mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 17:28:57 +00:00
macos library for tools and globals
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ add_subdirectory(cpu)
@ -6,12 +6,14 @@ SET(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-framework Carbon")
add_definitions(-I ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/)
add_executable(mpw loader.cpp traps.c)
add_executable(mpw loader.cpp)
target_link_libraries(mpw CPU_LIB)
target_link_libraries(mpw TOOLBOX_LIB)
target_link_libraries(mpw MPW_LIB)
target_link_libraries(mpw MPLITE_LIB)
target_link_libraries(mpw MACOS_LIB)
add_executable(disasm disasm.cpp traps.c)
add_executable(disasm disasm.cpp)
target_link_libraries(disasm CPU_LIB)
target_link_libraries(disasm MACOS_LIB)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -Wall -g")
add_definitions(-I ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/)
set(MACOS_SRC traps.c)
add_library(MACOS_LIB ${MACOS_SRC})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
Created: Thursday, March 14, 1991 at 3:53 PM
C Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1985-1990
All rights reserved
#ifndef __macos_errors__
#define __macos_errors__
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace MacOS {
enum {
paramErr = -50, /*error in user parameter list*/
noHardwareErr = -200, /*Sound Manager Error Returns*/
notEnoughHardwareErr = -201, /*Sound Manager Error Returns*/
userCanceledErr = -128,
qErr = -1, /*queue element not found during deletion*/
vTypErr = -2, /*invalid queue element*/
corErr = -3, /*core routine number out of range*/
unimpErr = -4, /*unimplemented core routine*/
SlpTypeErr = -5, /*invalid queue element*/
seNoDB = -8, /*no debugger installed to handle debugger command*/
controlErr = -17, /*I/O System Errors*/
statusErr = -18, /*I/O System Errors*/
readErr = -19, /*I/O System Errors*/
writErr = -20, /*I/O System Errors*/
badUnitErr = -21, /*I/O System Errors*/
unitEmptyErr = -22, /*I/O System Errors*/
openErr = -23, /*I/O System Errors*/
closErr = -24, /*I/O System Errors*/
dRemovErr = -25, /*tried to remove an open driver*/
dInstErr = -26 /*DrvrInstall couldn't find driver in resources */
enum {
abortErr = -27, /*IO call aborted by KillIO*/
iIOAbortErr = -27, /*IO abort error (Printing Manager)*/
notOpenErr = -28, /*Couldn't rd/wr/ctl/sts cause driver not opened*/
unitTblFullErr = -29, /*unit table has no more entries*/
dceExtErr = -30, /*dce extension error*/
slotNumErr = -360, /*invalid slot # error*/
gcrOnMFMErr = -400, /*gcr format on high density media error*/
dirFulErr = -33, /*Directory full*/
dskFulErr = -34, /*disk full*/
nsvErr = -35, /*no such volume*/
ioErr = -36, /*I/O error (bummers)*/
bdNamErr = -37, /*there may be no bad names in the final system!*/
fnOpnErr = -38, /*File not open*/
eofErr = -39, /*End of file*/
posErr = -40, /*tried to position to before start of file (r/w)*/
mFulErr = -41, /*memory full (open) or file won't fit (load)*/
tmfoErr = -42, /*too many files open*/
fnfErr = -43, /*File not found*/
wPrErr = -44, /*diskette is write protected.*/
fLckdErr = -45 /*file is locked*/
enum {
vLckdErr = -46, /*volume is locked*/
fBsyErr = -47, /*File is busy (delete)*/
dupFNErr = -48, /*duplicate filename (rename)*/
opWrErr = -49, /*file already open with with write permission*/
rfNumErr = -51, /*refnum error*/
gfpErr = -52, /*get file position error*/
volOffLinErr = -53, /*volume not on line error (was Ejected)*/
permErr = -54, /*permissions error (on file open)*/
volOnLinErr = -55, /*drive volume already on-line at MountVol*/
nsDrvErr = -56, /*no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num)*/
noMacDskErr = -57, /*not a mac diskette (sig bytes are wrong)*/
extFSErr = -58, /*volume in question belongs to an external fs*/
fsRnErr = -59, /*file system internal error:during rename the old entry was deleted but could not be restored.*/
badMDBErr = -60, /*bad master directory block*/
wrPermErr = -61, /*write permissions error*/
dirNFErr = -120, /*Directory not found*/
tmwdoErr = -121, /*No free WDCB available*/
badMovErr = -122, /*Move into offspring error*/
wrgVolTypErr = -123, /*Wrong volume type error [operation not supported for MFS]*/
volGoneErr = -124 /*Server volume has been disconnected.*/
enum {
fidNotFound = -1300, /*no file thread exists.*/
fidExists = -1301, /*file id already exists*/
notAFileErr = -1302, /*directory specified*/
diffVolErr = -1303, /*files on different volumes*/
catChangedErr = -1304, /*the catalog has been modified*/
desktopDamagedErr = -1305, /*desktop database files are corrupted*/
sameFileErr = -1306, /*can't exchange a file with itself*/
badFidErr = -1307, /*file id is dangling or doesn't match with the file number*/
envNotPresent = -5500, /*returned by glue.*/
envBadVers = -5501, /*Version non-positive*/
envVersTooBig = -5502, /*Version bigger than call can handle*/
fontDecError = -64, /*error during font declaration*/
fontNotDeclared = -65, /*font not declared*/
fontSubErr = -66, /*font substitution occured*/
fontNotOutlineErr = -32615, /*bitmap font passed to routine that does outlines only*/
firstDskErr = -84, /*I/O System Errors*/
lastDskErr = -64, /*I/O System Errors*/
noDriveErr = -64, /*drive not installed*/
offLinErr = -65, /*r/w requested for an off-line drive*/
noNybErr = -66 /*couldn't find 5 nybbles in 200 tries*/
enum {
noAdrMkErr = -67, /*couldn't find valid addr mark*/
dataVerErr = -68, /*read verify compare failed*/
badCksmErr = -69, /*addr mark checksum didn't check*/
badBtSlpErr = -70, /*bad addr mark bit slip nibbles*/
noDtaMkErr = -71, /*couldn't find a data mark header*/
badDCksum = -72, /*bad data mark checksum*/
badDBtSlp = -73, /*bad data mark bit slip nibbles*/
wrUnderrun = -74, /*write underrun occurred*/
cantStepErr = -75, /*step handshake failed*/
tk0BadErr = -76, /*track 0 detect doesn't change*/
initIWMErr = -77, /*unable to initialize IWM*/
twoSideErr = -78, /*tried to read 2nd side on a 1-sided drive*/
spdAdjErr = -79, /*unable to correctly adjust disk speed*/
seekErr = -80, /*track number wrong on address mark*/
sectNFErr = -81, /*sector number never found on a track*/
fmt1Err = -82, /*can't find sector 0 after track format*/
fmt2Err = -83, /*can't get enough sync*/
verErr = -84, /*track failed to verify*/
clkRdErr = -85, /*unable to read same clock value twice*/
clkWrErr = -86 /*time written did not verify*/
enum {
prWrErr = -87, /*parameter ram written didn't read-verify*/
prInitErr = -88, /*InitUtil found the parameter ram uninitialized*/
rcvrErr = -89, /*SCC receiver error (framing; parity; OR)*/
breakRecd = -90, /*Break received (SCC)*/
/*Power Manager Errors*/
pmBusyErr = -13000, /*Power Mgr never ready to start handshake*/
pmReplyTOErr = -13001, /*Timed out waiting for reply*/
pmSendStartErr = -13002, /*during send, pmgr did not start hs*/
pmSendEndErr = -13003, /*during send, pmgr did not finish hs*/
pmRecvStartErr = -13004, /*during receive, pmgr did not start hs*/
pmRecvEndErr = -13005, /*during receive, pmgr did not finish hs configured for this connection*/
/*Scrap Manager errors*/
noScrapErr = -100, /*No scrap exists error*/
noTypeErr = -102, /*No object of that type in scrap*/
memROZWarn = -99, /*soft error in ROZ*/
memROZError = -99, /*hard error in ROZ*/
memROZErr = -99, /*hard error in ROZ*/
memFullErr = -108, /*Not enough room in heap zone*/
nilHandleErr = -109, /*Master Pointer was NIL in HandleZone or other*/
memWZErr = -111, /*WhichZone failed (applied to free block)*/
memPurErr = -112, /*trying to purge a locked or non-purgeable block*/
memAdrErr = -110 /*address was odd; or out of range*/
enum {
memAZErr = -113, /*Address in zone check failed*/
memPCErr = -114, /*Pointer Check failed*/
memBCErr = -115, /*Block Check failed*/
memSCErr = -116, /*Size Check failed*/
memLockedErr = -117, /*trying to move a locked block (MoveHHi)*/
resNotFound = -192, /*Resource not found*/
resFNotFound = -193, /*Resource file not found*/
addResFailed = -194, /*AddResource failed*/
addRefFailed = -195, /*AddReference failed*/
rmvResFailed = -196, /*RmveResource failed*/
rmvRefFailed = -197, /*RmveReference failed*/
resAttrErr = -198, /*attribute inconsistent with operation*/
mapReadErr = -199, /*map inconsistent with operation*/
CantDecompress = -186, /*resource bent ("the bends") - can't decompress a compressed resource*/
badExtResource = -185, /*extended resource has a bad format.*/
evtNotEnb = 1, /*event not enabled at PostEvent*/
noMemForPictPlaybackErr = -145,
rgnTooBigError = -147,
pixMapTooDeepErr = -148,
nsStackErr = -149
enum {
cMatchErr = -150, /*Color2Index failed to find an index*/
cTempMemErr = -151, /*failed to allocate memory for temporary structures*/
cNoMemErr = -152, /*failed to allocate memory for structure*/
cRangeErr = -153, /*range error on colorTable request*/
cProtectErr = -154, /*colorTable entry protection violation*/
cDevErr = -155, /*invalid type of graphics device*/
cResErr = -156, /*invalid resolution for MakeITable*/
rgnTooBigErr = -500,
updPixMemErr = -125, /*insufficient memory to update a pixmap*/
pictInfoVersionErr = -11000, /* wrong version of the PictInfo structure */
pictInfoIDErr = -11001, /* the internal consistancy check for the PictInfoID is wrong */
pictInfoVerbErr = -11002, /* the passed verb was invalid */
cantLoadPickMethodErr = -11003, /* unable to load the custom pick proc */
colorsRequestedErr = -11004, /* the number of colors requested was illegal */
pictureDataErr = -11005, /* the picture data was invalid */
/*Sound Manager errors*/
noHardware = noHardwareErr, /* *** obsolete spelling */
notEnoughHardware = notEnoughHardwareErr, /* *** obsolete spelling */
queueFull = -203, /*Sound Manager Error Returns*/
resProblem = -204, /*Sound Manager Error Returns*/
badChannel = -205 /*Sound Manager Error Returns*/
enum {
badFormat = -206, /*Sound Manager Error Returns*/
notEnoughBufferSpace = -207, /* could not allocate enough memory */
badFileFormat = -208, /* was not type AIFF or was of bad format,corrupt */
channelBusy = -209, /* the Channel is being used for a PFD already */
buffersTooSmall = -210, /* can not operate in the memory allowed */
channelNotBusy = -211,
noMoreRealTime = -212, /* not enough CPU cycles left to add another task */
siNoSoundInHardware = -220, /*no Sound Input hardware*/
siBadSoundInDevice = -221, /*invalid index passed to SoundInGetIndexedDevice*/
siNoBufferSpecified = -222, /*returned by synchronous SPBRecord if nil buffer passed*/
siInvalidCompression = -223, /*invalid compression type*/
siHardDriveTooSlow = -224, /*hard drive too slow to record to disk*/
siInvalidSampleRate = -225, /*invalid sample rate*/
siInvalidSampleSize = -226, /*invalid sample size*/
siDeviceBusyErr = -227, /*input device already in use*/
siBadDeviceName = -228, /*input device could not be opened*/
siBadRefNum = -229, /*invalid input device reference number*/
siInputDeviceErr = -230, /*input device hardware failure*/
siUnknownInfoType = -231, /*invalid info type selector (returned by driver)*/
siUnknownQuality = -232 /*invalid quality selector (returned by driver)*/
enum {
/*Notification Manager errors*/
nmTypErr = -299, /*wrong queue type*/
siInitSDTblErr = 1, /*slot int dispatch table could not be initialized.*/
siInitVBLQsErr = 2, /*VBLqueues for all slots could not be initialized.*/
siInitSPTblErr = 3, /*slot priority table could not be initialized.*/
sdmJTInitErr = 10, /*SDM Jump Table could not be initialized.*/
sdmInitErr = 11, /*SDM could not be initialized.*/
sdmSRTInitErr = 12, /*Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.*/
sdmPRAMInitErr = 13, /*Slot PRAM could not be initialized.*/
sdmPriInitErr = 14, /*Cards could not be initialized.*/
smSDMInitErr = -290, /*Error; SDM could not be initialized.*/
smSRTInitErr = -291, /*Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.*/
smPRAMInitErr = -292, /*Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.*/
smPriInitErr = -293, /*Error; Cards could not be initialized.*/
smEmptySlot = -300, /*No card in slot*/
smCRCFail = -301, /*CRC check failed for declaration data*/
smFormatErr = -302, /*FHeader Format is not Apple's*/
smRevisionErr = -303, /*Wrong revison level*/
smNoDir = -304, /*Directory offset is Nil */
smDisabledSlot = -305, /*This slot is disabled (-305 use to be smLWTstBad)*/
smNosInfoArray = -306 /*No sInfoArray. Memory Mgr error.*/
enum {
smResrvErr = -307, /*Fatal reserved error. Resreved field <> 0.*/
smUnExBusErr = -308, /*Unexpected BusError*/
smBLFieldBad = -309, /*ByteLanes field was bad.*/
smFHBlockRdErr = -310, /*Error occured during _sGetFHeader.*/
smFHBlkDispErr = -311, /*Error occured during _sDisposePtr (Dispose of FHeader block).*/
smDisposePErr = -312, /*_DisposePointer error*/
smNoBoardSRsrc = -313, /*No Board sResource.*/
smGetPRErr = -314, /*Error occured during _sGetPRAMRec (See SIMStatus).*/
smNoBoardId = -315, /*No Board Id.*/
smInitStatVErr = -316, /*The InitStatusV field was negative after primary or secondary init.*/
smInitTblVErr = -317, /*An error occured while trying to initialize the Slot Resource Table.*/
smNoJmpTbl = -318, /*SDM jump table could not be created.*/
smBadBoardId = -319, /*BoardId was wrong; re-init the PRAM record.*/
smBusErrTO = -320, /*BusError time out.*/
/* The following errors are for primary or secondary init code. The errors are logged in the
vendor status field of the sInfo record. Normally the vendor error is not Apple's concern,
but a special error is needed to patch secondary inits.*/
svTempDisable = -32768, /*Temporarily disable card but run primary init.*/
svDisabled = -32640, /*Reserve range -32640 to -32768 for Apple temp disables.*/
smBadRefId = -330, /*Reference Id not found in List*/
smBadsList = -331, /*Bad sList: Id1 < Id2 < Id3 ...format is not followed.*/
smReservedErr = -332, /*Reserved field not zero*/
smCodeRevErr = -333 /*Code revision is wrong*/
enum {
smCPUErr = -334, /*Code revision is wrong*/
smsPointerNil = -335, /*LPointer is nil From sOffsetData. If this error occurs; check sInfo rec for more information.*/
smNilsBlockErr = -336, /*Nil sBlock error (Dont allocate and try to use a nil sBlock)*/
smSlotOOBErr = -337, /*Slot out of bounds error*/
smSelOOBErr = -338, /*Selector out of bounds error*/
smNewPErr = -339, /*_NewPtr error*/
smBlkMoveErr = -340, /*_BlockMove error*/
smCkStatusErr = -341, /*Status of slot = fail.*/
smGetDrvrNamErr = -342, /*Error occured during _sGetDrvrName.*/
smDisDrvrNamErr = -343, /*Error occured during _sDisDrvrName.*/
smNoMoresRsrcs = -344, /*No more sResources*/
smsGetDrvrErr = -345, /*Error occurred during _sGetDriver.*/
smBadsPtrErr = -346, /*Bad pointer was passed to sCalcsPointer*/
smByteLanesErr = -347, /*NumByteLanes was determined to be zero.*/
smOffsetErr = -348, /*Offset was too big (temporary error*/
smNoGoodOpens = -349, /*No opens were successfull in the loop.*/
smSRTOvrFlErr = -350, /*SRT over flow.*/
smRecNotFnd = -351, /*Record not found in the SRT.*/
editionMgrInitErr = -450, /*edition manager not inited by this app*/
badSectionErr = -451 /*not a valid SectionRecord*/
enum {
notRegisteredSectionErr = -452, /*not a registered SectionRecord*/
badEditionFileErr = -453, /*edition file is corrupt*/
badSubPartErr = -454, /*can not use sub parts in this release*/
multiplePublisherWrn = -460, /*A Publisher is already registered for that container*/
containerNotFoundWrn = -461, /*could not find editionContainer at this time*/
containerAlreadyOpenWrn = -462, /*container already opened by this section*/
notThePublisherWrn = -463, /*not the first registered publisher for that container*/
teScrapSizeErr = -501, /*scrap item too big for text edit record*/
hwParamErr = -502, /*bad selector for _HWPriv*/
/* Process Manager errors */
procNotFound = -600, /* no eligible process with specified descriptor */
memFragErr = -601, /* not enough room to launch app w/special requirements */
appModeErr = -602, /* memory mode is 32-bit, but app not 32-bit clean */
protocolErr = -603, /* app made module calls in improper order */
hardwareConfigErr = -604, /* hardware configuration not correct for call */
appMemFullErr = -605, /* application SIZE not big enough for launch */
appIsDaemon = -606, /* app is BG-only, and launch flags disallow this */
/*MemoryDispatch errors*/
notEnoughMemoryErr = -620, /*insufficient physical memory*/
notHeldErr = -621, /*specified range of memory is not held*/
cannotMakeContiguousErr = -622, /*cannot make specified range contiguous*/
notLockedErr = -623 /*specified range of memory is not locked*/
enum {
interruptsMaskedErr = -624, /*donÕt call with interrupts masked*/
cannotDeferErr = -625, /*unable to defer additional functions*/
ddpSktErr = -91, /*error in soket number*/
ddpLenErr = -92, /*data length too big*/
noBridgeErr = -93, /*no network bridge for non-local send*/
lapProtErr = -94, /*error in attaching/detaching protocol*/
excessCollsns = -95, /*excessive collisions on write*/
portInUse = -97, /*driver Open error code (port is in use)*/
portNotCf = -98, /*driver Open error code (parameter RAM not configured for this connection)*/
nbpBuffOvr = -1024, /*Buffer overflow in LookupName*/
nbpNoConfirm = -1025,
nbpConfDiff = -1026, /*Name confirmed at different socket*/
nbpDuplicate = -1027, /*Duplicate name exists already*/
nbpNotFound = -1028, /*Name not found on remove*/
nbpNISErr = -1029, /*Error trying to open the NIS*/
aspBadVersNum = -1066, /*Server cannot support this ASP version*/
aspBufTooSmall = -1067, /*Buffer too small*/
aspNoMoreSess = -1068, /*No more sessions on server*/
aspNoServers = -1069, /*No servers at that address*/
aspParamErr = -1070 /*Parameter error*/
enum {
aspServerBusy = -1071, /*Server cannot open another session*/
aspSessClosed = -1072, /*Session closed*/
aspSizeErr = -1073, /*Command block too big*/
aspTooMany = -1074, /*Too many clients (server error)*/
aspNoAck = -1075, /*No ack on attention request (server err)*/
reqFailed = -1096,
tooManyReqs = -1097,
tooManySkts = -1098,
badATPSkt = -1099,
badBuffNum = -1100,
noRelErr = -1101,
cbNotFound = -1102,
noSendResp = -1103,
noDataArea = -1104,
reqAborted = -1105,
buf2SmallErr = -3101,
noMPPErr = -3102,
ckSumErr = -3103,
extractErr = -3104,
readQErr = -3105
enum {
atpLenErr = -3106,
atpBadRsp = -3107,
recNotFnd = -3108,
sktClosedErr = -3109,
afpAccessDenied = -5000,
afpAuthContinue = -5001,
afpBadUAM = -5002,
afpBadVersNum = -5003,
afpBitmapErr = -5004,
afpCantMove = -5005,
afpDenyConflict = -5006,
afpDirNotEmpty = -5007,
afpDiskFull = -5008,
afpEofError = -5009,
afpFileBusy = -5010,
afpFlatVol = -5011,
afpItemNotFound = -5012,
afpLockErr = -5013,
afpMiscErr = -5014,
afpNoMoreLocks = -5015
enum {
afpNoServer = -5016,
afpObjectExists = -5017,
afpObjectNotFound = -5018,
afpParmErr = -5019,
afpRangeNotLocked = -5020,
afpRangeOverlap = -5021,
afpSessClosed = -5022,
afpUserNotAuth = -5023,
afpCallNotSupported = -5024,
afpObjectTypeErr = -5025,
afpTooManyFilesOpen = -5026,
afpServerGoingDown = -5027,
afpCantRename = -5028,
afpDirNotFound = -5029,
afpIconTypeError = -5030,
afpVolLocked = -5031, /*Volume is Read-Only*/
afpObjectLocked = -5032, /*Object is M/R/D/W inhibited*/
afpContainsSharedErr = -5033, /*$FFFFEC57 the folder being shared contains a shared folder */
afpIDNotFound = -5034, /*$FFFFEC56*/
afpIDExists = -5035 /*$FFFFEC55*/
enum {
afpDiffVolErr = -5036, /*$FFFFEC54*/
afpCatalogChanged = -5037, /*$FFFFEC53*/
afpSameObjectErr = -5038, /*$FFFFEC52*/
afpBadIDErr = -5039, /*$FFFFEC51*/
afpPwdSameErr = -5040, /*$FFFFEC50 someone tried to change their password to the same password on a mantadory password change */
afpPwdTooShortErr = -5041, /*$FFFFEC4F the password being set is too short: there is a minimum length that must be met or exceeded */
afpPwdExpiredErr = -5042, /*$FFFFEC4E the password being used is too old: this requires the user to change the password before log-in can continue */
afpInsideSharedErr = -5043, /*$FFFFEC4D the folder being shared is inside a shared folder OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into a shared folder OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into the descendent of a shared folder. */
afpInsideTrashErr = -5044, /*$FFFFEC4C the folder being shared is inside the trash folder OR the shared folder is being moved into the trash folder OR the folder is being moved to the trash and it contains a shared folder */
/*PPC errors*/
notInitErr = -900, /* PPCToolBox not initialized */
nameTypeErr = -902, /* Invalid or inappropriate locationKindSelector in locationName */
noPortErr = -903, /* Unable to open port or bad portRefNum */
noGlobalsErr = -904, /* The system is hosed, better re-boot */
localOnlyErr = -905, /* Network activity is currently disabled */
destPortErr = -906, /* Port does not exist at destination */
sessTableErr = -907, /* Out of session tables, try again later */
noSessionErr = -908, /* Invalid session reference number */
badReqErr = -909, /* bad parameter or invalid state for operation */
portNameExistsErr = -910, /* port is already open (perhaps in another app) */
noUserNameErr = -911 /* user name unknown on destination machine */
enum {
userRejectErr = -912, /* Destination rejected the session request */
noMachineNameErr = -913, /* user hasn't named his Macintosh in the Network Setup Control Panel */
noToolboxNameErr = -914, /* A system resource is missing, not too likely */
noResponseErr = -915, /* unable to contact destination */
portClosedErr = -916, /* port was closed */
sessClosedErr = -917, /* session was closed */
badPortNameErr = -919, /* PPCPortRec malformed */
noDefaultUserErr = -922, /* user hasn't typed in owners name in Network Setup Control Pannel */
notLoggedInErr = -923, /* The default userRefNum does not yet exist */
noUserRefErr = -924, /* unable to create a new userRefNum */
networkErr = -925, /* An error has occured in the network, not too likely */
noInformErr = -926, /* PPCStart failed because destination did not have inform pending */
authFailErr = -927, /* unable to authenticate user at destination */
noUserRecErr = -928, /* Invalid user reference number */
badServiceMethodErr = -930, /* illegal service type, or not supported */
badLocNameErr = -931, /* location name malformed */
guestNotAllowedErr = -932, /* destination port requires authentication */
swOverrunErr = 1, /*serial driver error masks*/
parityErr = 16, /*serial driver error masks*/
hwOverrunErr = 32 /*serial driver error masks*/
enum {
framingErr = 64, /*serial driver error masks*/
dsBusError = 1, /*bus error */
dsAddressErr = 2, /*address error*/
dsIllInstErr = 3, /*illegal instruction error*/
dsZeroDivErr = 4, /*zero divide error*/
dsChkErr = 5, /*check trap error*/
dsOvflowErr = 6, /*overflow trap error*/
dsPrivErr = 7, /*privilege violation error*/
dsTraceErr = 8, /*trace mode error*/
dsLineAErr = 9, /*line 1010 trap error*/
dsLineFErr = 10, /*line 1111 trap error*/
dsMiscErr = 11, /*miscellaneous hardware exception error*/
dsCoreErr = 12, /*unimplemented core routine error*/
dsIrqErr = 13, /*uninstalled interrupt error*/
dsIOCoreErr = 14, /*IO Core Error*/
dsLoadErr = 15, /*Segment Loader Error*/
dsFPErr = 16, /*Floating point error*/
dsNoPackErr = 17, /*package 0 not present*/
dsNoPk1 = 18, /*package 1 not present*/
dsNoPk2 = 19 /*package 2 not present*/
enum {
dsNoPk3 = 20, /*package 3 not present*/
dsNoPk4 = 21, /*package 4 not present*/
dsNoPk5 = 22, /*package 5 not present*/
dsNoPk6 = 23, /*package 6 not present*/
dsNoPk7 = 24, /*package 7 not present*/
dsMemFullErr = 25, /*out of memory!*/
dsBadLaunch = 26, /*can't launch file*/
dsFSErr = 27, /*file system map has been trashed*/
dsStknHeap = 28, /*stack has moved into application heap*/
negZcbFreeErr = 33, /*ZcbFree has gone negative*/
dsFinderErr = 41, /*can't load the Finder error*/
dsBadSlotInt = 51, /*unserviceable slot interrupt*/
dsBadSANEOpcode = 81, /*bad opcode given to SANE Pack4*/
dsBadPatchHeader = 83, /*SetTrapAddress saw the Òcome-fromÓ header*/
menuPrgErr = 84, /*happens when a menu is purged*/
dsMBarNFnd = 85, /*Menu Manager Errors*/
dsHMenuFindErr = 86, /*Menu Manager Errors*/
dsWDEFNotFound = 87, /*could not load WDEF*/
dsCDEFNotFound = 88, /*could not load CDEF*/
dsMDEFNotFound = 89 /*could not load MDEF*/
enum {
dsNoFPU = 90, /*an FPU instruction was executed and the machine doesnÕt have one*/
dsNoPatch = 98, /*Can't patch for particular Model Mac*/
dsBadPatch = 99, /*Can't load patch resource*/
dsParityErr = 101, /*memory parity error*/
dsOldSystem = 102, /*System is too old for this ROM*/
ds32BitMode = 103, /*booting in 32-bit on a 24-bit sys*/
dsNeedToWriteBootBlocks = 104, /*need to write new boot blocks*/
dsNotEnoughRAMToBoot = 105, /*must have at least 1.5MB of RAM to boot 7.0*/
dsBufPtrTooLow = 106, /*bufPtr moved too far during boot*/
dsReinsert = 30, /*request user to reinsert off-line volume*/
shutDownAlert = 42, /*handled like a shutdown error*/
dsShutDownOrRestart = 20000, /*user choice between ShutDown and Restart*/
dsSwitchOffOrRestart = 20001, /*user choice between switching off and Restart*/
dsForcedQuit = 20002, /*allow the user to ExitToShell, return if Cancel*/
/*System Errors that are used after MacsBug is loaded to put up dialogs since these should not cause MacsBug to stop, they must be in the range (30, 42, 16384-32767) negative numbers add to an existing dialog without putting up a whole new dialog*/
dsMacsBugInstalled = -10, /*say ÒMacsBug InstalledÓ*/
dsDisassemblerInstalled = -11, /*say ÒDisassembler InstalledÓ*/
dsExtensionsDisabled = -13, /*say ÒExtensions DisabledÓ*/
dsGreeting = 40, /*welcome to Macintosh greeting*/
dsSysErr = 32767, /*general system error*/
/*old names here for compatibilityÕs sake*/
WDEFNFnd = dsWDEFNotFound
enum {
CDEFNFnd = dsCDEFNotFound,
dsNotThe1 = 31, /*not the disk I wanted*/
dsBadStartupDisk = 42, /*unable to mount boot volume (sad Mac only)*/
dsSystemFileErr = 43, /*canÕt find System file to open (sad Mac only)*/
dsHD20Installed = -12, /*say ÒHD20 StartupÓ*/
mBarNFnd = -126, /*system error code for MBDF not found*/
hMenuFindErr = -127, /*could not find HMenu's parent in MenuKey*/
userBreak = -490, /*user debugger break*/
strUserBreak = -491, /*user debugger break; display string on stack*/
exUserBreak = -492, /*user debugger break; execute debugger commands on stack*/
/*obsolete errors that are no longer used, but I donÕt have the guts to remove from this file*/
selectorErr = paramErr /* bad selector, for selector-based traps */
#ifdef __cplusplus
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
Created: Sunday, January 6, 1991 at 10:07 PM
C Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1985-90
All rights reserved
#ifndef __macos_sysequ__
#define __macos_sysequ__
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace MacOS {
enum {
PCDeskPat = 0x20B, /*[GLOBAL VAR] desktop pat, top bit only! others are in use*/
HiKeyLast = 0x216, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Same as KbdVars*/
KbdLast = 0x218, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Same as KbdVars+2*/
ExpandMem = 0x2B6, /*[GLOBAL VAR] pointer to expanded memory block*/
SCSIBase = 0x0C00, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) base address for SCSI chip read*/
SCSIDMA = 0x0C04, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) base address for SCSI DMA*/
SCSIHsk = 0x0C08, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) base address for SCSI handshake*/
SCSIGlobals = 0x0C0C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) ptr for SCSI mgr locals*/
RGBBlack = 0x0C10, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (6 bytes) the black field for color*/
RGBWhite = 0x0C16, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (6 bytes) the white field for color*/
RowBits = 0x0C20, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) screen horizontal pixels*/
ColLines = 0x0C22, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) screen vertical pixels*/
ScreenBytes = 0x0C24, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) total screen bytes*/
NMIFlag = 0x0C2C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) flag for NMI debounce*/
VidType = 0x0C2D, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) video board type ID*/
VidMode = 0x0C2E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) video mode (4=4bit color)*/
SCSIPoll = 0x0C2F, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) poll for device zero only once.*/
SEVarBase = 0x0C30, /*[GLOBAL VAR] */
MMUFlags = 0x0CB0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) cleared to zero (reserved for future use)*/
MMUType = 0x0CB1 /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) kind of MMU present*/
enum {
MMU32bit = 0x0CB2, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) boolean reflecting current machine MMU mode*/
MMUFluff = 0x0CB3, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) fluff byte forced by reducing MMUMode to MMU32bit.*/
MMUTbl = 0x0CB4, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) pointer to MMU Mapping table*/
MMUTblSize = 0x0CB8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) size of the MMU mapping table*/
SInfoPtr = 0x0CBC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) pointer to Slot manager information*/
ASCBase = 0x0CC0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) pointer to Sound Chip*/
SMGlobals = 0x0CC4, /* (long) pointer to Sound Manager Globals*/
TheGDevice = 0x0CC8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) the current graphics device*/
CQDGlobals = 0x0CCC, /* (long) quickDraw global extensions*/
ADBBase = 0x0CF8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) pointer to Front Desk Buss Variables*/
WarmStart = 0x0CFC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) flag to indicate it is a warm start*/
TimeDBRA = 0x0D00, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) number of iterations of DBRA per millisecond*/
TimeSCCDB = 0x0D02, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) number of iter's of SCC access & DBRA.*/
SlotQDT = 0x0D04, /*[GLOBAL VAR] ptr to slot queue table*/
SlotPrTbl = 0x0D08, /*[GLOBAL VAR] ptr to slot priority table*/
SlotVBLQ = 0x0D0C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] ptr to slot VBL queue table*/
ScrnVBLPtr = 0x0D10, /*[GLOBAL VAR] save for ptr to main screen VBL queue*/
SlotTICKS = 0x0D14, /*[GLOBAL VAR] ptr to slot tickcount table*/
TableSeed = 0x0D20, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) seed value for color table ID's*/
SRsrcTblPtr = 0x0D24 /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) pointer to slot resource table.*/
enum {
JVBLTask = 0x0D28, /*[GLOBAL VAR] vector to slot VBL task interrupt handler*/
WMgrCPort = 0x0D2C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] window manager color port */
VertRRate = 0x0D30, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) Vertical refresh rate for start manager. */
ChunkyDepth = 0x0D60, /*[GLOBAL VAR] depth of the pixels*/
CrsrPtr = 0x0D62, /*[GLOBAL VAR] pointer to cursor save area*/
PortList = 0x0D66, /*[GLOBAL VAR] list of grafports*/
MickeyBytes = 0x0D6A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] long pointer to cursor stuff*/
QDErrLM = 0x0D6E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] QDErr has name conflict w/ type. QuickDraw error code [word]*/
VIA2DT = 0x0D70, /*[GLOBAL VAR] 32 bytes for VIA2 dispatch table for NuMac*/
SInitFlags = 0x0D90, /*[GLOBAL VAR] StartInit.a flags [word]*/
DTQueue = 0x0D92, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (10 bytes) deferred task queue header*/
DTQFlags = 0x0D92, /*[GLOBAL VAR] flag word for DTQueue*/
DTskQHdr = 0x0D94, /*[GLOBAL VAR] ptr to head of queue*/
DTskQTail = 0x0D98, /*[GLOBAL VAR] ptr to tail of queue*/
JDTInstall = 0x0D9C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) ptr to deferred task install routine*/
HiliteRGB = 0x0DA0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] 6 bytes: rgb of hilite color*/
TimeSCSIDB = 0x0DA6, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) number of iter's of SCSI access & DBRA*/
DSCtrAdj = 0x0DA8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) Center adjust for DS rect.*/
IconTLAddr = 0x0DAC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) pointer to where start icons are to be put.*/
VideoInfoOK = 0x0DB0 /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) Signals to CritErr that the Video card is ok*/
enum {
EndSRTPtr = 0x0DB4, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) Pointer to the end of the Slot Resource Table (Not the SRT buffer).*/
SDMJmpTblPtr = 0x0DB8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) Pointer to the SDM jump table*/
JSwapMMU = 0x0DBC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) jump vector to SwapMMU routine*/
SdmBusErr = 0x0DC0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) Pointer to the SDM busErr handler*/
LastTxGDevice = 0x0DC4, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) copy of TheGDevice set up for fast text measure*/
NewCrsrJTbl = 0x88C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] location of new crsr jump vectors*/
JAllocCrsr = 0x88C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) vector to routine that allocates cursor*/
JSetCCrsr = 0x890, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) vector to routine that sets color cursor*/
JOpcodeProc = 0x894, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) vector to process new picture opcodes*/
CrsrBase = 0x898, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) scrnBase for cursor*/
CrsrDevice = 0x89C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) current cursor device*/
SrcDevice = 0x8A0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (LONG) Src device for Stretchbits*/
MainDevice = 0x8A4, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) the main screen device*/
DeviceList = 0x8A8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) list of display devices*/
CrsrRow = 0x8AC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) rowbytes for current cursor screen*/
QDColors = 0x8B0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) handle to default colors*/
HiliteMode = 0x938, /*[GLOBAL VAR] used for color highlighting*/
BusErrVct = 0x08, /*[GLOBAL VAR] bus error vector*/
RestProc = 0xA8C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Resume procedure f InitDialogs [pointer]*/
ROM85 = 0x28E /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) actually high bit - 0 for ROM vers $75 (sic) and later*/
enum {
ROMMapHndl = 0xB06, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) handle of ROM resource map*/
ScrVRes = 0x102, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pixels per inch vertically (word)
screen vertical dots/inch [word]*/
ScrHRes = 0x104, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pixels per inch horizontally (word)
screen horizontal dots/inch [word]*/
ScrnBase = 0x824, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of main screen buffer
Screen Base [pointer]*/
ScreenRow = 0x106, /*[GLOBAL VAR] rowBytes of screen [word]*/
MBTicks = 0x16E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] tick count @ last mouse button [long]*/
JKybdTask = 0x21A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] keyboard VBL task hook [pointer]*/
KeyLast = 0x184, /*[GLOBAL VAR] ASCII for last valid keycode [word]*/
KeyTime = 0x186, /*[GLOBAL VAR] tickcount when KEYLAST was rec'd [long]*/
KeyRepTime = 0x18A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] tickcount when key was last repeated [long]*/
SPConfig = 0x1FB, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Use types for serial ports (byte)
config bits: 4-7 A, 0-3 B (see use type below)*/
SPPortA = 0x1FC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Modem port configuration (word)
SCC port A configuration [word]*/
SPPortB = 0x1FE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Printer port configuration (word)
SCC port B configuration [word]*/
SCCRd = 0x1D8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] SCC read base address
SCC base read address [pointer]*/
SCCWr = 0x1DC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] SCC write base address
SCC base write address [pointer]*/
DoubleTime = 0x2F0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Double-click interval in ticks (long)
double click ticks [long]*/
CaretTime = 0x2F4, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Caret-blink interval in ticks (long)
caret blink ticks [long]*/
KeyThresh = 0x18E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Auto-key threshold (word)
threshold for key repeat [word]*/
KeyRepThresh = 0x190, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Auto-key rate (word)
key repeat speed [word]*/
SdVolume = 0x260 /*[GLOBAL VAR] Current speaker volume (byte: low-order three bits only)
Global volume(sound) control [byte]*/
enum {
Ticks = 0x16A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Current number of ticks since system startup (long)
Tick count, time since boot [unsigned long]*/
TimeLM = 0x20C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Time has name conflict w/ type. Clock time (extrapolated) [long]*/
MonkeyLives = 0x100, /*[GLOBAL VAR] monkey lives if >= 0 [word]*/
SEvtEnb = 0x15C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] 0 if SystemEvent should return FALSE (byte)
enable SysEvent calls from GNE [byte]*/
JournalFlag = 0x8DE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Journaling mode (word)
journaling state [word]*/
JournalRef = 0x8E8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Reference number of journaling device driver (word)
Journalling driver's refnum [word]*/
BufPtr = 0x10C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of end of jump table
top of application memory [pointer]*/
StkLowPt = 0x110, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Lowest stack as measured in VBL task [pointer]*/
TheZone = 0x118, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of current heap zone
current heap zone [pointer]*/
ApplLimit = 0x130, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Application heap limit
application limit [pointer]*/
SysZone = 0x2A6, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of system heap zone
system heap zone [pointer]*/
ApplZone = 0x2AA, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of application heap zone
application heap zone [pointer]*/
HeapEnd = 0x114, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of end of application heap zone
end of heap [pointer]*/
HiHeapMark = 0xBAE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) highest address used by a zone below sp<01Nov85 JTC>*/
MemErr = 0x220, /*[GLOBAL VAR] last memory manager error [word]*/
UTableBase = 0x11C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Base address of unit table
unit I/O table [pointer]*/
UnitNtryCnt = 0x1D2, /*[GLOBAL VAR] count of entries in unit table [word]*/
JFetch = 0x8F4, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Jump vector for Fetch function
fetch a byte routine for drivers [pointer]*/
JStash = 0x8F8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Jump vector for Stash function
stash a byte routine for drivers [pointer]*/
JIODone = 0x8FC /*[GLOBAL VAR] Jump vector for IODone function
IODone entry location [pointer]*/
enum {
DrvQHdr = 0x308, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Drive queue header (10 bytes)
queue header of drives in system [10 bytes]*/
BootDrive = 0x210, /*[GLOBAL VAR] drive number of boot drive [word]*/
EjectNotify = 0x338, /*[GLOBAL VAR] eject notify procedure [pointer]*/
IAZNotify = 0x33C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] world swaps notify procedure [pointer]*/
SFSaveDisk = 0x214, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Negative of volume reference number used by Standard File Package (word)
last vRefNum seen by standard file [word]*/
CurDirStore = 0x398, /*[GLOBAL VAR] save dir across calls to Standard File [long]*/
OneOne = 0xA02, /*[GLOBAL VAR] $00010001
constant $00010001 [long]*/
MinusOne = 0xA06, /*[GLOBAL VAR] $FFFFFFFF
constant $FFFFFFFF [long]*/
Lo3Bytes = 0x31A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] $00FFFFFF
constant $00FFFFFF [long]*/
ROMBase = 0x2AE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Base address of ROM
ROM base address [pointer]*/
RAMBase = 0x2B2, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Trap dispatch table's base address for routines in RAM
RAM base address [pointer]*/
SysVersion = 0x15A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] version # of RAM-based system [word]*/
RndSeed = 0x156, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Random number seed (long)
random seed/number [long]*/
Scratch20 = 0x1E4, /*[GLOBAL VAR] 20-byte scratch area
scratch [20 bytes]*/
Scratch8 = 0x9FA, /*[GLOBAL VAR] 8-byte scratch area
scratch [8 bytes]*/
ScrapSize = 0x960, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Size in bytes of desk scrap (long)
scrap length [long]*/
ScrapHandle = 0x964, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Handle to desk scrap in memory
memory scrap [handle]*/
ScrapCount = 0x968, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Count changed by ZeroScrap (word)
validation byte [word]*/
ScrapState = 0x96A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Tells where desk scrap is (word)
scrap state [word]*/
ScrapName = 0x96C /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to scrap file name (preceded by length byte)
pointer to scrap name [pointer]*/
enum {
IntlSpec = 0xBA0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (long) - ptr to extra Intl data */
SwitcherTPtr = 0x286, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Switcher's switch table */
CPUFlag = 0x12F, /*[GLOBAL VAR] $00=68000, $01=68010, $02=68020 (old ROM inits to $00)*/
VIA = 0x1D4, /*[GLOBAL VAR] VIA base address
VIA base address [pointer]*/
IWM = 0x1E0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] IWM base address [pointer]*/
Lvl1DT = 0x192, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Level-1 secondary interrupt vector table (32 bytes)
Interrupt level 1 dispatch table [32 bytes]*/
Lvl2DT = 0x1B2, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Level-2 secondary interrupt vector table (32 bytes)
Interrupt level 2 dispatch table [32 bytes]*/
ExtStsDT = 0x2BE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] External/status interrupt vector table (16 bytes)
SCC ext/sts secondary dispatch table [16 bytes]*/
SPValid = 0x1F8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Validity status (byte)
validation field ($A7) [byte]*/
SPATalkA = 0x1F9, /*[GLOBAL VAR] AppleTalk node ID hint for modem port (byte)
AppleTalk node number hint for port A*/
SPATalkB = 0x1FA, /*[GLOBAL VAR] AppleTalk node ID hint for printer port (byte)
AppleTalk node number hint for port B*/
SPAlarm = 0x200, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Alarm setting (long)
alarm time [long]*/
SPFont = 0x204, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Application font number minus 1 (word)
default application font number minus 1 [word]*/
SPKbd = 0x206, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Auto-key threshold and rate (byte)
kbd repeat thresh in 4/60ths [2 4-bit]*/
SPPrint = 0x207, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Printer connection (byte)
print stuff [byte]*/
SPVolCtl = 0x208, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Speaker volume setting in parameter RAM (byte)
volume control [byte]*/
SPClikCaret = 0x209, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Double-click and caret-blink times (byte)
double click/caret time in 4/60ths[2 4-bit]*/
SPMisc1 = 0x20A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] miscellaneous [1 byte]*/
SPMisc2 = 0x20B, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Mouse scaling, system startup disk, menu blink (byte)
miscellaneous [1 byte]*/
GetParam = 0x1E4 /*[GLOBAL VAR] system parameter scratch [20 bytes]*/
enum {
SysParam = 0x1F8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Low-memory copy of parameter RAM (20 bytes)
system parameter memory [20 bytes]*/
CrsrThresh = 0x8EC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Mouse-scaling threshold (word)
delta threshold for mouse scaling [word]*/
JCrsrTask = 0x8EE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] address of CrsrVBLTask [long]*/
MTemp = 0x828, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Low-level interrupt mouse location [long]*/
RawMouse = 0x82C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] un-jerked mouse coordinates [long]*/
CrsrRect = 0x83C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Cursor hit rectangle [8 bytes]*/
TheCrsr = 0x844, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Cursor data, mask & hotspot [68 bytes]*/
CrsrAddr = 0x888, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of data under cursor [long]*/
CrsrSave = 0x88C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] data under the cursor [64 bytes]*/
CrsrVis = 0x8CC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Cursor visible? [byte]*/
CrsrBusy = 0x8CD, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Cursor locked out? [byte]*/
CrsrNew = 0x8CE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Cursor changed? [byte]*/
CrsrState = 0x8D0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Cursor nesting level [word]*/
CrsrObscure = 0x8D2, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Cursor obscure semaphore [byte]*/
KbdVars = 0x216, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Keyboard manager variables [4 bytes]*/
KbdType = 0x21E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] keyboard model number [byte]*/
MBState = 0x172, /*[GLOBAL VAR] current mouse button state [byte]*/
KeyMapLM = 0x174, /*[GLOBAL VAR] KeyMap has name conflict w/ type. Bitmap of the keyboard [4 longs]*/
KeypadMap = 0x17C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] bitmap for numeric pad-18bits [long]*/
Key1Trans = 0x29E /*[GLOBAL VAR] keyboard translator procedure [pointer]*/
enum {
Key2Trans = 0x2A2, /*[GLOBAL VAR] numeric keypad translator procedure [pointer]*/
JGNEFilter = 0x29A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] GetNextEvent filter proc [pointer]*/
KeyMVars = 0xB04, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) for ROM KEYM proc state*/
Mouse = 0x830, /*[GLOBAL VAR] processed mouse coordinate [long]*/
CrsrPin = 0x834, /*[GLOBAL VAR] cursor pinning rectangle [8 bytes]*/
CrsrCouple = 0x8CF, /*[GLOBAL VAR] cursor coupled to mouse? [byte]*/
CrsrScale = 0x8D3, /*[GLOBAL VAR] cursor scaled? [byte]*/
MouseMask = 0x8D6, /*[GLOBAL VAR] V-H mask for ANDing with mouse [long]*/
MouseOffset = 0x8DA, /*[GLOBAL VAR] V-H offset for adding after ANDing [long]*/
AlarmState = 0x21F, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Bit7=parity, Bit6=beeped, Bit0=enable [byte]*/
VBLQueue = 0x160, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Vertical retrace queue header (10 bytes)
VBL queue header [10 bytes]*/
SysEvtMask = 0x144, /*[GLOBAL VAR] System event mask (word)
system event mask [word]*/
SysEvtBuf = 0x146, /*[GLOBAL VAR] system event queue element buffer [pointer]*/
EventQueue = 0x14A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Event queue header (10 bytes)
event queue header [10 bytes]*/
EvtBufCnt = 0x154, /*[GLOBAL VAR] max number of events in SysEvtBuf - 1 [word]*/
GZRootHnd = 0x328, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Handle to relocatable block not to be moved by grow zone function
root handle for GrowZone [handle]*/
GZRootPtr = 0x32C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] root pointer for GrowZone [pointer]*/
GZMoveHnd = 0x330, /*[GLOBAL VAR] moving handle for GrowZone [handle]*/
MemTop = 0x108, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of end of RAM (on Macintosh XL, end of RAM available to applications)
top of memory [pointer]*/
MmInOK = 0x12E /*[GLOBAL VAR] initial memory mgr checks ok? [byte]*/
enum {
HpChk = 0x316, /*[GLOBAL VAR] heap check RAM code [pointer]*/
MaskBC = 0x31A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Memory Manager Byte Count Mask [long]*/
MaskHandle = 0x31A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Memory Manager Handle Mask [long]*/
MaskPtr = 0x31A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Memory Manager Pointer Mask [long]*/
MinStack = 0x31E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Minimum space allotment for stack (long)
min stack size used in InitApplZone [long]*/
DefltStack = 0x322, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Default space allotment for stack (long)
default size of stack [long]*/
MMDefFlags = 0x326, /*[GLOBAL VAR] default zone flags [word]*/
DSAlertTab = 0x2BA, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to system error alert table in use
system error alerts [pointer]*/
DSAlertRect = 0x3F8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Rectangle enclosing system error alert (8 bytes)
rectangle for disk-switch alert [8 bytes]*/
DSDrawProc = 0x334, /*[GLOBAL VAR] alternate syserror draw procedure [pointer]*/
DSWndUpdate = 0x15D, /*[GLOBAL VAR] GNE not to paintBehind DS AlertRect? [byte]*/
WWExist = 0x8F2, /*[GLOBAL VAR] window manager initialized? [byte]*/
QDExist = 0x8F3, /*[GLOBAL VAR] quickdraw is initialized [byte]*/
ResumeProc = 0xA8C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of resume procedure
Resume procedure from InitDialogs [pointer]*/
DSErrCode = 0xAF0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Current system error ID (word)
last system error alert ID*/
IntFlag = 0x15F, /*[GLOBAL VAR] reduce interrupt disable time when bit 7 = 0*/
SerialVars = 0x2D0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] async driver variables [16 bytes]*/
ABusVars = 0x2D8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to AppleTalk variables
;Pointer to AppleTalk local variables*/
ABusDCE = 0x2DC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] ;Pointer to AppleTalk DCE*/
PortAUse = 0x290 /*[GLOBAL VAR] bit 7: 1 = not in use, 0 = in use*/
enum {
PortBUse = 0x291, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Current availability of serial port B (byte)
port B use, same format as PortAUse*/
SCCASts = 0x2CE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] SCC read reg 0 last ext/sts rupt - A [byte]*/
SCCBSts = 0x2CF, /*[GLOBAL VAR] SCC read reg 0 last ext/sts rupt - B [byte]*/
DskErr = 0x142, /*[GLOBAL VAR] disk routine result code [word]*/
PWMBuf2 = 0x312, /*[GLOBAL VAR] PWM buffer 1 (or 2 if sound) [pointer]*/
SoundPtr = 0x262, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to four-tone record
4VE sound definition table [pointer]*/
SoundBase = 0x266, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to free-form synthesizer buffer
sound bitMap [pointer]*/
SoundVBL = 0x26A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] vertical retrace control element [16 bytes]*/
SoundDCE = 0x27A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] sound driver DCE [pointer]*/
SoundActive = 0x27E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] sound is active? [byte]*/
SoundLevel = 0x27F, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Amplitude in 740-byte buffer (byte)
current level in buffer [byte]*/
CurPitch = 0x280, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Value of count in square-wave synthesizer buffer (word)
current pitch value [word]*/
DskVerify = 0x12C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] used by 3.5 disk driver for read/verify [byte]*/
TagData = 0x2FA, /*[GLOBAL VAR] sector tag info for disk drivers [14 bytes]*/
BufTgFNum = 0x2FC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] File tags buffer: file number (long)
file number [long]*/
BufTgFFlg = 0x300, /*[GLOBAL VAR] File tags buffer: flags (word: bit 1=1 if resource fork)
flags [word]*/
BufTgFBkNum = 0x302, /*[GLOBAL VAR] File tags buffer: logical block number (word)
logical block number [word]*/
BufTgDate = 0x304, /*[GLOBAL VAR] File tags buffer: date and time of last modification (long)
time stamp [word]*/
ScrDmpEnb = 0x2F8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] 0 if GetNextEvent shouldn't process Command-Shift-number combinations (byte)
screen dump enabled? [byte]*/
ScrDmpType = 0x2F9 /*[GLOBAL VAR] FF dumps screen, FE dumps front window [byte]*/
enum {
ScrapVars = 0x960, /*[GLOBAL VAR] scrap manager variables [32 bytes]*/
ScrapInfo = 0x960, /*[GLOBAL VAR] scrap length [long]*/
ScrapEnd = 0x980, /*[GLOBAL VAR] end of scrap vars*/
ScrapTag = 0x970, /*[GLOBAL VAR] scrap file name [STRING[15]]*/
LaunchFlag = 0x902, /*[GLOBAL VAR] from launch or chain [byte]*/
SaveSegHandle = 0x930, /*[GLOBAL VAR] seg 0 handle [handle]*/
CurJTOffset = 0x934, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Offset to jump table from location pointed to by A5 (word)
current jump table offset [word]*/
CurPageOption = 0x936, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Sound/screen buffer configuration passed to Chain or Launch (word)
current page 2 configuration [word]*/
LoaderPBlock = 0x93A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] param block for ExitToShell [10 bytes]*/
CurApRefNum = 0x900, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Reference number of current application's resource file (word)
refNum of application's resFile [word]*/
CurrentA5 = 0x904, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of boundary between application globals and application parameters
current value of A5 [pointer]*/
CurStackBase = 0x908, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of base of stack; start of application globals
current stack base [pointer]*/
CurApName = 0x910, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Name of current application (length byte followed by up to 31 characters)
name of application [STRING[31]]*/
LoadTrap = 0x12D, /*[GLOBAL VAR] trap before launch? [byte]*/
SegHiEnable = 0xBB2, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) 0 to disable MoveHHi in LoadSeg*/
/* Window Manager Globals */
WindowList = 0x9D6, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to first window in window list; 0 if using events but not windows
Z-ordered linked list of windows [pointer]*/
PaintWhite = 0x9DC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Flag for whether to paint window white before update event (word)
erase newly drawn windows? [word]*/
WMgrPort = 0x9DE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to Window Manager port
window manager's grafport [pointer]*/
GrayRgn = 0x9EE, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Handle to region drawn as desktop
rounded gray desk region [handle]*/
CurActivate = 0xA64 /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to window to receive activate event
window slated for activate event [pointer]*/
enum {
CurDeactive = 0xA68, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to window to receive deactivate event
window slated for deactivate event [pointer]*/
DragHook = 0x9F6, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of procedure to execute during TrackGoAway, DragWindow, GrowWindow, DragGrayRgn, TrackControl, and DragControl
user hook during dragging [pointer]*/
DeskPattern = 0xA3C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pattern with which desktop is painted (8 bytes)
desk pattern [8 bytes]*/
DeskHook = 0xA6C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of procedure for painting desktop or responding to clicks on desktop
hook for painting the desk [pointer]*/
GhostWindow = 0xA84, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Pointer to window never to be considered frontmost
window hidden from FrontWindow [pointer]*/
/* Text Edit Globals */
TEDoText = 0xA70, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of TextEdit multi-purpose routine
textEdit doText proc hook [pointer]*/
TERecal = 0xA74, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of routine to recalculate line starts for TextEdit
textEdit recalText proc hook [pointer]*/
TEScrpLength = 0xAB0, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Size in bytes of TextEdit scrap (long)
textEdit Scrap Length [word]*/
TEScrpHandle = 0xAB4, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Handle to TextEdit scrap
textEdit Scrap [handle]*/
TEWdBreak = 0xAF6, /*[GLOBAL VAR] default word break routine [pointer]*/
WordRedraw = 0xBA5, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) - used by TextEdit RecalDraw*/
TESysJust = 0xBAC, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (word) system justification (intl. textEdit)*/
/* Resource Manager Globals */
TopMapHndl = 0xA50, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Handle to resource map of most recently opened resource file
topmost map in list [handle]*/
SysMapHndl = 0xA54, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Handle to map of system resource file
system map [handle]*/
SysMap = 0xA58, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Reference number of system resource file (word)
reference number of system map [word]*/
CurMap = 0xA5A, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Reference number of current resource file (word)
reference number of current map [word]*/
ResReadOnly = 0xA5C, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Read only flag [word]*/
ResLoad = 0xA5E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Current SetResLoad state (word)
Auto-load feature [word]*/
ResErr = 0xA60, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Current value of ResError (word)
Resource error code [word]*/
ResErrProc = 0xAF2 /*[GLOBAL VAR] Address of resource error procedure
Resource error procedure [pointer]*/
enum {
SysResName = 0xAD8, /*[GLOBAL VAR] Name of system resource file (length byte followed by up to 19 characters)
Name of system resource file [STRING[19]]*/
RomMapInsert = 0xB9E, /*[GLOBAL VAR] (byte) determines if we should link in map*/
TmpResLoad = 0xB9F, /*[GLOBAL VAR] second byte is temporary ResLoad value.*/
/* Menu Mgr globals */
MBarHeight = 0xBAA, /*[GLOBAL VAR] height of the menu bar*/
/* CommToolbox Global */
CommToolboxGlobals = 0x0BB4 /*[GLOBAL VAR] pointer to CommToolbox globals */
#ifdef __cplusplus
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user