/******************************************************************************* * TIP.CPP TROUBLE IN PARADISE 05/22/98 * ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "tip.h" #define TITLE_TOP 11 #define BODY_TOP 54 #define BODY_LEFT 156 #define BODY_RIGHT 445 #define BODY_BOTTOM 280 #define BODY_WIDTH (BODY_RIGHT - BODY_LEFT) #define BODY_HEIGHT (BODY_BOTTOM - BODY_TOP) #define LOGO_1_LEFT 157 #define LOGO_1_TOP 57 /******************************************************************************* * WinMain * * Startup the Windows program. *******************************************************************************/ void WinMain(uint8_t *DrivesSkipped) { CurrentDevice = 0; // test for an Iomega device EnumerateIomegaDevices(DrivesSkipped); if (DriveCount == 1) { // we have only one, so select it for the user CurrentDevice = DriveArray[0].scsi_id; } if (DriveCount == 0) { // disable testing button when no drives present (added by mlt) EnableWindow(hTestButton, false); SetRichEditText(szASPITrouble); } // now startup the timer for real-time features StartApplicationTimer(); } /******************************************************************************* * PAINT 3D HEADLINE *******************************************************************************/ void Paint3DHeadline(const char *pszText, int Xleft, int Ytop) { TextSize(24); TextFace(bold); TextFont(helvetica); SetColor(WHITE_COLOR); TextOut(Xleft, Ytop, pszText); SetColor(BLACK_COLOR); TextOut(Xleft+1, Ytop+1, pszText); TextFont(applFont); TextFace(0); TextSize(10); } /******************************************************************************* * WndProc * * This is the system's main window procedure *******************************************************************************/ void WndProc(long iMessage, uint16_t wParam) { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WM_PAINT // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (iMessage == WM_PAINT) { // Draw the Lower Horz Button Divider GetDC(hMainWnd); SetColor(GRAY_COLOR); MoveTo(15, 289); LineTo(446, 289); SetColor(WHITE_COLOR); LineTo(446, 290); LineTo(14, 290); ReleaseDC(hMainWnd); // Draw the Gibson 'G' Logo if(CurrentPage == INTRO_PAGE) { GetDC(hIntroWnd); SetColor(GRAY_COLOR, GRAY_COLOR); MoveTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+1, LOGO_1_TOP+29); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+14, LOGO_1_TOP+29); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+14, LOGO_1_TOP+0); SetColor(WHITE_COLOR, LTGRAY_COLOR); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+12, LOGO_1_TOP+0); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+0, LOGO_1_TOP+12); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+0, LOGO_1_TOP+30); SetColor(GRAY_COLOR, GRAY_COLOR); MoveTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+18, LOGO_1_TOP+14); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+46, LOGO_1_TOP+14); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+46, LOGO_1_TOP+12); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+34, LOGO_1_TOP+0); SetColor(WHITE_COLOR, LTGRAY_COLOR); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+17, LOGO_1_TOP+0); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+17, LOGO_1_TOP+15); SetColor(GRAY_COLOR, GRAY_COLOR); MoveTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+33, LOGO_1_TOP+46); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+46, LOGO_1_TOP+46); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+46, LOGO_1_TOP+29); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+34, LOGO_1_TOP+17); SetColor(WHITE_COLOR, LTGRAY_COLOR); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+32, LOGO_1_TOP+17); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+32, LOGO_1_TOP+47); SetColor(GRAY_COLOR, GRAY_COLOR); MoveTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+1, LOGO_1_TOP+35); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+12, LOGO_1_TOP+46); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+29, LOGO_1_TOP+46); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+29, LOGO_1_TOP+32); SetColor(WHITE_COLOR, LTGRAY_COLOR); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+0, LOGO_1_TOP+32); LineTo(LOGO_1_LEFT+0, LOGO_1_TOP+35); // paint the 3D program title Paint3DHeadline(szIntroTitle, BODY_LEFT, TITLE_TOP); // now the rest of the stuff ... SetColor(BLACK_COLOR); #define WH_RECT(L,T,W,H) L, T, L + W, T + H Rect rect; SetRect(&rect, WH_RECT(221, BODY_TOP, 230, 60)); TETextBox(szIntroSubTitle, strlen(szIntroSubTitle), &rect, teFlushDefault); SetRect(&rect, WH_RECT(BODY_LEFT, BODY_TOP+64, BODY_WIDTH, 115)); TETextBox(szIntroText, strlen(szIntroText), &rect, teFlushDefault); // show the current logo bitmap SplashTheBitmap(); ReleaseDC(hIntroWnd); } // Paint the Copyright Notice GetDC(hMainWnd); SetColor(GRAY_COLOR); TextOut(15, 298, szCopyright_1); TextOut(15, 311, szCopyright_2); ReleaseDC(hMainWnd); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // WM_COMMAND : a button was pressed // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- else if (iMessage == WM_COMMAND) { switch(wParam) { case IDB_QUIT: if (TestingPhase < TESTING_STARTUP) { PostQuitMessage(); } break; case IDB_TEST: switch(CartridgeStatus) { case DISK_SPUN_DOWN: SpinUpIomegaCartridge(CurrentDevice); break; case DISK_AT_SPEED: printf("\nTesting the disk\n"); if(TestingPhase != READY_TO_TEST) { PrepareToBeginTesting(); } TestTheDisk(); printf("Test finished\n"); break; case DISK_TEST_UNDERWAY: UserInterrupt = 1; break; case DISK_Z_TRACK_FAILURE: case DISK_TEST_FAILURE: case DISK_PROTECTED: EjectIomegaCartridge(CurrentDevice); break; case DISK_LOW_SPARES: CartridgeStatus = DISK_AT_SPEED; SetRichEditText(szNotRunning); SetWindowText(hTestButton, szPressToStart); PrepareToBeginTesting(); InvalidateRect(hTestMonitor); break; } break; default: break; } } } /******************************************************************************* * SUNKEN FIELDS *******************************************************************************/ void SunkenFields(Rect *pFirstRect, long count, long yspacing) { Rect drawRect; drawRect = *pFirstRect; // make a local copy do { DrawEdge(&drawRect, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_RECT); drawRect.top += yspacing; drawRect.bottom += yspacing; } while(--count); } /******************************************************************************* * PAINT TEXT ARRAY *******************************************************************************/ void PaintTextArray(TextList *list, long color) { SetColor(color); for(int i = 0; list[i].str; i++) { TextOut(list[i].x, list[i].y, list[i].str); } } /******************************************************************************* * PAINT TEST PHASE *******************************************************************************/ void PaintTestPhase() { DrawLed(320, 5, TestingPhase == READING_DATA ? GREEN_COLOR : BACK_COLOR); DrawLed(336, 5, TestingPhase == WRITING_PATT ? RED_COLOR : BACK_COLOR); DrawLed(336, 21, TestingPhase == READING_PATT ? GREEN_COLOR : BACK_COLOR); DrawLed(320, 21, TestingPhase == WRITING_DATA ? RED_COLOR : BACK_COLOR); } /******************************************************************************* * PAINT CART STATUS * * Paints the textual cartridge status window *******************************************************************************/ void PaintCartStatus() { // blank out any previous status display SetColor(BACK_COLOR); Rectangle(115, 9, 241, 27); // display the new cartridge status long eax = CartridgeStatus - 1; if(eax < 0 || eax >= LAST_CART_STATUS) { eax = 0; } // pickup the pointer to the string const char *esi; if (DriveCount) { esi = CartStatStrings[eax]; } else { esi = szNoIomegaDrives; } SetColor(BLACK_COLOR); TextOutCentered(115, 9, 241 - 115, 27 - 9, esi); } /******************************************************************************* * PAINT BAR GRAPH *******************************************************************************/ void PaintBarGraph(int Xleft, int Ytop, int XWidth, int YHeight, long BarColor, long BarValue, char *pRightText, bool Active) { // fill the entire rectangle with background gray SetColor(BACK_COLOR); Rectangle(Xleft, Ytop, Xleft + XWidth, Ytop + YHeight); if (Active) { // now fleshout the bar ONLY IF we're active // if RightText string is non-null, paint it in darker gray if(pRightText) { SetColor(GRAY_COLOR); TextOutCentered(Xleft, Ytop, XWidth, YHeight, pRightText); } // now paint the active portion const long AbsoluteBarWidth = XWidth * BarValue / 100; SetColor(BarColor, BLACK_COLOR); Rectangle(Xleft, Ytop, Xleft + AbsoluteBarWidth, Ytop + YHeight); // now place the floating percentage into the middle (if it fits there) if(BarValue > 0 && BarValue <= 100) { char PercentString[8]; sprintf(PercentString, szBarChartPercent, BarValue); SetColor(WHITE_COLOR); TextOutCentered(Xleft, Ytop, AbsoluteBarWidth, YHeight, PercentString); } } } /******************************************************************************* * PAINT THE BAR GRAPHS * * This paints the two or three bar graphs on the test monitor window. *******************************************************************************/ void PaintTheBarGraphs(bool Active) { long ebx, ecx; PaintBarGraph(13, 57, 395, 14, BLUE_COLOR, PercentComplete, NULL, Active); if(JazDrive) { ebx = Side_0_SparesCount; ecx = MAXIMUM_JAZ_SPARES; if(ebx > ecx) { // if Spares > MAXIMUM ebx = ecx; // clip Spares down to MAX } PaintBarGraph(13, 95, 395, 30, RED_COLOR, CvrtIntoPrcnt(ebx, ecx), NULL, Active); } else { ebx = Side_0_SparesCount; ecx = MAXIMUM_ZIP_SPARES; PaintBarGraph(13, 95, 395, 14, RED_COLOR, CvrtIntoPrcnt(ebx, ecx), "Side 0", Active); ebx = Side_1_SparesCount; ecx = MAXIMUM_ZIP_SPARES; PaintBarGraph(13, 111, 395, 14, RED_COLOR, CvrtIntoPrcnt(ebx, ecx), "Side 1", Active); } } int CvrtIntoPrcnt(long val, long max) { return 100 - val*100/max; } /******************************************************************************* * PAINT CENTERED STRING * * Paubts a string int a rectangular region *******************************************************************************/ void PaintCenteredString(int Xleft, int Ytop, int XWidth, int YHeight, const char *pText, bool Active) { // fill the entire rectangle with background gray SetColor(BACK_COLOR); Rectangle(Xleft, Ytop, Xleft + XWidth, Ytop + YHeight); // now fleshout the bitmap ONLY IF we're active if(Active) { SetColor(BLACK_COLOR); TextOutCentered(Xleft, Ytop, XWidth, YHeight, pText); } } /******************************************************************************* * PAINT CENTERED VALUE * * Paints a decimal-value into a rectangular region *******************************************************************************/ void PaintCenteredValue(int Xleft, int Ytop, int XWidth, int YHeight, long value, bool Active) { char szString[40]; // convert our value into a string sprintf(szString, szCenteredDecimal, value); // and paint it's value PaintCenteredString(Xleft, Ytop, XWidth, YHeight, szString, Active); } /******************************************************************************* * PAINT TEST STATISTICS * * This paints the two columns of testing statistics on the test minitor window. *******************************************************************************/ char *FindErrorString(long error) { char *errStr = 0; for (int i = 0; errorTypeList[i].str; i++) { errStr = errorTypeList[i].str; if (errorTypeList[i].code == error) break; } return errStr; } void PaintTestStatistics(bool Active) { char szString[40]; // assemble and paint the sector testing range long eax = SingleTransferLBA; if (eax) { sprintf(szString, szCenteredDecimal, eax); } else { eax = FirstLBASector; if (!TestingPhase) { eax = 0; } sprintf(szString, szCenteredDecimal, eax); strcat(szString, szSpaceDashSpace); eax = FirstLBASector + NumberOfLBAs - 1; if (TestingPhase == READY_TO_TEST) { eax = LastLBAOnCartridge; } sprintf(szString + strlen(szString), szCenteredDecimal, eax); } PaintCenteredString(76, 155, 126, 14, szString, Active); // show the LastError PaintCenteredString(76, 172, 126, 14, FindErrorString(LastError), Active); // show the elapsed time CvrtSecondsToHMSstring(szString, SecondsElapsed); PaintCenteredString(76, 189, 126, 14, szString, Active); // see if it's time for us to estimate... if(SecondsElapsed - ElapsedTimeOfLastEstimate > 15 && PercentComplete > 0) { // assemble the remaining time ElapsedTimeOfLastEstimate = SecondsElapsed; CurrentTotalTimeEstimate = SecondsElapsed * 100 / PercentComplete; } // given the current estimate time, show the remaining time! eax = CurrentTotalTimeEstimate; if(eax) { eax -= SecondsElapsed; if(eax < 0) eax = 0; CvrtSecondsToHMSstring(szString, eax); } else { strcpy(szString, szEstimating); } PaintCenteredString(76, 206, 126, 14, szString, Active); // now show the error accumulations... long TotalErrors = SoftErrors + FirmErrors + HardErrors; PaintCenteredValue(347, 155, 61, 14, SoftErrors, Active); PaintCenteredValue(347, 172, 61, 14, FirmErrors, Active); PaintCenteredValue(347, 189, 61, 14, HardErrors, Active); PaintCenteredValue(347, 206, 61, 14, TotalErrors, Active); } void CvrtSecondsToHMSstring(char *szString, long seconds) { const long h = (seconds / 3600); const long m = (seconds / 60) % 60; const long s = (seconds % 60); sprintf(szString, szHoursMinsSecs, h, m, s); } /******************************************************************************* * TEST MONITOR WND PROC *******************************************************************************/ void TestMonitorWndProc() { long eax; SetColor(BLACK_COLOR); TextOut(12, 9, szCartStatus); DrawEdge(&CS_Stat, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_RECT); PaintCartStatus(); // draw the sunken rectangles DrawEdge(&TP_Perc, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_RECT); DrawEdge(&SE_Rect, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_RECT); SunkenFields(&TL_Sect, 4, 17); SunkenFields(&ES_Read, 4, 17); if(JazDrive) { // draw a single LARGE rectangle DrawEdge(&SS_Jaz, BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_RECT); } else { // draw a pair of smaller rectangles SunkenFields(&SS_Sid0, 2, 16); } if((CartridgeStatus == DISK_AT_SPEED) || (CartridgeStatus == DISK_SPUN_DOWN) || (CartridgeStatus >= DISK_LOW_SPARES)) { PaintTheBarGraphs(true); PaintTestStatistics(true); eax = BLACK_COLOR; } else { PaintTheBarGraphs(false); PaintTestStatistics(false); eax = GRAY_COLOR; } PaintTextArray(TestBlackText, eax); PaintTextArray(TestGrayText, GRAY_COLOR); PaintTestPhase(); // paint the little speaker icon Rect theRect; SetRect(&theRect, 232, 191, 232+16, 191+16); PlotIconID(&theRect, atTopLeft, 0, 129); } /******************************************************************************* * APPLICATION TIMER PROC *******************************************************************************/ void ApplicationTimerProc() { // only if we have at least ONE Iomega drive if(DriveCount) { HandleDriveChanging(); } } /******************************************************************************* * UPDATE RUN TIME DISPLAY *******************************************************************************/ void UpdateRunTimeDisplay() { GetDC(hTestMonitor); PaintTestPhase(); PaintTheBarGraphs(true); PaintTestStatistics(true); PaintCartStatus();// Added by MLT ReleaseDC(hTestMonitor); } /******************************************************************************* * UPDATE CURRENT SECTOR *******************************************************************************/ void UpdateCurrentSector() { GetDC(hTestMonitor); char szString[40]; sprintf(szString, szCenteredDecimal, SingleTransferLBA); PaintCenteredString(76, 155, 126, 14, szString, true); ReleaseDC(hTestMonitor); } /******************************************************************************* * UPDATE RUN PHASE DISPLAY *******************************************************************************/ void UpdateRunPhaseDisplay() { GetDC(hTestMonitor); PaintTestPhase(); ReleaseDC(hTestMonitor); } /******************************************************************************* * PREVENT PROGRAM EXIT *******************************************************************************/ void PreventProgramExit() { EnableWindow(hExitButton, false); } /******************************************************************************* * ALLOW PROGRAM EXIT *******************************************************************************/ void AllowProgramExit() { EnableWindow(hExitButton, true); } /******************************************************************************* * ERROR SOUND *******************************************************************************/ void ErrorSound() { if(SendMessage(hSoundCheckbox, BM_GETCHECK) == BST_CHECKED) { SysBeep(10); } }