Elliot Nunn 3302c1ba99 Identify all accesses to the Primary System Area
Whenever a field was added to the end of the Primary System Area (PSA)
record, the offsets of all other fields would change. When reversing NK
version 02.27, I noticed that 32 bytes had been added to the end of the
PSA between 02.27 and 02.28. To build a byte-perfect 02.27, all
references to PSA fields must therefore use the record definition in
NKPublic.s instead of a numeric offset.

In this commit, all PSA references are identified by field name (_FFF if
the field has not yet been reversed).
2018-04-22 19:00:29 +08:00

62 lines
1.1 KiB

; My additions to the NanoKernel, to go at the end of the code image
if &TYPE('NKDebugShim') != 'UNDEFINED'
DeclareMPCall 200, NKDebug
; Lifted from NKxprintf:
; Put the physical address of the r3 arg in r8
rlwinm. r9, r11, 0, MSR_DRbit, MSR_DRbit ; IntSyscall sets this
mr r8, r3
beq @already_physical
li r9, 0
bl V2P ; takes page EA in r8, r9=0, returns page PA in r17
beq @fail
rlwimi r8, r17, 0, 0, 19
; Copy the command into the KDP buffer reserved for this purpose:
; r8 = src
; r29 = dest
; r30 = ctr
; r31 = val
mfsprg r1, 0
lwz r1, EWA.PA_KDP(r1)
li r30, 0
addi r29, r1, PSA.ThudBuffer
lbzx r31, r8, r30
stbx r31, r29, r30
addi r30, r30, 1
cmpwi r31, 0
bne @cmdloop
lwz r31, PSA._404(r1)
stw r8, PSA._404(r1)
bl panic
lwz r8, PSA._404(r1)
li r0, 0
stw r0, 0(r8)
stw r31, PSA._404(r1)
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
b ReturnMPCallOOM