Elliot Nunn 5b0f0cc134 Bring in CubeE sources
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included.

The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
2017-12-26 10:02:57 +08:00

521 lines
30 KiB

Created: Friday, November 15, 1991 at 9:29 AM
C Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1985-1992
All rights reserved
Change History (most recent first):
<SM6> 11/10/93 fau Update from SuperMunggio <SMG2>.
<SMG2> 8/26/93 chp Added the 680x0 exception vectors.
<5> 11/5/93 IH Sync with Excelsior.
<SM4> 9/6/93 pdw Added SCSI2Base.
<13> 2/24/93 JDR Added HWCfgFlags since it's in Inside Mac, it's necessary at
time to look at this, and it also in the asm interfaces.
<12> 4/16/92 DCL For New Inside Mac: Added SysDirection as a synonym for
<11> 4/14/92 DCL Added new improved names in the continued pursuit of
name-nirvana in IM 2nd Edition.
<10> 2/17/92 MH Corrected value of timeSCSIDB from 0DA6 to 0B24
<9> 11/19/91 JL Added ToolScratch and ApplScratch as per I.M. vol. I p. 85.
<8> 7/31/91 JL Updated Copyright.
<7> 6/14/91 JL Checked in official MPW 3.2Ä version. Removed the comma after
the constant declarations of: SdVolume, JIODone, ScrapName,
CurActivate, and ResErrProc because the cmarker tool was dying.
<6> 1/28/91 LN Checked in Database generate file from DSG. Grouping enums into
groups of 20.
<5> 10/24/90 JL This file should be casted not anonymous enums.
<4> 10/24/90 JL Changed all #defines to anonymous enums.
To Do:
#ifndef __SYSEQU__
#define __SYSEQU__
enum {
ResetSP = 0x00, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) reset initial interrupt SP*/
ResetPC = 0x04, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) reset initial Program counter*/
BusErrVct = 0x08, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) bus error vector*/
AddrVector = 0x0C, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) address error*/
IlglVector = 0x10, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) illegal instruction*/
ZeroVector = 0x14, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) divide by 0*/
CheckVector = 0x18, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) check bounds error*/
TrapVVector = 0x1C, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) trapv location*/
PrivlgVector = 0x20, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) privilege violation*/
TraceVector = 0x24, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) trace exception vector*/
Line1010 = 0x28, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) 1010 emulator trap (system routines)*/
Line1111 = 0x2C, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) 1111 emulator trap (reserved)*/
DebugVector = Line1111, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) debug instructions*/
FmtErrVect = 0x38, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) format error vector for 68010/68020*/
BadIntVector = 0x60, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) spurious interrupt*/
AutoInt1 = 0x64, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) level 1 auto-vector*/
AutoInt2 = 0x68, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) level 2 auto-vector*/
AutoInt3 = 0x6C, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) level 3 auto-vector*/
AutoInt4 = 0x70, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) level 4 auto-vector*/
AutoInt5 = 0x74, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) level 5 auto-vector*/
AutoInt6 = 0x78, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) level 6 auto-vector*/
AutoInt7 = 0x7C, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) level 7 auto-vector*/
BkptVector = 0xB8, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) break loc*/
BSUNVector = 0xC0, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) BSUN for FP Emulation Code*/
UNFLVector = 0xCC, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) Underflow for FP Emulation Code*/
OPERRVector = 0xD0, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) Operand Error for FP Emulation Code*/
OVFLVector = 0xD4, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) Overflow for FP Emulation Code*/
SNANVector = 0xD8, /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) Signal NAN for FP Emulation Code*/
UNIMPDTVector = 0xDC /*[EXCEPTION VECTOR] (long) 040 Unimplemented Data Type for FP Emulation Code*/
enum {
PCDeskPat = 0x20B, /*[GLOBAL VAR] desktop pat, top bit only! others are in use*/
HiKeyLast = 0x216, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Same as KbdVars*/
KbdLast = 0x218, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Same as KbdVars+2*/
ExpandMem = 0x2B6, /*[GLOBAL VAR] pointer to expanded memory block*/
SCSIBase = 0x0C00, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) base address for SCSI chip read*/
SCSI2Base = 0x1FF0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) base address for 2nd SCSI chip read*/
SCSIDMA = 0x0C04, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) base address for SCSI DMA*/
SCSIHsk = 0x0C08, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) base address for SCSI handshake*/
SCSIGlobals = 0x0C0C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) ptr for SCSI mgr locals*/
RGBBlack = 0x0C10, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (6 bytes) the black field for color*/
RGBWhite = 0x0C16, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (6 bytes) the white field for color*/
RowBits = 0x0C20, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) screen horizontal pixels*/
ColLines = 0x0C22, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) screen vertical pixels*/
ScreenBytes = 0x0C24, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) total screen bytes*/
NMIFlag = 0x0C2C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) flag for NMI debounce*/
VidType = 0x0C2D, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) video board type ID*/
VidMode = 0x0C2E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) video mode (4=4bit color)*/
SCSIPoll = 0x0C2F, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) poll for device zero only once.*/
SEVarBase = 0x0C30, /*[GLOBAL VAR] */
MMUFlags = 0x0CB0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) cleared to zero (reserved for future use)*/
MMUType = 0x0CB1 /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) kind of MMU present*/
enum {
MMU32bit = 0x0CB2, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) boolean reflecting current machine MMU mode*/
MMUFluff = 0x0CB3, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) fluff byte forced by reducing MMUMode to MMU32bit.*/
MMUTbl = 0x0CB4, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) pointer to MMU Mapping table*/
MMUTblSize = 0x0CB8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) size of the MMU mapping table*/
SInfoPtr = 0x0CBC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) pointer to Slot manager information*/
ASCBase = 0x0CC0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) pointer to Sound Chip*/
SMGlobals = 0x0CC4, /* (long) pointer to Sound Manager Globals*/
TheGDevice = 0x0CC8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) the current graphics device*/
CQDGlobals = 0x0CCC, /* (long) quickDraw global extensions*/
ADBBase = 0x0CF8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) pointer to Front Desk Buss Variables*/
WarmStart = 0x0CFC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) flag to indicate it is a warm start*/
TimeDBRA = 0x0D00, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) number of iterations of DBRA per millisecond*/
TimeSCCDB = 0x0D02, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) number of iter's of SCC access & DBRA.*/
SlotQDT = 0x0D04, /*[GLOBAL VAR] ptr to slot queue table*/
SlotPrTbl = 0x0D08, /*[GLOBAL VAR] ptr to slot priority table*/
SlotVBLQ = 0x0D0C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] ptr to slot VBL queue table*/
ScrnVBLPtr = 0x0D10, /*[GLOBAL VAR] save for ptr to main screen VBL queue*/
SlotTICKS = 0x0D14, /*[GLOBAL VAR] ptr to slot tickcount table*/
TableSeed = 0x0D20, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) seed value for color table ID's*/
SRsrcTblPtr = 0x0D24 /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) pointer to slot resource table.*/
enum {
JVBLTask = 0x0D28, /*[GLOBAL VAR] vector to slot VBL task interrupt handler*/
WMgrCPort = 0x0D2C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] window manager color port */
VertRRate = 0x0D30, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) Vertical refresh rate for start manager. */
ChunkyDepth = 0x0D60, /*[GLOBAL VAR] depth of the pixels*/
CrsrPtr = 0x0D62, /*[GLOBAL VAR] pointer to cursor save area*/
PortList = 0x0D66, /*[GLOBAL VAR] list of grafports*/
MickeyBytes = 0x0D6A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] long pointer to cursor stuff*/
QDErrLM = 0x0D6E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] QDErr has name conflict w/ type. QuickDraw error code [word]*/
VIA2DT = 0x0D70, /*[GLOBAL VAR] 32 bytes for VIA2 dispatch table for NuMac*/
SInitFlags = 0x0D90, /*[GLOBAL VAR] StartInit.a flags [word]*/
DTQueue = 0x0D92, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (10 bytes) deferred task queue header*/
DTQFlags = 0x0D92, /*[GLOBAL VAR] flag word for DTQueue*/
DTskQHdr = 0x0D94, /*[GLOBAL VAR] ptr to head of queue*/
DTskQTail = 0x0D98, /*[GLOBAL VAR] ptr to tail of queue*/
JDTInstall = 0x0D9C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) ptr to deferred task install routine*/
HiliteRGB = 0x0DA0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] 6 bytes: rgb of hilite color*/
HWCfgFlags = 0x0B22, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) hardware configuration flags*/
TimeSCSIDB = 0x0B24, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) number of iter's of SCSI access & DBRA*/
DSCtrAdj = 0x0DA8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) Center adjust for DS rect.*/
IconTLAddr = 0x0DAC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) pointer to where start icons are to be put.*/
VideoInfoOK = 0x0DB0 /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) Signals to CritErr that the Video card is ok*/
enum {
EndSRTPtr = 0x0DB4, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) Pointer to the end of the Slot Resource Table (Not the SRT buffer).*/
SDMJmpTblPtr = 0x0DB8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) Pointer to the SDM jump table*/
JSwapMMU = 0x0DBC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) jump vector to SwapMMU routine*/
SdmBusErr = 0x0DC0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) Pointer to the SDM busErr handler*/
LastTxGDevice = 0x0DC4, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) copy of TheGDevice set up for fast text measure*/
NewCrsrJTbl = 0x88C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] location of new crsr jump vectors*/
JAllocCrsr = 0x88C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) vector to routine that allocates cursor*/
JSetCCrsr = 0x890, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) vector to routine that sets color cursor*/
JOpcodeProc = 0x894, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) vector to process new picture opcodes*/
CrsrBase = 0x898, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) scrnBase for cursor*/
CrsrDevice = 0x89C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) current cursor device*/
SrcDevice = 0x8A0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (LONG) Src device for Stretchbits*/
MainDevice = 0x8A4, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) the main screen device*/
DeviceList = 0x8A8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) list of display devices*/
CrsrRow = 0x8AC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) rowbytes for current cursor screen*/
QDColors = 0x8B0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) handle to default colors*/
HiliteMode = 0x938, /*[GLOBAL VAR] used for color highlighting*/
RestProc = 0xA8C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Resume procedure f InitDialogs [pointer]*/
ROM85 = 0x28E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) actually high bit - 0 for ROM vers $75 (sic) and later*/
ntsc = 0xB3E /*[GLOBAl VAR] (byte) Decides fate of menubarÕs squareness: 0 for square, non-zero for round.*/
enum {
ROMMapHndl = 0xB06, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) handle of ROM resource map*/
ScrVRes = 0x102, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pixels per inch vertically (word)
screen vertical dots/inch [word]*/
ScrHRes = 0x104, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pixels per inch horizontally (word)
screen horizontal dots/inch [word]*/
ScrnBase = 0x824, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of main screen buffer
Screen Base [pointer]*/
ScreenRow = 0x106, /*[GLOBAL VAR] rowBytes of screen [word]*/
MBTicks = 0x16E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] tick count @ last mouse button [long]*/
JKybdTask = 0x21A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] keyboard VBL task hook [pointer]*/
KeyLast = 0x184, /*[GLOBAL VAR] ASCII for last valid keycode [word]*/
KeyTime = 0x186, /*[GLOBAL VAR] tickcount when KEYLAST was rec'd [long]*/
KeyRepTime = 0x18A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] tickcount when key was last repeated [long]*/
SPConfig = 0x1FB, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Use types for serial ports (byte)
config bits: 4-7 A, 0-3 B (see use type below)*/
SPPortA = 0x1FC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Modem port configuration (word)
SCC port A configuration [word]*/
SPPortB = 0x1FE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Printer port configuration (word)
SCC port B configuration [word]*/
SCCRd = 0x1D8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] SCC read base address
SCC base read address [pointer]*/
SCCWr = 0x1DC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] SCC write base address
SCC base write address [pointer]*/
DoubleTime = 0x2F0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Double-click interval in ticks (long)
double click ticks [long]*/
CaretTime = 0x2F4, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Caret-blink interval in ticks (long)
caret blink ticks [long]*/
KeyThresh = 0x18E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Auto-key threshold (word)
threshold for key repeat [word]*/
KeyRepThresh = 0x190, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Auto-key rate (word)
key repeat speed [word]*/
SdVolume = 0x260 /*[GLOBAL VAR] Current speaker volume (byte: low-order three bits only)
Global volume(sound) control [byte]*/
enum {
Ticks = 0x16A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Current number of ticks since system startup (long)
Tick count, time since boot [unsigned long]*/
TimeLM = 0x20C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Time has name conflict w/ type. Clock time (extrapolated) [long]*/
MonkeyLives = 0x100, /*[GLOBAL VAR] monkey lives if >= 0 [word]*/
SEvtEnb = 0x15C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] 0 if SystemEvent should return FALSE (byte)
enable SysEvent calls from GNE [byte]*/
JournalFlag = 0x8DE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Journaling mode (word)
journaling state [word]*/
JournalRef = 0x8E8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Reference number of journaling device driver (word)
Journalling driver's refnum [word]*/
BufPtr = 0x10C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of end of jump table
top of application memory [pointer]*/
StkLowPt = 0x110, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Lowest stack as measured in VBL task [pointer]*/
TheZone = 0x118, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of current heap zone
current heap zone [pointer]*/
ApplLimit = 0x130, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Application heap limit
application limit [pointer]*/
SysZone = 0x2A6, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of system heap zone
system heap zone [pointer]*/
ApplZone = 0x2AA, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of application heap zone
application heap zone [pointer]*/
HeapEnd = 0x114, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of end of application heap zone
end of heap [pointer]*/
HiHeapMark = 0xBAE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) highest address used by a zone below sp<01Nov85 JTC>*/
MemErr = 0x220, /*[GLOBAL VAR] last memory manager error [word]*/
UTableBase = 0x11C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Base address of unit table
unit I/O table [pointer]*/
UnitNtryCnt = 0x1D2, /*[GLOBAL VAR] count of entries in unit table [word]*/
JFetch = 0x8F4, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Jump vector for Fetch function
fetch a byte routine for drivers [pointer]*/
JStash = 0x8F8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Jump vector for Stash function
stash a byte routine for drivers [pointer]*/
JIODone = 0x8FC /*[GLOBAL VAR] Jump vector for IODone function
IODone entry location [pointer]*/
enum {
DrvQHdr = 0x308, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Drive queue header (10 bytes)
queue header of drives in system [10 bytes]*/
BootDrive = 0x210, /*[GLOBAL VAR] drive number of boot drive [word]*/
EjectNotify = 0x338, /*[GLOBAL VAR] eject notify procedure [pointer]*/
IAZNotify = 0x33C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] world swaps notify procedure [pointer]*/
SFSaveDisk = 0x214, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Negative of volume reference number used by Standard File Package (word)
last vRefNum seen by standard file [word]*/
CurDirStore = 0x398, /*[GLOBAL VAR] save dir across calls to Standard File [long]*/
OneOne = 0xA02, /*[GLOBAL VAR] $00010001
constant $00010001 [long]*/
MinusOne = 0xA06, /*[GLOBAL VAR] $FFFFFFFF
constant $FFFFFFFF [long]*/
Lo3Bytes = 0x31A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] $00FFFFFF
constant $00FFFFFF [long]*/
ROMBase = 0x2AE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Base address of ROM
ROM base address [pointer]*/
RAMBase = 0x2B2, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Trap dispatch table's base address for routines in RAM
RAM base address [pointer]*/
SysVersion = 0x15A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] version # of RAM-based system [word]*/
RndSeed = 0x156, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Random number seed (long)
random seed/number [long]*/
Scratch20 = 0x1E4, /*[GLOBAL VAR] 20-byte scratch area
scratch [20 bytes]*/
Scratch8 = 0x9FA, /*[GLOBAL VAR] 8-byte scratch area
scratch [8 bytes]*/
ToolScratch = 0x9CE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] 8-byte scratch area
scratch [8 bytes]*/
ApplScratch = 0xA78, /*[GLOBAL VAR] 12-byte application scratch area
scratch [12 bytes]*/
ScrapSize = 0x960, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Size in bytes of desk scrap (long)
scrap length [long]*/
ScrapHandle = 0x964, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Handle to desk scrap in memory
memory scrap [handle]*/
ScrapCount = 0x968 /*[GLOBAL VAR] Count changed by ZeroScrap (word)
validation byte [word]*/
enum {
ScrapState = 0x96A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Tells where desk scrap is (word)
scrap state [word]*/
ScrapName = 0x96C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to scrap file name (preceded by length byte)
pointer to scrap name [pointer]*/
IntlSpec = 0xBA0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) - ptr to extra Intl data */
SwitcherTPtr = 0x286, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Switcher's switch table */
CPUFlag = 0x12F, /*[GLOBAL VAR] $00=68000, $01=68010, $02=68020 (old ROM inits to $00)*/
VIA = 0x1D4, /*[GLOBAL VAR] VIA base address
VIA base address [pointer]*/
IWM = 0x1E0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] IWM base address [pointer]*/
Lvl1DT = 0x192, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Level-1 secondary interrupt vector table (32 bytes)
Interrupt level 1 dispatch table [32 bytes]*/
Lvl2DT = 0x1B2, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Level-2 secondary interrupt vector table (32 bytes)
Interrupt level 2 dispatch table [32 bytes]*/
ExtStsDT = 0x2BE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] External/status interrupt vector table (16 bytes)
SCC ext/sts secondary dispatch table [16 bytes]*/
SPValid = 0x1F8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Validity status (byte)
validation field ($A7) [byte]*/
SPATalkA = 0x1F9, /*[GLOBAL VAR] AppleTalk node ID hint for modem port (byte)
AppleTalk node number hint for port A*/
SPATalkB = 0x1FA, /*[GLOBAL VAR] AppleTalk node ID hint for printer port (byte)
AppleTalk node number hint for port B*/
SPAlarm = 0x200, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Alarm setting (long)
alarm time [long]*/
SPFont = 0x204, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Application font number minus 1 (word)
default application font number minus 1 [word]*/
SPKbd = 0x206, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Auto-key threshold and rate (byte)
kbd repeat thresh in 4/60ths [2 4-bit]*/
SPPrint = 0x207, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Printer connection (byte)
print stuff [byte]*/
SPVolCtl = 0x208, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Speaker volume setting in parameter RAM (byte)
volume control [byte]*/
SPClikCaret = 0x209, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Double-click and caret-blink times (byte)
double click/caret time in 4/60ths[2 4-bit]*/
SPMisc1 = 0x20A /*[GLOBAL VAR] miscellaneous [1 byte]*/
enum {
SPMisc2 = 0x20B, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Mouse scaling, system startup disk, menu blink (byte)
miscellaneous [1 byte]*/
GetParam = 0x1E4, /*[GLOBAL VAR] system parameter scratch [20 bytes]*/
SysParam = 0x1F8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Low-memory copy of parameter RAM (20 bytes)
system parameter memory [20 bytes]*/
CrsrThresh = 0x8EC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Mouse-scaling threshold (word)
delta threshold for mouse scaling [word]*/
JCrsrTask = 0x8EE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] address of CrsrVBLTask [long]*/
MTemp = 0x828, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Low-level interrupt mouse location [long]*/
RawMouse = 0x82C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] un-jerked mouse coordinates [long]*/
CrsrRect = 0x83C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Cursor hit rectangle [8 bytes]*/
TheCrsr = 0x844, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Cursor data, mask & hotspot [68 bytes]*/
CrsrAddr = 0x888, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of data under cursor [long]*/
CrsrSave = 0x88C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] data under the cursor [64 bytes]*/
CrsrVis = 0x8CC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Cursor visible? [byte]*/
CrsrBusy = 0x8CD, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Cursor locked out? [byte]*/
CrsrNew = 0x8CE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Cursor changed? [byte]*/
CrsrState = 0x8D0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Cursor nesting level [word]*/
CrsrObscure = 0x8D2, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Cursor obscure semaphore [byte]*/
KbdVars = 0x216, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Keyboard manager variables [4 bytes]*/
KbdType = 0x21E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] keyboard model number [byte]*/
MBState = 0x172, /*[GLOBAL VAR] current mouse button state [byte]*/
KeyMapLM = 0x174 /*[GLOBAL VAR] KeyMap has name conflict w/ type. Bitmap of the keyboard [4 longs]*/
enum {
KeypadMap = 0x17C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] bitmap for numeric pad-18bits [long]*/
Key1Trans = 0x29E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] keyboard translator procedure [pointer]*/
Key2Trans = 0x2A2, /*[GLOBAL VAR] numeric keypad translator procedure [pointer]*/
JGNEFilter = 0x29A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] GetNextEvent filter proc [pointer]*/
KeyMVars = 0xB04, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) for ROM KEYM proc state*/
Mouse = 0x830, /*[GLOBAL VAR] processed mouse coordinate [long]*/
CrsrPin = 0x834, /*[GLOBAL VAR] cursor pinning rectangle [8 bytes]*/
CrsrCouple = 0x8CF, /*[GLOBAL VAR] cursor coupled to mouse? [byte]*/
CrsrScale = 0x8D3, /*[GLOBAL VAR] cursor scaled? [byte]*/
MouseMask = 0x8D6, /*[GLOBAL VAR] V-H mask for ANDing with mouse [long]*/
MouseOffset = 0x8DA, /*[GLOBAL VAR] V-H offset for adding after ANDing [long]*/
AlarmState = 0x21F, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Bit7=parity, Bit6=beeped, Bit0=enable [byte]*/
VBLQueue = 0x160, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Vertical retrace queue header (10 bytes)
VBL queue header [10 bytes]*/
SysEvtMask = 0x144, /*[GLOBAL VAR] System event mask (word)
system event mask [word]*/
SysEvtBuf = 0x146, /*[GLOBAL VAR] system event queue element buffer [pointer]*/
EventQueue = 0x14A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Event queue header (10 bytes)
event queue header [10 bytes]*/
EvtBufCnt = 0x154, /*[GLOBAL VAR] max number of events in SysEvtBuf - 1 [word]*/
GZRootHnd = 0x328, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Handle to relocatable block not to be moved by grow zone function
root handle for GrowZone [handle]*/
GZRootPtr = 0x32C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] root pointer for GrowZone [pointer]*/
GZMoveHnd = 0x330 /*[GLOBAL VAR] moving handle for GrowZone [handle]*/
enum {
MemTop = 0x108, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of end of RAM (on Macintosh XL, end of RAM available to applications)
top of memory [pointer]*/
MmInOK = 0x12E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] initial memory mgr checks ok? [byte]*/
HpChk = 0x316, /*[GLOBAL VAR] heap check RAM code [pointer]*/
MaskBC = 0x31A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Memory Manager Byte Count Mask [long]*/
MaskHandle = 0x31A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Memory Manager Handle Mask [long]*/
MaskPtr = 0x31A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Memory Manager Pointer Mask [long]*/
MinStack = 0x31E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Minimum space allotment for stack (long)
min stack size used in InitApplZone [long]*/
DefltStack = 0x322, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Default space allotment for stack (long)
default size of stack [long]*/
MMDefFlags = 0x326, /*[GLOBAL VAR] default zone flags [word]*/
DSAlertTab = 0x2BA, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to system error alert table in use
system error alerts [pointer]*/
DSAlertRect = 0x3F8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Rectangle enclosing system error alert (8 bytes)
rectangle for disk-switch alert [8 bytes]*/
DSDrawProc = 0x334, /*[GLOBAL VAR] alternate syserror draw procedure [pointer]*/
DSWndUpdate = 0x15D, /*[GLOBAL VAR] GNE not to paintBehind DS AlertRect? [byte]*/
WWExist = 0x8F2, /*[GLOBAL VAR] window manager initialized? [byte]*/
QDExist = 0x8F3, /*[GLOBAL VAR] quickdraw is initialized [byte]*/
ResumeProc = 0xA8C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of resume procedure
Resume procedure from InitDialogs [pointer]*/
DSErrCode = 0xAF0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Current system error ID (word)
last system error alert ID*/
IntFlag = 0x15F, /*[GLOBAL VAR] reduce interrupt disable time when bit 7 = 0*/
SerialVars = 0x2D0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] async driver variables [16 bytes]*/
ABusVars = 0x2D8 /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to AppleTalk variables
;Pointer to AppleTalk local variables*/
enum {
ABusDCE = 0x2DC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] ;Pointer to AppleTalk DCE*/
PortAUse = 0x290, /*[GLOBAL VAR] bit 7: 1 = not in use, 0 = in use*/
PortBUse = 0x291, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Current availability of serial port B (byte)
port B use, same format as PortAUse*/
SCCASts = 0x2CE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] SCC read reg 0 last ext/sts rupt - A [byte]*/
SCCBSts = 0x2CF, /*[GLOBAL VAR] SCC read reg 0 last ext/sts rupt - B [byte]*/
DskErr = 0x142, /*[GLOBAL VAR] disk routine result code [word]*/
PWMBuf2 = 0x312, /*[GLOBAL VAR] PWM buffer 1 (or 2 if sound) [pointer]*/
SoundPtr = 0x262, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to four-tone record
4VE sound definition table [pointer]*/
SoundBase = 0x266, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to free-form synthesizer buffer
sound bitMap [pointer]*/
SoundVBL = 0x26A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] vertical retrace control element [16 bytes]*/
SoundDCE = 0x27A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] sound driver DCE [pointer]*/
SoundActive = 0x27E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] sound is active? [byte]*/
SoundLevel = 0x27F, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Amplitude in 740-byte buffer (byte)
current level in buffer [byte]*/
CurPitch = 0x280, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Value of count in square-wave synthesizer buffer (word)
current pitch value [word]*/
DskVerify = 0x12C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] used by 3.5 disk driver for read/verify [byte]*/
TagData = 0x2FA, /*[GLOBAL VAR] sector tag info for disk drivers [14 bytes]*/
BufTgFNum = 0x2FC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] File tags buffer: file number (long)
file number [long]*/
BufTgFFlg = 0x300, /*[GLOBAL VAR] File tags buffer: flags (word: bit 1=1 if resource fork)
flags [word]*/
BufTgFBkNum = 0x302, /*[GLOBAL VAR] File tags buffer: logical block number (word)
logical block number [word]*/
BufTgDate = 0x304 /*[GLOBAL VAR] File tags buffer: date and time of last modification (long)
time stamp [word]*/
enum {
ScrDmpEnb = 0x2F8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] 0 if GetNextEvent shouldn't process Command-Shift-number combinations (byte)
screen dump enabled? [byte]*/
ScrDmpType = 0x2F9, /*[GLOBAL VAR] FF dumps screen, FE dumps front window [byte]*/
ScrapVars = 0x960, /*[GLOBAL VAR] scrap manager variables [32 bytes]*/
ScrapInfo = 0x960, /*[GLOBAL VAR] scrap length [long]*/
ScrapEnd = 0x980, /*[GLOBAL VAR] end of scrap vars*/
ScrapTag = 0x970, /*[GLOBAL VAR] scrap file name [STRING[15]]*/
LaunchFlag = 0x902, /*[GLOBAL VAR] from launch or chain [byte]*/
SaveSegHandle = 0x930, /*[GLOBAL VAR] seg 0 handle [handle]*/
CurJTOffset = 0x934, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Offset to jump table from location pointed to by A5 (word)
current jump table offset [word]*/
CurPageOption = 0x936, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Sound/screen buffer configuration passed to Chain or Launch (word)
current page 2 configuration [word]*/
LoaderPBlock = 0x93A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] param block for ExitToShell [10 bytes]*/
CurApRefNum = 0x900, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Reference number of current application's resource file (word)
refNum of application's resFile [word]*/
CurrentA5 = 0x904, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of boundary between application globals and application parameters
current value of A5 [pointer]*/
CurStackBase = 0x908, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of base of stack; start of application globals
current stack base [pointer]*/
CurApName = 0x910, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Name of current application (length byte followed by up to 31 characters)
name of application [STRING[31]]*/
LoadTrap = 0x12D, /*[GLOBAL VAR] trap before launch? [byte]*/
SegHiEnable = 0xBB2, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) 0 to disable MoveHHi in LoadSeg*/
/* Window Manager Globals */
WindowList = 0x9D6, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to first window in window list; 0 if using events but not windows
Z-ordered linked list of windows [pointer]*/
PaintWhite = 0x9DC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Flag for whether to paint window white before update event (word)
erase newly drawn windows? [word]*/
WMgrPort = 0x9DE /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to Window Manager port
window manager's grafport [pointer]*/
enum {
GrayRgn = 0x9EE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Handle to region drawn as desktop
rounded gray desk region [handle]*/
CurActivate = 0xA64, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to window to receive activate event
window slated for activate event [pointer]*/
CurDeactive = 0xA68, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to window to receive deactivate event
window slated for deactivate event [pointer]*/
DragHook = 0x9F6, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of procedure to execute during TrackGoAway, DragWindow, GrowWindow, DragGrayRgn, TrackControl, and DragControl
user hook during dragging [pointer]*/
DeskPattern = 0xA3C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pattern with which desktop is painted (8 bytes)
desk pattern [8 bytes]*/
DeskHook = 0xA6C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of procedure for painting desktop or responding to clicks on desktop
hook for painting the desk [pointer]*/
GhostWindow = 0xA84, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to window never to be considered frontmost
window hidden from FrontWindow [pointer]*/
/* Text Edit Globals */
TEDoText = 0xA70, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of TextEdit multi-purpose routine
textEdit doText proc hook [pointer]*/
TERecal = 0xA74, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of routine to recalculate line starts for TextEdit
textEdit recalText proc hook [pointer]*/
TEScrapLength = 0xAB0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Size in bytes of TextEdit scrap (long)
textEdit Scrap Length [word]*/
TEScrpLength = 0xAB0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Size in bytes of TextEdit scrap (long)
textEdit Scrap Length [word]*/
TEScrpHandle = 0xAB4, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Handle to TextEdit scrap
textEdit Scrap [handle]*/
TEWdBreak = 0xAF6, /*[GLOBAL VAR] default word break routine [pointer]*/
TEWordBreak = 0xAF6, /*[GLOBAL VAR] default word break routine [pointer]*/
WordRedraw = 0xBA5, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) - used by TextEdit RecalDraw*/
TESysJust = 0xBAC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) system justification (intl. textEdit) obsolete */
SysDirection = 0xBAC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) system justification (intl. textEdit)*/
/* Resource Manager Globals */
TopMapHndl = 0xA50, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Handle to resource map of most recently opened resource file
topmost map in list [handle]*/
SysMapHndl = 0xA54, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Handle to map of system resource file
system map [handle]*/
SysMap = 0xA58, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Reference number of system resource file (word)
reference number of system map [word]*/
CurMap = 0xA5A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Reference number of current resource file (word)
reference number of current map [word]*/
ResReadOnly = 0xA5C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Read only flag [word]*/
ResLoad = 0xA5E /*[GLOBAL VAR] Current SetResLoad state (word)
Auto-load feature [word]*/
enum {
ResErr = 0xA60, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Current value of ResError (word)
Resource error code [word]*/
ResErrProc = 0xAF2, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of resource error procedure
Resource error procedure [pointer]*/
SysResName = 0xAD8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Name of system resource file (length byte followed by up to 19 characters)
Name of system resource file [STRING[19]]*/
RomMapInsert = 0xB9E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) determines if we should link in map*/
TmpResLoad = 0xB9F, /*[GLOBAL VAR] second byte is temporary ResLoad value.*/
/* Menu Mgr globals */
MBarHeight = 0xBAA, /*[GLOBAL VAR] height of the menu bar*/
/* CommToolbox Global */
CommToolboxGlobals = 0x0BB4 /*[GLOBAL VAR] pointer to CommToolbox globals */