move MPW init to MPW

(currently slightly buggy)
This commit is contained in:
Kelvin Sherlock 2013-02-17 15:08:09 -05:00
parent 1bb0369223
commit a737da619d
3 changed files with 250 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -254,6 +254,7 @@ uint32_t load(const char *file)
return returnAddress;
#if 0
void InitializeMPW(int argc, char **argv)
@ -446,6 +447,28 @@ void InitializeMPW(int argc, char **argv)
WriteLong(Memory, 0x0a06, 0xffffffff);
// todo -- expects high stack, low heap.
// the allocator currently works from the top down,
// so put stack at top of memory?
// 0x0130 -- ApplLimit
WriteLong(Memory, 0x0130, Flags.ram - 1);
void GlobalInit()
// todo -- move this somewhere better.
// 0x031a - Lo3Bytes
WriteLong(Memory, 0x031a, 0x00ffffff);
// 0x0a02 - OneOne
WriteLong(Memory, 0x0a02, 0x00010001);
// 0x0a06 - MinusOne
WriteLong(Memory, 0x0a06, 0xffffffff);
// todo -- expects high stack, low heap.
// the allocator currently works from the top down,
// so put stack at top of memory?
@ -695,12 +718,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
uint32_t address = load(argv[0]);
InitializeMPW(argc, argv);
//InitializeMPW(argc, argv);
MPW::Trace = Flags.traceMPW;
ToolBox::Trace = Flags.traceToolBox;
if (!Flags.stack)
@ -736,12 +757,22 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
MM::Init(Memory, MemorySize, HighWater);
MPW::Init(argc, argv);
MPW::Trace = Flags.traceMPW;
ToolBox::Trace = Flags.traceToolBox;
if (Flags.traceCPU || Flags.traceMacsbug)
for (;;)
uint32_t pc = cpuGetPC();

View File

@ -10,18 +10,22 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <cpu/defs.h>
#include <cpu/fmem.h>
#include <cpu/cpuModule.h>
#include <toolbox/mm.h>
namespace MPW { namespace Internal {
// for dup counts, etc.
std::vector<int> FDTable;
uint32_t MacProgramInfo = 0;
} }
@ -78,7 +82,7 @@ namespace MPW
void Init()
uint16_t Init(int argc, char **argv)
@ -86,7 +90,211 @@ namespace MPW
// todo -- should eventually set up the mpw environment.
argv[0] = basename(argv[0]);
// 0x0910 CurApName
char str32[32];
char * name = argv[0];
int l = strlen(name);
l = std::min(l, 32);
str32[0] = l;
std::memcpy(str32 + 1, name, l);
while (l < 32) str32[l++] = 0;
std::memcpy(memoryPointer(0x0910), str32, 32);
uint32_t argvptr = 0;
uint32_t envptr = 0;
uint32_t ioptr = 0;
uint32_t devptr = 0;
uint32_t fptr = 0;
uint16_t error;
// create the argv-data.
uint32_t size = 0;
size = 4 * (argc + 1); // argv data.
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
int l = strlen(argv[i]) + 1;
if (l & 0x01) l++;
size += l;
error = MM::Native::NewPtr(size, true, argvptr);
if (error) return error;
uint8_t *xptr = memoryPointer(argvptr);
uint32_t offset = 0;
offset = 4 * (argc + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
memoryWriteLong(argvptr + offset, argvptr + 4 * i);
// just use strcat?
int l = strlen(argv[i]) + 1;
if (l & 0x01) l++;
strcpy((char *)xptr + offset, argv[i]);
offset += l;
// null-terminate it.
memoryWriteLong(0, argvptr + 4 * argc);
// todo -- do the same for envp.
// scan the native environment for MPW-name variables?
// values are stored as key\0value\0, not key=value\0
uint32_t size = 4;
error = MM::Native::NewPtr(size, true, envptr);
if (error) return error;
memoryWriteLong(0, envptr);
// ftable
// these are ftraps for emulated/native function ptrs.
uint32_t size = 6 * 4;
error = MM::Native::NewPtr(size, true, fptr);
if (error) return error;
memoryWriteWord(fQuit, fptr + 0);
memoryWriteWord(0x4E75, fptr + 2); // rts
memoryWriteWord(fAccess, fptr + 4);
memoryWriteWord(0x4E75, fptr + 6); // rts
memoryWriteWord(fClose, fptr + 8);
memoryWriteWord(0x4E75, fptr + 10); // rts
memoryWriteWord(fRead, fptr + 12);
memoryWriteWord(0x4E75, fptr + 14); // rts
memoryWriteWord(fWrite, fptr + 16);
memoryWriteWord(0x4E75, fptr + 18); // rts
memoryWriteWord(fIOCtl, fptr + 20);
memoryWriteWord(0x4E75, fptr + 22); // rts
// dev table
uint32_t size = 0x78;
error = MM::Native::NewPtr(size, true, devptr);
if (error) return error;
memoryWriteLong(0x46535953, devptr + 0); // 'FSYS'
memoryWriteLong(fptr + 4, devptr + 4);
memoryWriteLong(fptr + 8, devptr + 8);
memoryWriteLong(fptr + 12, devptr + 12);
memoryWriteLong(fptr + 16, devptr + 16);
memoryWriteLong(fptr + 20, devptr + 20);
memoryWriteLong(0x45434f4e, devptr + 24); // 'ECON' -- not implemented.
memoryWriteLong(0x53595354, devptr + 48); // 'SYST' -- not implemented.
// io table.
uint32_t size = 0x3c;
uint32_t ptr;
error = MM::Native::NewPtr(size, true, ioptr);
if (error) return error;
ptr = ioptr;
// stdin
memoryWriteWord(0x0001, ptr + 0); // open flags (read)
memoryWriteWord(0x0000, ptr + 2); // os err
memoryWriteLong(devptr, ptr + 4); // -> 'FSYS'
memoryWriteLong(STDIN_FILENO, ptr + 8); // cookie
memoryWriteLong(0, ptr + 12); // transfer count.
memoryWriteLong(0, ptr + 16); // buffer
ptr = ioptr + 20;
// stdout
memoryWriteWord(0x0002, ptr + 0); // open flags (write)
memoryWriteWord(0x0000, ptr + 2); // os err
memoryWriteLong(devptr, ptr + 4); // -> 'FSYS'
memoryWriteLong(STDOUT_FILENO, ptr + 8); // cookie
memoryWriteLong(0, ptr + 12); // transfer count.
memoryWriteLong(0, ptr + 16); // buffer
ptr = ioptr + 40;
// stderr
memoryWriteWord(0x0002, ptr + 0); // open flags (write)
memoryWriteWord(0x0000, ptr + 2); // os err
memoryWriteLong(devptr, ptr + 4); // -> 'FSYS'
memoryWriteLong(STDERR_FILENO, ptr + 8); // cookie
memoryWriteLong(0, ptr + 12); // transfer count.
memoryWriteLong(0, ptr + 16); // buffer
uint32_t mpi = 0;
error = MM::Native::NewPtr(8 + 0x30, true, mpi);
if (error) return error;
MacProgramInfo = mpi + 8;
memoryWriteLong(0x4d50474d, mpi); // 'MPGM' - magic
memoryWriteLong(mpi + 8, mpi + 4);
memoryWriteLong(mpi, 0x0316);
mpi += 8;
memoryWriteWord(0x5348, mpi + 0x00); // 'SH' - more magic
memoryWriteLong(argc, mpi + 0x02);
memoryWriteLong(argvptr, mpi + 0x06);
memoryWriteLong(envptr, mpi + 0x0a);
// 0x0e = exit code
// ??? default fd table size?
memoryWriteWord(0x190, mpi + 0x1a);
// io table - stdin/stdout/stderr
memoryWriteLong(ioptr, mpi + 0x1c);
return 0;
uint32_t ExitStatus()
if (!MacProgramInfo) return -1;
return memoryReadLong(MacProgramInfo + 0x0e);

View File

@ -93,7 +93,10 @@ namespace MPW {
// should add argc/argv/envp...
void Init();
uint16_t Init(int argc, char **argv);
uint32_t ExitStatus();
void dispatch(uint16_t trap);