#include #include #include #include #include #include "commands.h" #include "parser.h" // re2c -b -i extern "C" { void *ParseAlloc(void *(*mallocProc)(size_t)); void ParseFree(void *p, void (*freeProc)(void*)); void Parse(void *yyp, int yymajor, uint32_t yyminor, Command *command); void ParseTrace(FILE *TraceFILE, char *zTracePrompt); } // p / print expression // hd / hexdump expression [:expression] // stack ? // brk expression // tbrk expression namespace { int tox(char c) { c |= 0x20; // lowercase it. if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0'; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return c - 'a' + 10; return 0; } uint32_t scan10(const char *begin, const char *end) { return std::accumulate(begin, end, 0, [](uint32_t value, char c){ return value * 10 + c - '0'; }); } uint32_t scan16(const char *begin, const char *end) { return std::accumulate(begin, end, 0, [](uint32_t value, char c){ return (value << 4) + tox(c); }); } } #if 0 /* * unordered_set of breakpoints? * bloom filter via std::bitset<16 * 1024> ? */ class AddressFilter { std::bitset<4096> pageSet; std::unordered_set addSet; bool test(uint32_t address) const { if (address > 0xffffff) return false; if (!pageSet[address >> 12]) return false; return addSet.find(address) != addSet.end(); } void add(uint32_t address) { if (address > 0xffffff) return; pageSet[address >> 12] = true; addSet.insert(address); } void remove(uint32_t address) { if (address > 0xffffff) return; auto iter = addSet.find(address); if (iter != addSet.end()) { addSet.remove(); // need to re-scan all addresses to update the pageSet... uint32_t page = address >> 12; pageSet[page] = false; for (auto x : addSet) { if ((x >> 12) == page) { addSet[page] = true; break; } } } } }; #endif bool ParseLine(const char *iter, Command *command) { void *parser; parser = ParseAlloc(malloc); //ParseTrace(stdout, "--> "); for (;;) { const char *begin = iter; const char *marker; /*!re2c re2c:define:YYCURSOR = iter; re2c:define:YYMARKER = marker; re2c:define:YYCTYPE = char; re2c:yyfill:enable = 0; [ \t\f\r\n]+ { // white space continue; } '>=' { Parse(parser, tkGTEQ, 0, command); continue; } '>>' { Parse(parser, tkGTGT, 0, command); continue; } '<=' { Parse(parser, tkLTEQ, 0, command); continue; } '<<' { Parse(parser, tkLTLT, 0, command); continue; } '!=' { Parse(parser, tkBANGEQ, 0, command); continue; } '==' { Parse(parser, tkEQEQ, 0, command); continue; } '||' { Parse(parser, tkPIPEPIPE, 0, command); continue; } '&&' { Parse(parser, tkAMPAMP, 0, command); continue; } '(' { Parse(parser, tkLPAREN, 0, command); continue; } ')' { Parse(parser, tkRPAREN, 0, command); continue; } '=' { Parse(parser, tkEQ, 0, command); continue; } '+' { Parse(parser, tkPLUS, 0, command); continue; } '-' { Parse(parser, tkMINUS, 0, command); continue; } '*' { Parse(parser, tkSTAR, 0, command); continue; } '/' { Parse(parser, tkSLASH, 0, command); continue; } '%' { Parse(parser, tkPERCENT, 0, command); continue; } '~' { Parse(parser, tkTILDE, 0, command); continue; } '!' { Parse(parser, tkBANG, 0, command); continue; } '^' { Parse(parser, tkCARET, 0, command); continue; } '&' { Parse(parser, tkAMP, 0, command); continue; } '|' { Parse(parser, tkPIPE, 0, command); continue; } '<' { Parse(parser, tkLT, 0, command); continue; } '>' { Parse(parser, tkGT, 0, command); continue; } [0-9]+ { // integer uint32_t data; data = std::accumulate(begin, iter, 0, [](uint32_t value, char c){ return (value * 10) + c - '0'; }); Parse(parser, tkINTEGER, data, command); continue; } '$' [0-9A-Fa-f]+ { // hex number uint32_t data; data = std::accumulate(begin + 1, iter, 0, [](uint32_t value, char c){ return (value << 4) + tox(c); } ); Parse(parser, tkINTEGER, data, command); continue; } '0x' [0-9A-Fa-f]+ { // hex number uint32_t data; data = std::accumulate(begin + 2, iter, 0, [](uint32_t value, char c){ return (value << 4) + tox(c); } ); Parse(parser, tkINTEGER, data, command); continue; } ['] [^']{1,4} ['] { // 4 cc code uint32_t data; data = std::accumulate(begin + 1, iter - 1, 0, [](uint32_t value, char c) { return (value << 8) + (unsigned)c; } ); Parse(parser, tkINTEGER, data, command); continue; } 'd' [0-7] { // data register uint32_t data = begin[1] - '0'; Parse(parser, tkDREGISTER, data, command); continue; } 'a' [0-7] { // address register uint32_t data = begin[1] - '0'; Parse(parser, tkAREGISTER, data, command); continue; } 'pc' { // program counter... Parse(parser, tkXREGISTER, 0, command); continue; } 'csr' { // condition status register. Parse(parser, tkXREGISTER, 1, command); continue; } 'sp' { // stack pointer aka a7 Parse(parser, tkAREGISTER, 7, command); continue; } 'fp' { // frame pointer aka a6 Parse(parser, tkAREGISTER, 6, command); continue; } 'c' | 'continue' { Parse(parser, tkCONTINUE, 0, command); continue; } 'hd' | 'dump' { Parse(parser, tkDUMP, 0, command); continue; } 'h' | 'help' { Parse(parser, tkHELP, 0, command); continue; } 'l' | 'list' { Parse(parser, tkLIST, 0, command); continue; } 'n' | 'next' { Parse(parser, tkNEXT, 0, command); continue; } 's' | 'step' { Parse(parser, tkNEXT, 0, command); continue; } 'b' | 'brk' | 'break' { Parse(parser, tkBREAK, 0, command); continue; } 'tbrk' | 'tbreak' | 'toolbreak' { Parse(parser, tkBREAK, 0, command); continue; } 'g' | 'go' { Parse(parser, tkCONTINUE, 0, command); continue; } 'p' | 'print' { Parse(parser, tkPRINT, 0, command); continue; } 'r' | 'run' { Parse(parser, tkCONTINUE, 0, command); continue; } ';l' | ';list' { Parse(parser, tkSEMIL, 0, command); continue; } ';h' | ';hd' | ';hexdump' { Parse(parser, tkSEMIH, 0, command); continue; } [_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9] + { // identifier. lookup global address, tool number, etc. fprintf(stderr, "illegal identifier: `%.*s`\n", (int)(iter - begin), begin); return false; } [\x00] { // eol. Parse(parser, tkEOL, 0, command); break; } [^] { fprintf(stderr, "illegal character: `%c`\n", *begin); return false; } */ } Parse(parser, 0, 0, command); ParseFree(parser, free); if (!command->valid) fprintf(stderr,"I don't understand.\n"); return command->valid; }