tbxi: scripts/bootmake.py trampoline.elf parcels ./scripts/bootmake.py $@ trampoline.elf parcels SetFile -t tbxi -c chrp $@ || true # macOS only # Tomfoolery required to be able to put prclmake.py args in another file parcels: scripts/prclmake.py scripts/prcltool.py parcel-layout.txt scripts/lzss rom $(shell find pef -type f -not -path '*/\.*') sh -c "scripts/prclmake.py $@ `sed 's/#.*//' parcel-layout.txt | tr '\n' ' '`" scripts/lzss: lzss.c gcc -O2 -o $@ $< clean: rm -rf parcels tbxi scripts/lzss scripts/__pycache__ *.hqx find . -type f -name '*.patch' -delete # For your convenience (macOS only) %.hqx: % scripts/binhexmake.py scripts/binhexmake.py --data=$< --type=tbxi --creator=chrp --name="Mac OS ROM" $@