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synced 2025-01-16 03:29:58 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
1430 lines
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1430 lines
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; File: BTSVCS.a
; Contains: These routines provide service functions used to access
; and maintain a BTree file.
; Copyright: © 1984-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM2> 10/30/92 PN #1046897 Roll in FileMgrPatches.a to BTOpen to set up write
; count in BTOpen
; <SM1> 4/1/92 kc Rolled in FixBTFlush,BTInsertPatch and BTDeletePatch
; from FileMgrPatches.a.
; ¥ Pre-SuperMario comments follow ¥
; <2> 9/10/91 JSM Add a header.
; <1.3> 5/4/89 KST Fixed a bug in BTDelete, MOVE.W should be MOVE.L
; 5/4/89 KSCT Fixed a bug in BTDelete, MOVE should be a long, not word
; <1.2> 3/2/89 DNF removed references to forROM, HFS now builds identically for ram
; or rom
; <1.1> 11/10/88 CCH Fixed Header.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; <¥1.1> 9/23/88 CCH Got rid of inc.sum.d and empty nFiles
; <1.0> 2/11/88 BBM Adding file for the first time into EASEÉ
; 9/25/86 BB Updated to use new MPW equate files.
; 1/20/86 BB Fixed bug on CalBTVars, did not include space for a node pointer
; in the index record size calculation (not patched in ROm75).
; 12/18/85 BB BTInsert now checks for errors returned from InitNode (not
; patched in ROm75).
; 11/20/85 BB Fixed update depth bug in BTDelete (ROM75 patch). Fixed GetNode
; error return bug in BTDelete (ROM75 patch).
; 10/25/85 BB Added vectors for ROM versions.
; 10/22/85 BB Moved BTClose, BTFlush, and BTOpen to BTsvcs from BtIntf.
; 10/21/85 BB Fixed bug in BTGetRecord which was trying to release a node it
; didn't have after getting an IO error.
; 10/14/85 BB Added use of new MOVEQ error equates.
; 10/10/85 BB Fixed BTDelete and BtInsert to use MarkBlock instead of always
; releasing nodes as "dirty". Added use of new MOVEQ equates for
; GetBlock,RelBlock, and FlushCache. Did some minor code clean up.
; 10/9/85 BB Fixed bug in calulation of the size of BTree variables.
; 9/23/85 BB Modified BTInsert to not check for a null node pointer before
; calling RelNode. RelNode now checks for it.
; 9/23/85 BB Modified BTDelete to call ClrNode for nodes being freed.
; 9/3/85 BB Fixed bug in Btdelete that was releasing parent nodes as dirty.
; 8/29/85 BB Fixed bug in BTInsert that was releasing a node twice.
; 8/9/85 BB Added code to maintain leaf record count and 1st and last node
; numbers.
; 8/6/85 BB Updated to use equates for index and leaf node types.
; 7/10/85 BB Removed calls to BTFlush. This is now done by CM and FXM.
; 7/8/85 BB Modified BTInsert and BTDelete to maintain links for index nodes
; and to use the new GetLtSib/GetRtSib interface.
; 6/10/85 BB Added BTSetUP and BTCleanup subroutines.
; 6/5/85 BB Removed use of BTVars for temporary storage of data records.
; 5/30/85 BB Modified BTGetRecord to set up default node and index markers
; for BTree underflow/overflow conditions.
; 5/24/85 BB Added call to BTFlush after an insert or delete.
; 5/24/85 BB Modified all routines to selectively clear BTCB flags.
; 4/21/85 BB Modified BTGetRecord to update current node and record index
; marks after each successful call.
; 3/15/85 BB Modified to use A6 stack.
; 3/11/85 BB Added extend BTree file stuff.
; 2/26/85 BB Finished adding hints.
; 2/21/85 BB Added use of hints.
; 2/18/85 BB Modified to support variable length keys in leaf nodes.
; 2/12/85 BB Added save/restore for scratch registers
; 1/17/85 BB Removed use of BTree Global area (BTG).
; 1/5/85 BB Modified to return pointers to key and data record for BTSearch
; and BTGetRecord. BTDelete also modified to no longer return
; deleted record.
; 1/1/85 BB Modified BTOpen to set up address of external key-compare
; routine (currently "KeyCompare") in BTCB.
; 10/10/84 BB Modified for BTree files.
; 9/27/84 BB New today.
; External
; Routines: BTClose - Closes a BTree file.
; BTDelete - Deletes a record from a BTree file given the key.
; BTFlush - Flushes a BTree file.
; BTGetRecord - Gets the next/previous record from a BTree file.
; BTInsert - Inserts a record into a BTree file given the key
; and data record.
; BTOpen - Opens a BTree file.
; BTSearch - Searches a BTree file for a record given the key.
; BTUpdate - Marks the cache buffer containing the specified
; BTree node as updated (dirty).
; Internal
; Subroutines: BTCleanUp - Cleans up after a BTree service call.
; BTSetUp - Sets up for a BTree service call.
; CalBTVars - Calculates the size of the BTree Variable storage
; area (BTVars).
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
Include 'FileMgrPrivate.a'
EXPORT BTClose,BTDelete,BTFlush,BTGetRecord,BTInsert,BTOpen,BTSearch
EXPORT vBTClose,vBTDelete,vBTFlush,vBTGetRecord,vBTInsert,vBTOpen
EXPORT vBTSearch,vBTUpdate
IMPORT AllocNode,ExtBTFile,FreeNode
IMPORT BuildIRec,DeleteRec,GetLtSib,GetMaxKey,GetOffset,GetRecA,GetRtSib
IMPORT InitNode,InsertRec,KeyCompare,LocRec,LocTPR,SearchNode
IMPORT RotateLt,SplitLt,TreeSearch
IMPORT ClrNode,GetNode,RelNode
IMPORT FlushCache,GetBlock,MarkBlock,InitCache,RelBlock
; Routine: BTClose
; Function: Closes a BTree file. The BTree Header (BTH) is updated and the
; cache is flushed and trashed for the specified file. The BTCB
; memory is also released.
; Input: D0.W - file refnum
; Output: D0.W - result code
; 0 = ok
; -n = IO error
MOVE.L jBTClose,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vBTClose <25Oct85>
RTS ; go there <25Oct85>
vBTClose ; 'vectored' BTClose routine <25Oct85>
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
MOVEM.L D1-D4/A0-A4,-(A6) ; save regs
MOVE.W D0,D3 ; D3 = file refnum
MOVE.W D3,D0 ; locate the BTCB
; flush the BTCB and cache buffers for the file
JSR BTFlush ; Flush everything first
BNE.S BCExit ; error ->
; trash any cache buffers for the file
MOVE.W D3,D0 ; file refnum
MOVEQ #kFCTrash,D1 ; set 'trash' option <14Oct85>
MOVEA.L BTCCQptr(A4),A1 ; cache queue ptr
JSR FlushCache ; trash the cache for this file
BNE.S BCExit ; error ->
; release BTCB memory
MOVEA.L A4,A0 ; release the BTCB
_DisposPtr ;
MOVEA.L FCBSPtr,A4 ; clear BTCB ptr
CLR.L FCBBTCBptr(A4,D3.W) ; ... in FCB
CLR.W D0 ; result = 'ok'
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1-D4/A0-A4 ; restore regs
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit BTClose
; Routine: BTDelete
; Function: Deletes a record from a BTree file given the key.
; Input: A0.L - address of key
; D0.W - file refnum
; Output: D0.W - result code
; 0 = ok
; BTnotfound = record not found
; other = error
MOVE.L jBTDelete,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vBTDelete <25Oct85>
RTS ; go there <25Oct85>
vBTDelete ; 'vectored' BTDelete routine <25Oct85>
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
MOVEM.L D1-D5/A0-A4,-(A6) ; save regs
; initialize some things
BSR BTSetUp ; set up common stuff
CLR.L BTCNodeM(A4) ; invalidate current node mark
SUBA.L A2,A2 ; ...no left node buffer
SUBA.L A3,A3 ; ...no right node buffer
; search tree for key
JSR TreeSearch ; search for key
MOVEA.L A1,A3 ; A3 = ptr(node buffer)
BNE BDExit1 ; didn't find it ->
MOVE.W D1,D5 ; D5 = record index
; delete record from node
MOVEA.L A3,A1 ; ptr(node buffer)
MOVE.W D5,D1 ; record index
JSR DeleteRec ; delete it
;; <SM1> FM rolled in for SuperMarioÉ
;; No error checking here, so I assume the file has changed. <8/16/89 KSCT>
ADDQ.L #1,BTCWcount(A4) ; bump write count <8/16/89 KSCT>
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; ptr(node buffer) <10Oct85>
JSR MarkBlock ; mark it dirty <10Oct85>
TST.W D5 ; delete 1st record ?
BNE.S @1 ; no ->
BSET #BTCKeyUpd,BTCFlags(A4) ; indicate key update required
@1 CMPI.B #NDLeafNode,NDType(A3) ; at leaf level?
BNE.S BDRemove ; no ->
SUB.L #1,BTCNRecs(A4) ; decrement number of leaf records
; unlink the node if the last record was deleted
TST.W NDNRecs(A3) ; node empty ?
BGT.S BDNxtLev ; no ->
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; ptr(node buffer)
JSR GetLtSib ; get left sibling node
BNE BDExit1 ; error ->
TST.L D1 ; is there a left sibling ?
BEQ.S @1 ; no ->
MOVE.L NDFlink(A3),NDFlink(A1) ; update forward link
MOVEQ #kRBdirty,D1 ; release <10Oct85>
JSR RelNode ; ...left node buffer
@1 MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; ptr(node buffer)
JSR GetRtSib ; get right sibling node
BNE BDExit1 ; error ->
TST.L D1 ; is there a right sibling ?
BEQ.S BDUpdPtrs ; no ->
MOVE.L NDBlink(A3),NDBlink(A1) ; update backward link
MOVEQ #kRBdirty,D1 ; release <10Oct85>
JSR RelNode ; ...right node buffer
; update 1st and last node pointers
CMPI.B #NDLeafNode,NDType(A3) ; at leaf level?
BNE.S BDFree ; no ->
TST.L NDBLink(A3) ; backward link = 0?
BNE.S @1 ; no ->
MOVE.L NDFlink(A3),BTCFNode(A4) ; yes, update 1st node number
@1 TST.L NDFLink(A3) ; forward link = 0?
BNE.S BDFree ; no ->
MOVE.L NDBlink(A3),BTCLNode(A4) ; yes, update last node number
; free the empty node
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; clear the empty node <23Sep85>
JSR ClrNode ; <23Sep85>
MOVEQ #kRBdirty,D1 ; release <10Oct85>
JSR RelNode ; ...node buffer
SUBA.L A3,A3 ; indicate no buffer
MOVE.W BTCLevel(A4),D0 ; locate
MOVE.L TPRNodeN(A0),D1 ; free
MOVE.W BTCRefNum(A4),D0 ;
JSR FreeNode ; ...the disk node
BSET #BTCDelIRec,BTCFlags(A4) ; indicate index record delete
BCLR #BTCKeyUpd,BTCFlags(A4) ; ...and no key update
; move to next level
SUB.W #1,BTCLevel(A4) ; bump to next level up
BEQ.S BDRoot ; up to root level ->
BTST #BTCKeyUpd,BTCFlags(A4) ; key update required ? <03Sep85>
BNE.S @1 ; yes -> <03Sep85>
BTST #BTCDelIRec,BTCFlags(A4) ; index record delete required ? <03Sep85>
BEQ BDExit ; no, all done -> <03Sep85>
@1 MOVE.W BTCLevel(A4),D0 ; locate TPR
JSR LocTPR ; for this level
MOVE.W TPRRIndx(A0),D5 ; D5 = parent record index
MOVE.L TPRNodeN(A0),D2 ; D2 = parent node number
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; get parent node <10Oct85>
JSR GetNode ;
BNE BDExit1 ; error -> <20Nov85>
MOVEA.L A0,A2 ; A2 = ptr(parent node buffer)
; update parent key
BTST #BTCKeyUpd,BTCFlags(A4) ; key update required ?
BEQ.S @1 ; no ->
MOVE.W D5,D0 ; locate
JSR GetRecA ; ...parent index record
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; ...and save it
MOVE.L A3,A1 ; locate 1st key
CLR.W D0 ;
JSR GetRecA ; ...in node
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A1 ; ptr(parent index record)
JSR UpdIKey ; update the key
MOVEA.L A2,A0 ; ptr(parent node buffer) <10Oct85>
JSR MarkBlock ; mark it dirty <10Oct85>
TST.W D5 ; update to 1st key in node ?
BEQ.S @1 ; yes, leave flag set ->
BCLR #BTCKeyUpd,BTCFlags(A4) ; don't need to update next level
@1 MOVEQ #0,D1 ; release child <10Oct85>
MOVE.L A3,A0 ;
JSR RelNode ; ...node buffer
MOVEA.L A2,A3 ; new child node = parent node
MOVE.L D2,D3 ; should be a long, not word <5/4/89>
; check if done
BCLR #BTCDelIRec,BTCFlags(A4) ; indx rec delete required ? <03Sep85>
BEQ.S @2 ; no ->
BRA BDDelete ; delete parent index record ->
@2 BTST #BTCKeyUpd,BTCFlags(A4) ; another key update required ?
BNE.S BDNxtLev ; yes ->
BRA.S BDExit ; no, all done ->
; up to the root, check for an empty tree
MOVE.L A3,D0 ; root node released?
BNE.S BDUpdDepth ; no ->
CLR.W BTCDepth(A4) ; set tree to empty state
CLR.L BTCRoot(A4) ;
BRA.S BDExit ; exit ->
; update tree depth
CMPI.W #1,NDNRecs(A3) ; check # of records left in root
BGT.S BDExit ; > 1, all done ->
TST.B NDType(A3) ; index node ?
BNE.S BDExit ; no, all done ->
SUBQ.W #1,BTCDepth(A4) ; decrement tree depth
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; locate key and data for 1st record <10Oct85>
JSR LocRec ; ... in node <10Oct85>
MOVE.L (A1),BTCRoot(A4) ; new root = child node <10Oct85>
; release the previous root node
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; clear the node buffer <23Sep85>
JSR ClrNode ; <23Sep85>
MOVEQ #kRBdirty,D1 ; release the <10Oct85>
JSR RelNode ; ...node buffer
SUBA.L A3,A3 ; indicate no buffer
MOVE.L D3,D1 ; free
MOVE.W BTCRefNum(A4),D0 ;
JSR FreeNode ; ...the node
; <20Nov85>
; get new root node and check if depth can be reduced again <20Nov85>
; <20Nov85>
MOVE.L BTCRoot(A4),D3 ; D3 = new root node # <20Nov85>
MOVE.L D3,D2 ; get the new root node <20Nov85>
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; <20Nov85>
JSR GetNode ; <20Nov85>
BNE.S BDExit1 ; error -> <20Nov85>
MOVEA.L A0,A3 ; A3 = ptr to node buffer <20Nov85>
BRA.S BDUpdDepth ; check out new root -> <20Nov85>
; release last node and exit
BSET #BTCDirty,BTCFlags(A4) ; mark BTCB dirty
CLR.W D0 ; result = ok
MOVE.W D0,-(A6) ; save result code
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; ptr(node buffer) <23Sep85>
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; <10Oct85>
JSR RelNode ; release it
MOVE.W (A6)+,D0 ; restore result code
BSR BTCleanUP ; clean up
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1-D5/A0-A4 ; restore regs <29Aug85>
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit BTDelete
; Routine: BTFlush
; Function: Flushes a BTree file. The BTree Header (BTH) is updated and the
; cache is flushed for the specified file.
; Input: D0.W - file refnum
; Output: D0.W - result code
; 0 = ok
; -n = IO error
; <SM1> FM Rolled in a fix to make sure that we return noErr (FixBTFlush)
; when exiting due to an offline volume!
MOVE.L jBTFlush,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vBTFlush <25Oct85>
RTS ; go there <25Oct85>
vBTFlush ; 'vectored' BTFlush routine <25Oct85>
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
MOVEM.L D1-D4/A0-A4,-(A6) ; save regs
MOVE.W D0,D3 ; D3 = file refnum
MOVEA.L FCBsPtr,A1 ; point into FCB array
MOVEA.L FCBVPtr(A1,D3.W),A2 ; point to VCB
TST.W VCBDrvNum(A2) ; volume offline?
BEQ.S BFExitNoErr ; <SM1> FM yes, nothing could have changed ->
JSR LocBTCB ; locate the BTCB
BCLR #BTCdirty,BTCFlags(A4) ; is the BTCB dirty?
BEQ.S BFFlush ; no, just flush cache ->
; get BTH from disk
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; no options <14Oct85>
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; BTH is disk block 0
JSR GetNode ; get disk block
BNE.S BFExit ; couldn't get it ->
MOVEA.L A0,A3 ; A3 = cache buffer ptr
; update BTH from BTCB info
MOVE.W #LenMemBTH-1,D0 ; loop index
LEA BTCDepth(A4),A0 ; ptr(source)
LEA lenND(A3),A1 ; ptr(destination)
@4 MOVE.B (A0)+,(A1)+ ; move it
DBRA D0,@4 ; ...in
; release cache buffer
MOVEQ #kRBdirty,D1 ; release 'dirty' <14Oct85>
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; cache buffer ptr
JSR RelNode ; release it
BNE.S BFExit ; error ->
; flush the cache for this file
MOVE.W D3,D0 ; file refnum
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; no FlushCache options <14Oct85>
MOVEA.L BTCCQptr(A4),A1 ; cache queue ptr
JSR FlushCache ; flush it
; BNE.S BFExit ; error -> <25Sep86>
; clean up and exit
BFExitNoErr MOVEQ #0,D0 ; <SM1> FM clear d0 if there was no err!
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1-D4/A0-A4 ; restore regs
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit BTFlush
; Routine: BTGetRecord
; Function: Gets a record from a BTree file. Any previous, current,
; or next record relative to the last BTSearch or BTGetRecord
; operation may be obtained.
; Input: D0.W - refnum
; D1.W - selection code
; -n = previous record
; 0 = current record
; +n = next record
; Output: D0.W - result code
; 0 = ok
; BTnotfound = record not found
; other = error
; A0.L - pointer to key
; A1.L - pointer to data record
; D1.W - size of data record
; D2.L - BTree hint
MOVE.L jBTGetRecord,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vBTGetRecord <25Oct85>
RTS ; go there <25Oct85>
vBTGetRecord ; 'vectored' BTGetRecord routine <25Oct85>
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
MOVEM.L D3-D5/A2-A4,-(A6) ; save regs
; initialize some things
BSR BTSetUp ; set up common stuff
MOVE.W D1,D5 ; D5 = selection code
SUBA.L A3,A3 ; indicate no node buffer
; set up starting position in BTree
MOVE.W BTCIndexM(A4),D4 ; current index mark
MOVE.L BTCNodeM(A4),D3 ; current node mark
BNE.S @1 ; valid node number ->
MOVEQ #BTnotfound,D0 ; set return code <14Oct85>
BRA.S GRExit1 ; exit ->
@1 ADD.W D5,D4 ; adjust index
; locate the record relative to the starting position
BSR.S GRGetNode ; get the node
BNE.S GRExit1 ; error ->
@1 TST.W D4 ; check index bounds
BLT.S @3 ; < 0, get previous node ->
MOVE.W NDNRecs(A3),D1 ;
CMP.W D1,D4 ;
BLT.S GRGotIt ; < #recs, got it ->
MOVE.L NDFlink(A3),D0 ; get next node number
BEQ.S @2 ; don't have one ->
MOVE.L D0,D3 ; D3 = next node number
SUB.W D1,D4 ; adjust index
BRA.S GRLocate ; try next node
@2 MOVE.W D1,D4 ; new index mark = index of last record
SUBQ.W #1,D4 ;
BRA.S @5 ; use common exit ->
@3 MOVE.L NDBlink(A3),D0 ; get previous node number
BEQ.S @4 ; don't have one ->
MOVE.L D0,D3 ; D3 = previous node number
BSR.S GRGetNode ; get the previous node
BNE.S GRExit1 ; error ->
ADD.W NDNRecs(A3),D4 ; adjust index
BRA.S @1 ; check bounds again ->
@4 MOVEQ #0,D4 ; new index mark = index of first record
@5 MOVE.L D3,BTCNodeM(A4) ; new node mark
MOVE.W D4,BTCIndexM(A4) ; new index mark
MOVEQ #BTnotfound,D0 ; set return code <14Oct85>
BRA.S GRExit1 ; exit ->
; found the record, set up pointers to key and data
MOVE.W D4,D1 ; record index
MOVEA.L A3,A1 ; ptr(node buffer)
JSR LocRec ; locate key and data record
MOVE.L D3,BTCNodeM(A4) ; update current node
MOVE.W D4,BTCIndexM(A4) ; ...and index markers
; release node buffer and exit
CLR.W D0 ; result = ok
MOVEM.L D0-D1/A0-A1,-(A6) ; save return stuff
BSR.S GRRelNode ; release node buffer
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D0-D1/A0-A1 ; restore return stuff
MOVE.L D3,D2 ; hint = node number
BSR BTCleanUP ; clean up
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D3-D5/A2-A4 ; restore regs
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit BTGetRecord
; GRGetNode subroutine - releases current node and gets the next node.
; A3.L = ptr(current node buffer)
; D3.L = next node number
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
BSR.S GRRelNode ; release current node
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; no GetBlock options <10Oct85>
MOVE.L D3,D2 ; node number
JSR GetNode ; get the node
BNE.S @1 ; error -> <21Oct85>
MOVEA.L A0,A3 ; A3 = ptr(next node buffer)
@1 MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit GRGetNode
; GRRelNode subroutine - releases current node buffer.
; A3.L = ptr(current node buffer)
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; no RelBlock options <10Oct85>
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; ptr(node buffer) <23Sep85>
JSR RelNode ; release the node
SUBA.L A3,A3 ; indicate no node buffer
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit GRRelNode
; Routine: BTInsert
; Function: Inserts a record into a BTree file given the
; record key and data.
; Input: A0.L - address of key
; A1.L - address of record data
; D0.W - file refnum
; D1.W - size of record
; Output: D0.W - result code
; 0 = ok
; BTexists = key already exists
; other = error
; D2.L - BTree hint
MOVE.L jBTInsert,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vBTInsert <25Oct85>
RTS ; go there <25Oct85>
vBTInsert ; 'vectored' BTInsert routine <25Oct85>
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
MOVEM.L D1/D3-D7/A0-A4,-(A6) ; save registers
JSR LocBTCB ; locate BTCB
MOVE.L A1,D7 ; D7 = ptr(record)
MOVE.W D1,D6 ; D6 = size of record
MOVE.L A0,D5 ; D5 = ptr(key)
; make sure there is enough file space for a worst case split
MOVEQ #1,D3 ; required space (in nodes) =
ADD.W BTCDepth(A4),D3 ; tree depth + 1
CMP.L BTCFree(A4),D3 ; enough space?
BLE.S BIInit ; yes ->
@1 JSR ExtBTFile ; extend the file
BNE BIExit2 ; couldn't do it ->
CMP.L BTCFree(A4),D3 ; enough space now?
BGT.S @1 ; no ->
; initialize some things
MOVE.W BTCRefNum(A4),D0 ; set up common stuff
MOVEM.L D6/D7,-(A6) ;save input record size and ptr
MOVEQ #0,D4 ; indicate no parent node buffer <29Aug85>
SUBA.L A2,A2 ; ...no left node buffer
SUBA.L A3,A3 ; ...no right node buffer
CLR.L BTCNodeM(A4) ; invalidate current node mark
; build BTree record consisting of input key with a junk data record
MOVEA.L BTCVarPtr(A4),A1 ; dest = record buffer
LEA BTVRecord(A1),A1 ;
MOVEA.L D5,A0 ; source = input key
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; get key length
MOVE.B (A0),D0 ;
ADDQ.L #2,D0 ; include length byte
LSR.L #1,D0 ;
LSL.L #1,D0 ; ...and adjust to word boundry
ADD.W D0,D6 ; total size = key size + data size
_BlockMove ; move in the key
ADDQ.W #1,D6 ; adjust total size to word boundry
LSR.W #1,D6 ;
LSL.W #1,D6 ;
MOVE.L A1,D7 ; D7 = ptr(Btree record)
; search tree for key
JSR TreeSearch ; search for key
MOVEA.L A1,A3 ; A3 = ptr(right node buffer)
BNE.S @1 ; key not found or error ->
MOVEQ #BTexists,D0 ; error, it already exists <14Oct85>
BRA BIExit1 ; exit ->
@1 CMP.W #BTnotfound,D0 ; key not found ?
BNE BIExit1 ; no, must be IO error ->
MOVE.L D2,D3 ; D3 = right node number
MOVE.W D1,D5 ; D5 = insert index
; if tree is empty, add 1st leaf node
TST.W BTCLevel(A4) ; tree empty ?
BGT.S BIInsert ; no ->
MOVE.W BTCRefNum(A4),D0 ; file refnum
JSR AllocNode ; allocate the node
BNE BIExit1 ; error ->
MOVE.L D1,D3 ; D3 = new node number
JSR InitNode ; get an initialized node
BNE BIExit1 ; error -> <18Dec85>
MOVEA.L A0,A3 ; A3 = ptr(new root node)
MOVE.B #NDLeafNode,NDType(A3) ; type = leaf node
MOVEQ #1,D0 ; node height = 1
MOVE.B D0,NDNHeight(A3) ;
MOVE.W D0,BTCDepth(A4) ; tree depth = 1
MOVE.L D3,BTCRoot(A4) ; new root node number
MOVE.L D3,BTCFNode(A4) ; 1st and last node pointers
MOVE.L D3,BTCLNode(A4) ;
MOVE.W #1,BTCLevel(A4) ; current level = 1
; try a simple insert first
MOVEA.L D7,A0 ; ptr(record)
MOVE.W D6,D0 ; record size
MOVEA.L A3,A1 ; ptr(node buffer)
MOVE.W D5,D1 ; insert index
JSR InsertRec ; try to insert it
BNE.S BIRotate ; didn't make it ->
TST.W D5 ; insert a new 1st record ?
BNE.S BIInsDone ; no, insert complete ->
BSET #BTCKeyUpd,BTCFlags(A4) ; indicate key update required
BRA.S BIInsDone ; insert complete ->
; insert didn't work, try rotation into left sibling node
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; ptr(node buffer)
JSR GetLtSib ; get left sibling node
BNE BIExit1 ; error ->
TST.L D1 ; is there a left sibling ?
BEQ.S BISplit ; no ->
MOVE.L D1,D2 ; D2 = left node number
MOVEA.L A1,A2 ; A2 = ptr(left node buffer)
MOVEA.L D7,A0 ; ptr(record)
MOVE.W D6,D0 ; record size
MOVE.W D5,D1 ; insert index
JSR RotateLt ; try rotating left
BNE.S BISplit ; didn't make it ->
BRA.S BISplit1 ; use common code -> <10Oct85>
; rotate didn't work, got to split
BISplit MOVEA.L D7,A0 ; ptr(record)
MOVE.W D6,D0 ; record size
MOVE.W D5,D1 ; insert index
JSR SplitLt ; split left
BEQ.S @1 ; ok ->
MOVEQ #BTnoFit,D0 ; result = 'no fit' <14Oct85>
BRA BIExit1 ; exit ->
@1 BSET #BTCNewIRec,BTCFlags(A4) ; indicate new index record required <10Oct85>
BISplit1 ;<10Oct85>
BSET #BTCKeyUpd,BTCFlags(A4) ; indicate key update required <10Oct85>
MOVE.W D1,D5 ; D5 = new record index <10Oct85>
MOVEA.L A2,A0 ; mark the left node dirty <10Oct85>
JSR MarkBlock ; <10Oct85>
; completed the record insert, clean up
;; <SM1> FM
;; if we get to here the file has changed, even we exit with error from <SM1>
;; here on. <8/16/89 KSCT> <SM1>
ADDQ.L #1,BTCWcount(A4) ; bump write count <8/16/89 KSCT> <SM1>
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; mark the right node dirty <10Oct85>
JSR MarkBlock ; <10Oct85>
CMPI.B #NDleafNode,NDType(A1) ; leaf level?
BNE.S BICkDone ; no ->
MOVEM.L (A6),A0/D0 ; get input record ptr and size
JSR UpdDRec ; replace the junk data record
ADD.L #1,BTCNRecs(A4) ; bump leaf record count
MOVE.W D5,BTCIndexM(A4) ; save index marker
MOVE.L D3,D0 ; assume right node number
CMPA.L A3,A1 ; is new record in right node?
BEQ.S @1 ; yes ->
MOVE.L D2,D0 ; no, use left node number
@1 MOVE.L D0,BTCNodeM(A4) ; save node marker
; Check if all done
BTST #BTCKeyUpd,BTCFlags(A4) ; key update required ?
BNE.S BINxtLev ; yes, move to next level ->
BTST #BTCNewIRec,BTCFlags(A4) ; new index record required ?
BEQ BIExit ; no, all done ->
; move to next level
SUB.W #1,BTCLevel(A4) ; bump to next level up
BEQ BIRoot ; up to root level ->
MOVE.W BTCLevel(A4),D0 ; locate TPR
JSR LocTPR ; for this level
MOVE.W TPRRIndx(A0),D5 ; D5 = parent record index
MOVE.L TPRNodeN(A0),D3 ; D3 = parent node number
MOVE.L D2,-(A6) ; save D2
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; get parent node <10Oct85>
MOVE.L D3,D2 ;
JSR GetNode ;
BNE BIExit1 ; error ->
MOVE.L A0,D4 ; D4 = ptr(parent node buffer)
MOVE.L (A6)+,D2 ; restore D2
; update parent key
BTST #BTCKeyUpd,BTCFlags(A4) ; key update required ?
BEQ.S @1 ; no ->
MOVE.W D5,D0 ; locate
JSR GetRecA ; ...parent index record
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; ...and save it
MOVEA.L A3,A1 ; locate 1st key
CLR.W D0 ;
JSR GetRecA ; ...in right node
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A1 ; ptr(parent index record)
JSR UpdIKey ; update the key
MOVEA.L D4,A0 ; mark the parent node dirty <10Oct85>
JSR MarkBlock ; <10Oct85>
TST.W D5 ; update to 1st key in node ?
BEQ.S @1 ; yes, leave flag set ->
BCLR #BTCKeyUpd,BTCFlags(A4) ; don't need to update next level
@1 MOVEQ #0,D1 ; release <10Oct85>
JSR RelNode ; ... right node buffer
MOVEA.L D4,A3 ; parent is new right node
MOVEQ #0,D4 ; indicate no parent node buffer <29Aug85>
; build new index record pointing at new left node
BTST #BTCNewIRec,BTCFlags(A4) ; new index record required ?
BEQ.S @1 ; no ->
MOVEA.L A2,A1 ; left node
MOVE.L D2,D0 ; left node number
JSR BuildIRec ; build index record
@1 MOVEQ #0,D1 ; release <10Oct85>
JSR RelNode ; ... left node buffer
SUBA.L A2,A2 ; indicate no left node
; set up for insert of new index record
BTST #BTCNewIRec,BTCFlags(A4) ; new index record required ?
BEQ BICkDone ; no, check if done ->
MOVEA.L BTCVarPtr(A4),A0 ; locate new index record
LEA BTVRecord(A0),A0 ;
MOVE.L A0,D7 ; D7 = ptr to new record
JSR GetMaxKey ; max key length + 4 <10Oct85>
ADDQ.W #4,D0 ; = size of index record <10Oct85>
MOVE.W D0,D6 ; D6 = size of new record <10Oct85>
BCLR #BTCNewIRec,BTCFlags(A4) ; clear new index rec flag
BRA BIInsert ; insert new index record ->
; we updated the root, must add a level if it was split
BTST #BTCNewIRec,BTCFlags(A4) ; was root node split ?
BEQ.S BIExit ; no, all done ->
; set up a new root index node
MOVE.W BTCRefNum(A4),D0 ; volume refnum
JSR AllocNode ; allocate the node
BNE.S BIExit1 ; error ->
MOVE.L D1,D3 ; D3 = new root node number
MOVE.L D3,D1 ; new node number
JSR InitNode ; get an initialized node
BNE.S BIExit1 ; error -> <18Dec85>
MOVE.L A0,D4 ; D4 = ptr(new root node buffer)
MOVE.B #NDIndxNode,NDType(A0) ; type = index node
MOVEQ #1,D0 ; node height
ADD.W BTCDepth(A4),D0 ; = previous depth +1
MOVE.B D0,NDNHeight(A0) ;
; add index record for left node
MOVEA.L A2,A1 ; build index record
MOVE.L D2,D0 ;
JSR BuildIRec ; ...for left node
JSR GetMaxKey ; max key length + 4 <10Oct85>
ADDQ.W #4,D0 ; = size of index record <10Oct85>
MOVEA.L BTCVarPtr(A4),A0 ; locate new index record
LEA BTVRecord(A0),A0 ;
MOVEA.L D4,A1 ; ptr(root node buffer)
CLR.W D1 ; insert index = 0
JSR InsertRec ; insert it
; add index record for right node (previous root)
MOVE.W #1,D0 ; get node number
MOVE.L TPRNodeN(A0),D0 ; ...of previous root
MOVEA.L A3,A1 ; ptr(node buffer)
JSR BuildIRec ; build index record
JSR GetMaxKey ; max key length + 4 <10Oct85>
ADDQ.W #4,D0 ; = size of index record <10Oct85>
MOVEA.L BTCVarPtr(A4),A0 ; locate new index record
LEA BTVRecord(A0),A0 ;
MOVEA.L D4,A1 ; ptr(root node buffer)
MOVE.W #1,D1 ; insert index = 1
JSR InsertRec ; insert it
MOVEA.L D4,A0 ; mark the new root node dirty <10Oct85>
JSR MarkBlock ; <10Oct85>
; update BTCB
ADD.W #1,BTCDepth(A4) ; add a level
MOVE.L D3,BTCRoot(A4) ; new root node number
; clean up and exit
BSET #BTCDirty,BTCFlags(A4) ; mark BTCB dirty
CLR.W D0 ; result = ok
MOVE.W D0,-(A6) ; save result code
MOVEA.L A2,A0 ; ptr(left node buffer) <23Sep85>
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; no RelBlock options <10Oct85>
JSR RelNode ; release it
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; ptr(right node buffer) <23Sep85>
JSR RelNode ; release it
MOVEA.L D4,A0 ; ptr(parent node buffer) <23Sep85>
JSR RelNode ; release it
MOVE.W (A6)+,D0 ; restore result code
MOVE.L BTCNodeM(A4),D2 ; return hint (node number)
CLR.L BTCNodeM(A4) ; invalidate current record markers
BSR BTCleanUP ; clean up
ADDQ.L #8,A6 ; deallocate saved stuff
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1/D3-D7/A0-A4 ; restore regs
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit BTInsert
; Routine: BTOpen
; Function: Opens a BTree file. The data fork for the specified file
; must be already open. A BTCB for the file is allocated and
; initialized. The BTH info is read from disk and copied into the
; Input: D0.W - file refnum
; A0.L - pointer to key compare routine
; A1.L - pointer to cache queue
; Output: D0.W - result code
; 0 = ok
; -n = FS Open error
; BTnoBTCB = no available BTCB
MOVE.L jBTOpen,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vBTOpen <25Oct85>
RTS ; go there <25Oct85>
vBTOpen ; 'vectored' BTOpen routine <25Oct85>
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
MOVEM.L D1-D5/A0-A4,-(A6) ; save regs
MOVE.W D0,D3 ; D3 = file refnum
MOVE.L A0,D4 ; D4 = ptr(key compare routine)
MOVE.L A1,D5 ; D5 = cache queue ptr
; allocate and initialize a BTCB
MOVE.L #lenBTCB,D0 ; allocate space for BTCB
_NewPtr ,SYS,CLEAR ;
BNE BOExit1 ; couldn't get it ->
MOVEA.L A0,A4 ; A4 = BTCB ptr
MOVEA.L FCBSPtr,A3 ; A3 = start of FCB array
MOVE.L A4,FCBBTCBptr(A3,D3.W) ; set BTCB ptr in FCB
MOVE.W D3,BTCRefNum(A4) ; set refnum
MOVE.L D4,BTCKeyCR(A4) ; set ptr(key compare routine)
MOVE.L D5,BTCCQptr(A4) ; set ptr to cache queue
; get BTH from disk
MOVE.W D3,D0 ; file refnum
MOVEA.L D5,A1 ; cache queue ptr
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; no GetBlock options <14Oct85>
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; BTH is block 0
JSR GetBlock ; get the block
BNE.S BOExit1 ; couldn't get it ->
MOVEA.L A0,A2 ; A2 = cache buffer ptr
; make sure the BTree header node is ok
LEA lenND(A2),A0 ; A0 = ptr to BTH
MOVE.W BTHNodeSize(A0),D0 ; node size
BEQ.S BOBadHdr ; node size = 0, error ->
MOVE.W D0,D1 ;
ANDI.W #$1FF,D1 ;
BNE.S BOBadHdr ; node size not 512 multiple, error ->
MOVE.L FCBPLen(A3,D3.W),D2 ; physical length
DIVU D0,D2 ; physical length / node size
SWAP D2 ; = # of nodes
CLR.W D2 ;
CMP.L BTHNNodes(A0),D2 ; same # as in BTH?
BNE.S BOBadHdr ; no, error ->
CMP.L BTHFree(A0),D2 ; free count < # of nodes?
BLO.S BOBadHdr ; no, error ->
SUBQ.L #1,D2 ; D2 = max node #
CMPI.B #BTMaxDepth,BTHDepth(A0) ; tree depth <= max?
BHI.S BOBadHdr ; no, error ->
CMP.L BTHRoot(A0),D2 ; root node # <= max?
BLO.S BOBadHdr ; no error ->
CMP.L BTHFNode(A0),D2 ; 1st leaf node # <= max?
BLO.S BOBadHdr ; no error ->
CMP.L BTHLNode(A0),D2 ; last node # <= max?
BHS.S BOCpyBTH ; yes ->
MOVEQ #BTBadHdr,D0 ; result = 'bad header node' <14Oct85>
BRA.S BOExit ; ->
; copy BTH into BTCB
MOVE.W #LenMemBTH-1,D0 ; loop index
LEA lenND(A2),A0 ; ptr(source)
LEA BTCDepth(A4),A1 ; ptr(dest)
@1 MOVE.B (A0)+,(A1)+ ; move it
DBRA D0,@1 ; ...in
MOVE.L #WCSigLong,BTCWcount(A4) ; set write count <PN>
CLR.W D0 ; result = 'ok'
; release header block and exit
MOVE.W D0,-(A6) ; save result code
MOVEA.L D5,A1 ; cache queue ptr
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; release 'clean' <14Oct85>
MOVEA.L A2,A0 ; cache buffer ptr
JSR RelBlock ; release it
BEQ.S @1 ; ok ->
MOVE.W D0,(A6) ; replace previous result code
@1 MOVE.W (A6)+,D0 ; restore result code
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1-D5/A0-A4 ; restore regs
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit BTOpen
; Routine: BTSearch
; Function: Searches a BTree file for a record given the key. If a hint is
; given, the BTree node identified by that hint is obtained and
; searched first. Then, if the record is not found, a normal tree
; search is performed.
; Input: A0.L - pointer to key
; D0.W - file refnum
; D2.L - BTree hint
; 0 = no hint
; Output: D0.W - result code
; 0 = ok
; BTnotfound = record not found
; other = error
; A0.L - pointer to key
; A1.L - pointer to data record
; D1.W - size of data record
; D2.L - new BTree hint
MOVE.L jBTSearch,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vBTSearch <25Oct85>
RTS ; go there <25Oct85>
vBTSearch ; 'vectored' BTSearch routine <25Oct85>
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
MOVEM.L D3-D7/A2-A4,-(A6) ; save regs
; initialize some things
BSR BTSetUp ; set up common stuff
MOVEA.L A0,A3 ; A3 = ptr to key
SUBA.L A2,A2 ; indicate no node buffer
; go directly to the leaf node if hint is given
TST.L D2 ; hint given?
BEQ.S BSTSrch ; no, do tree search ->
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; get target node <10Oct85>
JSR GetNode ;
BNE.S BSExit ; error ->
MOVEA.L A0,A2 ; A2 = ptr(node buffer)
CMPI.B #NDLeafNode,NDType(A0) ; leaf node?
BNE.S @1 ; no ->
TST.W NDNRecs(A0) ; node empty?
BLE.S @1 ; yes ->
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; search node for key
JSR SearchNode ;
BEQ.S BSTSrch1 ; found it ->
@1 MOVEA.L A2,A0 ; release node buffer
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; no RelBlock options <10Oct85>
JSR RelNode ;
BNE.S BSExit ; error ->
; search tree for key
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; ptr to key
JSR TreeSearch ; search tree for key
MOVEA.L A1,A2 ; A2 = ptr(node buffer)
BEQ.S BSTSrch1 ; key found ->
CMP.W #BTnotfound,D0 ; key not found error ?
BNE.S BSExit1 ; no, must be IO error ->
BSTSrch1 MOVE.W D1,D5 ; D5 = record index
MOVE.W D0,-(A6) ; save search result
; update current markers in BTCB
MOVE.L D2,BTCNodeM(A4) ; update current node mark
MOVE.W D5,BTCIndexM(A4) ; ... and record index mark
; set up pointers to key and data record
TST.W (A6) ; record found?
BNE.S BSExit ; no ->
MOVE.W D5,D0 ; record index
MOVEA.L A2,A1 ; ptr(node buffer)
JSR LocRec ; locate the record
; release node buffer and exit
MOVEM.L D1-D2/A0-A1,-(A6) ; save return stuff
MOVEA.L A2,A0 ; ptr(node buffer) <23Sep85>
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; no RelBlock options <10Oct85>
JSR RelNode ; release it
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1-D2/A0-A1 ; restore return stuff
MOVE.W (A6)+,D0 ; restore search result
BSR.S BTCleanUP ; clean up
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D3-D7/A2-A4 ; restore regs
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit BTSearch
; Routine: BTUpdate
; Function: Marks a buffer containing the specified BTree node as being
; updated (dirty).
; Input: D0.L - file refnum
; D2.L - BTree hint (node number of dirty node)
; Output: D0.W - result code
; 0 = ok
; BTnotfound = node not found
; other = IO error
MOVE.L jBTUpdate,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vBTUpdate <25Oct85>
RTS ; go there <25Oct85>
vBTUpdate ; 'vectored' BTUpdate routine <25Oct85>
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
MOVEM.L D1/A0-A1/A4,-(A6) ; save regs
JSR LocBTCB ; locate BTCB
MOVEQ #kGBexist,D1 ; indicate existing cache block <10Oct85>
JSR GetNode ; get the node
BNE.S BUExit ; error ->
MOVEQ #kRBdirty,D1 ; indicate dirty buffer
JSR RelNode ; release the node
BNE.S BUExit ; error ->
CLR.W D0 ; indicate no error
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1/A0-A1/A4 ; restore regs
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit BTUpdate
; Internal Subroutines
; Subroutine: BTCleanUp (BTree Clean Up)
; Function: Cleans up after a BTree service call. Space for the BTree
; variable storage area (BTVars) is released and the pointer to
; BTVars in the BTCB is cleared.
; Input: A4.L - pointer to BTCB
; Output: none
MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; save registers
BSR.S CalBTVars ; calculate size of BTVars
ADDA.L D0,A6 ; remove BTVars from A6 stack
CLR.L BTCVarPtr(A4) ; clear pointer in BTCB
MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ; restore registers
RTS ; exit BTCleanUp
; Subroutine: BTSetUp (BTree Set Up)
; Function: Sets up for a BTree service call. The BTCB is located and space
; for the BTree variable storage area (BTVars) is allocated on the
; A6 stack. A pointer to BTVars is saved in the BTCB. All call-
; specific status flags in the BTCB are also cleared.
; Input: D0.W - file refnum
; Output: A4.L - pointer to BTCB
MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; save registers
JSR LocBTCB ; locate the BTCB
BSR.S CalBTVars ; calculate size of BTVars
SUBA.L D0,A6 ; allocate space on A6 stack
MOVE.L A6,BTCVarPtr(A4) ; save pointer in BTCB
BCLR #BTCNewIRec,BTCFlags(A4) ; clear status flags
BCLR #BTCDelIRec,BTCFlags(A4) ;
BCLR #BTCKeyUpd,BTCFlags(A4) ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ; restore registers
RTS ; exit BTSetUp
; Subroutine: CalBTVars (Calculate size of BTVars)
; Function: Calculates the size of the BTree variable storage area (BTVars).
; Input: A4.L - pointer to BTCB
; Output: D0.L - size of BTVars
JSR GetMaxKey ; get max key size <10Oct85>
ADDI.W #lenTPT+4,D0 ; size of BTVars = length of TPT <20Jan86>
RTS ; exit CalBTVars