#include "intern.h" #include namespace { std::unordered_multimap InternTable; std::string EmptyString; unsigned int DJBHash(const char* begin, size_t length) { unsigned int hash = 5381; for(size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + (begin[i]); } return hash; } } namespace Intern { const std::string *String(std::string &&str) { size_t size = str.size(); if (!size) return &EmptyString; unsigned hash = DJBHash(str.data(), size); auto range = InternTable.equal_range(hash); auto iter = range.first; auto endit = range.second; for( ; iter != endit; ++iter) { // hash matches, make sure the string does. const std::string *s = iter->second; if (s->size() == size && std::memcmp(s->data(), str.data(), size) == 0) return s; } // insert it. I suppose this could throw, in which case a string would leak. std::string *s = new std::string(std::move(str)); InternTable.emplace(std::make_pair(hash, s)); return s; } const std::string *String(const char *begin, size_t size) { if (!size) return &EmptyString; unsigned hash = DJBHash(begin, size); auto range = InternTable.equal_range(hash); auto iter = range.first; auto endit = range.second; for( ; iter != endit; ++iter) { // hash matches, make sure the string does. const std::string *s = iter->second; if (s->size() == size && std::memcmp(s->data(), begin, size) == 0) return s; } // insert it. I suppose this could throw, in which case a string would leak. std::string *s = new std::string(begin, size); InternTable.emplace(std::make_pair(hash, s)); return s; } const std::string *String(const char *begin, const char *end) { return String(begin, end - begin); } const std::string *String(const char *cp) { if (!cp || !*cp) return &EmptyString; return String(cp, strlen(cp)); } const std::string *String(const std::string &s) { return String(s.data(), s.size()); } }