Elliot Nunn 4c0e5221f1 Remove unnecessary static branch hints
These + and - characters in a branch mnemonic can cause the assembler to
produce conditional branch instructions with that hint the branch
predictor. The default for forward branches is -, and for backward
branches is +. If a mnemonic is issued with the opposite sign, then bit
10 of the instruction (the LSB of the BO field) is set.

My long-retired "ppcdisasm" script inserted these hints unconditionally,
despite 98% of them not being required. The code is much cleaner now.

I read in some old MPW release notes that PPCAsm and PPCLink together
exhibit a quirk when linking conditional branches to imported symbols.
PPCAsm always assembles these conditional branches as if they were
forward branches (that is, a + hint will always set the hint bit, and a
- hint will never). I hoped to use this property to divine whether the
NanoKernel was linked from one or many assembly files, but I was
frustrated by the lack of conditional branches between files.
2018-04-15 16:52:14 +08:00

299 lines
5.2 KiB

; NanoKernel Opaque ID Index
; Creates opaque structure IDs and stores them in the Pool. An opaque
; ID maps back to the (type, pointer) pair passed to MakeID.
; This abstraction is very important to the Multiprocessing Services.
; Rene on comp.sys.mac.programmer.help, 26 Oct 01:
; Total opaque IDs - The number of IDs currently in use. All MP
; objects: address spaces, areas, processors, memory coherence groups,
; queues, semaphores, critical regions, event groups, timers,
; notifications, etc. are assigned an ID when created, and they are
; accessed by way of this ID. The kernel presently handles 65,000
; simultaneous IDs with a bit pattern reuse probability of 1 in 4
; billion.
Local_Panic set *
b panic
; ARG KDP *r1
mflr r23
li r8, Index.Size
bl PoolAllocClear
mr. r22, r8
stw r8, PSA.IndexPtr(r1)
beq Local_Panic
li r9, 0
stw r9, KDP.NanoKernelInfo + NKNanoKernelInfo.IDCtr(r1)
sth r9, Index.HalfOne(r22)
sth r9, Index.HalfTwo(r22)
lisori r9, Index.kSignature
stw r9, Index.Signature(r22)
; Then what the hell is this?
li r8, 0xfd8
bl PoolAllocClear
cmpwi r8, 0
stw r8, Index.IDsPtr(r22)
beq Local_Panic
mtlr r23
li r9, 0x00
sth r9, 0x0000(r8)
li r9, 0x1fa
sth r9, 0x0002(r8)
lisori r9, 'IDs '
stw r9, 0x0004(r8)
; ARG void *r8, IDClass r9
; RET ID r8
lwz r18, -0x0a98(r1)
lhz r19, 0x0000(r18)
mr r21, r19
lwz r18, -0x0a98(r1)
rlwinm r20, r19, 25, 23, 29
addi r20, r20, 0x08
clrlwi. r19, r19, 0x17
lwzx r18, r18, r20
slwi r22, r19, 3
addi r20, r18, 0x08
cmpwi r18, 0x00
add r22, r22, r20
bne @_48
li r19, 0x00
b @_c
add r20, r20, r19
cmpw r20, r21
beq @_70
lbz r23, 0x0000(r22)
cmpwi r23, 0x00
beq @_f0
addi r19, r19, 0x01
cmpwi cr1, r19, 0x1fa
addi r22, r22, 0x08
lhz r20, 0x0000(r18)
blt cr1, @_3c
addi r19, r20, 0x200
b @_c
lwz r18, -0x0a98(r1)
mr r21, r8
lhz r19, 0x0002(r18)
mr r22, r9
addi r19, r19, 0x200
rlwinm. r20, r19, 25, 23, 29
li r8, 0x00
mflr r23
li r8, 0xfd8
; r1 = kdp
; r8 = size
bl PoolAllocClear
; r8 = ptr
mr. r18, r8
mtlr r23
li r8, 0x00
lwz r17, -0x0a98(r1)
lhz r19, 0x0002(r17)
addi r19, r19, 0x200
rlwinm r20, r19, 25, 23, 29
addi r20, r20, 0x08
sth r19, 0x0002(r17)
stwx r18, r20, r17
sth r19, 0x0000(r18)
li r9, 0x1fa
sth r9, 0x0002(r18)
lis r9, 0x4944
ori r9, r9, 0x7320
stw r9, 0x0004(r18)
li r19, 0x00
mr r8, r21
mr r9, r22
addi r22, r18, 0x08
stw r8, 0x0004(r22)
stb r9, 0x0000(r22)
lwz r9, KDP.NanoKernelInfo + NKNanoKernelInfo.IDCtr(r1)
addi r9, r9, 0x01
stw r9, KDP.NanoKernelInfo + NKNanoKernelInfo.IDCtr(r1)
lhz r20, 0x0000(r18)
lhz r8, 0x0002(r22)
lwz r21, -0x0a98(r1)
add r19, r19, r20
addi r8, r8, 0x01
lhz r20, 0x0002(r18)
sth r8, 0x0002(r22)
addi r20, r20, -0x01
rlwimi. r8, r19, 16, 0, 15
sth r20, 0x0002(r18)
sth r19, 0x0000(r21)
lhz r8, 0x0002(r22)
addi r8, r8, 0x01
sth r8, 0x0002(r22)
rlwimi r8, r19, 16, 0, 15
; ARG ID r8
align 5
rlwinm r20, r8, 9, 23, 29
lwz r18, -0x0a98(r1)
addi r20, r20, 0x08
rlwinm. r19, r8, 16, 23, 31
lwzx r18, r18, r20
cmplwi cr1, r19, 0x1fa
cmpwi r18, 0x00
addi r20, r18, 0x08
slwi r22, r19, 3
add r22, r22, r20
clrlwi r20, r8, 0x10
li r8, 0x00
bgelr cr1
lbz r19, 0x0000(r22)
lhz r23, 0x0002(r22)
cmpwi r19, 0x00
cmpw cr1, r23, r20
bnelr cr1
lwz r9, KDP.NanoKernelInfo + NKNanoKernelInfo.IDCtr(r1)
addi r9, r9, -0x01
stw r9, KDP.NanoKernelInfo + NKNanoKernelInfo.IDCtr(r1)
lhz r20, 0x0002(r18)
stb r8, 0x0000(r22)
addi r20, r20, 0x01
li r8, 0x01
sth r20, 0x0002(r18)
; ARG ID r8
; RET Ptr r8, IDClass r9
align 5
rlwinm r20, r8, 9, 23, 29
lwz r18, -0x0a98(r1)
addi r20, r20, 0x08
rlwinm. r19, r8, 16, 23, 31
lwzx r18, r18, r20
cmplwi cr1, r19, 0x1fa
cmpwi r18, 0x00
addi r20, r18, 0x08
slwi r22, r19, 3
add r22, r22, r20
clrlwi r20, r8, 0x10
li r8, 0x00
li r9, 0x00
bgelr cr1
lbz r19, 0x0000(r22)
lhz r23, 0x0002(r22)
cmpwi r19, 0x00
cmpw cr1, r23, r20
bnelr cr1
lwz r8, 0x0004(r22)
mr r9, r19
; ARG ID r8, IDClass r9
; RET ID r8
align 5
rlwinm r20, r8, 9, 23, 29
lwz r18, -0x0a98(r1)
addi r20, r20, 0x08
rlwinm. r19, r8, 16, 23, 31
lwzx r18, r18, r20
cmplwi cr1, r19, 0x1fa
cmpwi r18, 0x00
cmpwi cr2, r8, 0x00
addi r20, r18, 0x08
slwi r22, r19, 3
li r8, 0x00
bgelr cr1
add r22, r22, r20
bne cr2, @_48
lbz r23, 0x0000(r22)
cmpwi r23, 0x00
bne @_8c
addi r19, r19, 0x01
cmpwi r19, 0x1fa
addi r22, r22, 0x08
blt @_3c
lhz r20, 0x0000(r18)
addi r20, r20, 0x200
rlwinm. r20, r20, 25, 23, 29
lwz r18, -0x0a98(r1)
addi r20, r20, 0x08
li r19, 0x00
lwzx r18, r18, r20
cmpwi r18, 0x00
addi r22, r18, 0x08
bne @_3c
li r8, 0x00
cmpwi r9, 0x00
cmpw cr1, r9, r23
beq @_9c
bne cr1, @_48
lhz r20, 0x0000(r18)
lhz r8, 0x0002(r22)
add r19, r19, r20
rlwimi r8, r19, 16, 0, 15