." powerpc-ofw-boot : Booting through OpenFirmware..." cr \ storing 0xBE for beige, 0x5A for mac99 \ cannot use superior, inferior, different symbols (bootinfo.txt) : sup - dup abs = ; : inf dup sup 1 + ; : diff = if 0 else -1 then ; : fba frame-buffer-adr ; : beige-vram 80000000 ; : mac99-vram 81000000 ; : beige-error ." G3 Beige machine isn't supported yet. Please run it with a post-1999 PowerPC Mac." ; variable run -1 run ! fba beige-vram = if beige-error cr 100 0 do 0BE i beige-vram + c! loop then fba mac99-vram = if ." mac99" cr 100 0 do 05A i mac99-vram + c! loop then fba beige-vram diff fba mac99-vram diff and if ." Hardware not supported." cr 0 run ! then run @ 0 = if 1 0 do 0 +loop then boot hd:,\boot\kernel.elf