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; File: Bass_Allocate.a
; Copyright: © 1989-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM5> 9/13/93 SAM Removed an include of QDHooks.a.
; <SM4> 2/20/93 SAM Added and INCLUDE of TrapsPrivate.a.
; <SM3> 2/4/93 PN I did a global search and NewTempHandle is only called from
; CTempBuffHand. So I change the name to FontNewTempHandle to
; eliminate confusion with QD call.
; <SM2> 4/16/92 PN Change GETSTYLEBUFHAND to upper case
; <3> 7/10/91 JSM Remove obsolete SysVers conditionals.
; <2> 3/20/91 CL B3B, #84919: Fixed NewTempHandle, EndSystem mode reset the state
; from MFTempHandle. This resulted in a memory leak since we
; thought we did not get a block from MFTemp memory and continued
; to get a application block instead.
; <13> 9/23/90 CL Can not call BeginSystemMode or EndSystem mode in 6.0.x systems.
; <12> 9/13/90 CL Fixing test for MultiFinder to use the unimplemented trap
; instead of these old weird vectors.
; <11> 9/10/90 CL Added PurgeSpaceSysTotal and NewHandleSysNoInt for testing purposes.
; <10> 9/4/90 CL Added MultiFinderExist routine to call from c code.
; <9> 8/31/90 KSM Add Charlton's changes for MF existence checking.
; <8> 7/20/90 DTY Added EndProcs and End for Greggy.
; <7> 7/20/90 CL The assembler wishes to create a branch of zero. This gets
; intrepreted into a long branch and takes the next instruction as
; the offset and really messes up the code.
; <6> 7/5/90 RB Richard is checking this out for my Chazz bug. Need to BSR to
; NewTempHandle instead of calling the Macro.
; <5> 7/3/90 CL Putting back in the NewTempHandle call for the init since the
; trap does not exist on the 6.0.x world.
; <4> 6/22/90 CL Taking out newTempHandle, newTempBuffer, disposeTempBuffer.
; <3> 4/11/90 dba Chaz says we need this new version
; <2> 2/27/90 CL Supports new fast blit loopsÉ
; <1.2> 8/28/89 CEL Linker has a mean bug that leaves out some code. Moved code
; <1.1> 8/14/89 CEL Fixed up tstMFExist macro to use different base addr for MacPlus
; <1.0> 8/1/89 CEL Adding into Bass build for the first timeÉ
; <1.0> 8/1/89 CEL Adding into Bass build for the first timeÉ
; Bass_Allocate.a
; File: Bass_Allocate.a
; Language: 68000 assembly
; Author: Charlton E. Lui
; Date: August 1, 1989
; Modifications: 1.0
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1989
; All Rights Reserved
; Gets memory from Multifinder heap.
INCLUDE 'Traps.a'
INCLUDE 'SysEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'SplineDefines.a'
INCLUDE 'fontPrivate.a'
INCLUDE 'MFPrivate.a'
INCLUDE 'TrapsPrivate.a' ; <SM4>
if &type('INITVERSION') = 'UNDEFINED' then
asGaudi equ 1
MACRO ; $$$$ Use the unimplemented Trap instead
MOVE.L #$A89F, D0 ;Unimplemented trap
MOVE.L #$A88F, D0 ;MultiFinder trap
SUB.L A0, D1
MOVE.L expandMem, A0 ; get low mem expand
MOVE.L ExpandMemRec.emSplineKey(A0), A0 ; Handle to splineKey
MOVE.L (A0), A0 ; Pointer to rec
MOVE.W splineKeyRec.machineType(A0), D0 ; Save away machine type
CMP.W #envMacPlus, D0 ; Is it a MacPlus
BNE.S @useCheck
move.l ($C00+$9f*4),d0 ; get address of unimplemented trap
cmp.l ($C00+$8f*4),d0 ; same as OSDispatch?
BRA.S @doneMacro
move.l ($E00+$9f*4),d0 ;get address of unimplemented trap
cmp.l ($E00+$8f*4),d0 ;same as OSDispatch?
PurgeSpaceSysTotal Proc Export ;Checks for purge space in sys heap
_PurgeSpace ,SYS
MultiFinderExist Proc Export
_tstMFExists ;is twitcher happening? (trashes d0)
MOVE.L D1, D0 ;Finder mode!
FontNewTempHandle PROC
; Function FontNewTempHandle(VAR requestSize: long) : TBuffer;
; This routine attempts to get a block of the requested size from
; the multiFinder temporary memory pool.
; If multiFinder is not running or memory is full, then a nil pointer
; and a size of zero are returned.
; entry: d0 = requested size
; exit: d0 = actual size
; a0 = handle
movem.l d1-d3,-(sp) ;save work registers
MOVEM.L A0-A1/D0-D2,-(SP) ;Save off all registers before call <13>
_BeginSystemMode ;<9>
MOVEM.L (SP)+, A0-A1/D0-D2 ;Restore all registers on return
clr.l -(sp) ;room for result
move.l d3,-(sp) ;ask for it
pea memErr ;var result code
move.l (sp)+,d0
move.l d0,a0 ;return handle
beq.s @done ;leave it empty $$$ take out later
move.l d3,d0 ;return size in d0 $$$ take out later
@done ; $$$ take out later
MOVEM.L A0-A1/D0-D2,-(SP) ;Save off all registers before call
_EndSystemMode ;<9>
MOVEM.L (SP)+, A0-A1/D0-D2 ;Restore all registers on return
move.l a0, d0 ;set status
@noTry movem.l (sp)+,d1-d3 ;restore work registers
NewTempBuffer PROC EXPORT ;<18Jun89> BAL
; Function NewTempBuffer(VAR requestSize: long) : TBuffer;
; This routine attempts to get a block of the requested size from
; the multiFinder temporary memory pool. If the requested amount is
; not available it returns the largest contiguous block and its size.
; If multiFinder is not running or memory is full, then a nil pointer
; and a size of zero is returned.
; entry: d0 = requested size
; exit: d0 = actual size
; a0 = handle
movem.l d1-d3,-(sp) ;save work registers
move.l d0,d3 ;copy requested size
_tstMFExists ;is twitcher happening? (trashes d0)
bne.s @tryMultMem ;no, we're out of luck <9>
moveq #0,d0 ;zero resulting size
move.l d0,a0 ;return nil handle
bra.s @noTry
MOVEM.L A0-A1/D0-D2,-(SP) ;Save off all registers before call
_BeginSystemMode ;<9>
MOVEM.L (SP)+, A0-A1/D0-D2 ;Restore all registers on return
clr.l -(sp) ;room for result
move.l d3,-(sp) ;ask for it
pea memErr ;var result code
move.l (sp)+,d0
beq.s @hardWay
@gotit move.l d0,-(sp) ;save a copy of the handle
move.l d0,-(sp) ;handle to lock
pea memErr ;var result code
_MFTempHLock ;lock it down
move.l (sp)+,a0 ;return handle in a0
move.l d3,d0 ;return size in d0
MOVEM.L A0-A1/D0-D2,-(SP) ;Save off all registers before call
MOVEM.L (SP)+, A0-A1/D0-D2 ;Restore all registers on return
@noTry movem.l (sp)+,d1-d3 ;restore work registers
clr.l -(sp) ;room for grow amt
clr.l -(sp) ;room for result
pea 4(sp) ;push var grow
move.l (sp)+,d3 ;get size in d3
addq #4,sp ;pop grow amt
; tst.l d3 ;<9>
ble.s @noMem ;bail if none or less
clr.l -(sp) ;room for result
move.l d3,-(sp) ;ask for this much
pea memErr ;var result code
_MFTempNewHandle ;a prayer
move.l (sp)+,d0 ;did we get it?
bne.s @gotit
sub.l #$1000,d3 ;no, back off by 4K
bgt.s @tryAgain ;try again
@noMem moveq #0,d0 ;zero resulting size <9>
move.l d0,a0 ;return nil handle
bra.s @done
DisposeTempBuffer PROC EXPORT ;<18Jun89> BAL
; Procedure DisposeTempBuffer(aBufferHandle: : TBuffer);
; This routine frees a block of multiFinder temporary memory.
; entry: a0 = handle to dispose
move.l a0,d0 ;is it nil?
beq.s @nil
move.l a0,-(sp) ;push the handle
pea memErr ;var result code
_MFTempDisposHandle ;dispose it.
@nil rts
; This procedure has to be underneath NewTempHandle
; and GetStyleBufHand. Otherwise the mean old linker
; bug will eliminate code that is below this routine.
MOVE.L 4(SP), d0 ; Get size
MOVE.L D0, D3 ; Save request in reg
BSR FontNewTempHandle ; Try to get it from Multi Temp
BNE.S @returnVal ; Worked so go home
MOVE.L D3, d0 ; Get size
MOVE.L theZone, D2 ; Save the current zone
MOVE.L applZone, theZone ; Switch to app zone
_NewHandle ; Try App heap
MOVE.L D2, theZone ; Restore zone