2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
; Opaque NanoKernel structures:
; - stored in the NanoKernel pool (not always)
; - associated with a class number and opaque ID (not always)
; - referenced by opaque ID (for MPLibrary's benefit)
; (size: 32b, thud command: id -p)
; The NanoKernel's internal representation of a cooperative process
; within the blue environment. Processes and tasks have a many-to-one
; relationship.
; There is a special 'blue' process that owns the blue task and all
; the CPU idle tasks.
Process record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 1
kSignature equ 'PROC'
; Fields
ID ds.l 1 ; 00
Signature ds.l 1 ; 04 ; 'PROC'
Unused ds.l 1 ; 08 ; MPCall_5 does something here
SystemAddressSpaceID ds.l 1 ; 0c ; set by Init.s after addrspc creation
TaskCount ds.l 1 ; 10 ; incremented by CreateTask
SystemAddressSpacePtr ds.l 1 ; 14
AddressSpaceCount ds.l 1 ; 18 ; incremented by NKCreateAddressSpaceSub
ds.l 1 ; 1c
Size equ *
; (size: 1k, thud command: id -t)
; What the MPLibrary and NanoKernel call the unit of multitasking.
; (Remember that 'Thread' and 'Process' were taken.)
; Contains space for a ContextBlock in the style of the ECB, but
; blue's ContextBlockPtr is redirected to the ECB.
Task record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 2
kSignature equ 'TASK'
; Task priorities
kCriticalPriority equ 0
kLatencyProtectPriority equ 1
kNominalPriority equ 2
kIdlePriority equ 3
; Fields
ID ds.l 1 ; 000
Signature ds.l 1 ; 004
QueueMember ds.l 4 ; 008:018 ; a task is always a member of a queue, e.g. the RDYQ
MysteryByte1 ds.b 1 ; 018 ; CreateTask sets 0 by default (blue = 2)
Priority ds.b 1 ; 019 ; CreateTask sets 2 by default
MysteryHalf ds.w 1 ; 01a
Weight ds.l 1 ; 01c ; default is 100, blue gets 200, idle gets 1
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
Timer ds.b 64 ; 020:060
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
ProcessID ds.l 1 ; 060
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
ThingThatAlignVecHits ds.l 1 ; 064 ; IntAlignment is interested in bit 9, MPCalls 52/116 in bit 15
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
ds.l 1 ; 068
OwningProcessPtr ds.l 1 ; 06c
AddressSpacePtr ds.l 1 ; 070 ; borrowed from PROC argument to CreateTask
Name ds.l 1 ; 074 ; 'blue', creator of owning cooperative process, etc
CpuID ds.l 1 ; 078
ds.l 1 ; 07c
CreateTime3 ds.d 1 ; 080
ContextBlockPtr ds.l 1 ; 088 ; points internally by default, and to EDP.ECB in blue
VectorSaveArea ds.l 1 ; 08c
ds.l 1 ; 090
ds.l 1 ; 094
ds.l 1 ; 098
NotificationPtr ds.l 1 ; 09c
SemaphoreLLL ds.l 4 ; 0a0:0b0
Zero ds.l 1 ; 0b0
One ds.l 1 ; 0b4
ds.l 1 ; 0b8
ds.l 1 ; 0bc
Zero1 ds.l 1 ; 0c0
Zero2 ds.l 1 ; 0c4
CreateTime1 ds.d 1 ; 0c8
CreateTime2 ds.d 1 ; 0d0
ds.l 1 ; 0d8
ds.l 1 ; 0dc
Zero3 ds.l 1 ; 0e0
Zero4 ds.l 1 ; 0e4
Zero5 ds.l 1 ; 0e8
ds.l 1 ; 0ec
YellowVecTblPtr ds.l 1 ; 0f0
ds.l 1 ; 0f4
ds.l 1 ; 0f8
ds.l 1 ; 0fc
ContextBlock ds.b 768 ; 100:400 ; like the EDP's Emulator Context Block -- unsure of size
Size equ *
; (size: 64b, thud command: id -tm)
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
; "Prev" is actually the next timer to fire!
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
Timer record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 3
kSignature equ 'TIME'
; Fields
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
ID ds.l 1 ; 00 ; task+20
Signature ds.l 1 ; 04 ; task+24
QueueLLL ds.l 1 ; 08 ; task+28 ; overlaps with the below bytefields, as a union?
ds.l 1 ; 0c ; task+2c
ProcessID ds.l 1 ; 10 ; task+30
Byte0 ds.b 1 ; 14 ; task+34 ; InitTMRQs sets to 6, MPCall 55 to 1, MPCall 52 to 2
Byte1 ds.b 1 ; 15 ; task+35
Byte2 ds.b 1 ; 16 ; task+36 ; InitTMRQs sets to 1
Byte3 ds.b 1 ; 17 ; task+37 ; called_by_init_tmrqs sets to 1
ParentTaskPtr ds.l 1 ; 18 ; task+38 ; MPCall 55 sets
ds.l 1 ; 1c ; task+3c
ds.l 1 ; 20 ; task+40
ds.l 1 ; 24 ; task+44
ds.l 1 ; 28 ; task+48
ds.l 1 ; 2c ; task+4c
ds.l 1 ; 30 ; task+50
ds.l 1 ; 34 ; task+54
Time ds.l 2 ; 38 ; task+58 ; set from first two args to MPCall 55
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
Size equ *
; (size: 52b, thud command: id -q)
Queue record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 4
; Fields
LLL ds.l 4 ; 00:10
ds.l 4 ; 10:20
ProcessID ds.l 1 ; 20
ds.l 1 ; 24
ds.l 1 ; 28
ds.l 1 ; 2c
ds.l 1 ; 30
Size equ *
ReadyQueue record 0,INCR
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
LLL ds.l 4 ; 00:10 ; nothing fancy, freeform contains priority flag
Counter ds.l 1 ; 10 ; InitRDYQs sets, TaskReadyAsNext bumps, major_0x13e4c decs
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
TotalWeight ds.l 1 ; 14 ; divide available time by these
Timecake ds.d 1 ; 18 ; period of ~1ms, 8ms, 64ms, 512ms
org 0x20
; Constants
kSignature equ 'RDYQ'
kTimerQueueSignature equ 'TMRQ'
kDelayQueueSignature equ 'DLYQ'
kDbugQueueSignature equ 'DBUG'
kPageQueueSignature equ 'PAGQ'
kNotQueueSignature equ 'NOTQ'
kSemaQueueSignature equ 'SEMQ'
; (size: 32b, thud command: id -s)
Semaphore record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 5
kSignature equ 'SEMA'
; Fields
LLL ds.l 4 ; 00:10
ds.l 1 ; 10
ds.l 1 ; 14
ProcessID ds.l 1 ; 18
ds.l 1 ; 1c
Size equ *
; (size: 36b, thud command: id -r)
CriticalRegion record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 6
kSignature equ 'CRGN'
; Fields
LLL ds.l 4 ; 00:10
ProcessID ds.l 4 ; 10:20 ; lll.freeform is the field?
ds.l 1 ; 20
Size equ *
; (size: 32+800+128 = 960b, thud command: id -c)
CPU record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 7
kSignature equ 'CPU '
; Fields
ID ds.l 1 ; 00
Signature ds.l 1 ; 04
2018-02-17 16:43:03 +00:00
LLL ds.l 4 ; 08:18 ; member of CGRP
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
Eff ds.l 1 ; 18 ; contains 0x0000000f
IdleTaskPtr ds.l 1 ; 1c
EWABase ds.b 800 ; negative-indexed parts of EWA
EWA ds.b 128 ; positive-indexed parts of EWA
Size equ *
; (size: 192b, thud command: id -sp)
AddressSpace record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 8
kSignature equ 'SPAC'
; Fields
ID ds.l 1 ; 00
Signature ds.l 1 ; 04
ds.l 1 ; 08
TaskCount ds.l 1 ; 0c ; incremented by CreateTask
RsrvList ds.l 4 ; 10:20 ; LLL
AreaList ds.l 4 ; 20:30 ; LLL
SRs ds.l 16 ; 30:70 ; segment register values
ParentCoherenceSpecialPtr ds.l 1 ; 70 ; SpecialPtr of owning cgrp (in list owned by Cpu)
ProcessID ds.l 1 ; 74 ; ID of owning PROC
ds.l 1 ; 78
ds.l 1 ; 7c
BAT0U ds.l 1 ; 80
BAT0L ds.l 1 ; 84
BAT1U ds.l 1 ; 88
BAT1L ds.l 1 ; 8c
BAT2U ds.l 1 ; 90
BAT2L ds.l 1 ; 94
BAT3U ds.l 1 ; 98
BAT3L ds.l 1 ; 9c
ExtraBATs ; the flag that enables these is never set?
ExtraBAT0U ds.l 1 ; a0
ExtraBAT0L ds.l 1 ; a4
ExtraBAT1U ds.l 1 ; a8
ExtraBAT1L ds.l 1 ; ac
ExtraBAT2U ds.l 1 ; b0
ExtraBAT2L ds.l 1 ; b4
ExtraBAT3U ds.l 1 ; b8
ExtraBAT3L ds.l 1 ; bc
Size equ *
; (size: 32b, thud command: id -e)
EventGroup record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 9
kSignature equ 'EVNT'
; Fields
LLL ds.l 4 ; 00:10 ; first field is ID
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
Flags ds.l 1 ; 10
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
ProcessID ds.l 1 ; 14
2017-11-19 09:59:35 +00:00
SWI ds.l 1 ; 18 ; contains 1-8 +/- 16
Counter ds.l 1 ; 1c
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
Size equ *
; (size: 88b, thud command: id -cg)
CoherenceGroup record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 10
kSignature equ 'CGRP'
; Fields
2018-02-17 16:43:03 +00:00
CPUList ds.l 4 ; 00:10 ; CPUs on this "motherboard"
LLL ds.l 4 ; 10:20 ; member of global CGRP list
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
CpuCount ds.l 1 ; 20
ScheduledCpuCount ds.l 1 ; 24
ds.l 1 ; 28
ds.l 1 ; 2c
ds.l 1 ; 30
ds.l 1 ; 34
ds.l 1 ; 38
ds.l 1 ; 3c
ds.l 1 ; 40
ds.l 1 ; 44
Incrementer ds.l 1 ; 48 ; number of NKCreateAddressSpaceSub calls % 1M
ds.l 1 ; 4c
ds.l 1 ; 50
ds.l 1 ; 54
Size equ *
; (size: 160b, thud command: id -a)
; A contiguous region of effective addresses with similar properties.
Area record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 11
kSignature equ 'AREA'
; Fields
ID ds.l 1 ; 00
Signature ds.l 1 ; 04
2017-12-12 05:00:56 +00:00
Flags ds.l 1 ; 08
kDontOwnPageMapArray equ 25
kPageMapArrayIs2D equ 26
kPageMapArrayInPool equ 27
kAliasFlag equ 28
kPrivilegedFlag equ 29
kFaultCtrArrayIs2D equ 30
kFaultCtrArrayInPool equ 31
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
ProcessID ds.l 1 ; 0c
AddressSpaceID ds.l 1 ; 10
2017-12-12 05:00:56 +00:00
ParentAreaID ds.l 1 ; 14 ; if alias
BackingProviderID ds.l 1 ; 18 ; notification ID
PTEConfig ds.l 1 ; 1c
FlagsAndMinAlign ds.l 1 ; 20 ; detailed description to come
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
LogicalBase ds.l 1 ; 24
2017-12-12 05:00:56 +00:00
LogicalEnd ds.l 1 ; 28 ; the last valid address in the area
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
Length ds.l 1 ; 2c ; in actual bytes!
2017-12-12 05:00:56 +00:00
LogicalSeparation ds.l 1 ; 30 ; min logical distance to any other area
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
ds.l 1 ; 34
2017-12-12 05:00:56 +00:00
BytesMapped ds.l 1 ; 38 ; total size of pages actually mapped to me
FaultCtrArrayPtr ds.l 1 ; 3c ; in paged areas, tracks how many times pages are added to HTAB
PageMapArrayPtr ds.l 1 ; 40 ; in paged areas, stores PTE template for each page
AliasLLL ds.l 4 ; 44:54
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
LLL ds.l 4 ; 54:64 ; member of address space
ds.l 1 ; 64
2017-12-12 05:00:56 +00:00
PageSize ds.l 1 ; 68 ; always 4k, the size of a PPC page
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
AddressSpacePtr ds.l 1 ; 6c
2017-12-12 05:00:56 +00:00
ContigPTETemplate ds.l 1 ; 70 ; in contig areas, acts as PTE template for every page
PagedPTETemplate ds.l 1 ; 74 ; when paged area is created this fills PageMapArray
AlignmentMask ds.l 1 ; 78 ; bit mask that LogicalBase is aligned to
DefaultAlignmentMask ds.l 1 ; 7c ; always 0xFFFFF000 (page alignment)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
ds.l 1 ; 80
2017-12-12 05:00:56 +00:00
BackingProviderMisc ds.l 1 ; 84 ; seems to be arbitrary (third arg to MPSetAreaBackingProvider)
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
ds.l 1 ; 88
ds.l 1 ; 8c
2017-12-12 05:00:56 +00:00
FenceLLL ds.l 4 ; 90:a0 ; function unknown, id is 'fenc'
2017-11-19 04:11:07 +00:00
Size equ *
; (size: 40b, thud command: id -n)
Notification record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 12
kSignature equ 'KNOT'
; Fields
ds.l 1 ; 00
Signature ds.l 1 ; 04
ProcessID ds.l 1 ; 08
ds.l 1 ; 0c
ds.l 1 ; 10
ds.l 1 ; 14
ds.l 1 ; 18
ds.l 1 ; 1c
ds.l 1 ; 20
ds.l 1 ; 24
Size equ *
; (size: 16b, thud command: id -nc)
; Never seen one in the wild -- must have been in debug builds.
ConsoleLog record 0,INCR
kIDClass equ 13
; Fields
ds.l 1 ; 00
ds.l 1 ; 04
ProcessID ds.l 1 ; 08
ds.l 1 ; 0c
Size equ *