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File: CommToolboxUtilityRoutines.c
Contains: Various routines
Written by: Byron Han
Alex Kazim
Copyright: © 1990, 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<16> 11/13/92 JDR Updated QuickDraw.h to not use the dangerous pattern type.
<15> 5/29/92 DCL Included TextUtils.h and Script.h. EqualString and GetScript
moved for the New Inside Mac.
<14> 2/8/91 JNG kaz,#82584:Getflst needs to make sure the system file is in the
resource chain before calling GetIndFlst.
<13> 8/19/90 kaz Fixed gray OK outline to check for ColorQD and a color port.
<12> 8/15/90 kaz Added PlaceWindow() routine to perform 2/3rds centering.
<11> 8/6/90 kaz Added grayOutline button routine, HaveColorQD() macro.
<10> 7/2/90 kaz GetIndflst will compensate for odd font names.
<9> 5/24/90 kaz Combined GetIndfinf & GetIndflst; Added Getflst()
<8> 5/22/90 kaz Renamed Parse_finf, Parse_flst. Using new TextState data struct.
Adding GetTextState, SetTextState
<7> 4/18/90 kaz DoTheIcon() now uses only 1 BitMap
<6> 4/11/90 kaz Added International CmdPeriod() from TechNotes
<5> 3/20/90 kaz Merging utility routines from 1.0
- Fetch QD Globals
- Get just the DITL ItemRect
- Set the UserItem Proc
- PCopyString instead of Pascal aStr := bStr
<4> 3/16/90 BBH added MIN and MAX routines
<3> 3/16/90 BBH change GetDitem to GetDItem
<2> 3/16/90 BBH added DoTheIcon, parse_finf, parse_flst, FindMenuItem,
<1> 3/14/90 BBH first checked in
To Do:
// These are utility routines used by CommToolboxCore.c and the various managers
// this routine returns the first resource of the given type from the
// tool with the procID specified. This makes no assumptions about the
// tool already being in the resource chain
#include <Menus.h>
#include <Dialogs.h>
#include <QuickDraw.h>
#include <Fonts.h>
#include <SysEqu.h>
#include <TextUtils.h>
#include <Script.h>
#include "CTBUtilities.h"
#include "CommResources.h"
#include "CommToolboxPriv.h"
/* For CmdPeriod() */
#define kMaskModifiers 0xFE00 // strip the cmd key
#define kMaskVirtualKey 0x0000FF00 // virtual key from event
#define kUpKeyMask 0x0080
#define kShiftWord 8 // virtual key -> keycode
#define kMaskASCII1 0x00FF0000 // getting the key
#define kMaskASCII2 0x000000FF
#define kPeriod 0x2E // ascii for a '.'
#define HaveCQD() ((*(unsigned short *) ROM85) <= 0x3FFF)
pascal long MIN(a, b)
long a, b;
return( a < b ? a : b);
pascal long MAX(a, b)
long a, b;
return( a > b ? a : b);
pascal Handle CRMGetAResource(theType, procID)
ResType theType;
short procID;
CRMToolContext theContext;
short cur;
Handle theHandle;
CRMToolPreflight(procID, &theContext);
cur = CurResFile();
theHandle = CRMGet1IndResource(theType, 1);
pascal void DoTheIcon(theIcon, destRect, selected)
Ptr theIcon;
const Rect *destRect;
Boolean selected;
#define ICONSIZE 32
typedef struct IconsRecord {
long icon[ICONSIZE];
long mask[ICONSIZE];
} IconsRecord, *IconsRecordPtr;
BitMap mBitMap;
GrafPtr myPort;
IconsRecordPtr iP;
SetRect(&mBitMap.bounds, 0, 0, ICONSIZE, ICONSIZE);
mBitMap.rowBytes = 4;
iP = (IconsRecordPtr) theIcon;
mBitMap.baseAddr = (Ptr) &iP->mask;
CopyBits(&mBitMap, &myPort->portBits, &mBitMap.bounds, destRect, selected ? srcOr : srcBic, nil);
mBitMap.baseAddr = (Ptr) &iP->icon;
CopyBits(&mBitMap, &myPort->portBits, &mBitMap.bounds, destRect, srcXor, nil);
DoSolidOutline - Draws a solid outline
Used for default buttons.
pDialog - Where we are
theItem - The DITL item #
pascal void DoSolidOutline(DialogPtr pDialog, short theItem)
Rect itemRect;
PenState ps;
GetItemRect(pDialog, theItem, &itemRect);
FrameRoundRect(&itemRect, 16, 16);
DoGrayOutline - Draws a gray outline
Used for default buttons.
pDialog - Where we are
theItem - The DITL item #
pascal void DoGrayOutline(DialogPtr pDialog, short theItem)
Rect itemRect;
PenState ps;
GrafWorldPtr qdWorld;
PixPatHandle myPix = nil;
RGBColor oldFore,
GetItemRect(pDialog, theItem, &itemRect);
if (HaveCQD())
if (((CGrafPtr) pDialog)->portVersion & 0xC000) {
// gimme average RGB. Why does MenuMgr do a ROXR instead of an ASR??
oldFore.red = (oldFore.red + oldAft.red) >> 1;
oldFore.green = (oldFore.green + oldAft.green) >> 1;
oldFore.blue = (oldFore.blue + oldAft.blue) >> 1;
myPix = NewPixPat();
if (myPix != nil) {
if (myPix == nil) {
qdWorld = GetQDGlobals();
FrameRoundRect(&itemRect, 16, 16);
if (myPix != nil)
GetIndflst - Walks the font info template ('finf' or
'flst' and tries to get the request
hInfo - A handle to the data from GetResource
oldStyle - True if a 'finf', else 'flst'
index - Which font info do you want
finfInfo - Info to return
returns - -1 if it didn't work
pascal OSErr GetIndflst(hInfo, oldStyle, index, finfInfo)
Handle hInfo;
Boolean oldStyle;
short index;
TextState *finfInfo;
short numEntries;
long offset;
Str255 fontName;
short i;
short aFont;
finfInfo->theFont = 0; // resort to defaults
finfInfo->theSize = 0;
finfInfo->theFace = 0;
finfInfo->theMode = srcOr;
numEntries = *((short *) (*hInfo));
offset = (long) (*hInfo) + sizeof(numEntries);
/* Have to walk this 'cuz 'flst' is variable length */
for (i = 1; i <= numEntries; i++) {
if (oldStyle) {
aFont = *((short *) offset);
offset += sizeof(short);
else {
BlockMove((Ptr) offset, fontName, *((unsigned char *) offset) + 1);
offset += Length(fontName) + 1; // add length + length-byte
if (offset & 0x0001) // even it out
/* Grab the rest of the data */
if (i == index) {
if (oldStyle)
finfInfo->theFont = aFont;
GetFNum(fontName, &finfInfo->theFont);
finfInfo->theFace = *((short *) offset);
offset += sizeof(short);
finfInfo->theSize = *((short *) offset);
offset += sizeof(short);
if (! oldStyle) // mode does not exist in 'finf'
finfInfo->theMode = *((short *) offset);
offset += sizeof(short); // face
offset += sizeof(short); // size
if (! oldStyle)
offset += sizeof(short); // mode
Getflst - Tries to get the 'flst' resource from the
specified file, then tries to get a 'finf',
finally resorts to System 'flst'. Assumes that
the resource will exist in the System.
procID - The file to get it from
resourceID - yes
finfIndex - Index to get
finfInfo - Info to return
#define toolFINF 1
#define sysFLST 2
pascal void Getflst(procID, resourceID, finfIndex, finfInfo)
short procID;
short resourceID;
short finfIndex;
TextState *finfInfo;
short savedResRef;
Handle theResource;
short tries;
ResType theType;
savedResRef = CurResFile();
for (tries = 0; tries < 3; tries++) {
theType = 'flst';
if (tries == toolFINF) // we try the 'finf' to maintain compatibility
theType = 'finf';
if (tries == sysFLST)
theResource = Get1Resource(theType, resourceID);
if (theResource == nil)
UseResFile(0); // Needs to be the system so GetIndflst can find font names
if (GetIndflst(theResource, (tries == toolFINF), finfIndex, finfInfo) == noErr)
GetTextState - Loads the current grafport text info
txState - Like penState
pascal void GetTextState(TextState *txState)
GrafPtr thePort;
txState->theFont = thePort->txFont;
txState->theFace = thePort->txFace;
txState->theSize = thePort->txSize;
txState->theMode = thePort->txMode;
SetTextState - Sets the current grafport text info
txState - Like penState
pascal void SetTextState(TextState *txState)
pascal short FindMenuItem(hMenu, theItem)
MenuHandle hMenu;
const Str255 theItem;
short i;
Str255 theString;
short limit;
limit = CountMItems(hMenu);
for (i = 1; i <= limit; i++) {
GetItem(hMenu, i, &theString);
if (EqualString(theString, theItem, false, true) )
GetQDGlobals - Gets a pointer to the start of
the QD Globals given that A5 is valid
oneWorld - The stuff we need
pascal GrafWorldPtr GetQDGlobals()
GrafWorldPtr oneWorld;
/* A5 points to thePort of QD Global structure, so we add */
/* the GrafPtr to make oneWorld point past the bottom */
/* Then we make oneWorld point to the top */
oneWorld = (GrafWorldPtr) ((**((long **) CurrentA5)) + sizeof(GrafPtr));
GetItemRect - Gets a rectangle for a dialog item
so I don't have to pass all those damn
parameters all the time.
theDialog - The place
theItem - The DITL number
theRect - Thar she blows
pascal void GetItemRect(DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem, Rect *theRect)
short itemKind;
Handle itemHandle;
GetDItem(theDialog, theItem, &itemKind, &itemHandle, theRect);
SetUserItemProc - Sets the DITL user Item Proc
theDialog - The place
theItem - The DITL number
theProc - What to set it to
pascal void SetUserItemProc(DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem, ProcPtr theProc)
short itemKind;
Handle itemHandle;
Rect itemRect;
GetDItem(theDialog, theItem, &itemKind, &itemHandle, &itemRect);
SetDItem(theDialog, theItem, itemKind, (Handle) theProc, &itemRect);
PCopyString - Copies the Pascal string using
BlockMove src -> dest
srcStr - The source & scourge
destStr - Unsuspecting bystander
pascal void PCopyString(Str255 srcStr, Str255 destStr)
BlockMove((Ptr) srcStr,(Ptr) destStr,Length(srcStr) + 1);
CmdPeriod - Determines if the cmd-. was hit in an
international friendly way
theEvent - what to look at; not a VAR param
pascal Boolean CmdPeriod(EventRecord *theEvent)
Boolean fTimeToQuit;
short keyCode;
long virtualKey, keyInfo, lowChar,
highChar, state, keyCId;
Handle hKCHR;
fTimeToQuit = false;
if ((theEvent->what == keyDown) || (theEvent->what == autoKey)) {
/* If CmdKey is down, get the ascii equiv of the keydown */
if (theEvent->modifiers & cmdKey) {
virtualKey = (theEvent->message & kMaskVirtualKey) >> kShiftWord;
/* get rid of the cmd key and add the virtual */
keyCode = (theEvent->modifiers & kMaskModifiers) | virtualKey;
state = 0;
keyCId = GetScript(GetEnvirons(smKeyScript), smScriptKeys);
hKCHR = GetResource('KCHR', keyCId);
if (hKCHR != nil) {
keyInfo = KeyTrans(*hKCHR, keyCode, &state);
keyInfo = theEvent->message;
lowChar = keyInfo & kMaskASCII2;
highChar = (keyInfo & kMaskASCII1) >> 16;
if ((lowChar == kPeriod) || (highChar == kPeriod))
fTimeToQuit = true;
} // cmdKey down
} // keyEvent
* PlaceWindow - Determines where to put the topLeft corner
* of a window given a relative window
* Inputs:
* theParent - place the child relative to it
* childHeight - the size of the child window. We use a rect 'cuz the
* childWidth - dialog may be opened/closed by a ROM routine (SFGetFile)
pascal Point PlaceWindow(WindowPtr theParent,short childHeight,short childWidth)
GDHandle theScreen,
maxScreen; // How many faces
RgnHandle screenRgn;
long areaTaken,
maxAreaTaken = 0; // The amt the parent occupies per screen
Point offset; // Relative to the GDevice
Rect screenRect;
Boolean addMenu = false;
Point returnVal;
if (! HaveCQD()) { // old fashioned way
screenRect = (**(GetGrayRgn())).rgnBBox;
goto setLoc;
if (theParent == nil) { // Put it on the main screen
screenRect = (**(GetMainDevice())).gdRect;
addMenu = true;
goto setLoc;
// Put it on that screen
screenRgn = NewRgn();
/* We will walk the screen list to decide which one */
/* the parent window is most on. */
theScreen = GetDeviceList(); // Scan thru the GDevices
maxScreen = theScreen;
maxAreaTaken = 0;
while (theScreen != nil) {
SectRgn(screenRgn,((WindowPeek) theParent)->contRgn,screenRgn);
screenRect = (**screenRgn).rgnBBox;
areaTaken = (screenRect.right - screenRect.left) *
(screenRect.bottom - screenRect.top);
if (areaTaken > maxAreaTaken) { // This be the big one
maxScreen = theScreen;
maxAreaTaken = areaTaken;
theScreen = GetNextDevice(theScreen); // NeXT, please
} // in the list
screenRect = (**maxScreen).gdRect;
addMenu = (maxScreen == GetMainDevice());
offset.h = ((screenRect.right - screenRect.left) - childWidth) >> 1;
offset.v = ((screenRect.bottom - screenRect.top) - childHeight) / 3;
SetPt(&returnVal, screenRect.left + offset.h, screenRect.top + offset.v);
if (addMenu)
returnVal.v += (GetMBarHeight() << 1) / 3;