUnused1e DS.L 1
jvUnused1f DS.L 1
;ÑÑÑÑ non-entry point jump table vectors
;ÑÑ Data Routines
initDataRoutines ds.l 4 ; jump table for data-transfer routines ; $20
dataRoutines ds.l 4 ; jump table for data-transfer routines ; $24
xferRoutines equ * ; jump table for data-transfer routines ; $28
readOffset equ (* - xferRoutines)/4
scsiReadFast equ (* - xferRoutines)/4
jvReadFast DS.L 1 ; fast reads
scsiReadSlow equ (* - xferRoutines)/4
jvReadSlow DS.L 1 ; slow reads
writeOffset equ (* - xferRoutines)/4
scsiWriteFast equ (* - xferRoutines)/4
jvWriteFast DS.L 1 ; fast writes
scsiWriteSlow equ (* - xferRoutines)/4
jvWriteSlow DS.L 1 ; slow writes
numTransferTypes equ (*-xferRoutines)/4/2 ; <SM5> pdw
;ÑÑÑÑ assorted other non-entry vectors
jvUnused2c DS.L 1 ;$2c:
jvCyclePhase DS.L 1 ; Bitbuckets or fills bytes to get target to Status phase
jvBusErr DS.L 1 ;
jvUnusedX DS.L 1 ;
jvStartDMA DS.L 1 ;$30: starts either DMA read or write
jvStopReadDMA DS.L 1 ; stops a DMA read
jvStopWriteDMA DS.L 1 ; stops a DMA write
jvWt4DMAComplete DS.L 1 ; waits until a DMA is complete (only used by initate)
jvAutoMsgIn DS.L 1
jvWt4SelectComplete DS.L 1
jvHandleBusInt DS.L 1
jvUnused37 DS.L 1
jvUnused38 DS.L 1
jvUnused39 DS.L 1
jvUnused3a DS.L 1
jvUnused3b DS.L 1
jvUnused3c DS.L 1
jvUnused3d DS.L 1
jvUnused3e DS.L 1
jvUnused3f DS.L 1
;ÑÑÑÑ end of jump vectors
numSelectors equ (*-G_JmpTbl)/4 ;$38
transferType DS.W 1 ; Type of data transfer to perform (used in Transfer_96, BusError)
rCF3NormalVal DS.B 1 ; value of rCF3 during normal operation
rCF3DMAVal DS.B 1 ; value of rCF3 during DMA operation
unused1 DS.B 1 ; LUDWIG : rCF3DataVal
optimTIB DS.B 1 ; set if we're optimizing the TIB
currentPhase DS.B 1 ; current SCSI bus phase
dataDeferStuff DS.B 1 ; semaphore for the null deferred task
G_State96 DS.B 1 ; Bits to follow c96 internal state
gotInt DS.B 1 ; flag = we've got an int
intFlags DS.B 1 ; some flags for things
dmaFlags DS.B 1 ; some more flags for things (DMA and LockMemory Control) <SM6>
chanlControl DS.L 1 ; used by PSC code only - saved between Start and StopPSC
setRegs DS.L 1 ; used by PSC code only
intRegsRead equ *
int_rSQS DS.B 1 ; Value of rSQS at last valid interrupt read (required)
int_rSTA DS.B 1 ; Value of rSTA at last valid interrupt read (required)
int_rFIFOflags DS.B 1 ; Value of rFOS at last valid interrupt read (useless)
int_rINT DS.B 1 ; Value of rINT at last valid interrupt read (required)
illCmdRegsRead DS.B 1 ;
DS.B 1 ;
DS.B 1 ;
DS.B 1 ;
r_selectingID DS.B 1 ; ID of target (re)selecting c96
r_selectingMsg1 DS.B 1 ; msg byte received (Identify) after reselected
r_selMsgLen DS.B 1 ;
r_selPhase DS.B 1 ;
newRegsRead DS.L 1 ; Value of regs at previous interrupt read (useless)
oldRegsRead DS.L 1 ; Value of regs at previous interrupt read (useless)
olderRegsRead DS.L 1 ; Value of regs at previous interrupt read (useless)
oldestRegsRead DS.L 1 ; Value of regs at previous interrupt read (useless)
dbug0 DS.L 1 ;
firstIncCount DS.L 1 ; transfer count from first scInc (before optimization)
secondIncCount DS.L 1 ; same but from second scInc of optimized TIB
logBuffer DS.L 1 ; a place to remember where the real (logical) buffer is while
; we use the physical one to DMA into
getPhysLen DS.L 1 ; a spot for the count of a logical-physical table
publicSP DS.L 1 ; stack pointer upon arrival into RealHALaction
suspendedSP DS.L 1 ; suspended SCSI thread stack pointer
rcvdIDBits DS.B 1 ; mask of bits on bus during selection
selectedRegSQS DS.B 1 ; rSQS after selection
rcvdMessageLen DS.B 1 ; # of message out bytes received after being selected as target
rcvdMessage DS.B 13 ; message out bytes received after being selected as target
rcvdCommandLen DS.B 1 ; # of command bytes received after being selected as target
rcvdCommand DS.B 15 ; command bytes received after being selected as target
publicStkLowPt DS.L 1
privStackState DS.B 1
dataDTFlags DS.B 1 ; Used to keep track of whether we are in our data xfer deferred task
savedSR DS.W 1 ; saved SR for use in BERR handler
intrpStackFrame DS.L 1
dmaAlignMask DS.L 1 ; mask that corresponds with alignment
dataDT DS DeferredTask ; The deferred task record which allows us to
; defer pseudoDMA data transfers until after
; we are out of our interrupt handler.
dataDT_Null DS DeferredTask ; A deferred task that just points to null. Since
; the real deferred task manager doesn't run when
; VM is disabled we needed to write our own. jDisptch
; only gets called when there is something in the real
; deferred task queue so we just stuff this in there
; to trigger interrupthandlers.a to call jDisptch which
; calls our own deferred task manager
extras DS.L 8 ; unused
;---- End Of Globals ----
GlobalSize EQU *-HALc96GlobalRecord ; size of HALc96 globals
; If we were smart, we'd make this page size independent
PageSize601 EQU $1000 ; 4K (for now)
PageMask601 EQU $0FFF ; inverse
; Bit definitions for flag bytes in globals
; bytes! i.e. no bit higher than 7
;ÑÑÑÑ G_State96 Value defs ÑÑ keeps track of where old-API is in a c96 Select(w/Atn) cmd
; We need to keep track of what state the c96 is in during it's handling of a DMA Select
; or Select W/Atn command because we hand control back to the SIM (and then to the client
; during the processing of an old API transaction right in the middle of the c96's
; processing of this command.
NeedMsgOut EQU 3 ; expect a msg_out phase next as part of $C1 cmd to c96
NeedCmdSent EQU 2 ; expect a command phase that we need to complete the select
FCIntPend EQU 1 ; Function Complete Intrp pending bit (from $C1 cmd)
;ÑÑÑ Bit Definitions for intFlags byte ÑÑÑÑÑ
waiting4int EQU 3 ; Wt4SCSIInt has been called but ISR hasn't happened yet
intRegsValid EQU 6 ; set when we get an int and cleared before issuing a command
r_selRegsValid EQU 7 ; set when we get a sel/resel int and clrd at issue of Enable R_Sel cmd
;ÑÑÑ Bit Definitions for dataDTFlags byte ÑÑÑÑÑ
inDataDT EQU 0 ; Set if we are doing DMA straight to the user's buffer
fromRealInt EQU 1 ; Set if we have are executing code from our ISR as a result of
; a real (as opposed to polled for) interrupt. This means that it
; is safe to defer our data transfer
pendingDTask EQU 2 ; Set if we are expecting the deferred task to execute.
;ÑÑÑ Bit Definitions for dmaFlags byte ÑÑÑÑÑ
noBlockMove EQU 0 ; Set if we are doing DMA straight to the user's buffer <SM6>
; forPDMProto
doRealDMAWrite EQU 4
doRealDMARead EQU 5
; end
;ÑÑÑÑ Register saving convention ÑÑÑÑ
scsiRegs REG a0-a5/d1-d7 ; standard register saving convention (result in d0)
intrRegs REG a0-a5/d0-d7 ; interrupt handler register saving convention
; Old SCSI Mgr equates -- temporary, since SCSI.a has the public portion of the PB
;maxOpcode EQU 8 ; highest numbered TIB opcode (from rom78fix.a)
; For intTypeSCSI and intTypeDMA HW descriptors
; For intSensSCSI and intSensDMA HW descriptors
LEVEL EQU 1 ; no clear necessary
; For dmaType HW descriptor
dmaTypeNone EQU 0
dmaTypePSC EQU 1
dmaTypeAMIC EQU 2
pdmaTypeBIOS EQU 3
dmaTypeGC EQU 4
; Debug Defs
overFlow EQU $0 ;
ClearSCSIIRQ ; clear latched VIA SCSI interrupt bit <SM6> pdw
pea 'It=0'
move.l sp, -(sp)
bsr RecordEvent
addq.l #8, sp
if noSCSIInts then
jsr ([HALc96GlobalRecord.jvClearSCSIIRQ,A5])
EnableSCSIIRQ ; Enable SCSI interrupt <SM6> pdw
pea 'It++'
move.l sp, -(sp)
bsr RecordEvent
addq.l #8, sp
if noSCSIInts then
jsr ([HALc96GlobalRecord.jvEnableSCSIIRQ,A5])
DisableSCSIIRQ ; Disable SCSI interrupt <SM6> pdw
pea 'It--'
move.l sp, -(sp)
bsr RecordEvent
addq.l #8, sp
if noSCSIInts then
jsr ([HALc96GlobalRecord.jvDisableSCSIIRQ,A5])
jsrv &jv, &areg ; jsr to A5-vectored routine
jsr ([&jv, A5])
move.l &jv(A5), &areg
jsr (&areg)