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; File: SonyRawTrack.a
; Contains: Support for the Raw Track Dump control call
; Written by: Steve Christensen 09-Nov-90
; Copyright: © 1990-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds: Mac32
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM2> 2/18/93 rab Added a TestFor hwCbPwrMgr around the bsr to TurnIWMon so that
; CPUs without a PwrMgr won't get an unimplemented trap error.
; <1> 12/7/92 rab first checked in
; <H9> 9/22/92 DHN Fixed problem in ReadMFM with SWIM2 ASIC where rHandShake bit 8
; (data avail) goes high before its other bits are valid. We read
; rHandShake again to get the valid bits. There are other related
; fixes.
; <H8> 7/21/92 NJV Removed hasSonora1 conditionalized code (no longer needed)
; <H7> 6/4/92 CMP Fixed RawTrackDump to work properly for GCR disks with SWIM2.
; <H6> 3/6/92 CMP Increased mByteTOCnt to 60 to accomodate 33Mhz. CPUs.
; <H5> 12/20/91 JC Temporary Fix for problem in Sonora1
; <4> 11/14/91 SWC Moved SWIM2 check in RawRead to SonyPatches.a. Converted the SCC
; polling code to a macro to make it easier to overpatch.
; <3> 10/24/91 CMP Updated comment header for Horror ROM
; <2> 10/18/91 CMP Added support for SWIM2.
; ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
; Pre-HORROR ROM comments begin here.
; ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
; <3> 7/3/91 HJR Changed hasPowerMgr conditional to hasPwrControls.
; <2> 4/22/91 ag SWC/Fixed the parameter checking to be consistent with the IOP
; version. It was returning paramErr if the user specified index
; search mode for a GCR disk (no index pulse). It now forces the
; search mode to immediate instead.
; <1> 2/18/91 HJR first checked in
; 11/9/90 SWC New today.
; call parameters (relative to csParam)
clockBuffer EQU 0
dataBuffer EQU 4
byteCount EQU 8
numDone EQU 12
searchMode EQU 16
theTrack EQU 18
side EQU 20
sector EQU 21
; searchMode values
searchNow EQU 0
searchAddr EQU 1
searchData EQU 2
searchIndex EQU 3
; misc stuff
indexAddr EQU tachAdr ; drive address to read the index pulse from
rtdParams EQU sectMap ; pointer to params in parameter block
; (steal sectMap since we don't use it at all)
; Routine: CtlRawTrackDump
; Inputs: A0 -- pointer to caller's parameter block
; A1 -- pointer to SonyVars
; D0 -- error code if the drive number is invalid or the drive is not installed, else zero
; D1 -- drive locals offset
; Outputs: D0 -- result code
; Trashes: D1-D7,A0-A6
; Function: The call reads all or part of a track and returns the raw, unmassaged data it
; finds there so that applications can access a floppy disk at a very low level
; without having to directly access the hardware. The following parameters are
; passed starting at csParam:
; 0: clockBuffer pointer to packed bit array (MFM disks only), or nil
; 4: dataBuffer pointer to raw track data, or nil
; 8: byteCount number of bytes requested
; (dataBuffer must be able to hold this many bytes)
; 12: numDone number of bytes actually read (≤ byteCount)
; 16: searchMode when to start collecting bytes:
; 0 = as soon as spindle motor is up to speed
; 1 = after reading an address field
; 2 = after reading a data field
; 3 = at the index mark (MFM disks only)
; 18: track which track to read (0-79)
; 20: side which side to read (0-1)
; 21: sector which sector to synchronize on (0-255)
; If clockBitsBuffer is non-nil, it must point to a buffer that's at least 1/8th
; the size of dataBuffer. It consists of a packed array of bits signifying whether
; or not the corresponding byte in dataBuffer is a mark or data byte. If a bit
; is equal to "1", the byte is an MFM mark byte; if it's a "0", the byte is an
; MFM data byte. Bits for ASCENDING data bytes are arranged in DESCENDING order
; within a byte, i.e., bit 7 represents byte 0, bit 6 represents byte 1, etc.
; NOTE: If both clockBitsBuffer and dataBuffer are nil, the call will do nothing.
; This provides a way for applications to determine if the call exists
; without first having to allocate large buffers.
BNE DiskDone ; -> bad drive number or no drive
LEA -512(SP),SP ; (get space for a buffer)
MOVE.L SP,DiskBuffer(A1)
; check all parameters and bail if any are out of range...
LEA csParam(A0),A0 ; point to the start of the passed parameters
MOVE.L A0,rtdParams(A1) ; and save the address for later
CLR.L numDone(A0) ; numDone=0
MOVE.L (A0)+,D0 ; are clockBuffer and dataBuffer both nil?
OR.L (A0)+,D0
BEQ.S @toRTDone ; -> yes, just exit
ADDQ.W #searchMode-dataBuffer-4,A0 ; (skip over byteCount)
MOVEQ #paramErr,D0 ; assume something's out of range
MOVE.W (A0)+,D7 ; get the search mode
CMPI.W #searchIndex,D7 ; valid search mode? <2>
BHI.S @toRTDone ; -> nope, bail <2>
BNE.S @CommonMode ; -> common MFM/GCR search mode <2>
TST.B mfmDisk(A1,D1) ; is this an MFM disk? <2>
BMI.S @CommonMode ; -> yes, all modes are OK <2>
CLR.W -2(A0) ; for GCR, force "index search" to "immediate search" <2>
@CommonMode MOVE.W (A0)+,D2 ; get the track number <2>
CMPI.W #80,D2 ; is it in range?
BHS.S @toRTDone ; -> nope
ROL.W #8,D2 ; D2.W=[track][0]
MOVE.B (A0)+,D2 ; get the sector number
CMPI.B #2,D2 ; is it in range?
@toRTDone BHS @RTDone ; -> nope
ASL.B #3,D2 ; shift it into bit 3
ROL.W #8,D2 ; D2.W=[0][0][0][0][side][track (11 bits)]
MOVE.W D2,sideTrack(A1) ; save the side and track numbers
MOVE.B (A0)+,D2
MOVE.W D2,curSector(A1) ; save the sector number
; setup the hardware as appropriate...
IF hasPwrControls THEN ; <3> HJR
TestFor hwCbPwrMgr ; do we have a PowerMgr? <SM2>
BEQ.S @pmgrdone ; if not, skip this call <SM2>
BSR TurnIWMon ; turn the IWM on with a power manager call
@pmgrdone ; <SM2>
TST.B isSWIM(A1) ; is a SWIM installed?
BPL.S @NoSWIM ; -> no, skip
BSR SetChipMode ; set up the mode for MFM or GCR
BNE @RTDone ; -> couldn't initialize the chip
BSR DiskSelect ; re-select the interface
BSR FVPowerUp ; and start up the drive (synchronously)
BSR SpdSeek ; seek to track and adjust speed if needed
BNE.S @RTDone ; -> couldn't seek so just exit with an error
; OK, we're on the selected track, so figure out where to start reading...
MOVEQ #4,D0 ; setup the poll stack just in case
BSR SetupPoll ; it's the immediate or index search mode
MOVEA.L rtdParams(A1),A0 ; point to our parameters
MOVE.W searchMode(A0),D7 ; so we can get the search mode (trashed by SpdSeek)
CMPI.W #searchIndex,D7 ; do we need to synch up on the index mark?
BNE.S @NotIndex ; -> nope
BSR.S SyncOnIndex ; go wait for the index pulse before beginning
BEQ.S @ReadNow ; -> we found it so start reading
BRA.S @RTCleanup ; -> couldn't find the index pulse
@NotIndex TST.W D7 ; do we just want to start reading?
BEQ.S @ReadNow ; -> yes, go for it!
; sync up on the desired sector by first looking for its address field...
MOVE.W #255,D6 ; since we can handle sector numbers 0-255...
@SyncLoop BSR RdAddrSetup ; read the next address mark
BMI.S @NextMark ; -> error, ignore this one
CMP.W sideTrack(A1),D1 ; is this the one we want?
BNE.S @NextMark ; -> no, keep looking
CMP.W curSector(A1),D2 ; is this the sector we want?
BEQ.S @FoundAddr ; -> yes, all done
@NextMark BSR toEmptyPD ; get rid of poll data (saves D0 in DskErr)
DBRA D6,@SyncLoop ; -> keep looking
MOVEQ #sectNFErr,D0 ; return "sector not found"
@FoundAddr SUBQ.W #searchAddr,D7 ; start reading after address field?
BEQ.S @ReadNow ; -> yes!
; if we get here, we need to first read this sector's data field...
MOVEA.L diskBuffer(A1),A0 ; point to our stack buffer for someplace to put the data
CLR.B DskVerify ; don't verify the data
BSR RdData ; go read the data field
BMI.S @RTDone ; -> an error occurred, so bail
; we're now in the correct position on the disk to begin collecting raw data, so setup and go...
@ReadNow BSR.S RawRead ; go read the bytes
BNE.S @RTCleanup ; -> something bad happened
MOVEA.L SonyVars,A1 ; point to the driver's variables
MOVEA.L rtdParams(A1),A1 ; and from there point to our parameters
MOVE.L byteCount(A1),numDone(A1) ; we were successful, so update how much we read
@RTCleanup BSR toEmptyPD ; get rid of poll data (saves D0 in DskErr)
ANDI.W #$F8FF,SR ; turn interrupts back on
@RTDone LEA 512(SP),SP ; clean up the stack
BRA DskRWOff ; share SonyRWT exit routine
; Routine: SyncOnIndex
; Inputs: D1 -- offset to drive-specific variables
; A1 -- pointer to driver's variables
; Outputs: D0 -- result code
; Trashes: D0-D2,A0,A2 (all other registers are preserved)
; Function: waits for the start of the index pulse (or times out if it doesn't see it)
SyncOnIndex MOVE.L (SP)+,DskRtnAdr ; save the return address
MOVEQ #indexAddr,D0 ; select the index sense drive address
BSR AdrDisk
MOVEQ #100+10,D2 ; assume HD disk -> 600rpm = 100ms (+10%)
TST.B twoMegFmt(A1,D1) ; is it?
BMI.S @SetTimeout
ADD.W D2,D2 ; no, it's 720K -> 300rpm = 200ms (+10%)
@SetTimeout MULU TimeDBRA,D2 ; figure out how many iterations are in that time
MOVEA.L IWM,A4 ; point to the handshake register for speed
LEA rHandshake(A4),A4
MOVEQ #NoErr,D0 ; assume we'll sync up OK
@WtIndexLo _PollSCC ; poll the SCC modem port <H4>
BTST #3,(A4) ; is the index pulse low yet?
BEQ.S @WtIndexHi ; -> yes, wait for it to go high
SUBQ.L #1,D2
BGT.S @WtIndexLo
BRA.S @NoIndex
@WtIndexHi _PollSCC ; poll the SCC modem port <H4>
BTST #3,(A4) ; is the index pulse high yet?
BNE.S @IndexDone ; -> yes, we're sync'd up
SUBQ.L #1,D2
BGT.S @WtIndexHi
@NoIndex MOVEQ #noIndexErr,D0 ; timed out waiting for index
@IndexDone BRA DskRtn ; set CCR and return
; Routine: RawRead
; Inputs: A5 -- pointer to 6522 A-reg (has head sel, wait/req)
; A6 -- pointer to SCC channel A data register
; Outputs: D0 -- result code
; Trashes: D1-D3,A0-A4 (all other registers are preserved)
; Function: reads data bytes into data buffer and clock bytes into clockBuffer
RawRead BSR GetDrv1 ; setup A1,D1
MOVEQ #RdDtaAdr,D0 ; assume we want side 0
BTST #3,SideTrack(A1) ; is it?
BEQ.S @SelectSide ; -> yes
MOVEQ #RdDta1Adr,D0 ; use the side 1 address
@SelectSide BSR AdrDisk ; select the head
MOVEA.L rtdParams(A1),A4 ; point to our parameters:
MOVEA.L (A4)+,A2 ; clockBuffer
MOVEA.L (A4)+,A0 ; dataBuffer
MOVE.L (A4)+,D0 ; byteCount
TST.B mfmDisk(A1,D1) ; is this an MFM disk? <SM1>
BMI.W ReadMFM ; -> yes, go read it <SM1>
CMP.B #-2,isSWIM(A1) ; do we have a SWIM2? <SM1>
BEQ.W ISMReadGCR ; -> yes, read gcr the ISM way <SM1>
BRA.S ReadGCR ; no, read GCR the old fashioned way <SM1>
; Routine: ReadMFM
; Inputs: D0 -- number of bytes to read
; D1 -- offset to drive-specific variables
; A0 -- pointer to dataBuffer
; A1 -- pointer to driver's variables
; A2 -- pointer to clockBuffer
; A5 -- pointer to 6522 A-reg (has head sel, wait/req)
; A6 -- pointer to SCC channel A data register
; Outputs: D0 -- result code
; Trashes: D1-D3,A0,A2-A4 (all other registers are preserved)
; Function: reads raw data starting with the next mark byte after a sync field
ReadMFM MOVE.L (SP)+,DskRtnAdr ; save the return address
LEA rHandshake(A4),A3 ; point to the handshake and mark registers for speed
LEA rMark(A4),A4
TST.B rError-rMark(A4) ; clear the error register
MOVE.B #$18,wZeroes-rMark(A4) ; clear the write and action bits
MOVE.B #$01,wOnes-rMark(A4) ; toggle the clFIFO bit to clear out
MOVE.B #$01,wZeroes-rMark(A4) ; any data in the FIFO
TST.B rError-rMark(A4) ; clear the error register again for grins
MOVE.B #$08,wOnes-rMark(A4) ; turn on the action bit: GO!
MOVEQ #-1,D2 ; initial timeout counter (needs to be tuned)
BRA.S @StartRead
@Wait4Byte _PollSCC ; poll the SCC modem port <H4>
@NoSCCData TST.B (A3) ; wait for a byte <H9>
DBMI D2,@Wait4Byte
BPL.S RawReadTOErr ;-> timeout <SM1>
MOVE.B (A3),D3 ;Get the handshake register with valid bits <SM1>
MOVEQ #mByteTOCnt,D2 ; reset the timeout counter for the next byte <SM1>
MOVE.B (A4),(A0)+ ; read the current byte into dataBuffer
LSR.B #1,D3 ; bit 0 is the mark bit
ADDX.B D1,D1 ; shift it into bit 0 to acculumate it
BCC.S @NextByte
MOVE.B D1,(A2)+ ; we've grabbed 8 bits, so stuff them into clockBuffer
@StartRead MOVEQ #1,D1 ; initialize the "bits" register (8 shifts will set C=1)
@NextByte SUBQ.L #1,D0 ; decrement the byte count
BGE.S @Wait4Byte ; -> more left to do
CMPI.B #1,D1 ; is the last clockBits byte partially filled?
@AlignBits ADD.B D1,D1 ; no, shift the bits so they start at bit 7 down
BCC.S @AlignBits
MOVE.B D1,(A2)+
@ReadOK MOVEQ #NoErr,D0
RawReadExit MOVE.B #$18,wZeroes-rMark(A4) ; clear the write and action bits to turn everything off
BRA DskRtn ; set CCR and return
MOVEQ #dataTOErr,D0 ; timed out waiting for a byte
BRA.S RawReadExit
; Routine: ReadGCR
; Inputs: D0 -- number of bytes to read
; D1 -- offset to drive-specific variables
; A0 -- pointer to dataBuffer
; A1 -- pointer to driver's variables
; A2 -- pointer to clockBuffer (not used)
; A5 -- pointer to 6522 A-reg (has head sel, wait/req)
; A6 -- pointer to SCC channel A data register
; Outputs: D0 -- result code
; Trashes: D1-D2,A0,A4 (all other registers are preserved)
; Function: reads raw data as soon as possible
ReadGCR MOVE.L (SP)+,DskRtnAdr ; save the return address
MOVEA.L IWM,A4 ; point to the data register for speed
LEA q6L(A4),A4
MOVEQ #-1,D2 ; initial timeout counter (needs to be tuned)
BRA.S @StartRead
@Wait4Byte _PollSCC ; poll the SCC modem port <H4>
@NoSCCData MOVE.B (A4),D1 ; wait for a byte
DBMI D2,@Wait4Byte
BPL.S @ReadTOErr ; -> timed out
MOVE.B D1,(A0)+ ; put the current byte into dataBuffer
MOVEQ #mByteTOCnt,D2 ; reset the timeout counter for the next byte
@StartRead SUBQ.L #1,D0 ; decrement the byte count
BGE.S @Wait4Byte ; -> more left to do
@ReadExit BRA DskRtn ; set CCR and return
@ReadTOErr MOVEQ #dataTOErr,D0 ; timed out waiting for a byte
BRA.S @ReadExit
;——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— <SM1> begin
; Routine: ISMReadGCR
; Inputs: D0 -- number of bytes to read
; D1 -- offset to drive-specific variables
; A0 -- pointer to dataBuffer
; A1 -- pointer to driver's variables
; A2 -- pointer to clockBuffer
; A5 -- pointer to 6522 A-reg (has head sel, wait/req)
; A6 -- pointer to SCC channel A data register
; Outputs: D0 -- result code
; Trashes: D1-D3,A0,A2-A4 (all other registers are preserved)
; Function: reads raw data starting with the next mark byte after a sync field
ISMReadGCR MOVE.L (SP)+,DskRtnAdr ; save the return address
LEA rHandshake(A4),A3 ; point to the handshake and mark registers for speed
LEA rMark(A4),A4
TST.B rError-rMark(A4) ; clear the error register
MOVE.B #$18,wZeroes-rMark(A4) ; clear the write and action bits
MOVE.B #$01,wOnes-rMark(A4) ; toggle the clFIFO bit to clear out
MOVE.B #$01,wZeroes-rMark(A4) ; any data in the FIFO
TST.B rError-rMark(A4) ; clear the error register again for grins
MOVE.B #$08,wOnes-rMark(A4) ; turn on the action bit: GO!
MOVEQ #-1,D2 ; initial timeout counter (needs to be tuned)
BRA.S @StartRead
@Wait4Byte _PollSCC ; poll the SCC modem port <H4>
TST.B (A3) ; wait for a byte
DBMI D2,@Wait4Byte
BPL.S @ReadTOErr ; -> timed out
MOVEQ #mByteTOCnt,D2 ; reset the timeout counter for the next byte
MOVE.B (A4),(A0)+ ; read the current byte into dataBuffer
@StartRead SUBQ.L #1,D0 ; decrement the byte count
BGE.S @Wait4Byte ; -> more left to do
@ReadExit MOVE.B #$18,wZeroes-rMark(A4) ; clear the write and action bits to turn everything off
BRA DskRtn ; set CCR and return
@ReadTOErr MOVEQ #dataTOErr,D0 ; timed out waiting for a byte
BRA.S @ReadExit ; <SM1> end