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; File: SCSIMgrDB.a
; Contains: DB Lite SCSI Manager c80 routines
; Written by: James Blair
; Copyright: © 1992, 1994 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds: ROM
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM3> 1/26/94 rab Removed padForOverpatch stuff from the end of this file
; (SuperMario does not use it…).
; <SM2> 9/1/93 SKH Rolled in changes from Horror
; <SM1> 2/5/93 CSS Checkin from Horror.
; <H3> 6/25/92 SWC jab/Change to fix bus failed arbitration recovery bug. Changed
; the algorithm to try the external bus if arbitration fails on
; the first access to the internal bus (diskless DB Lite). There
; is still the problem as to why arbitration fails when no devices
; are attached.
; <H2> 3/3/92 SWC Added overpatch padding.
; <H1> 2/10/92 SWC jab/Added dual SCSI bus code for DBLite to HORROR.
MACHINE MC68020 ; '020-level
BLANKS ON ; assembler accepts spaces & tabs in operand field
STRING ASIS ; generate string as specified
PRINT OFF ; do not send subsequent lines to the listing file
; don't print includes
dbugSCSIDB EQU 0 ; for debugging purposes (builds an INIT if set)
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d' ; from StandardEqu.a and for building ROMs
INCLUDE 'HardwareEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'UniversalEqu.a' ; for TestFor
PRINT ON ; do send subsequent lines to the listing files
IMPORT SCSIExitCleanup, SCSIStdExit, Select, Arbitrate, NoByteExit
WITH scsiPB, scsiPrivPB ; access record without explicit qualification
WITH scsiGlobalRecord, dcInstr
WITH ExpandMemRec ; For File System hook
WITH PmgrRec,SleepqRec,pmCommandRec
; (8)
; If we have two scsi buses, hard reset both since the interface does not provide a
; way for the client to specify a target bus in a dual-SCSI bus system.
; Uses: a0,a3
; Input:
; d0 -> copy of trap selector
; a3 -> base address of targetted controller
; a4 -> SCSIGlobals pointer
; Return Codes:
; noErr
move.l a0, -(sp) ; save a0
move.l base5380_1(a4), a3 ; load ptr for SBus0
movea.l jvResetBus(a4), a0 ; get address of SCSI reset routine
jsr (a0) ; reset SCSI bus and kill all requests
bsr.l SCSIExitCleanup ; clean up to leave
move.l base5380_2(a4), d0 ; is the external SCSI chip base address valid?
beq.s @noSCSIc80_2 ; -> no, nothing to reset
movea.l d0,a3 ; load ptr for SBus1
movea.l jvResetBus(a4), a0 ; get address of SCSI reset routine
jsr (a0) ; reset SCSI bus and kill all requests
bsr.l SCSIExitCleanup ; clean up to leave
move.l (sp)+, a0 ; restore a0
move.w zeroReg, 8(a6) ; always returns 0 status
moveq.l #0, d0 ; no arguments to clean up
bra.l SCSIStdExit
; (8)
; Arbitrate for the SCSI bus. Returns 0 for success, or error.
bset.b #scBusy,G_State(a4) ; wait for the free state
bne.s @wasBusy ; if nonzero, SCSI Mgr was in use
move.w sr,-(sp) ; hold onto status register
ori.w #HiIntMask,sr ; lock out interrupts during critical section
move.w (sp),d0 ; get original status register contents
andi.w #HiIntMask,d0 ; mask out all but the interrupt level bits
beq.s @enqueueDummy ; not at interrupt level, so continue normally
tst.l scsiQHead(a4) ; is the queue currently empty ?
beq.s @enqueueDummy ; if so, we'll be at the front
move.w (sp)+,sr ; restore interrupt level
moveq.l #scMgrBusyErr,d0 ; pretend SCSI Mgr was not free
bra.s @exit ; bail out in order to avoid deadlock
lea.l dummy(a4),a1 ; point to placeholder SCSI request
moveq.l #enqNormal,d0 ; normal enqueue call
movea.l jvEnDequeue(a4),a0 ; addr of enqueue/dequeue routine
jsr (a0) ; stick the placeholder in the queue
move.w (sp)+,sr ; restore interrupt level
cmpa.l scsiQHead(a4),a1 ; are we on the front of the queue ?
bne.s @wait ; if so, keep waiting
move.l zeroReg,d0 ; disable SCSI interrupts with old SCSI Mgr
movea.l jvDisEnable(a4),a0
jsr (a0)
If isUniversal Then
TestFor hwCbPwrMgr ; do we have a power manager?
beq.s @nopmgr
; This portion of code freezes the "Spin Down" timer for the hard disk, preventing
; the Power Mgr from cutting hard disk power during ANY SCSI transaction.
movea.l PmgrBase,a0 ; point to Pmgr locals
move.l zeroReg,LastHd(a0) ; always freeze the spin down timer
bset.b #HDPowerOn,PmgrFlags(a0) ; set flag indicating drive is now spun up <t11> djw
bne.s @nopmgr ; drive already spun up - skip PmgrOp call <t11> djw
@startItUp ; power up the hard drive
link a6,#-14 ; Power Mgr task, and 2-byte buffer
lea.l -14(a6),a0 ; point to the parameter block
move.w #powerCntl,pmCommand(a0) ; power up the SCSI +5V and +12V
move.w #1,pmLength(a0) ; one byte of data in buffer
move.w #hdOn*256,-2(a6) ; hdOn command
pea.l -2(a6) ; address of the send buffer
move.l (sp)+,pmSBuffer(a0) ; save the send buffer pointer
move.l zeroReg,pmRBuffer(a0) ; no data to be received
_PmgrOp ; send it off to the Power Mgr
unlk a6 ; release local storage
move.w d0,8(a6) ; return code
bra.l NoByteExit
; (8) (10)
; Select the target on the bus. Returns 0 for success, or error.
; Selection can be done with or without the ATN line.
bset.b #scBusy,G_State(a4) ; make sure we are marked busy (for dudes who bypass SCSIGet)
moveq.l #0,d0 ; clear upper bits
move.w 8(a6),d0 ; get the target's ID
cmp.w #scsiSelAtn, d1 ; select with ATN?
bne.s @noATN ; no ATN
bset.l #31, d0 ; use ATN
move.l d0, G_TargetID(a4) ; remember destination ID & ATN bit
move.l d0,d6 ; make a copy
btst.b d0, G_SCSIDevMap1(a4) ; if this device is marked as on bus 1...
bne.s @SBus1 ; then try select on bus 1
@SBus0 ; else try select on bus 0
move.l base5380_1(a4),a3 ; base address of the internal c80 bus
move.l a3,base5380(a4) ; expected SCSI base adrs for this ID for SCSIRead/Write/Complete etc.
move.l pdma5380_1(a4),pdma5380(a4) ; load SCSI base 1
move.l hhsk5380_1(a4),hhsk5380(a4) ; load SCSI base 1
bsr.l Arbitrate
beq.s @arbsucc_1 ; branch if no error
btst.b d0,G_SCSIDevMap0(a4) ; check if device was supposed to be on this bus <H3>
beq.s @SBus1 ; no, so try other bus (this one may be hung) <H3>
move.l d0,-(sp) ; save d0
bsr.l SCSIExitCleanUp ; clean up to leave
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; restore d0
bra.s @exit ; if we fail here we may have to try external bus
move.l d6,d0 ; restore destination ID & ATN bit
bsr.l Select ; try it
bne.s @fldSel0 ; branch if select failed
bset.b d0, G_SCSIDevMap0(a4) ; else record this device's existence
bra.s @exit
btst.b d0, G_SCSIDevMap0(a4) ; if this device was marked as on bus 0
bne.s @error ; then we return an error <H3>
; else we try bus 1
move.l base5380_2(a4),d2 ; is the external SCSI chip base address valid?
beq.s @NoSCSIBus2 ; -> no, cleanup and bail
movea.l d2,a3 ; base address of the external c80 bus
move.l a3,base5380(a4) ; expected SCSI base adrs for this ID for SCSIRead/Write/Complete etc.
move.l pdma5380_2(a4),pdma5380(a4) ; load SCSI base 2
move.l hhsk5380_2(a4),hhsk5380(a4) ; load SCSI base 2
bsr.l Arbitrate
beq.s @arbsucc_2 ; branch if no error
move.l d0,-(sp) ; save d0
bsr.l SCSIExitCleanUp ; clean up to leave
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; restore d0
bra.s @exit
move.l d6,d0 ; restore destination ID & ATN bit
bsr.l Select ; try it
bne.s @error ; branch if select failed
bset.b d6,G_SCSIDevMap1(a4) ; else record this device's existence
bra.s @exit
move.l d0,-(sp) ; save d0
bsr.l SCSIExitCleanUp ; clean up to leave
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; restore d0
move.w d0,10(a6) ; return the result
moveq.l #2,d0 ; stack cleanup
bra.l SCSIStdExit
@NoSCSIBus2 CLR.B G_SCSIDevMap1(a4) ; no external SCSI bus, so show no devices
MOVEQ #scCommErr,D0 ; return a communications error
BRA.S @error ; exit <H3>