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2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00
; File: SonyIOP.a
; Contains: 3.5" Floppy / HD-20 Disk Driver (for machines with an IOP)
; Written by: Gary G. Davidian 08-Sep-87
; Copyright: © 1987-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds: Mac32
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM6> 5/19/93 GMR Modified the icon control calls to get the info from universal
; tables, instead of the driver.
; <SM5> 12/14/92 RC Restore Pre-PDM D2 with Horror roll in
; <SM3> 12/9/92 rab Fixed a bug I introduced rolling in IOPRcvCallFromIOPPatch. Left
; out branch to @postEvent if DiskInsert was allowed.
; <SM2> 12/7/92 rab Roll in Horror changes. Comments follow…
; <2> 4/2/91 BG Add changes to cause floppies not to work when running on an
; Eclipse and the keyswitch is set to SECURE.
; ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
; Pre-SuperMario ROM comments begin here.
; ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
; <2> 1/21/91 SWC Checked out and in to build a BBS header (had an EASE-style
; comment header).
; <2.8> 12/11/89 GGD NEEDED FOR ZONE-5 Added support for the Disk Duplicator and the
; GetRawDataCC call for copy protection support. Mode the control
; and status dispatching tables more easily patchable. Modified
; Prime and Control to jump through existing vectors to allow for
; easier patching. Optimized a few routines for space to get all
; of this to fit in the overpatch area.
; <2.7> 11/2/89 GGD NEEDED FOR ZONE-5 Change MaxDriveNumber from 15 to 4 to be more
; compatible with the Mac IIci.
; <2.6> 7/12/89 GGD Added conditionals around the overpatch padding so that it can
; be easily located.
; <2.5> 6/23/89 GGD Removed updating of IOResult in Open call, since no pointer to
; the IOPB was around, and it was trashing a pointer in SonyVars.
; Added some padding in preparation for the F19 overpatch. Needed
; for AURORA and F19 ROMs.
; <2.4> 5/23/89 GGD Commented out duplicate equates. Modified to co-exist with
; standard Sony driver to support universal ROM. Re-named
; conflicting labels. Now uses ICON information from SonyIcon,
; instead of including them here.
; <2.3> 4/29/89 GGD No changes to this file, entire Sony Driver is checked out and
; in as a group.
; <2.2> 2/21/89 GGD Fixed assembly error, branch displacement didn't reach.
; <2.1> 2/21/89 GGD Fixed GetFormatList call to return offLinErr if disk is not in
; drive, or format has not been determined yet, to be compatible
; with non-IOP Sony Driver. Return paramErr if format list space
; is empty.
; <2.0> 2/19/89 GGD No changes except version number, to be in sync with the rest of
; the Sony Driver files.
; <1.1> 11/11/88 CCH Fixed Header.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; <1.0> 10/7/88 rwh new to EASE today
; <xxxx> 6/13/88 GGD Modified to use the new interface to the IOPMgr
; <xxxx> 9/8/87 GGD Created today.
; This module implements the 680XX side of the SONY Driver for CPUs that
; have a Input / Output Processor (IOP) (called a PIC by HW) based SWIM driver.
; It receives requests by way of the Device Manager, and translates them
; into the appropriate messages to be passed to the IOP based SWIM driver
; by way of the IOP Manager.
TITLE 'SONY Driver - 3.5" / HD-20 Disk Driver'
; There is some software that depends upon things not documented in
; Inside Macintosh, so we will mark those changes that were made
; to assure compatibility with un-documented features, by using
; the following conditional assembly switch
Compatibility equ 1 ; include changes needed for compatibility
assert &boolExpr
if not(&Eval(&boolExpr)) then
aerror &concat('Assertion Failed - ',&boolExpr)
TITLE 'SONY Driver - IOP Message Formats'
SwimMsgNumber equ 2 ; message number used for xmt and rcv msgs
; HOST -> IOP Request encodings
xmtReqInitialize equ $01 ; Initialize Driver
xmtReqShutDown equ $02 ; Shut Down driver
xmtReqStartPolling equ $03 ; Start Polling Drives
xmtReqStopPolling equ $04 ; Stop Polling Drives
xmtReqSetHFSTagAddr equ $05 ; Set HFS tag host address
xmtReqDriveStatus equ $06 ; Drive Status
xmtReqEject equ $07 ; Eject
xmtReqFormat equ $08 ; Format disk
xmtReqFormatVerify equ $09 ; Verify disk formatting
xmtReqWrite equ $0A ; Write blocks to disk
xmtReqRead equ $0B ; Read blocks from disk
xmtReqReadVerify equ $0C ; Read and compare blocks from disk
xmtReqCacheControl equ $0D ; track cache control
xmtReqTagBufferControl equ $0E ; tag buffer control
xmtReqGetIcon equ $0F ; get media or drive Icon
xmtReqDiskDupInfo equ $10 ; get Disk Duplicator information <2.8>
xmtReqGetRawData equ $11 ; Read RAW disk data (for copy protection) <2.8>
; IOP -> HOST Request encodings
rcvReqDiskInserted equ $01 ; Disk Inserted event
rcvReqDiskEjected equ $02 ; Disk Ejected event
rcvReqDiskStatusChanged equ $03 ; Disk Status Changed
; HOST <-> IOP Message Formats
SwimIopMsg record 0,increment
ReqKind ds.b 1 ; Kind of request
DriveNumber ds.b 1 ; Drive number
ErrorCode ds.w 1 ; returned error code
DriveKinds equ 4 ; head of list of existing drives kinds
org 4 ; additional parameters for some calls
AdditionalParam ds.l 1 ; control / status csParam (only first 4 bytes passed)
org 4 ; drive status parameters
DriveStatus ds.b 0 ; start of data for drive status control call
Track ds.w 1 ; current track location
WriteProtected ds.b 1 ; bit7=1=write protected
DiskInPlace ds.b 1 ; 0 = no disk place, 1 or 2 = disk in place
Installed ds.b 1 ; 0 = don't know, 1=installed, $FF=not installed
Sides ds.b 1 ; bit7=0=single sided, bit7=1=double sided
; drive queue element is not returned from IOP
TwoSidedFormat ds.b 1 ; $FF=2-sided disk, $00=1-sided disk
NewInterface ds.b 1 ; $00=old drive interface (400K), $FF=new (800K and later)
DiskErrors ds.w 1 ; disk error count
DriveInfo ds.b 0 ; start of data for drive info control call
ds.b 2 ; unused for now
DriveAttributes ds.b 1 ; disk drive attributes
DriveType ds.b 1 ; type of disk drive
ExtDriveStatus ds.b 0 ; start of data for extended drive status control call
MfmDrive ds.b 1 ; $FF=SuperDrive, otherwise zero
MfmDisk ds.b 1 ; $FF=MFM disk in drive, otherwise zero
MfmFormat ds.b 1 ; $FF=1440K, $00=720K
DiskController ds.b 1 ; $FF=SWIM, $00=IWM
CurrentFormat ds.w 1 ; bit mask of current format
FormatsAllowed ds.w 1 ; bit mask of allowable formats
FixedDiskSize ds.l 1 ; size of current drive, if fixed media drive. (HD-20)
IconFlags ds.b 1 ; bit 0 - call for Media Icon, bit 1 - call for Drive Icon
ds.b 1 ; (1 spare byte left)
org 4 ; data transfer parameters
BufferAddr ds.l 1 ; main CPU ram address
BlockNumber ds.l 1 ; disk starting block number
BlockCount ds.l 1 ; number of blocks to transfer
MfsTagData ds.b 12 ; MFS Tag Data
org 4 ; format parameters <2.8> start
FormatKind ds.w 1 ; index into list of possible formats, to select desired format
HdrFmtKind ds.b 1 ; format byte to write in sector headers (0=use default)
SectInterleave ds.b 1 ; interleave factor (0=use default)
FmtDataAddr ds.l 1 ; ptr to buffer of sector data to write while formatting (0=no buffer)
FmtTagAddr ds.l 1 ; ptr to buffer of sector tags to write while formatting (0=no buffer)
org 4 ; disk duplicator info parameters
DupVersion ds.w 1 ; disk duplicator version number
*HdrFmtKind ds.b 1 ; format byte read from last sector headers
org 4 ; disk duplicator info parameters
RawClockAddr ds.l 1 ; Buffer for packed MFM clock bits
RawDataAddr ds.l 1 ; Buffer for RAW data bytes
RawByteCount ds.l 1 ; Number of RAW bytes to read
RawSearchMode ds.w 1 ; RAW Read search mode
RawCylinder ds.w 1 ; RAW Read cylinder number
RawHead ds.b 1 ; RAW Read head number
RawSector ds.b 1 ; RAW Read sector number <2.8> end
ds.b MaxIOPMsgLen-* ; fill out the message
SwimIopMsgSize equ *
TITLE 'SONY Driver - Global Data and Equates'
; Driver Control codes.
;killCode equ 1 ; KillIO code (in SysEqu.a)
;verifyCC equ 5 ; 'verify' control code
;formatCC equ 6 ; 'format' control code
;ejectCode equ 7 ; control call eject code (in SysEqu.a)
;tgBuffCode equ 8 ; set tag buffer code (in SysEqu.a)
;TCacheCC equ 9 ; 'track cache' control
;iconCC equ 21 ; 'get icon' control code
;iconLogCC equ 22 ; 'get logical icon' code
;infoCC equ 23 ; 'get drive info' code
;FmtCopyCC equ $5343 ; one-pass format/copy/verify for disk duplicator <2.8>
;GetRawDataCC equ 18244 ; 'get raw track data' code <2.8>
TotalControlCalls equ 11 ; 11 currently defined
MaxControlCalls equ TotalControlCalls+4 ; allow 4 extra for expansion
; Driver Status codes.
;FmtLstCode equ 6 ; Returns a list of disk formats
;drvStsCode equ 8 ; status code for drive status (in SysEqu.a)
;MFMStsCode equ 10 ; 'Get MFM status' status code
;DupVerSts equ $4456 ;disk duplicator version supported (to match features) <2.8>
;FmtByteSts equ $5343 ;return address header format byte <2.8>
TotalStatusCalls equ 5 ; 5 currently defined
MaxStatusCalls equ TotalStatusCalls+4 ; allow 4 extra for expansion
; Driver Reference Numbers
SonyRefNum equ SonyRfN ; driver refnum for floppy disk drives
HD20RefNum equ DCDRfN ; driver refnum for HD-20 disk drives
; Disk Drive Kinds
noDriveKind equ 0 ; no drive connected
unknownDriveKind equ 1 ; unspecified drive kind
SSGCRDriveKind equ 2 ; single sided 400K GCR disk drive
DSGCRDriveKind equ 3 ; double sided 400K/800K GCR disk drive
DSMFMGCRDriveKind equ 4 ; double sided 400K/800K GCR, 720K, 1440K MFM disk drive
HD20DriveKind equ 7 ; HD20 20MB hard disk
RemovableDrives equ (1<<SSGCRDriveKind)+\
(1<<5)+\ ; for possible future expansion
(1<<6)+\ ; for possible future expansion
(1<<8)+\ ; for possible future expansion
(1<<9)+\ ; for possible future expansion
(1<<10)+\ ; for possible future expansion
(1<<11) ; for possible future expansion
FixedDrives equ (1<<HD20DriveKind)+\
(1<<12)+\ ; for possible future expansion
(1<<13)+\ ; for possible future expansion
(1<<14)+\ ; for possible future expansion
(1<<15) ; for possible future expansion
MissingDrives equ $FFFF-RemovableDrives-FixedDrives
; Storage Allocation
if Compatibility then
; The BLESSER calls the sony driver for drive status using a drive num that might not be
; a sony drive number (like 8, which it got from the file system from the first SCSI drive)
; The Mac IIci return an error for drives above 4 (2 floppy, 2 DCD). The BLESSER is in error
; by calling the wrong driver, and also because it doesn't check the drive installed field
; in the status that is returned. In any case, this is being change to match the Mac IIci
; exactly, in cause it might cause other compatibility problems.
MaxDriveNumber equ 4 ; support logical drive numbers in range 0..4 <2.7>
MaxDriveNumber equ 15 ; support logical drive numbers in range 0..15
MaxDrives equ 6 ; support up to 6 physical disk drives
DriverVars record 0,decrement ; global variables used by driver
DCEpointer ds.l 1 ; pointer to device control entry
MediaIconPtr ds.l 1 ; pointer to Media Icon <2.4>
Drive1PhysIcon ds.l 1 ; pointer to Physical Drive Icon for drive 1 <2.4>
Drive2PhysIcon ds.l 1 ; pointer to Physical Drive Icon for drive 2 <2.4>
xmtReq ds IOPRequestInfo ; parameter block for CPU to IOP requests
xmtMsg ds SwimIopMsg ; copy of CPU to IOP message
xmtWaiterPC ds.l 1 ; PC of xmt msg completion routine
rcvReq ds IOPRequestInfo ; parameter block for IOP to CPU requests
rcvMsg ds SwimIopMsg ; copy of IOP to CPU message
ds.b MaxControlCalls*8
ds.w 1 ; default error if not found (ControlErr)
ds.w 1 ; number of Control Calls defined - 1 <2.8>
ControlCallInfo ds.l 1 ; pointer to control call dispatching table <2.8>
ds.b MaxStatusCalls*8
ds.w 1 ; default error if not found (StatusErr)
ds.w 1 ; number of Status Calls defined - 1 <2.8>
StatusCallInfo ds.l 1 ; pointer to status call dispatching table <2.8>
IconBufferSize equ ((32*32)/8)*2+32 ; room for Icon data, mask, and name string
IconBuffer ds.b IconBufferSize
ErrorCodeSave ds.w 1 ; temp storeage for error code in Prime
DriverVarsSize equ 0-* ; size of global variables used by driver
PerDriveInfo record 0,increment ; drive specific variables
WriteProtected ds.b 1 ; bit7=1=write protected
DiskInPlace ds.b 1 ; 0 = no disk place, 1 or 2 = disk in place
Installed ds.b 1 ; 0 = don't know, 1=installed, $FF=not installed
Sides ds.b 1 ; bit7=0=single sided, bit7=1=double sided
DriveQElement ds.b dQDrvSz2+2
PerDriveInfoSize equ * ; size of drive specific variables
DriveInfos record 0,increment ; drive specific variables for all drives
DriveInfoPtrs ds.l MaxDriveNumber+1 ; 0 based list of pointers to PerDriveInfo
FirstDriveInfo ds.b MaxDrives*PerDriveInfo.PerDriveInfoSize
DriveInfosSize equ * ; size of all drive specific variables
with DriverVars,DriveInfos
TITLE 'SONY Driver - Open processing'
; Routine: IopDiskOpen
; Inputs: A0 - pointer to I/O ParamBlock
; A1 - pointer to Device Control Entry (DCE)
; Outputs: D0 - Result Code (noErr/openErr)
; Destroys:
; Calls: none
; Called by: Device Manager
; Function: Driver initialization routine
IopDiskOpen ; all regs saved by Device Manager
move.l #DriverVarsSize+DriveInfosSize,d0
_NewPtr ,SYS,CLEAR ; allocate memory for globals
adda.w #DriverVarsSize,a0 ; DriverVars are negative to the pointer
move.l a0,SonyVars ; and keep pointer in low memory
move.l a1,DCEpointer(a0) ; save a copy of the DCE pointer
move.b #Version,DCtlQueue+1(a1) ; put our version number in
movea.l a0,a1 ; a1 <- SonyVars
; Initialize the ICON pointers
move.l UnivInfoPtr,a2 ; <SM6>
adda.l ProductInfo.IconInfoPtr(a2),a2 ; point to icon info table for this machine <SM6>
move.l 0(a2),d0 ; offset to media icon <2.4>
bsr.s @getIconPtr ; get the icon pointer <2.4>
move.l a3,MediaIconPtr(a1) ; save it <2.4>
move.l 4(a2),d0 ; offset to primary drive icon <2.4>
bsr.s @getIconPtr ; get the icon pointer <2.4>
move.l a3,Drive1PhysIcon(a1) ; save it <2.4>
move.l 14(a2),d0 ; offset to secondary drive icon <2.4>
bsr.s @getIconPtr ; get the icon pointer <2.4>
move.l a3,Drive2PhysIcon(a1) ; save it <2.4>
bra.s @IconsDone ; done with ICON stuff <2.4>
@getIconPtr ; <2.4>
lea (a2,d0.l),a3 ; assume relative to table <2.4>
bclr.l #0,d0 ; test & clear 'use ROM table' bit <2.4>
beq.s @IconPtrOK ; branch if should use current table <2.4>
move.l UnivInfoPtr,a3 ; <SM6>
adda.l ProductInfo.IconInfoPtr(a3),a3 ; point to icon info table in ROM <SM6>
adda.l d0,a3 ; add in relative offset <2.4>
@IconPtrOK rts ; ptr to icon is in a3 now <2.4>
@IconsDone ; <2.4>
; Initialize the IOPMsgInfo parameter block for rcv messages
with IOPRequestInfo
lea rcvReq.irIOPNumber(a1),a0 ; point into the param block
assert irRequestKind=(irIOPNumber+1)
move.w #(SwimIopNum<<8)+\ ; irIOPNumber := SwimIopNum
(irWaitRcvMessage<<0),(a0)+ ; irRequestKind := irWaitRcvMessage
assert irMsgNumber=(irRequestKind+1)
assert irMessageLen=(irMsgNumber+1)
assert irReplyLen=(irMessageLen+1)
assert irReqActive=(irReplyLen+1)
move.l #(SwimMsgNumber<<24)+\ ; irMsgNumber := SwimMsgNumber
(SwimIopMsg.SwimIopMsgSize<<16)+\ ; irMessageLen := SwimIopMsgSize
(SwimIopMsg.SwimIopMsgSize<<8)+\ ; irReplyLen := SwimIopMsgSize
(0<<0),(a0)+ ; irReqActive := 0
lea rcvMsg(a1),a2 ; message and reply buffer
assert irMessagePtr=(irReqActive+1)
move.l a2,(a0)+ ; irMessagePtr := rcvMsg
assert irReplyPtr=(irMessagePtr+4)
move.l a2,(a0)+ ; irReplyPtr := rcvMsg
lea ReceivedCallFromIop,a2 ; handler for rcv msg arrival
assert irHandler=(irReplyPtr+4)
move.l a2,(a0)+ ; irHandler := ReceivedCallFromIop
lea rcvReq(a1),a0 ; prepare to issue the request
_IOPMsgRequest ; wait for receive messages
bne.w @ErrorReturn ; in case IOP didn't initialize
; Initialize the IOPMsgInfo parameter block for xmt messages
with IOPRequestInfo
lea xmtReq.irIOPNumber(a1),a0 ; point into the param block
assert irRequestKind=(irIOPNumber+1)
move.w #(SwimIopNum<<8)+\ ; irIOPNumber := SwimIopNum
(irSendXmtMessage<<0),(a0)+ ; irRequestKind := irSendXmtMessage
assert irMsgNumber=(irRequestKind+1)
assert irMessageLen=(irMsgNumber+1)
assert irReplyLen=(irMessageLen+1)
assert irReqActive=(irReplyLen+1)
move.l #(SwimMsgNumber<<24)+\ ; irMsgNumber := SwimMsgNumber
(SwimIopMsg.SwimIopMsgSize<<16)+\ ; irMessageLen := SwimIopMsgSize
(SwimIopMsg.SwimIopMsgSize<<8)+\ ; irReplyLen := SwimIopMsgSize
(0<<0),(a0)+ ; irReqActive := 0
lea xmtMsg(a1),a2 ; message and reply buffer
assert irMessagePtr=(irReqActive+1)
move.l a2,(a0)+ ; irMessagePtr := xmtMsg
assert irReplyPtr=(irMessagePtr+4)
move.l a2,(a0)+ ; irReplyPtr := xmtMsg
lea IOPCallReturned,a2 ; handler for xmt msg completion
assert irHandler=(irReplyPtr+4)
move.l a2,(a0)+ ; irHandler := IOPCallReturned
move.b #xmtReqInitialize,XmtMsg.ReqKind(a1) ; setup init request
bsr.w @CallIOPsync ; initialize the IOP SWIM driver
; Install the vectors for Prime and Control <2.8>
lea jtIopDiskPrime,a2 ; get the routine address <2.8>
move.l a2,JDiskPrime ; install the vector <2.8>
lea jtIopDiskControl,a2 ; get the routine address <2.8>
move.l a2,JControl ; install the vector <2.8>
; initialize the Control and Status Call Info tables
lea ControlCallInfo+4(a1),a2; a2 <- address of table in globals <2.8>
lea ControlDecode,a3 ; a3 <- address of table in ROM
moveq.l #controlErr,d0 ; d0 <- default error code
moveq.l #TotalControlCalls-1,d1 ; d1 <- loop counter
bsr.w @InstallCallInfo ; install the ControlCallInfo
lea StatusCallInfo+4(a1),a2 ; a2 <- address of table in globals <2.8>
lea StatusDecode,a3 ; a3 <- address of table in ROM
moveq.l #statusErr,d0 ; d0 <- default error code
moveq.l #TotalStatusCalls-1,d1 ; d1 <- loop counter
bsr.s @InstallCallInfo ; install the StatusCallInfo
; assign drive numbers, and add drive queue elements to the drive queue
with PerDriveInfo
lea FirstDriveInfo(a1),a2 ; a2 <- pointer to PerDriveInfo for drive
lea DriveInfoPtrs(a1),a3 ; a3 <- pointer to DriveInfoPtrs list entry
lea xmtMsg.DriveKinds(a1),a4; a4 <- pointer to returned drive kinds
moveq.l #0,d1 ; d1 <- logical drive number/loop counter
moveq.l #MaxDrives,d2 ; d2 <- physical drives available to allocate
moveq.l #MissingDrives,d3 ; d3 <- bit mask of missing drive types
move.w #RemovableDrives,d4 ; d4 <- bit mask of removable drive types
move.b (a4)+,d5 ; d5 <- the drive kind
btst.l d5,d3 ; check for missing drive
bne.s @AddDriveNext ; if missing drive, skip install
move.l a2,(a3) ; install pointer to per drive info
move.b #1,Installed(a2) ; indicate that drive is installed
moveq.l #SonyRefNum,d0 ; d0 <- driver RefNum in low 16 bits
btst.l d5,d4 ; check for removable drive kind
bne.s @AddTheDrive ; if removable drive, ready to install
moveq.l #HD20RefNum,d0 ; d0 <- driver RefNum in low 16 bits
move.w #1,DriveQElement+qType(a2) ; fixed drives have extended drive sizes
movea.l UTableBase,a0
move.l (-1-SonyRefNum)*4(a0),\
(-1-HD20RefNum)*4(a0) ; use a different RefNum for Fixed Drives
swap d0 ; prepare to insert drive number
move.w d1,d0 ; setup logical drive number for _AddDrive
swap d0 ; d0 <- drive number in high 16 bits
lea DriveQElement(a2),a0 ; a0 <- pointer to Drive Queue Element
_AddDrive ; add the drive to the drive queue
adda.w #PerDriveInfoSize,a2 ; point to next PerDriveInfo
addq.l #4,a3 ; point to next DriveInfoPtr
addq.w #1,d1 ; increment logical drive number
cmpi.w #MaxDriveNumber,d1 ; check for all drives done
bls.s @AddDriveLoop ; loop through all logical drive numbers
move.b #xmtReqSetHFSTagAddr,\
xmtMsg.ReqKind(a1) ; setup HFS Tag buffer address
move.l #HFSTagData,xmtMsg.BufferAddr(a1) ; pass the address
bsr.s @CallIOPsync ; tell the IOP the address of HFSTagData
move.b #xmtReqStartPolling,\
xmtMsg.ReqKind(a1) ; setup StartPolling request
bsr.s @CallIOPsync ; tell the IOP to start polling the drives
moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; return No Error status
rts ; all done
move.l a2,-4(a2) ; save the pointer to the table (for patching) <2.8>
move.w d1,(a2)+ ; install the loop counter
move.w d0,(a2)+ ; install the default error code
move.l (a3)+,(a2)+ ; install csCode, IOProutine, Flags
lea SonyHeader,a4 ; get driver base address
adda.w (a3)+,a4 ; convert relative addr to absolute
move.l a4,(a2)+ ; install routine address
dbra d1,@CallInfoLoop ; process the whole table
rts ; all done
; the OPEN call must run synchronously, so we must loop waiting for the IOP call to complete
pea @waitLoop ; return into wait loop after sending msg
bsr.w CallIOPRoutine ; send the request to the IOP
rts ; null waiter routine
@waitLoop tst.l xmtWaiterPC(a1) ; see if still waiting
bne.s @waitLoop ; wait until waiter runs
TITLE 'SONY Driver - Close processing'
; Routine: IopDiskClose
; Inputs: A0 - pointer to I/O ParamBlock
; A1 - pointer to Device Control Entry (DCE)
; Outputs: D0 - Result Code (closErr)
; Destroys:
; Calls: none
; Called by: Device Manager
; Function: Driver shutdown routine
IopDiskClose ; all regs saved by Device Manager
moveq.l #closErr,d0 ; return Close Error status
rts ; not closable at present
TITLE 'SONY Driver - Read / Write processing'
; Routine: IopDiskPrime
; Inputs: A0 - pointer to I/O ParamBlock
; A1 - pointer to Device Control Entry (DCE)
; Outputs: D0 - Result Code
; Destroys:
; Calls: IODone
; Called by: Device Manager
; Function: Driver Read/Write routines
IopDiskPrime ; all regs saved by Device Manager
move.l JDiskPrime,-(sp) ; <2.8>
rts ; <2.8>
jtIopDiskPrime ; <2.8>
movea.l a1,a2 ; a2 <- pointer to DCE
movea.l SonyVars,a1 ; a1 <- pointer to globals
lea xmtMsg(a1),a3 ; a3 <- pointer fields in xmtMsg
bsr.w CheckIfSecure ; • test for keyswitch SECUREd <SM2>
bne.s @1 ; • IF SECURE THEN <T13><SM2>
moveq #ioErr,d0 ; • fail with an *ioErr* <SM2>
bra DiskIODone ; • ENDIF <SM2>
@1 moveq.l #xmtReqWrite,d0 ; assume write request
cmpi.b #aRdCmd,ioTrap+1(a0) ; check for read
bne.s @gotReqKind ; if not read, must be a write
moveq.l #xmtReqRead,d0 ; must be read request
btst.b #6,IOPosMode+1(a0) ; test for verify mode
beq.s @gotReqKind ; if just plain read, no verify
moveq.l #xmtReqReadVerify,d0 ; read with verify request
assert SwimIopMsg.ReqKind=0
move.b d0,(a3)+ ; setup IOP request Kind
moveq.l #NSDrvErr,d0 ; assume Bad drive number
move.w IODrvNum(a0),d1 ; get the drive number
cmpi.w #MaxDriveNumber,d1 ; see if way out of range
bhi.w @PrimeError ; if invalid drive number
assert SwimIopMsg.DriveNumber=SwimIopMsg.ReqKind+1
move.b d1,(a3)+ ; setup IOP request Drive Number
assert SwimIopMsg.ErrorCode=SwimIopMsg.DriveNumber+1
clr.w (a3)+ ; clear error code
assert SwimIopMsg.BufferAddr=SwimIopMsg.ErrorCode+2
move.l ioBuffer(a0),(a3)+ ; setup buffer address
moveq.l #ParamErr,d0 ; assume parameter error
moveq.l #9,d1 ; shift amount for divide by 512
move.l dCtlPosition(a2),d2 ; get byte position
ror.l d1,d2 ; convert to block number
assert SwimIopMsg.BlockNumber=SwimIopMsg.BufferAddr+4
move.l d2,(a3)+ ; setup block number
rol.l d1,d2 ; convert back to byte position
andi.w #$01FF,d2 ; test for mod 512
bne.s @PrimeError ; if error in dCtlPosition parameter
move.l ioByteCount(a0),d2 ; get byte count
ror.l d1,d2 ; convert to block count
assert SwimIopMsg.BlockCount=SwimIopMsg.BlockNumber+4
move.l d2,(a3)+ ; setup block count
rol.l d1,d2 ; convert back to byte count
andi.w #$01FF,d2 ; test for mod 512
bne.s @PrimeError ; if error in byte count parameter
assert SwimIopMsg.MfsTagData=SwimIopMsg.BlockCount+4
lea TagData+2,a2 ; point to tag data
move.l (a2)+,(a3)+ ; copy 12 bytes of MFS Tag data
move.l (a2)+,(a3)+
move.l (a2)+,(a3)+
bsr.w CallIOPRoutine ; call the IOP routine
lea xmtMsg.MfsTagData(a1),a0 ; point to returned tag data
lea TagData+2,a2 ; point to tag data
move.l (a0)+,(a2)+ ; copy 12 bytes of MFS Tag data
move.l (a0)+,(a2)+
move.l (a0)+,(a2)+
; if the disk has not been accessed before now, update the status to
; correctly reflect disk format, etc.
clr.l d1 ; zero extend the drive number
move.b xmtMsg.DriveNumber(a1),d1 ; get the drive number
move.l DriveInfoPtrs(a1,d1.w*4),d2 ; get drive info pointer
beq.s @StatusOK ; if no drive info for this drive
movea.l d2,a3 ; a3 <- real per drive info
cmpi.b #2,PerDriveInfo.DiskInPlace(a3) ; check for HasBeenAccessed
beq.s @StatusOK ; if status valid (has been accessed)
move.w xmtMsg.ErrorCode(a1),ErrorCodeSave(a1) ; save read error code
move.b #xmtReqDriveStatus,xmtMsg.ReqKind(a1) ; request Drive status
bsr.w CallIOPRoutine ; call the IOP for Drive Status
bsr.w UpdateXmtDriveStatus ; update the drive status
move.w ErrorCodeSave(a1),xmtMsg.ErrorCode(a1) ; restore read error code
@StatusOK move.w xmtMsg.ErrorCode(a1),d0 ; get returned error code
bne.s @PrimeError ; if I/O error
movea.l DCEPointer(a1),a2 ; get DCE pointer
movea.l DCtlQHead(a2),a0 ; get IO param block pointer
move.l ioByteCount(a0),d1 ; get byte count
move.l d1,ioNumDone(a0) ; all byte done
add.l d1,dCtlPosition(a2) ; update position pointer
@PrimeError bra.w DiskIODone ; return through IODone
TITLE 'SONY Driver - Decode table for Status Calls'
; Flags used in decode tables
CheckDriveNum equ 7
CheckDriveExists equ 6
MakeIOPcall equ 5
; Decode table for Status Calls (gets copied into RAM for patching)
StatusDecode dc.w FmtLstCode ; Get Format List status call
dc.b xmtReqDriveStatus
dc.b (1<<CheckDriveNum)+\
dc.w IopGetFormatList-SonyHeader
dc.w drvStsCode ; Drive Status call
dc.b xmtReqDriveStatus
dc.b (1<<CheckDriveNum)+\
dc.w IopDriveStatus-SonyHeader
dc.w MFMStsCode ; MFM Status call
dc.b xmtReqDriveStatus
dc.b (1<<CheckDriveNum)+\
dc.w IopMFMStatus-SonyHeader
dc.w DupVerSts ; duplicator version status call <2.8>
dc.b xmtReqDiskDupInfo
dc.b (0<<CheckDriveNum)+\
dc.w IopDupVersion-SonyHeader
dc.w FmtByteSts ; get format byte status call <2.8>
dc.b xmtReqDiskDupInfo
dc.b (0<<CheckDriveNum)+\
dc.w IopGetFmtByte-SonyHeader
assert (*-StatusDecode)=(TotalStatusCalls*6)
TITLE 'SONY Driver - Decode table for Control Calls'
; Decode table for Control Calls (gets copied into RAM for patching)
ControlDecode dc.w killCode ; KillIO control call
dc.b 0 ; no IOP routine
dc.b (0<<CheckDriveNum)+\
dc.w IopCtlKillIO-SonyHeader
dc.w VerifyCC ; Verify control call
dc.b xmtReqFormatVerify
dc.b (1<<CheckDriveNum)+\
dc.w IopCtlVerify-SonyHeader
dc.w FormatCC ; Format control call
dc.b xmtReqFormat
dc.b (1<<CheckDriveNum)+\
(0<<MakeIOPcall) ; <2.8>
dc.w IopCtlFormat-SonyHeader
dc.w EjectCode ; Eject control call
dc.b xmtReqEject
dc.b (1<<CheckDriveNum)+\
dc.w IopCtlEject-SonyHeader
dc.w tgBuffCode ; Set Tag Buffer control call
dc.b xmtReqTagBufferControl
dc.b (0<<CheckDriveNum)+\
dc.w IopCtlTagBuf-SonyHeader
dc.w TCacheCC ; Track Cache control call
dc.b xmtReqCacheControl
dc.b (0<<CheckDriveNum)+\
dc.w IopCtlTrkCache-SonyHeader
dc.w IconCC ; Physical Drive Icon control call
dc.b xmtReqDriveStatus
dc.b (1<<CheckDriveNum)+\
dc.w IopCtlPhysIcon-SonyHeader
dc.w IconLogCC ; Disk Media Icon control call
dc.b xmtReqDriveStatus
dc.b (1<<CheckDriveNum)+\
dc.w IopCtlLogIcon-SonyHeader
dc.w InfoCC ; Get Drive Info control call
dc.b xmtReqDriveStatus
dc.b (1<<CheckDriveNum)+\
dc.w IopCtlDrvInfo-SonyHeader
dc.w FmtCopyCC ; Format and copy control call <2.8>
dc.b xmtReqFormat
dc.b (1<<CheckDriveNum)+\
dc.w IopCtlFmtCopy-SonyHeader
dc.w GetRawDataCC ; Format and copy control call <2.8>
dc.b xmtReqGetRawData
dc.b (1<<CheckDriveNum)+\
dc.w IopCtlGetRawData-SonyHeader
assert (*-ControlDecode)=(TotalControlCalls*6)
TITLE 'SONY Driver - Control / Status processing'
; Routine: IopDiskControl / IopDiskStatus
; Inputs: A0 - pointer to I/O ParamBlock
; A1 - pointer to Device Control Entry (DCE)
; Outputs: D0 - Result Code
; Destroys:
; Calls: IODone
; Called by: Device Manager
; Function: Driver Control routines
IopDiskControl ; all regs saved by Device Manager
move.l JControl,-(sp) ; <2.8>
rts ; <2.8>
jtIopDiskControl ; <2.8>
movea.w #ControlCallInfo,a2 ; offset of decode table
bra.s HandleControlStatus ; join common code
IopDiskStatus ; all regs saved by Device Manager
movea.w #StatusCallInfo,a2 ; offset of decode table
* bra.s HandleControlStatus ; join common code (fall into it)
movea.l SonyVars,a1 ; get pointer to globals <SM2>
cmpi.w #EjectCode,csCode(a0) ; • check for Eject requests <SM2>
beq.s @OkToDoIt ; • allow eject calls always <SM2>
bsr.w CheckIfSecure ; • are we SECUREd? <SM2>
bne.s @OkToDoIt ; • IF SECURED THEN <T13><SM2>
moveq #ioErr,d0 ; • fail with an *ioErr* <SM2>
bra DiskIODone ; • exit to error exit <SM2>
@OkToDoIt ; ELSE <SM2>
movea.l (a1,a2.l),a2 ; get pointer to table <SM2>
move.w (a2)+,d1 ; d1 <- loop counter <SM2>
move.w (a2)+,d0 ; d0 <- default error code <SM2>
move.w csCode(a0),d2 ; d2 <- csCode to search for <SM2>
@SearchLoop cmp.w (a2),d2 ; check for a match
addq.l #8,a2 ; point to next table entry
dbeq d1,@SearchLoop ; search through all table entries
bne.s DiskIODone ; illegal csCode, return with error
moveq.l #NoErr,d0 ; default to no error
movea.l -(a2),a3 ; get address of routine
move.w IODrvNum(a0),d1 ; get the drive number
move.b -(a2),d2 ; get flags
assert CheckDriveNum=7 ; flag is in sign bit
bpl.s @DriveNumInRange ; if flag to check drive num is not set
cmpi.w #MaxDriveNumber,d1 ; see if way out of range
bls.s @DriveNumInRange ; if valid drive number
moveq.l #NSDrvErr,d0 ; Bad drive number
bra.s DiskIODone ; drive num out of range, return with error
assert CheckDriveExists=CheckDriveNum-1 ; next flag is CheckDriveExists
add.b d2,d2 ; test next flag
bpl.s @DriveExists ; if flag to check drive exists is not set
tst.l DriveInfoPtrs(a1,d1.w*4); test to see if it exists
bne.s @DriveExists ; if valid drive
moveq.l #NoDriveErr,d0 ; non-existent drive error
bra.s DiskIODone ; drive doesn't exists, return with error
move.b d1,xmtMsg.DriveNumber(a1); setup IOP request Drive Number
move.b -(a2),xmtMsg.ReqKind(a1); setup IOP request Kind
move.l csParam(a0),xmtMsg.AdditionalParam(a1)
assert MakeIOPcall=CheckDriveExists-1 ; next flag is MakeIOPcall
add.b d2,d2 ; test next flag
bpl.s @DontCallIOP ; if call to IOP not needed
move.l a3,-(sp) ; when IOP call returns, jump into the routine
bra.w CallIOPRoutine ; call the IOP routine
jmp (a3) ; jump into the routine
DiskIODone move.l JIODone,-(sp) ; prepare to return to IODone
movea.l DCEPointer(a1),a1 ; a1 <- DCE (param to IODone)
ext.l d0 ; check for errors
beq.s @noError ; if no error
move.w d0,DskErr ; save error in low memory global DskErr
@noError rts ; return to IODone
moveq.l #controlErr,d0 ; we don't support KillIO
bra.s DiskIODone ; return with error
lea xmtMsg.HdrFmtKind(a1),a2; pointer to message for copying <2.8>
assert xmtMsg.SectInterleave=xmtMsg.HdrFmtKind+1 ; <2.8>
clr.w (a2)+ ; use default hdr format byte and interleave <2.8>
assert xmtMsg.FmtDataAddr=xmtMsg.SectInterleave+1 ; <2.8>
clr.l (a2)+ ; no sector data supplied <2.8>
assert xmtMsg.FmtTagAddr=xmtMsg.FmtDataAddr+4 ; <2.8>
clr.l (a2)+ ; no sector tags supplied <2.8>
bsr.w CallIOPRoutine ; format the disk <2.8>
bsr.w UpdateXmtDriveStatus ; update the drive info
IopCtlDone ; <2.8>
move.w xmtMsg.ErrorCode(a1),d0 ; get the returned error code (or noErr)
bra.s DiskIODone ; return through IODone
bsr.w UpdateXmtDriveStatus ; update the drive info
movea.l Drive1PhysIcon(a1),a3 ; return primary drive Icon
btst.b #3,xmtMsg.DriveAttributes(a1) ; test for secondary
beq.s @gotDefault ; if it was primary
movea.l Drive2PhysIcon(a1),a3 ; return secondary drive Icon
@gotDefault move.w #1,xmtMsg.BlockNumber(a1) ; request drive icon info
btst.b #1,xmtMsg.IconFlags(a1) ; see if needs call for drive Icon
bra.s IconCommon ; join common code
bsr.w UpdateXmtDriveStatus ; update the drive info
movea.l MediaIconPtr(a1),a3 ; return media Icon
clr.w xmtMsg.BlockNumber(a1) ; request media icon info
btst.b #0,xmtMsg.IconFlags(a1) ; see if needs call for media Icon
IconCommon bne.s @callForIcon ; if not valid, ask IOP for the Icon
move.l a3,(a0) ; return pointer to Icon
bra.s DiskIODone ; return
lea IconBuffer(a1),a3 ; get pointer to IconData
move.l a3,(a0) ; return pointer to Icon
move.l a3,xmtMsg.BufferAddr(a1); pass Icon buffer address
move.w #IconBufferSize,xmtMsg.BlockCount(a1) ; pass max size
move.b #xmtReqGetIcon,xmtMsg.ReqKind(a1)
bsr.w CallIOPRoutine ; get the Icon
bra.s IopCtlDone ; get the error code (or noErr) and return <2.8>
bsr.w UpdateXmtDriveStatus ; update the drive info <2.2>
move.l SwimIopMsg.DriveInfo(a2),(a0)
bra.w DiskIODone ; return
;_______________________________________________________________________ <2.8>
; Routine: IopCtlFmtCopy
; Inputs: A0 -- pointer to user's parameter block
; csParam+ 0: format type (1=400K, 2=800K, 3=720K, 1=1440K[HD])
; csParam+ 2: pointer to user data buffer
; csParam+ 6: pointer to tag data buffer
; csParam+10: format byte ($02=Mac 400K, $22=Mac 800K, $24=Apple II 800K)
; csParam+11: if ≠0 then also verify each track
; A1 -- pointer to SonyVars
; D1 -- offset to drive's private variables
; Outputs: D0 -- result code (0 if correctly formatted)
; Function: Formats, copies [and verifies] each track on a disk in one
; pass for the Apple 3.5" Floppy Disk Duplicator program.
lea xmtMsg.HdrFmtKind(a1),a2; pointer to message for copying
move.b csParam+10(a0),(a2)+ ; setup hdr format byte
assert xmtMsg.SectInterleave=xmtMsg.HdrFmtKind+1
clr.b (a2)+ ; use default interleave
assert xmtMsg.FmtDataAddr=xmtMsg.SectInterleave+1
move.l csParam+2(a0),(a2)+ ; setup sector data ptr
assert xmtMsg.FmtTagAddr=xmtMsg.FmtDataAddr+4
move.l csParam+6(a0),(a2)+ ; setup sector tags ptr
bsr.w CallIOPRoutine ; format the disk using supplied data
bsr.w UpdateXmtDriveStatus ; update the drive info
move.w xmtMsg.ErrorCode(a1),d0 ; get the returned error code (or noErr)
bne.s @done ; die on format errors
tst.b 11(a0) ; see if verify needed
beq.s @done ; if not, return with success
move.l xmtMsg.FixedDiskSize(a1),xmtMsg.BlockCount(a1) ; setup the disk size in blocks
move.b #xmtReqReadVerify,xmtMsg.ReqKind(a1); setup the request
move.l 2(a0),xmtMsg.BufferAddr(a1) ; setup buffer address
clr.l xmtMsg.BlockNumber(a1) ; setup starting block number
bsr.w CallIOPRoutine ; verify the data buffer
move.w xmtMsg.ErrorCode(a1),ErrorCodeSave(a1) ; save verify error code
move.b #xmtReqDriveStatus,xmtMsg.ReqKind(a1) ; setup the request
bsr.w CallIOPRoutine ; get the status buffer
move.w ErrorCodeSave(a1),d0 ; get the verify error code
bne.s @done ; die on errors
clr.l d1 ; zero extend the drive number
move.b xmtMsg.DriveNumber(a1),d1 ; get the drive number
movea.l DriveInfoPtrs(a1,d1.w*4),a2 ; get drive info pointer
moveq.l #dataVerErr,d0 ; default to data verify error
move.w PerDriveInfo.DriveQElement+dQDrvSz2(a2),d1 ; get the old error count
cmp.w xmtMsg.DiskErrors(a1),d1 ; see if any new soft errors
bne.s @done ; die on errors
moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; report success
@done bra.s ToDiskIODone ; return with success
;_______________________________________________________________________ <2.8>
; Routine: IopCtlGetRawData
; Inputs: A0 -- pointer to user's parameter block
; csParam+ 0: pointer to user Clock Bits Buffer
; csParam+ 4: pointer to user data buffer
; csParam+ 8: byte count in
; csParam+12: byte count out
; csParam+16: search mode
; csParam+18: track
; csParam+20: side
; csParam+21: sector
; A1 -- pointer to SonyVars
; Outputs: D0 -- result code (0 if correctly formatted)
; Function: reads raw data bytes from the disk, used for copy protection support
lea xmtMsg.RawClockAddr(a1),a2 ; pointer to message for copying
lea csParam(a0),a0 ; pointer to params
move.l (a0)+,(a2)+ ; setup RawClockAddr
assert xmtMsg.RawDataAddr=xmtMsg.RawClockAddr+4
move.l (a0)+,(a2)+ ; setup RawDataAddr
assert xmtMsg.RawByteCount=xmtMsg.RawDataAddr+4
move.l (a0)+,(a2)+ ; setup RawByteCount
clr.l (a0)+ ; clear numDone by default
assert xmtMsg.RawSearchMode=xmtMsg.RawByteCount+4
assert xmtMsg.RawCylinder=xmtMsg.RawSearchMode+2
move.l (a0)+,(a2)+ ; setup RawSearchMode and RawCylinder
assert xmtMsg.RawHead=xmtMsg.RawCylinder+2
assert xmtMsg.RawSector=xmtMsg.RawHead+1
move.w (a0)+,(a2)+ ; setup RawHead and RawSector
bsr.w CallIOPRoutine ; get the raw data
move.w xmtMsg.ErrorCode(a1),d0 ; get the returned error code (or noErr)
bne.s @done ; die on errors
move.l xmtMsg.RawByteCount(a1),csParam+12(a0) ; return the number of bytes read
@done ; return with success
bra.w DiskIODone
bsr.w UpdateXmtDriveStatus ; update the drive info <2.8>
moveq.l #offLinErr,d0 ; default error in case no disk in place. <2.1>
cmpi.b #2,SwimIopMsg.DiskInPlace(a2) ; see if disk is online and clamped <2.1>
blt.s ToDiskIODone ; if no disk, or format unknown, offLinErr <2.1><2.8>
moveq.l #paramErr,d0 ; default error incase no entries allowed. <2.1>
move.w (a0)+,d2 ; d2 <- max list size <2.1>
ble.s ToDiskIODone ; no room to return anything <2.1><2.8>
move.w SwimIopMsg.FormatsAllowed(a2),d0; get allowable formats
move.w SwimIopMsg.CurrentFormat(a2),d1 ; get current format
movea.l (a0),a2 ; a2 <- pointer to result list
lea IopDiskFmtTbl,a3 ; a3 <- pointer to list template
clr.w -(a0) ; returned list size := 0
moveq.l #0,d3 ; d3 <- bit index into lists
@loop bclr.l d3,d0 ; test and clear allowable format bit
beq.s @next ; bit wasn't set, try next
move.l (a3,d3.w*8),(a2)+ ; copy disk size
move.l 4(a3,d3.w*8),(a2)+ ; copy attributes
bclr.l d3,d1 ; test and clear current format bit
beq.s @currentDone ; if not the current format
bset.b #6,-4(a2) ; set the 'is current format' bit
tst.w d3 ; was this the fixed disk format?
bne.s @currentDone ; if not, don't adjust size
move.l xmtMsg.FixedDiskSize(a1),-8(a2) ; return the fixed disk size
addq.w #1,(a0) ; increment result list count
subq.w #1,d2 ; decrement space left
ble.s @done ; if result list is now full
@next addq.w #1,d3 ; increment template list / bit index
tst.w d0 ; see if all formats found
bne.s @loop ; loop through remaining list
@done moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; return good status
bra.s ToDiskIODone ; return <2.8>
bsr.s UpdateXmtDriveStatus ; update the drive info
addq.l #SwimIopMsg.DriveStatus,a2 ; point to status from IOP
addq.l #PerDriveInfo.DriveQElement,a3 ; point to drive queue element
move.w (a2)+,(a0)+ ; copy track
move.l (a2)+,(a0)+ ; copy writeProt, diskInPlace, installed, sides
move.l (a3)+,(a0)+ ; copy qLink
move.l (a3)+,(a0)+ ; copy qType, dQDrive
move.l (a3)+,(a0)+ ; copy dQRefNum, dQFSID
move.l (a2)+,(a0)+ ; copy twoSideFmt, reserved, diskErrs
bra.s ToDiskIODone ; return <2.8>
bsr.s UpdateXmtDriveStatus ; update the drive info
move.l SwimIopMsg.ExtDriveStatus(a2),(a0)
bra.s ToDiskIODone ; return <2.8>
;_______________________________________________________________________ <2.8>
; Routine: IopDupVersion
; Inputs: A0 - pointer to I/O ParamBlock
; A1 - pointer to SonyVars
; Outputs: D0 -- result code
; Function: Returns the duplicator version that this driver supports.
; This is so that common features are properly matched.
move.w xmtMsg.DupVersion(a1),csParam(a0) ; get the current version
bra.w IopCtlDone ; get the error code (or noErr) and return
;_______________________________________________________________________ <2.8>
; Routine: IopGetFmtByte
; Inputs: A0 - pointer to I/O ParamBlock
; A1 - pointer to SonyVars
; Outputs: D0 -- result code
; Function: Returns the format byte from the last address field read so
; that we can determine what the interleave is for 800K disks.
; This call can also be used to determine if the RAM-based
; Disk Duplicator version of the driver is installed.
move.b xmtMsg.HdrFmtKind(a1),csParam(a0) ; get the format byte
bra.w IopCtlDone ; get the error code (or noErr) and return
; Routine: UpdateXmtDriveStatus, UpdateDriveStatus
; Inputs: A1 - pointer to SonyVars
; A2 - pointer to status message buffer
; Outputs: A0 - pointer to csParam field of current IO request
; A3 - pointer to PerDriveInfo for desired drive
; D0 - default error code (noErr)
; D1 - drive number from status message (zero extended to long)
; Destroys: D2, D3
; Calls: none
; Called by: ctlFormat, ctlEject, ctlPhysIcon, ctlLogIcon, ctlDrvInfo,
; GetFormatList, DriveStatus, MFMStatus, ReceivedCallFromIop
; Function: Locates and updates the PerDriveInfo record based upon the
; information in the status message buffer.
lea xmtMsg(a1),a2 ; point to the returned status
clr.l d1 ; zero extend the drive number
move.b SwimIopMsg.DriveNumber(a2),d1 ; get the drive number
lea nullPerDriveInfo,a3 ; a3 <- per drive info for nonexistent drives
move.l DriveInfoPtrs(a1,d1.w*4),d2 ; get drive info pointer
beq.s @done ; if no drive info for this drive
movea.l d2,a3 ; a3 <- real per drive info
assert SwimIopMsg.DiskInPlace=SwimIopMsg.WriteProtected+1
assert PerDriveInfo.DiskInPlace=PerDriveInfo.WriteProtected+1
assert SwimIopMsg.Installed=SwimIopMsg.DiskInPlace+1
assert PerDriveInfo.Installed=PerDriveInfo.DiskInPlace+1
assert SwimIopMsg.Sides=SwimIopMsg.Installed+1
assert PerDriveInfo.Sides=PerDriveInfo.Installed+1
move.l SwimIopMsg.WriteProtected(a2),\
PerDriveInfo.WriteProtected(a3) ; update flags in DriveQueueElement
if Compatibility then
; the SONY driver uses the 4 bytes of the drive queue element that is
; supposed to contain the drive size, to store TwoSidedFormat, NewInterface,
; and DiskErrors information. This is not documented in Inside Macintosh
; (although it is documented as being returned by Status csCode 8).
; for compatibility with software (like DiskFirstAid) which looks directly
; at the DQElement to check TwoSided, we will update this field.
assert SwimIopMsg.NewInterface=SwimIopMsg.TwoSidedFormat+1
assert SwimIopMsg.DiskErrors=SwimIopMsg.NewInterface+1
move.l SwimIopMsg.TwoSidedFormat(a2),\
PerDriveInfo.DriveQElement+dQDrvSz(a3) ; insert info into drive queue
cmpi.w #1,PerDriveInfo.DriveQElement+qType(a3)
bne.s @done ; if not entended drive queue element
move.l SwimIopMsg.FixedDiskSize(a2),d3
swap d3
move.l d3,PerDriveInfo.DriveQElement+dQDrvSz(a3)
@done movea.l DCEPointer(a1),a0 ; get DCE pointer
movea.l DCtlQHead(a0),a0 ; get IO param block pointer
lea csParam(a0),a0 ; a0 <- csParam pointer
moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; d0 <- default error code (noErr)
; The information for each possible disk format is an 8-byte record:
; Byte 0-3: disk capacity in blocks
; (is [#tracks][#heads][#sectors][#bytes/sector])
; 4: bit 7=1: number of tracks, sides, sectors is valid
; 6=1: current disk has this format
; 5=0: reserved for future expansion, should be zero
; 4=0: single density, =1: double density
; 0-3: number of heads (or zero if don't care)
; 5: number of sectors (or zero if don't care)
; 6-7: number of tracks (or zero if don't care)
dc.l 38965 ; HD-20
dc.b (%0100<<4)+0,0,0,0 ; THS invalid, current disk has this format
dc.l 400*2 ; 400K GCR
dc.b (%1000<<4)+1 ; THS valid, SD, 1 head
dc.b 10 ; 10 sectors (average)
dc.w 80 ; 80 tracks
dc.l 800*2 ; 800K GCR
dc.b (%1000<<4)+2 ; THS valid, SD, 2 heads
dc.b 10 ; 10 sectors (average)
dc.w 80 ; 80 tracks
dc.l 720*2 ; 720K (1M) MFM
dc.b (%1000<<4)+2 ; THS valid, SD, 2 heads
dc.b 9 ; 9 sectors
dc.w 80 ; 80 tracks
dc.l 1440*2 ; 1440K (2M) MFM
dc.b (%1001<<4)+2 ; THS valid, DD, 2 heads
dc.b 18 ; 9 sectors
dc.w 80 ; 80 tracks
dcb.b PerDriveInfo.PerDriveInfoSize,0
TITLE 'SONY Driver - IOP call processing'
; Routine: CallIOPRoutine
; Inputs: A1 - pointer to SonyVars
; Outputs: A0 - pointer to IOPB for current call <2.8>
; A1 - pointer to SonyVars
; Destroys: all other registers are destroyed across the async call
; Calls: _IOPMsgAccess
; Called by: DiskOpen, DiskPrime, DiskControl, DiskStatus
; Function: Asynchronously calls a IOP based driver routine, and returns
; to the caller when the routine completes. The message parameter
; block is sent to the IOP and copied back when the call completes
; It will return immediatly to the callers-caller while the
; async operation immediatly to the callers-caller while the
; async operation is in progress.
move.l (sp)+,xmtWaiterPC(a1) ; save waiter address
lea xmtReq(a1),a0 ; a0 <- pointer to IOPRequestInfo param block
_IOPMsgRequest ; send the message to the IOP
rts ; return to callers caller
IOPCallReturned ; a0 <- pointer to IOPRequestInfo on entry
lea -xmtReq(a0),a1 ; a1 <- SonyVars
move.l xmtWaiterPC(a1),-(sp) ; prepare to return to waiter
clr.l xmtWaiterPC(a1) ; indicate nobody waiting
movea.l DCEPointer(a1),a2 ; get DCE pointer
movea.l DCtlQHead(a2),a0 ; get IO param block pointer <2.8>
rts ; return to the waiting routine <2.8>
; Routine: ReceivedCallFromIop
; Inputs: A1 - pointer to SonyVars
; Outputs: none
; Destroys:
; Calls: _IOPMsgAccess, _PostEvent, UpdateDriveStatus
; Called by: IOPManager
; Function: Handles status change messages sent from the IOP based
; driver. Posts DiskInserted or DiskEject events if the
; message indicates that the corresponding events were
; detected by the IOP based driver.
with IOPRequestInfo
ReceivedCallFromIop ; registers a0-a3/d0-d3 preserved by interrupt
; a0 <- pointer to IOPRequestInfo on entry
lea -rcvReq(a0),a1 ; a1 <- SonyVars
lea rcvMsg(a1),a2 ; a2 <- rcvMsg
move.w #noErr,SwimIopMsg.ErrorCode(a2) ; assume no error
move.b SwimIopMsg.ReqKind(a2),d2 ; get request kind
cmpi.b #rcvReqDiskInserted,d2 ; was it an insertion event? <SM2>
bne.s @1 ; • no - it's either eject or bogus <SM2>
; Check if we're SECUREd <SM2>
; If we're SECUREd. Fake the drive queue out by calling UpdateDriveStatus. <SM2>
; This will cause things like DiskInPlace in the drive queue to be set <SM2>
; even if the disk is not mounted. That will allow the EJECT call that <SM2>
; will get posted to occur. <SM2>
bsr CheckIfSecure ; • see if we have a keyswitch and it's SECUREd<SM2>
bne.s @OkToDoIt ; • IF SECURE THEN <T13><SM2>
bsr UpdateDriveStatus ; • fake out drive queue <SM2>
move.b #rcvReqDiskEjected,d2 ; • force D2 to contain an eject request <SM2>
bra.s @1 ; • and exit to caller <SM2>
; ; • ELSE <SM2>
@OkToDoIt moveq.l #0,d0 ; upper d0 <- 0, disk inserted <SM2>
beq.s @postEvent ; branch if DiskInsertEvt AND we're allowing it <SM3>
@1 moveq.l #-1,d0 ; upper d0 <- -1, disk ejected <SM2>
cmpi.b #rcvReqDiskEjected,d2 ; was it an Ejected event?
bne.s @updateStatus ; if not disk ejected request
@postEvent movea.w #DiskInsertEvt,a0 ; a0 <- event type
clr.w d0 ; zero extend drive number
move.b SwimIopMsg.DriveNumber(a2),d0 ; insert drive number into message
_PostEvent ; post the insert/eject
move.w d0,SwimIopMsg.ErrorCode(a2) ; return the error, if any
bne.s @sendReply ; don't update status if error found
bsr.w UpdateDriveStatus ; update status based upon status change info
@sendReply lea rcvReq(a1),a0 ; a0 <- rcvReq
move.b #irSendRcvReply,irRequestKind(a0)
_IOPMsgRequest ; send the reply back to the IOP
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <SM2> begin
; *****************
; * CheckIfSecure *
; *****************
; This routine returns (via CCR) whether or not we have a keyswitch, and if
; so, whether it is in the SECURE position.
; NOTE: the KeyswitchSecure position value is 0 = SECURE, 1 = ON. <T13>
; Input: None
; Output: CCR.Z NE ... if not a keyswitch or keyswitch NOT in secure position
; EQ ... if you have a keyswitch an it IS in the SECURE position
; Trashes: D0
bsr.s CheckForCabooseKeyswitch; universalized check for keyswitches <T16>
beq.s @secured ; IF NOT aKeyswitch THEN <T13>
rts ; return to caller with CCR.Z = NE <T13>
@secured ; ENDIF
move.l a1,d0 ; temporarily save A1
movea.l VIA2,a1 ; retrieve VIA2 location
bsr ReadSecureBit ; call the routine. returns same value as BTST <Z18>
movea.l d0,a1 ; restore A1
rts ; return to caller
;_______________________________________________________________________ <T16> thru next <T16>
; Routine: CheckForCabooseKeyswitch
; Desc: Check whether or not we have an Caboose-style keyswitch.
; Returns: CCR.Z EQ If you have a Caboose-style keyswitch
; NE If you don't.
EXPORT CheckForCabooseKeyswitch ; in case someone like SonyPatches.a wants it
move.l d0,-(sp) ; save a handy working register
move.l #KeyswMask,d0 ; get isolation mask ready
and.l UnivROMFlags,d0 ; grab keyswitch bits in UnivROMFlags
sub.l #KeyswCaboose,d0 ; and check if we're a Caboose keyswitch
movem.l (sp)+,d0 ; restore D1 (MOVEM doesn't reset CCR)
rts ; return to caller with CCR set <T16>
; Routine: ReadSecureBit
; Desc: This reads the v2Keyswitch bit in VIA2.vBufB and returns
; its value. The handy by-product of this routine is that
; it also regenerates sound interrupts that may have been
; pending that this routine would have cleared because it
; reads vBufB.
; Returns: CCR.Z EQ If v2Keyswitch == 0 (keyswitch == SECURE)
; NE If v2Keyswitch == 1 (keyswitch != SECURE)
; Trashes: None.
movem.l d0/a1,-(sp) ; save D0/A1 on the stack so we can use em
move.b vBufB(a1),d0 ; read VIA2, clearing interrupts (GAG).
bsr.w ReGenSoundInt ; regenerate possible pending sound interrupts
btst #v2Keyswitch,d0 ; BTST the bit we're interested in
movem.l (sp)+,d0/a1 ; restore (ab)used temp. registers
rts ; <Z18><H7><SM2> end