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2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00
; File: JMFBPrimaryInit.a
; Contains: PrimaryInit for 4•8/8•24 Cards.
; Written by: Casey King/Mike Puckett
; Copyright: © 1986-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds: Mac32
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM3> 6/14/93 kc Roll in Ludwig.
; <LW4> 5/14/93 fau This delay is still not right. While I get the source for the
; latest ROM for this card, I'm upping the delay to 5ms and doing
; a Nubus read in between rights, to flush the MUNI FIFO's.
; <LW3> 5/14/93 fau Put a delay in writing to Endeavor so that it works with
; Cylone40. It looks like MUNI is writing out the data too fast!
; <LW2> 4/27/93 fau Bug #1081554: Added an extra delay before starting JMFB, so
; that they work on Cyclone 40MHz.
; <SM2> 11/18/92 SWC Changed SlotEqu.a->Slots.a and VideoEqu.a->Video.a.
; <2> 1/15/92 KC Repair "uncompleted conditional directive" error. Removed
; gratuitous branch.
; <1> 1/7/92 RB first checked in
; =============== Terror History ========================
; <4> 6/17/91 jmp Eliminated support for PAL displays & encoder boxes since the
; versions of the 4•8 & 8•24 cards that were patching out dont
; have the sRsrcs.
; <3> 4/4/91 jmp Cleaned up the conditional assembly stuff (i.e., started using
; ForRom instead of PadForOverPatch).
; <2> 2/25/91 jmp Rolled in Caseys latest changes.
; <1> 01/06/90 jmp Checked into TERROR ROM for the first time.
; <0> 11/19/90 jmp Formatted for use with TERROR ROM (as opposed to a
; declaration ROM).
; This file contains the primary initialization code for the Elmer
; Fudd video ROM and is included by ElmerROM.a. The purpose of the
; primary initialization is to detect the monitor type in use and the
; memory available so that the appropriate sResource list can be selected
; and the others discarded. In addition the the display device is setup
; for 1 BPP operation by setting the color lookup table to black and white,
; initializing the hardware for 1 BPP and then graying the screen.
; Notes:
; ------
; 1. The basic flow of the primary initialization code is as follows:
; Start
; Header Information
; Set Initial Vendor Status to good
; Form 32 bit slot base address
; Setup a slot parameter block for sRsrc pruning
; Check to see which slot mgr is around and save
; Decode sense lines to detect monitor type
; Setup Mode to be Disabled to invalid
; Get saved monitor type from parameter RAM
; Init the inval screen flag to false
; If monitor type is different then invalidate scrn resource flag
; If ntsc then determine oscan/uscan state and if changed then inval scrn flag
; Size video RAM and set VRAM configuration bit
; Form the spID candidate to disable
; If Inval scrn then save new mode in pram
; Remove Invalid sRsrc Lists
; Setup Hardware
; Disable Interrupts (card resets disabled!)
; Setup CLUT for 1 BPP
; Gray the Screen
; End
; 2. Monitor Sensing
; The raw monitor sense lines read in are reformatted to facilitate sRsrc pruning
; and the following table summarizes the raw sense line combinations and the
; the reformatted ones. The RGB Kong monitor is the only one that is reformated.
; The 2 least significant bits of the sRsrc IDs (see ROM.a header comments) are
; idenitical to the 2 least significant bits (b1:b0) of the reformated sense line
; combination and b2 of the sense line indicates whether its RGB or B/W.
; Sense(2:0) Raw Reformatted Sense Monitor Type
; -------------- ----------------- -------------
; 000 111 RGB Workstation (Kong)
; 001 001 B/W Full Page (Portrait)
; 010 010 Modified Apple II-GS RGB (Rubik)
; 011 011 B/W Workstation (Kong)
; 100 100 NTSC (Interlaced)
; 101 101 RGB Full Page (Portrait)
; 110 110 Standard RGB
; 111 000 No Sense read (unconnected)
; There are a couple of interesting relationships that we can take advantage of from
; the reformatted sense line combinations:
; a) Kong or Portrait = b0
; b) Other = not b0
; c) Kong timing = b1 and b0
; d) Portrait timing = not b1 and b0
; In addition to the traditional monitor sensing that we have normally done, this
; card also utilizes Rosko's extended sense scheme. We use this only to detect if
; the Sarnoff breakout box is connected and if it is we will always default to
; the RS170 timing mode. This will enable us to at least use the box as an RGB
; to NTSC encoder when it arrives.
; 3. Pruning
; Refer to the comment in the code.
; 4. Hardware setup sequence
; a) Setup CLUT pixel bus control register
; Setup JMFB CSR except for REFEN, VRSTB, and VIDEN
; Setup JMFB Load Divisor Register
; Setup JMFB Base Register
; Setup JMFB Row Long Words Register
; b) Set up the Endeavor chip (M,N, and EXTCLK)
; c) Enable the Endeavor clock by set PIXSEL1 in the JMFB CSR
; d) Delay to guarantee a stable clock from Endeavor
; e) Enable JMFB by setting VRSTB in JMFB CSR
; f) Setup Stopwatch parameters (must happen after VRSTB is set because
; that also reinitializes Stopwatch!)
; g) Enable Stopwatch by setting SRST
; h) Enable REFEN in JMFB CSR
; i) Enable Video Transfer Cycle in JMFB CSR
; 5. 24 Bit addressing and 32 bit addressing
; This card is not accessible in 24 bit addressing mode and all accesses must be made
; in 32 bit mode when hitting the hardware. That's explains the frequent use of
; SwapMMUMode to switch back and forth. It is not desirable to access a 32 bit
; address in 24 bit mode as we will not go where we want to!!!
; 6. Trident use of PRAM
; This card uses pram as follows:
; byte 0, 1 -> board ID
; byte 2 -> mode (screen depth)
; byte 3 -> saves the default sRsrcID (changed by SetDefault)
; byte 4 -> pinit raw sRsrcID (only modified by pinit)
; byte 5 -> specialFlag (set to $FF if connected to interlaced monitor and past shutdown mode is 32 bpp)
; byte 6 -> clockType flag (set to $00 if Endeavor and $FF if National)
; Register usage:
; ---------------
; D0 - Initially used to form the cards slot number.
; Later used as the switch ID for SwapMMUMode trap.
; Used in the vRAM test to hold test pattern.
; D1 - Used throughout as a utility register (counter or index usually).
; D2 - Used in Pruning section to form the candidate spID to be deleted.
; Used in Gray Screen to hold the number of rowlongs as a counter.
; D3 - Used to hold the spID of the mode to be disabled (interlaced modes only)
; Used in Gray Screen to hold the number of screen rows.
; D4 - Used to hold the reformated sense line combination.
; Used to form the spID based on monitor and memory.
; Used to select which parameter list to be used in hardware setup.
; Used to determine appropriate default fb base offset in grayscreen.
; D5 - Used to hold the dither pattern in gray screen.
; D6 - Used to identify if the new slot manager is present (0=new, $FF=old) .
; D7 - Used to temporarily hold previous addr state during SwapMMUMode
; - Used to count the number of sRsrcs deleted.
; A0 - On entry contains a parameter block pointer to an SEBlock
; Later used to point to the slot parameter block.
; Later used to point to the hardware setup parameter data.
; A1 - Used initially to point to the cards base address ($Fs00 0000).
; Used later to point to control register space during hardware setup.
; A2 - Used to point to the valid mode list during sRsrc pruning
; Used to point to the JMFB Control and Status Register during hardware setup.
; Used to point to the CLUT during color table initialization.
; Used to point to the frame buffer during gray screen
; A3 - Used to save the cards base address (A1) in hardware setup, clut setup and gray screen.
If ForRom Then
Machine MC68020
Load 'StandardEqu.d'
Print Off
Include 'GestaltEqu.a'
Include 'ROMEqu.a'
Include 'Slots.a'
Include 'Video.a'
Include 'JMFBDepVideoEqu.a'
Print On
JMFBPrimaryInit Proc Export
DC.B sExec2 ;Code revision (Primary init)
DC.B sCPU68020 ;CPU type is 68020
DC.W 0 ;Reserved
DC.L Begin-* ;Offset to code.
;Initialization Code
WITH seBlock,spBlock
If ForROM Then ; For Terror ROM, PrimaryInit is NOT executed thru _sExec.
SaveRegs Reg A0-A4/D0-D7 ; So, we need to save our work registers.
Movem.l SaveRegs,-(Sp)
; set initial vendor status to good
; - PrimaryInit must return a good status or else SecondaryInit will not run.
MOVE.W #1,seStatus(A0) ; VendorStatus <- good
; form 32-bit base address in A1
MOVE.L #$F0000000,D1 ; D1 <- F0000000
MOVE.B seSlot(A0),D0 ; get slot number
BFINS D0,D1{4:4} ; D1 <- Fs000000
MOVE.L D1,A1 ; copy to address reg
; set up a slot parameter block for sRsrc pruning
SUBA #spBlockSize,SP ; make an slot parameter block on stack
MOVE.L SP,A0 ; get pointer to parm block now
MOVE.B D0,spSlot(A0) ; put slot in pBlock
CLR.B spExtDev(A0) ; external device = 0
; determine if new slot manager is around
CLR.B D6 ; D6 will indicate which slot mgr is present
_sVersion ; determine which one (0 = new 32 BQD one)
SNE D6 ; D6 = 0 if new, D6 = $FF if old
; decode sense lines to detect monitor type
; - the monitor sense combination is read from the JMFB CSR which is located at zero offset
; - from the JMFB control space.
MOVEQ #true32b,D0 ; change to 32 bit addressing to get
_SwapMMUMode ; sense lines
MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; save prior mode cause we might need it!
MOVE.L #JMFB,D1 ; get offset in register
BFEXTU (A1,D1.L){20:3},D4 ; get the state of the sense lines
CMP.B #NoSense,D4 ; check for no connect (sense = 7)
BNE.S @DoNext
BSR pGetXtndSense ; go see if we see an xtended sense
CMP.B #Sarnoff,D0 ; we only understand sarnoff
If ForROM Then
Bne.s @NoConnect ; if not Sarnoff (NTSC), then no connect
BNE.S @TryPAL ; if not Sarnoff (NTSC), then try for PAL
MOVE.B #_NTSC_,D4 ; force sarnoff to ntsc timing for now
BRA.S @SwapBack ; we have a current mode so go on
If Not ForROM Then
@TryPAL CMP.B #PAL,D0 ; check for PAL xtnded sense
BRA.S @SwapBack
@TryPAL2 CMP.b #PALmonitor,D0 ; check for PAL monitor xtnded sense
BNE.S @NoConnect ; if not found then do no connect
BRA.S @SwapBack
@NoConnect MOVE.B #InvalidSRsrcID,D4 ; no valid xtnd sense so do no connect
BRA.S @SwapBack ;
CMP.B #RGBKong,D4 ; check to see if its an RGBKong
BNE.S @SwapBack ; if not skip and go on
MOVE.B #rRGBKong,D4 ; if it is, reformat to maintain convention
@SwapBack MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ; restore past mode
_SwapMMUMode ; swap back to previous addr mode (D0 still valid)
MOVE.L D4,D5 ; save reformated sense combo for InitCLUT
; setup the 'Mode to be disabled' to be invalid.
; - if we are in connected to a monitor that supports multiple screen sizes,
; - D3 will be set to a valid sRsrc ID.
MOVE.B #InvalidSRsrcID,D3 ; this upper nibble is invalid
; Get the saved monitor type from slot parameter RAM
; - Refer to IM V (Slot Manager) for a description of the sPRAM record. This card uses the
; - vendorUse1 field to hold the saved mode, and vendorUse2 field to hold the saved monitor type.
SUBA #sizesPRAMRec,SP ; make room for the pRAM block
MOVE.L SP,spResult(A0) ; point to it
_sReadPRAMRec ; read it
MOVE.B savedSRsrcID(SP),D1 ; save in D1
; initialize the 'Invalidate screen flag' to false
SF D2 ; $00 = don't invalidate later
; before we determine if the monitor has changed, determine which clock we're using
MOVE.L A1,A3 ; setup for call to pGetClockType
MOVEQ #true32b,D0 ; setup for change to 32 bit addressing
_SwapMMUMode ; do it
MOVE D0,D7 ; save past mode so it will be restored later
BSR pGetClockType ; returns clock type in D0
CMP.B savedClockType(SP),D0 ; check to see if it's changed
BEQ.S @checkMonitor ; it hasn't change so skip the rest
MOVE.B D0,savedClockType(SP) ; setup for when PRAM is reset as a f(D2)
ST D2 ; invalidate PRAM later
MOVE D7,D0 ; restore addressing mode
; get the low 3 bits of the saved sRsrc ID
BFEXTU D1{29:3},D0 ; get the last connected monitor state
; determine the state of the 'Invalidate screen flag' based on past and current monitor hookup
CMP.B D4,D0 ; compare the current sense with the saved sense
BEQ.S @sametype ; if equal then branch for further processing
ST D2 ; else the monitor has changed so set invalidate flag
BRA.S SizeVRAM ; and go on to next section of pinit
; - if we got here the basic monitor type was the same
MOVE.B D4,D0 ; get the current sense
ANDI.B #3,D0 ; only keep the lower two bits as they provide interlaced info
CMP.B #0,D0 ; compare the current sense with interlaced (special case)
BNE.S SizeVRAM ; if its not NTSC, then monitor is same and go to next section
; we're interlaced mode, so check to see if we shutdown in 32 bpp (special case because 24 bpp mode has a different baddr!)
; - if we're in this state, a special flag will be set in PRAM so SecondaryInit can write the correct baddr if installing
; - a 32 bit sRsrc. We can't simply look at driver privates or PRAM (savedMode) when 32 BQD is a patch because if the
; - card is the startup screen, the card will have been temporarily reset to 1 bpp by the system before secondaryinit
; - because 32 BQD will not have been loaded yet. During that temporary period, the driver privates and PRAM (savedMode)
; - will reflect 1 bpp. This is only a problem if our card is a startup screen! UGH... The special flag is reset to false
; - initially assuming the special case won't be in effect. Note that PInit is the sole place where this flag is set and
; - reset. It is never used by anyone, unless it's an interlaced monitor and the card is the startup screen.
MOVE.B #$00,specialFlag(SP)
TST.B D6 ; check for new slot manager
BEQ.S @hitPRAM ; 0=new, FF=old, branch if new (specialFlag should be false)
CMP.B #FifthVidMode,savedMode(SP) ; check past mode and compare with 32 bpp mode
BNE.S @hitPRAM ; past mode was 1,2,4, or 8 bpp (specialFlag should be false)
MOVE.B #$FF,specialFlag(SP) ; we don't have 32 BQD (yet) so this is probably the case
MOVE.L spResult(A0),spsPointer(A0) ; set up parameter block
_SPutPRAMRec ; write the new record out
; continue regular and weird interlaced initialization
BTST #fSRsrcOscanBit,D1 ; see if the requested NTSC spID is underscan (0) or overscan (1)
BEQ.S @uScan ; if it is underscan, don't set the overscan bit in D4
BSET #fSRsrcOscanBit,D4 ; it's overscan, so set the overscan bit in D4
CMP.B savedRawSRsrcID(SP),D1 ; this will only be different if the user did it thru monitors
BEQ.S SizeVRAM ; if they are equal go to next section
ST D2 ; it's changed so set invalidate flag
; size the video RAM and set VRAM configuration bit in mode nibble
MOVEQ #true32b,D0 ; setup for change to 32 bit addressing
_SwapMMUMode ; do it
MOVE D0,D7 ; save D0 for restore, since slotmgr could trash it on error
MOVE.L #TestPos,D1 ; get offset in D1
MOVE.L #OneBitGray,D5 ; get a test pattern
MOVE.L D5,(A1,D1.L) ; write it to alleged vRAM
MOVE.L MinusOne,-(SP) ; write out some garbage to clear data lines
ADDQ #4,SP ; and pitch it
CMP.L (A1,D1.L),D5 ; did it stick?
BNE.S DisableSRsrc ; if <>, 512 RAM
BSET #fSRsrcXMemBit,D4 ; set 1024 vRAM bit
; setup the sRsrc to disable and complete the formation of the spID in D4
BSET #fSRsrcMSBBit,D4 ; continue to form the spID in D4
TST.B D6 ; check for new slot manager
BEQ.S @1 ; 0=new, FF=old, branch if new and b4 will be 0 for 32 bit srsrc
BSET #fSRsrc24Bit,D4 ; complete the spID formation by setting the 24 bit srsrc bit
BRA.S CheckInval ; go to next section, the old slot manager doesn't allow disabling
@1 MOVE.B D4,D3 ; copy the desired spID to activate into the one to disable
BCHG #fSRsrcOscanBit,D3 ; swap the overscan/underscan bit in the one to disable
; invalidate the screen resource and save states in PRAM if the invalidate flag is set
TST.B D2 ; test to see if we should invalidate the screen and update pram
BEQ.S @FixStack ; if equal to 0 then don't do it
; it is not necessary to do this since CheckDevices will invalidate if the rect is different. The only case
; where this could be an issue would be if we come up with a different mem config (1 or 2 banks), or if we
; change monitors, but they have the same screen dimensions (like ntsc oscan and standard 13"). In the first
; case, the new sRsrc installed will only support certain valid screen depths and even if an past mode
; which is not in the new mode list is called, ChkMode will not allow the mode request. In the second case, the
; problem may result in desirable operation, since the menu bar will stick on the new monitor if it was there
; prior to the restart. (i.e. in other scenarios, like a different sized monitor, CheckDevices will invalidate
; and the main screen will go back to the card in the lower slot number).
; Although this allows various opportunities to simplify, I took the easy way out since we're so close to shipping,
; and I would hate to introduce a careless pinit bug at this point!.
;+++ CLR.B scrnInval ; flag CQD thta the scrn resource is bad
MOVE.B D4,savedSRsrcID(SP) ; put new monitor type in pBlock
MOVE.B D4,savedRawSRsrcID(SP) ; save spID in pram (this one's not changed by SetDefault)
MOVE.B #FirstVidMode,savedMode(SP) ; make one bit the new default (mode 128 is always the default)
MOVE.B #$00,specialFlag(SP) ; clear the special flag, since we are making 1 bpp the new depth
MOVE.L SP,spsPointer(A0) ; be careful, must be SP (not spResult(A0)), because the old slot
; mgr has a bug and trashed spResult(A0) on the last _SPutPRAMRec call.
_SPutPRAMRec ; write the new record out
ADDA #SizesPRAMRec,SP ; eliminate pram block
; reset b4 in D4 and D3 since the pruning logic works better if it's off (pram spID will have b4 set properly)
; - a side note...it is entirely possible that secondaryinit will need to fix up the active spID based on
; - the presence of 32 bqd. It will also have to fix up the diabled spID and fix PRAM...ugh!
BCLR #fSRsrc24Bit,D4 ; D4 now holds the active spID minus b4
BCLR #fSRsrc24Bit,D3 ; D3 now holds the disabled spID minus b4
; remove invalid sResource lists
; - The following section of code prunes out the undesirable and invalid sResources
; - from the sResource table. The undesirable sResources are the 24 bit sResources
; - when the new slot manager/32 BQD code is in ROM, or the undesirable sResources
; - are the 32 bit sResources when the new slot manager/32 BQD code is not present
; - or installed as a patch after primary initialization is run. Each bit in the
; - sResource ID has a meaning and it is summarized here:
; -
; - b7 = 1
; - b6 = 0
; - b5 = 1 if 1024K of vRAM, otherwise 0 for 512K of vRAM
; - b4 = 0 if 32 bit sRsrc, otherwise its a 24 bit sRsrc and b4 = 1
; - b3 = a b3, b2, b1 and b0 are used to identify monitor type
; - b2 = b b3, b2, b1 and b0 are used to identify monitor type
; - b1 = c b3, b2, b1 and b0 are used to identify monitor type
; - b0 = d b3, b2, b1 and b0 are used to identify monitor type
; -
; - b3:b2:b1:b0 = 0000 -> NTSC overscan "System 7.0" mode sRsrc
; - b3:b2:b1:b0 = 0001 -> 640 x 870 portrait monitor
; - b3:b2:b1:b0 = 0010 -> 512 x 384 modified Apple IIGS RGB monitor
; - b3:b2:b1:b0 = 0011 -> 1152 x 870 two page display monitor
; - b3:b2:b1:b0 = 0100 -> NTSC overscan mode sRsrc
; - b3:b2:b1:b0 = 0101 -> not used (reformats to 001 for RGBPortrait sense)
; - b3:b2:b1:b0 = 1110 -> 640 x 480 standard monitor
; - b3:b2:b1:b0 = 0111 -> not used (reformats to 011 for RGBKong sense)
; - b3:b2:b1:b0 = 1000 -> NTSC underscan "System 7.0" mode sRsrc
; - b3:b2:b1:b0 = 1001 -> not used (defaults to 0001)
; - b3:b2:b1:b0 = 1010 -> not used (defaults to 0010)
; - b3:b2:b1:b0 = 1011 -> not used (defaults to 0011)
; - b3:b2:b1:b0 = 1100 -> NTSC underscan mode sRsrc
; - b3:b2:b1:b0 = 1101 -> not used (defaults to 0001)
; - b3:b2:b1:b0 = 1110 -> not used (defaults to 0110)
; - b3:b2:b1:b0 = 1111 -> not used (defaults to 0011)
; - Once _sVersion is called, we know which version of the slot manager we have and
; - all of the undesirable sResources (determined by the mode list, b7, and b4) will
; - be deleted.
; -
; - After the undesirable sResources are removed, the invalid sResources are handled as in
; - previous Apple ROMs where the current mode (as determined by the monitor sense test and
; - vRAM test) is in the low 4 bits of D4 (see b3:b0 above). The current mode is compared
; - to all allowable modes and the invalid ones are deleted and the lone valid one is left.
; - Note that b2 is of no importance at this time and it is cleared prior to the comparisons.
; -
; - Refer to the Video Configuration ROM Software Specification (3/15/89) for details on the
; - goofy things required to play in a 32 bit world!!
MOVE D7,D0 ; restore previous mode in D0
_SwapMMUMode ; swap back to previous mode (contained in D0)
LEA pModeList,A2 ; A2 points to the Trident valid mode list
MOVEQ #sRsrc_NumModes-1,D1 ; counter in D1 (because of BRA, not -1)
@0 MOVE.B (A2)+,D2 ; get the partial spID to test against (24/32 addr bit not set)
TST.B D6 ; check which version of the slot manager
BNE.S @2 ; branch if old one so 32 bit sRsrcs are deleted
BSET #fSRsrc24Bit,D2 ; its the new one so 24 bit sRsrcs are deleted
@2 MOVE.B D2,spID(A0) ; set the mode
@5 _sDeleteSRTRec ; remove the invalid entry
DBRA D1,@0
BTST #fSRsrcBigScrnBit,D4 ; determine if its a Kong or Portrait from b0
BEQ.S @DontClear ; its not, so branch
BCLR #fSRsrcRGBBit,D4 ; bit 2 (RGB/BW select) not needed
LEA pModeList,A2 ; A2 points to the Trident valid mode list
MOVEQ #sRsrc_NumModes-1,D1 ; counter in D1 (because of BRA, not -1)
@10 MOVE.B (A2)+,D2 ; get the partial spID to test against (24/32 addr bit not set)
CMP.B D3,D2 ; see if this one should be disabled instead of deleted
BNE.S @7 ; it's not equal so it must be valid mode or to be deleted
TST.B D6 ; check for new slot manager
BNE.S @7 ; if the old one then we can't make the new call here
BCLR #fSRsrc24Bit,D2 ; it's the new slot mgr so it must be the 32 bit addr spID
MOVE.B D2,spID(A0) ; set up the spID to disable
MOVE.L #sRsrcDisable,spParamData(A0) ; set up for disable
CLR.B spExtDev(A0) ; external device = 0
_SetsRsrcState ; make the trap
CLR.L spParamData(A0) ; restore spParamData
BRA.S @20 ; go do the next one
CMP.B D4,D2 ; is this the valid mode?
BEQ.S @20 ; yup, so skip deletion
TST.B D6 ; check which version of the slot manager
BEQ.S @15 ; branch if new one so 32 bit sRsrc is formed
BSET #fSRsrc24Bit,D2 ; its the old one so form a 24 bit sRsrc spID
@15 MOVE.B D2,spID(A0) ; set the mode
_sDeleteSRTRec ; remove the invalid entry
ADDQ #1,D7 ; increment the # deleted counter
@20 DBRA D1,@10
CMP.W #sRsrc_NumModes,D7 ; check to see if we've deleted all sRsrcs (i.e. disconnected)
BEQ CleanUp ; if we have then get out, otherwise continue
MOVE.B D4,D2 ; spID to be used later for ntsc processing
ANDI.B #monSenseMask,D4 ; now only keep the monitor sense in D4
; Fix default video device in PRAM if necessary (This is to fix the MacsBug anchoring annoyance)
; - We use D6 to tell us whether we've installed a 32 bit sRsrc, since D2 was stripped of this
; - information earlier. This has to be unraveled in 2nd init, so check there for more weirdness!
TST.B D6 ; test to see if 32 BQD is around (and if we are a 32 bist sRsrc)
BEQ.S HWSetup ; branch over if we're already a 32 bit sRsrc
MOVE.B spSlot(A0),D3 ; get the current slot
SUBA #2,SP ; make a DefVideoRec
MOVE.L SP,A0 ; and point to it
_GetVideoDefault ; get the current default video device
CMP.B sdSlot(A0),D3 ; test to see if it's our slot
BNE.S @notWelcome ; if not then skip
BCLR #fSRsrc24Bit,D2 ; make a 32 bit sRsrc temporarily
CMP.B sdSResource(A0),D2 ; test to see if it's our 32 bit sRsrc
BNE.S @notWelcome ; if it's not then skip
BSET #fSRsrc24Bit,D2 ; fool MacsBug into thinking its 24 bit
MOVE.B D2,sdSResource(A0) ; do it
BCLR #fSRsrc24Bit,D2 ; restore D2
; setup hardware
CMP.B #Rubik,D4 ; is monitortype = Rubik
BEQ.S @useRubik ; if yes then get Rubik parameters
CMP.B #Kong,D4 ; is monitortype = Kong
BEQ.S @useKong ; if yes then get Kong parameters
CMP.B #Portrait,D4 ; else is monitortype = Portrait
BEQ.S @usePortrait ; if yes then get Portrait parameters
CMP.B #_NTSC_,D4 ; else is monitortype = NTSC
BEQ.S @testNTSC ; if yes then get NTSC parameters
CMP.B #rPAL,D4 ; else is monitortype = PAL
BEQ.S @testPAL ; if yes then get PAL parameters
LEA pOBM30Parms,A0 ; else it better be standard size monitor
BRA.S @setup ; branch to the setup code
@useRubik LEA pOBM16Parms,A0 ; point to the parameters
BRA.S @setup ; branch to the setup code
@useKong LEA pOBM100Parms,A0 ; point to the parameters
BRA.S @setup ; branch to the setup code
@usePortrait LEA pOBM57Parms,A0 ; point to the parameters
BRA.S @setup ; branch to the setup code
BTST #fSRsrcXMemBit,D2 ; D2 still contains the selected sRsrc ID
BEQ.S @useNTSC ; if only 1 bank (b3=0) then no convolution
BTST #fSRsrcOscanBit,D2 ; test the underscan (0) / overscan (1) bit
BEQ.S @useConvUscan ; if equal to 0 then its underscan so load uscan params
LEA pOBM12CParms,A0 ; if 2 banks (b3=1) then convolution
BRA.S @setup
@useConvUscan LEA pOBM12CuParms,A0
BRA.S @setup
@useNTSC BTST #fSRsrcOscanBit,D2
LEA pOBM12Parms,A0 ; point to the no convolution parameters
BRA.S @setup
@useNTSCu LEA pOBM12uParms,A0 ; point to the no convolution underscan paramters
BRA.S @setup
BTST #fSRsrcXMemBit,D2 ; D2 still contains the selected sRsrc ID
BEQ.S @usePAL ; if only 1 bank (b3=0) then no convolution
BTST #fSRsrcOscanBit,D2 ; test the underscan (0) / overscan (1) bit
BEQ.S @usePALConvUscan ; if equal to 0 then its underscan so load uscan params
LEA pOBM14CParms,A0 ; if 2 banks (b3=1) then convolution
BRA.S @setup
@usePALConvUscan LEA pOBM14CuParms,A0
BRA.S @setup
@usePAL BTST #fSRsrcOscanBit,D2
BEQ.S @usePALu
LEA pOBM14Parms,A0 ; point to the no convolution parameters
BRA.S @setup
@usePALu LEA pOBM14uParms,A0 ; point to the no convolution underscan paramters
MOVEQ #true32b,D0 ; change to 32 bit addressing to get
_SwapMMUMode ; at hardware
MOVE D0,-(SP) ; save past mode so it will be restored later
MOVE.L A1,A3 ; A3 <- slot base addr
ADD.L #CLUT+CLUTPBCR,A1 ; point to the CLUT Pixel Bus Control Register
CLR.L D0 ; to ensure that the upper 2 bytes are 0
MOVE.W (A0)+,D0 ; setup the CLUT PBCR (data table field is word sized)
MOVE.L D0,(A1)+ ; make a long write to hw always for this card
MOVE.L A3,A1 ; get back to the slot base addr
ADD.L #JMFB,A1 ; add cntl base offset to slotbase
MOVE.L A1,A2 ; save for later (A2 <- JMFB base)
MOVE.W #3,D1 ; setup the 4 JMFB registers
CLR.L D0 ; to ensure that the upper 2 bytes are 0
@part1 MOVE.W (A0)+,D0 ; do it (data table field is word sized)
MOVE.L D0,(A1)+ ; make a long write to hw always for this card
DBRA D1,@part1
BSR pGetClockType ; returns clock type in D0 (0=Endeavor, $FFFF=National)
MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; save the clock type
MOVE.L A3,A1 ; get back to the slot base addr
ADD.L #Endeavor,A1 ; point to the base of the Endeavor Registers
cmp.w #EndeavorID,D0 ; check for Endeavor
bne.s @natlClock
MOVE.W #2,D1 ; setup the 3 Endeavor registers
CLR.L D0 ; to ensure that the upper 2 bytes are 0
@part2 MOVE.W (A0)+,D0 ; do it (data table field is word sized)
MOVE.L D0,(A1)+ ; make a long write to hw always for this card
DBRA D1,@part2
ADD.L #16,A0 ; skip the National params (16*1)
BRA.S @startClock
ADD.L #6,A0 ; skip the Endeavor params (3 * 2)
MOVE.W #15,D1 ; setup the 16 National registers
CLR.L D0 ; to ensure that the upper 3 bytes are 0
@part2a MOVE.B (A0)+,D0 ; do it (data table field is byte sized)
MOVE.L D0,(A1)+ ; make a long write to hw always for this card
DBRA D1,@part2a
@startClock ADD.L #JMFBCSR,A2 ; point to JMFB CSR
MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ; restore the clock type
CMP.W #0,D0
BNE.S @SkipEndeavorReset
MOVE.L (A2),D1
ANDI.W #MaskSenseLine,D1 ; Ensure sense lines will be written out as 000
ORI.W #PIXSEL1,D1 ; set PIXSEL1 to start Endeavor
MOVE.L D1,(A2)
MOVE.W TimeDBRA,D1 ; setup delay loop count for 1 millisecond
DBRA D1,@delayLoop ; wait for stable clock from Endeavor
; The second 1 millisecond loop is a hedge that we wont ship a Mac that does a dbra 8 times faster
; than a IIfx. The parameter is word size and that is the only data size that dbra does anyway.
; The easier, but risker way would be to do a ASL.W #1,D1 in the first time loop.
MOVE.W TimeDBRA,D1 ; setup delay loop count for 1 millisecond
DBRA D1,@delayLoop2 ; wait for stable clock from National
; On a Cyclone 40, we needed an extra delay before enabling the Stopwatch <LW3>
; <LW3>
Wait5ms Move.l #(-5)<<16,d1 ; outer loop count 5*1ms <LW3>
@outer Move.w TimeDBRA,d1 ; inner loop count 1ms <LW3>
@inner dbra d1,@inner ; wait 1ms <LW3>
Addq.l #1,d1 ; increment outer loop counter <LW3>
Bne.s @outer ; wait 5*1ms <LW3>
MOVE.L (A2),D1
ANDI.W #MaskSenseLine,D1 ; Ensure sense lines will be written out as 000
ORI.W #VRSTB,D1 ; set VRSTB to start JMFB
MOVE.L D1,(A2)
MOVE.L A3,A1 ; get back to the slot base addr
ADD.L #Stopwatch,A1 ; point to the base of the Stopwatch Registers
MOVE.W #14,D1 ; setup next 15 registers (Stopwatch)
CLR.L D0 ; to ensure that the upper 2 bytes are 0
@part3 MOVE.W (A0)+,D0 ; do it (data table field is word sized)
MOVE.L D0,(A1)+ ; make a long write to hw always for this card
Move.l #(-5)<<16,d7 ; outer loop count 5*1ms <LW3>
@outer1 Move.w TimeDBRA,d7 ; inner loop count 1ms <LW3>
@inner1 dbra d7,@inner1 ; wait 1ms <LW3>
Addq.l #1,d7 ; increment outer loop counter <LW3>
Bne.s @outer1 ; wait 5*1ms <LW3>
Move.l (A2),D7 ; dummy read
; On a Cyclone 40, the writing of these registers does not happen, so, by trial and error, I put in <LW3>
; this 1 ms delay in writing each register. It could be MUNI writing data out too fast. <LW3>
; <LW3>
DBRA D1,@part3
MOVE.L #$6,(A1) ; both interrupts off and stopwatch soft reset in Pinit
MOVE.L #$07,(A1) ; now start Stopwatch
MOVE.L (A2),D1
ANDI.W #MaskSenseLine,D1 ; Ensure sense lines will be written out as 000
ORI.W #REFEN,D1 ; set REFEN to start VRAM refresh
MOVE.L D1,(A2)
MOVE.L A2,A4 ; save, since we'll start video as the last thing!
;+++ BSR PDelay1VSP ; wait for one vertical blanking interval
;+++ MOVE.L (A2),D1
;+++ ANDI.W #MaskSenseLine,D1 ; Ensure sense lines will be written out as 000
;+++ ORI.W #VIDGO,D1 ; set VRSTB line to start video transfer cycle ... Video!
;+++ MOVE.L D1,(A2)
; setup CLUT for 1 bit per pixel
MOVE.L A3,A1 ; get slotbase back into A1 from A3
MOVE.L #CLUT+CLUTDataReg,D1 ; get CLUT data register addr
MOVE.L #0,CLUTAddrReg-CLUTDataReg(A1,D1.L) ; set address reg to $0
; I noticed a problem with Trident on the RGB Kong (only the blue gun is active at PInit time). In the
; driver all of the guns are turned on correctly for RGB Kong. Since we are making a revision to the
; ROM for the RS170 stuff, I thought we'd fix this too, altho the implementation will be cleaned up again
; for the 4 layer board. For simplicity, all guns are activated in PInit, regardless if monochrome or RGB,
; and the driver will only activate the appropriate gun correctly. This will result in the nice gray screen
; during PInit on a RGB Kong if we ever make one!
BRA.S @RGB ; turn on all guns only during PInit
;+++ BTST #0,D4 ; check for Kong or Portrait monitor (bit 0 = 1)
;+++ BEQ.S @RGB ; if it is, branch and enable all 3 guns
;+++ ELSE
;+++ BRA.S @RGB ; always enable all guns for proto boards
;+++ ENDIF
; CLUT element 1 (white)
CLR.L (A1,D1.L) ; B/W mode so write black to red
CLR.L (A1,D1.L) ; " " " " black " green
MOVE.L #$FF,(A1,D1.L) ; " " " " white " blue
; CLUT element 2 (black)
CLR.L (A1,D1.L) ; write black to red
CLR.L (A1,D1.L) ; " " " green
CLR.L (A1,D1.L) ; " " " blue
BRA.S GrayScrn ; skip on to graying the screen section
; CLUT element 1 (white)
@RGB MOVE.L #$FF,(A1,D1.L) ; RGB so do them all, white to red
MOVE.L #$FF,(A1,D1.L) ; " " " " " " " green
MOVE.L #$FF,(A1,D1.L) ; : " " " " " " blue
; CLUT element 2 (black)
CLR.L (A1,D1.L) ; write black to red
CLR.L (A1,D1.L) ; " " " green
CLR.L (A1,D1.L) ; " " " blue
; gray the screen
; - Use the appropriate frame buffer offset depending on noninterlaced/interlaced operations.
; - Note that the first $2000 bytes of the frame buffer are always preloaded with black if
; - the mode is interlaced. This eliminates complicated logic like JMFBSetPage in the
; - driver and is little overhead to pay for noninterlaced operation. The first #2560 bytes
; - of the frame buffer are always preloaded with white if the mode is noninterlaced. You may
; - ask why ... well believe it or not, I found it very hard to believe initially!, if you
; - keep black in there, that translates to white when the user switches to 24 bpp mode and that
; - will cause the board to exceed EMI limits (It has to do with bank switching and the front
; - porch of vertical blanking). Note also that for simplicity, the hw and sw baseoffsets for the
; - big screens are the same as the small progressive screens.
MOVE.L A3,A2 ; retrieve saved slotbase address
ANDI.B #3,D4 ; last use of D4 and we're only interested in lo 2 bits
CMP.B #InterlacedScreen,D4 ; check to see if we're hooked up to interlaced (b0=b1=0)
BEQ.S @InterlacedBlackTop ; do the special interlaced blacken of the top fb section
MOVE.W #defmBaseOffset,D3 ; get the number of bytes to blacken for top in non interlaced modes
LSR #2,D3 ; convert bytes to longs
SUBQ #1,D3 ; and subtract 1 for dbra
@NxtTopLongNI MOVE.L #$00000000,(A2)+ ; write white (seen as black in 24 bpp) to top $2560 bytes in frame buffer for noninterlaced
DBF D3,@NxtTopLongNI ; loop until done
BRA.S @DoTheGray
MOVE.W #defmBaseOffset12,D3 ; get the number of bytes to blacken for top in interlaced modes
LSR #2,D3 ; convert bytes to longs
SUBQ #1,D3 ; and subtract 1 for dbra
@NxtTopLong MOVE.L #$FFFFFFFF,(A2)+ ; write black to top $2000 bytes in frame buffer for interlaced
DBF D3,@NxtTopLong ; loop until done
MOVE.L A3,A2 ; retrieve saved slotbase address
CMP.B #InterlacedScreen,D4 ; check to see if we're hooked up to interlaced (b0=b1=0)
BEQ.S @Interlaced ; if so use the interlaced baseoffset
ADD.L #defmBaseOffset,A2 ; if not, use normal offset and gray the screen
BRA.S @setPattern ; all done here ... go gray the screen
@Interlaced ADD.L #defmBaseOffset12,A2 ; We're in NTSC (convolution) so point to the phantom row
@setPattern MOVE.L #OneBitGray,D5 ; get 1 BPP dither gray pattern
MOVE.W (A0)+,D3 ; get the number of rows
NxtRow MOVE.W (A0),D1 ; get the number of rowlongs
NxtLong MOVE.L D5,(A2)+ ; write a line of gray
DBF D1,NxtLong
NOT.L D5 ; invert graypattern for dither
DBF D3,NxtRow ; repeat for all rows
BTST #fSRsrcOscanBit,D2 ; see if the requested NTSC spID is underscan (0) or overscan (1)
BNE.S SwapBack ; if overscan, we're all done here (No need to black the end part!)
MOVE.W #(256*58)-1,D1 ; should be 50 for RS170 and 58 for PAL, but it's easiest to do worst case
@BotBlock MOVE.L #-1,(A2)+
DBRA D1,@BotBlock
MOVE.L (A4),D1
ANDI.W #MaskSenseLine,D1 ; Ensure sense lines will be written out as 000
ORI.W #VIDGO,D1 ; set VRSTB line to start video transfer cycle ... Video!
MOVE.L D1,(A4)
MOVE (SP)+,D0 ; restore past mode to D0
_SwapMMUMode ; swap back to previous mode (D0 contains previous mode)
; clean up spBlock on stack
ADDA #spBlockSize,SP ; flush the block
; return to your regularily scheduled start code
If ForRom Then
Movem.l (Sp)+,SaveRegs
* pGetXtndSense reads the extended sense code from the sense lines.
* In this driver, we are looking for the Sarnoff breakout box, which
* has the sense lines assigned as 010100. Note that the returned sense
* is of the format bc ac ab, where the first two bits are read when a
* is set high, the second two bits are read when b is set high, and the
* third two bits are read when c is set high. a, b, and c correspond to
* sense lines 2, 1, and 0 where 2 is the msb.
* Called by:
* PrimaryInit, VideoOpen
* Traps and Utilities called:
* None.
* Register usage:
* Input:
* A1 - card base address
* D1 - offset to JMFB CSR (contains sense lines)
* Output:
* D0 - returns the extended sense.
* Locally used:
* D2 - scratch (saved and restored)
* D3 - scratch (used to hold the sense line to be output to the CSR
* (i.e. 100, 010, or 001)
* Miscellaneous:
* 1. Must be called in 32 bit addressing mode.
MOVEM.L D2-D6,-(SP) ; save D2 working register
CLR D0 ; initialize the return value
MOVE.L #9,D5 ; initialize the number of bits to shift due to byte swapping
MOVE.L #readBC,D3 ; set up 1 bit to be output
LSL D5,D3 ; shift up due to byte swapping
MOVE.L (A1,D1.L),D4 ; get current state of the JMFB CSR
ANDI.W #MaskSenseLine,D4 ; Ensure sense lines will be written out as 000
OR.L D3,D4 ; write out
MOVE.L D4,(A1,D1.L)
;+++ BFINS D3,(A1,D1.L){20:3} ; set a in sense reg high (This doesn't work to the card!)
BFEXTU (A1,D1.L){20:3},D2 ; read the sense register a,b,c
MOVE.B D2,D0 ; move into return register
LSL.B #2,D0 ; move over 2 bits for next one
MOVE.L #readAC,D3 ; set up 1 bit to be output
LSL D5,D3 ; shift up due to byte swapping
MOVE.L (A1,D1.L),D4 ; get current state of the JMFB CSR
ANDI.W #MaskSenseLine,D4 ; Ensure sense lines will be written out as 000
OR.L D3,D4 ; write out
MOVE.L D4,(A1,D1.L)
;+++ BFINS D3,(A1,D1.L){20:3} ; set b in sense reg high (This doesn't work to the card!)
BFEXTU (A1,D1.L){20:3},D2 ; read the sense register a,b,c
MOVE.B D2,D6 ; save bit c
ANDI.B #1,D6 ; and only bit c
LSR.B #1,D2 ; move bit a over 1 to form 2 bit code
OR.B D6,D2 ; form it
OR.B D2,D0 ; move into return register
LSL.B #2,D0 ; move over 2 bits for next one
MOVE.L #readAB,D3 ; set up 1 bit to be output
LSL.L D5,D3 ; shift up due to byte swapping
MOVE.L (A1,D1.L),D4 ; get current state of the JMFB CSR
ANDI.W #MaskSenseLine,D4 ; Ensure sense lines will be written out as 000
OR.L D3,D4 ; write out
MOVE.L D4,(A1,D1.L)
;+++ BFINS D3,(A1,D1.L){20:3} ; set c in sense reg high (This doesn't work to the card!)
BFEXTU (A1,D1.L){20:3},D2 ; read the sense register a,b,c
LSR.L #1,D2 ; shift a,b into lo 2 bits
OR.B D2,D0 ; move into return register
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D2-D6 ; restore D2
; pGetClockType determines if we have a National part or an Endeavor Part. D0 will return 00 it is
; an Endeavor part and will return a $FF if it is a National part. The Endeavor registers can be
; read as well as written to.
; A0 - used to point to the Endeavor/National address space
; A3 - Input and holds the slot base address for the card
; D0 - returns the result (0 = Endeavor, FF = National)
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; save work register
ADD.L #Endeavor,A0
MOVE.L #$55,(A0)
MOVE.L (A0),D0
AND.W #$00FF,D0
CMP.W #$55,D0
BNE.S @ItsNational
MOVE.L #$AA,(A0)
MOVE.L (A0),D0
AND.W #$00FF,D0
BNE.S @ItsNational
MOVE.W #EndeavorID,D0
BRA.S pEndGetClockType
@ItsNational MOVE.W #NationalID,D0
pEndGetClockType MOVE.L (SP)+,A0
; Here is the Trident valid mode list to be used in the pruning section.
; - note that only the 32 bit sRsrcs are shown here, the 24 bit ones are built
; - and used in the pruning section from these.
pModeList DC.B sRsrc_Vid12Au,sRsrc_Vid12Bu
DC.B sRsrc_Vid57A,sRsrc_Vid57B
DC.B sRsrc_Vid30A,sRsrc_Vid30B
DC.B sRsrc_Vid100A,sRsrc_Vid100B
DC.B sRsrc_Vid16A,sRsrc_Vid16B
DC.B sRsrc_Vid12A,sRsrc_Vid12B
If Not ForROM Then
DC.B sRsrc_Vid14Au,sRsrc_Vid14Bu
DC.B sRsrc_Vid14A,sRsrc_Vid14B
; Here are the Elmer hardware parameters for the 4 different monitors. The seven lines of data
; correspond to the initialization setup sequence summarized below.
; Line 1 - CLUT PBCR
; Line 2 - JMFB CSR, JMFB load divisor register, JMFB base register,JMFB row long words register
; Line 3 - Endeavor M, Endeavor N, Endeavor external clock
; Line 4 - Stopwatch horizontal timing control parameters (see Stopwatch spec)
; Line 5 - Stopwatch vertical timing control parameters (see Stopwatch spec)
; Line 6 - Stopwatch composite timing control parameters (see Stopwatch spec)
; Line 7 - Stopwatch vertical interrupts enable
; The last two lines of data are used to determine the appropriate number of lines and longs/row
; to be used while graying the screen.
pOBM14Parms DC.W $0080
DC.W $8113,$00E0,defmBaseOffset12>>5,OBM14RB/4
DC.W $8112,$00E0,defmBaseOffset12>>5,OBM14RB/4
DC.W $0000,$0000,$0000
DC.B $0D,$09,$01,$00,$06,$04,$00,$01
DC.B $01,$03,$0D,$06,$00,$01,$00,$00
DC.W $0003,$0000,$0160,$02FE,$0031,$0043,$0036
DC.W $0003,$0000,$023F,$0028,$0005,$0005
DC.W $005E,$0193
DC.W defmBounds_B14-1
DC.W (OBM14RB/4)-1
pOBM14CParms DC.W $00C1
DC.W $8133,$00F8,(defmbaseOffset12-convBOfix)>>5,OBM14CRB/4
DC.W $8132,$00F8,(defmbaseOffset12-convBOfix)>>5,OBM14CRB/4
DC.W $0000,$0000,$0000
DC.B $0D,$09,$01,$00,$06,$04,$00,$01
DC.B $01,$01,$0D,$06,$00,$01,$00,$00
DC.W $0003,$0000,$0160,$02FE,$0031,$0043,$0036
DC.W $0003,$0000,$023F,$0028,$0005,$0005
DC.W $005E,$0193
DC.W defmBounds_B14-1
DC.W (OBM14CRB/4)-1
pOBM14uParms DC.W $0080
DC.W $8113,$00E0,defmBaseOffset12>>5,OBM14uRB/4
DC.W $8112,$00E0,defmBaseOffset12>>5,OBM14uRB/4
DC.W $0000,$0000,$0000
DC.B $0D,$09,$01,$00,$06,$04,$00,$01
DC.B $01,$03,$0D,$06,$00,$01,$00,$00
DC.W $0003,$0000,$0114,$0266,$007D,$0043,$0082
DC.W $0003,$0000,$0205,$0062,$0005,$0005
DC.W $005E,$0193
DC.W defmBounds_B14u-1
DC.W (OBM14uRB/4)-1
pOBM14CuParms DC.W $00C1
DC.W $8133,$00F8,(defmbaseOffset12-convBOfix)>>5,OBM14CRB/4
DC.W $8132,$00F8,(defmbaseOffset12-convBOfix)>>5,OBM14CRB/4
DC.W $0000,$0000,$0000
DC.B $0D,$09,$01,$00,$06,$04,$00,$01
DC.B $01,$01,$0D,$06,$00,$01,$00,$00
DC.W $0003,$0000,$0114,$0266,$007D,$0043,$0082
DC.W $0003,$0000,$0205,$0062,$0005,$0005
DC.W $005E,$0193
DC.W defmBounds_B14u-1
DC.W (OBM14CRB/4)-1
pOBM12Parms DC.W $0080
DC.W $0113,$00E0,defmbaseOffset12>>5,OBM12CRB/4
DC.W $0112,$00E0,defmbaseOffset12>>5,OBM12CRB/4
DC.W $001B,$00B0,$0000
DC.B $0c,$01,$02,$00,$07,$03,$00,$00
DC.B $00,$04,$0D,$06,$04,$01,$00,$00
DC.W $0003,$0000,$0136,$027E,$0012,$003A,$003a
DC.W $0003,$0000,$01E0,$0021,$0006,$0006
DC.W $006E,$014a
DC.W defmBounds_B12-1
DC.W (OBM12CRB/4)-1
pOBM12CParms DC.W $00C1
DC.W $0133,$00F8,(defmbaseOffset12-OBM12CRB)>>5,OBM12CRB/4
DC.W $0132,$00F8,(defmbaseOffset12-OBM12CRB)>>5,OBM12CRB/4
DC.W $006C,$00B0,$0000
DC.B $0c,$01,$02,$00,$07,$03,$00,$00
DC.B $00,$02,$0D,$06,$04,$01,$00,$00
DC.W $0003,$0000,$0136,$027E,$0012,$003A,$003A
DC.W $0003,$0000,$01E0,$0021,$0006,$0006
DC.W $006E,$014a
DC.W defmBounds_B12-1
DC.W (OBM12CRB/4)-1
pOBM12uParms DC.W $0080
DC.W $0113,$00E0,defmbaseOffset12>>5,OBM12CRB/4
DC.W $0112,$00E0,defmbaseOffset12>>5,OBM12CRB/4
DC.W $001B,$00B0,$0000
DC.B $0c,$01,$02,$00,$07,$03,$00,$00
DC.B $00,$04,$0D,$06,$04,$01,$00,$00
; Based on lab measurements the delta value to fp/bp is $8 rather than $20.
DC.W $0003,$0000,$00f4,$01fe,$0054,$003A,$0078
DC.W $0003,$0000,$01B0,$0051,$0006,$0006
DC.W $006E,$014A
DC.W defmBounds_B12u-1
DC.W (OBM12CRB/4)-1
pOBM12CuParms DC.W $00C1
DC.W $0133,$00F8,(defmbaseOffset12-OBM12CRB)>>5,OBM12CRB/4
DC.W $0132,$00F8,(defmbaseOffset12-OBM12CRB)>>5,OBM12CRB/4
DC.W $006C,$00B0,$0000
DC.B $0c,$01,$02,$00,$07,$03,$00,$00
DC.B $00,$02,$0D,$06,$04,$01,$00,$00
; Based on lab measurements the delta value to fp/bp is $8 rather than $20.
DC.W $0003,$0000,$00f4,$01fe,$0054,$003A,$0078
DC.W $0003,$0000,$01B0,$0051,$0006,$0006
DC.W $006E,$014A
DC.W defmBounds_B12u-1
DC.W (OBM12CRB/4)-1
pOBM16Parms DC.W $0080
DC.W $0083,$00E0,defmBaseOffset>>5,OBM16RB/4
DC.W $0082,$00E0,defmBaseOffset>>5,OBM16RB/4
DC.W $002F,$00F0,$0000
DC.B $0E,$05,$00,$00,$0F,$00,$00,$00
DC.B $00,$03,$0D,$06,$04,$01,$00,$00
DC.W $0003,$0000,$0100,$01FE,$002A,$001E,$0032
DC.W $0003,$0000,$0300,$0026,$0006,$0002
DC.W $0004,$0260
DC.W defmBounds_B16-1
DC.W (OBM16RB/4)-1
pOBM30Parms DC.W $00C0
DC.W $0083,$00F8,defmBaseOffset>>5,OBM30RB/4
DC.W $0082,$00F8,defmBaseOffset>>5,OBM30RB/4
DC.W $0011,$002d,$0000
DC.B $0F,$07,$00,$00,$05,$01,$00,$00
DC.B $00,$02,$0D,$06,$04,$01,$00,$00
DC.W $0003,$0000,$0050,$009E,$000A,$000E,$001A
DC.W $0003,$0000,$03C0,$004E,$0006,$0006
DC.W $0004,$00c8
DC.W defmBounds_B30-1
DC.W (OBM30RB/4)-1
pOBM57Parms DC.W $00A0
DC.W $0003,$00F0,defmBaseOffset>>5,OBM57RB/4
DC.W $0002,$00F0,defmBaseOffset>>5,OBM57RB/4
DC.W $002b,$003c,$0000
DC.B $0E,$07,$00,$00,$06,$01,$00,$00
DC.B $00,$01,$0D,$06,$04,$01,$00,$00
DC.W $0003,$0000,$00A0,$013E,$0012,$0026,$0022
DC.W $0003,$0000,$06CC,$0054,$0006,$0006
DC.W $0000,$0178
DC.W defmBounds_B57-1
DC.W (OBM57RB/4)-1
pOBM100Parms DC.W $00C0
DC.W $2003,$00F8,defmBaseOffset>>5,OBM100RB/4
DC.W $2002,$00F8,defmBaseOffset>>5,OBM100RB/4
DC.W $0005,$0004,$0000
DC.B $0E,$0B,$00,$00,$03,$01,$00,$00
DC.B $00,$01,$0D,$06,$04,$01,$00,$00
DC.W $0003,$0000,$0090,$011E,$0016,$001E,$0012
DC.W $0003,$0000,$06CC,$004E,$0006,$0006
DC.W $0000,$014C
DC.W defmBounds_B100-1
DC.W (OBM100RB/4)-1
If ForRom Then