Kelvin Sherlock f125b533f7 Squashed commit of the following:
commit f0944a89f27e44b1764988806e655f09764e80df
Author: Kelvin Sherlock <>
Date:   Tue Aug 30 12:24:08 2016 -0400

    exit throws execution of input error w/ possible 0 value.  catch it.

commit 9e7f9c1ae049aa26513413f4767268b47ee22e98
Author: Kelvin Sherlock <>
Date:   Tue Aug 30 12:23:21 2016 -0400

    builtins - more consistent argument handling.

commit be4c1c902f5a3a3f01e92ae52c7d6cc5d8731b65
Author: Kelvin Sherlock <>
Date:   Tue Aug 30 12:23:01 2016 -0400


commit 68d0c29fec112c6e7bc3a672b41eb7eb758a8941
Author: Kelvin Sherlock <>
Date:   Tue Aug 30 12:22:51 2016 -0400

    exit command.

commit 25b0a7f7da9220b03026123bb5072c2da1d73fde
Author: Kelvin Sherlock <>
Date:   Tue Aug 30 12:21:16 2016 -0400

    builtin quit command.
2016-08-30 12:25:43 -04:00

239 lines
5.4 KiB

>, < redirection is handled later, after environment expansion.
(also, redirection can be in the middle of a command.)
%include {
#include "phase3_parser.h"
#include "command.h"
#define LEMON_SUPER phase3
%code {
std::unique_ptr<phase3> phase3::make() {
return std::make_unique<yypParser>();
bool phase3::continuation() const {
yypParser *self = (yypParser *)this;
for (const auto &e : *self) {
if (e.major == BEGIN) return true;
if (e.major == LPAREN) return true;
if (e.major == IF) return true;
if (e.major == AMP_AMP) return true;
if (e.major == PIPE_PIPE) return true;
if (e.major == LOOP) return true;
if (e.major == FOR) return true;
if (e.major == PIPE) return true;
if (e.major == PIPE_PIPE) return true;
if (e.major == AMP_AMP) return true;
return false;
void phase3::parse_accept() {
error = false;
void phase3::parse_failure() {
error = false;
void phase3::syntax_error(int yymajor, std::string &yyminor) {
switch (yymajor) {
case END:
fprintf(stderr, "### MPW Shell - Extra END command.\n");
case RPAREN:
fprintf(stderr, "### MPW Shell - Extra ) command.\n");
case ELSE:
case ELSE_IF:
fprintf(stderr, "### MPW Shell - ELSE must be within IF ... END.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "### Parse error near %s\n", yyminor.c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "### MPW Shell - Parse error near %s\n", yymajor ? yyminor.c_str() : "EOF");
error = true;
%left PIPE.
%token_type {std::string}
%default_type {command_ptr}
%type start {void}
%type command_list {void}
/* these are put into a queue for immmediate execution */
start ::= command_list.
command_list ::= .
command_list ::= command_list sep .
command_list ::= command_list command(C) sep . {
if (C) command_queue.emplace_back(std::move(C));
compound_list is identical to command_list, but it is not executed immediately.
%type compound_list { command_ptr_vector }
compound_list ::= .
compound_list(L) ::= compound_list(L) sep.
compound_list(L) ::= compound_list(L) command(C) sep . {
if (C) L.emplace_back(std::move(C));
sep ::= SEMI.
sep ::= NL.
%type command { command_ptr }
/* nb -- ||, &&, | -- both sides are optional. This does not. */
command(RV) ::= command(L) PIPE_PIPE opt_nl command(R). {
RV = std::make_unique<or_command>(std::move(L), std::move(R));
command(RV) ::= command(L) AMP_AMP opt_nl command(R). {
RV = std::make_unique<and_command>(std::move(L), std::move(R));
command(RV) ::= command(L) PIPE opt_nl command(R). {
RV = std::make_unique<pipe_command>(std::move(L), std::move(R));
command(C) ::= term(C).
term(RV) ::= COMMAND(C). { RV = std::make_unique<simple_command>(std::move(C)); }
term(RV) ::= EVALUATE(C). { RV = std::make_unique<evaluate_command>(std::move(C)); }
term(RV) ::= BREAK(C). { RV = std::make_unique<break_command>(std::move(C)); }
term(RV) ::= CONTINUE(C). { RV = std::make_unique<continue_command>(std::move(C)); }
term(RV) ::= EXIT(C). { RV = std::make_unique<exit_command>(std::move(C)); }
term(C) ::= if_command(C).
term(C) ::= begin_command(C).
term(C) ::= paren_command(C).
term(C) ::= loop_command(C).
term(C) ::= for_command(C).
/* lexer error (mismatched quotes, etc) */
term(RV) ::= ERROR(C). {
RV = std::make_unique<error_command>(@C, std::move(C));
* fall back to an end error. w/o fallback, it will cause a parse conflict.
term(RV) ::= error RPAREN.
term(RV) ::= error END.
term(RV) ::= LPAREN error RPAREN.
term(RV) ::= BEGIN error END.
term(RV) ::= IF error END.
term(RV) ::= LOOP error END.
term(RV) ::= FOR error END.
/* compound list ends with a separator. paren command does not need the final separator */
%type paren_list { command_ptr_vector }
paren_list(L) ::= compound_list(L) .
paren_list(L) ::= compound_list(L) command(C) . {
paren_command(RV) ::= LPAREN(T) paren_list(L) RPAREN(E). {
RV = std::make_unique<begin_command>(@T, std::move(L), std::move(T), std::move(E));
begin_command(RV) ::= BEGIN(T) sep compound_list(L) END(E). {
RV = std::make_unique<begin_command>(@T, std::move(L), std::move(T), std::move(E));
loop_command(RV) ::= LOOP(T) sep compound_list(L) END(E). {
RV = std::make_unique<loop_command>(@T, std::move(L), std::move(T), std::move(E));
for_command(RV) ::= FOR(T) sep compound_list(L) END(E). {
RV = std::make_unique<for_command>(@T, std::move(L), std::move(T), std::move(E));
if_command(RV) ::= IF(I) sep compound_list(L) END(E). {
if_command::clause_vector_type v;
v.emplace_back(std::make_unique<if_else_clause>(IF, std::move(L), std::move(I)));
RV = std::make_unique<if_command>(
if_command(RV) ::= IF(I) sep compound_list(L) else_command(EC) END(E). {
if_command::clause_vector_type v;
v.emplace_back(std::make_unique<if_else_clause>(IF, std::move(L), std::move(I)));
for(auto &c : EC) { v.emplace_back(std::move(c)); }
RV = std::make_unique<if_command>(
std::move(v), std::move(E));
%token_class else ELSE_IF ELSE.
%type else_command { if_command::clause_vector_type }
else_command(RV) ::= else(E) sep compound_list(L). {
RV.emplace_back(std::make_unique<if_else_clause>(@E, std::move(L), std::move(E)));
else_command(EC) ::= else_command(EC) else(E) sep compound_list(L). {
EC.emplace_back(std::make_unique<if_else_clause>(@E, std::move(L), std::move(E)));
opt_nl ::= .
opt_nl ::= opt_nl NL .