2021-11-19 21:28:52 -07:00

255 lines
8.5 KiB

szCheck_1 db "Check my web site at "
szCheck_2 db "http://grc.com"
szCheck_3 db " from time",0
szCheck_4 db "to time for newer versions and other free stuff.",0
szActionTabOne db "Perform Test",0
szActionTabTwo db "Explain Results",0
szCartStatus db "Cartridge Status:",0
szLeftQuote db "Listen to David Hellier's Introduction",0
szRightQuote db "Listen to David Hellier's Statement",0
szEstimating db "Estimating ...",0
szOneMoment db "--- --- ---",0
szPressToStart db "Press to Begin",0
szPressToStop db "Press to Stop",0
szPressToSpin db "Press to Spin Up",0
szPressToEject db "Press to Eject",0
szPressToProceed db "Press to Proceed",0
szInstructions db "instruct",0
szNoASPI db "noaspi",0
szASPITrouble db "trouble",0
szPPAVersion db "ppaver",0
szDefectList db "defect",0
szLocked db "locked",0
szNoSpares db "nospares",0
szOutOfSpares db "outofspares",0
szFewSpares db "fewspares",0
szNotRunning db "notrunning",0
szRunning db "running",0
szInterrupted db "interrupted",0
szPerfectResult db "perfectresult",0
szExplainResult db "explainresult",0
szBadResult db "badresult",0
szIomegaQuote db "iomegaquote",0
CloseCurly db "}"
CartStatStrings dd szUnknownStat, szAtSpeedStat, szSpinningUp
dd szNotPresent, szSpunDown, szStalledStat
dd szZtrackFailure, szDiskLocked, szLowSpares
dd szTestUnderway, szTestFailure
szUnknownStat db "Ejecting Cartridge",0
szAtSpeedStat db "Ready to Test",0
szSpinningUp db "Spinning Up",0
szNotPresent db "Awaiting Cartridge",0
szSpunDown db "Not Spinning",0
szStalledStat db "Stalled Error",0
szZtrackFailure db "Z-Tracks Failure !!",0
szDiskLocked db "Disk Protected",0
szLowSpares db "Low Spares Count",0
szTestUnderway db "Testing Drive "
DriveUnderTest db "X: ...",0
szTestFailure db "Testing Failed",0
szNoIomegaDrives db "No Iomega Drives",0
ErrorTypeTest Label Byte
errcode 000000, "-- None So Far --"
errcode 1C0000, "Missing Defect List"
errcode 0C0101, "Wrote with Realloc"
errcode 0C8001, "Wrote with Retries"
errcode 0C8101, "Wrote with Off Track"
errcode 0C8201, "Wrote w/o SectorMark"
errcode 0C8301, "Wrote with ID skip"
errcode 170101, "Read with Retries"
errcode 170601, "Retried & Realloc"
errcode 180001, "Data Corrected"
errcode 180101, "ECC & Retries"
errcode 180201, "ECC & Realloc'd"
errcode 1C8F01, "Defect List Recvr'd"
errcode 040002, "Drive Not Ready"
errcode 040102, "Drive Going Ready"
errcode 040202, "Drive Not Ready #2"
errcode 040302, "Drive Needs Help"
errcode 040402, "Not Rdy - Formating"
errcode 300002, "Incompatible Media"
errcode 3A0002, "Media Not Present"
errcode 010003, "Missing Sector Mark"
errcode 030003, "Off Track Write"
errcode 100003, "Bad ID Checksum"
errcode 110003, "Unrecovered Read"
errcode 118003, "Unrecovered Read"
errcode 120003, "MissingID Sync"
errcode 130003, "Missing Addr Mark"
errcode 140003, "Sector Not Found"
errcode 160003, "Sync Mark Missing"
errcode 1C0003, "Defect List Error"
errcode 310003, "Corrupt Media Format"
errcode 310103, "Format Command Fail"
; errcode31xx03, " -- failures --"
errcode 320003, "No Spare Sectors" ; abort on this
errcode 328F03, "No Spare Tracks" ; abort on this
errcode 018104, "Missing Sector Pulse"
errcode 090004, "Track Follow Error"
errcode 150004, "Head Seek Failure"
errcode 220004, "Cartridge Sense Fail"
; errcode 40xx04, "Self Test Failed"
errcode 470004, "Data Parity Error"
; errcode xx0004, "Vendor Specific Error"
errcode 290006, "I/O Bus Reset Error"
errcode 88010B, "Reassigned Blk Err"
errcode 88020B, "Side Switch Error"
errcode 0FFFFE6, "Buffer Too Big"
errcode 0FFFFFFFF, "-- Unknown Error --"
szNoXferLenText db "This system's ASPI manager has returned a ZERO",CR,LF
db "LENGTH transfer buffer length. Please let Steve",CR,LF
db "know by sending him eMail at: steve@grc.com",0
szNoXferLenTitle db "ASPI Manager Problem ...",0
szIntroTitle db "Trouble In Paradise",0
szIntroSubTitle db "FREEWARE by Steve Gibson,",CR
db "Gibson Research Corporation",CR
db "http://grc.com ( v 2.1b )",0
szIntroText db "This freeware utility determines whether an Iomega Zip "
db "or Jaz drive is prone to developing the dreaded "
db " 'Click Of Death' (COD) syndrome.",CR
db "My research into the maintenance, repair and data "
db "recovery of Iomega's removable "
db "media mass storage products led to this capability.",CR
db "(Please see my web site for more information.)"
db 0
szSelectDrive db "Drive Selection",0
szSelectionHelp db "This system contains more than one Iomega drive "
db "that can be tested with this program, but only "
db "one drive may be tested at a time."
db CR,CR
db "You may change the drive being tested at any time, "
db "whenever drive testing is not underway, but only "
db "ONE drive should have a cartridge inserted at any "
db "time. If a second cartridge is inserted into a "
db "second drive, this program will assume that you "
db "wish to switch to testing that new drive, so the "
db "previous drive's cartridge will be ejected."
db CR,CR
db "To insure that only the proper drive and/or "
db "cartridge are tested, ALL cartridges inserted into "
db "Iomega drives were ejected when this program was "
db "started.",0
TestBlackText dw 250, 2
db "Data Read",0
dw 350, 2
db "Patt Write",0
dw 250, 18
db "Data Write",0
dw 350, 18
db "Patt Read",0
dw 11, 39
db "0%",0
dw 377, 39
db "100%",0
dw 11, 77
db "0",0
dw 377, 77
db "100%",0
dw 22, 154
db "Sectors",0
dw 10, 171
db "Last Error",0
dw 17, 188
db "Elapsed",0
dw 13, 205
db "Time Left",0
dw 278, 154
db "Soft Errors",0
dw 275, 171
db "Firm Errors",0
dw 272, 188
db "Hard Errors",0
dw 271, 205
db "Total Errors",0
dw 0
TestGrayText dw 155, 39
db "Testing Progress",0
dw 129, 77
db "Spare Sectors Consumed",0
dw 61, 135
db "Testing Location",0
dw 219, 135
db "Sound",0
dw 297, 135
db "Error Summary",0
dw 0
szQuestionMark db "?",0
szExplainResults db "Explain Results",0
szPage_4_Title db "My Kind of Software ...",0
szPage_4_Text db "This program was hand crafted -- byte by byte -- in "
db "100% pure 32-bit Intel assembly language. It "
db "is just one .EXE file that runs under "
db "any 32-bit Microsoft Windows operating environment. "
db " (Win 95/98 and NT) It "
db "requires no messy setup or installation procedure, "
db "and it consumes NOT ONE SINGLE BYTE more memory "
db "than is absolutely necessary.",CR
db CR
db "This is the way I write my programs -- all of my "
db "programs -- whether they are free or for purchase, "
db "because it's the BEST WAY to do it. It's about "
db "creating the best programs possible. And "
db "that matters to me.",CR
db CR
db "I believe it matters to you too. "
db "I welcome your judgment.",0
;/////////////////////////////////// END ////////////////////////////////////