#include "mpw-shell.h" #include #include #include #include %%{ machine classify; alphtype unsigned char; ws = [ \t]; IF = /if/i; ELSE = /else/i; END = /end/i; BEGIN = /begin/i; EVALUATE = /evaluate/i; main := |* IF %eof{ return command_if; }; IF ws => {return command_if; }; ELSE %eof{ return command_else;}; ELSE ws => { return command_else; }; ELSE ws+ IF %eof{ return command_else_if; }; ELSE ws+ IF ws => {return command_else_if; }; END %eof{ return command_end; }; END ws => {return command_end; }; EVALUATE %eof{ return command_evaluate; }; EVALUATE ws => {return command_evaluate; }; *|; }%% static int classify(const std::string &line) { %%machine classify; %% write data; int cs; int act; const unsigned char *p = (const unsigned char *)line.data(); const unsigned char *pe = (const unsigned char *)line.data() + line.size(); const unsigned char *eof = pe; const unsigned char *te, *ts; %%write init; %%write exec; return 0; } /* * this state machine splits input into lines. * only new-line escapes are removed. * "", '', and {} are also matched. * */ /* * from experimentation, mpw splits on ; after variable expansion; * this splits before. something stupid like: * set q '"'; echo {q} ; " * will not be handled correctly. oh well. * (should probably just drop that and we can then combine tokenizing w/ * variable expansion) */ %%{ machine line_parser; alphtype unsigned char; escape = 0xb6; ws = [ \t]; nl = ('\n' | '\r'); action add_line { /* strip trailing ws */ while (!scratch.empty() && isspace(scratch.back())) scratch.pop_back(); if (!scratch.empty()) { command_ptr cmd = std::make_shared(std::move(scratch)); cmd->line = start_line; start_line = line; program.emplace_back(std::move(cmd)); } scratch.clear(); fgoto main; } action push_back { scratch.push_back(fc); } action push_back_escape { scratch.push_back(escape); scratch.push_back(fc); } comment = '#' (any-nl)*; escape_seq = escape ( nl ${ /* esc newline */ line++; } | (any-nl) $push_back_escape ) ; # single-quoted string. only escape \n is special. # handling is so stupid I'm not going to support it. sstring = ['] $push_back ( (any-nl-[']) $push_back )* ['] $push_back $err{ throw std::runtime_error("### MPW Shell - 's must occur in pairs."); } ; # same quoting logic as ' string vstring = '{' $push_back ( (any-nl-'}') $push_back )* '}' $push_back $err{ throw std::runtime_error("### MPW Shell - {s must occur in pairs."); } ; # double-quoted string. # escape \n is ignored. others do nothing. dstring = ["] $push_back ( escape_seq | vstring | (any-escape-nl-["{]) $push_back )* ["] $push_back $err{ throw std::runtime_error("### MPW Shell - \"s must occur in pairs."); } ; # this is a mess ... coalesce_ws = ws ( ws | escape nl ${ line++; } )* <: any ${ scratch.push_back(' '); fhold; } ; line := ( sstring | dstring | vstring | [;] $add_line | escape_seq | coalesce_ws | (any-escape-nl-ws-[;#'"{]) $push_back )* comment? nl ${ line++; } $add_line ; main := # strip leading whitespace. ws* <: # left guard -- higher priority to ws. any ${ fhold; fgoto line; } ; }%% class line_parser { public: void process(const void *data, size_t size) { process((const unsigned char *)data, size, false); } command_ptr finish() { process((const unsigned char *)"\n\n", 2, true); return build_program(); } line_parser(); private: %% machine line_parser; %% write data; std::vector program; std::string scratch; int line = 1; int cs; command_ptr build_program(); void process(const unsigned char *data, size_t size, bool final); }; line_parser::line_parser() { %% machine line_parser; %% write init; } void line_parser::process(const unsigned char *data, size_t size, bool final) { int start_line; const unsigned char *p = data; const unsigned char *pe = data + size; const unsigned char *eof = nullptr; if (final) eof = pe; start_line = line; %% machine line_parser; %% write exec; if (cs == line_parser_error) { throw std::runtime_error("MPW Shell - Lexer error."); } if (cs != line_parser_start && final) { // will this happen? throw std::runtime_error("MPW Shell - Lexer error."); } } /* * Generates a linked-list of commands. Why? Because it also checks * for shell-special syntax (currently if / else /end only) and * adds pointers to make executing them easier. * */ // todo -- use recursive descent parser, support begin/end, (), ||, &&, etc. command_ptr line_parser::build_program() { std::vector if_stack; command_ptr head; command_ptr ptr; if (program.empty()) return head; std::reverse(program.begin(), program.end()); head = program.back(); while (!program.empty()) { if (ptr) ptr->next = program.back(); ptr = std::move(program.back()); program.pop_back(); int type = ptr->type = classify(ptr->string); ptr->level = if_stack.size(); // if stack... switch (type) { default: break; case command_if: if_stack.push_back(ptr); break; case command_else: case command_else_if: if (if_stack.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("### MPW Shell - Else must be within if ... end."); } ptr->level--; if_stack.back()->alternate = ptr; if_stack.back() = ptr; break; case command_end: if (if_stack.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("### MPW Shell - Extra end command."); } ptr->level--; if_stack.back()->alternate = ptr; if_stack.pop_back(); break; } } if (!if_stack.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("### MPW Shell - Unterminated if command."); } return head; } command_ptr read_fd(int fd) { unsigned char buffer[1024]; line_parser p; for(;;) { ssize_t s = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (s < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; throw std::runtime_error("MPW Shell - Read error."); } if (s == 0) break; p.process(buffer, s); } return p.finish(); } command_ptr read_file(const std::string &name) { int fd; fd = open(name.c_str(), O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { throw std::runtime_error("MPW Shell - Unable to open file " + name + "."); } auto tmp = read_fd(fd); close(fd); return tmp; } command_ptr read_string(const std::string &s) { line_parser p; p.process(s.data(), s.size()); return p.finish(); }