#include "ctype.h" extern WindowPtr tipWindow; void run_tip(); typedef enum TipPage { INTRO_PAGE, PERFORM_TEST_PAGE, EXPLAIN_RESULTS, } TipPage; #define MINIMUM_JAZ_SPARES 500 #define MAXIMUM_JAZ_SPARES 2557 #define MINIMUM_ZIP_SPARES 50 #define MAXIMUM_ZIP_SPARES 126 extern TipPage CurrentPage; extern long CurrentDevice; extern long DriveCount; extern long JazDrive; // true if the current drive extern long CartridgeStatus; extern long LastLBAOnCartridge; extern uint32_t StartingInstant; extern long NumberOfLBAs; extern long AdapterMaxSectors; extern long Side_0_SparesCount; // JAZ has only one count extern long Side_1_SparesCount; // ZIP has counts for both sides extern long Initial_Side_0_Spares; extern long Initial_Side_1_Spares; extern long TestingPhase; // 0 = not testing, no data ... extern long PercentComplete; extern long FirstLBASector; extern long NumberOfLBAs; extern long SecondsElapsed; extern long SoftErrors; extern long FirmErrors; extern long HardErrors; extern long ElapsedTimeOfLastEstimate; extern long CurrentTotalTimeEstimate; extern bool UserInterrupt; extern long LastError; extern long SingleTransferLBA; //-------------------------- Drive Array Status Flags --------------------------- #define JAZ_DRIVE 0x01 #define MEDIA_CHANGED 0x02 #define DISK_EJECTING 0x04 // we've asked for eject and waiting ... #define ODD_BYTE_COMPENSATION 0x08 // special handling for ODD length PSWD #define MOUNTED_DRIVE 0x10 // drive was mounted at startup, ignore it #define MAX_DRIVE_COUNT 8 // we can handle up to 8 Zip/Jaz drives struct DriveEntry { uint8_t flags; uint8_t scsi_id; }; extern DriveEntry DriveArray[MAX_DRIVE_COUNT]; // ----------------------- Macintosh Compatibility ----------------------- enum AlertTypes { ERR_DLG, YN_DLG }; enum { BACK_COLOR = -1, BLACK_COLOR = 0x000000, LTGRAY_COLOR = 0xc0c0c0, GRAY_COLOR = 0x808080, WHITE_COLOR = 0xffffff, BLUE_COLOR = 0x0000ff, RED_COLOR = 0xff0000, GREEN_COLOR = 0x00ff00, }; #define BDR_SUNKENOUTER 1 #define BF_RECT 1 #define WM_PAINT 1 #define WM_COMMAND 2 #define SW_SHOW 1 #define SW_HIDE 2 #define BM_GETCHECK 1 #define BST_CHECKED 1 void SetRGBColor(long color, RGBColor *rgbColor); void SetColor(long color); void SetColor(long color, long monoColor); void SetBackColor(long color); void DrawLed(int x, int y, long color); void StrToPascal(Str255 pStr, const char *str); int ShowAlert(AlertTypes type, const char* format, ...); void SetRichEditText(const char *name); long GetTextExtent(const char *str, unsigned long len); void TextOut(int x, int y, Str255 str); void TextOut(int x, int y, const char *str); void TextOutCentered(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *str); void SetWindowText(int id, const char *str); void EnableWindow(int id, bool enabled); void ShowWindow(ControlHandle hCntl, int state); void ShowWindow(int id, int state); long SendMessage(int id, int msg); void InvalidateRect(int id); void Rectangle(int left, int top, int right, int bottom); void DrawEdge(Rect *qrc, int edge, int grfFlags); void StartApplicationTimer(); void StopApplicationTimer(); void PostQuitMessage(); unsigned long GetSystemTime(); bool PrepareDC(int which); void SplashTheBitmap(); void Paint3DHeadline(); #define GetDC(h) {GrafPtr oldPort; \ GetPort(&oldPort); \ if(PrepareDC(h)) { #define ReleaseDC(h) } SetOrigin(0,0); \ SetPort(oldPort);} // ------------------------------ Cartridge Status ------------------------------- enum { DISK_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 1, DISK_AT_SPEED = 2, DISK_SPINNING_UP = 3, DISK_NOT_PRESENT = 4, DISK_SPUN_DOWN = 5, DISK_STALLED = 6, DISK_Z_TRACK_FAILURE = 7, DISK_PROTECTED = 8, DISK_LOW_SPARES = 9, DISK_TEST_UNDERWAY = 10, DISK_TEST_FAILURE = 11, LAST_CART_STATUS = 11 }; // ---------------------------- Testing Phase Status ----------------------------- enum { UNTESTED = 0, READY_TO_TEST = 1, TESTING_STARTUP = 2, READING_DATA = 3, WRITING_PATT = 4, READING_PATT = 5, WRITING_DATA = 6 }; /******************************************************************************* * STRINGS *******************************************************************************/ extern const char *szIntroTitle; extern const char *szIntroSubTitle; extern const char *szIntroText; extern const char *szWindowTitle; extern const char *szCopyright_1; extern const char *szCopyright_2; extern const char *szIomega; extern const char *szZip; extern const char *szJaz; extern const char *szSide0; extern const char *szSide1; extern const char *szSpaceDashSpace; extern const char *szBarChartPercent; extern const char *szCenteredDecimal; extern const char *szCenteredHex; extern const char *szHoursMinsSecs; extern const char *szCartStatus; extern const char *szEstimating; extern const char *szOneMoment; extern const char *szPressToStart; extern const char *szPressToStop; extern const char *szPressToSpin; extern const char *szPressToEject; extern const char *szPressToProceed; /************* Filenames *************/ extern const char *szInstructions; extern const char *szNoASPI; extern const char *szASPITrouble; extern const char *szPPAVersion; extern const char *szDefectList; extern const char *szLocked; extern const char *szNoSpares; extern const char *szOutOfSpares; extern const char *szFewSpares; extern const char *szNotRunning; extern const char *szRunning; extern const char *szInterrupted; extern const char *szPerfectResult; extern const char *szExplainResult; extern const char *szBadResult; extern const char *szIomegaQuote; /************* Cartridge Status Text *************/ typedef struct {long code; char *str;} ErrorTypeList; typedef struct {int x, y; char *str;} TextList; extern const char *szUnknownStat; extern const char *szAtSpeedStat; extern const char *szSpinningUp; extern const char *szNotPresent; extern const char *szSpunDown; extern const char *szStalledStat; extern const char *szZtrackFailure; extern const char *szDiskLocked; extern const char *szLowSpares; extern const char *szTestUnderway; extern const char *DriveUnderTest; extern const char *szTestFailure; extern const char *szNoIomegaDrives; extern const char *CartStatStrings[]; extern ErrorTypeList errorTypeList[]; extern TextList TestBlackText[]; extern TextList TestGrayText[]; /************* Window Creation Data **************/ extern const char *szBack; extern const char *szNext; extern const char *szQuit; #define IDB_BACK 0xFF00 #define IDB_NEXT 0xFF01 #define IDB_QUIT 0xFF02 #define IDB_TEST 0xFF03 #define IDB_EXPL 0xFF04 #define IDB_OKAY 0xFF05 #define IDB_READ 0xFF06 #define IDB_BEEP 0xFF07 enum { hDefault, hMainWnd, hTestMonitor, hTestButton = IDB_TEST, hExitButton = IDB_QUIT, hSoundCheckbox, // Extras added by MLT hIntroWnd = 5, hExplainWnd = IDB_EXPL }; typedef struct { int id; const char *name; int x; int y; int w; int h; int type; ControlHandle hndl; } BtnList; extern BtnList tipBtns[]; extern Rect CS_Stat, TP_Perc, SS_Jaz, SS_Sid0, TL_Sect, ES_Read, SE_Rect; /******************************************************************************* * FUNCTION PROTOTYPES *******************************************************************************/ void PaintCenteredString(int Xleft, int Ytop, int XWidth, int YHeight, const char *pText, bool Active); void PaintCenteredValue(int Xleft, int Ytop, int XWidth, int YHeight, long value, bool Active); void SunkenFields(Rect *pFirstRect, long count, long yspacing); void PaintCartStatus(); void PaintTextArray(TextList *list, long color); void PaintBarGraph(int Xleft, int Ytop, int XWidth, int YHeight, long BarColor, long BarValue, char *pRightText, bool Active); int CvrtIntoPrcnt(long val, long max); void PaintTestPhase(); void PaintTheBarGraphs(bool Active); void PaintTestStatistics(bool Active); void CvrtSecondsToHMSstring(char *szString, long seconds); void UpdateCurrentSector(); void UpdateRunTimeDisplay(); void UpdateRunPhaseDisplay(); void PreventProgramExit(); void AllowProgramExit(); void ErrorSound(); void ProcessPendingMessages(); void WinMain(uint8_t *DrivesSkipped); void Paint3DHeadline(const char *pszText, int Xleft, int Ytop); void WndProc(long iMessage, uint16_t wParam); void TestMonitorWndProc(); void ApplicationTimerProc(); void TestButtonClicked(); int GetDriveEntryOffset(short Device); void GetCommandDetails(char command, char &cmd_flags, char &cmd_length); long SCSICommand(short Device, char *lpCmdBlk, void *lpIoBuf, short IoBufLen); long EnumerateIomegaDevices(uint8_t *DrivesSkipped); long GetModePage(short Device, short PageToGet, void *pBuffer, short BufLen); long SetModePage(short Device, void *pBuffer); void ModifyModePage(char *PageBuff, char eec, char retries); void SetErrorRecovery(bool Retries, bool ECC, bool Testing); long GetNonSenseData(short Device, short DataPage, void *Buffer, short BufLen); long LockCurrentDrive(); long UnlockCurrentDrive(); void UnlockAllMedia(); long SpinUpIomegaCartridge(short Device); void EjectAllMedia(); long GetSpareSectorCounts(char); uint8_t GetCartridgeStatus(long Device); void HandleDriveChanging(); void SetCartridgeStatusToEAX(long eax); void EjectIomegaCartridge(int Device); long PerformRegionTransfer(short XferCmd, void *pBuffer); void TestTheDisk(); long GetElapsedTimeInSeconds(); void PrepareToBeginTesting(); void BumpErrorCounts(long ErrorCode); void EjectIomegaCartridge();