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2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00
; File: CMMAINT.a
; Written by: Bill Bruffey
; Copyright: © 1984-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <2> 9/10/91 JSM Add a header.
; <1.3> 3/2/89 DNF removed references to forROM; HFS now builds identically for ram
; or rom
; <1.2> 11/21/88 CCH Replaced references to forRAM with “NOT forROM.”
; <1.1> 11/10/88 CCH Fixed Header.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; <•1.1> 9/23/88 CCH Got rid of inc.sum.d and empty nFiles
; <1.0> 2/11/88 BBM Adding file for the first time into EASE…
; 10/27/86 BB Vectored LocCRec routine.
; 9/25/86 BB Updated to use new MPW equate files.
; 10/16/85 BB Modified all routines to use new new MOVEQ error code equates.
; 9/9/85 BB Added UpdCName and modified BuildKey to use it.
; 8/29/85 BB Blockmove arg fix.
; 7/29/85 BB Modified CMKeyCmp to use RelString.
; 7/24/85 BB Modified BuildKey to truncate CNames to max length
; 7/10/85 BB Added CMFlush routine.
; 6/22/85 PWD Changed to force keys in root's parent to full length for easy
; replacement.
; 6/13/85 BB Cleaned it up some.
; 3/15/85 BB Modified to use A6 stack.
; 3/7/85 BB Modified to support the existence of a root directory record.
; 2/13/85 BB Added CM key compare routine.
; 1/2/85 BB Re-worked adding LocCRec.
; 12/17/84 BB Added LocCNode.
; 12/13/84 BB Birth.
; External
; Routines: BuildKey - Constructs a catalog key record (ckr) given the
; parent directory ID and CName.
; CMFlush - Flushes the catalog for a specified volume.
; CMKeyCmp - Compares two catalog keys.
; LocCNode - Locates the catalog record for an existing directory
; or file CNode.
; LocCRec - Locates a catalog record in the catalog BTree file.
; UpdCName - Updates a CName.
; Function: These routines provide low level utility functions used to
; maintain the file catalog.
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
EXPORT BuildKey,CMFlush,CMKeyCmp,LocCNode,LocCRec,UpdCName
EXPORT vLocCRec ;<27Oct86>
IMPORT BTFlush,BTSearch,BTUpdate,MarkVCB,FlushMDB
; Routine: BuildKey
; Function: Constructs a catalog key record (ckr) given the parent
; directory ID and CName.
; Input: D0.L - parent directory id
; A0.L - addr(CName)
; A1.L - addr(ckr buffer)
; Output: A1.L - addr(ckr buffer) containing key record
MOVEM.L D0/A0-A1,-(SP) ; save regs
MOVE.B #6,ckrKeyLen(A1) ; initial key length
CLR.B ckrResrv1(A1) ; clear unused byte
MOVE.L D0,ckrParID(A1) ; parent ID
CLR.B ckrCName(A1) ; assume null CName
MOVE.L A0,D0 ; CName given?
BEQ.S BKExit ; no, all done ->
MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; save ptr to ckr <09Sep85>
LEA ckrCName(A1),A1 ; dest = CName in ckr buffer <09Sep85>
BSR UpdCName ; move in the CName <09Sep85>
MOVE.B (A1),D0 ; get CName length <09Sep85>
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A1 ; restore ptr to ckr <09Sep85>
ADD.B D0,ckrKeyLen(A1) ; add CName length to key length <09Sep85>
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/A0-A1 ; restore regs
RTS ; exit BuildKey
; Routine: CMFlush (CM Flush)
; Function: Flushes the catalog for a specified volume.
; Input: A2.L - VCB pointer
; Output: D0.W - result code
; 0 = ok
; other = error
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
MOVEM.L D1/A1,-(A6) ; save registers
MOVE.W VCBCTRef(A2),D1 ; D1 = refnum of catalog file
MOVE.W D1,D0 ; flush the catalog BTree
JSR BTFlush ;
BNE.S CFExit1 ; error ->
MOVEA.L FCBSPtr,A1 ; FCB dirty?
BTST #FCBModBit,FCBMdRByt(A1,D1.W) ;
BEQ.S CFExit ; no, all done ->
JSR MarkVCB ; mark the VCB dirty
JSR FlushMDB ; flush the MDB
BNE.S CFExit1 ; error ->
CLR.W D0 ; result ='ok'
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1/A1 ; restore registers
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit CMFlush
; Routine: CMKeyCmp (CM Key Compare)
; Function: Compares two catalog keys (a search key and a trial key).
; Input: A0.L - search key pointer
; A1.L - trial key pointer
; Output: D0.W - result code
; +n search key > trial key
; 0 search key = trial key
; -n search key < trial key
; Called By: SearchNode (in BTMaint2)
MOVEM.L D1-D2/A0-A3,-(SP) ; save registers
MOVEA.L A0,A2 ; A2 = ptr(search key)
MOVEA.L A1,A3 ; A3 = ptr(trial key)
; compare DirID's first
MOVE.L ckrParID(A2),D0 ; compare parID's
CMP.L ckrParID(A3),D0 ;
BHI.S KCIsGT ; search ParID > trial parID ->
BLO.S KCIsLT ; search ParID < trial parID ->
; ParID's are equal, compare the CNames
LEA ckrCName(A2),A0 ; ptr(CName string) for search key
LEA ckrCName(A3),A1 ; ptr(CName string) for trial key
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; D0(high order word) = length(search key)
MOVE.B (A0)+,D0 ;
SWAP D0 ; D0(low order word) = length(trial key)
MOVE.B (A1)+,D0 ;
_RelString ; compare the CNames
BEQ.S KCIsEQ ; search CName = trail CName ->
BGT.S KCIsGT ; search CName > trail CName ->
MOVEQ #-1,D0 ; result = "less than"
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; result = "equal"
MOVEQ #1,D0 ; result = "greater than"
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1-D2/A0-A3 ; restore registers
TST.W D0 ; set up condition codes
RTS ; exit CMKeyCmp
; Routine: LocCNode (Locate CNode)
; Function: Locates the catalog record for an existing directory or file
; CNode and returns pointers to the key and data records.
; Input: A2.L - VCB pointer
; A4.L - ptr(CM vars)
; D0.L - DirID or parent DirID
; A0.L - CName pointer
; D2.L - catalog hint (node address)
; Output: D0.W - result code
; 0 = ok
; CMnotfound = CNode not found
; -n = IO error
; A0.L - pointer to catalog key record (ckr)
; A1.L - pointer to catalog data record (cdr)
; D1.W - size of catalog data record
; D2.L - catalog hint
; A2.L - VCB pointer
; A4.L - ptr(CM vars, contains key record)
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
; locate catalog record using given CNode specification
JSR LocCRec ; locate the record
BNE.S LCExit ; didn't find it ->
CMPI.B #cdrThdRec,cdrType(A1) ; thread record ?
BNE.S LCExit ; no, all done ->
; thread record found, locate corresponding directory record
LEA thdCName(A1),A0 ; addr(directory CName)
MOVE.L thdParID(A1),D0 ; parent directory ID
BSR LocCRec ; locate directory record
; clean up and exit
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit LocCNode
; Routine: LocCRec (Locate Catalog Record)
; Function: Locates an catalog record in the catalog BTree file and returns
; a pointers to the key and data records. If DirID is specified,
; the corresponding thread record is located. If ParID/CName is
; specified, the corresponding directory or file record is located.
; Input: A2.L - VCB pointer
; A4.L - ptr(CM vars)
; D0.L - DirID or parent DirID
; A0.L - CName pointer
; D2.L - catalog hint
; Output: D0.W - result code
; 0 = ok
; CMnotfound = CNode not found
; -n = IO error
; A0.L - pointer to catalog key record (ckr)
; A1.L - pointer to catalog data record (cdr)
; D1.W - size of catalog data record
; D2.L - catalog hint
; A2.L - VCB pointer
; A4.L - ptr(CM vars, contains key record)
MOVE.L jLocCRec,-(SP) ; jump table entry for vLocCRec <27Oct86>
RTS ; go there <27Oct86>
vLocCRec ; 'vectored' LocCRec routine <27Oct86>
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
; build key record
LEA ckrOff(A4),A1 ; addr(key record buffer)
JSR BuildKey ; build key record
; locate catalog record in BTree
MOVE.L A0,D0 ; CName given?
BNE.S @1 ; yes, use hint ->
CLR.L D2 ; no, dont't use hint
@1 LEA ckrOff(A4),A0 ; addr(key record)
MOVE.W vcbCtRef(A2),D0 ; catalog file refnum
JSR BTSearch ; locate record in BTree
BEQ.S LRExit ; found it ->
CMP.W #BTnotfound,D0 ; record not found?
BNE.S LRExit ; no, some other error ->
MOVEQ #CMnotfound,D0 ; set CM result code <16Oct85>
; BRA.S LRExit ; exit -> <25Sep86>
; found the record, set return stuff and exit
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set condition codes
RTS ; exit LocCRec
; Routine: UpdCName
; Function: Updates a CName.
; Input: A0.L - pointer to source CName
; A1.L - pointer to destination CName
; Output: none
MOVEM.L D0-D1/A0-A1,-(SP) ; save regs <09Sep85>
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; D0 = source CName length <09Sep85>
MOVE.B (A0)+,D0 ; <09Sep85>
MOVEQ #CMMaxCName,D1 ; D1 = max CName length <09Sep85>
CMP.W D1,D0 ; CName length > max? <09Sep85>
BLE.S @1 ; no -> <09Sep85>
MOVE.W D1,D0 ; yes, truncate to max <09Sep85>
@1 MOVE.B D0,(A1)+ ; set length byte <09Sep85>
_BlockMove ; copy CName to dest <09Sep85>
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0-D1/A0-A1 ; restore regs <09Sep85>
RTS ; exit UpdCName <09Sep85>