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; File: USTPram.a
; Contains: This file contains the ROM based board burnin manager (RBIMgr). The
; RBI manager first tests RAM, then lights an LED on the burnin chamber,
; reads its data structure out of PRAM and executes selected tests for a
; specified number of times. If all tests pass, the RBI manager
; flashes an LED on the burnin chamber. Otherwise, it turns the LED
; off and jumps to the test manager.
; Written by: KC Chin. Adapted for use on Ericson and later machines by Scott Smyers
; Copyright: © 1983-1990, 1992-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM3> 9/13/93 SAM Added a flag to USTInit to tell it not to call SizeMem (again!).
; <SM2> 5/2/92 kc Roll in Horror. Comments follow:
; <H3> 3/6/92 AL Moved the PRAM routines RdXByte, WrXByte and ClkWpOff over
; to this file (from USTTestMgr.a) because they were accessed
; mainly from files included in USTStartTest.a. This saved a lot
; of work by not making me go through all the occurrences and
; changing them from BSR6 to BigBSR6,a0. The few access to them
; from files in USTStartTest1.a can be taken care of.
; <H2> 01/27/92 jmp Conditionalized the PROC parts of this file for use in lining up
; the UST part of HORROR with that of TERROR/Zydeco.
; <T5> 4/2/91 CCH Rolled in Scott Smyers' changes: Added support for 32 tests
; (instead of only 16). Added support for test ID and new word
; sized subtest ID. Made the use of PRAM during ROM burnin more
; logical. Modularized the code which copies data between PRAM and
; RAM to increase re-usability.
; <T4> 3/13/91 CCH Rolled in RBI changes from Scott Smyers.
; <T3> 1/14/91 CCH Rolled in Scott Smyers' changes.
; <T2> 12/14/90 HJR Added Elsie V8 support.
; Pre-TERROR ROM comments begin here.
; <10> 6/18/90 CV Rolling in changes from mainproj. Original comments below.
; {12} 6/18/90 SS Changed the error reporting for RAM tests so that the bank
; failure number goes into the high nibble of the subtest number.
; <9> 6/7/90 CV Rolling in changes from mainproj. Original comments below.
; {11} 6/5/90 SS Changed the error reporting so that all tests now report all of
; D6 instead of just a byte, word or long. This makes test result
; interpretation much easier. Also added the RBV test to the test
; table.
; <8> 5/18/90 CV Rolling in changes from mainproj. Original comments below.
; {10} 5/10/90 SS Fixed the initialization for the sound interrupt test. I now
; set up the HW info regs before calling the test.
; <7> 4/27/90 CV Rolling in changes from mainproj. Original comments below.
; {9} 4/20/90 SS Changed to use SCSI equates from the HWPrivateEqu file. Also am
; now using a VIA access for my flashing light time constant.
; <6> 4/10/90 JJ Rolling in changes from mainproj. Original comments below.
; {8} 4/9/90 SS Corrected the test numbering for status reporting. Added the
; Reverse mod3test to the suite of RAM tests. Removed the EASE
; header.
; <5> 4/2/90 CV Rolling in changes from mainproj. Original comments below.
; {7} 3/27/90 SS Added a power-on counter which increments every time ROM burn-in
; is entered. Also added a post burn signature and fixed a small
; inconsistancy (changed a move.b to move.w).
; <4> 3/12/90 CV Rolling in changes from mainproj. Original comments below.
; {6} 3/9/90 SS Changed the calling convention for RBI tests while in the RBI
; manager. Changed the name of the RBI manager to RBIMgr. Added
; power fail recovery. made the tests' access to the RBI data
; structure more robust. Added a test of memory before beginning
; RBI.
; <5> 2/27/90 SS Made the RBI signature bytes more universal.
; <4> 2/16/90 SS Added flags to statements which were changed to support Ericson.
; <3> 2/13/90 MA Fixed register usage when logging BIparameters
; <2> 2/12/90 MA 'MovePram' cleaned up and changed register usage. Fixed
; numerous bugs. Now preserves A1 in PRAM Logger.
; <1.2> 8/22/89 GMR Setup VBR and preped a0,d0,d2 before launching BITests.
; <1.1> 6/11/89 GMR Removed INCLUDES, now in header file which includes all others.
; <1.0> 6/11/89 GMR Added new universal StartTest files for first time to EASE.
; <1.3> 5/16/89 rle don't use startup code for size memory anymore
; <1.2> 3/28/89 rle now uses (some) equates from "STEqu.a"
; <1.1> 2/10/89 RLE incorporated K.C. Chin's changes to add data bus test and use
; stack-based routines
; <1.0> 2/2/89 RLE new file
IMPORT SetupForExecuteDTM
IMPORT JGetHardwareInfo
IMPORT StartUpRomTest
IMPORT RevMod3Test
IMPORT AddrLineTest
IMPORT DataBusTest
IMPORT Viatest
IMPORT PramTest ;
IMPORT SizeMemory
IMPORT Error1Handler
IMPORT TestSndInts ; <11>
IMPORT TestRBV ; <11>
IMPORT TestCLUT ; <13>
IMPORT TestVRAM ; <13>
IMPORT ReadPramSig ; <T4>
;--------------- to next <T4> below
MaxCTESubTests equ 29 ;maximum number of subtests supported by the RBI manager <T5>
TotalRBITests equ 32 ;total number of tests supported by the RBI manager (crit and non crit)<T5>
bROMTest equ 31 ;<T5>
bRAMTest equ 30 ;<T5>
bMovInvRAMTest equ 29 ;<T5>
CritTestMask equ (1<<bROMTest) | \ ;mask of bits used for critical tests
(1<<bRAMTest) | \
RBIInfo RECORD USTGlobals.sizeofUSTGlobals,increment ;start at end of USTGlobals
startofRBIInfo equ * ;start of RBI info
TempScratch ds.l 1 ;temporary scratch area, if needed <6>
CurTest ds.l 1 ;current test <T5>
BIFailFlag ds.w 1 ;Burn-In fail flag
TestLoopCount ds.b TotalRBITests ;number of times to execute each test per cycle<T5>
RBITestList ds.l 2*MaxCTESubTests ;test ID/subtest ID list for RBI tests <T5>
RBINumInst ds.w 1 ;number of installed tests <T5>
BINumCycles ds.w 1 ;# of cycles to run <T5>
BIRunMask ds.l 1 ;Mask of tests to run <T5>
BIFailMask ds.l 1 ;Mask of tests that fail <T5>
BICounter ds.w 1 ;# of cycles completed
BIPasses ds.w 1 ;# of pass cycles
BIFirstF ds.w 1 ;First failure cycle #
BILastF ds.w 1 ;Last failure cycle #
BITest ds.l 1 ;burnin test number <T5>
BISubTest ds.l 1 ;burnin subtest number <T5>
BITestResult ds.l 1 ;test result
HWInfo ds.l 3 ;information returned from GetHardwareInfo (6 registers)
sizeofRBIInfo equ *-startofRBIInfo ;size of the RBI information
pLowerCopy EQU $0 ;start of lower copy of PRAM information
pUpperCopy EQU $80 ;start address of upper copy of PRAM information
pPRAMLength EQU $80 ;length of each copy of PRAM information
PBSig EQU 'DONE' ;Post burn signature <T5>
RBIPRAMMap RECORD pUpperCopy,increment
pTstIterCnt ds.b TotalRBITests ;test iteration per cycle count <T5>
pBlank1 ds.b $30 ;undefined area number 1 <T5>
pFailMask ds.l 1 ;tests failed mask <T5>
pTestNum ds.l 1 ;last failing test number <T5>
pSubTestNum ds.l 1 ;last failing subtest number <T5>
pTestResult ds.l 1 ;result of last failed test <T5>
pFrstFail ds.w 1 ;cycle at first failure <T5>
pLastFail ds.w 1 ;cycle at last failure <T5>
pBlank2 ds.b 2 ;undefined area number 2 <T5>
pPOCntr ds.w 1 ;number of power cycles during testing <T5>
pCyclesDone ds.w 1 ;number of cycles completed <T5>
pCyclesPass ds.w 1 ;number of cycles which passed <T5>
pPBSigAddr ds.l 1 ;RBI complete signature <T5>
pSTMJump ds.b 1 ;Jump to STM flag <T5>
pBlank3 ds.b 1 ;another blank area <T5>
pCycleCnt ds.w 1 ;number of cycles to run <T5>
pTestMask ds.l 1 ;tests to run mask <T5>
ENDR ; <T5>
savedregs reg a0-a2 ;registers to save (MUST be reflected in HWInfo length)
tstloopregs reg d0-d1/a0/a5 ;registers used during test looping
;--------------- to next <T4> above
; Routine: RBIMgr Manages ROM Based Burnin. <6>
; <4>
; Inputs: none
; <4>
; Destroys: d0-d7, a0-a7 <4>
RBIMgr ;<6>
BSR6 disableMMU ;disable the MMU and require serialized access <T4>
;to IO space <T4>
; OK, everything is ready to go. Start the actual testing stuff by doing the memory
; sizing and preparation for CTE:
BSR6 SizeMemory ;First, size memory
bne @RBIFailure ;Bomb out if this fails
; Then next step is to test RAM to make sure we're justified in using RAM for our scratch.
move.w #ErrRAMA,d7 ;Init error to Bank A error code
movea.l (sp),sp ;Set stack contiguous with the chunk table
movea.l sp,a4 ;get ptr to chunk table
IF forRomulator THEN ; <T4>
TestInRAM a1 ;are we running in RAM? <T4>
bne.s @RamPassed ;don't test RAM or move vector table if so! <T4>
ENDIF ; <T4>
movea.l (a4)+,a0 ;get start of bank
cmpa.l #-1,a0 ;at end of table?
beq.s @RamPassed ;(-1) means end of table
move.l (a4)+,a1 ;get length
adda.l a0,a1 ;calculate end of bank
cmpa.l a1,sp ;above memory chunk table? <1.9>
bhi.s @testChunk ;no, test complete chunk
movea.l sp,a1 ;yes, set top to base of chunk table <1.9>
BSR6 Mod3Test ;test this bank <1.7>
tst.l d6
bne @RBIFailure ;failed, go to test manager
addq.w #1,d7 ;bump to next bank code
bra.s @memLoop ;passed, test next bank
;--------------- to next <T4> below
; OK, if we got here, then all the RAM tests passed. Now we stoke up the RBI
; manager data structures in RAM, init CTE and start testing.
clr.w d7 ;zero out low word of d7 during initialization
moveq #0,D2 ;tell USTInit to call SizeMem <SM3>
BSR6 USTInit ;size memory and initialize the universal global area
;next, move it to just below the chunk table
movea.l ChunkTable(a5),a1 ;set the destination for the new global area
suba.l #sizeofRBIInfo,a1 ;make room for the RBI globals (to be initialized
; later in this routine)
bsr RelocateGlobals ;then do it - relocate the actual USTGlobals
movea.l DcdrInfPtr(a5),a0 ;get the pointer to the decoder info
movea.l PrdctInfPtr(a5),a1 ;and the product info
movea.l DecoderInfo.VIA1Addr(a0),a2 ;then get the VIA1 pointer
movem.l savedregs,HWInfo(a5) ;Save this info (a0-a2) for general use
; Next, init CTE interface and install all appropriate ROM based tests and subtests (note
; that the "installation" of the tests is NOT analagous to the InstallTest and
; InstallSubtest routines of the old CTE). I will continue to use the list of test & subtest
; IDs, and fill in the USTGlobals structure (using information gleaned from the test and
; subtest tables in the file USTSubtests.a) before calling GIM_ExecuteDTM.
bsr CTEInit ;just do it
movem.l HWInfo(a5),savedregs ;then restore our state!
; Finally, turn on the burnin light to let everyone know that all is well, so far.
bsr IndicatorOn ;turn on the RBI indicator
;Now we must decide which half of PRAM is valid. Make a copy of the valid half to the
;other half.
move.l a5,-(sp) ;save our global pointer
bsr6 ClkWpOff ;first, turn write protect off for good
move.l #SigLocs,d3 ;Get the locations of the signature bytes
bsr6 ReadPramSig ;read the signature out of PRAM
move.l (sp)+,a5 ;restore the global pointer
cmp.l #SigBytes,d4 ;Compare result with the signature
beq.s @uppertolower ;if upper half is valid, copy it to lower half
;OK, its the lower half of PRAM that's valid. Now we have to copy this lower
;half to the upper half before we can continue
move.w #pLowerCopy,-(sp) ;Source PRAM address
move.w #pUpperCopy,-(sp) ;Destination PRAM address
bra.s @copy ;go copy
move.l #SigLocs,d1 ;First, invalidate the signature in the lower half of PRAM
swap d1 ;Get the address of the lower signature bytes
moveq.l #0,d2 ;Write a zero to one of the sig bytes locations
move.l a5,-(sp) ;save the global pointer
move.l (sp)+,a5 ;get the global pointer back
move.w #pUpperCopy,-(sp) ;source PRAM address is upper half
move.w #pLowerCopy,-(sp) ;destination PRAM address is lower half
move.w #pPRAMLength,-(sp) ;Length of copy
bsr RelocatePRAM ;do it.
lea 6(sp),sp ;Clean up stack
; Increment the power on counter every time we get to this point
bsr InvalidUpper ;Before updating PRAM, we need to invalidate the signature<7>
_CopyPRAMToRAM #pPOCntr,TempScratch(a5),#2 ;read the power on counter <T5>
addq.w #1,TempScratch(a5) ;increment the power on counter <T5>
_CopyRAMToPRAM TempScratch(a5),#pPOCntr,#2 ;and write the PO counter back to PRAM <T5>
bsr UpperToLower ;Copy the upper half of PRAM to the lower half<7>
; Now, make a copy of the PRAM burn-in information into memory
_CopyPRAMToRAM #pCycleCnt,BINumCycles(a5),#2 ;get the number of cycles to run <T5>
_CopyPRAMToRAM #pTestMask,BIRunMask(a5),#4 ;get the tests to run mask <T5>
_CopyPRAMToRAM #pFailMask,BIFailMask(a5),#4 ;and get the current tests failed mask <T5>
_CopyPRAMToRAM #pCyclesDone,BICounter(a5),#2 ;get the number of cycles completed <T5>
_CopyPRAMToRAM #pCyclesPass,BIPasses(a5),#2 ;and the number of cycles passed <T5>
_CopyPRAMToRAM #pFrstFail,BIFirstF(a5),#2 ;get the cycle # of first failure <T5>
_CopyPRAMToRAM #pLastFail,BILastF(a5),#2 ;and the cycle # of last failure <T5>
_CopyPRAMToRAM #pTstIterCnt,TestLoopCount(a5),#TotalRBITests ; <T5>
move.w BICounter(a5),d1
sub.w d1,BINumCycles(a5) ;Subtract the cycles we've already run
; After each BI Cycle, this is the place to return
clr.w BIFailFlag(a5) ;initialize BIFailFlag
subq.w #1,BINumCycles(a5) ;decrement BINumCycles
bmi @BIDone ;if we're finished then log BICounter and go to
; Test Manager
addq.w #1,BICounter(a5) ;increment the cycle counter
; First run the selected critical tests
move.l BIRunMask(a5),d0 ;get the test mask <T5>
move.l #TotalRBITests-1,d1 ;init test number <T5>
@TestLoop ;loop here to run the selected critical tests
tst.l d0 ;are we done yet? <T5>
beq.w @CycleDone ;exit if so
asl.l #1,d0 ;otherwise, see if we want to run the next test<T5>
bcc.w @NextTest ;keep looping if not
move.w d1,d7 ;remember which test we're running in case we end up in STM
ori.w #$C0,d7 ;this indicates the test # is an RBI # <T5>
; Kludge Alert! Kludge Alert!
; This is really ugly, but I don't have another way to take care of it at the moment. The problem is
; this: The USTGlobals structure is >128 bytes long, and declaring the RBIGobals immediately after
; it makes the total globals I'm using for RBI way more than 128 bytes. However, the addressing mode
; we're using to access two of the fields in the RBI globals (TestLoopCount and RBITestList) is address
; indirect with index and displacement. This mode only allows the displacement (which are TestLoopCount
; and RBITestList) to be 8 bits (max 128 value). The problem is, these two fields are so numerically high
; in the records that they require more than +128 to reach them. The reason that this problem arises is
; due to the fact the the RBIInfo structure needs to be declared AFTER the USTGlobals, because I will
; always need the USTGlobals (and hence want the offsets to start at 0), but I only need the RBIInfo
; record for RBI stuff. For a picture of what we're talking about, here is a diagram of what the routine
; RelocateGlobals does:
; top of RAM ---> |-------------|
; | Chunk |
; | Table |
; |-------------|
; | RBI |
; | Info |
; This distance is{ |-------------|
; > +128 bytes so { | UST | } This structure was extended for the new
; the two fields { | Globals | } CTE kernel v2.1
; TestLoopCount { | | }
; and RBITestList { | |
; can't be reached{ | |
; with the "old" { A5 ---> |-------------|
; addressing mode. | VBR |
; | register |
; |-------------|
; | CTE |
; | Workspace |
; SP ---> |-------------|
; Here is an example of the offending command that the assembler doesn't like:
; move.b TestLoopCount(a5,d1.w),d2
; The rules say that TestLoopCount is a signed 8 bit number, but it don't work with the way things are
; set up because the value of TestLoopCount as declared in the RBIInfo record will be much
; greater than 128 (the max signed value of a byte). Any ideas?
; I need a way to fake out the assembler, but I don't think this will work correctly. Stay
; tuned for a fix:
move.b #TestLoopCount,d3 ; it takes these four statements
and.w #$0f,d3 ; #$0F OR #$00FF?????? ; to do the same job as
add.w d3,d1 ; that one little statement below
move.b (a5,d1.w),d2 ;
;;; move.b TestLoopCount(a5,d1.w),d2 ; get the loop count for this test
and.w #$FF,d2 ;make the low word valid
moveq.l #0,d5
bset.l d1,d5
move.l d5,CurTest(a5) ;set the current test bit mask <T5>
and.l #CritTestMask,d5 ;is this a critical test? <T5>
bne.s @CritTest ;branch if so
; This is a non critical test (i.e., a CTE test)
cmp.w RBINumInst(a5),d1 ;compare our test number with the number of installed tests
bge.w @NextTest ;don't do it if we don't have that many installed <T5>
; Fill in the RBIInfo fields BITest and BISubTest (this data is recorded into PRAM in case of
; failure). I have the same problem here as I did above for the TestLoopCount field, but the solution
; is a little different. Notice that the original command was this:
; move.l RBITestList(a5,d1.w*8),BITest(a5)
; The d1.w*8 needs to be taken care of first (calculated), then I can add the RBITestList value to
; it. Finally, I can use the resulting d1.w as an index to a5:
; NOTE: Remember to save d1.w and restore it to what it was prior to all this fooling around:
move.w d1,TempScratch(a5) ; save d1.w in the RBI scratch area
asl.w #3,d1 ; this has the same effect as d1.w*8
add.l #RBITestList,d1 ; fake out the assembler
move.l (a5,d1.w),BITest(a5) ; see if this works
move.l 4(a5,d1.w),BISubTest(a5)
;;;; move.l RBITestList(a5,d1.w*8),BITest(a5) ;place the test number in here <T5>
;;;; move.l RBITestList+4(a5,d1.w*8),BISubTest(a5) ;and put the subtest here <T5>
move.w TempScratch(a5),d1 ; restore my original d1.w
; Do the necessary setup before calling GIM_ExecuteDTM:
movem.l tstloopregs,-(sp) ; save our local registers (d0-d1/a0/a5)
BigBSR6 SetupForExecuteDTM,a0
movem.l (sp),tstloopregs ; restore our registers (but leave them on the stack)
movea.l CTEGlobals(a5),a3 ; load up the CTE globals for the GIM_ExecuteDTM call
movem.l d1-d2/a3,-(sp) ; save the loop counter, test number and globals pointer
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d2/a3 ; restore this stuff
move.l d0,d6 ; get the result into our result register
dbne.w d2,@CTETestLoop ; and loop until error, or done
bra.s @EndTestLoop ; go clean up
; This is a critical test (i.e., not CTE) with special considerations - don't wipe out the
; upper part of RAM, which contains all of the RBI and CTE data structures currently in
; use (yes, that means that the upper part of RAM doesn't get tested in ROM Burnin...unless
; we get around to modifying the routine to move the globals down to the lower part after
; testing there, then testing the upper part, then moving the globals back up to the top).
; See the description of the RelocateGlobals routine for a diagram of what memory looks
; like after the setup for RBI is complete, so you can get an idea of what is and is not
; being tested in the RAM tests for RBI:
move.l d1,BITest(a5) ;place the test number in here <T5>
move.l #1,BISubTest(a5) ;and always start with a subtest of 1 <T5>
lea RBICritTests,a0 ;get the base address of the critical test table
move.w #TotalRBITests-1,d5
sub.w d1,d5
move.l (a0,d5.w*4),d5 ;get the offset of the test to run
lea (a0,d5.l),a0 ;and get the address of the actual test
movem.l tstloopregs,-(sp) ;save our working registers
movem.l d2/a0,-(sp) ;save our working registers
jsr (a0) ;execute the test
movem.l (sp)+,d2/a0 ;restore the working registers
tst.l d6 ;was there an error?
dbne.w d2,@CritTestLoop ;keep going until we're used up
; The test failed. Log info into Pram
movem.l (sp),tstloopregs ;restore our registers (but leave them on the stack)
movem.l HWInfo(a5),savedregs ;restore other necessary information
bsr IndicatorOn ;go turn on the RBI indicator again
move.l d6,BITestResult(a5) ;store the error code in RAM
beq.s @CleanUp ;keep going if no error
bsr LogFailure ;else, log the failure to PRAM
movem.l (sp)+,tstloopregs ;restore registers again
subq.w #1,d1 ;decrement the test number
bra.s @TestLoop ;and keep going
; ChkFailFlag: if BIFailFlag = 0, inc BIPasses
; If inc BIPasses, log BIPasses and BICounter
bsr InvalidUpper ;Before updating PRAM, we need to invalidate the signature<T5>
_CopyRAMToPRAM BICounter(a5), #pCyclesDone, #2 ;update burnin cycle counter<T5>
tst.w BIFailFlag(a5) ;Any failures on that last pass?
bne.w @CycleFailed ;Don't increment the cycles passed count if so
addq.w #1,BIPasses(a5) ;else, increase BIPasses <T5>
_CopyRAMToPRAM BIPasses(a5), #pCyclesPass, #2 ;update cycles passed counter<T5>
bsr UpperToLower ;Copy upper half of PRAM to lower half
bra.w @NewBICycle ;
; Log BICounter and go to Test Manager
clr.w d7 ;indicate we're not testing anymore <T5>
bsr InvalidUpper ;Before updating PRAM, we need to invalidate the signature<T5>
_CopyRAMToPRAM #PBSig, #pPBSigAddr, #4 ;log the DONE signature <T5>
bsr UpperToLower ;Copy the upper half of PRAM to the lower half <T5>
tst.l BIFailMask(a5) ;Now, look to see if there were any failures <T5>
bne.s @RBIFailure ;If so, tell the board test people about it.
; See if they want to go to the serial test manager when we're done regardless
_CopyPRAMToRAM #pSTMJump, TempScratch(a5), #1 ;<T5>
tst.b TempScratch(a5) ;is our flag 0?
bne.s @JumpToSTM ;go directly to STM if so É
; Now, turn the burn-in light off
bsr IndicatorOff ;Turn off the RBI indicator
moveq.l #0,d2 ;remember that we're off
;------------- to next <T4> above
; next, we need to decide if there were any failures. If there were not, flash the LED,
; otherwise, just turn it off and leave it off.
@flash move.w #500,d0 ;Delay for 500 mS <9>
@delay0 move.w #delay1mS,d1 ;Get the 1mS time constant <9>
@delay tst.b vBufB(a2) ;touch the VIA register <9>
dbra.w d1,@delay ;and delay <9>
dbra.w d0,@delay0 ;outer delay <9>
eor.b #1,d2 ;toggle the state of the indicator <T4>
beq.s @Turnitoff ;branch if it's on to turn it off <T4>
bsr IndicatorOn ;else turn it on <T4>
bra.s @flash ;and continue <T4>
bsr IndicatorOff ;turn indicator off <T4>
bra.s @flash ;and keep going! <9>
; Failure in RBI! Turn off the burnin light and go the TM in case someone has a
; mac connected for diagnostics.
bsr IndicatorOff ;Turn off the RBI indicator <T4>
bra Error1Handler ;For now, go to TM when there are errors
;and new test table
; This routine simply invalidates the signature in the upper half of PRAM. This
; must be done before updating the contents of PRAM.
move.l a5,-(sp) ;save a5
move.l #SigLocs,d1 ;then invalidate the signature byte
moveq.l #0,d2 ;Write a zero to one of the sig byte locations
move.l (sp)+,a5 ;restore a5
; This routine first validates the signature in the upper half of PRAM, then
; invalidates the low PRAM signature, and copies the upper
; half of PRAM to the lower half.
move.l a5,-(sp) ;save a5
move.l #SigLocs,d1 ;First, restore the signature byte in the upper half of PRAM
move.l #SigBytes,d2
rol.l #8,d2
move.l #SigLocs,d1 ;first, invalidate the signature in the lower half of PRAM
swap d1
moveq.l #0,d2 ;Write a zero to one of the sig byte locations
move.w #pUpperCopy,-(sp) ;then copy upper half of PRAM to lower half <T4>
move.w #pLowerCopy,-(sp) ;destination PRAM address is lower half <T4>
move.w #pPRAMLength,-(sp) ;Length of copy <T4>
bsr RelocatePRAM ;do it.
lea 6(sp),sp ;Clean up stack
move.l (sp)+,a5 ;restore a5
;----------------------- to next <T4> below
; This routine moves a block of PRAM from one location to another. When called,
; the stack must be set up as follows:
StackFrame1 RECORD 0, Increment ;Starts at offset 0 into the stack
@SavedA5 ds.l 1 ;save space for the saved global pointer
@return ds.l 1 ;Return address
@byteCnt ds.w 1 ;number of bytes to move
@PRAMDest ds.w 1 ;destination PRAM address
@PRAMSource ds.w 1 ;source PRAM address
move.l a5,-(sp) ;save the global pointer
WITH StackFrame1
move.w @PRAMSource(sp),d1 ;Get the source PRAM address
BSR6 RDXBYTE ;read a byte from there
move.b d1,d2 ;prepare to write it out
move.w @PRAMDest(sp),d1 ;get the destination PRAM address
BSR6 WRXBYTE ;write out the byte
addq.w #1,@PRAMSource(sp) ;increment the source
addq.w #1,@PRAMDest(sp) ;increment the destination
subq.w #1,@byteCnt(sp) ;decrement the byte count
bne.s @Copy ;Continue if not zero yet
move.l (sp)+,a5 ;restore the global pointer
rts ;Else, return
; IndicatorOn; Indicator Off
; These routines turn on and off the SCSI indicator. In the case of 53C80
; machines this indicator is the SCSI BSY signal, and in the case of C96
; machines, this indicator is the ATN signal. The indicator is on when the
; corresponding SCSI signal is asserted.
; Inputs:
; d0 - bases valid flags
; a0 - pointer to the decoder info record
; Destroys:
; a3
WITH DecoderInfo, USTGlobals
move.l BasesValidFlags(a5),d0 ;get the bases valid flags
btst.l #SCSIExists,d0 ;do we have a C80?
beq.s @hasC96 ;branch if not
movea.l SCSIAddr(a0),a3 ;Get the address of the SCSI register
bset.b #3,sICR(a3) ;Turn the busy light on
rts ;and return
bsr FindC96Base ;get the SCSI (1 or 2) base address in a3
;;; move.b #cSetAtn,rCMD(a3) ;assert ATN
move.b #$22,rCMD(a3) ;send data
WITH DecoderInfo, USTGlobals
move.l BasesValidFlags(a5),d0 ;get the bases valid flags
btst.l #SCSIExists,d0 ;do we have a C80?
beq.s @hasC96 ;branch if not
movea.l SCSIAddr(a0),a3 ;Get the address of the SCSI register
bclr.b #3,sICR(a3) ;Turn the busy light off
rts ;and return
bsr FindC96Base ;get the SCSI (1 or 2) base address in a3
move.b #cRstAtn,rCMD(a3) ;negate ATN
; FindC96Base
; This routine retrieves the SCSI base address of the external SCSI chip.
; This routine assumes that the SCSI chip is a 53C96.
; Inputs:
; d0 - bases valid flags
; a0 - pointer to the decoder info record
; Outputs:
; a3 - pointer to the base address of the external 53C96
WITH DecoderInfo
movea.l SCSI96Addr1(a0),a3 ;assume SCSI1 is the external bus
btst.l #SCSI96_2Exists,d0 ;do we have a SCSI2 bus?
beq.s @SCSI1Only ;branch if so (means SCSI1 is only bus)
movea.l SCSI96Addr2(a0),a3 ;else, SCSI bus 2 is the external bus
;;; btst.b #3,rCF1(a3) ;are we in test mode already?
;;; bne.s @inTestMode ;branch if so
move.b #cRstSChp,rCMD(a3) ;else, reset the chip,
move.b #cNOP,rCMD(a3) ;perform the obligatory NOP,
move.b #EnableChpTstMd,rCF1(a3) ;enable chip test mode,
;;; move.b #2,rTST(a3) ;and put the chip into initiator mode
move.b #1,rTST(a3) ;and put the chip into target mode (for now)
rts ;we're OK, return
; CopyRAMToPRAM - copies some information out of memory into PRAM
; input:
StackFrame2 RECORD 0, Increment
@return ds.l 1 ;Return address
@byteCnt ds.w 1 ;number of bytes to move
@PRAMDest ds.w 1 ;destination PRAM address
@RAMSource ds.l 1 ;source RAM address
@regsUsed reg d1/d3/a3/a5
WITH StackFrame2
move.w @PRAMDest(sp),d1 ;get the PRAM destination address
movea.l @RAMSource(sp),a3 ;get the source RAM address
move.w @byteCnt(sp),d3 ;get the number of bytes to move
moveq.l #0,d2 ;zero out the value register
subq.w #1,d3 ;adjust for dbra
blt.s @done ;quit if the number was zero
@copy move.b (a3)+,d2 ;get the next byte to write
movem.l @regsUsed,-(sp) ;save our local registers
bsr6 WrXByte ;go write the information
movem.l (sp)+,@regsUsed ;restore our local registers
addq.w #1,d1 ;increment the PRAM address
dbra.w d3,@copy ;keep copying
; CopyPRAMToRAM - copies some information out of PRAM into memory
; input:
StackFrame3 RECORD 0, Increment
@return ds.l 1 ;Return address
@byteCnt ds.w 1 ;number of bytes to move
@RAMDest ds.l 1 ;destination RAM address
@PRAMSource ds.w 1 ;source PRAM address
@regsUsed reg d2/d3/a3/a5
WITH StackFrame3
move.w @PRAMSource(sp),d2 ;get the PRAM destination address
movea.l @RAMDest(sp),a3 ;get the source RAM address
move.w @byteCnt(sp),d3 ;get the number of bytes to move
subq.w #1,d3 ;adjust for dbra
blt.s @done ;quit if the number was zero
@copy move.w d2,d1 ;put the PRAM address in the right register
movem.l @regsUsed,-(sp) ;save our local registers
bsr6 RdXByte ;go read the information
movem.l (sp)+,@regsUsed ;restore our local registers
move.b d1,(a3)+ ;put the data into RAM
addq.w #1,d2 ;increment the PRAM address
dbra.w d3,@copy ;keep copying
; RelocateGlobals - This routine relocates the global data structure created by
; The USTInit routine, and the RBIInfo globals also. If something
; changes about how the USTInit routine generates it's globals,
; then this routine may have to change.
; When this routine is finished, memory looks like this (note that
; this diagram is not to scale):
; top of RAM ---> |-------------|
; | Chunk |
; | Table |
; |-------------|
; | RBI |
; | Info |
; |-------------|
; | UST | } This structure was extended for the new
; | Globals | } CTE kernel v2.1
; | | }
; | |
; | |
; A5 ---> |-------------|
; | VBR |
; | register |
; |-------------|
; | CTE |
; | Workspace |
; SP ---> |-------------|
; Input:
; a1 - destination for new globals
; Destroys:
; d0, d1, a0, a1, a2
lea sizeofUSTGlobals(a5),a0 ;get a ptr past the last element in globals
move.l a0,d0 ;next calculate the size of the move
sub.l sp,d0 ;(i.e., distance from stack to end of globals)
move.l d0,d1 ;save the actual size for later
movea.l a1,a2 ;and save the destination address
lsr.l #2,d0 ;adjust for long moves (slop is OK)
addq.l #1,d0 ;be sure to move the return address
move.l -(a0),-(a1) ;move a long word
dbra.w d0,@Relocate ;and continue until done
movea.l a2,a0 ;recall the original destination address
suba.l d1,a0 ;calculate the address of the new stack
movea.l a0,sp ;and reposition the stack
addq.l #4,a0 ;point to where the vbr should be
movec a0,vbr ;and put the vbr there
lea -sizeofUSTGlobals(a2),a5 ;put the globals in the same relative place
; This disables the MMU translation, disables the program and data caches and
; requires serialized access to IO space
nuBusTTxlat EQU $00FFC040 ; require serialized writes
ioNuBusTTxlat EQU $00FFC040 ; for all I/O space
IF forRomulator THEN
TestInRAM a0 ;are we in ROM?
beq.s @reallyDisableMMU ;really disable MMU if we're in ROM
RTS6 ;else return immediately
sub.l d0,d0 ; D0 = 0
bset #31,d0 ; set Data Cache Enable bit on 040s
movec d0,CACR ; attempt to enable data cache (temporarily)
movec CACR,d0 ; check and see if it's still there
btst #31,d0 ; see if the bit exists in CACR
beq.s @not040 ; IF we're on a 68040 THEN
MACHINE MC68040 ; need this for the MOVEC D0,TC below
cinva bc ; make sure caches are invalidated
sub.l d0,d0 ; clear d0
movec d0,CACR ; disable both instruction and data caches
movec d0,TC ; make sure that the MMU is disabled
move.l #nuBusTTxlat,D0 ; get value to translate upper nuBus space
movec d0,DTT0 ; use serialized writes on this space
move.l #ioNuBusTTxlat,D0 ; get value to translate i/o and nuBus space
movec d0,DTT1 ; use serialized writes on this space
bra.s @not030 ; step around the rest of the 020/030 cache/tc stuff
MACHINE MC68030 ; set it back to what works for 020/030
@not040 ; ELSE
move.l #$2000,d0 ; CACR value w/WA bit for 030
movec d0,cacr ; disable both instruction & data caches
movec cacr,d0 ; hmmm, maybe we are an 030
tst.l d0 ; see if WA bit is still on
beq.s @not030 ; IF we are an 030 processor
lea @TCOff,a0 ; point to TC value that disabled the MMU
pmove (a0),tc ; turn off MMU
@not030 ; ENDIF
RTS6 ; return through a6
@TCOff dc.l 0 ; a TC value to disable the MMU
; CTEInit - initialize CTE in the RBI environment
WITH CPUTestList, USTGlobals ; <T5>
movea.l (sp)+,a1 ;save the return address
suba.l #SizeOfCTEGlobals,sp ;make room on the stack for the CTE workspace
move.l sp,CTEGlobals(a5) ;remember where the workspace is
movea.l sp,a0 ;put the pointer into a predictable location
move.l a1,-(sp) ;replace the return address onto the stack
move.w #RunBits.RBI,RunMode(a5) ;init our environment - set the run mode flag
; to reflect that this is the RBI environment
GIM_InitInterface (a0),#SIZEOFCTEGLOBALS ;Init CTE
; Next, install all the ROM based tests for this machine. The new CTE kernel does not rely
; on the linked lists of tests and subtests; rather, it leaves the implementation up to
; the shell that is in control (in this case, the Horror ROM). The Terror implementation
; used a list of Test/Subtest IDs in the RBIInfo structure to gain the various pieces of
; info about them from the test lists (in the file USTSubtests.a), and used the InstallTest
; and InstallSubtest routines of the old CTE to install them. I will keep the list of IDs
; around, but will not use the InstallTest method (mainly because it no longer exists).
; Rather, I have enhanced the USTGlobals to represent a structure that is formatted as the
; paramters to the ExecuteDTM call (ExecutionOptions, testInfo, subtestInfo and executionResults
; structures). This structure is allocated on the stack at the end of the UST globals (see the
; diagram in the description of the RelocateGlobals routine). Before jumping into a DTM, I will
; fill in the necessary fields of the parameters. The initialization stuff will be done in the
; routine SetupForExecuteDTM, in the source file USTEnvirons.a (it's there because two of the
; ROM diagnostic environments - STM and IHT - are there, and the majority rules).
movea.l GlobCPUTestList(a5),a0 ;get the CPU specific test list
lea RBITestList(a5),a1 ;a pointer to our local list of test IDs<T5>
move.w #0,RBINumInst(a5) ;clear the number of installed tests counter
moveq.l #0,d0 ;zero out the subtest ID register <T5>
move.w TLSubTest_ID(a0),d0 ;get the subtest ID number (word) <T5>
cmpi.w #-1,d0 ;is this the end? <T5>
beq.s @QuitCTEInit ;finished with subtests if not
move.w TLrunflags(a0),d1 ;get the run flags for this test <T5>
and.w RunMode(a5),d1 ;is this OK for RBI?
beq.s @nextTest ;go to next test if not
moveq.l #0,d1 ;prepare to get the test ID <T5>
move.w TLTest_ID(a0),d1 ;get the test ID <T5>
move.l d1,(a1)+ ;and put that in our test list <T5>
move.l d0,(a1)+ ;then put the subtest in our local list <T5>
addq.w #1,RBINumInst(a5) ;increment the number of installed subtests<T5>
cmp.w #MaxCTESubTests,RBINumInst(a5) ;are we at our max?
beq.s @QuitCTEInit ;quit if so
adda.w #sizeofCPUTestList,a0 ;go to next
bra.s @InstallDTMIDs
; LogFailure - log a test failure to PRAM
; This routine assumes that registers a0-a2 are already set up
bsr InvalidUpper ;Before updating PRAM, we need to invalidate the signature
addq.w #1,BIFailFlag(a5) ;increase BIFailFlag;failure occured
move.w BICounter(a5),BILastF(a5) ;BILastF = BICounter
_CopyRAMToPRAM BILastF(a5),#pLastFail,#2 ;<T5>
_CopyRAMToPRAM BITest(a5),#pTestNum,#4 ;<T5>
_CopyRAMToPRAM BISubTest(a5),#pSubTestNum,#4 ;<T5>
_CopyRAMToPRAM BITestResult(a5),#pTestResult,#4 ;<T5>
tst.w BIFirstF(a5) ;is it first failure? <T5>
bne.s @LogDone ;no, do not log BIFirstF <T5>
move.w BICounter(a5),BIFirstF(a5) ;initialize where first failure occured<T5>
_CopyRAMToPRAM BIFirstF(a5),#pFrstFail,#2 ;<T5>
move.l CurTest(a5),d2 ;modify the tests failed mask <T5>
or.l d2,BIFailMask(a5) ;with the current failing test <T5>
_CopyRAMToPRAM BIFailMask(a5),#pFailmask,#4 ;go log failure mask ;<T5>
bsr UpperToLower ;Copy the upper half of PRAM to the lower half
; RBI critical tests
dc.l BIRomTest-RBICritTests ;ROM critical test
dc.l BIRamTest-RBICritTests ;RAM Critical test
dc.l BILongRAMTest-RBICritTests ;moving inversions critical RAM test
dc.l 0
; BIRomTest
moveq #0,d6 ;clear the result register
move.l #1,BISubtest(a5) ;this is subtest 1 - byte lane ROM checksum <T5>
move.l a5,-(sp) ;save the globals pointer
BSR6 RomTest ;execute the test
move.l (sp)+,a5 ;and restore the globals pointer
tst.l d6 ;any error?
bne.s @SumError ;exit if so
move.l #2,BISubtest(a5) ;this is subtest 2 - startup ROM checksum <T5>
move.l a5,-(sp) ;save the globals pointer
BSR6 StartUpRomTest ;execute the test
move.l (sp)+,a5 ;restore the globals pointer
tst.l d6 ;check for errors
bne.s @Test2Failure ;go report it if so
clr.l BITestResult(a5) ;else, clear BIStatus
bra.s @SumError ;and exit
move.l d1,d6 ;for StartUpRomTest, eor result is in d1
@SumError ;clear BIStatus
move.l d6,BITestResult(a5) ;CCDDDEEFF error code if any <6>
rts ; <6>
;----------------------- to next <T4> above
; BIRamTest
; For Mod3Test and ExtRamTest, must setup
; a0 = pointer to bottom test area
; a1 = pointer to top test area+1
; For DataBusTest,
; a0 = address pointer to test the data bus
; From here to the next <6> label above was changed for new test numbers
;and new calling conventions and new RBI tests
moveq #0,d6 ;clear d6
movea.l ChunkTable(a5),a3 ;get the chunk table <T4>
@cont movea.l (a3)+,a0 ;Get the base addr of next bank to test
cmpa.l #-1,a0 ;is it -1?
beq.s @testspassed ;all done if so
movea.l (a3)+,a1 ;Get the size of this bank
adda.l a0,a1 ;calculate the end address
cmpa.l a1,sp ;make sure we don't destroy our stack, etc <T4>
bhi.s @test ;continue if OK <T4>
move.l sp,d0 ;else, stop here
andi.b #$FC,d0 ;Make sure we're long word aligned
movea.l d0,a1
@test move.l #1,BISubtest(a5) ;this is subtest 1 - mod 3 test <T4><T5>
BSR6 Mod3Test ;run the test <T4>
tst.l d6 ;any error? <T4>
bne.s RAMError ;exit if so <T4>
move.l #2,BISubtest(a5) ;this is subtest 2 - reverse mod 3 test <T4><T5>
BSR6 RevMod3Test ;run the test <T4>
tst.l d6 ;any error? <T4>
bne.s RAMError ;exit if so <T4>
move.l #3,BISubtest(a5) ;this is subtest 3 - extended RAM test <T4><T5>
BSR6 ExtRamTest ;run the test <T4>
tst.l d6 ;any error? <T4>
bne.s RAMError ;exit if so <T4>
bra.s @cont ;otherwise, keep working your way through the chunk table
;------------------------------------- <T4>
movea.l ChunkTable(a5),a0 ;Get pointer to first bank <T4>
movea.l (a0),a0 ; <T4>
lea $100(a0),a0 ;point into memory, just in case. <T4>
move.l #4,BISubtest(a5) ;this is subtest 4 - data bus test <T4><T5>
BSR6 DataBusTest ; <T4>
move.l d6,BITestResult(a5) ;CCDDEEFF error code if any <T4>
rts ; <T4>
movea.l ChunkTable(a5),a1 ;Point to the memory info area <T4>
suba.l a1,a3 ;Calculate where we are in the map <T4>
move.l a3,d0 ;Get it into a data reg <T4><T5>
lsl.l #1,d0 ;Mult by 2 ($10=bankA, $20=bankB) <T4><T5>
or.l d0,BISubtest(a5) ;Put it in the high nibble of subtest # <T4><T5>
move.l d6,BITestResult(a5) ;CCDDEEFF error code <T4>
rts ; <T4>
; BILongRAMTest - Performs the moving inversions RAM test.
; Note that this test takes a very long time!
; For MovInvTest, must setup
; a0 = pointer to bottom test area
; a1 = pointer to top test area+1
BILongRAMTest ;
move.l a5,-(sp) ;save a5
moveq.l #0,d6 ;clear d6
move.l #1,BISubtest(a5) ;this is subtest 1 - moving inversions RAM test<T4><T5>
movea.l ChunkTable(a5),a3 ;get the chunk table <T4>
@cont movea.l (a3)+,a0 ;Get the base addr of next bank to test
cmpa.l #-1,a0 ;is it -1?
beq.s @endtest ;all done if so
movea.l (a3)+,a1 ;Get the size of this bank
move.l a3,-(sp) ;save a3
adda.l a0,a1 ;calculate the end address
cmpa.l a1,sp ;make sure we don't destroy our stack, etc
bhi.s @test ;continue if OK
move.l sp,d0 ;else, stop here
andi.b #$FC,d0 ;Make sure we're long word aligned
movea.l d0,a1
@test BSR6 MovInvTest ;Execute the test
move.l (sp)+,a3 ;restore a3
tst.l d6 ;any error?
beq.s @cont ;Continue if not
move.l (sp)+,a5 ;Get the saved a5 <12>
bra.s RAMError ;And error out <12>
move.l (sp)+,a5 ;restore a5
move.l d6,BITestResult(a5) ;No errors <T4>
rts ;
; Routine: WrXByte
; Inputs: A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine
; A2 - VIA1 base address
; A6 - caller's return address (BSR6)
; D1 - address of PRAM byte to read
; D2 - byte to write to PRAM
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: A0,A3,A4,A5,A6,D0,D1,D2
; Function: writes a byte of extended PRAM at the specified address
WrXByte MOVEA.L A1,A3 ; point to this machine's product info <H3>
ADDA.L ProductInfo.ClockPRAMPtr(A3),A3 ; and get the address of its clock/PRAM table <H3>
MOVE.L 4*cpWrXByte(A3),D0 ; get the offset to the routine <H3>
BEQ.S @NoEntry ; -> this function is not supported <H3>
ADDA.L D0,A3 ; calculate the routine's address <H3>
EXG A6,A3 ; save return address in A3, put routine's address in A6<H3>
@NoEntry JMP (A6) ; and either call the routine or just return <H3>
; Routine: RdXByte
; Inputs: A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine
; A2 - VIA1 base address
; A6 - return address (BSR6)
; D1 - address of PRAM byte to read
; Outputs: D1 - byte read from PRAM
; Trashes: A0,A3,A4,A5,A6,D0,D2
; Function: reads a byte of extended PRAM at the specified address
RdXByte MOVEA.L A1,A3 ; point to this machine's product info <H3>
ADDA.L ProductInfo.ClockPRAMPtr(A3),A3 ; and get the address of its clock/PRAM table <H3>
MOVE.L 4*cpRdXByte(A3),D0 ; get the offset to the routine <H3>
BEQ.S @NoEntry ; -> this function is not supported <H3>
ADDA.L D0,A3 ; calculate the routine's address <H3>
EXG A6,A3 ; save return address in A3, put routine's address in A6<H3>
@NoEntry JMP (A6) ; and either call the routine or just return <H3>
; Routine: ClkWPOff
; Inputs: A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine
; A2 - VIA1 base address
; A6 - return address (BSR6)
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: D0,D1,D2,A0,A5,A6
; Function: write-enables the clock chip if supported by the clock implementation
ClkWPOff MOVEA.L A1,A5 ; point to this machine's product info <H3>
ADDA.L ProductInfo.ClockPRAMPtr(A5),A5 ; and get the address of its clock/PRAM table <H3>
MOVE.L 4*cpWrProtOff(A5),D0 ; get the offset to the routine <H3>
BEQ.S @NoEntry ; -> this function is not supported <H3>
ADDA.L D0,A5 ; calculate the routine's address <H3>
EXG A6,A5 ; save return address in A5, put routine's address in A6<H3>
@NoEntry JMP (A6) ; and either call the routine or just return <H3>