Elliot Nunn 4c0e5221f1 Remove unnecessary static branch hints
These + and - characters in a branch mnemonic can cause the assembler to
produce conditional branch instructions with that hint the branch
predictor. The default for forward branches is -, and for backward
branches is +. If a mnemonic is issued with the opposite sign, then bit
10 of the instruction (the LSB of the BO field) is set.

My long-retired "ppcdisasm" script inserted these hints unconditionally,
despite 98% of them not being required. The code is much cleaner now.

I read in some old MPW release notes that PPCAsm and PPCLink together
exhibit a quirk when linking conditional branches to imported symbols.
PPCAsm always assembles these conditional branches as if they were
forward branches (that is, a + hint will always set the hint bit, and a
- hint will never). I hoped to use this property to divine whether the
NanoKernel was linked from one or many assembly files, but I was
frustrated by the lack of conditional branches between files.
2018-04-15 16:52:14 +08:00

634 lines
12 KiB

; Implements two MPCalls that seem to have something to do with COHGs
; Make conditional calls easier
Local_Panic set *
b panic
b ReturnParamErrFromMPCall
b ReturnMPCallOOM
b CommonMPCallReturnPath
; RET OSStatus r3, something r4, something r4
DeclareMPCall 102, MPGetKernelStateSize
mfsprg r9, 0
lwz r8, EWA.CPUBase + CPU.LLL + LLL.Freeform(r9)
lwz r9, CoherenceGroup.ScheduledCpuCount(r8)
cmpwi r9, 1
bgt Local_ReturnInsufficientResourcesErrFromMPCall
bl KernelStateSize
mr r4, r8
mr r5, r9
b ReturnZeroFromMPCall
; ARG r3/r4/r5
; RET OSStatus r3
DeclareMPCall 103, MPGetKernelState
mfsprg r9, 0
lwz r8, EWA.CPUBase + CPU.LLL + LLL.Freeform(r9)
lwz r9, CoherenceGroup.ScheduledCpuCount(r8)
cmpwi r9, 1
bgt Local_ReturnInsufficientResourcesErrFromMPCall
clrlwi. r8, r5, 20
bne Local_ReturnParamErrFromMPCall
bl KernelStateSize
cmpw r3, r8
blt Local_ReturnParamErrFromMPCall
cmpw r4, r9
blt Local_ReturnParamErrFromMPCall
bl PagingFlushTLB
mfsprg r9, 0
mfxer r8
stw r13, 0x00dc(r6)
stw r8, 0x00d4(r6)
stw r12, 0x00ec(r6)
mfctr r8
stw r10, 0x00fc(r6)
stw r8, 0x00f4(r6)
mfpvr r8
rlwinm. r8, r8, 0, 0, 14
bne @not_601
mfspr r8, mq
stw r8, ContextBlock.MQ(r6)
lwz r8, EWA.r1(r9)
stw r8, ContextBlock.r1(r6)
stw r2, ContextBlock.r2(r6)
stw r3, ContextBlock.r3(r6)
andi. r8, r11, MSR_FP
stw r4, ContextBlock.r4(r6)
lwz r8, EWA.r6(r9)
stw r5, ContextBlock.r5(r6)
stw r8, ContextBlock.r6(r6)
bnel Save_f0_f31
rlwinm. r8, r7, 0, 12, 12 ; flags
bnel Save_v0_v31
lwz r3, ContextBlock.r3(r6)
lwz r4, ContextBlock.r4(r6)
lwz r5, ContextBlock.r5(r6)
stw r11,ContextBlock.MSR(r6)
mr r27, r5
addi r29, r1, 800
bl PagingFunc3
beq Local_ReturnInsufficientResourcesErrFromMPCall
rlwimi r27, r31, 0, 0, 19
mr r17, r27
addi r15, r17, 0x34
srwi r3, r3, 12
mr r27, r5
addi r29, r1, 800
bl PagingFunc3
beq Local_ReturnInsufficientResourcesErrFromMPCall
rlwimi r27, r31, 0, 0, 19
stwu r27, 0x0004(r15)
addi r3, r3, -0x01
addi r5, r5, 0x1000
cmpwi r3, 0x00
bge MPGetKernelState_0xc8
addi r15, r15, 0x04
subf r15, r17, r15
stw r15, 0x0034(r17)
mfsprg r15, 0
stw r15, 0x0024(r17)
mfsprg r8, 3
stw r8, 0x0028(r17)
mftbu r8
mftb r9
mftbu r16
cmpw r16, r8
bne- @retry_time
stw r8, EWA.SpacesSavedLR(r15)
stw r9, EWA.SpacesSavedCR(r15)
mr r29, r17
li r16, kSIGP6
stw r16, EWA.SIGPSelector(r15)
lhz r16, EWA.CPUIndex(r15)
stw r16, EWA.SIGPCallR4(r15)
li r8, 2 ; args in EWA
mr r17, r29
mfsdr1 r8
stw r8, 0x002c(r17)
rlwinm r9, r8, 16, 7, 15
cntlzw r18, r9
li r9, -0x01
srw r9, r9, r18
addi r9, r9, 0x01
stw r9, 0x000c(r17)
rlwinm r8, r8, 0, 0, 15
stw r8, 0x0010(r17)
lis r8, 0x00
ori r8, r8, 0xc000
stw r8, 0x0018(r17)
lis r9, 0x00
ori r9, r9, 0xa000
subf r8, r9, r1
stw r8, 0x001c(r17)
addi r9, r1, 120
lis r31, 0x00
li r14, 0x00
lwz r29, 0x0034(r17)
add r29, r29, r17
lwzu r30, 0x0008(r9)
lwz r18, 0x0004(r30)
lhz r15, 0x0000(r30)
andi. r19, r18, 0xe00
lhz r16, 0x0002(r30)
cmplwi r19, 0xc00
bne MPGetKernelState_0x1dc
addi r16, r16, 0x01
slwi r16, r16, 2
stw r16, 0x0000(r29)
rlwinm r18, r18, 22, 0, 29
stw r18, 0x0004(r29)
addi r29, r29, 0x0c
addi r14, r14, 0x01
b MPGetKernelState_0x1fc
cmpwi r15, 0x00
bne MPGetKernelState_0x1fc
cmplwi r16, 0xffff
bne MPGetKernelState_0x1fc
addis r31, r31, 0x1000
cmpwi r31, 0x00
bne MPGetKernelState_0x1a0
b MPGetKernelState_0x204
addi r30, r30, 0x08
b MPGetKernelState_0x1a4
lwz r16, PSA.FirstPoolSeg(r1)
lwz r31, 0x0000(r16)
add r18, r31, r16
lwz r19, 0x0000(r18)
addi r31, r31, 0x18
stw r31, 0x0000(r29)
stw r16, 0x0004(r29)
addi r29, r29, 0x0c
addi r14, r14, 0x01
cmpwi r19, 0x00
beq MPGetKernelState_0x238
add r16, r19, r18
b MPGetKernelState_0x208
addi r19, r1, -0x450
lwz r31, -0x0448(r1)
cmpw r31, r19
beq MPGetKernelState_0x264
li r18, 0x10
stw r18, 0x0000(r29)
stw r31, 0x0004(r29)
addi r29, r29, 0x0c
addi r14, r14, 0x01
lwz r31, 0x0008(r31)
b MPGetKernelState_0x240
stw r14, 0x0030(r17)
lwz r30, 0x0034(r17)
add r30, r30, r17
subf r8, r17, r29
stw r8, 0x0008(r30)
lwz r24, 0x0004(r30)
mr r25, r8
lwz r26, 0x0000(r30)
add r29, r29, r26
bl AnotherCoherenceFunc
addi r30, r30, 0x0c
addi r14, r14, -0x01
cmpwi r14, 0x00
bne MPGetKernelState_0x270
subf r8, r17, r29
stw r8, 0x0020(r17)
lwz r24, 0x001c(r17)
mr r25, r8
lwz r26, 0x0018(r17)
add r29, r29, r26
bl AnotherCoherenceFunc
subf r8, r17, r29
stw r8, 0x0014(r17)
lwz r24, 0x0010(r17)
mr r25, r8
lwz r26, 0x000c(r17)
add r29, r29, r26
bl AnotherCoherenceFunc
bl LoadStateRestoreFunc
mflr r9
stw r9, 0x0000(r17)
lwz r8, -0x0900(r1)
stw r8, 0x0008(r17)
li r8, 0x00
stw r8, 0x0004(r17)
mfsprg r15, 0
li r16, kSIGP17
stw r16, EWA.SIGPSelector(r15)
lhz r16, EWA.CPUIndex(r15)
stw r16, EWA.SIGPCallR4(r15)
li r8, 2 ; args in EWA
li r3, 0
b Local_CommonMPCallReturnPath
mr r17, r3
lwz r24, 0x0014(r17)
lwz r25, 0x0010(r17)
lwz r26, 0x000c(r17)
bl YetAnotherCoherenceFunc
lwz r24, 0x002c(r17)
mtsdr1 r24
lwz r24, 0x0020(r17)
lwz r25, 0x001c(r17)
lwz r26, 0x0018(r17)
bl YetAnotherCoherenceFunc
lwz r14, 0x0030(r17)
lwz r30, 0x0034(r17)
add r30, r30, r17
lwz r24, 0x0008(r30)
lwz r25, 0x0004(r30)
lwz r26, 0x0000(r30)
bl YetAnotherCoherenceFunc
addi r30, r30, 0x0c
addi r14, r14, -0x01
cmpwi r14, 0x00
bne RestoreKernelState_0x38
lwz r16, 0x0024(r17)
mtsprg 0, r16
lwz r8, 0x0028(r17)
mtsprg 3, r8
lwz r1, -0x0004(r16)
lwz r6, -0x0014(r16)
lwz r7, -0x0010(r16)
li r8, -0x01
stw r8, 0x0004(r17)
lwz r8, EWA.SpacesSavedLR(r16)
lwz r9, EWA.SpacesSavedCR(r16)
li r16, 0x01
mttb r16
mttbu r8
mttb r9
mtdec r16
_log 'Resuming saved kernel state^n'
lwz r8, 0x00d4(r6)
lwz r13, 0x00dc(r6)
mtxer r8
lwz r12, 0x00ec(r6)
lwz r8, 0x00f4(r6)
lwz r10, 0x00fc(r6)
mtctr r8
lwz r11, 0x00a4(r6)
mfpvr r8
rlwinm. r8, r8, 0, 0, 14
bne RestoreKernelState_0xf8
lwz r8, 0x00c4(r6)
mtmq r8
lwz r4, -0x0020(r1)
li r2, 0x01
sth r2, 0x0910(r1)
li r2, -0x01
stw r2, 0x0912(r1)
stw r2, 0x0f90(r4)
xoris r2, r2, 0x100
stw r2, 0x0f8c(r4)
li r2, 0x00
stw r2, 0x0f28(r4)
stw r2, 0x0f2c(r4)
lwz r2, 0x0114(r6)
lwz r4, 0x0124(r6)
lwz r5, 0x012c(r6)
lwz r29, 0x00d8(r6)
cmpwi r29, 0x00
lwz r8, 0x0210(r29)
beq RestoreKernelState_0x144
mtspr vrsave, r8
bl PagingFlushTLB
addi r29, r1, 0x5e0
bl PagingFunc2AndAHalf
mfsprg r15, 0
lwz r8, -0x001c(r15)
li r9, 0x00
bl SchSwitchSpace
mfsprg r15, 0
li r16, kSIGP7
stw r16, EWA.SIGPSelector(r15)
lhz r16, EWA.CPUIndex(r15)
stw r16, EWA.SIGPCallR4(r15)
li r8, 2 ; args in EWA
mfsprg r15, 0
li r16, kSIGP17
stw r16, EWA.SIGPSelector(r15)
lhz r16, EWA.CPUIndex(r15)
stw r16, EWA.SIGPCallR4(r15)
li r8, 2 ; args in EWA
li r3, 0
b Local_CommonMPCallReturnPath
; RET r8/r9
; Counter
li r24, 0
; Start with hash table
; Also inits counter r8 (bytes!)
mfsdr1 r16
rlwinm r16, r16, 16, 7, 15
cntlzw r17, r16
li r16, -1
srw r16, r16, r17
addi r8, r16, 1
addi r9, r1, KDP.SegMaps - 8
lis r31, 0 ; segment address counter
li r19, 0 ; page counter (to use later)
li r14, 0 ; entry counter (to use later)
lwzu r17, 8(r9)
lwz r18, PMDT.PBaseAndFlags(r17) ; PhysicalPage(20b) || pageAttr(12b)
lhz r15, PMDT.LBase(r17) ; LogicalPageIndexInSegment(16b)
; Same as usual: if
andi. r18, r18, PMDT.TopFieldMask ; r18 = 3b field at top of pageAttr
lhz r16, PMDT.PageCount(r17) ; PageCountMinus1(16b)
cmplwi r18, PMDT.DaddyFlag | PMDT.CountingFlag
bne @entry_seems_blank
addi r16, r16, 1
add r19, r19, r16
addi r14, r14, 1
b @continue_next_entry
cmpwi r15, 0 ; if not full-segment, might not be blank?
bne @continue_next_entry
cmplwi r16, 0xffff
bne @continue_next_entry
; This is the "normal" way to loop to the next segment
addis r31, r31, 0x1000
cmpwi r31, 0
bne @next_segment
b @exit
addi r17, r17, 8
b @next_entry
slwi r19, r19, 2 ; 4 bytes per mapped page
add r8, r8, r19
cmpwi r14, 0x00 ; no entries? fail!
beq Local_ReturnInsufficientResourcesErrFromMPCall
mulli r9, r14, 12
add r8, r8, r9 ; 12 bytes per SegMap entry
add r24, r24, r9 ; also in the secondary counter?
; Count pool segments
li r9, 0 ; total size of pool segments
li r14, 0 ; count of pool segments
lwz r16, PSA.FirstPoolSeg(r1) ; current pool segment
lwz r17, Block.OffsetToNext(r16) ; of Begin block
add r18, r17, r16
lwz r19, Block.OffsetToNext(r18) ; of End block
add r9, r9, r17
addi r9, r9, Block.kEndSize
addi r14, r14, 1
cmpwi r19, 0 ; last segment?
add r16, r19, r18
beq @exit_pool_counter
b @next_pool_segment ; odd... what happened here?
; Count pages in the system free list
addi r16, r1, PSA.FreeList
lwz r18, PSA.FreeList + LLL.Next(r1)
cmpw r18, r16
beq @exit_freelist_counter
addi r9, r9, 16
addi r14, r14, 1
lwz r18, LLL.Next(r18)
b @next_page_in_freelist
add r8, r8, r9 ; byte counter
mulli r9, r14, 12 ; 12 bytes per thing
add r8, r8, r9
add r24, r24, r9
lisori r9, 0xc000
add r8, r8, r9
lisori r9, 0x3c
add r8, r8, r9
add r24, r24, r9
srwi r9, r8, 12
slwi r9, r9, 2
addi r9, r9, 4
add r8, r8, r9
add r24, r24, r9
mr r9, r24
CoherenceFunc_0x138 ; OUTSIDE REFERER
srwi r23, r28, 12
slwi r23, r23, 2
add r23, r23, r17
lwz r23, 0x0038(r23)
rlwimi r23, r28, 0, 20, 31
AnotherCoherenceFunc ; OUTSIDE REFERER
cmpwi r26, 0x00
mflr r22
addi r24, r24, -0x01
mr r28, r25
bl CoherenceFunc_0x138
clrlwi r25, r23, 0x14
subfic r25, r25, 0x1000
cmplw r25, r26
blt AnotherCoherenceFunc_0x2c
mr r25, r26
mr r19, r23
mr r20, r25
addi r23, r23, -0x01
mtctr r25
lbzu r27, 0x0001(r24)
stbu r27, 0x0001(r23)
bdnz AnotherCoherenceFunc_0x3c
bl YetAnotherCoherenceFunc_0x64
subf r26, r25, r26
add r28, r28, r25
cmpwi r26, 0x00
bne AnotherCoherenceFunc_0x14
mtlr r22
YetAnotherCoherenceFunc ; OUTSIDE REFERER
cmpwi r26, 0x00
mr r19, r25
mr r20, r26
mflr r22
addi r25, r25, -0x01
mr r28, r24
bl CoherenceFunc_0x138
clrlwi r24, r23, 0x14
subfic r24, r24, 0x1000
cmplw r24, r26
blt YetAnotherCoherenceFunc_0x34
mr r24, r26
addi r23, r23, -0x01
mtctr r24
lbzu r27, 0x0001(r23)
stbu r27, 0x0001(r25)
bdnz YetAnotherCoherenceFunc_0x3c
add r28, r28, r24
subf r26, r24, r26
cmpwi r26, 0x00
bne YetAnotherCoherenceFunc_0x1c
bl YetAnotherCoherenceFunc_0x64
mtlr r22
YetAnotherCoherenceFunc_0x64 ; OUTSIDE REFERER
lhz r21, 0x0f4a(r1)
addi r15, r21, -0x01
add r20, r19, r20
add r20, r20, r15
neg r15, r21
and r19, r19, r15
and r20, r20, r15
dcbst 0, r19
icbi 0, r19
add r19, r19, r21
cmpw r19, r20
blt YetAnotherCoherenceFunc_0x88