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synced 2025-01-31 20:31:44 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
715 lines
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715 lines
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; File: VSM.a
; Contains: This module provides the Volume Space Management in the Turbo
; File System.
; Written by: Patrick W. Dirks, December 11 1984
; Copyright: © 1984-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <2> 9/13/91 JSM Add a header.
; <1.2> 3/2/89 DNF removed references to forROM; HFS now builds identically for ram
; or rom
; <1.1> 11/10/88 CCH Fixed Header.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; <¥1.1> 9/23/88 CCH Got rid of inc.sum.d and empty nFiles
; <1.0> 2/11/88 BBM Adding file for the first time into EASEÉ
; 10/27/86 BB Vectored ReadBM routine.
; 9/25/86 BB Updated to use new MPW equate files.
; 10/29/85 LAK Vectored BlkAlloc, BlkDealloc.
; 10/25/85 PWD Fixed FrBitScn to back up starting position before backing out
; at EOV. Added debugging code to catch partial-word $FFFF
; advances.
; 10/24/85 PWD Added debugging code to check allocation before return
; 10/22/85 PWD Fixed bug in EOV check in FrBitScan
; 10/21/85 PWD Changed BlkAlloc to check VCBFreeBks before attempting to
; allocate any block. Speed up scan for free space by checking for
; all 1's.
; 10/6/85 PWD Changed to return error instead of calling _SysError Changed to
; call common subroutine NextBit
; 10/1/85 LAK Use GBrelease option when calling GetBlock.
; 9/8/85 LAK Added routine UpdateFree to refigure the free block count for
; the MountVol consistency check.
; 9/3/85 LAK Contiguous allocation had a bug with buffer non-release. Rewrote
; this to use MarkBlock to dirty a block instead, and immediately
; call RelBlock after GetBlock.
; 8/21/85 PWD Fixed request size rounding to pre-divide by VCBAlBlSiz.
; 7/3/85 PWD Added consistency checking code.
; 5/28/85 PWD Changed to leave AllocPtr at start of last allocation (to
; minimize fragmentation after truncate on Close).
; 5/13/85 PWD Added code to BlkAlloc to check for zero free space
; 3/22/85 PWD Changed to use A6 stack, and use word-sized AlBlkSize
; 2/24/85 PWD Added explicit TST.W D0 in routines to re-set status codes
; 2/12/85 PWD Changed BlkDealloc to pass on result code in D0
; 2/11/85 PWD Changed BlkDealloc to check for zero-length block counts.
; 12/11/84 PWD New today.
; Routines: BlkAlloc, BlkDealloc, BlkChk
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
EXPORT BlkAlloc, BlkDealloc, BlkChk, UpdateFree
IMPORT GetBlock,RelBlock,MarkBlock,DivUp,RoundAlloc,MarkVCB
EXPORT vBlkAlloc,vBlkDealloc,vReadBM ;<27Oct86>
; Routine: BlkAlloc
; Function: Allocate space on a volume. If contiguous allocation is requested,
; at least the requested number of bytes will be allocated or an
; error will be returned. If contiguous allocation is not forced,
; the space will be allocated at the first free fragment following
; the requested starting allocation block. If there is not enough
; room there, a block of less than the requested size will be
; allocated.
; If the requested starting block is 0 (for new file allocations),
; the volume's allocation block pointer will be used as a starting
; point.
; All requests will be rounded up to the next highest clump size, as
; indicated in the file's FCB.
; Input Arguments:
; A2 - Pointer to VCB for the volume to allocate space on
; A3 - Pointer to FCB for the file for which storage is being allocated
; D2.W - Preferred starting allocation block, 0 = no preference
; D3.B - Force contiguous flag - if bit 0 set (NE), allocation is contiguous
; or an error is returned
; D4.L - Number of bytes requested. If the allocation is non-contiguous, less
; than this may actually be allocated
; Output:
; D0.W - Error code, zero for successful allocation
; D2.W - Actual starting allocation block
; D3.W - Actual number of allocation blocks allocated
; Internal register usage:
; A0 - Pointed to bitmap buffer
; A1.W - Used to hold the number of allocation blocks on the volume
; D0.W - Used to hold current bitmap word
; D1.W - Count of number of unexamined bits left in D0
; D3.L - High word used to stash starting allocation block
; D5.W - Current bitmap block number
; D6.W - Index into bitmap block buffer
; D7.W - Number of allocation blocks actually allocated
; Side effects:
; The volume bitmap is read and updated; the volume bitmap cache may be changed.
; Modification history:
; <06Oct85> PWD Changed to check for errors after calls to ReadBM and NextWord
; Relocated call to MarkBlock in allocation loop
; Changed to call NextBit
; <21Oct85> PWD Changed to check VCBFreeBks before attempting to allocate any block.
; Speed up scan for free space by checking for all 1's.
MOVE.L jBlkAlloc,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vBlkAlloc <29Oct85>
RTS ; go there <29Oct85>
vBlkAlloc ; 'vectored' BlkAlloc routine <29Oct85>
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; Save return address
MOVEM.L D1/D4-D7/A0-A1,-(A6); Save caller's registers
TST.W VCBFreeBks(A2) ; Any blocks free at all?
BEQ bkAllocFull ; Exit if not <03Sep85>
ANDI.W #$0001,D3 ; Clear all extra bits for our use
TST.W D2 ; Preferred starting block selected?
BNE.S @1 ; Yes - leave it be.
MOVE.W VCBAllocPtr(A2),D2 ; No - start from the volume-wide pointer
BSET #7,D3 ; Set flag to update vcbAllocPtr later
@1: SWAP D3 ; Get high word accessible
MOVE.W D2,D3 ; Store starting block
SWAP D3 ; And restore flags word for use
BCLR #15,D3 ; Clear wrap-around flag
BSR ReadBM ; Pick up the bitmap block of interest
TST.W D1 ; No errors? <PWD 06Oct85>
BMI bkAllocExit ; If negative, D0 is now error code <PWD 06Oct85>
MOVEA.W VCBNmAlBlks(A2),A1 ; Set up the size of the volume
; Look for a free fragment at or beyond the starting block selected:
@1: CMP.W A1,D2 ; Did we reach the end-of-volume?
BCS.S @2 ; If not (D2 < A1), march merrily along
ROL.L D1,D0 ; Rotate D0 back into place
MOVE.L D0,0(A0,D6.W) ; Replace it in the buffer (buffer is clean)
CLR.W D2 ; Reset the starting block to the beginning
BSR ReadBM ; Read the appropriate bitmap block
BSET #15,D3 ; Indicate we wrapped around the EOV
BNE bkAllocFull ; Exit if already set, with DskFulErr, D3=0
; It wasn't set yet, start over again
@2: TST.W D1 ; Any errors occur? <PWD 06Oct85>
BMI bkAllocExit ; Punt on errors <PWD 06Oct85>
TST.L D0 ; If bit 31 clear (free alloc. block)?
BPL.S bkAlFree ; If so, check if fragment is big enough
BSR FrBitScan ; Look for another free bit. <PWD 21Oct85>
BRA.S @1 ; And keep trying
; We found a free fragment; check to see if it isn't too small. For a contiguous
; allocation, this should guarantee that at least as much as requested is actually
; allocated, although more may be granted; the request is rounded up to the next
; highest clump later.
SUB.W D2,A1 ; Change A1 to # block left to EOV
BTST #0,D3 ; Is contiguous allocation requested?
BEQ.S bkAllocDoIt ; If not, just start allocating here.
MOVE.L D4,-(A6) ; Store original alloc. request size
MOVEM.L D0-D1,-(A6) ; Free up for use in division
MOVE.L D4,D0 ; Set up to divide
MOVE.W vcbAlBlkSiz+2(A2),D1 ; by allocation block size
JSR DivUp ; and round result up to next alloc. block
MOVE.L D0,D4 ; D4 is now min. number of alloc. blocks
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D0-D1 ; Restore original registers
CLR.W D7 ; Set up fragment length count, al. blocks
@1: CMP.W D7,D4 ; Check current length: enough already?
BLS.S @5 ; If reguest <= fragment so far, go for it!
CMP.W A1,D7 ; Reached the edge?
BEQ.S @2 ; If so, that wasn't quite enough
TST.L D0 ; If bit 31 set (allocated block)?
BMI.S @2 ; If so, fragment wasn't big enough
ADDQ.W #1,D7 ; If not, bump fragment length count
BSR NextBit ; Pick up the next bit out of the bitmap <PWD 06Oct85>
TST.W D1 ; Any errors occur? <PWD 06Oct85>
BMI bkAllocExit ; Punt on errors <PWD 06Oct85>
BRA.S @1 ; Otherwise keep trying
@2: MOVE.L (A6)+,D4 ; Restore original request size (bytes)
ADD.W D7,D2 ; This fragment too small - update starting block
CMP.W A1,D7 ; Did we reach to the EOV?
BCS.S @3 ; Nope - try this for a next position
BTST #15,D3 ; Did we wrap around yet?
BNE.S @4 ; Yes - give up: history repeats itself
BSET #15,D3 ; No - give it another shot
CLR.W D2 ; From the beginning of the volume
@3: BTST #15,D3 ; Did we wrap around yet?
BEQ blkLoop ; If not, scan on
SWAP D3 ; Get a hold of the starting block
CMP.W D2,D3 ; Are we back where we started?
BLS.S @4 ; If we're beyond the start, quit
SWAP D3 ; Otherwise, restore D3
BRA blkLoop ; And scan on
@4: ROL.L D1,D0 ; Rotate D0 back into place
MOVE.L D0,0(A0,D6.W) ; And replace it in the buffer
BRA bkAllocFull ; Exit with DskFulErr, D3=0 <03Sep85>
@5: MOVE.L (A6)+,D4 ; Retrieve request size in bytes
ROL.L D1,D0 ; Restore D0 to its original position ???
MOVE.L D0,0(A0,D6.W) ; Replace it in the buffer (buffer is still clean) ???
BSR ReadBM ; And set up from the current position (D2)
TST.W D1 ; Any errors occur? <PWD 06Oct85>
BMI bkAllocExit ; Punt on errors <PWD 06Oct85>
; Start allocating block at this point: round the request off to the next highest
; clump size now, and try to take as much as possible up to that limit.
MOVEM.L D0-D1,-(A6) ; Save current bitmap word & bit count
MOVE.L D4,D0 ; Get requested allocation length (bytes) <22Aug85>
MOVE.L FCBClmpSize(A3),D1 ; Get clump size for file <22Aug85>
JSR RoundAlloc ; Divide, rounding up -> Size in AlBlks <22Aug85>
MOVE.L D0,D4 ; Stash it away <22Aug85>
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D0-D1 ; And retrieve original bitmap word & count
CLR.L D7 ; Zero out actual allocation counter
; Mark blocks allocated from the starting block:
@1: TST.W D4 ; Allocated enough already?
BEQ.S BkAllocOK ; If so, quit
CMP.W A1,D7 ; If not, is there more here?
BCC.S BkAllocOK ; If D7 >= A1, we've reached the EOV
TST.L D0 ; Check bit 31 of current word (curr. blk)
BMI.S BkAllocOK ; If allocated, stop trying
TST.W VCBFreeBks(A2) ; Does vol. think there are any bits left? <PWD 21Oct85>
BEQ.S BkAllocOK ; Nope - we're done (for) then . . . <PWD 21Oct85>
SUBQ.W #1,VCBFreeBks(A2) ; Yes - well, there's one fewer now. <PWD 21Oct85>
JSR MarkVCB ; Mark the VCB dirty <PWD 21Oct85>
BSET #31,D0 ; Mark the current block as allocated
ADDQ.W #1,D7 ; Add one to allocated block count
SUBQ.W #1,D4 ; Subtract one from request size
JSR MarkBlock ; This block is dirty . . . <PWD 06Oct85>
BSR NextBit ; Get the next bit from the bitmap <PWD 06Oct85>
TST.W D1 ; Check: any errors reading BM? <PWD 06Oct85>
BGE.S @1 ; If D1>0, all was well <PWD 06Oct85>
BRA.S BkAllocExit ; Otherwise give up (D0 is error code) <PWD 06Oct85>
; Allocation is done:
BTST #7,D3 ; Did we start from the VCB's AllocPtr?
BEQ.S @2 ; If not, never mind
MOVE.W D2,D4 ; Prepare new allocPtr
; Adding in the length of the current allocation might reduce the next allocate
; call by avoiding a re-scan of the already allocated space. However, the clump
; just allocated can quite conceivably end up being truncated or released when
; the file is closed or its EOF changed. Leaving the allocation pointer at the
; start of the last allocation will avoid unnecessary fragmentation in this case.;
CMP.W VCBNmAlBlks(A2),D4 ; Is it at EOV?
BCS.S @1 ; If CS, D4 < NmAlBlks: all is well
CLR.W D4 ; If D4 >= NmAlBlks, wrap around
@1: MOVE.W D4,VCBAllocPtr(A2) ; Update VCB's allocation pointer
; <VCB is already marked dirty>
@2: ROL.L D1,D0 ; Rotate the bitmap word back into place
MOVE.L D0,0(A0,D6.W) ; And put it back where it came from
JSR MarkBlock ; Mark the buffer dirty
MOVE.L D7,D3 ; Return the actual allocation size
IF HFSDebug THEN ; <24Oct85>
MOVE.W D3,-(A6) ; Save D3 for actual return value <24OCt85>
BSR ReadBM ; Read the bitmap entry for the allocated space <24OCt85>
@5 TST.W D1 ; Found it? <24Oct85>
BMI.S @10 ; Nope - bomb. <24Oct85>
TST.L D0 ; Check - is top bit actually set? <24Oct85>
BPL.S @10 ; Nope - trouble! <24Oct85>
BSR NextBit ; OK - look for the next bit in the allocation <24Oct85>
SUBQ.W #1,D3 ; ...that's one block successfully allocated <24Oct85>
BNE.S @5 ; Go check the other blocks allocated <24Oct85>
BRA.S @20 ; Success! <24Oct85>
@10 _HFSDebug $321 ; "Pause for debugging"... <24Oct85>
@20 MOVE.W (A6)+,D3 ; Restore D3 for return to user <24Oct85>
ENDIF ; <24Oct85> MOVEQ #0,D0 ; and success
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; Sweet success
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1/D4-D7/A0-A1; Restore registers
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; Restore return address
TST.W D0 ; Set condition codes for return
RTS ; And call it a day.
MOVEQ #0,D3 ; No Blocks allocated
MOVEQ #DskFulErr,D0 ; Disk is full
BRA.S BkAllocExit ;
; Routine: BlkDealloc
; Function: Update the bitmap to deallocate a run of disk allocation blocks
; Input Arguments:
; A2 - Pointer to VCB for the volume to free space on
; D2.W - First allocation block to be freed
; D3.W - Number of allocation blocks to free up (must be > 0!)
; Output:
; D0.W - Result code
; Internal register usage:
; A0 - Pointed to bitmap buffer
; D0.W - Used to hold current bitmap word
; D1.W - Count of number of bits left unexamined in D0
; D5.W - Current bitmap block number
; D6.W - Index into bitmap block buffer
; Side effects:
; The volume bitmap is read and updated; the volume bitmap cache may be changed.
; Modification history:
; <06Oct85> PWD Changed to check for error after calls to ReadBM and NextWord
; Now calls NextBit to read successive bits from the bitmap
MOVE.L jBlkDeAlloc,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vBlkDeAlloc <29Oct85>
RTS ; go there <29Oct85>
vBlkDeAlloc ; 'vectored' BlkDeAlloc routine <29Oct85>
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; Save return address
MOVEM.L D1-D6/A0,-(A6) ; Save registers for use
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; Set up completion code
TST.W D3 ; Check block count
BEQ.S @95 ; If zero, we're done.
BSR ReadBM ; Pick up the relevant bitmap information
@10: TST.W D1 ; Any error occur? <PWD 06Oct85>
BMI.S @95 ; If not, keep going <PWD 06Oct85>
BCLR #31,D0 ; Free up the block
BNE.S @15 ; Check to make sure it was set... <PWD 24Oct85>
_hFSDebug $123 ; Pause to check this out... <PWD 24Oct85>
JSR MarkBlock ; Mark this buffer dirty (will be in a sec...)<PWD 06Oct85>
ADDQ.W #1,VCBFreeBks(A2) ; Adjust free block count
JSR MarkVCB ; Mark the VCB dirty
SUBQ.W #1,D3 ; That's one down: any left?
BEQ.S @90 ; No - that's it
BSR NextBit ; Get next bitmap bit <PWD 06Oct85>
BRA.S @10 ;
@90: ROL.L D1,D0 ; Rotate D0 back into position
MOVE.L D0,0(A0,D6.W) ; Put the bitmap word back where it came from
; JSR MarkBlock ; Mark the buffer dirty . . . <PWD 24Oct85>
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; success!
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1-D6/A0 ; Restore registers
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; Restore return address
TST.W D0 ; Set condition codes
RTS ; And call it a day.
; Routine: BlkChk
; Arguments: A0.L (input) -- pointer to extent record
; A2.L (input) -- VCB for volume
; D0.L (output) -- 0 if block was already allocated
; -1 otherwise
; Internal register usage:
; A0 - Pointed to bitmap buffer
; A1 - Pointed to extent record
; D0.W - Used to hold current bitmap word
; D1.W - Count of number of bits left unexamined in D0
; D2.W - Allocation block currently being checked
; D3.L - Set in case a block was found unallocated
; D4.L - Count of number of blocks in current extent
; D5.W - Current bitmap block number
; D6.W - Index into bitmap block buffer
; D7.W - Index into extent record
; Called By: MountVol
; Function: Make sure the extents in the extent record are marked as
; allocated in the volume bitmap. The allocation blocks mapped
; by the extent record are marked in the bitmap if they weren't
; already marked (in which case D0 is set).
; Modification History:
; 3-Jul-85 PWD New today.
; <06Oct85> PWD Added check for errors after calls to ReadBM and NextWord
BlkChk: MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; Save return address
MOVEM.L D1-D7/A1,-(A6) ; Save scratch registers
MOVEA.L A0,A1 ; Save away the extent record pointer
MOVEQ #0,D3 ; Clear trouble flag
MOVEQ #0,D7 ; Prepare index into extent record
@5 MOVE.W xdrStABN(A1,D7),D2 ; Pick up the first allocation block
MOVEQ #0,D4 ; Clear upper word of D4
MOVE.W xdrNumABlks(A1,D7),D4 ; Pick up length of block run
BEQ.S @90 ; If it's zero, we're all done
BSR.S ReadBM ; Pick out the bit of interest
BRA.S @50 ; Start out decrementing
@10 BSET #31,D0 ; Make sure the bit is set
BNE.S @30 ; If it was already set, allocation was OK
MOVEQ #-1,D3 ; Otherwise, raise the trouble flag.
JSR MarkBlock ; And mark the buffer dirty . .. <03Sep85>
@30 ADDQ.W #1,D2 ; Advance to the next ABN
ROL.L #1,D0 ; Rotate the bitmap long
SUBQ.W #1,D1 ; That's one fewer bits left.
BGT.S @50 ; If there are more in this D0, go for it
TST.W D4 ; Any blocks left to examine?
BEQ.S @60 ; If not, quit.
BSR NextWord ; Pick up the next bitmap longword
@50 TST.W D1 ; Any errors occur reading BM? <PWD 06Oct85>
BMI.S @95 ; If so, just punt right here & now . . . <PWD 06Oct85>
DBRA D4,@10 ; Go check next block in extent
ROL.L D1,D0 ; Rotate D0 back into position
@60 MOVE.L D0,0(A0,D6.W) ; Put the bitmap word back where it came from
ADDQ.W #lenExt,D7 ; Advance to next extent
CMP.W #lenXDR,D7 ; Hit the end of the extent record?
BLO.S @5 ; If not, continue with next extent desc.
@90 MOVE.L D3,D0 ; Return trouble flag
@95 MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1-D7/A1 ; Restore scratch registers
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; Restore return address
TST.L D0 ; Set condition codes
RTS ; And call it a day.
; Routine: UpdateFree
; Arguments: A2.L (input) -- VCB for volume
; Internal register usage:
; A0 - Pointed to bitmap buffer
; A1 - Pointed to extent record
; D0.W - Used to hold current bitmap word
; D1.W - Count of number of bits left unexamined in D0
; D2.W - Allocation block currently being checked
; D4.L - Count of free blocks
; D5.W - Current bitmap block number
; D6.W - Index into bitmap block buffer
; Called By: MountVol
; Function: This routine is used as part of the MountVol consistency check
; to figure out the number of free allocation blocks in the volume.
; Modification History:
; <08Sep85> LAK New today.
; <06Oct85> PWD Added explicit check for errors after calls to ReadBM, NextWord
; Now calls NextBit.
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address
MOVEM.L D0-D6/A0-A1,-(A6) ; save all registers used
MOVEQ #0,D4 ; start with zero free
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; start at the beginning
BSR.S ReadBM ; pick up the first bitmap block, set up D1, D0
MOVE.W VCBNmAlBlks(A2),D2 ; total number of allocation blocks
@1 TST.W D1 ; Any error reading BM? <PWD 06Oct85>
BMI.S @9 ; If so, give up now <PWD 06Oct85>
TST.L D0 ; check high bit
BMI.S @2 ; br if it's not free
ADDQ.W #1,D4 ; increment free count
@2 SUBQ.W #1,D2 ; one less block
BEQ.S @3 ; br if we've finished
BSR.S NextBit ; Pick up the next bitmap bit <PWD 06Oct85>
BRA.S @1 ; So keep trying
@3 MOVE.W D4,VCBFreeBks(A2) ; update the free block count
@9 MOVEM.L (A6)+,D0-D6/A0-A1 ; Restore registers
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; Restore return address
RTS ; And call it a day.
; Routine: ReadBM
; Function: Pick up the status bit for a particular block in the volume bitmap
; Input Arguments:
; A2 - Pointer to volume's VCB
; D2.W - Allocation block of interest
; Output:
; A0 - Pointed to bitmap block containing bit of interest
; D0.L - Relevant word of the bitmap, rotated so that the right bit is in [31]
; If an error is encountered reading the bitmap, D0 holds the error
; code, and D1 is negative
; D1.W - The number of bits originally to the right of the bit of interest
; D5.W - Bitmap block number (unsigned)
; D6.W - Index of relevant LongWord in bitmap block
; Side effects:
; The volume bitmap is read; the volume bitmap cache may be changed.
; Modification history:
; <06Oct85> PWD Changed to return error code and set D1 negative instead of
; calling _SysError.
MOVE.L jReadBM,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vReadBM <27Oct86>
RTS ; go there <27Oct86>
vReadBM ; 'vectored' ReadBM routine <27Oct86>
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; Save return address
MOVE.W D2,D5 ; Copy to extract BM block number
LSR.W #8,D5 ; Shift to divide by almost 4096 (bits/block)
LSR.W #4,D5 ; Finish the division by 4096
MOVE.W D2,D6 ; Copy to compute longword index
AND.W #$0FE0,D6 ; Leave only middle 7 bits for index
LSR.W #3,D6 ; Shift to divide by 8 (bits/byte)
MOVE.W D2,D1 ; Copy to compute bit position
AND.W #$001F,D1 ; Leave only lower 5 bits (bit position)
BSR.S GetBMBlk ; Read the right bitmap block
BEQ.S @10 ; Proceed if all seems well
MOVEQ #-1,D1 ; Indicate an error occurred <PWD 06Oct85>
BRA.S @99 ; Without hope of continuing <PWD 06Oct85>
@10: MOVE.L 0(A0,D6.W),D0 ; Pick out the relevant longword
ROL.L D1,D0 ; Rotate the bit into place [MSB]
NEG.W D1 ; Subtract position from
ADD.W #32,D1 ; 32 to get number of bits left unseen
@99: MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; Restore return address
RTS ; And call it a day.
; Routine: NextBit
; Function: Pick up the next bit from the bitmap, rolling over to the next
; bitmap block if necessary.
; Arguments: D0.L - Current longword under examination
; D1.W - Number of bits left unexamined in D0
; Side effects:
; The volume bitmap may be read, changing the cache state.
; Modification history:
; <06Oct85> PWD New today, filtered out of BlkAlloc/BlkDealloc
; <22Oct85> PWD Fixed bug in EOV check in FrBitScan
; <25Oct85> PWD Fixed to back up starting position before backing out at EOV.
NextBit: MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; Strip the stack for ,ASYNC I/O <PWD 22Oct85>
ROL.L #1,D0 ; Advance to next bit for examination
SUBQ.W #1,D1 ; That's one fewer left unseen
BNE.S NxtBitRTS ; If there are any left at all, we're all set.
BSR.S NextWord ; Pick up the next bitmap word
NxtBitRTS MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; Restore return address <PWD 22Oct85>
RTS ; And keep going
; Special routine for BlkAlloc free bit scan:
FrBitScan: MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; Strip the stack for ,ASYNC I/O <PWD 22Oct85>
ADDQ.W #1,D2 ; Advance the starting position <PWD 21Oct85>
BSR.S NextBit ; And go pick up the next bit <PWD 21Oct85>
@0 CMP.L MinusOne,D0 ; Quick check: is it all ones (-1)? <PWD 21Oct85>
BNE.S NxtBitRTS ; Nope: go get 'em <PWD 21Oct85>
ADD.W D1,D2 ; Advance starting block by 32 <PWD 21Oct85>
CMP.W A1,D2 ; Reached the EOV? <PWD 21Oct85>
BCC.S @10 ; Yes - look no further <PWD 22Oct85>
BSR.S NextWord ; Go straight for a new word <PWD 21Oct85>
BRA.S @0 ; And try again <PWD 21Oct85>
@10 SUB.W D1,D2 ; Restore disk position <PWD 25OCt85>
BRA.S NxtBitRts ; And go use up the remainder <PWD 25Oct85>
; Routine: NextWord
; Function: Pick up the next word from the bitmap, rolling over to the next
; bitmap block if necessary. DOES NOT MARK THE CURRENT BUFFER DIRTY.
; Input Arguments:
; A0 - Pointer to bitmap buffer
; A2 - Pointer to VCB for volume being worked on
; D0 - Current bitmap word
; D5 - Bitmap block number
; D6 - LongWord index of the current word in the bitmap buffer
; Output:
; A0 - Pointed to current bitmap block buffer
; D0 - Next bitmap word or error code [if D1 < 0]
; D1 - Number of bits left unseen in D0 (always 32), <0 on error
; D5 - Number of current bitmap block
; D6 - Advanced to index of current LongWord in the bitmap buffer
; Side effects:
; The volume bitmap may be read, changing the cache state.
; Modification history:
; <06Oct85> PWD Changed to return error instead of calling _SysError when
; bitmap cannot be read.
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; Save return address
MOVE.L D0,0(A0,D6.W) ; Store the current word
ADDQ.W #4,D6 ; Bump the longword index
CMPI.W #512,D6 ; Have we reached the end of BM block?
BCS.S nwGetLong ; Nope - just pick out the next longword
ADDQ.W #1,D5 ; Move on to the next bitmap block
BSR.S GetBMBlk ; Read the new block in
BEQ.S nwRstIndex ; Br if we got it <03Sep85>
MOVEQ #-1,D1 ; Indicate an internal error occurred <PWD 06Oct85>
BRA.S nwExit ; Without hope of continuing <PWD 06Oct85>
CLR.W D6 ; Reset the index to the first longword
MOVE.L 0(A0,D6.W),D0 ; Read the next word from the bitmap buffer
MOVEQ #32,D1 ; Set count for full longword
nwExit MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; Restore return address
RTS ; And call it a day.
; Routine: GetBMBlk
; Function: Read a block out of the bitmap. The block will be read into cache
; storage; RelBMBlk should be called to write the page back to disk
; and release the storage.
; Input Arguments:
; D5.W - Bitmap block number
; A2 - Pointer to VCB for volume being worked on
; Output:
; A0 - Pointed to cache buffer containing bitmap block.
; D0 - Error code, 0 if block read successfully.
; Side effects:
; The volume bitmap is read; the volume bitmap cache may be changed.
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; Save return address
MOVEM.L D1-D2/A1-A2,-(A6) ; Save some registers from extinction
MOVE.W VCBVRefNum(A2),D0 ; Set volume refNum
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; Clear top of D2
MOVE.W VCBVBMSt(A2),D2 ; First sector in bitmap
ADD.W D5,D2 ; Compute physical block wanted
MOVEA.L VCBMAdr(A2),A1 ; Point to bitmap cache queue header
MOVEQ #kGBrelease,D1 ; release it immediately (we work on <01Oct85>
; one at a time anyway - call MarkBlock later if dirtied)
JSR GetBlock ; Actually read the sector
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1-D2/A1-A2 ; Restore registers
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; Restore return address
TST.W D0 ; Set status codes for return
RTS ; And call it a day.