program Boxes; uses FixMath, Graf3D; type Link3D = record a: Integer; b: Integer; end; var w: WindowPtr; {A window to draw in} r: Rect; {A window Size} myPort: GrafPort; myPort3D: Port3D; pa, pb: Point3D; hangle, vangle: Longint; {cursor} cursor, prev: Point; isDown: Boolean; {cube} shape: array[1..9] of Point3D; links: array[1..13] of Link3D; {>>} procedure SetLk3D (var lk3D: Link3D; a, b: Integer); begin lk3D.a := a; lk3D.b := b; end; {>>} procedure CreateCube; begin SetPt3D(shape[1], Long2Fix(20), Long2Fix(20), Long2Fix(20)); SetPt3D(shape[2], Long2Fix(20), Long2Fix(20), Long2Fix(-20)); SetPt3D(shape[3], Long2Fix(-20), Long2Fix(20), Long2Fix(-20)); SetPt3D(shape[4], Long2Fix(-20), Long2Fix(20), Long2Fix(20)); SetPt3D(shape[5], Long2Fix(20), Long2Fix(-20), Long2Fix(20)); SetPt3D(shape[6], Long2Fix(20), Long2Fix(-20), Long2Fix(-20)); SetPt3D(shape[7], Long2Fix(-20), Long2Fix(-20), Long2Fix(-20)); SetPt3D(shape[8], Long2Fix(-20), Long2Fix(-20), Long2Fix(20)); SetLk3D(links[1], 1, 2); SetLk3D(links[2], 2, 3); SetLk3D(links[3], 3, 4); SetLk3D(links[4], 4, 1); SetLk3D(links[5], 5, 6); SetLk3D(links[6], 6, 7); SetLk3D(links[7], 7, 8); SetLk3D(links[8], 8, 5); SetLk3D(links[9], 1, 5); SetLk3D(links[10], 2, 6); SetLk3D(links[11], 3, 7); SetLk3D(links[12], 4, 8); end; {>>} procedure PaintCube; var i: Integer; begin for i := 1 to 12 do begin MoveTo3D(shape[links[i].a].x, shape[links[i].a].y, shape[links[i].a].z); LineTo3D(shape[links[i].b].x, shape[links[i].b].y, shape[links[i].b].z); end; end; {>>} procedure PaintAxis (size: Integer); begin PenPat(black); MoveTo3D(0, 0, 0); LineTo3D(Long2Fix(size), 0, 0); WriteDraw('x'); MoveTo3D(0, 0, 0); LineTo3D(0, Long2Fix(size), 0); WriteDraw('y'); MoveTo3D(0, 0, 0); LineTo3D(0, 0, Long2Fix(size)); WriteDraw('z'); end; {>>} procedure WindowInit; begin SetRect(r, 100, 50, 300, 250); w := NewWindow(nil, r, 'Study', true, zoomDocProc, WindowPtr(-1), false, 0); SetPort(w); end; {>>} procedure ClearScreen; var size: Rect; begin SetRect(size, 0, 0, 200, 200); FillRect(size, white); end; {>>} procedure Redraw; begin ClearScreen; LookAt(Long2Fix(-50), Long2Fix(50), Long2Fix(50), Long2Fix(-50)); ViewAngle(Long2Fix(20)); Identity; Roll(Long2Fix(hangle)); Pitch(Long2Fix(vangle)); { roll and pitch the plane } PaintAxis(10); PaintCube; end; {>>} procedure WhenDownChanged; var hoff, voff: Integer; begin hoff := prev.h - cursor.h; hangle := hangle + hoff; voff := prev.v - cursor.v; vangle := vangle + voff; Redraw; GetMouse(prev); end; {>>} procedure WhenDown; begin GetMouse(cursor); if cursor.h <> prev.h then if cursor.v <> prev.v then WhenDownChanged; end; {>>} procedure MainLoop; begin repeat {Until we click outside screen} while button do begin GetMouse(cursor); GetMouse(prev); repeat {Tight loop until button up} WhenDown; until not Button; end; until cursor.h < 0; end; begin WindowInit; InitGrf3D(nil); Open3DPort(@myPort3D); ViewPort(thePort^.portRect); CreateCube; Redraw; MainLoop; end.