/* * phase2 -- parse a line into major control structures (begin/end/if/etc) * input is a full line -- comments have been removed, escape-nl handled, trailing newline stripped. * */ #include "phase2-parser.h" #include "phase2.h" #include "command.h" %%{ machine main; alphtype unsigned char; action not_special { !special() } escape = 0xb6; ws = [ \t]; escape_seq = escape any ; sstring = ['] ( (any-[']) )* ['] $err{ throw std::runtime_error("### MPW Shell - 's must occur in pairs."); } ; vstring = [{] ( (any-[}]) )* [}] $err{ throw std::runtime_error("### MPW Shell - {s must occur in pairs."); } ; # double-quoted string. dstring = ["] ( escape_seq | (any-escape-["]) )* ["] $err{ throw std::runtime_error("### MPW Shell - \"s must occur in pairs."); } ; main := |* '||' when not_special => { flush(); parse(PIPE_PIPE, std::string(ts, te)); }; '&&' when not_special => { flush(); parse(AMP_AMP, std::string(ts, te)); }; # ( evaluate (1+2) ) is lparen, eval, rparen. # need to balance parens here and terminate a special token when it goes negative. # # counterpoint: '( # echo (hello) == echo "(hello)" # echo ; (echo) == echo ; LPAREN echo RPAREN # ( echo ( ) ==> error (needs second closing rparen ) # ( echo ())) --> error (MPW Shell - Extra ) command. '(' => { // if type == 0, this is the start and LPAREN is a token. // otherwise, LPAREN is a normal character (but is balanced) classify(); if (type) { pcount++; scratch.push_back(fc); } else { // start of command. flush(); parse(LPAREN, std::string(ts, te)); } }; ')' => { if (pcount) { scratch.push_back(fc); --pcount; } else { flush(); scratch.push_back(fc); type = RPAREN; } }; ';' => { flush(); parse(SEMI, ";"); }; ws => { if (!scratch.empty()) scratch.push_back(fc); }; sstring => { scratch.append(ts, te); }; dstring => { scratch.append(ts, te); }; vstring => { scratch.append(ts, te); }; escape_seq => { scratch.append(ts, te); }; (any-escape-['"{]) => { scratch.push_back(fc); }; *|; }%% %%{ machine classify; alphtype unsigned char; ws = [ \t]; IF = /if/i; ELSE = /else/i; END = /end/i; BEGIN = /begin/i; EVALUATE = /evaluate/i; LOOP = /loop/i; FOR = /for/i; BREAK = /break/i; CONTINUE = /continue/i; main := |* IF %eof{ type = IF; return; }; IF ws => { type = IF; return; }; ELSE %eof{ type = ELSE; return; }; ELSE ws => { type = ELSE; return; }; #ELSE ws+ IF %eof{ type = ELSE_IF; return; }; #ELSE ws+ IF ws => { type = ELSE_IF; return; }; EVALUATE %eof{ type = EVALUATE; return; }; EVALUATE ws => { type = EVALUATE; return; }; END %eof{ type = END; return; }; END ws => { type = END; return; }; BEGIN %eof{ type = BEGIN; return; }; BEGIN ws => { type = BEGIN; return; }; LOOP %eof{ type = LOOP; return; }; LOOP ws => { type = LOOP; return; }; FOR %eof{ type = FOR; return; }; FOR ws => { type = FOR; return; }; BREAK %eof{ type = BREAK; return; }; BREAK ws => { type = BREAK; return; }; CONTINUE %eof{ type = CONTINUE; return; }; CONTINUE ws => { type = CONTINUE; return; }; '(' => { type = LPAREN; return; }; *|; }%% namespace { %% machine classify; %% write data; %% machine main; %% write data; } void phase2::flush() { // remove white space... while (!scratch.empty() && isspace(scratch.back())) scratch.pop_back(); if (!scratch.empty()) { if (!type) classify(); parse(type, std::move(scratch)); } type = 0; pcount = 0; scratch.clear(); } /* slightly wrong since whitespace is needed for it to be special. */ bool phase2::special() { if (!type) classify(); switch (type) { case IF: case ELSE: case ELSE_IF: case EVALUATE: case BREAK: case CONTINUE: return true; default: return false; } } void phase2::classify() { if (type) return; if (scratch.empty()) return; int cs; int act; const unsigned char *p = (const unsigned char *)scratch.data(); const unsigned char *pe = p + scratch.size(); const unsigned char *eof = pe; const unsigned char *te, *ts; type = COMMAND; %% machine classify; %% write init; %% write exec; } void phase2::process(const std::string &line) { if (line.empty()) { finish(); return; } //int pcount = 0; // special form parens cannot cross lines. int cs; int act; const unsigned char *p = (const unsigned char *)line.data(); const unsigned char *pe = p + line.size(); const unsigned char *eof = pe; const unsigned char *te, *ts; scratch.clear(); type = 0; %% machine main; %% write init; %% write exec; flush(); // 2 NLs to make the stack reduce. harmless if in a multi-line constuct. parse(NL, ""); parse(NL, ""); exec(); } void phase2::finish() { parse(0, ""); exec(); } void phase2::parse(int token, std::string &&s) { if (parser) parser->parse(token, std::move(s)); } void phase2::exec() { if (pipe_to && parser) { command_ptr_vector tmp; for (auto &p : parser->command_queue) { if (p) tmp.emplace_back(std::move(p)); } parser->command_queue.clear(); if (!tmp.empty()) pipe_to(std::move(tmp)); } } phase2::phase2() { parser = phase2_parser::make(); //parser->trace(stdout, " ] "); } void phase2::abort() { parser = nullptr; parser = phase2_parser::make(); } #pragma mark - phase2_parser void phase2_parser::parse_accept() { error = false; } void phase2_parser::parse_failure() { error = false; } void phase2_parser::syntax_error(int yymajor, std::string &yyminor) { /* switch (yymajor) { case END: fprintf(stderr, "### MPW Shell - Extra END command.\n"); break; case RPAREN: fprintf(stderr, "### MPW Shell - Extra ) command.\n"); break; case ELSE: case ELSE_IF: fprintf(stderr, "### MPW Shell - ELSE must be within IF ... END.\n"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "### Parse error near %s\n", yyminor.c_str()); break; } */ fprintf(stderr, "### MPW Shell - Parse error near %s\n", yymajor ? yyminor.c_str() : "EOF"); error = true; }