#include // null #include #include #include #include "errors.h" const char *ErrorName(int16_t error) { switch(error) { case -32768: return "Temporarily disable card but run primary init."; case -32767: return "Bad component instance"; case -32766: return "Bad component selector"; case -32640: return "Reserve range -32640 to -32768 for Apple temp disables."; case -32615: return "Bitmap font passed to routine that does outlines only"; case -32100: return "Can't mount system startup volume"; case -32086: return "Circular reference in hierarchical menu"; case -32085: return "Unable to load menu bar defproc"; case -32041: return "The file named \"Finder\" can't be found on the disk"; case -32030: return "\"Please insert the disk\""; case -32029: return "File server error"; case -32028: return "Stack overflow: the stack has expanded into the heap"; case -32027: return "File map destroyed"; case -32026: return "Segment Loader error: a GetResource call to read a 'CODE' resource failed"; case -32025: return "Can't allocate requested memory block in heap"; case -32024: return "Can't load package"; case -32023: return "Can't load package"; case -32022: return "Can't load package"; case -32021: return "Can't load package"; case -32020: return "Can't load package"; case -32019: return "Can't load package"; case -32018: return "Can't load package"; case -32017: return "Can't load package"; case -32016: return "Floating point error"; case -32015: return "Segment Loader error: a GetResource call failed"; case -32014: return "I/O system error"; case -32013: return "Spurious interrupt"; case -32012: return "Unimplemented core routine: Unimplemented trap number encountered"; case -32011: return "Miscellaneous exception"; case -32010: return "Line 1111 exception: Unimplemented instruction"; case -32009: return "Line 1010 exception: the 1010 trap dispatcher has failed"; case -32008: return "Trace exception"; case -32007: return "Privilege violation"; case -32006: return "Trap V exception"; case -32005: return "Check exception: value out of range"; case -32004: return "Zero divide"; case -32003: return "Illegal instruction"; case -32002: return "Address error: word or long-word reference to an odd address"; case -32001: return "Bus error: invalid memory reference"; case -31009: return "Inconsistent dump format"; case -31008: return "Invalid file type"; case -31007: return "Illegal use of I/O control block"; case -31006: return "Attempt to use I/O control block which is currently in use"; case -31005: return "Too many includes"; case -31004: return "I/O system error (illegal use of buffer)"; case -31003: return "Not enough heap space to allocate I/O control block"; case -31002: return "Not enough heap space to allocate I/O buffer"; case -31001: return "Not a text file"; case -20002: return "The recordIndex parameter is not valid"; case -20001: return "The record data is bigger than buffer size (1024 bytes)"; case -20000: return "There is no such insert mode"; case -13005: return "Power Manager did not finish handshake during receive"; case -13004: return "Power Manager did not start handshake during receive"; case -13003: return "Power Manager did not finish handshake during send"; case -13002: return "Power Manager did not start handshake during send"; case -13001: return "Timed out waiting for reply"; case -13000: return "Power Manager never ready to start handshake"; case -11005: return "The picture data was invalid "; case -11004: return "The number of colors requested was illegal "; case -11003: return "Custom pick method not in resource chain"; case -11002: return "Invalid verb combination specified"; case -11001: return "Invalid PictInfo ID"; case -11000: return "Version number not zero"; case -10016: return "Apple Event Local Only"; case -10015: return "Apple Event Can't Undo"; case -10014: return "Apple Event Not A Single Object"; case -10013: return "Apple Event No User Selection"; case -10012: return "Apple Event No Such Transaction"; case -10011: return "Apple Event In Transaction"; case -10010: return "Apple Event Can't Handle Class"; case -10009: return "Apple Event Can't Supply Type"; case -10008: return "Apple Event Not An Element"; case -10007: return "Apple Event Index Too Large"; case -10006: return "Apple Event Write Denied"; case -10005: return "Apple Event Read Denied"; case -10004: return "Apple Event Privilege Error"; case -10003: return "Apple Event Not Modifiable"; case -10002: return "Apple Event Bad Key Form"; case -10001: return "Apple Event Type Error"; case -10000: return "Apple Event Failed"; case -9999: return "Can't move attached controller"; case -9998: return "Controller has fixed height"; case -9997: return "Can't set width of attached controller"; case -9996: return "Controller bounds not exact"; case -9995: return "Editing not allowed "; case -9994: return "Bad controller height"; case -9408: return "Device can't meet request"; case -9407: return "Sequence grab info not available"; case -9406: return "Bad SG channel"; case -9405: return "Couldn't get required component"; case -9404: return "Not enough disk space to grab"; case -9403: return "Not enough memory to grab"; case -9402: return "Can't do that in current mode"; case -9401: return "Grab time complete"; case -9400: return "No device for channel"; case -8976: return "Codec Nothing to Blit error"; case -8975: return "Codec Can't Queue error"; case -8974: return "Codec Can't When error"; case -8973: return "Codec open error"; case -8972: return "Codec Condition error"; case -8971: return "Codec extension not found error"; case -8970: return "Codec data version error"; case -8969: return "Codec bad data error"; case -8968: return "Codec off screen error"; case -8967: return "Codec abort error"; case -8966: return "Codec spool error"; case -8965: return "Codec image buffer error"; case -8964: return "Codec screen buffer error"; case -8963: return "Codec size error"; case -8962: return "Codec unimplemented error"; case -8961: return "No codec error"; case -8960: return "Codec error"; case -8159: return "Printer not initialized"; case -8151: return "Incompatible printer initialization"; case -8150: return "No printer chosen"; case -8133: return "Postscript error"; case -6230: return "Attempt to add an already installed display"; case -6229: return "Could not find item"; case -6228: return "Video Driver does not support display manager"; case -6227: return "Required software not initialized (eg window manager or display mgr)"; case -6226: return "Missing critical pieces of System Software"; case -6225: return "Mirroring is off; should be turned on"; case -6224: return "Can't Block because mirroring is on (first call DMUnMirror() )"; case -6223: return "DMBlockMirroring() has been called"; case -6222: return "More than two displays attempted"; case -6221: return "Mirroring is on; should be turned off"; case -6220: return "Display Manager unexpected error"; case -5553: return "Gestalt function pointer wasn't in sysheap"; case -5552: return "Tried to add an entry that already existed"; case -5551: return "Undefined selector was passed to Gestalt"; case -5550: return "Value returned if Gestalt doesn't know the answer"; case -5502: return "The version requested is greater than the current SysEnvirons trap can provide"; case -5501: return "Non-positive selector was passed to SysEnvirons trap"; case -5500: return "SysEnvirons call not present as a trap"; case -5044: return "the folder being shared is inside or being moved to the trash folder"; case -5043: return "the folder being shared is inside or being moved to a shared folder"; case -5042: return "the password being used is too old: this requires the user to change the password before log-in can continue"; case -5041: return "the password being set is too short: there is a minimum length that must be met or exceeded"; case -5040: return "someone tried to change their password to the same password on a mandatory password change"; case -5039: return "afpBadIDErr"; case -5038: return "afpSameObjectErr"; case -5037: return "afpCatalogChanged"; case -5036: return "afpDiffVolErr"; case -5035: return "afpIDExists"; case -5034: return "afpIDNotFound"; case -5033: return "the folder being shared contains a shared folder"; case -5032: return "Object is MODIFY/READ/DELETE/WRITE inhibited"; case -5031: return "Volume is Read-Only"; case -5030: return "Icon size specified different from existing icon size"; case -5029: return "Unknown directory specified"; case -5028: return "AFPRename cannot rename volume"; case -5027: return "Server is shutting down"; case -5026: return "Maximum open file count reached"; case -5025: return "File/Directory specified where Directory/File expected"; case -5024: return "Unsupported AFP call was made"; case -5023: return "No AFPLogin call has successfully been made for this session"; case -5022: return "Session closed"; case -5021: return "Some or all of range already locked by same user"; case -5020: return "Tried to unlock range that was not locked by user"; case -5019: return "A specified parameter was out of allowable range"; case -5018: return "Specified file or directory does not exist"; case -5017: return "Specified destination file or directory already exists"; case -5016: return "Server not responding"; case -5015: return "Maximum lock limit reached"; case -5014: return "Unexpected error encountered during execution"; case -5013: return "Some or all of requested range is locked by another user"; case -5012: return "Unknown UserName/UserID or missing comment/APPL entry"; case -5011: return "Cannot create directory on specified volume"; case -5010: return "Cannot delete an open file"; case -5009: return "Read beyond logical end-of-file"; case -5008: return "Insufficient free space on volume for operation"; case -5007: return "Cannot delete non-empty directory"; case -5006: return "Specified open/deny modes conflict with current open modes"; case -5005: return "Move destination is offspring of source, or root was specified"; case -5004: return "Bitmap contained bits undefined for call"; case -5003: return "Unknown AFP version number specified"; case -5002: return "Unknown user authentication method specified"; case -5001: return "Further information required to complete AFPLogin call"; case -5000: return "Insufficient access privileges for operation"; case -4101: return "Printer not found or closed"; case -4100: return "Connection to printer closed"; case -4099: return "Printing failure: write request too big"; case -4098: return "Printing failure: request already active"; case -4097: return "Printing failure: bad connection reference number"; case -4096: return "Printing failure: no free connect control blocks available"; case -3109: return "Asynchronous call aborted because socket was closed before call was completed"; case -3108: return "ABRecord not found"; case -3107: return "Bad response from ATPRequest"; case -3106: return "ATP response message too large"; case -3105: return "Socket or protocol type invalid or not found in table"; case -3104: return "NBP can't find tuple in buffer"; case -3103: return "DDP bad checksum"; case -3102: return "MPP driver not installed"; case -3101: return "ALAP frame too large for buffer / DDP datagram too large for buffer"; case -3032: return "noPrefAppErr"; case -3031: return "Bad translation spec"; case -3030: return "No translation path"; case -3026: return "Could not parse source file"; case -3025: return "Invalid translation path"; case -3003: return "Component doesn't register"; case -3002: return "Component not captured"; case -3001: return "Valid instances exist"; case -3000: return "Invalid component ID"; case -2824: return "Invalid fragment usage"; case -2823: return "Fragment targeted for an unacceptable architecture"; case -2822: return "No application found in cfrg (for Process Manager)"; case -2821: return "Fragment user initialization routine did not return noErr"; case -2820: return "Fragment container corrupted (known format) "; case -2819: return "Fragment internal inconsistency "; case -2818: return "Error in initialization of CFM"; case -2817: return "Error connecting to library (error occurred in sub prepare) "; case -2816: return "Boot library has initialization routine"; case -2815: return "Fragment circularity detected in mandatory initialization order"; case -2814: return "Import library was too new and therefore incompatible"; case -2813: return "Import library was too old and therefore incompatible"; case -2812: return "Fragment order error during user initialization function invocation"; case -2811: return "Fragment no more context id's"; case -2810: return "Fragment out of memory in user's address space for loadable section"; case -2809: return "Fragment out of memory for internal bookkeeping"; case -2807: return "Loaded fragment had \"hard\" unresolved imports"; case -2806: return "Fragment container format unknown"; case -2805: return "Fragment registered name already in use"; case -2804: return "Fragment library name not found in registry"; case -2803: return "Fragment section not found"; case -2802: return "Fragment symbol not found in connection"; case -2801: return "Fragment connectionID not valid"; case -2800: return "Fragment contextID not valid"; case -2780: return "AppleScript inconsistent names"; case -2763: return "AppleScript no result returned"; case -2762: return "AppleScript parameter not for event"; case -2761: return "AppleScript illegal formal parameter"; case -2760: return "AppleScript terminology nesting too deep"; case -2721: return "AppleScript can't compare more than 32k"; case -2720: return "AppleScript can't consider and ignore"; case -2526: return "Mixed mode internal error"; case -2519: return "TSM unknown error"; case -2518: return "TSM Unsupported interface type"; case -2517: return "TSM script has no input method or is using old IM"; case -2516: return "TSM returned by GetDefaultInputMethod"; case -2515: return "TSM text service already opened for the document"; case -2514: return "TSM text service is not open"; case -2513: return "TSM the text service has no menu"; case -2512: return "Not TSM aware because we are using input window"; case -2511: return "TSM there are open documents"; case -2510: return "TSM no text service found"; case -2509: return "TSM can't open the component"; case -2508: return "TSM no open text service"; case -2507: return "TSM document is not active"; case -2506: return "TSM document is still active"; case -2505: return "Invalid TSM documentation ID "; case -2504: return "TSM application not registered"; case -2503: return "TSM application already registered"; case -2502: return "TSM not an application"; case -2501: return "TSM input method not found"; case -2500: return "Unsupported script language error"; case -2062: return "Movie text not found"; case -2059: return "Samples already in media"; case -2058: return "Auxiliary export data unavailable"; case -2057: return "Unsupported auxiliary import data"; case -2053: return "Feature unsupported"; case -2052: return "Couldn't use an existing sample"; case -2051: return "No defaultdata reference"; case -2050: return "Bad data reference index"; case -2049: return "Invalid data reference container"; case -2048: return "No movie found"; case -2047: return "No data reference"; case -2046: return "End of data reached"; case -2045: return "data already closed"; case -2044: return "Data already open for write"; case -2043: return "Data not open for write"; case -2042: return "Data not open for read"; case -2041: return "Invalid sample description"; case -2040: return "Invalid chunk cache"; case -2039: return "Invalid sample description index"; case -2038: return "Invalid chunk number"; case -2037: return "Invalid sample number"; case -2036: return "Invalid rectangle"; case -2035: return "Can't enable track"; case -2034: return "Internal QuickTime error"; case -2033: return "Bad edit index"; case -2032: return "Time not in media"; case -2031: return "Time not in track"; case -2030: return "Track not in movie"; case -2029: return "Track ID not found"; case -2028: return "Bad track index"; case -2027: return "Max size to grow too small"; case -2026: return "User data item not found"; case -2025: return "Stale edit state"; case -2024: return "Non-matching edit state"; case -2023: return "Invalid edit state"; case -2022: return "Can't create single fork file"; case -2021: return "WF file not found"; case -2020: return "Movie toolbox uninitialized"; case -2019: return "Progress proc aborted"; case -2018: return "Media types don't match"; case -2017: return "Bad edit list"; case -2016: return "Can't put public movie atom"; case -2015: return "Invalid Time"; case -2014: return "Invalid duration"; case -2013: return "Invalid handler"; case -2012: return "Invalid data reference"; case -2011: return "Invalid sample table"; case -2010: return "Invalid movie"; case -2009: return "Invalid track"; case -2008: return "Invalid media"; case -2007: return "No data handler"; case -2006: return "No media handler"; case -2005: return "Bad component type"; case -2004: return "Can't open handler"; case -2003: return "Can't find handler"; case -2002: return "Bad public movie atom"; case -2001: return "Bad image description"; case -2000: return "Could not resolve data reference"; case -1857: return "Drag was not accepted by receiver"; case -1856: return "Handler not found (Drag Manager)"; case -1855: return "Handler already exists (Drag Manager) "; case -1854: return "Error while trying to get flavor data (Drag Manager)"; case -1853: return "Flavor type already exists (Drag Manager)"; case -1852: return "Unknown flavor type (Drag Manager)"; case -1851: return "Unknown drag item reference"; case -1850: return "Unknown drag reference"; case -1813: return "Apple Event end of body"; case -1812: return "Apple Event end of document"; case -1811: return "Apple Event top of body"; case -1810: return "Apple Event top of document"; case -1801: return "Apple Event offset outside of view"; case -1800: return "Apple Event offset invalid"; case -1730: return "Empty list container"; case -1729: return "Negative count"; case -1728: return "No such object"; case -1727: return "Not an object specifier"; case -1726: return "Bad test key"; case -1725: return "No such logical operator"; case -1723: return "Accessor not found"; case -1721: return "Wrong number of arguments"; case -1720: return "Impossible range"; case -1719: return "Index is out of range in a put operation"; case -1718: return "The contents of the reply you are accessing have not arrived yet"; case -1717: return "No handler in the dispatch tables fits the parameters"; case -1716: return "The target address type is not known"; case -1715: return "A required parameter was not accessed"; case -1714: return "There is no special function with this keyword"; case -1713: return "No user interaction allowed"; case -1712: return "AppleEvent timed out"; case -1711: return "In AESend, User canceled out of wait loop for reply or receipt"; case -1710: return "Mode wasn't NoReply, WaitReply, or QueueReply; or Interaction level is unknown"; case -1709: return "AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply parameter"; case -1708: return "The AppleEvent was not handled by any handler"; case -1707: return "The event is not in AppleEvent format"; case -1706: return "Need newer version of AppleEvent Manager"; case -1705: return "Specified list item does not exist"; case -1704: return "Not a valid AppleEvent descriptor"; case -1703: return "Data with a keyword was expected but not found"; case -1702: return "Data in an AppleEvent could not be read"; case -1701: return "Descriptor was not found"; case -1700: return "Data could not be coerced to the requested data type"; case -1308: return "When _Mount allows only remounts and doesn't get a remount."; case -1307: return "File id is dangling or doesn't match with the file number"; case -1306: return "Can't exchange a file with itself"; case -1305: return "Desktop database files are corrupted"; case -1304: return "The catalog has been modified"; case -1303: return "Files on different volumes"; case -1302: return "Directory specified"; case -1301: return "File id already exists"; case -1300: return "No file thread exists."; case -1280: return "Bad connection refNum"; case -1279: return "Control call was aborted"; case -1278: return "Bad connection state for this operation"; case -1277: return "Open connection request failed"; case -1276: return "Attention message too long"; case -1275: return "Read terminated by forward reset"; case -1274: return "DSP Read/Write Queue Too small"; case -1273: return "Open connection request was denied"; case -1105: return "Request aborted"; case -1104: return "Too many outstanding ATP calls"; case -1103: return "ATPAddRsp issued before ATPSndRsp"; case -1102: return "ATP control block not found"; case -1101: return "ATP no release received"; case -1100: return "ATP bad sequence number"; case -1099: return "ATP bad responding socket"; case -1098: return "ATP too many responding sockets"; case -1097: return "ATP too many concurrent requests"; case -1096: return "ATPSndRequest failed: retry count exceeded"; case -1075: return "No acknowledge on server attention request"; case -1074: return "Too many server clients"; case -1073: return "Command block too big"; case -1072: return "Session closed"; case -1071: return "Server cannot open another session"; case -1070: return "ASP parameter error"; case -1069: return "No servers at that address"; case -1068: return "No more sessions on server"; case -1067: return "Buffer too small"; case -1066: return "Server cannot support this ASP version"; case -1029: return "NBP names information socket error"; case -1028: return "NBP name not found"; case -1027: return "NBP duplicate name already exists"; case -1026: return "NBP name confirmed for different socket"; case -1025: return "NBP name not confirmed"; case -1024: return "NBP buffer overflow"; case -1011: return "Mixed mode failure"; case -1010: return "Bad shared library"; case -1000: return "No mask found"; case -932: return "Destination port requires authentication"; case -931: return "Location name is invalid "; case -930: return "Illegal service type, or not supported "; case -928: return "Invalid user reference number "; case -927: return "User's password is wrong"; case -926: return "PPCStart failed because destination did not have inform pending "; case -925: return "Error has occurred in the network"; case -924: return "Unable to create a new userRefNum"; case -923: return "The default userRefNum does not yet exist "; case -922: return "User hasn't specified an owner's name in Sharing Setup Control Panel "; case -919: return "PPCPortRec malformed"; case -917: return "The session was closed "; case -916: return "The port was closed"; case -915: return "Unable to contact application "; case -914: return "A system resource is missing"; case -913: return "User hasn't named his Macintosh in the Sharing Setup Control Panel"; case -912: return "Destination rejected the session request"; case -911: return "User name unknown on destination machine "; case -910: return "A port is already open with this name"; case -909: return "Bad parameter or invalid state for operation"; case -908: return "Invalid session reference number "; case -907: return "Out of session tables"; case -906: return "Port does not exist at destination"; case -905: return "Network activity is currently disabled "; case -904: return "The system is unable to allocate memory, critical error"; case -903: return "Unable to open port or bad portRefNum"; case -902: return "Invalid or inappropriate locationKindSelector in location name"; case -900: return "PPCToolBox not initialized "; case -863: return "User using Close View won't let you remove balloons"; case -862: return "No balloon showing"; case -861: return "Invalid method passed in the method parameter"; case -860: return "Help Manager - could not load package"; case -859: return "Help message record contained a bad type"; case -858: return "Help manager resource was the wrong version"; case -857: return "No balloon content to fill in"; case -856: return "Help Manager - bad selector"; case -855: return "Help menu not set up"; case -854: return "Menu & item is same as previous menu, item"; case -853: return "Because of constant cursor movement, the help balloon was not displayed"; case -852: return "Help Manager - out of memory"; case -851: return "Help Manager - resource not found"; case -850: return "Show Balloons mode was off, call to routine ignored"; case -813: return "Attempt to call other routine before InitDBPack"; case -812: return "Wrong version "; case -811: return "No application handler for specified data type"; case -810: return "Invalid parameter block specified"; case -809: return "The database extension does not support async calls"; case -808: return "Couldn't open or find the specified database extension."; case -807: return "Invalid session number"; case -806: return "Session ID is invalid"; case -805: return "Query currently executing"; case -804: return "Function timed out"; case -803: return "Next data item not of requested data type"; case -802: return "Error executing function"; case -801: return "Data available or successfully retrieved"; case -800: return "The data item was NULL"; case -625: return "Unable to defer additional functions"; case -624: return "Called with interrupts masked"; case -623: return "Specified range of memory is not locked"; case -622: return "Cannot make specified range contiguous"; case -621: return "Specified range of memory is not held"; case -620: return "Insufficient physical memory"; case -619: return "Bad thread protocol"; case -618: return "Thread not found"; case -617: return "Thread Manager--Too many reqs"; case -610: return "Cannot interact directly with user"; case -609: return "Connection is invalid"; case -608: return "No outstanding high-level event"; case -607: return "Buffer is too small"; case -606: return "Application is background only"; case -605: return "Application SIZE not big enough for launch "; case -604: return "Hardware configuration is not correct for call "; case -603: return "Application made module calls in improper order "; case -602: return "Memory mode is 32-bit, but application is not 32-bit clean "; case -601: return "Not enough room to launch application with special requirements"; case -600: return "No eligible process with specified process serial number "; case -502: return "Bad selector for _HWPriv"; case -501: return "Scrap item too big for text edit record"; case -500: return "Region is too big"; case -492: return "User debugger break - execute commands on stack"; case -491: return "User debugger break - display string on stack"; case -490: return "User debugger break"; case -489: return "Unimplemented routine was called (SCSI)"; case -479: return "Linked command never executed (SCSI)"; case -478: return "Device did not go through a status phase (SCSI)"; case -477: return "Non-zero (not \"Good\") status returned (SCSI)"; case -476: return "The bus was reset, so your request was aborted (SCSI)"; case -475: return "scsiReqTO exceeded (SCSI)"; case -474: return "scsiSelTO exceeded (selection failed) (SCSI)"; case -473: return "(SCSI)us error during transfer (SCSI)"; case -472: return "Write flag conflicts with data transfer phase (SCSI)"; case -471: return "Attempted to transfer too many bytes (SCSI)"; case -470: return "Invalid field(s) in the parameter block (SCSI)"; case -463: return "Not the first registered publisher for that container"; case -462: return "Container already opened by this section"; case -461: return "Alias was not resolved"; case -460: return "A Publisher is already registered for that container"; case -454: return "Bad edition container spec or invalid edition container"; case -453: return "Edition file is corrupt"; case -452: return "Not a registered section type"; case -451: return "Not a valid section type"; case -450: return "Edition manager not initialized or could not load package."; case -417: return "There is no such a key attribute"; case -416: return "Maximum key length is too long or equal to zero"; case -415: return "Record cannot be found"; case -414: return "Record already exists"; case -413: return "Can't allocate disk space"; case -410: return "The file is not a dictionary"; case -400: return "GCR format on high density media error"; case -360: return "Invalid slot number"; case -351: return "Record not found in the SRT"; case -350: return "SRT overflow"; case -349: return "No opens were successful in the loop"; case -348: return "Offset was too big"; case -347: return "NumByteLanes was determined to be zero"; case -346: return "Bad sPointer was passed to a SDM call"; case -345: return "Error occurred during _sGetDriver"; case -344: return "No more sResources"; case -343: return "Error occurred during _sDisDrvrName"; case -342: return "Error occurred during _sGetDrvrName"; case -341: return "Status of slot is bad"; case -340: return "Error occurred during _BlockMove"; case -339: return "Error occurred during _NewPtr"; case -338: return "Selector out of bounds"; case -337: return "Slot out of bounds or does not exist"; case -336: return "The physical block size of an sBlock was zero"; case -335: return "The sPointer is nil; no list is specified"; case -334: return "The CPU field of the code to be executed by sExec was wrong"; case -333: return "The revision code to be executed by sExec was wrong"; case -332: return "A reserved field was not zero"; case -331: return "The id's in the given sList are not in ascending order"; case -330: return "Reference id not found in the given list"; case -320: return "Bus error timeout"; case -319: return "Board ID was wrong: Init the PRAM record"; case -318: return "SDM jump table could not be created"; case -317: return "Error occurred while trying to initialize the slot resource table"; case -316: return "The InitStatus_V field was negative after primary init"; case -315: return "No board id"; case -314: return "Error occurred during _sGetPRAMRec"; case -313: return "No board sResource"; case -312: return "Error occurred during _DisposePointer"; case -311: return "The F-Header block could not be disposed"; case -310: return "The F-Header block could not be read"; case -309: return "A valid ByteLane field was not found"; case -308: return "An unexpected bus error occurred"; case -307: return "A reserved field of the declaration ROM was used"; case -306: return "The SDM was unable to allocate memory for the sInfo array"; case -305: return "The longword test failed"; case -304: return "There is no directory"; case -303: return "The revision of the declaration ROM is wrong"; case -302: return "The format of the declaration ROM is wrong"; case -301: return "CRC check failed"; case -300: return "No card in slot"; case -299: return "Wrong queue type"; case -293: return "Cards could not be initialized"; case -292: return "Slot Resource Table could not be initialized"; case -291: return "Slot Resource Table could not be initialized"; case -290: return "SDM could not be initialized"; case -261: return "Command not supported for port type"; case -260: return "Duplicate client ID"; case -259: return "Name supplied is longer than 31 characters"; case -258: return "MIDIWritePacket couldn't write to all connected ports"; case -257: return "No connection exists between specified ports"; case -256: return "Pending virtual connection removed"; case -255: return "Pending virtual connection resolved"; case -254: return "Pending virtual connection created"; case -253: return "Too many connections made"; case -252: return "Too many ports already installed in the system"; case -251: return "No port with that ID found"; case -250: return "No client with that ID found "; case -247: return "Bad input text"; case -246: return "Bad dictionary format"; case -245: return "Incompatible voice"; case -244: return "Voice not found"; case -243: return "Buffer too small"; case -242: return "Synthesizer not ready"; case -241: return "Synthesizer open failed"; case -240: return "No synthesizer found"; case -232: return "Unknown quality"; case -231: return "Unknown type of information"; case -230: return "Input device hardware failure"; case -229: return "Invalid input device reference number"; case -228: return "Input device could not be opened"; case -227: return "Input device already in use"; case -226: return "Invalid sample size"; case -225: return "Invalid sample rate"; case -224: return "Hard disk drive too slow to record to disk"; case -223: return "Invalid compression type"; case -222: return "No buffer specified"; case -221: return "Invalid Sound Input device"; case -220: return "No Sound Input hardware"; case -213: return "A parameter is incorrect"; case -212: return "Not enough CPU cycles left to add another task"; case -211: return "Channel not currently used"; case -210: return "Can not operate in the memory allowed "; case -209: return "The Channel is being used already "; case -208: return "Corrupt/bad format or not of type AIFF"; case -207: return "Could not allocate enough memory"; case -206: return "Bad sound resource format"; case -205: return "Bad sound channel specified"; case -204: return "Sound resource error"; case -203: return "Sound channel full"; case -201: return "All available channels are already open for the synthesizer"; case -200: return "No sound hardware"; case -199: return "Resource map read error"; case -198: return "Resource attribute error"; case -197: return "RmveReference failed"; case -196: return "RmveResource failed"; case -195: return "AddReference failed"; case -194: return "AddResource failed"; case -193: return "Resource file not found"; case -192: return "Resource not found"; case -190: return "Offset or count out of bounds"; case -189: return "Writing past end of file"; case -188: return "Resource already in memory"; case -186: return "Resource bent - Can't decompress a compressed resource"; case -185: return "Extended resource has a bad format."; case -158: return "Invalid parameter"; case -157: return "Invalid pixel depth"; case -156: return "Invalid resolution for MakeITable"; case -155: return "Invalid type of graphics device"; case -154: return "ColorTable entry protection violation"; case -153: return "Range error in colorTable request"; case -152: return "Failed to allocate memory for structure"; case -151: return "Failed to allocate memory for temporary structures"; case -150: return "Color2Index failed to find an index"; case -149: return "QuickDraw could not complete the operation (insufficient stack)"; case -148: return "Pixel map record is deeper than 1 bit per pixel"; case -147: return "Region accumulation failed. Resulting region may be corrupt"; case -145: return "Not enough memory for picture"; case -132: return "File id already exists"; case -131: return "Directory specified"; case -130: return "No file thread exists"; case -128: return "User canceled the query"; case -127: return "Could not find HMenu's parent in MenuKey"; case -126: return "System error code for MBDF not found"; case -125: return "Insufficient memory to update a pixmap"; case -124: return "Server volume has been disconnected"; case -123: return "Attempt to do a hierarchical operation on a non hierarchical volume"; case -122: return "Attempt to move into offspring (file system)"; case -121: return "Too many working directories open"; case -120: return "Directory not found"; case -117: return "Block is locked"; case -116: return "Size check failed"; case -115: return "Block check failed"; case -114: return "Pointer check failed"; case -113: return "Address in zone check failed"; case -112: return "Attempt to purge a locked or non-purgeable block"; case -111: return "Attempt to operate on a free block"; case -110: return "Address was odd, or out of range"; case -109: return "NIL master pointer"; case -108: return "Not enough room in heap zone"; case -102: return "No object of that type in scrap"; case -100: return "Desk scrap isn't initialized"; case -99: return "Error in ROZ"; case -98: return "Driver open error; port not configured for this connection"; case -97: return "Driver open error; port already in use"; case -95: return "Excessive collisions on AppleTalk write"; case -94: return "AppleTalk error in attaching/detaching protocol"; case -93: return "No AppleTalk bridge found"; case -92: return "AppleTalk data length too big"; case -91: return "AppleTalk socket error: socket already active; not a known socket; socket table full; all dynamic socket numbers in use / Multicast address error ddpSktErr"; case -90: return "SCC break received"; case -89: return "SCC receiver error"; case -88: return "Parameter RAM uninitialized"; case -87: return "Parameter RAM written did not verify"; case -86: return "Time written did not verify"; case -85: return "Unable to read clock"; case -84: return "Track failed to verify / I/O error"; case -83: return "Cannot synchronize"; case -82: return "Can't find sector 0 after track format"; case -81: return "Can't find sector"; case -80: return "Drive error (track number wrong in address mark)"; case -79: return "Can't correctly adjust disk speed"; case -78: return "Tried to read side 2 of a disk in a single-sided drive"; case -77: return "Can't initialize disk controller chip"; case -76: return "Can't find track 0"; case -75: return "Drive error"; case -74: return "Write underrun occurred"; case -73: return "Bad data mark bit slip nibbles"; case -72: return "Bad data mark checksum"; case -71: return "Can't find a data mark"; case -70: return "Bad address mark (bit slip nibbles)"; case -69: return "Bad address mark (checksum didn't check)"; case -68: return "Read verify failed"; case -67: return "Can't find an address mark"; case -66: return "Disk is probably blank / Font substitution occurred"; case -65: return "No disk in drive / Font not declared"; case -64: return "Drive isn't connected / Font declaration error / I/O error"; case -61: return "Read/write permission doesn't allow writing"; case -60: return "Bad master directory block; must reinitialize volume"; case -59: return "Problem during rename"; case -58: return "External file system; file-system identifier is non zero, or path reference number is greater than 1024"; case -57: return "Not a Macintosh disk; volume lacks Macintosh-format directory"; case -56: return "No such drive; specified drive number doesn't match any number in the drive queue"; case -55: return "Specified volume is already mounted and on-line"; case -54: return "Attempt to open locked file for writing"; case -53: return "Volume not on-line"; case -52: return "Error getting file position"; case -51: return "Path reference number specifies nonexistent access path"; case -50: return "Error in parameter list / Not an existing volume, and no default volume / Bad positioning information / Bad drive number"; case -49: return "The read/write permission of only one access path to a file can allow writing"; case -48: return "File with specified name and version number already exists"; case -47: return "File is busy; one or more files are open"; case -46: return "Volume is locked by a software flag"; case -45: return "File is locked"; case -44: return "Volume is locked by a hardware setting"; case -43: return "File not found"; case -42: return "Too many files open"; case -41: return "Memory full (open) or file won't fit (load)"; case -40: return "Attempt to position before start of file"; case -39: return "Logical end-of-file reached during read operation"; case -38: return "File not open"; case -37: return "Bad file name or volume name (perhaps zero-length)"; case -36: return "I/O error"; case -35: return "Specified volume doesn't exist"; case -34: return "All allocation blocks on the volume are full"; case -33: return "File directory full"; case -30: return "DCE extension error"; case -29: return "Unit table has no more entries"; case -28: return "Driver isn't open"; case -27: return "I/O request aborted by KillIO / I/O abort error"; case -26: return "Couldn't find driver in resource file"; case -25: return "Attempt to remove an open driver"; case -24: return "Close error"; case -23: return "Requested read/write permission doesn't match driver's open permission / Attempt to open RAM Serial Driver failed"; case -22: return "Driver reference number specifies NIL handle in unit table"; case -21: return "Driver reference number doesn't match unit table"; case -20: return "Driver can't respond to Write call"; case -19: return "Driver can't respond to Read call"; case -18: return "Driver can't respond to Status call"; case -17: return "Driver can't respond to Control call / Unimplemented control instruction"; case -13: return "Extensions disabled"; case -12: return "Process ID not in valid range or unavailable"; case -11: return "Disassembler installed"; case -10: return "MacsBug installed"; case -9: return "Miscellaneous system error"; case -8: return "No debugger installed to handle debugger command"; case -5: return "Invalid Power Manager queue element"; case -4: return "Unimplemented core routine"; case -3: return "Core routine number out of range"; case -2: return "Invalid queue element"; case -1: return "Saving spool file / Entry not in queue"; case 0: return "No error"; case 1: return "Event type not designated in system event mask / bus error / uninitialized slot interrupt dispatch table"; case 2: return "No such file"; case 3: return "No such resource / Arbitration failed during SCSIGet; bus busy / uninitialized slot priority table"; case 4: return "Interrupted system call"; case 5: return "I/O error"; case 6: return "No such device"; case 7: return "Insufficient space for return argument / SCSI Manager busy with another operation"; case 8: return "Attempted operation was out of sequence (e.g., SCSISelect before SCSIGet)"; case 9: return "File not open or bad file number"; case 10: return "SCSIComplete failed; bus not in status phase"; case 11: return "Miscellaneous hardware exception error"; case 12: return "Not enough memory / Slot resource table uninitialized / Unimplemented Core routine"; case 13: return "Permission denied / Slot PRAM uninitialized / Uninstalled interrupt error"; case 14: return "Bad address / I/O Core Error"; case 15: return "Block device required / Segment loader error"; case 16: return "Mount device busy / Floating Point error / Serial driver error"; case 17: return "File exists"; case 18: return "Cross-device link"; case 19: return "No such device"; case 20: return "Not a directory"; case 21: return "Is a directory"; case 22: return "Invalid or unsupported parameter"; case 23: return "File table overflow"; case 24: return "Too many open files"; case 25: return "Not an interactive device / Out of memory"; case 26: return "Text file busy / Can't launch file"; case 27: return "File too large / File system map has been trashed"; case 28: return "No space left on device / Stack has moved into application heap"; case 29: return "Illegal seek"; case 30: return "Read-only file system"; case 31: return "Too many links"; case 32: return "Serial hardware overrun"; case 33: return "Math argument out or range for domain of function"; case 34: return "Math result not representable"; case 35: return "Record doesn't fit in node "; case 36: return "Time out waiting for sync after holdoff"; case 37: return "Time out waiting for HSHK high"; case 38: return "Checksum error on response packet"; case 40: return "Welcome to Macintosh greeting"; case 41: return "Can't load the Finder error"; case 42: return "Shutdown error / Unable to mount boot volume (sad Mac only)"; case 43: return "Can't find System file to open (sad Mac only)"; case 48: return "First byte in response packet was wrong"; case 49: return "Sequence number in response packet was wrong"; case 50: return "Drive number in response packet was wrong"; case 51: return "Unserviceable slot interrupt"; case 52: return "Detected bad catalog structure"; case 53: return "Thread belongs to a directory not a file"; case 54: return "File thread doesn't exist"; case 64: return "Serial driver error"; case 81: return "Bad opcode given to SANE Pack4"; case 83: return "SetTrapAddress saw the \"come-from\" header"; case 84: return "A menu was purged"; case 85: return "MBDF resource not found"; case 86: return "Hierarchical menus cannot be recursive"; case 87: return "Could not load WDEF"; case 88: return "Could not load CDEF"; case 89: return "Could not load MDEF"; case 90: return "An FPU instruction was executed and the machine doesn't have one"; case 98: return "Can't patch for particular Model Mac"; case 99: return "Can't load patch resource"; case 101: return "Memory parity error"; case 102: return "System is too old for this ROM"; case 103: return "Booting in 32-bit on a 24-bit system"; case 104: return "Need to write new boot blocks"; case 105: return "Must have at least 1.5MB of RAM to boot 7.0"; case 106: return "BufPtr moved too far during boot"; case 128: return "Application or user requested abort"; case 255: return "All command words less than this are errors"; case 20000: return "User choice between ShutDown and Restart"; case 20001: return "User choice between switching off and Restart"; case 20002: return "Allow the user to ExitToShell, return if Cancel"; case 32767: return "General system error (catch-all used in DSAT)"; default: return NULL; } } namespace MacOS { namespace { class __system_category : public std::error_category { public: virtual const char* name() const noexcept; virtual std::string message(int ev) const; virtual std::error_condition default_error_condition(int ev) const noexcept; private: static int remap(macos_error e); }; const char *__system_category::name() const noexcept { return "macos error"; } std::string __system_category::message(int ev) const { const char *cp = ErrorName(ev); if (cp) return std::string(cp); std::string tmp("Unknown error: "); tmp += std::to_string(ev); return tmp; } std::error_condition __system_category::default_error_condition(int ev) const noexcept { int x = remap(static_cast(ev)); if (x >= 0) return std::error_condition(x, std::generic_category()); return std::error_condition(ev, macos_system_category()); } int __system_category::remap(macos_error e) { // todo switch(e) { case rfNumErr: return EBADF; case ioErr: return EIO; case permErr: return EACCES; case fnfErr: return ENOENT; case dirNFErr: return ENOTDIR; case notAFileErr: return EISDIR; case extFSErr: return ENOTSUP; case wPrErr: return EROFS; case dupFNErr: return EEXIST; case fBsyErr: return EBUSY; case dskFulErr: return ENOSPC; case paramErr: return EINVAL; case posErr: return EINVAL; case memFullErr: return ENOMEM; case mFulErr: return ENOMEM; case tmfoErr: return ENFILE; default: return -1; } } } const std::error_category& macos_system_category() { static __system_category s; return s; } macos_error macos_error_from_errno() { return macos_error_from_errno(errno); } macos_error macos_error_from_errno(int error) { switch(error) { case 0: return noErr; case EBADF: return rfNumErr; case EIO: return ioErr; case EACCES: return permErr; case EPERM: return permErr; case ENOENT: return fnfErr; case ENOTDIR: return dirNFErr; case EISDIR: return notAFileErr; case ENOTSUP: return extFSErr; case EROFS: return wPrErr; case EINVAL: return paramErr; case EEXIST: return dupFNErr; case EBUSY: return fBsyErr; case ENOTEMPTY: return fBsyErr; case EDQUOT: return dskFulErr; case ENOSPC: return dskFulErr; case ENOMEM: return mFulErr; case ENFILE: return tmfoErr; default: return ioErr; } } }