program EventTutor; const BASE_RES_ID = 400; LEAVE_WHERE_IT_IS = FALSE; NORMAL_UPDATES = TRUE; SLEEP = 60; WNE_TRAP_NUM = $60; UNIMPL_TRAP_NUM = $9F; SUSPEND_RESUME_BIT = $0001; ACTIVATING = 1; RESUMING = 1; TEXT_FONT_SIZE = 12; DRAG_THRESHOLD = 30; MIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT = 50; MIN_WINDOW_WIDTH = 50; SCROLL_BAR_PIXELS = 15; ROWHEIGHT = 15; LEFTMARGIN = 10; STARTROW = 0; HORIZONTAL_OFFSET = 0; var gPictWindow, gEventWindow: WindowPtr; gTheEvent: EventRecord; gSizeRect: Rect; gDone, gWNEimplemented: BOOLEAN; gCurRow, gMaxRow: INTEGER; {>>} procedure CenterPict (thePicture: PicHandle; var myRect: Rect); var windRect, pictureRect: Rect; begin windRect := myRect; pictureRect := thePicture^^.picFrame; := (windRect.bottom - - (pictureRect.bottom - div 2 +; myRect.bottom := + (pictureRect.bottom -; myRect.left := (windRect.right - windRect.left - (pictureRect.right - pictureRect.left)) div 2 + windRect.left; myRect.right := myRect.left + (pictureRect.right - pictureRect.left); end; {>>} procedure DrawMyPicture (drawingWindow: WindowPtr); var drawingClipRect, myRect: Rect; oldPort: GrafPtr; tempRgn: RgnHandle; thePicture: PicHandle; begin GetPort(oldPort); SetPort(drawingWindow); tempRgn := NewRgn; GetClip(tempRgn); EraseRect(drawingWindow^.portRect); DrawGrowicon(drawingWindow); drawingClipRect := drawingWindow^.portRect; drawingClipRect.right := drawingClipRect.right - SCROLL_BAR_PIXELS; drawingClipRect.bottom := drawingClipRect.bottom - SCROLL_BAR_PIXELS; myRect := drawingWindow^.portRect; thePicture := GetPicture(BASE_RES_ID); CenterPict(thePicture, myRect); ClipRect(drawingClipRect); DrawPicture(thePicture, myRect); SetClip(tempRgn); DisposeRgn(tempRgn); SetPort(oldPort); end; {>>} procedure HandleMouseDown; var whichWindow: WindowPtr; thePart: INTEGER; windSize: LONGINT; oldPort: GrafPtr; begin thePart := FindWindow(gTheEvent.where, whichWindow); case thePart of inSysWindow: SystemClick(gTheEvent, whichWindow); inDrag: DragWindow(whichWindow, gTheEvent.where, screenBits.bounds); inContent: if whichWindow <> FrontWindow then SelectWindow(whichWindow); inGrow: begin windSize := GrowWindow(whichWindow, gTheEvent.where, gSizeRect); if (windSize <> 0) then begin GetPort(oldPort); SetPort(whichWindow); EraseRect(whichWindow^.portRect); SizeWindow(whichWindow, LoWord(windSize), HiWord(windSize), NORMAL_UPDATES); InvalRect(whichWindow^.portRect); SetPort(oldPort); end; end; inGoAway: gDone := TRUE; inZoomIn, inZoomOut: if TrackBox(whichWindow, gTheEvent.where, thePart) then begin GetPort(oldPort); SetPort(whichWindow); EraseRect(whichWindow^.portRect); ZoomWindow(whichWindow, thePart, LEAVE_WHERE_IT_IS); InvalRect(whichWindow^.portRect); SetPort(oldPort); end; end; end; {>>} procedure ScrollWindow; var tempRgn: RgnHandle; begin tempRgn := NewRgn; ScrollRect(gEventWindow^.portRect, HORIZONTAL_OFFSET, -ROWHEIGHT, tempRgn); DisposeRgn(tempRgn); end; {>>} procedure DrawEventString (s: Str255); begin if (gCurRow > gMaxRow) then ScrollWindow else gCurRow := gCurRow + ROWHEIGHT; MoveTo(LEFTMARGIN, gCurRow); DrawString(s); end; {>>} procedure HandleEvent; var gotOne: BOOLEAN; begin if gWNEimplemented then gotOne := WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, gTheEvent, SLEEP, nil) else begin SystemTask; gotOne := GetNextEvent(everyEvent, gTheEvent); end; if gotOne then case gTheEvent.what of nullEvent: begin end; mouseDown: begin DrawEventString('mouseDown'); HandleMouseDown; end; mouseUp: DrawEventString('mouseUp'); keyDown: DrawEventString('keyDown'); keyUp: DrawEventString('keyUp'); autoKey: DrawEventString('autoKey'); updateEvt: if (WindowPtr(gTheEvent.message) = gPictWindow) then begin DrawEventString('updateEvt: gPictWindow'); BeginUpdate(WindowPtr(gTheEvent.message)); DrawMyPicture(WindowPtr(gTheEvent.message)); EndUpdate(WindowPtr(gTheEvent.message)); end else begin DrawEventString('updateEvt:gEventWindow '); BeginUpdate(WindowPtr(gTheEvent.message)); EndUpdate(WindowPtr(gTheEvent.message)); end; diskEvt: DrawEventString('diskEvt'); activateEvt: if (WindowPtr(gTheEvent.message) = gPictWindow) then begin DrawGrowicon(WindowPtr(gTheEvent.message)); if (BitAnd(gTheEvent.modifiers, activeFlag) = ACTIVATING) then DrawEventString('activateEvt: activating gPictWindow') else DrawEventString('activateEvt: deactivating gPictWindow'); end else begin if (BitAnd(gTheEvent.modifiers, activeFlag) = ACTIVATING) then DrawEventString('activateEvt: activating gEventWindow') else DrawEventString('activateEvt: deactivating gEventWindow'); end; networkEvt: DrawEventString('networkEvt'); driverEvt: DrawEventString('driverEvt'); app1Evt: DrawEventString('app1Evt'); app2Evt: DrawEventString('app2Evt'); app3Evt: DrawEventString('app3Evt'); app4Evt: if (BitAnd(gTheEvent.message, SUSPEND_RESUME_BIT) = RESUMING) then DrawEventString('Resume event') else DrawEventString('Suspend event'); end; end; {>>} procedure MainLoop; begin gDone := FALSE; gWNEimplemented := (NGetTrapAddress(WNE_TRAP_NUM, ToolTrap) <> NGetTrapAddress(UNIMPL_TRAP_NUM, ToolTrap)); while gDone = FALSE do HandleEvent; end; {>>} procedure SetUpSizeRect; begin := MIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT; gSizeRect.left := MIN_WINDOW_WIDTH; gSizeRect.bottom := 32767; gSizeRect.right := 32767; end; {>>} procedure SetupEventWindow; var eventRect: Rect; fontNum: INTEGER; begin eventRect := gEventWindow^.portRect; gMaxRow := eventRect.bottom - - ROWHEIGHT; gCurRow := STARTROW; SetPort(gEventWindow); GetFNum('monaco', fontNum); TextFont(fontNum); TextSize(TEXT_FONT_SIZE); end; {>>} procedure Windowinit; begin gPictWindow := GetNewWindow(BASE_RES_ID, nil, WindowPtr(-1)); gEventWindow := GetNewWindow(BASE_RES_ID + 1, nil, WindowPtr(-1)); SetupEventWindow; ShowWindow(gEventWindow); ShowWindow(gPictWindow); end; begin Windowinit; SetUpSizeRect; Mainloop; end. { note: This projects needs 2 WIND resources with id 400 and 401, and a PICT resource with id 400 }