Created MPW Makefile Conversion (markdown)

ksherlock 2013-07-29 12:52:52 -07:00
parent 0cc541938c
commit eed575db53

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
MPW's `make` utility is similar to the Unix `make` utility. Similar enough that some makefiles can be converted with simple text replacements.
Here is an MPW makefile from IR 2.0.2 (ir.make):
IR ƒƒ IR.make ∂
IRInit.aii.obj ∂
RequestProc.aii.obj ∂
LinkIIGS -t $B6 -at $0000 ∂
IRInit.aii.obj ∂
RequestProc.aii.obj ∂
-o IR
DuplicateIIgs -y -m IR :
IRInit.aii.obj ƒ IR.make IRInit.aii
AsmIIGS -t IRInit.aii
RequestProc.aii.obj ƒ IR.make RequestProc.aii
AsmIIGS -t RequestProc.aii
IR.rfork ƒ IR.make IR.r
RezIIgs IR.r -o IR.rfork
Duplicate -r -y IR.rfork IR
* `ƒƒ` and `ƒ` should be replaced with `:`.
* `∂` should be replaced with `\`.
* `$` needs to be escaped as `\$$`.
* mpw commands (AsmIIgs, LinkIIgs, RezIIgs, and Duplicate) are executed as _mpw command_ (unless you generate shell scripts for each command).
* the DuplicateIIgs command is no longer necessary.
* if the makefile (IR.make) is included as a dependency, it should be updated to the new name.
The modern makefile (makefile) is now:
IR : makefile \
IRInit.aii.obj \
RequestProc.aii.obj \
mpw LinkIIGS -t \$$B6 -at \$$0000 \
IRInit.aii.obj \
RequestProc.aii.obj \
-o IR
mpw Duplicate -r -y IR.rfork IR
IRInit.aii.obj : IR.make IRInit.aii
mpw AsmIIGS -t IRInit.aii
RequestProc.aii.obj : IR.make RequestProc.aii
mpw AsmIIGS -t RequestProc.aii
IR.rfork : IR.make IR.r
mpw RezIIgs IR.r -o IR.rfork
(the Duplicate command was also moved from IR.rfork to IR since I prefer to set the resource fork after linking).
More complicated makefiles involving variables require more work and editing.