Elliot Nunn 22821c555c Update SANE (PACK 7) and get it building
SANE is the Standard Apple Numeric Environment (a float library deprecated in
favour of the native PowerPC float unit). The only change to the PACK 7
resource was in the vicinity of a _StripAddress call. SANE also had to be
added to the reconstructed Toolbox.make file.
2017-09-25 22:19:24 +08:00

751 lines
26 KiB

;EASE$$$ READ ONLY COPY of file Òstr2dec.aÓ
; 1.2 CSL 02/17/1989 fixed _pstr2dec for 32 bit clean.
; 1.1 CCH 11/11/1988 Fixed Header.
; 1.0 CCH 11/ 9/1988 Adding to EASE.
; 1.0 BBM 2/12/88 Adding file for the first time into EASEÉ
;; File: Str2Dec.TEXT
;; Decimal string scanner for 68000
;; Status: BETA
;; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1984, 1985
;; Written by Jerome Coonen,14 May 83 (Original code named ScanDec)
;; Modification History:
;; 10 Aug 84 CRL Correct pointer position after INF and NaN input
;; Correct INF decimal record to contain 'I'
;; Handle input of 0
;; Accept NaN without parentheses
;; Return -0 as decimal but not as integer
;; Accept ° and -° as infinities
;; Correct the exponent for input of ³ 20 characters
;; Avoid overscan of expressions like 'IN' '3E-' 'NaN('
;; 17 Sep 84 CRL New parameter list
;; Will not scan past end of input string
;; Integer return is stripped out
;; Error code return is stripped out
;; NaN syntax changed to accept spaces
;; NaN syntax changed to reject NaN() {no digits}
;; Index returns the smallest possible number, that is,
;; without taking extra blanks, signs, or parentheses
;; 8 Oct 84 CRL Second entry point, _cstr2dec for C type strings
;; Fix pointer position on input of .e1
;; 10 Oct 84 CRL Better use of flags
;; Link - Unlnk style introduced
;; 19 Nov 84 CRL Signalling NaN delivered if no characters accepted
;; 2 Jan 85 CRL Alter GetChar to compare with '0' in both C & Pascal
;; 7 Jan 85 CRL Fix bug in StateInf. A3 no longer used by Cstrings.
;; 21 Jan 85 CRL Bug fix in AppendDigit. Exponent handled wrong on
;; overlong input strings with 'E' notation.
;; 19 Mar 85 CRL Switch sense of signalling NaN bit at InitDec & State99.
;; For 68881 compatibility.
;; 28 Mar 85 CRL New code from @3 to @5 in StateNum strips trailing zeros
;; from d.sig.
;; 17 May 85 CRL Bug fixed at State2. Zero followed by an ascii character
;; smaller than '0' used to branch to StateBackup and trash
;; Index. The fix: check for 0. If found, go to StateNum
;; else go to StateBackup.
;; 9 Jul 85 CRL Typo in AppendDigit causing exponent errors on
;; 1000000000000000000.0 fixed by changing byte to word.
;; 11 Jul 85 CRL State6 bug causing .. to return index=2. Replaced
;; branch to STATENUM with branch to @1.
;; 19 Jul 85 KLH changed str2dec to _pstr2dec, & cstr2dec to _cstr2dec
;; 16 Sep 85 JTC changed name of MASK constant to LISMASK to avoid SysTlQk conflict.
;; _________________________________________________________________
;; PROCEDURE _pstr2dec (
;; s : DecStr ;
;; VAR index : integer;
;; VAR d : Decimal; { as defined in SANE }
;; VAR ValidPrefix : boolean
;; );
;; PROCEDURE _cstr2dec (
;; s : CStrPtr; { CStrPtr = ^Char }
;; VAR index : integer;
;; VAR d : Decimal; { as defined in SANE }
;; VAR ValidPrefix : boolean
;; );
;; Given a string containing a decimal value and an index into the
;; string, this scanner updates the index to the first character
;; beyond a legitimate value and fills the decimal record for
;; later conversion via the routine Dec2Num or FD2B. If the whole
;; string is a valid number, or if the scanner could have accepted
;; additional characters beyond the string given, then ValidPrefix
;; is set to TRUE. ValidPrefix is used to request more characters;
;; for example in file input.
;; _________________________________________________________________
;; --------
;; S
;; * the address of the string to be scanned.
;; * _pstr2dec expects Pascal type strings;
;; that is, with a leading 'length byte'.
;; * _cstr2dec expects C type strings; no leading byte, but terminated
;; with a null character. _cstr2dec will also accept streams
;; of characters terminated only by the first character which
;; violates the syntax given below.
;; * index is the position in the string at which to begin scanning,
;; given as a non-negative offset from the address above.
;; --------
;; * index is set one past the last character accepted in the scan.
;; * d returns (in decimal record format) the value scanned. d
;; always contains a valid representation.
;; * validprefix returns true if the whole string is a valid number
;; or if additional characters could be accepted by the scanner.
;; * validprefix has no meaning unless the string has either
;; a length byte (_pstr2dec) or a terminating NULL (_cstr2dec).
;; _________________________________________________________________
;; On entry to ScanDec the stack should look like:
;; _____________________________________
;; | |
;; | address of s (DecStr or CStrPtr) |
;; |_____________________________________|
;; | |
;; | address of index (integer) |
;; |_____________________________________|
;; | |
;; | address of d (decimal) |
;; |_____________________________________|
;; | |
;; | address of validprefix (boolean) |
;; |_____________________________________|
;; | |
;; | return address |
;; |_____________________________________|
;; _________________________________________________________________
;; ------------------------------
;; Square brackets enclose optional items, braces enclose elements
;; to be repeated at least once, and vertical bars separate
;; alternative elements; letters that appear literally, like the 'E'
;; marking the exponent field, may be either upper or lower case.
;; <decimal number> ::= [{space | tab}] <left decimal>
;; <left decimal> ::= [+ | -] <unsigned decimal>
;; <unsigned decimal> ::= <finite number> | <infinity> | <NaN>
;; <finite number> ::= <significand> [<exponent>]
;; <significand> ::= <integer> | <mixed>
;; <integer> ::= {digits} [.]
;; <digits> ::= {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9}
;; <mixed> ::= [<digits>].<digits>
;; <exponent> ::= E [+ | -] <digits>
;; <infinity> ::= INF | °
;; <NAN> ::= NAN[([<digits>])]
;; _________________________________________________________________
;; The register conventions used throughout this code are:
;; A0 = current input pointer
;; A1 = Decimal record pointer
;; A2 = pointer within digit string of the Decimal record (d.sig)
;; A3 = pointer to last character of input string (forced end of scan)
;; D0.B = current input character
;; D1.W = #significant digits beyond 19 - #fraction digits (including 0's)
;; D2.B = number of characters in d.sig
;; D3 = work in State99 and StateInf
;; D4.B = ascii 0 (for comparisons)
;; D5.W = exponent
;; D6 = pointer to char after last valid token (D6 = -1 means unused)
;; D7.B = ascii 9 (for comparisons)
;; __________________________________________
;; | |
;; |__________________________________________|
;; The constant $00FFFFFF is needed for masking the lower 24 bits of
;; addresses used in comparisons. This constant is available in MASKBC
;; on the MAC, but must be hard coded on LISA. The switch below sets
;; the machine, and through it the way the mask is accessed.
;; FPBYTRAP is defined in TlAsm/SANEMacs.TEXT. If that file is already
;; included in the assembly, then the next line must be commented out.
;FPBYTRAP .EQU 0 ; 0 = LISA, 1 = MAC
_cstr2dec PROC EXPORT
EXPORT _pstr2dec
;; Define flags and constants for indexing.
FLEXPSGN EQU 31 ; sign of exponent (in D2)
FLZERO EQU 15 ; leading 0 bypassed (in D4)
FLVALPREF EQU 16 ; validprefix flag (in D4)
FLCSTRING EQU 31 ; Pascal or C string on input (in D4)
DSGN EQU 0 ; offsets from A1
RETURN EQU 4 ; offsets from A6
D EQU 12
S EQU 20
LISMASK EQU $00FFFFFF ; for address masking in Lisa <16Sep85>
;; Beginning of code
MOVEQ #1,D1 ; keep a flag - CString
ROR.L #1,D1 ; in bit 31 of D1 (for now)
BRA.S Start
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; no flag in bit 31 for Pascal
;; Place pointers to current character and d in A1 and A0,
;; save value of index, then save D2-D7/A2-A3
LINK A6,#0
MOVEM.L D2-D7/A2-A3,-(SP) ; save working registers
MOVEM.L D(A6),D4-D6 ; D4<--&D, D5<--&INDEX, D6<--&S
MOVE.L D6,A0 ; D0 <--&S <v1.2>
MOVEA.L D5,A1 ; copy &index for indirect ref
MOVEQ #0,D6 ; prepare to reuse D6
MOVE.B (A0),D6 ; length byte of S
LEA 0(A0,D6),A3 ; &S + length byte = &last char
ADDA.W (A1),A0 ; &S + index = &first char
MOVE.L A0,D6 ; saved character pointer = start
MOVEA.L D4,A1 ; A1<--address of decimal record
LEA DSIG(A1),A2 ; A2<--ptr to d.sig field of D
MOVE.L D1,D4 ; FLCstring flag now in D4
ADDI.B #$30,D4 ; ascii zero
MOVEQ #$39,D7 ; ascii nine
;; Initialize the decimal record to sign +, exponent 0 and significand N0011.
;; Use SNaN = 00 00 00 00 05 4E 30 30 31 31 = (0)(0)(0)(0)(5)'N0011'
CLR.L DSGN(A1) ; clear sign and exp
MOVE.L #$054E3030,(A2) ; 00 for signalling
MOVE.W #$3131,4(A2) ; 11 for NaNAsciiBinary
;; State0 -- scanning leading white space.
;; For now presume just spaces and tabs.
BSR GetChar ; get next character
CMPI.B #' ',D0 ; is it a space?
BEQ.S State0
CMPI.B #202,D0 ; is it a non-breaking space?
BEQ.S State0
CMPI.B #$09,D0 ; is it a tab?
BEQ.S State0
;; Then fall through to State1 -- looking for a sign.
CMPI.B #'+',D0
BEQ.S @1 ; if so skip char
CMPI.B #'-',D0
BNE.S State2 ; if not check for num
ADDQ.B #1,DSGN(A1) ; set sign to minus
BSR.S GetChar ; get char past sign
;; Now expect D0 to be Start of INF, NAN, or number.
CMPI.B #'0',D0 ; leading 0's?
BCS.S @1 ; less: .stuff?
BHI.S @2 ; more: digits or letters?
BSET #FLZERO,D4 ; if equal, have a 0
MOVEQ #-1,D6 ; erase saved char ptr
BSR.S GetChar ; get next & check again
BRA.S State2
;; Code added here 17 May 85:
;; An ascii character < '0'
;; has been found, possibly
;; preceded by 0's. If 0's
;; in front, return 0, else
;; illegitimate input.
CMPI.B #'.',D0
BEQ State6 ; dot before significant digits
TST.W D4 ; has a zero been seen?
BPL StateBackup ; if not, then illegitimate
BRA StateNum ; if zero, then exit normally
CMPI.B #'9',D0
BLS.S State4 ; digits follow
TST.W D4 ; any leading zero's?
BPL State99 ; if not, then try INF, NAN, °
BRA State8 ; else check E,e
;; State4 -- scanning significant digits before the decimal point.
;; Uses routine AppendDigit to place digit in string, get next char,
;; and compare next char to '0'.
MOVEQ #-1,D6 ; use current char ptr
BSR.S AppendDigit
BCS.S State5 ; might be dot
CMPI.B #'9',D0
BLS.S @1
;; State5 -- check for Start of fraction field after some significant
;; digits scanned.
CMPI.B #'.',D0
BNE State8 ; might be exponent
BSR.S GetChar ; char after dot
BCS StateNum ; must be end of number
BRA.S State75
;; AppendDigit -- routine to place numeral in digit field of Decimal
;; structure, update counters, get next character, and compare with '0'
;; just before returning. After 20 characters have been scanned, just
;; logically OR subsequent digits into the 20th slot.
;; Note: When 20 digits appear in a decimal record, there is an implicit
;; decimal point after the 19th. This means that the 20th digit must
;; be recorded as lost. The Start of the code below checks for the 20th digit.
CMPI.B #19,D2 ; past all valid digits?
BLT.S @1 ; no: keep looking
BGT.S @3 ; yes: 'OR' into 20th
;; next line changed from ADDQ.B to ADDQ.W CRL 9 July 85
ADDQ.W #1,D1 ;record lost digit for 20th
ADDQ.L #1,A2 ; point to next char in d.sig
MOVE.B D0,(A2) ; copy this digit into d.sig
ADDQ.B #1,D2
BRA.S GetChar
OR.B D0,(A2) ; 'OR' into 20th digit
ADDQ.W #1,D1 ; record lost digit
;; GetChar
;; * test for end of string
;; * collect the next character
;; * set validprefix to TRUE if scan is forced to end prematurely
;; * see if saved instead of current character pointer should be returned.
TST.L D4 ; Cstring?
BPL.S @1 ; if not, then Pascal
MOVE.B (A0)+,D0 ; get next char
BEQ.S @5 ; if NULL, then end of C string
BRA.S @2 ; else go back to caller
;; begin Pascal code
CMPA.L A0,A3 ; end of Pascal string?
BLT.S @3 ; if so, clean up and exit
MOVE.B (A0)+,D0 ; else get next char
;; return to caller
CMPI.B #'0',D0 ; test for zero before returning
;; end of Pascal string
ADDQ.L #1,A0 ; advance ptr if Pascal
;; end of C or Pascal string
BSET #FLVALPREF,D4 ; premature string end
TST.L D6 ; has pointer been saved?
BPL StateBackup ; if so use it
BRA StateNum ; else exit
;; State6 -- encountered dot before any nonzero significant digits.
;; Keep looking for digits, but throw away leading zeros, remembering
;; placement of decimal. If possible nonzero digit or alpha, skip
;; right into fraction digit scanner.
BSR.S GetChar ; skip past dot
BEQ.S @3 ; handle zero specially
;; next line changed from STATENUM branch to @1 branch
;; 11 July 85 CRL
BCS.S @1 ; below zero, .junk or 0.junk?
CMPI.B #'9',D0 ; > zero, but is it a digit?
BLS.S State7 ; yes, scan fraction digits
TST.W D4 ; not digit, any zeros seen?
BPL StateBackup ; if not, then no number here
BRA.S State8 ; if so, look for E,e
BSET #FLZERO,D4 ; zero has been seen
MOVEQ #-1,D6 ; use current char ptr
SUBQ.W #1,D1 ; count fraction zeros
BRA.S State6 ; look for more zeros
;; State7 -- scanning fraction digits. Just use AppendDigit and keep
;; count of the digits scanned, whether in excess of 19 or not.
MOVEQ #-1,D6 ; use current char ptr
SUBQ.W #1,D1
BSR.S AppendDigit
BCS.S StateNum ; less than '0' ==> done
CMPI.B #'9',D0
BLS.S State7
;; State8 -- looking for exponent, an E or e followed by an optional
;; sign and a digit field. Must be careful about exponent overflow.
;; Since the extended range admits values in magnitude between
;; 10^-5000 and 10^5000, it suffices to check for exponents outside
;; say $2000 = 8192. Overflowed exponents are mapped into $2000,
;; guaranteed to produce a severe overflow on conversion.
;; Must also guard against overscan of expressions like '123e-'. We
;; must return 123 with pointer at 'e'. If E or e is found, hold
;; input pointer in D6 in case subsequent scanning does not make
;; sense of the characters past '123'.
MOVE.L A0,D6 ; save current char ptr
SUBQ.L #1,D6 ; and point to E,e
CMPI.B #'E',D0
BEQ.S @1
CMPI.B #'e',D0
BNE.S StateNum ; no exponent found
BSR.S GetChar
CMPI.B #'+',D0
BEQ.S @3
CMPI.B #'-',D0
BNE.S @7
BSET #FLEXPSGN,D2 ; mark as negative exponent
BSR.S GetChar
;; Keep saved input pointer D6 only if no digits. If no digits are found
;; after an E or e, then back up the input pointer and accept only those
;; digits which preceded the 'E'.
CMPI.B #'0',D0
BCS.S @15 ; must be 0-9
CMPI.B #'9',D0
BHI.S @15
MOVEQ #-1,D6 ; use current char ptr
ANDI.W #$000F,D0 ; mask higher ascii bits
MULU #10,D5 ; multiply by 10
ADD.W D0,D5 ; add in this digit
CMPI.W #$2000,D5
BCS.S @13 ; less than 8192 OK
MOVE.W #$2000,D5 ; force huge value
BRA.S @3
;; Finish exponent scanner by checking for presence of exponent digits.
TST.L D6 ; digits after 'E'?
BPL StateBackup ; if not, reset input ptr
;; StateNum -- have sighted the first unrecognizable character after a
;; possible number. Check first for 0, a special case since all digits
;; were discarded above, then put the number in canonical form.
SUBQ.L #1,A0 ; set char ptr back by 1
TST.B D2 ; any digits?
BNE.S @1 ; if so, go to next section
TST.W D4 ; if not, leading '0'S?
BPL.S StateFin ; nothing seen
MOVE.W #$0130,(A2) ; put '0' into d.sig
BRA.S StateFin
;; Have nonzero number with:
;; D2.B digits in string at DSIG(A1),
;; exponent in D5,
;; lost digit count - fraction count in D1.
;; To align decimal point at right of the D2.B digits, compute
;; true exp := EXP + D1
;; To produce canonical conversions, strip trailing zeros from d.sig.
;; FP68K will adjust for minimum exponent, but not for trailing zeros.
TST.L D2 ; negative exponent bit?
BPL.S @3 ; if not, go on
NEG.W D5 ; if so, negate
CMP.B #$30,4(A1,D2.W) ; examine last digit
BNE.S @5 ; and strip trailing zeros
SUBQ.B #1,D2 ; decrement string length byte
CMP.B #$13,D2 ; was 20th digit just removed?
BEQ.S @4 ; if so, skip the increment
ADDQ.W #1,D5 ; increment exponent
BRA.S @3 ; go back to check more digits
MOVE.B D2,DSIG(A1) ; Pascal string length byte
MOVE.W D5,DEXP(A1) ; store in d.exp
;; Replace the updated input pointer. Restore registers D2-D7/A2-A3.
SUBA.L S(A6),A0 ; current ptr - initial ptr
MOVEA.L INDEX(A6),A1 ; A1<--address of index
MOVE.W A0,(A1) ; return-value of index
MOVEA.L RETURN(A6),A0 ; caller return address
MOVEA.L VPREF(A6),A1 ; validprefix address
SWAP D4 ; move ValPref flag to lo word
MOVE.B D4,(A1) ; return-value of ValidPrefix
MOVEM.L REGISTERS(A6),D2-D7/A2-A3 ; restore registers
ADDA.W #20,SP ; pop the stack
JMP (A0) ; return to caller
DC.B '_pstr2dec ' ; for Lisa debugging only
;; State99 -- all else has failed so check for °, INF or NaN.
;; ° is easy, but INF & NaN may parse partially. Use D6 to remember
;; where the string pointer is at the start so it can be reset
;; if the string does not contain a full token for INF or NaN.
;; Use little utility GetMapped to fetch a character, map to upper
;; case, and check against a seed in D3.
;; If NAN is scanned, change the default nancode of NaNAsciiBinary to
;; NaNZero (N4000). If nan digits are found, change code again to reflect them.
CMPI.B #'°',D0 ; test for ° symbol
BEQ INF_2 ; if found, return INFINITY
SUBQ.L #1,A0 ; rewind char pointer
MOVEQ #'I',D3 ; test for 'I'
BSR GetMapped
BEQ StateInf ; if 'I' then check for INF
CMPI.B #'N',D0 ; is it NaN?
BNE.S StateBackup ; if not, then quit looking
BSR GetMapped
BNE.S StateBackup
BSR GetMapped
BNE StateBackup
MOVE.L #$054E3430,(A2)+; default to NaNZero and
MOVE.W #$3030,(A2) ; point to NaN-code field
;; Expect string (xxxx) to follow NAN. If the input string contains a
;; valid NaN code, change the decimal record's 2-byte Nan-code field.
;; The last valid token might be the 'NaN' just parsed. To protect
;; subsequent parsing against overscan of stuff like 'NaN(12', keep a
;; pointer to the 'NaN' part to fall back on if needed. (in D6)
MOVE.L A0,D6 ; save input pointer
BSR.S GetChar
CMPI.B #'(',D0
BNE.S StateBackup
MOVEQ #0,D3 ; compute NaN code in D3
BSR.S GetChar
BCS.S @57 ; < 0 so try ')'
CMPI.B #'9',D0
BHI.S StateBackup ; > 9 so neither digit nor ')'
MULU #10,D3 ; multiply by 10
ANDI.W #$000F,D0 ; mask higher ascii bits
BRA.S @51
CMPI.B #')',D0 ; end with ')'?
BNE.S StateBackup ; if not, use saved char ptr
;; Now stuff a 3 character string 'Nxx' with 2 low nibbles from D3.
BSR.S NibOut
ROR.W #8,D0 ; save byte
ROR.B #4,D3 ; align hi byte
BSR.S NibOut
ROR.W #8,D0
MOVE.W D0,(A2)
BRA.S INF_3 ; same exit as StateInf
;; If the string has been overscanned, then D6 contains a pointer to
;; the last valid substring.
;; In that case, accept this pointer and branch to the output routine.
BRA.S StNum2
BSR.S GetMapped
BNE.S StateBackup
BSR.S GetMapped
BNE.S StateBackup
MOVE.W #$0149,(A2) ; put 'I' into decimal record
MOVEQ #-1,D6 ; use current char ptr
TST.L D4 ; Cstring?
BPL.S @1 ; if not, then Pascal
MOVE.B (A0),D0 ; examine char after INF
BNE.S StateFin ; if not end of scan, exit
BRA.S @3
CMPA.L A0,A3 ; end of Pascal scan?
BGE.S StateFin ; if not, exit
BSET #FLVALPREF,D4 ; if so, set flag
BRA.S StateFin ; and then exit
;; GetMapped -- fetches next input character, maps lower to upper case,
;; and compares with seed in D3.B. Note that 'a' = 'A' + $20
BSR.S GetChar
CMPI.B #'a',D0
BCS.S @1
CMPI.B #'z',D0
BHI.S @1
SUBI.B #$20,D0
;; Routine to pluck a nibble from D3 and construct an ascii character
;; in D0.B.
MOVE.B #$0F,D0 ; leave high bits alone
CMPI.B #9,D0
BLS.S @61
ADDQ.B #$07,D0 ; offset $37 for A-F
ADDI.B #$30,D0 ; offset $30 for 0-9