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; File: TFSDIR1.a
; Contains: This file contains mostly volume-level routines.
; Copyright: © 1982-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM4> 8/27/93 BH Removed <SM3>. The flushing stuff is now in CmdDone.
; <SM3> 8/3/93 BH Flushing critical volume info when changed for a volume in a
; manual-eject drive.
; <SM2> 5/21/92 kc Append "Trap" to the names of OpenDF and OpenRF to avoid name
; conflict with the glue.
; <SM1> 4/1/92 kc Roll in PreflightOpenRF, PreflightFileOpen, ParallelWDCBFromRefnum,
; GetParallelFCBFromRefnum ParallelFCBFromRefnum and OpenDF from
; FileManagerPatches.a.
; • Pre-SuperMario comments follow •
; <3> 9/12/91 JSM Cleanup header.
; <2> 4/24/91 dba get rid of bogus branch that was causing a warning
; <1.4> 6/15/89 JB preserve IOParamBlock address during additions to _Open
; <1.3> 6/12/89 JB Fixed file _Open to load the actual file name from the catalog
; record into the FCB rather than from the IOParamBlock. File name
; case will always be that of the name stored in the catalog.
; <1.2> 3/2/89 DNF removed references to forROM; HFS now builds identically for ram
; or rom
; <1.1> 11/10/88 CCH Fixed Header.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; <1.0> 2/11/88 BBM Adding file for the first time into EASE…
; 2/3/87 BB Replaced use of "FCBEntLen" equate with the use of low memory
; variable "FSFCBLen".
; 2/3/87 BB Removed set up of users own buffer in open. This MFS feature is
; no longer supported.
; 1/14/86 LAK Check volume for writability after FndFilName (ROM75Fix patch).
; The check in MFSCreate was no longer necessary and was deleted.
; 10/29/85 LAK Vectored FileOpen, PermssnChk.
; 10/28/85 PWD Implemented new shared-write access mode on _Open.
; 10/25/85 PWD Fixed PushCName/PopCName to not rely on length to be a longword.
; 10/23/85 LAK Initialize Ownbuf buffer for cache use.
; 10/21/85 PWD Changed Open to save file-locked state in FCB flags [FCBFilLck
; bit]
; 10/20/85 LAK Added back code to store OwnBuf in FCB in case we want to use it
; someday.
; 10/16/85 PWD Changed PermssnChk to separate out FCBScan for _LockRng use.
; 10/1/85 LAK Removed convert of internal errors to TFDSIntErr.
; 8/31/85 LAK Removed support of OwnBuf for TFS.
; 8/28/85 LAK Cleaned up permission check code.
; 8/22/85 PWD Added support for file-specific clump sizes.
; 6/20/85 PWD Changed to use new system CNode equates
; 6/19/85 PWD Changed misleading IOErr returns to FSDSIntErr.
; 6/4/85 PWD Changed CreateDir to return the DirID of the new directory.
; 5/1/85 PWD Added separate CreateDir entry point.
; 4/26/85 PWD Changed Open to copy Finder type bytes for use in tags (to
; improve volume scavengibility).
; 4/25/85 PWD Changed to convert internal errors to IOErr.
; 3/10/85 PWD Added PushCName and PopCName.
; 2/27/85 PWD Moved FndFilSpc to MFSDir1.
; 2/25/85 GJC Created TFSDir1 from FSDir1; modified Create to pass control to
; MFSCreate for MFS volume creations, changed Create to handle
; creations of files and directories on TFS volumes.
; 9/29/84 GSS Bug fix in FileOpen to the 7 Aug 84 mod (created label @8)
; 8/7/84 GSS Modified FileOpen to adjust EOF for the just opened file if to
; match other already opened forks of the same file. (This was
; part of the OpenFix in MSFileFix).
; 8/6/84 GSS Fixed FileOpen to allow Open, OpenRF calls to open locked files
; with read/only permission if IOPermmsn=0
; 7/12/83 LAK Fixed bug in open (see open).
; 5/25/83 LAK Create no longer needs to incr A4 after FndFilName.
; 4/23/83 LAK added minor change to open to simplify resources.
; 2/7/83 LAK fixed create bug (incr.b of vcb num files -> incr.w)
; 1/13/83 LAK broke out from Open code.
; 12/8/82 LAK Reworked all files for new file system data structures.
; 1/14/82 LAK Scan-thru changes prior to machine debug: added OpenRF, changed
; for physical length byte count in directory blocks,
; External Routines: GetParallelFCBFromRefnum,ParallelFCBFromRefnum,
; ParallelWDCBFromRefnum,FileOpen,FileCreate,CreateDir
; Internal Routines: Gt1stFCB,GtNxtFCB,Gt1stMatch,GtNxtMatch
; <55>
; Routine: GetParallelFCBFromRefnum
; Function: Return a pointer to the parallel FCB entry for a given
; file RefNum.
; Input: ioRefNum(a0) - File reference number
; Output: ioMisc(a0) - Pointer to parallel FCB entry
entry GetParallelFCBFromRefnum
import ParallelFCBFromRefnum
jsr FSQueue ; wait our turn
move.w ioRefNum(a0),d0 ; Get the file reference number
move.w d0,d1 ; Keep a copy in another register
bsr RefNumCheck ; Make sure the reference number is valid
bmi.s @exitGetParallelFCB ; Bad reference number
move.w d1,d0 ; Get the copy
bsr ParallelFCBFromRefnum ; Get the pointer to the parallel structure
move.l a1,ioFDirIndex(a0) ; Return the pointer in ioMisc
moveq #noErr,d0 ; No error
jmp CmdDone ; outa here
; Routine: ParallelFCBFromRefnum
; Function: Return a pointer to the parallel FCB entry for a given
; file RefNum.
; Input: d0.w - file refNum
; Output: d0.l - trash
; a1.l - pointer to parallel FCB entry
; Note: This routine assumes that d0 is really a decent, law-abiding
; refnum. RefNumCheck is a fine way to assure this.
entry ParallelFCBFromRefnum
andi.l #$FFFF, d0 ; only the low word is passed. <11>
divu.w FSFCBLen,d0 ; convert refnum to an index
movea.l FSVarsPtr,a1 ; get address of HFS variable area
movea.l FSVars.fcbPBuf(a1),a1 ; get address of parallel array
mulu.w cbPBufULen(a1),d0 ; convert file index to parallel array offset
lea fcbPBufData(a1,d0.l),a1 ; a1 -> parallel array element for file <20>
; <20>
; Routine: ParallelWDCBFromRefnum
; Function: Return a pointer to the parallel FCB entry for a given
; working directory RefNum.
; Input: d0.w - working directory refNum
; Output: d0.l - trash
; a1.l - pointer to parallel WDCB entry
; Note: This routine assumes that d0 is really a decent, law-abiding
; refnum. RefNumCheck is a fine way to assure this.
entry ParallelWDCBFromRefnum
subi.w #WDRfnMin,d0 ; Change WDRefNum to WDCB table offset
assert WDCBLen = 1<<4 ; ensure that this shift is still legal
lsr.w #4,d0 ; convert WDCB table offset to an index
movea.l FSVarsPtr,a1 ; get address of HFS variable area
movea.l FSVars.wdcbPBuf(a1),a1 ; get address of parallel array
mulu.w cbPBufULen(a1),d0 ; convert WDCB index to parallel array offset
lea wdcbPBufData(a1,d0.l),a1 ; a1 -> parallel array element for file
; Routine: Gt1stFCB,GtNxtFCB
; (c) 1982 Apple Computer, Inc.
; Arguments: A1.L (input) -- FCB start pointer (GtNxtFCB)
; D1.W (input) -- offset to current FCB (GtNxtFCB)
; A1.L (output) -- unchanged
; D1.W (output) -- offset to next FCB
; CCR set so that BCS will not br when past last FCB
; Called By: FlushVolume,FileOpen,CkFileBusy,AdjEOF
; Function: Scan through the FCBs.
; Routine: Gt1stMatch,GtNxtMatch
; Arguments: A1.L (input) -- FCB start pointer (GtNxtFCB)
; D1.W (input) -- offset to current FCB (GtNxtFCB)
; A2.L (input) -- VCB pointer to match against
; D2.L (input) -- file number to match against
; A1.L (output) -- unchanged
; D1.W (output) -- offset to next FCB which matches
; CCR set so that BNE will not br when past last FCB
; Called By: FlushVolume,FileOpen,CkFileBusy,AdjEOF,ReName
; Function: Scan through the FCBs.
; Modification History:
; 13 Jan 83 LAK broke out from Open code.
Gt1stFCB MOVE.L FCBSPtr,A1 ; get FCB ptr
MOVEQ #2,D1 ; index to first FCB
GtNxtFCB ADD.W FSFCBLen,D1 ; go to next FCB <03Feb87>
CMP.W (A1),D1 ; reached the end yet?
RTS ; let the caller test (BCS if not)
Gt1stMatch BSR.S Gt1stFCB
GNMLoop CMP.L FCBFlNm(A1,D1),D2 ; file numbers match?
BNE.S GtNxtMatch
CMP.L FCBVPtr(A1,D1),A2 ; on the same volume?
GtNxtMatch BSR.S GtNxtFCB
BCS.S GNMLoop ; loop thru them all
MOVE #0,CCR ; clear Z bit
GNMRTS RTS ; BEQ for match, BNE at end . . .
; Routine: OpenDF
; Function: Opens a data fork. Identical to Open, except that no checking
; for drivers is done.
; Changes the trap word to _Open (from _HFSDispatch) so that external
; file systems will work properly. Preserves hfs and async bits
; This routine was rolled in from the file FileMgrPatches.a. <SM1>
MOVE.B #0, d1 ; clear low byte $Ax60 -> $Ax00
MOVE.W d1, ioTrap(a0) ; clean up the pb, too
BSR FSQueue ; queue up the call, wait for it's turn
ST RegRsrc ; open regular part of file
BRA.S FOpen1 ; share code with FileOpen
; Routine: OpenRF
; (c) 1983 Apple Computer, Inc.
; Arguments: A0.L (input) -- pointer to I/O parameter block: uses
; IOFileName,IOPermssn
; D0.W (output) -- 0 if file successfully opened, errcode otherwise
; This call may be executed asynchronously.
; Note that open does not use equates when transferring data from
; the directory entry to the FCB (to save code).
; Calls: FileOpen
; Function: Prepare a file for action.
CLR.B RegRsrc ; open for resource fork
BRA.S FOpen1 ; share code with FileOpen
; Routine: FileOpen
; (c) 1983 Apple Computer, Inc.
; Arguments: A0.L (input) -- pointer to I/O parameter block: uses IODrvNum,
; IOFileType,IOFileName,IOPermssn
; D0.W (output) -- 0 if file successfully opened, errcode otherwise
; This call may be executed asynchronously.
; Note that open does not use equates when transferring data from
; the directory entry to the FCB (to save code).
; Calls: FSQueue,DtrmVol,Gt1stFCB,GtNxtFCB,FndFilName,CmdDone
; Function: Prepare a file for action.
; Modification History:
; 02 Dec 82 LAK Got rid of alternate entry point Open2: just don't advertise
; as many FCB's so system level stuff can always get one.
; Removed the code for ALO's 20-Apr 'fix' to set up A1 (it's
; already set up by FndFil). Only put file num in FCB once
; (did it twice . . .). Now checks for write permission
; before opening a file for writing.
; 07 Dec 82 LAK Changed for new file system data structures. Added support
; for resource fork of the file. Own buffer is now passed by
; application.
; 21 Dec 82 LAK Added equates for resource bit in FCB; tag field support.
; Added Gt1stFCB and GtNxtFCB to save code; if opening file
; with write permission, makes sure it's not already open
; with write (checks for fork)
; 14 Jan 83 LAK Integrated with OpenRF; changes for phys length change in Dir.
; 11 Feb 83 LAK If Open fails, refnum field is invalidated for stronger
; checking.
; 20 Apr 83 LAK Changed to return refnum of fcb entry for files which
; are already open with write permissions.
; 02 Jun 83 LAK FCBBfAdr=0 now means use system buffer (adr will change on
; remounts).
; 08 Jun 83 LAK Fixed Open to return conflicting refnum on open error (was
; branching to wrong exit).
; 12 Jul 83 LAK Fixed check for file already open to also compare volume
; pointers.
; 29 Aug 83 LAK Changed to use Gt1stMatch, GtNxtMatch when searching for
; matching FCBs.
; 06 Aug 84 GSS modified to allow Open and OpenRf calls to open a locked file
; with read only access if the caller sets IOPermssn = 0.
; 07 Aug 84 GSS changed OKToOpen to adjust EOF if another identical fork is
; already open (this was part of OpenFix in MSFileFix).
; 29 Sep 84 GSS fixed a bug in the 7 Aug 84 mod (created label @8)
; 27-Feb-85 PWD Moved MFS-specific code into MFSDir1; added call to DtrmVol and
; pass control to MFSOpen for MFS volumes.
; 26-Apr-85 PWD Modified to copy finder type bytes into FCB. Separated out
; PrmssnChk code in anticipation of a complete split by MFS code.
; 15-Jul-85 PWD Patched out ioPermssn=0 code to make 0 into 3 (read AND write)
; 9-Aug-85 PWD Changed to use clump size in catalog entry for file, default
; to current volume clump size
; 13-Aug-85 PWD Fixed bug in locked-file check.
; 22-Aug-85 PWD Added code to set FCBOwnClp on open as appropriate.
; <21Oct85> PWD Changed to save file-locked state in FCB flags [FCBFilLck bit]
; <28Oct85> PWD Implemented new shared-write access mode on _Open
; The following sequences should suffice for file opening:
; Delete,Create,Open - when you want a fresh start
; Open - when you want to continue working with a file
; Create - when you want a new file which shouldn't be there
; - a file may be opened with write permission even if the volume is
; write protected; an error is not reported until a write, seteof, or
; allocate call for that file is actually made . . . this makes sense
; since the application which requests the permission does not want to
; change code depending upon the write-protect status of the volume (the
; user may insert it just to use the write functions . . .).
; - (GSS 8/6/84) also a locked file is opened with read permission,
; provided the caller specifies IOPermssn = 0.
MOVE.L jFileOpen,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vFileOpen <29Oct85>
RTS ; go there <29Oct85>
vFileOpen ; 'vectored' FileOpen routine <29Oct85>
BSR FSQueue ; queue up the call, wait for it's turn
ST RegRsrc ; open regular part of file
; make sure we allocate more FCB's next chance we get (if we need to) <SM1>
; (from PreflightOpenRF and PreflightFileOpen patches in FileMgrPatches.a) <SM1>
BSR OpenAttemptHook ; <SM1>
; first, make sure we have an open FCB
BSR.S Gt1stFCB ; get (A1,D1) pointing to first FCB
@1 TST.L FCBFlNm(A1,D1) ; FCB unused
BEQ.S ChkVol ; br if so
BSR.S GtNxtFCB ; get next one until we run out
BCS.S @1
MOVEQ #TMFOErr,D0 ; too many files open
OpnErrExit CLR.W IORefNum(A0) ; make refnum invalid
OpnExit BRA CmdDone ; until we have looked at them all
; now, search the directory by filename for the file we want to open
ChkVol MOVE.W D1,IORefNum(A0) ; refnum is the FCB index!
ADD.L A1,D1 ; save FCB ptr in D1
BSR FndFilName ; Look for the affected file & volume
BNE.S OpnErrExit ; Punt if this causes a problem
; OK, we're really going to do it! First, though, just to be safe, zero the
; newly found FCB before use (external file systems may not have known how to
; zero it properly):
MOVEA.L D1,A0 ; Point to FCB entry
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; <03Feb87>
MOVE.W FSFCBLen,D0 ; (FCB length / 2) - 1 <03Feb87>
LSR.W #1,D0 ; <03Feb87>
SUBQ.W #1,D0 ; = number of words to clear <03Feb87>
@1 CLR.W (A0)+ ; Clear a word in the FCB
DBRA D0,@1 ; Until all done
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; Restore parameter block pointer
BSR TFSVCBTst ; Are we dealing with a TFS volume? <01Oct85>
BNE MFSOpen ; If not, give up.
; Handle an open for a TFS volume:
MOVEQ #FNFErr,D0 ; Let's be pessimistic for a moment
CMP.B #CDRFilRec,CDRType(A5) ; Is all this just a cruel hoax?
BNE.S OpnErrExit ; Crash and burn on directory specs
MOVEA.L D1,A3 ; Retrieve the file's FCB pointer
MOVE.L D7,FCBCatPos(A3) ; Store catalog hint for use on Close
MOVE.L FilUsrWds+FdType(A5),D0 ; Get a hold of the file type string
MOVE.L D0,FCBFType(A3) ; Copy it into the FCB
MOVE.L D6,FCBDirID(A3) ; Copy parental DirID into FCB for Close
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; Clear top word
MOVE.W FilClpSize(A5),D0 ; Pick up the file's clump size
BEQ.S @3 ; If none set, default to volume's
MULU VCBAlBlkSiz+2(A2),D0; Multiply by allocation block size
BSET #FCBOwnClp,FCBMdRByt(A3) ; Set flag indicating own clump size <22Aug85>
BRA.S @4 ; Go set it up
@3 MOVE.L VCBClpSiz(A2),D0 ; Pick up volume's clump size
BCLR #FCBOwnClp,FCBMdRByt(A3) ; Clear 'own clump-size spec'd flag) <22Aug85>
@4 MOVE.L D0,FCBClmpSize(A3) ; volume's default clump size
MOVEM.L A0-A1,-(SP) ; Free up two scratch register
MOVEQ #lenXDR,D0 ; Length of an extent record
LEA FilExtRec(A5),A0 ; Data fork's extents
TST.B RegRsrc ; Was this the fork desired?
BNE.S @5 ; If set, that's what we wanted
LEA FilRExtRec(A5),A0 ; Point to resource fork's extents instead
@5 LEA FCBExtRec(A3),A1 ; Point to extent record in FCB
_BlockMove ; Copy the extent record
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; Clear top half of D0
MOVE.W D2,D0 ; Get name length
MOVEA.L A4,A0 ; Point to filename in pathname
LEA FCBCName(A3),A1 ; Point to name field in FCB
MOVE.B D0,(A1)+ ; Copy in CName length
_BlockMove ; Make a copy of the name string
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A1 ; Restore the scratch registers
; Fetch the catalog record for the file so the file's real name can be <1.3>
; loaded into the FCB. This is so GetFCBInfo will return the *real* file name. <1.3>
; <1.3>
; NOTE: it is assumed that we are fetching the same catalog record that was <1.3>
; located in the call to FndFilName. Hence, the cache buffer pointed to by <1.3>
; register A5 should not become invalid as a result of calling CMGetCN... <1.3>
; <1.3>
; Assumed registers: <1.3>
; D6 dirID <1.3>
; D7 hint <1.3>
; A2 VCB address <1.3>
; A3 FCB address <1.3>
move.l a0,-(a6) ; save param block ptr <1.4>
move.l d6,d0 ; parent DirID <1.3>
move.l d7,d2 ; catalog hint <1.3>
lea FCBCName(a3),a0 ; pointer to CName in the FCB <1.3>
jsr CMGetCN ; get the catalog record <1.3>
beq @getCatRecord ; xfer if got it (should...) <1.3>
move.l (a6)+,a0 ; restore param block ptr <1.4>
bmi.s OpnErrExit ; xfer if I/O error <1.3>
moveq #FNFErr,d0 ; some catalog manager error... <1.3>
bra.s OpnErrExit ; so, return "file not found" <1.3>
@getCatRecord ; <1.3>
move.l a1,a5 ; get cat rec ptr again in case I/O moved it... <1.3>
lea ckrCName(a0),a0 ; source for block move <1.3>
lea FCBCName(a3),a1 ; pointer to CName in the FCB <1.3>
moveq #0,d0 ; <1.3>
move.b (a0),d0 ; get length of name string <1.3>
addq.l #1,d0 ; take length byte into account <1.3>
_BlockMove ; move case-correct name into FCB <1.3>
move.l (a6)+,a0 ; restore param block ptr <1.4>
CLR.W D7 ; Clear directory block number
MOVE.W FilFlags(A5),D3 ; Copy version number and flags byte
AND.W #$100,D3 ; Clear resource, dirty bits, type byte for TFS <PWD 21Oct85>
BEQ.S @10 ; If clear, it's not locked. <PWD 21Oct85>
BSET #FCBFlgPBit,D3 ; Otherwise, duplicate the bit for later use. <PWD 21Oct85>
; [bit 0 is also write-allowed bit] <PWD 21Oct85>
@10 LEA FilFLNum(A5),A5 ; Point beyond user bytes in catalog entry
MOVE.L (A5)+,D2 ; FilFlNum
MOVE.W (A5)+,D4 ; FilStBlk
MOVE.L (A5)+,D5 ; FilLgLen
MOVE.L (A5)+,D6 ; FilPyLen
; Oops, were we supposed to open the resource fork?
TST.B RegRsrc ; Check flag that OpenRF would set
BNE.S @30 ; If set, it's the regular part
BSET #FCBFlgRBit,D3 ; Mark this FCB as a resource FCB
MOVE.W (A5)+,D4 ; FilRStBlk
MOVE.L (A5)+,D5 ; FilRLgLen
MOVE.L (A5)+,D6 ; FilRPyLen
@30 BSR.S PermssnChk ; Check if the requested file access is OK
BEQ.S SetupFCB ; Continue if all was well
; We're going to exit with an error, but some FCB fields have already been set
; up. Zero the FCB here just to be neat (especially since the MFS code doesn't
; clear these fields on open)...
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; <03Feb87>
MOVE.W FSFCBLen,D1 ; (FCB length / 2) - 1 <03Feb87>
LSR.W #1,D1 ; <03Feb87>
SUBQ.W #1,D1 ; = number of words to clear <03Feb87>
@50 CLR.W (A3)+ ; Clear a word
DBRA D1,@50 ; And continue until they're all done
BRA OpnExit ; Give up when we're good 'n ready.
; NOTE: The MFS branch of the code re-joins this thread at SetUpFCB:
SetupFCB MOVE.L D2,(A3)+ ; file number
MOVE.W D3,(A3)+ ; file flags (FCB undirty, res/reg, write)
MOVE.W D4,(A3)+ ; start block
MOVE.L D5,(A3)+ ; logical length
MOVE.L D6,(A3)+ ; physical length
CLR.L (A3)+ ; reset current file position to 0
MOVE.L A2,(A3)+ ; ptr to associated VCB.
; MOVE.L IOOwnBuf(A0),A4 ; see if user supplied a buffer <03Feb87>
SUBA.L A4,A4 ; we no longer support a user buffer <03Feb87>
MOVE.L A4,D0 ; is it zero? <20Oct85>
; BEQ.S @1 ; br if so <20Oct85>
; CLR.L (A4)+ ; initialize the 10 byte header <03Feb87>
; CLR.L (A4)+ ; of the 522-byte buffer <03Feb87>
; CLR.W (A4) ; to empty state. <03Feb87>
; BSET #CBHEmpty,(A4) ; <03Feb87>
; ADDQ #2,A4 ; point to data part of buffer <03Feb87>
MOVE.L A4,(A3)+ ; use it . . . <20Oct85>
MOVE.W D7,(A3)+ ; disk block directory entry is in
ADDQ.L #4,A3 ; Skip Clump Size (already set up)
CLR.L (A3)+ ; Clear BTCB pointer
; At this point:
; A1,D1 --> FCB
; A2 --> VCB
; D2 = this files file number
; D3 = fcbMdRByte of this file
BSET #7,5(A2) ; Do we really need this and where used??
; note that a file was once open here
MOVE.W IORefNum(A0),D4 ; get refnum of just opened file
BSR Gt1stMatch ; get an FCB match on D2, A2 (there is
; always a match with the just opened file)
; Now A1 --> FCBs, D1 = refnum of the matching fcb
CMP.W D1,D4 ; this one?
BEQ.S @6 ; br if so
MOVE.B FCBMdRByt(A1,D1),D5 ; check for same fork (and save)
EOR.B D3,D6 ; bit 1 (set if res fork) must match
LSR.B #2,D6
BCC.S @7 ; Adjust EOF if the forks match
@6 BSR GtNxtMatch ; look for another matching fcb
BEQ.S @5 ; br if match
BRA.S @8 ; return if no FCB matches . . .
@7 JSR AdjEOF ; otherwise, make sure we are the same
MOVE.B D5,FCBMdRByt(A1,D1) ; don't let AdjEOF change dirty bit
@8 MOVEQ #0,D0 ; no error.
BRA CmdDone ; Return to user.
; Routine: PermssnChk
; Arguments: A0.L (input) -- pointer to I/O parameter block
; D3.L (input) -- planned FCBMdRByt for file.
; D0.W (output) -- error code
; D3.B (output) -- Corrected FCBMdRByt
; Calls: Gt1stMatch, GtNxtMatch
; Function: Check requested file access on Open
; Modification History:
; 25-Apr-85 PWD Separated out from FileOpen call to allow sharing with
; MFSOpen code.
; 16-Oct-85 PWD Changed to separate out FCBScan for _LockRng use.
; <28Oct85> PWD Implemented new shared-write access mode on _Open
; NOTE: The following routine is called from the MFS side of OpenFile as well.
MOVE.L jPermssnChk,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vPermssnChk <29Oct85>
RTS ; go there <29Oct85>
vPermssnChk ; 'vectored' PermssnChk routine <29Oct85>
; If asking for read permission, it's always ok . . .
CMP.B #1,IOPermssn(A0) ; Requesting read-only permission
BEQ.S okToRead ; Branch if so <28Aug85>
; Else, if the file is locked: give read-only if asking for whatever permissions
; give PermErr otherwise
@1 BSET #FCBFlgWBit,D3 ; Test Lock bit and set write allowed <28Aug85>
BEQ.S @2 ; Not locked: all writes OK (so far) <28Aug85>
TST.B IOPermssn(A0) ; was IOPermssn 0 in the call? <28Aug85>
BEQ.S OKToRead ; Yes, it's OK to give read access <28Aug85>
CLR.W IORefNum(A0) ; Invalidate the refnum <28Aug85>
MOVEQ #PermErr,D0 ; Asked for write permission but file <28Aug85>
BRA.S pcheckRTS ; was locked . . . <28Aug85>
; Scan the FCB's to see whether this file is already open with write permission
@2 BTST #2,ioPermssn(A0) ; Shared-write requested? <28Oct85>
BEQ.S @3 ; Nope - go for exclusive write <28Oct85>
BSET #FCBFlgSBit,D3 ; Yes - indicate for scan <28Oct85>
@3 BRA.S FCBScan ; Check for other FCB's with file open <16Oct85>
okToRead BCLR #FCBFlgWBit,D3 ; Read-only access: clear write allowed <28Aug85>
okToOpen MOVEQ #0,D0 ; It's all right... <28Aug85>
pcheckRTS RTS ; <28Aug85>
FCBScan BSR Gt1stMatch ; find VCB ptr, FileNum match <28Aug85>
@1 BNE.S FCBScnOK ; br if none open (ok to write) <28Aug85>
MOVE.W FCBFlags(A1,D1),D0 ; if write perm and rsrc/reg are the same,
EOR.W D3,D0 ; it's an error (2 files open with write
AND.W #WrRSMask,D0 ; look at 2 bits
BNE.S @3 ; br if no conflict <28Oct85>
BTST #FCBFlgSBit,D3 ; Check - requesting shared access? <28Oct85>
BEQ.S @5 ; If 0, no - bomb, then. <28Oct85>
BTST #FCBShrWrt,FCBMdRByt(A1,D1) ; If so, is this shared-write? <28Oct85>
BEQ.S @5 ; Nope - they won't play together <28Oct85>
@3 BSR GtNxtMatch ; go for the next one
BRA.S @1 ; loop until we've looked at them all <28Aug85>
; File is open for write: give read-only if asking for whatever permissions
; give OpWrErr otherwise and return refnum of that file
@5 MOVE.W D1,IORefNum(A0) ; return refnum of already opened entry
MOVEQ #OpWrErr,D0 ; open with write perm already error
BRA.S FCBScnExit ; <28Aug85>
FCBScnOK MOVEQ #0,D0 ; All is well <16Oct85>
FCBScnExit RTS ; <16Oct85>
; Routine: FileCreate
; Arguments: A0.L (input) -- pointer to I/O parameter block: uses
; IOFileName
; D0 (output) -- error code
; This call may be executed asynchronously.
; Calls: FSQueue,FndFilName,CVFlgs,CmdDone
; Function: Create a new file . . .
; Modification History:
; 30-Nov-82 LAK removed file type determination; gets time from lomem var
; 01-Dec-82 LAK changed Scn4Spc call to start from beginning of directory,
; instead of where FndFil left off; included this proc in-line
; 08 Dec 82 LAK changed for new file system data structures.
; 29 Aug 83 LAK changed to specifically disallow file names of 0 length.
; 25 Feb 85 GJC added support for Turbo File System
; 1 Mar 85 PWD Changed to use full Turbo pathname parsing
; 9-Aug-85 PWD Changed to leave VCB file/directory count update to CMCreateCN
; <14Jan86> LAK Check volume for writability after FndFilName (ROM75Fix patch).
; The check in MFSCreate was no longer necessary and was deleted.
BSR FSQueue ; queue up and wait our turn
BSET #DirCN,HFSFlags ; Indicate that we want to create a directory
BRA.S CreateCN ; Join common code
BSR FSQueue ; queue up the call.
BCLR #DirCN,HFSFlags ; Indicate we're only after a new file
CreateCN BSR FndFilName ; Check to see if the file exists already
BNE.S @0 ; Errors are expected (FNFErr).
MOVEQ #DupFNErr,D0 ; duplicate filename if found already
BRA.S CrExit ; Punt.
@0 CMP.W #FNFErr,D0 ; Was it actually the expected error?
BNE.S CrExit ; If not, that's serious
BSR CVFlgs ; check the volume flags for writability <14Jan86>
BNE.S CrExit ; (requires A2=VCB ptr) - br if an error <14Jan86>
BSR TFSVCBTst ; Are we dealing with a TFS volume?
BEQ.S @1 ; If so, go for it
BTST #DirCN,HFSFlags ; Are we creating a directory?
BEQ MFSCreate ; If not, we are just creating a file
MOVEQ #WrgVolTypErr,D0 ; No directories on MFS disks
BRA.S CrExit ; Give up.
@1 MOVE.B ioFileType(A0),D1 ; Get file type (version number) in D1
SWAP D1 ; Switch it into the upper half
MOVE.B #CMFilCN,D1 ; Set up to create a file
BTST #DirCN,HFSFlags ; Are we creating a directory?
BEQ.S CrFile ; If so, we're set.
MOVE.B #CMDirCN,D1 ; Switch to create a directory
; file did not already exist. See FndFil to see what regs hold now. Basically:
; A2=ptr to correct VCB, A4=ptr to name, D2=name len
CrFile MOVE.L A0,-(A6) ; Save IOPB pointer
BSR.S PushCName ; Copy the element name onto the A6 stack
MOVE.W D2,-(A6) ; Store rounded up CName length
MOVE.L D6,D0 ; Set up parent directory ID
JSR CMCreateCN ; create the CNode
; Now to remove this junk from the A6 stack again:
MOVE.W (A6)+,D2 ; Restore the CName length
BSR.S PopCName ; Remove the string copy from the stack
MOVEA.L (A6)+,A0 ; Restore IOPB pointer
TST.W D0 ; Now then, were there any errors on create?
BEQ.S @5 ; Continue if all was well
CMP.W #CMNotFound,D0 ; Was a directory missing?
BNE.S CrExit ; If not, exit with possible internal err
MOVEQ #DirNFErr,D0 ; Change the error to 'Directory Not Found'
BRA.S CrExit ; ...and Punt.
@5 BTST #DirCN,HFSFlags ; Creating a directory?
BEQ.S @10 ; Nope - count it as a file
MOVE.L D1,ioDirID(A0) ; Return the new directory's DirID
@10 MOVEQ #0,D0 ; flawless
CrExit BRA CmdDone ; that's all folks.
; Routine: PushCName
; Arguments: A4.L (input) -- pointer to name string
; D2.W (input) -- length of name string
; A0.L (output) -- pointed to copied string length byte
; D2.W (output) -- rounded up string length
; This call may be executed asynchronously.
; Calls:
; Called from: FileCreate, FileDelete
; Function: Copy a pathname element substring onto the A6 stack for use.
; Pre-pends a length byte onto the string
; Modification History:
; 10-Mar-85 PWD New today.
; 25-Oct-85 PWD Fixed to not rely on D2 being long on input
PushCName MOVEM.L D0/A1,-(SP) ; Save 'em through this little manouver
; Compute the number of bytes to allocate by rouding the string length up:
SUBA.L A0,A0 ; Assume D2.W is zero - make string ptr NIL <25Oct85>
TST.W D2 ; Check string length
BEQ.S @90 ; If NIL, we're set as is
MOVEA.W D2,A0 ; Save string length
ADDQ.W #1,D2 ; Prepare to round length up: add one
BCLR #0,D2 ; Truncate to next lower even length
SUBA.W D2,A6 ; Allocate room for string on TFS stack
MOVE.W D2,-(SP) ; Stash 'fixed' length on stack
; Copy in the actual string contents:
MOVEA.L A4,A0 ; Point to source string start
MOVEA.L A6,A1 ; Point to target string start
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; Clear top word of D0 <25Oct85>
MOVE.W D2,D0 ; String length for _BlockMove
MOVE.W D2,-(A6) ; Push length in front of new string
MOVE.W (SP)+,D2 ; Set D2 to 'fixed' length
MOVEA.L A6,A0 ; Point to element name
ADDQ.L #1,A0 ; Length actually starts in low byte
@90 MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/A1 ; Restore scratch registers
; Routine: PopCName
; Arguments: A6.L (input) -- pointer to copied string
; D2.W (input) -- rounded up length of name string
; D2.W (output) -- original string length
; This call may be executed asynchronously.
; Calls:
; Called from: FileCreate, FileDelete
; Function: Remove a string from the A6 stack. Undoes the effects of PushCName
; Modification History:
; 10-Mar-85 PWD New today.
; 25-Oct-85 PWD Fixed to not rely on top word of D2 long: ADDA.W instead of ADDA.L D2
PopCName TST.W D2 ; Zero length string?
BEQ.S @90 ; If so, don't do anything strenuous
MOVE.W (A6)+,-(SP) ; Stash real length word
ADDA.W D2,A6 ; Adjust for string contents+length word <25Oct85>
MOVE.W (SP)+,D2 ; Retrieve the true string length
@90 RTS ;