Elliot Nunn 4c0e5221f1 Remove unnecessary static branch hints
These + and - characters in a branch mnemonic can cause the assembler to
produce conditional branch instructions with that hint the branch
predictor. The default for forward branches is -, and for backward
branches is +. If a mnemonic is issued with the opposite sign, then bit
10 of the instruction (the LSB of the BO field) is set.

My long-retired "ppcdisasm" script inserted these hints unconditionally,
despite 98% of them not being required. The code is much cleaner now.

I read in some old MPW release notes that PPCAsm and PPCLink together
exhibit a quirk when linking conditional branches to imported symbols.
PPCAsm always assembles these conditional branches as if they were
forward branches (that is, a + hint will always set the hint bit, and a
- hint will never). I hoped to use this property to divine whether the
NanoKernel was linked from one or many assembly files, but I was
frustrated by the lack of conditional branches between files.
2018-04-15 16:52:14 +08:00

179 lines
3.4 KiB

Local_Panic set *
b panic
; kcRTASDispatch
; Only major that hits the RTAS globals.
; RTAS requires some specific context stuff.
; > r1 = kdp
; > r6 = some kind of place
; > r7 = some kind of flags
align 5
lwz r8, 0x0908(r1)
cmpwi r8, 0x00
bne rtas_is_available
li r3, -0x01
b IntReturn
_Lock PSA.RTASLock, scratch1=r8, scratch2=r9
mtcrf 0x3f, r7
lwz r9, KDP.PA_ECB(r1)
lwz r8, EWA.Enables(r1)
stw r7, 0x0000(r6)
stw r8, 0x0004(r6)
bns cr6, kcRTASDispatch_0x5c
stw r17, 0x0024(r6)
stw r20, 0x0028(r6)
stw r21, 0x002c(r6)
stw r19, 0x0034(r6)
stw r18, 0x003c(r6)
lmw r14, 0x0038(r1)
mfxer r8
stw r13, 0x00dc(r6)
stw r8, 0x00d4(r6)
stw r12, 0x00ec(r6)
mfctr r8
stw r10, 0x00fc(r6)
stw r8, 0x00f4(r6)
ble cr3, kcRTASDispatch_0x8c
lwz r8, 0x00c4(r9)
mfspr r12, mq
mtspr mq, r8
stw r12, 0x00c4(r6)
lwz r8, 0x0004(r1)
stw r8, 0x010c(r6)
stw r2, 0x0114(r6)
stw r3, 0x011c(r6)
stw r4, 0x0124(r6)
lwz r8, 0x0018(r1)
stw r5, 0x012c(r6)
stw r8, 0x0134(r6)
andi. r8, r11, 0x2000
stw r14, 0x0174(r6)
stw r15, 0x017c(r6)
stw r16, 0x0184(r6)
stw r17, 0x018c(r6)
stw r18, 0x0194(r6)
stw r19, 0x019c(r6)
stw r20, 0x01a4(r6)
stw r21, 0x01ac(r6)
stw r22, 0x01b4(r6)
stw r23, 0x01bc(r6)
stw r24, 0x01c4(r6)
stw r25, 0x01cc(r6)
stw r26, 0x01d4(r6)
stw r27, 0x01dc(r6)
stw r28, 0x01e4(r6)
stw r29, 0x01ec(r6)
stw r30, 0x01f4(r6)
stw r31, 0x01fc(r6)
bnel major_0x03e18_0xb4
stw r11, 0x00a4(r6)
mr r27, r3
addi r29, r1, 800
bl PagingFunc3
beql Local_Panic
rlwimi r3, r31, 0, 0, 19
lhz r8, 0x0004(r3)
cmpwi r8, 0x00
beq kcRTASDispatch_0x14c
slwi r8, r8, 2
lwzx r27, r8, r3
addi r29, r1, 800
bl PagingFunc3
beql Local_Panic
lwzx r9, r8, r3
rlwimi r9, r31, 0, 0, 19
stwx r9, r8, r3
li r9, 0x00
sth r9, 0x0004(r3)
dcbf r8, r3
li r9, 0x04
dcbf r9, r3
lwz r4, 0x090c(r1)
mfmsr r8
andi. r8, r8, 0x10cf
mtmsr r8
mr r28, r3
lwz r9, 0x0908(r1)
bl rtas_make_actual_call
mfsprg r1, 0
lwz r6, -0x0014(r1)
clrlwi r29, r28, 0x14
subfic r29, r29, 0x1000
lhz r27, 0x0f4a(r1)
subf. r29, r27, r29
dcbf r29, r28
icbi r29, r28
bge kcRTASDispatch_0x190
lwz r8, 0x0000(r6)
lwz r11, 0x00a4(r6)
mr r7, r8
andi. r8, r11, 0x900
lwz r8, 0x0004(r6)
lwz r13, 0x00dc(r6)
stw r8, EWA.Enables(r1)
lwz r8, 0x00d4(r6)
lwz r12, 0x00ec(r6)
mtxer r8
lwz r8, 0x00f4(r6)
lwz r10, 0x00fc(r6)
mtctr r8
bnel major_0x03e18_0x8
lwz r8, 0x010c(r6)
stw r8, 0x0004(r1)
lwz r2, 0x0114(r6)
lwz r3, 0x011c(r6)
lwz r4, 0x0124(r6)
lwz r8, 0x0134(r6)
lwz r5, 0x012c(r6)
stw r8, 0x0018(r1)
lwz r14, 0x0174(r6)
lwz r15, 0x017c(r6)
lwz r16, 0x0184(r6)
lwz r17, 0x018c(r6)
lwz r18, 0x0194(r6)
lwz r19, 0x019c(r6)
lwz r20, 0x01a4(r6)
lwz r21, 0x01ac(r6)
lwz r22, 0x01b4(r6)
lwz r23, 0x01bc(r6)
lwz r24, 0x01c4(r6)
lwz r25, 0x01cc(r6)
lwz r26, 0x01d4(r6)
lwz r27, 0x01dc(r6)
lwz r28, 0x01e4(r6)
lwz r29, 0x01ec(r6)
lwz r30, 0x01f4(r6)
lwz r31, 0x01fc(r6)
_AssertAndRelease PSA.RTASLock, scratch=r8
li r3, 0x00
b IntReturn
mtctr r9