Elliot Nunn 0ba83392d4 Bring in CubeE sources
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2017-09-20 18:04:16 +08:00

496 lines
11 KiB

File: dpMacsBugTemplates.r
Contains: MacsBug templates for debugging the Edition Manager
Usage: Rez "dpMacsBugTemplates.r" -o "{SystemFolder}Debugger Prefs" -a
Written by: Nick Kledzik
Copyright: © 1989-1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<3> 5/31/90 ngk update
<2> 1/6/90 ngk Updated record definitions
<1.6> 11/4/89 ngk Updated again
<1.5> 10/2/89 ngk Updated new PubCB
<1.4> 9/7/89 ngk Updated to new PubCB.
<1.3> 8/29/89 ngk Updated to new PubCB. Add atb macros for all routines. Added
parameter templates for all routines. Added templare for
<1.2> 8/8/89 ngk Updated to new PubCB. Added DataPubGlobals and Show macro.
<1.1> 6/11/89 ngk Changed case of fields to start lowercase Updated to new PubCB
Added Alias manager types
<1.0> 5/29/89 ngk Updated SectionRecord
To Do:
type 'mxwt'{
integer = $$CountOf(templates); /* Number of templates */
array templates { pString; /* Type name */
integer = $$CountOf(fields); /* Number of fields in this template */
array fields { pString; /* Field name */
pString; /* Field type */
integer; /* Number of fields of this type */
type 'mxbm'{
integer = $$CountOf(templates); /* Number of templates */
array templates { pString; /* Macro name */
pString; /* Macro expansion */
resource 'mxwt' (211, "Editions Manager Records") {
"ECS", {
"theFile", "FSSpec", 1,
"theFileScript", "Word", 1,
"thePart", "Long", 1,
"thePartName", "pString", 32,
"thePartScript", "Word", 1,
"EditionInfoRecord", {
"crDate", "Long", 1,
"mdDate", "Long", 1,
"fdCreator", "Text", 4,
"fdType", "Text", 4,
"container", "ECS", 1
"EachAppsUsage", {
"app", "Long", 1,
"useCount", "Word", 1,
"IOCount", "Word", 1
"TotalAppUsage", {
"totalUseCount", "Word", 1,
"totalIOCount", "Word", 1,
"" , "Skip", 2,
"slotSize" , "Word", 1,
"maxSlots", "Word", 1,
"lastUsedSlot", "Word", 1,
"appUseCount[1]", "EachAppsUsage", 1,
"appUseCount[2]", "EachAppsUsage", 1
"PubCBLink", {
"nextPubCB", "Long", 1,
"prevPubCB", "Long", 1
"PubCBRecord", {
"links", "PubCBLink", 1,
"usageInfo", "^^TotalAppUsage", 1,
"volumeInfo", "Long", 1,
"pubCNodeID", "Long", 1,
"lastVolMod", "Long", 1,
"lastDirMod", "Long", 1,
"oldPubCB", "Long", 1,
"publisherApp", "Long", 1,
"publisher", "Long", 1,
"publisherAlias", "Long", 1,
"publisherCount", "Word", 1,
"publisherKind", "Byte", 1,
"fileMissing", "Byte", 1,
"fileRefNum", "Word", 1,
"openMode", "Word", 1,
"fileMark", "Long", 1,
"rangeLockStart", "Word", 1,
"rangeLockLen", "Word", 1,
"allocMap", "Long", 1,
"formats", "Long", 1,
"info", "EditionInfoRecord",1,
"FormatPositionInfo", {
"format", "Text", 4,
"mark", "Long", 1,
"index", "Word", 1,
"length", "Word", 1
"SIOCBRecord", {
"ioRefNum", "Long", 1,
"ioProc", "Long", 1,
"section", "Long", 1,
"blockSize", "Long", 1,
"" , "Skip", 2,
"slotSize" , "Word", 1,
"maxSlots", "Word", 1,
"lastUsedSlot", "Word", 1,
"eachFormat[1]", "FormatPositionInfo", 1,
"eachFormat[2]", "FormatPositionInfo", 1
"SectionRecord", {
"version", "Byte", 1,
"sectionType", "Byte", 1,
"mode", "Word", 1,
"mdDate", "Long", 1,
"sectionID", "Long", 1,
"refCon", "Long", 1,
"alias", "Long", 1,
"subPart", "Long", 1,
"nextSection", "Long", 1,
"controlBlock", "Long", 1,
"refNum", "Long", 1
"FailInfo", {
"regs", "Long", 11,
"returnTo", "Long", 1,
"errorPtr", "Long", 1,
"nextInfo", "Long", 1,
"EdtnMgrGlobals", {
"pubCBlinks", "PubCBLink", 1,
"perAppListHead", "Long", 1,
"nextPollTime", "Long", 1,
"A6Link", "Long", 1,
"gotoHere", "Long", 1,
"failureHandler", "^FailInfo", 1,
"lastPubUsed", "Long", 1
"PerAppGlobals", {
"nextApp", "Long", 1,
"appPSN", "Long", 2,
"signature", "Text", 4,
"sectionHandleListHead","Long", 1,
"emulator", "Long", 1,
"appName", "pString", 32,
"NewPublisherReply", {
"canceled", "Boolean", 1,
"replacing", "Boolean", 1,
"usePart", "Boolean", 1,
"", "Skip", 1,
"preview", "Long", 1,
"previewFormat", "Text", 4,
"container", "ECS", 1,
"NewSubscriberReply", {
"canceled", "Boolean", 1,
"container", "ECS", 1
"SectionOptionsReply", {
"canceled", "Boolean", 1,
"changed", "Boolean", 1,
"sectionH", "Long", 1,
"action", "Text", 4
/* maybe these last ones should be in 'AliasMacsBugTemplates.r' */
"FSSpec", {
"vRefNum", "Word", 1,
"parID", "Long", 1,
"name", "pString", 64
"AliasRecord", {
"userType", "Text", 4,
"aliasSize", "Word", 1
"AliasRecordPriv", {
"userType", "Text", 4,
"aliasSize", "Word", 1,
"aliasVersion", "Word", 1,
"aliasKind", "Word", 1,
"volumeName", "pString", 28,
"volumeCrDate", "Long", 1,
"volumeSig", "Word", 1,
"volumeType", "Word", 1,
"folderName", "pString", 32,
"parDirID", "Long", 1,
"fileName", "pString", 32,
"fileNum", "Long", 1,
"fileID", "Long", 1,
"fileCrDate", "Long", 1,
"fileType", "Text", 4,
"fdCreator", "Text", 1,
"nlvlFrom", "Word", 1,
"nlvlTo", "Word", 1
resource 'mxwt' (212, "Editions Mgr Parameters") {
"param.NewSection", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"sectionH", "^Long", 1,
"initialMode", "Word", 1,
"sectionID", "Long", 1,
"kind", "Byte", 1,
"", "Skip", 1,
"sectionDocument", "^FSSpec", 1,
"container", "^ECS", 1
"param.GetSection", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"sectionH", "^Long", 1,
"resID", "Word", 1,
"sectionDocument", "^FSSpec", 1
"param.SaveSection", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"sectionH", "^^^SectionRecord", 1,
"resID", "Word", 1
"param.CloneSection", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"clonedSectionH", "^Long", 1,
"sectionH", "^Long", 1
"param.AssociateSection", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"sectionH", "^^^SectionRecord", 1,
"newSectionDocument", "^FSSpec", 1
"param.DisposeSection", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"sectionH", "^^^SectionRecord", 1
"param.GetEditionInfo", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"sectionH", "^^^SectionRecord", 1,
"pubInfo", "^PubInfoRecord", 1
"param.GotoPublisherSection", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"sectionH", "^^^SectionRecord", 1
"param.RegisterSection", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"sectionH", "^^^SectionRecord", 1,
"withPub", "^ECS", 1
"param.UnRegisterSection", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"sectionH", "^^^SectionRecord", 1,
"param.CreateEditionContainerFile", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"publication", "^FSSpec", 1,
"fdCreator", "Text", 4,
"comments", "^pString", 1
"param.OpenNewEdition", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"refNum", "^Long", 1,
"sectionDocument", "^FSSpec", 1,
"fdCreator", "Text", 4,
"sectionH", "^^^SectionRecord", 1,
"param.OpenEdition", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"refNum", "^Long", 1,
"sectionH", "^^^SectionRecord", 1
"param.CloseEdition", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"refNum", "Long", 1,
"success", "Boolean", 1
"param.ReadEdition", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"len", "Long", 1,
"buffPtr", "Long", 1,
"whichFormat", "Text", 4,
"refNum", "Long", 1
"param.WriteEdition", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"len", "Long", 1,
"buffPtr", "Long", 1,
"whichFormat", "Text", 4,
"refNum", "Long", 1
"param.GetEditionFormatMark", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"mark", "^Long", 1,
"whichFormat", "Text", 4,
"refNum", "Long", 1
"param.SetEditionFormatMark", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"mark", "Long", 1,
"whichFormat", "Text", 4,
"refNum", "Long", 1
"param.EditionHasFormat", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"length", "^Long", 1,
"whichFormat", "Text", 4,
"refNum", "Long", 1
"param.NewSubscriberDialog", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"reply", "^NewSubscriberReply", 1,
"where.v", "Word", 1,
"where.h", "Word", 1
"param.NewPublisherDialog", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"reply", "^NewPublisherReply", 1,
"where.v", "Word", 1,
"where.h", "Word", 1
"param.GetLastEditionContainerUsed", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"publication", "^ECS", 1
"param.IsRegisteredSection", {
"", "Skip", 8,
"sectionH", "^SectionH", 1
resource 'mxbm' (211, "Editions Mgr Macros") {
"dm @(@2b6+80) EdtnMgrGlobals",
"pack11 D0.B=00",
"pack11 D0.B=02",
"pack11 D0.B=04",
"pack11 D0.B=06",
"pack11 D0.B=08",
"pack11 D0.B=0A",
"pack11 D0.B=0C",
"pack11 D0.B=0E",
"pack11 D0.B=10",
"pack11 D0.B=12",
"pack11 D0.B=14",
"pack11 D0.B=16",
"pack11 D0.B=18",
"pack11 D0.B=1A",
"pack11 D0.B=1C",
"pack11 D0.B=1E",
"pack11 D0.B=20",
"pack11 D0.B=22",
"pack11 D0.B=24",
"pack11 D0.B=26",
"pack11 D0.B=28",
"pack11 D0.B=2A",
"pack11 D0.B=2C",
"pack11 D0.B=2E",
"pack11 D0.B=30",
"pack11 D0.B=32",
"pack11 D0.B=34",
"pack11 D0.B=36",
"pack11 D0.B=38",
"pack11 D0.B=3A",
"pack11 D0.B=3C",