Elliot Nunn 4c0e5221f1 Remove unnecessary static branch hints
These + and - characters in a branch mnemonic can cause the assembler to
produce conditional branch instructions with that hint the branch
predictor. The default for forward branches is -, and for backward
branches is +. If a mnemonic is issued with the opposite sign, then bit
10 of the instruction (the LSB of the BO field) is set.

My long-retired "ppcdisasm" script inserted these hints unconditionally,
despite 98% of them not being required. The code is much cleaner now.

I read in some old MPW release notes that PPCAsm and PPCLink together
exhibit a quirk when linking conditional branches to imported symbols.
PPCAsm always assembles these conditional branches as if they were
forward branches (that is, a + hint will always set the hint bit, and a
- hint will never). I hoped to use this property to divine whether the
NanoKernel was linked from one or many assembly files, but I was
frustrated by the lack of conditional branches between files.
2018-04-15 16:52:14 +08:00

1201 lines
21 KiB

; LookupInterruptHandler
; Called at init time to get the (64b-aligned) physical address
; off the primary interrupt handler ("PIH") for this platform.
; The interrupt handler kind is specified in a one-byte field in
; ConfigInfo, and is an index into the below macro-populated
; table.
; ARG NKConfigurationInfo *r3
; RET PIHPtr r7
; CLOB r12
MaxPIHCount equ 12
DeclarePIH &n, &code
org PIHTableStart + &n * 2
dc.w &code - PIHTableStart
org @h
LookupInterruptHandler ; OUTSIDE REFERER
mflr r12
bl PIHTableEnd
dcb.w MaxPIHCount, 0
mflr r7
mtlr r12
lbz r12, NKConfigurationInfo.InterruptHandlerKind(r3)
slwi r12, r12, 1
lhzx r12, r7, r12
add r7, r7, r12
; CommonPIHPath
; At least I think so.
; > r1 = kdp
; ARG r28 = 68k int number
; Alignment probably to fit a cache block (very oft-run code).
align 5
mtsprg 3, r30
lwz r23, KDP.PA_EmulatorIplValue(r1)
lwz r27, PSA.ExternalHandlerID(r1)
cmpwi cr7, r28, 0
li r31, 0
blt cr7, @negative
beq cr7, @zero_rupt
ori r28, r28, 0x8000
lwz r31, KDP.PostIntMaskInit(r1)
andis. r8, r11, 0x8000 >> 14 ; some kind of perfmon bit
cmpwi cr1, r27, 0
lwz r29, KDP.ClearIntMaskInit(r1)
bne @noperf
bne cr1, @CommonPIHPath_0x78
rlwinm. r8, r7, 0, 10, 10
beq @actual_meat
sth r28, 0x0000(r23)
or r13, r13, r31
bgt cr7, @negative
and r13, r13, r29
_AssertAndRelease PSA.PIHLock, scratch=r8
bl SchRestoreStartingAtR20
b IntReturn
_AssertAndRelease PSA.PIHLock, scratch=r8
bl Save_r14_r19
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r8, scratch2=r9
mr r8, r27
bl LookupID
cmpwi r9, Notification.kIDClass
mr r30, r8
bne @no_handler_notification
clrlwi r9, r28, 17
stw r9, Notification.MsgWord1(r30)
stw r22, Notification.MsgWord2(r30)
bl CauseNotification
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock, scratch=r8
bl SchRestoreStartingAtR14
b IntReturn
li r27, 0x00
lwz r23, 0x067c(r1)
stw r27, -0x0428(r1)
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock, scratch=r8
bl Restore_r14_r19
_Lock PSA.PIHLock, scratch1=r8, scratch2=r9
b CommonPIHPath_0xc
_AssertAndRelease PSA.PIHLock, scratch=r8
bl Save_r14_r19
_Lock PSA.SchLock, scratch1=r16, scratch2=r17
lwz r30, PSA.MCR(r1)
or r31, r31, r30
stw r31, PSA.MCR(r1)
sth r28, PSA.Int(r1)
lwz r31, PSA.PA_BlueTask(r1)
mfsprg r30, 0
lwz r28, Task.Flags(r31)
lbz r29, Task.State(r31)
_bset r28, r28, Task.kFlag68kInterrupt
stw r28, Task.Flags(r31)
cmpwi r29, 0
lhz r16, Task.CPUIndex(r31)
beq @task_not_running
lhz r17, EWA.CPUIndex(r30)
cmpw cr1, r16, r17
rlwinm. r8, r28, 0, Task.kFlag26, Task.kFlag26
beq cr1, @running_on_this_cpu
bne @flag_and_run
mr r8, r31
bl SchTaskUnrdy
b @now_reschedule_task
addi r16, r31, Task.QueueMember
RemoveFromList r16, scratch1=r17, scratch2=r18
lbz r17, Task.Timer + Timer.Byte3(r31)
cmpwi r17, 1
bne @task_timer_not_in_use
addi r8, r31, Task.Timer
bl DequeueTimer
lwz r16, KDP.NanoKernelInfo + NKNanoKernelInfo.ExternalIntCount(r1)
stw r16, PSA.OtherSystemContextPtr(r1)
li r16, Task.kCriticalPriority
stb r16, Task.Priority(r31)
mr r8, r31
bl SchRdyTaskLater
mr r8, r31
bl CalculateTimeslice
mr r8, r31
bl FlagSchEvaluationIfTaskRequires
_AssertAndRelease PSA.SchLock, scratch=r16
bl SchRestoreStartingAtR14
b IntReturn
; KCPropogateExternalInterrupt
DeclareMPCall 122, KCPropogateExternalInterrupt
KCPropogateExternalInterrupt ; OUTSIDE REFERER
rlwinm. r8, r7, 0, 10, 10
cmplwi cr1, r3, 7
bne @notthegumdropbuttons
bgt cr1, @too_high
_Lock PSA.PIHLock, scratch1=r8, scratch2=r9
; Get current interrupt level
lwz r23, KDP.PA_EmulatorIplValue(r1)
lbz r28, 1(r23)
; r28 = max(current level, desired level)
cmpw r3, r28
ble @desired_is_lower
mr r28, r3
li r27, 0x00
li r3, 0x00
bl Restore_r14_r19
b CommonPIHPath_0xc
b ReturnMPCallOOM
b ReturnParamErrFromMPCall
Save_r14_r19 ; OUTSIDE REFERER
stw r14, ContextBlock.r14(r6)
stw r15, ContextBlock.r15(r6)
stw r16, ContextBlock.r16(r6)
stw r17, ContextBlock.r17(r6)
stw r18, ContextBlock.r18(r6)
stw r19, ContextBlock.r19(r6)
Restore_r14_r19 ; OUTSIDE REFERER
lwz r14, ContextBlock.r14(r6)
lwz r15, ContextBlock.r15(r6)
lwz r16, ContextBlock.r16(r6)
lwz r17, ContextBlock.r17(r6)
lwz r18, ContextBlock.r18(r6)
lwz r19, ContextBlock.r19(r6)
; PDM68kInterruptTable
; The (byte-sized) entries in the table are 68k rupt numbers.
; Strictly unnecessary considering indexing method,
; but might speed it up?
align 6
PDM68kInterruptTable ; OUTSIDE REFERER
dc.l 0x00010202
dc.l 0x04040404
dc.l 0x03030303
dc.l 0x04040404
dc.l 0x04040404
dc.l 0x04040404
dc.l 0x04040404
dc.l 0x04040404
dc.l 0x07070707
dc.l 0x07070707
dc.l 0x07070707
dc.l 0x07070707
dc.l 0x07070707
dc.l 0x07070707
dc.l 0x07070707
dc.l 0x07070707
; PDM (Piltdown Man) Primary Interrupt Handler
; = first ("G1") Power Macs. NuBus. Models
; 61xx, 71xx, 81xx.
DeclarePIH 1, PDM_PIH
align 6
_Lock PSA.PIHLock, scratch1=r8, scratch2=r9
bl SchSaveStartingAtR20
addi r9, r1, PSA.BlueVecBase
andis. r8, r11, 0x8000 >> 14 ; SRR1 mystery bit
mfsprg r30, 3
bne @nocount
lwz r21, KDP.NanoKernelInfo + NKNanoKernelInfo.ExternalIntCount(r1)
addi r21, r21, 0x01
stw r21, KDP.NanoKernelInfo + NKNanoKernelInfo.ExternalIntCount(r1)
; Switch to Blue vector table
mtsprg 3, r9
; Do the bare minimum to access the device at 0x50f30000
; Hardcoded address is hardcoded
lis r22, 0x50f3;0000
; *Prepare* to enable data paging
mfmsr r23
_bset r20, r23, MSR_DRbit
;ori r20, r23, 0x80000000 >> MSR_DRbit
; Find a SPAC to set sr5 from
lwz r25, PSA.OtherSystemAddrSpcPtr(r1)
rlwinm r24, r22, 6, 26, 29
addi r25, r25, AddressSpace.SRs
; Save sr5 in r21, load new value from SPAC, isync
mfsrin r21, r22
lwzx r24, r25, r24
mtsrin r24, r22
; Turn on data paging, isync
mtmsr r20
; Ask (the PIC?) something
li r20, 0xc0
stb r20, -0x6000(r22)
lbz r20, -0x6000(r22)
; Turn data paging back off, isync
mtmsr r23
; Lookup a 68k int number using this 6-bit thing from the PIC
lwz r23, KDP.PA_NanoKernelCode(r1)
rlwimi r23, r20, 0, 26, 31
llabel r28, PDM68kInterruptTable
lbzx r28, r28, r23
; Restore sr5, isync
mtsrin r21, r22
b CommonPIHPath
; PBX Primary Interrupt Handler
; = pre-PCI PowerPC 'Books. Possibly not including the 5300?
DeclarePIH 3, PBX_PIH
align 6
_Lock PSA.PIHLock, scratch1=r8, scratch2=r9
; r6 = ewa
bl SchSaveStartingAtR20
; r8 = sprg0 (not used by me)
addi r9, r1, -0x750
andis. r8, r11, 0x02
mfsprg r30, 3
bne PBX_PIH_0x38
lwz r21, 0x0e80(r1)
addi r21, r21, 0x01
stw r21, 0x0e80(r1)
mtsprg 3, r9
lis r22, 0x50f3
mfmsr r23
lwz r25, -0x03fc(r1)
rlwinm r24, r22, 6, 26, 29
addi r25, r25, 0x30
mfsrin r21, r22
lwzx r24, r25, r24
mtsrin r24, r22
ori r20, r23, 0x10
mtmsr r20
lwz r20, -0x6000(r22)
ori r20, r20, 0x80
stw r20, -0x6000(r22)
lwz r20, -0x6000(r22)
rlwimi r20, r20, 3, 26, 28
stw r20, -0x6000(r22)
mr r28, r20
mtmsr r23
mtsrin r21, r22
clrlwi r28, r28, 0x1d
; r1 = kdp
b CommonPIHPath
; Gazelle Primary Interrupt Handler
; = later low-end "G2" Power Macs. 603 series
; processors. PCI. Models 54xx-55xx, 64xx-65xx.
; The 54xx/64xx ROM actually identifies as Alchemy, not
; Gazelle, and SheepShaver considers this difference when
; patching the ROM Nanokernels. But, Wikipedia describes
; these machines as minor upgrades, EveryMac calls them
; Gazelle, and they use the same PIH type.
DeclarePIH 5, GazellePIH
align 6
_Lock PSA.PIHLock, scratch1=r8, scratch2=r9
; r6 = ewa
bl SchSaveStartingAtR20
; r8 = sprg0 (not used by me)
addi r9, r1, -0x750
andis. r8, r11, 0x02
mfsprg r30, 3
bne GazellePIH_0x38
lwz r21, 0x0e80(r1)
addi r21, r21, 0x01
stw r21, 0x0e80(r1)
mtsprg 3, r9
lis r22, -0xd00
mfmsr r20
ori r23, r20, 0x10
lwz r25, -0x03fc(r1)
rlwinm r24, r22, 6, 26, 29
addi r25, r25, 0x30
mfsrin r21, r22
lwzx r24, r25, r24
mtsrin r24, r22
mtmsr r23
li r26, 0x20
lwbrx r27, r26, r22
rlwinm r27, r27, 1, 1, 1
lis r23, -0x8000
li r26, 0x28
stwbrx r23, r26, r22
li r26, 0x24
lwbrx r23, r26, r22
rlwinm r28, r23, 1, 1, 1
and r28, r27, r28
or r23, r28, r23
stwbrx r23, r26, r22
li r26, 0x2c
lwbrx r26, r26, r22
rlwimi r26, r23, 0, 1, 1
and r23, r26, r23
mtmsr r20
andis. r28, r23, 0x10
li r28, 0x07
bne GazellePIH_0x104
rlwinm r28, r23, 0, 15, 16
rlwimi. r28, r23, 0, 22, 31
li r28, 0x04
bne GazellePIH_0x104
andis. r28, r23, 0x5fca
rlwimi. r28, r23, 0, 17, 20
li r28, 0x02
bne GazellePIH_0x104
andis. r28, r23, 0x04
li r28, 0x01
bne GazellePIH_0x104
li r28, 0x00
mtsrin r21, r22
; r1 = kdp
b CommonPIHPath
; TNT (The New Tesseract) Primary Interrupt Handler
; = High-end and mid-range "G2" Power Macs. PCI. 603
; and 604 series processors. Models 7200-7600, 8500-8600,
; 9500-9600.
DeclarePIH 2, TNT_PIH
align 6
_Lock PSA.PIHLock, scratch1=r8, scratch2=r9
; r6 = ewa
bl SchSaveStartingAtR20
; r8 = sprg0 (not used by me)
addi r9, r1, -0x750
andis. r8, r11, 0x02
mfsprg r30, 3
bne TNT_PIH_0x38
lwz r21, 0x0e80(r1)
addi r21, r21, 0x01
stw r21, 0x0e80(r1)
mtsprg 3, r9
lis r22, -0xd00
mfmsr r20
ori r23, r20, 0x10
lwz r25, -0x03fc(r1)
rlwinm r24, r22, 6, 26, 29
addi r25, r25, 0x30
mfsrin r21, r22
lwzx r24, r25, r24
mtsrin r24, r22
mtmsr r23
lis r23, -0x8000
li r26, 0x28
stwbrx r23, r26, r22
li r26, 0x24
lwbrx r23, r26, r22
li r26, 0x2c
lwbrx r26, r26, r22
and r23, r26, r23
mtmsr r20
rlwinm. r28, r23, 0, 11, 11
li r28, 0x07
bne TNT_PIH_0xd8
rlwinm r28, r23, 0, 15, 16
rlwimi. r28, r23, 0, 21, 31
li r28, 0x04
bne TNT_PIH_0xd8
rlwinm. r28, r23, 0, 17, 17
li r28, 0x03
bne TNT_PIH_0xd8
andis. r28, r23, 0x7fea
rlwimi. r28, r23, 0, 18, 19
li r28, 0x02
bne TNT_PIH_0xd8
rlwinm. r28, r23, 14, 31, 31
mtsrin r21, r22
; r1 = kdp
b CommonPIHPath
; Gossamer (and GRX) Primary Interrupt Handler
; = beige (pre-iMac) G3s. PIH 07 also used for GRX = OldWorld
; PowerBook G3 Series.
DeclarePIH 7, GossamerPIH
align 6
_Lock PSA.PIHLock, scratch1=r8, scratch2=r9
; r6 = ewa
bl SchSaveStartingAtR20
; r8 = sprg0 (not used by me)
addi r9, r1, -0x750
andis. r8, r11, 0x02
mfsprg r30, 3
bne GossamerPIH_0x38
lwz r21, 0x0e80(r1)
addi r21, r21, 0x01
stw r21, 0x0e80(r1)
mtsprg 3, r9
mfmsr r20
ori r23, r20, 0x10
lis r22, -0xd00
lwz r25, -0x03fc(r1)
rlwinm r24, r22, 6, 26, 29
addi r25, r25, 0x30
mfsrin r21, r22
lwzx r24, r25, r24
mtsrin r24, r22
mtmsr r23
lis r23, -0x8000
li r25, 0x28
stwbrx r23, r25, r22
li r25, 0x24
lwbrx r23, r25, r22
li r25, 0x2c
lwbrx r25, r25, r22
and r23, r25, r23
lis r24, -0x8000
li r25, 0x18
stwbrx r24, r25, r22
li r25, 0x14
lwbrx r24, r25, r22
li r25, 0x1c
lwbrx r25, r25, r22
and r24, r25, r24
mtmsr r20
rlwinm. r28, r23, 0, 11, 11
li r28, 0x07
bne GossamerPIH_0x118
rlwinm r28, r23, 0, 15, 16
rlwimi. r28, r23, 0, 22, 31
li r28, 0x04
bne GossamerPIH_0x118
clrlwi. r28, r24, 0x1e
li r28, 0x04
bne GossamerPIH_0x118
rlwinm. r28, r24, 0, 21, 21
li r28, 0x03
bne GossamerPIH_0x118
andis. r28, r23, 0x3fea
rlwimi. r28, r23, 0, 17, 20
li r28, 0x02
bne GossamerPIH_0x118
rlwinm. r28, r24, 0, 20, 20
li r28, 0x01
bne GossamerPIH_0x118
rlwinm. r28, r23, 14, 31, 31
mtsrin r21, r22
; r1 = kdp
b CommonPIHPath
; NewWorld PowerBook Primary Interrupt Handler
; Only ever seen this on Mikey's (NewWorld) Lombard. So
; apparently the Trampoline can also change the ROM's
; default PIH.
DeclarePIH 10, NewWorldPowerBookPIH ; logged as 'kind 0a'
align 6
_Lock PSA.PIHLock, scratch1=r8, scratch2=r9
; r6 = ewa
bl SchSaveStartingAtR20
; r8 = sprg0 (not used by me)
addi r9, r1, -0x750
andis. r8, r11, 0x02
mfsprg r30, 3
bne NewWorldPowerBookPIH_0x38
lwz r21, 0x0e80(r1)
addi r21, r21, 0x01
stw r21, 0x0e80(r1)
mtsprg 3, r9
lwz r26, -0x0020(r1)
mfmsr r20
ori r23, r20, 0x10
lwz r22, 0x0ec0(r26)
lwz r25, -0x03fc(r1)
rlwinm r24, r22, 6, 26, 29
addi r25, r25, 0x30
mfsrin r21, r22
lwzx r24, r25, r24
mtsrin r24, r22
mtmsr r23
li r23, 0x80
stw r23, 0x0018(r22)
lwz r23, 0x0014(r22)
lwz r25, 0x001c(r22)
and r23, r25, r23
lwz r24, 0x0004(r22)
lwz r25, 0x000c(r22)
and r24, r25, r24
mtmsr r20
stw r23, 0x0f28(r26)
stw r24, 0x0f2c(r26)
lis r25, 0x00
ori r25, r25, 0x3f60
li r28, 0x07
lwz r26, 0x001c(r25)
and. r26, r24, r26
bne NewWorldPowerBookPIH_0xd4
lwzu r26, -0x0004(r25)
and. r26, r23, r26
bne NewWorldPowerBookPIH_0xd4
addi r28, r28, -0x01
cmplwi r28, 0x00
bne NewWorldPowerBookPIH_0xb0
mtsrin r21, r22
; r1 = kdp
b CommonPIHPath
; Cordyceps Primary Interrupt Handler
; = early low-end "G2" Power Macs. 603 series
; processors. PCI. Models 52xx-53xx, 62xx-63xx.
DeclarePIH 4, CordycepsPIH
align 6
_Lock PSA.PIHLock, scratch1=r8, scratch2=r9
; r6 = ewa
bl SchSaveStartingAtR20
; r8 = sprg0 (not used by me)
addi r9, r1, -0x750
andis. r8, r11, 0x02
mfsprg r30, 3
bne CordycepsPIH_0x38
lwz r21, 0x0e80(r1)
addi r21, r21, 0x01
stw r21, 0x0e80(r1)
mtsprg 3, r9
lis r22, 0x5300
mfmsr r23
mfspr r26, dbat0u
mfspr r27, dbat0l
ori r20, r22, 0x03
mtspr dbat0u, r20
ori r20, r22, 0x2a
mtspr dbat0l, r20
ori r20, r23, 0x10
mtmsr r20
lwz r20, 0x001c(r22)
lis r20, 0x00
stw r20, 0x001c(r22)
lwz r20, 0x001c(r22)
lwz r20, 0x001c(r22)
lwz r28, 0x0024(r22)
xori r28, r28, 0x07
mtmsr r23
mtspr dbat0l, r27
mtspr dbat0u, r26
clrlwi r28, r28, 0x1d
; r1 = kdp
b CommonPIHPath
; NewWorld Primary Interrupt Handler
; (At least most NewWorld machines.)
; The '06' in the NewWorld ROM ConfigInfo seems to
; be left alone by the Trampoline on most machines.
; This ID was reused from, of all things, the Pippin.
DeclarePIH 6, NewWorldPIH
align 6
_Lock PSA.PIHLock, scratch1=r8, scratch2=r9
; r6 = ewa
bl SchSaveStartingAtR20
; r8 = sprg0 (not used by me)
addi r9, r1, -0x750
andis. r8, r11, 0x02
mfsprg r30, 3
bne NewWorldPIH_0x38
lwz r21, 0x0e80(r1)
addi r21, r21, 0x01
stw r21, 0x0e80(r1)
mtsprg 3, r9
mfmsr r23
lwz r20, -0x0020(r1)
lhz r27, 0x0910(r1)
lwz r22, 0x0f18(r20)
li r28, 0x00
lwz r25, -0x03fc(r1)
rlwinm r24, r22, 6, 26, 29
addi r25, r25, 0x30
mfsrin r21, r22
lwzx r24, r25, r24
mtsrin r24, r22
cmpwi cr1, r27, 0x00
andis. r26, r11, 0x02
beq cr1, NewWorldPIH_0x23c
beq NewWorldPIH_0x150
lbz r29, 0x0f93(r20)
stb r28, 0x0f93(r20)
addi r26, r1, 0x912
cmpwi cr1, r29, 0x07
cmplwi r27, 0x01
bne+ cr1, NewWorldPIH_0xa8
addi r27, r27, -0x01
ble NewWorldPIH_0x1fc
lbzx r26, r26, r27
lbz r28, 0x3f00(r26)
b NewWorldPIH_0x1fc
cmplwi r27, 0x01
addi r27, r27, -0x01
ble NewWorldPIH_0x1fc
add r26, r26, r27
addi r27, r20, 0xf93
lbz r24, 0x0000(r26)
lbzu r28, -0x0001(r27)
cmpw r24, r28
cmpwi cr1, r28, 0xfe
beq NewWorldPIH_0xdc
bne cr1, NewWorldPIH_0xc0
li r28, -0x01
b NewWorldPIH_0x1fc
li r28, 0xff
stb r28, 0x0000(r27)
addi r27, r20, 0xf28
rlwinm r20, r24, 29, 29, 29
clrlwi r24, r24, 0x1b
lis r28, -0x8000
add r27, r27, r20
srw r28, r28, r24
lwz r24, 0x0000(r27)
andc r24, r24, r28
addi r26, r26, -0x01
stw r24, 0x0000(r27)
lbz r26, 0x0000(r26)
li r28, 0x00
ori r29, r23, 0x10
lis r27, 0x02
ori r27, r27, 0xb0
mtmsr r29
stwx r28, r22, r27
mtmsr r23
lhz r27, 0x0910(r1)
cmpwi r26, 0xff
addi r27, r27, -0x01
beq+ NewWorldPIH_0x148
lbz r28, 0x3f00(r26)
sth r27, 0x0910(r1)
b NewWorldPIH_0x1fc
lhz r27, 0x0f88(r20)
ori r20, r23, 0x10
lis r26, 0x02
ori r26, r26, 160
mtmsr r20
lwbrx r26, r22, r26
clrlwi r26, r26, 0x14
cmplwi r26, 0x40
cmplwi cr1, r26, 0x41
li r29, 0x00
beq NewWorldPIH_0x208
bge cr1, NewWorldPIH_0x218
cmplw r26, r27
lis r27, 0x02
ori r27, r27, 0xb0
bne+ NewWorldPIH_0x198
stwx r29, r22, r27
mtmsr r23
lwz r20, -0x0020(r1)
lbz r28, 0x3f00(r26)
cmpwi r28, 0x07
bne+ NewWorldPIH_0x1b8
stb r28, 0x0f93(r20)
b NewWorldPIH_0x1fc
lhz r27, 0x0910(r1)
add r24, r27, r1
addi r27, r27, 0x01
stb r26, 0x0912(r24)
rlwinm r25, r26, 29, 29, 29
clrlwi r26, r26, 0x1b
lis r24, -0x8000
sth r27, 0x0910(r1)
addi r27, r20, 0xf28
add r27, r27, r25
lwz r25, 0x0000(r27)
srw r24, r24, r26
or r25, r25, r24
li r24, 0xff
stw r25, 0x0000(r27)
addi r27, r20, 0xf8c
stbx r24, r28, r27
mtsrin r21, r22
; r1 = kdp
b CommonPIHPath
mtmsr r23
li r28, -0x01
b NewWorldPIH_0x1fc
lis r27, 0x02
ori r27, r27, 0xb0
li r29, 0x00
stwx r29, r22, r27
mtmsr r23
li r28, -0x01
b NewWorldPIH_0x1fc
addi r27, r27, 0x01
li r28, -0x01
sth r27, 0x0910(r1)
stw r28, 0x0912(r1)
stw r28, 0x0f90(r20)
xoris r28, r28, 0x100
stw r28, 0x0f8c(r20)
li r28, 0x00
b NewWorldPIH_0x1fc
; Primary Interrupt Handler for a mystery machine
DeclarePIH 8, UnknownPIH
align 6
_Lock PSA.PIHLock, scratch1=r8, scratch2=r9
; r6 = ewa
bl SchSaveStartingAtR20
; r8 = sprg0 (not used by me)
addi r9, r1, -0x750
andis. r8, r11, 0x02
mfsprg r30, 3
bne UnknownPIH_0x38
lwz r21, 0x0e80(r1)
addi r21, r21, 0x01
stw r21, 0x0e80(r1)
mtsprg 3, r9
mfmsr r23
lwz r20, -0x0020(r1)
lhz r27, 0x0910(r1)
lwz r22, 0x0f18(r20)
li r28, 0x00
lwz r25, -0x03fc(r1)
rlwinm r24, r22, 6, 26, 29
addi r25, r25, 0x30
mfsrin r21, r22
lwzx r24, r25, r24
mtsrin r24, r22
cmpwi cr1, r27, 0x00
andis. r26, r11, 0x02
beq cr1, UnknownPIH_0x23c
beq UnknownPIH_0x170
cmplwi r27, 0x01
ble UnknownPIH_0x1f8
addi r27, r27, -0x01
addi r26, r1, 0x912
add r26, r26, r27
addi r27, r20, 0xee0
lbz r24, 0x0000(r26)
mr r29, r24
cmpwi r24, 0x20
blt+ UnknownPIH_0xac
addi r27, r27, 0x04
addi r24, r24, -0x20
lwz r27, 0x0000(r27)
lis r28, -0x8000
srw r28, r28, r24
and. r27, r27, r28
bne UnknownPIH_0xc8
li r28, -0x01
b UnknownPIH_0x1f8
addi r27, r20, 0xec4
cmpwi r29, 0x20
blt+ UnknownPIH_0xd8
addi r27, r27, 0x04
lwz r24, 0x0000(r27)
andc r24, r24, r28
stw r24, 0x0000(r27)
addi r27, r20, 0xee0
cmpwi r29, 0x20
blt+ UnknownPIH_0xf4
addi r27, r27, 0x04
lwz r29, 0x0000(r27)
andc r29, r29, r28
stw r29, 0x0000(r27)
addi r26, r26, -0x01
lbz r26, 0x0000(r26)
cmpwi r26, 0xff
beq UnknownPIH_0x114
b UnknownPIH_0x118
li r26, 0x800
ori r28, r23, 0x10
lis r27, 0x02
ori r27, r27, 0xb0
mtmsr r28
li r28, 0x00
stwx r28, r22, r27
cmpwi r26, 0x800
beq UnknownPIH_0x158
lis r28, 0x01
ori r28, r28, 0x00
rlwinm r27, r26, 5, 16, 31
add r28, r28, r27
lwbrx r28, r22, r28
rlwinm r28, r28, 16, 28, 31
mtmsr r23
lhz r27, 0x0910(r1)
addi r27, r27, -0x01
sth r27, 0x0910(r1)
b UnknownPIH_0x1f8
ori r27, r23, 0x10
lis r26, 0x02
ori r26, r26, 160
lis r28, 0x01
ori r28, r28, 0x00
mtmsr r27
lwbrx r26, r22, r26
clrlwi r26, r26, 0x14
cmplwi r26, 0x31
cmplwi cr1, r26, 0x28
beq UnknownPIH_0x204
bge cr1, UnknownPIH_0x214
rlwinm r27, r26, 5, 16, 31
add r28, r28, r27
lwbrx r28, r22, r28
rlwinm r28, r28, 16, 28, 31
mtmsr r23
lhz r27, 0x0910(r1)
add r24, r27, r1
addi r27, r27, 0x01
stb r26, 0x0912(r24)
sth r27, 0x0910(r1)
addi r27, r20, 0xec4
cmpwi r26, 0x20
blt+ UnknownPIH_0x1e4
addi r27, r27, 0x04
addi r26, r26, -0x20
lwz r25, 0x0000(r27)
lis r24, -0x8000
srw r24, r24, r26
or r25, r25, r24
stw r25, 0x0000(r27)
mtsrin r21, r22
; r1 = kdp
b CommonPIHPath
mtmsr r23
li r28, -0x01
b UnknownPIH_0x1f8
lis r27, 0x02
ori r27, r27, 0xb0
li r29, 0x00
stwx r29, r22, r27
mtmsr r23
li r28, 0x06
li r28, -0x01
b UnknownPIH_0x1f8
addi r27, r27, 0x01
li r28, -0x01
sth r27, 0x0910(r1)
stw r28, 0x0912(r1)
li r28, 0x00
stw r28, 0x0ee4(r20)
stw r28, 0x0ee0(r20)
b UnknownPIH_0x1f8